2020-21 End of Year Progress Reort

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Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2020/21

End of Year Progress Report July 2020 – June 2021 Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


CONTENTS OUR DELIVERY PROGRAM PROGRESS ........................................................................................... 3 Overall Progress.................................................................................................................................... 5 PILLAR 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 6 A PROTECTED ENVIRONMENT AND GREEN OPEN SPACES ...................................................... 6 Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items ............................................................................ 6 ACHIEVEMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 6 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS.............................................................................................. 7 PILLAR 2: ........................................................................................................................................ 22 QUALITY, WELL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................ 22 Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items .......................................................................... 22 ACHIEVEMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 22 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS............................................................................................ 23 PILLAR 3: ........................................................................................................................................ 31 ACTIVE AND ACCESSIBLE PLACES AND SPACES ..................................................................... 31 Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items .......................................................................... 31 ACHIEVEMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 31 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS............................................................................................ 32 PILLAR 4: ........................................................................................................................................ 41 A DIVERSE AND PRODUCTIVE ECONOMY .................................................................................. 41 Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items .......................................................................... 41 ACHIEVEMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 41 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS............................................................................................ 42 PILLAR 5: ........................................................................................................................................ 54 A HARMONIOUS AND PROUD COMMUNITY WITH STRONG SOCIAL SERVICES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................ 54 Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items .......................................................................... 54 ACHIEVEMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 54 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS............................................................................................ 55 PILLAR 6: ........................................................................................................................................ 72 LEADERSHIP AND TRANSPARENCY............................................................................................ 72 Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items .......................................................................... 72 ACHIEVEMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 72 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS............................................................................................ 73

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


OUR DELIVERY PROGRAM PROGRESS JULY 2020 TO JUNE 2021 In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the NSW Office of Local Government postponed the 2020 local government elections and extended the Integrated Planning and Reporting cycle for 12 months, making our current Delivery Program a four-year program, 2018-2022.

Operational Plan 2018/19 1st year

Operational Plan 2019/20 2nd year

Operational Plan 2020/21 3rd year

Operational Plan 2021/22 4th year

Continuing to deliver the Georges River Economic and Social Recovery Plan Council endorsed the $47 million Economic and Social Recovery Program (ESRP) in May 2020. The ESRP comprises three key phases: 1. Immediate support: programs either implemented or proposed to occur immediately 2. Revival: initiatives that either prepare Georges River for a relaxing of restrictions and a full reopening 3. Discover Georges River: celebrating the re-opening of Georges River and re-launching the LGA. During the COVID-19 crisis we continued to deliver essential services, provide economic stimulus to support businesses and community and engage with the community and other tiers of government. The Australian and NSW Governments provided support packages for small to medium-sized businesses which included businesses in the Georges River area. The ESRP was created to complement these support packages, not replicate them. 2020/21 had a strong focus on Phase 2, (Revival) and Phase 3 (Discover Georges River). The Revival phase was focused on preparing the community for the revival of Georges River, both economically and socially. Phase 3, Discover Georges River, is Council’s commitment to re-launch Georges River and the wonderful offerings of the Local Government Area (LGA) for the community and visitors. As Public Health Orders and restrictions were relaxed, Council was able to adapt our approach and tailor the support we provided business and the community. Some highlights of phases 2 and 3 included: Events and activations • •

Council’s COVID Safe Event Program Streets as Shared Spaces activations in Hurstville and Kogarah CBD

Improved Public Domain •

Pop up parks and parklets

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Encouragement of outdoor dining through fee exemptions

Business Support • • •

Grants to support small business A mentoring program for local businesses Shop local campaign

Increased online learning opportunities offered by the Museum and Gallery and our Libraries Continued delivery of Council’s Capital Works program

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Overall Progress Income




On track with YTD adopted budget

Service Requests Completed within agreed times July 2020 – June 2021


Above YTD adopted budget


Responded to within 14 days July 2020 – June 2021


Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Completed within agreed times July 2020 – June 2021



PILLAR 1 A PROTECTED ENVIRONMENT AND GREEN OPEN SPACES Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items


We finalised the Waste Minimisation Strategy. We undertook programs and activities to educate the community on reducing energy consumption, protecting waterways and reducing waste. Bushcare planted 7,333 native plants at various reserves and parks across the LGA.

