CZE is a photography magazine that feature
In most cases car crash is a disaster, people di you will find some breathtaking shots by some road accidents, car explosions and m
Submit your works for the seventh W Or join our group
es it’s favorite works from all around the earth
ie or get some injuries, but on this issue of CZE e of my favorite photographers, photos include much more interesting stuff, so enjoy.
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Manuel Tanner Crashed BMW in Berlin
Phillip Abbott
Charlotte Gonzalez Crashing cars at youth protests, France, 2006.
Thijs de Zwart
SHOW AN Photographers talk about
ND TELL their CAR CRASH photos
Able Brown
“-I carry a 35 mm pocket camera with me 70 percent of the time. I use it to take notes of the planet I walk on. Sometimes these photos are full of joy and other times, they are full of glum. These are both on the gloomy side of things. Both of these photos are of cars that met their end, and consequently, ruined some people’s day. I took one photo on the way to a camping trip in the California desert. The other was taken on my way back to my Aunts house for Xmas. Both images were taken because both had to be taken, because if not taken they are merely accidents and awful moments going by, but through a camera they are given a reflector’s life, peaceable and full of daydreams.”
Jói Kjartans
“-It was shot in May 2006. Me and my friends where smoking outside our school in Reykjavik, Iceland when we heard a great ruckus in a near parking lot. When we got there some kids had stolen a small little Daihatsu Charade and turned it around. I took some pictures and then the police came and took the car away.”
Jérémie Egry
“-The name of the picture is : Voiture et Précipice Place : Barcelona - Spain 2008”
Jon Feinstein
“-The photograph was taken in 2006, in Queens, NY right after the car flipped over. Aside from the gut-visual reaction, I was interested in the the image as a symbol of the disruption and fragility of daily life.�
Geordie Wood
“-This image was part of a project I worked on from 2007-2008 called “Broken Things”. Which is a collection of photographs of object, animals and people. The gallery is still up on my website if you would like to see more. This photo was made in an abandoned quarry in Syracuse, NY where I use to walk and bike from time to time. I imagine it was pushed off the cliff to the left in the frame years before I found it.”
Levi Mandel
“-I shot the photograph last year (2010) on the Upper West Side, where I was working as a dog walker for the summer. The crushed car in the photo was literally parallel parked on the side of the road, maybe one or two feet between the cars both in front and behind. Often I come across cars like this in Bushwick, where I live, but they are usually abandoned and filled with trash, sulking down some dark side-street. The one in the picture almost looked appropriate from the back, standing in line with the other expensive Upper West Side vehicles, yet the front was completely crushed in. In fact I actually had to sit on the trunk of the BMW in front of the crushed car in order to take the photo because it was tucked in so perfectly. I shot the photograph on an old 35mm point and shoot I was playing with that summer, its like a date-stamp camera but has a selection of 5 pre-set text messages instead of the typical time and date.�
Casper Balslev
“-It’s a part of a project I did about Hollywood. I wasn’t really interested in the movie business aspect of Hollywood. My story focused on the city itself, the people, the trashy city scape, but I went to Universal Studios anyway and took this photograph on the Universal Backlot Tour. It’s a movie set, from some kind of Hollywood Blockbuster I believe. It features a plane crash in an american suburb.”
Lin Zhipeng
“-This photo is just an accident. I took it from my cab in Beijing last year. By just passing through the burning car, I was taking my camera and subconsciously photographed this scene.�
SWAMPY no real name given
Nicolai Howalt Legendary series “Car Crash Studies�
Benjamin Acree
Jeff Luker
Zhengdong Xu
Carl Heindl
Morgan Ashcom
Jennilee Marigomen
Keith Young
Ryan Rinaldi
Shane Lavalette
Dan Zev
David Nelson-Hospers
Thobias Faldt
Kyle Scully
Wesley Robert
Tim Barber
Keith McArthur
George Nebieridze is the c feel free to co geo_nebieridze
Thanks to all the photographers fo incredible works and to those who giv at CZE m
creator of CZE magazine, ontact him at:
or supporting me by sending their ve me permission of featuring their art magazine.