• • • •

All marine asset inspections were completed including Oatley Bay Baths Pontoon. All quarterly playground safety inspections and minor repairs were completed. Sportfield upgrades were completed at Beverly Hills Park and Olds Park Field 2. Our painters painted a rainbow crossing on Forest Road and two murals at Interchange Park Hurstville in support of Pride Month.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report




Number of hectares of active bush regeneration activities.

Baseline New measure

Number of trees and plants given away each year.

Annual Target

Results Status To Date

YTD Comments

≥ 20

694 Achieved

Bush regeneration sites exceed the target for the year and occurred across 55 sites made up of 25 bushcare sites and 30 bushcare regeneration contract sites.

Baseline 3650

> 3,800

0 Not Achieved

Annual tree giveaway did not proceed this year due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Number of volunteer hours associated with Bushcare activities.

Baseline 3,049

= 3,200

5,196 Achieved

Bushcare volunteer hours exceeded the target for the year and on ground activities occurred at 25 regular sites as well as at 12 events. Council had 44 new volunteers join the Bushcare Volunteer Program in 2020/21.

Percentage of environmental pollution complaints responded to within two business days.

Baseline 75%

> 75%

82% Achieved

For the 2020/21 year,, a total of 464 environmental pollution requests were received. Of this 382 (82%) were responded to within two business days.

Percentage of waste customer requests responded to within 48 hours.

Baseline 98%

> 98%

98% Achieved

Annual target achieved.

The percentage of graffiti tags removed within 48 hours.

Baseline 84%

> 80%

41% Not Achieved

Previous reporting by number of tags removed were inflated due to counting multiple tags per service request, regardless of size and time to remove. Additionally, weekends were not taken into account in the reporting

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report




Annual Target

Results Status To Date

YTD Comments

system, impacting 48hr completion targets. Number of street trees planted each year.

Baseline 300

= 350

Kilometres of roads swept.

Baseline New measure

= 71,200

327 Not Achieved

* 327 trees planted in 2020/21. Additional trees scheduled to be planted in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2021/22.

13,610 Not Achieved

The Navman Teletrac System was operational for six months of the year and the recent data will form future KPI targets and operational efficiencies.

* The results to date figure of 402 quoted for street trees planted in our Half Yearly Progress Report was an administrative error and has now been corrected.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 1.1: Council’s environmentally sustainable practices inspire everyone to protect and nurture the natural environment. Environmental Strategy 1.1.1: Ensure the Georges River area is resilient in addressing energy, water and gas usage, sustainable buildings, waste diversion, green corridors, carbon emissions and urban design. DP Action

1.1.1a: Adopt and implement a Resilience Strategy for Council services.


Behind Schedule


Council is revising the draft Environmental Resilience Strategy.

Action Name


Develop a Resilience Strategy.

Comment Council is revising the draft Environmental Resilience Strategy, ensuring the targets and recommended actions are realistic, achievable and demonstrate improved resilience for Council's operations as they impact the community. The project was on hold while the Senior Sustainability Officer position was vacant for five months during the year. The draft Strategy will be finalised in 2021/22.

DP Action

1.1.1b: Reduce energy use at the top 10 Council energy using sites through the Energy Management Plan.


Behind Schedule


Council continues to seek funding opportunities to support renewable energy generation at Council sites and facilities to further reduce energy consumption. During Quarter 3, the role of Senior Sustainability Officer became vacant with the role being filled towards the end of Quarter 4. This role is primarily responsible for implementation of the Energy and Water Management Plan.

Action Name Develop and implement an Energy Management Plan for Council's top 10 energy using sites.


Comment Progress towards achieving Council's net zero carbon emissions and 100% renewable energy targets established for the year 2025 will be reported to Council on an annual basis. Council developed and implemented an Energy Management Plan for Council's top 10 energy consuming sites as reported in 2019/20.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

1.1.1c: Implement the Tree Management Policy.




The Tree Management Policy was adopted by Council in April 2019. In March 2021, implementation of the Tree Management Policy was reviewed, with the report noting its successful implementation, which will continue. The March 2021 report also recommended the development of a Significant Tree Register to support the Tree Management Policy. During the period, Council continued implementation of the tree planting works supported under the 5 Million Trees grants which has seen over 500 trees planted across corridors in the LGA to contribute to shading and cooling.

Action Name


Implement the Canopy Enhancement Program as part of the Tree Management Policy.

Comment Council continues to apply for grant funding to aid tree planting programs across the LGA. Council was successful in receiving a grant of $494,000 through the Greening Our City project to plant 1,000 trees within the LGA. This project has progressed with tree orders and locations for 445 trees confirmed, with 45 of these trees being provided to schools.

DP Action

1.1.1d: Identify actions required to reduce the risks from climate change on Council assets.


Behind Schedule


Council has commenced identifying risks from climate change on Council assets and this has been supported by Council’s Governance team.

Action Name Implement actions to reduce the risks from climate change impacts on Council assets.


Comment Council has commenced identifying risks from climate change to Council assets. An implementation plan will be linked with the Environmental Resilience Strategy, due for completion in 2021/22, to ensure Council can prepare, react and adapt to climate change. Council endorsed a net zero carbon emissions target which is supported by the 100% renewable energy target. Council achieved all five climate and energy related Cities Power Partnership Pledges ahead of schedule and was one of the first to do so in NSW. Council pledged a further five actions to continue support for a clean future. Council has also pledged support for sustainable economic recovery from COVID-19 and endorsed the Climate Council's Clean Jobs Plan.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Council's Resilience Committee met each quarter during the year and oversaw the continuation of renewable energy infrastructure installations. During Quarter 3, the role of Senior Sustainability Officer became vacant with the role being filled towards the end of Quarter 4. This role is primarily responsible for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

DP Action

1.1.1e: Develop a Waste Minimisation Strategy.




The draft Waste Strategy was publicly exhibited at the end of Quarter 1 2020/21. The Waste Strategy was endorsed by Council in March 2021 and is published on Council's website.

Action Name



Finalise the Waste Minimisation Strategy.

The Strategy was endorsed by Council at its 22 March 2021 meeting and has since been published on Council's website.

Implement the recommendations of the Waste Minimisation Strategy.

The Strategy was endorsed by Council at its 22 March 2021 meeting. Implementation of the Strategy will commence in 2021/22.

Waste Strategy 1.1.2: Use waste management contracts and practices to divert waste from landfill sites. DP Action

1.1.2a: Deliver community education initiatives to support environmentally sustainable waste disposal and recycling practices.




During the reporting period, limited face-to-face events were held due to COVID19 restrictions, however, community education initiatives were published in digital format through the use of virtual workshops, videos and digital communications using social media and other platforms. Council participated and encouraged the community to support Clean Up Australia Day in March 2021 when face-to-face events were permitted. Council continued to support the weekly TechWaste Drop Off, Household Chemical Cleanouts and continues to encourage increased source separation for best-practice resource recovery and avoidance of waste to landfill.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


Action Name


Develop and implement a Waste Education Program.

On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Comment Council is continuing to make ongoing updates to its website and all digital communication to ensure the community has access to diverse and relevant waste education content. In Quarter 4, work progressed to prepare for the 2022 waste calendar and guide, prioritising digital distribution. The roll-out of the small-scale recycling trial continues and the recommended trial expansion will be reported to Council in 2021/22. A number of community workshops were delivered in partnership with SSROC to target nonEnglish speaking members of the community to encourage correct source separation. Further, delivery of the school’s education campaign has continued into 2021.

Sustainability Strategy 1.1.3: Help everyone to contribute to a more environmentally sustainable Georges River LGA. DP Action

1.1.3a: Undertake programs and activities to educate the community on reducing energy consumption, protecting waterways, reducing waste and taking other action to improve the environment, with a focus on climate change projects.




Council continues to support the Georges Riverkeeper and the important waterway education campaigns they undertake and promote to the community. Additionally, waterway litter removal activities have continued during the reporting period, while face-to-face workshops and education sessions were not held due to COVID-19 restrictions. Council continues to update its digital communications platforms with website information and interactive videos and workshops to promote sustainable and native gardening, support for local community gardens and to encourage biodiversity and protection of native animals through reducing predation by invasive and pest species. Solar and energy education continues through Council's promotion of the Australian Energy Foundation (formerly Our Energy Future) which makes it easy for the community to source solar quotes and other information about home improvements to reduce energy consumption. Council has led by example through significant solar installations at its facilities, most recently at its childcare centres.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


The roll-out of the small-scale recycling trial continues and the recommended trial expansion will be reported to Council in 2021/22. A number of community workshops were delivered in partnership with SSROC to target non-English speaking members of the community to encourage correct source separation. Further, delivery of the school’s education campaign has continued into 2021, COVID-19 restrictions permitting. Action Name


Implement a program to educate the community on reducing energy consumption and protecting the environment.

Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

1.1.3b: Lobby the NSW Government to strengthen regulations to ensure private certifiers rigorously implement conditions of consent relating to environmental protection.




This was completed during 2018/2019.

Natural environment Strategy 1.1.4: Develop and implement programs to protect and conserve the natural environment. DP Action

1.1.4a: Implement the Urban Forest Strategy and Canopy Enhancement Program.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name


Undertake the 2020/21 Street Tree Planting Program.

Comment There were 327 street trees planted in 2020/21.

DP Action

1.1.4b: Implement Council's Bush Regeneration Program to protect, conserve and enhance the natural environment.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track

Action Name Implement the 2020/21 Bushland Regeneration Program.


On hold


Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Comment The Bush Regeneration Program continued in 2020/21 with work being completed by Council staff, Bushcare volunteers and contractors. The Bushcare Volunteer Program had 391 site visits, with 1,751 volunteers contributing 5,195.5 hours by attending a Bushcare group or event. Currently, there are 55 bush regeneration sites located across the LGA, with on ground work by contractors at 30 sites and by Bushcare volunteers at 25 sites. A total of 7,333 native plants were planted at various reserves and parks across the LGA, including 1,017 tree species. Bushcare coordinated twelve educational and planting events in 2020/21. Special events hosted by Bushcare were Clean Up Australia Day at Lime Kiln Bay Reserve, National Tree Day at Riverwood Park, Padstow TAFE Horticulture students at Riverwood Park and three events with Scout Groups (ages 5-10 years). A number of grant projects continued at Riverwood Park and Wetlands, Gannons Park (Stage 3), Beverly Hills Park, Evatt Park and Moore Reserve, with completion of the projects for Riverwood Park and the three Community Environment Program grants in Quarter 4. Council will implement ongoing projects in 2021/22, to maintain these areas as part of the Bush Regeneration Program. Bushcare grants from the Crown Reserve Improvement Funds Program (CRIFP) at Oatley Park, Oatley Point Reserve and Bald Face Point Reserve commenced in Quarter 4 with initial on-ground work such as monitoring and weed control. The majority of the on-ground bush regeneration work will be completed in 2021/22 to include three Bushcare events scheduled for September and October 2021..

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 1.2: The LGA’s waterways are healthy and accessible Waterways Strategy 1.2.1: Use our role on the Georges River Combined Councils' Committee (GRCCC) to lobby State agencies and other stakeholders for a protected and enhanced Georges River. DP Action

1.2.1a: Represent Council's ambitions for the Georges River through the GRCCC.




Council was the host Council of the GRCCC (RiverKeeper) until September 2020 and a representative of Council attends each Executive and Committee meeting of the RiverKeeper to represent Council's ambitions for the Georges River.

Action Name Support the GRCCC with the development of a Foreshore Management Plan.


Comment Council continues to support the GRCCC by contributing to the finalisation of a Catchment Management Plan Scoping Study. Council has continued to support the re-launch of the river clean-up initiatives to protect river health and foreshore areas (temporarily impacted due to COVID-19) and maintains weekly waste and litter collection and removal services. Further, the Georges River Foreshore Access and Improvement Plan investigates the environmental and social condition of foreshore areas along the Georges River within the Georges River LGA. The primary purpose of this document is to identify management practices for areas of public land along the Georges River foreshore associated with environmental health, ecological resilience, and community access, use and enjoyment.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Marina and Foreshore Assets Strategy 1.2.2: Maintain marine and foreshore assets in a safe and functional condition. DP Action

1.2.2a: Maintain marine and foreshore assets in a safe and functional condition and upgrade as required.




Foreshore access survey completed; high priority actions completed. All assets inspected and minor repairs and maintenance completed. Grant application successful for Donnelly Park Jetty replacement.

Action Name


Undertake six monthly inspection and complete maintenance, renewal and upgrade on prioritised marine and foreshore assets.

Comment All asset inspections completed, works completed at Oatley Bay Baths pontoon and piles. Donnelly Park minor repairs completed to make safe. Jetty reconstruction Grant project underway.

Goal 1.3: Everyone has access to beautiful parks and open spaces Open Space Strategy 1.3.1: Ensure all public parks and open spaces are accessible, well maintained and managed to meet the recreational needs of current and future residents.. DP Action

1.3.1a: Implement the annual Parks and Open Space Improvement Programs.




Significant parks and open space works program underway in 2020/21 financial year including, upgrades to Gannons Park, Simpson Reserve Playground, Poulton Park Synthetic Football Field, Penshurst Park Sports Facility, Edgbaston amenities building.

Action Name Implement the 2020/21 Parks and Open Space Improvement Program.


Comment Grant applications were sought throughout the year to support playground upgrades. Oatley Bowling Club and Lower Poulton Park remediation projects are being delivered and will continue in 2021/22. Construction delays were experienced for the Penshurst Park Sporting Hub Stage 2 project due to rain. Work commenced on the Hurstville Oval Cricket Pavilion and the Hurstville Golf Course Clubhouse and the Edgbaston Reserve (Merv Lynch Reserve) Amenities Block. The Hurstville Oval Cricket Pavilion and

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Hurstville Golf Course Clubhouse were due for completion in December 2021 / January 2022, however, the COVID-19 construction shut down is likely to cause delays to the delivery program. Undertake quarterly Playground Safety Inspection Program.

All four quarterly safety inspections completed, and minor repairs completed.

DP Action

1.3.1b: Use the findings of the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy to guide forward works programs and budgets.




Recreation and Open Space Strategy was used to develop the annual program and during the budget development process.

Action Name



Implement the 2020/21 Sportsfield Renovation Program.

Sports field upgrades were delivered at Beverly Hills Park and Olds Park field 2 and two cricket wickets replaced at Renown Park. Works will commence on the upgrade of Peakhurst Park field 1 at the end of the current soccer season.

Implement the 2020/21 Playground Asset Replacement Program.

There has been no playground replacement program this year due to budget constraints.

DP Action

1.3.1c: Implement scheduled cyclic painting program across parks and open space, including buildings, furniture and murals to prevent graffiti.




The 2020/21 Painting Program for council assets is on track.

Action Name Implement the 2020/21 painting program for Council assets in parks and open space, including identification of four murals.


Comment A total of 72 painting projects in parks were completed over the 2020/21 reporting year, exceeding the average number of parks scheduled annually for completion by 13. Additional projects such as the Kogarah Civic refurbishment and mural, the Forest Road Hurstville Rainbow Crossing and two murals at Interchange Park Hurstville were also completed this year.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

1.3.1d: Implement scheduled cyclic mowing and gardening program across parks and open space.




Mobile service delivery schedules are continuing and being refined to continue to ensure well-presented recreational spaces for our community. Despite an increased usage of parks, optimal presentation of our parks and recreational spaces was maintained.

Action Name


Implement the 2020/21 mowing and gardening program across parks and open space.

Comment Despite periods of increased usage of our parks and open spaces over the course of the year, the optimal presentation of parks and recreational open spaces has been maintained by scheduled mobile service delivery as well as dedicated CBD gardening crews and proactive weed control programs. Further, intiatives such as Spark Your Park have further improved and refined designated open spaces.

Plans of Management Strategy 1.3.2: Review Plans of Management for sporting fields, parks, open space and bushland in the LGA. DP Action

1.3.2a: Continue the review of Plans of Management for sporting fields, parks, open space and bushland within the LGA.




Work continued on the Plan of Management review. No Plans of Management were finalised during Quarter 4.

Action Name Commence the review of the Plans of Management Programs for Crown Lands in accordance with the Crown Land Management Act.


Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Resilient design principles Strategy 1.3.3: Understand the potential impacts of climate change when developing design principles for parks and open spaces. DP Action

1.3.3a: Incorporate design principles for parks and open spaces that promote resilience.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name


Implement sustainable and resilient design principles in parks and open space projects.

Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Open space and recreation Strategy 1.3.4: Use the Georges River Council Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy to inform the provision of parks and open space. DP Action

1.3.4a: Continue to implement the Georges River Council (GRC) Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.




The Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy is continuing to be implemented through annual works programs including construction of new sporting amenities buildings and design consideration for additional community spaces. Penshurst Park Sports Facility is nearing completion, and a new amenity building in Edgbaston Reserve has been completed.

Action Name



Identify open space and recreation priorities based on the findings of the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Commence the implementation of priorities based on the findings of the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 1.4: Local heritage is protected and promoted Conservation and heritage Strategy 1.4.1: Recognise the LGA’s local heritage through heritage listings in Local Environmental Plants (LEPs) and protection policies in Development Control Plans (DCP). DP Action

1.4.1a: Finalise the review of the Hurstville LEP heritage schedule as part of the comprehensive LEP for the Georges River LGA.




The updated Hurstville LEP heritage schedule was incorporated into the Georges River LEP.

Action Name



Incorporate the foreshore review recommendations into the comprehensive draft LEP and draft DCP.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Incorporate the recommendations of the heritage review of the Hurstville LEP into the draft Georges River LEP 2020.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Heritage assets Strategy 1.4.2: Capitalise on opportunities to recognise heritage assets in Council services and programs. DP Action

1.4.2a: Retain and maintain properties with heritage significance through an annual Heritage Building Grants Program.




The Heritage Building Grants Program 2020/21 received no funding allocation in the 2020/21 Council budget.

Action Name



Implement the 2020/21 Heritage Building Grants Program.

The Heritage Building Grants Program 2020/21 received no funding allocation in the 2020/21 Council budget.

Conduct a heritage information session for owners of heritage listed properties.

Given that the Heritage Building Grants Program 2020/21 received no funding allocation in the 2020/21 Council budget, the information session has also been delayed until 2021/22.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


PILLAR 2: QUALITY, WELL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items


We have reviewed and updated the Fire Safety Corporate Protocol and Combustible Cladding Standard Operating Procedures. Our Development Advisory Service has commenced Development Information sessions. We upgraded various CCTV locations. We completed the phase out of all R22 refrigerants for all internally managed buildings.

We lodged the Georges River Local Environmental Plan (LEP) with the Department of Planning in June 2020. LEP21 - relating to Narwee Housing Investigation Area and the standards for medium density housing was lodged with the Department in March 2021.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report




Annual Target

Results To Date


Number of DAs determined by the Georges River Local Planning Panel.

Baseline - 36

= 35

67 Achieved

Number of DAs determined by the Sydney South Planning Panel.

Baseline - 15

= 15

6 Not Achieved

Number of DAs determined.

Baseline - 876

> 800

666 Not achieved

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report

YTD Comments During 2020/21 the Georges River Council Local Planning Panel hosted 17 meetings and considered 67 applications. During 2020/21 the South Sydney Planning Panel have determined 6 applications for the Georges River Council Local Government Area (LGA). During 2020/21 Council determined a total of 666 applications including 438 DAs, 216 Modifications and 12 Reviews.



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 2.1: Sustainable development delivers better amenity and liveability of the community and the environment LGA-wide planning Strategy 2.1.1: Prepare a comprehensive LEP for the entire LGA to improve and standardise development controls and regulations DP Action

2.1.1a: Continue to prepare a comprehensive LEP for the Georges River LGA.




The Georges River LEP was lodged with the Department of Planning in June 2020. LEP21 - relating to Narwee Housing Investigation Area and the standards for medium density housing was lodged with the Department in March 2021.

Action Name



Complete the Local Strategic Planning Statement for the Georges River LGA.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Prepare a new LEP for the Georges River LGA.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Master Planning Strategy 2.1.2: Prepare a comprehensive DCP for the LGA to guide development in the LGA. DP Action

2.1.2a: Complete the Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy.





Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

2.1.2b: Continue with the preparation of a comprehensive Development Control Plan (DCP) for the entire Georges River LGA.




The Georges River DCP was endorsed by the Georges River Local Planning Panel on 24 March 2021. The DCP will become effective upon gazettal of the Georges River LEP 2021.

Action Name


Prepare a new Georges River DCP 2020.

Comment The Georges River DCP was adopted by the Georges River Local Planning Panel on 24 March 2021. It will become effective upon gazettal of the Georges River LEP 2021

DP Action

2.1.2c: Complete the Master Plan for Beverly Hills.




The Beverly Hills Local Centre Master Plan was completed for Council adoption in July 2021.

Action Name


Continue to develop a Master Plan for Beverly Hills in association with the Beverly Hills community.

Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Development assessment Strategy 2.1.3: Continue rigorous assessment of development applications (DAs) including compliance with DCPs, aesthetic qualities and environmental initiatives. DP Action

2.1.3a: Continue to review the assessment and determination of processes and procedures to ensure continuous improvement of the assessment of DAs.





Action Name Implement the Development Advisory Service - a customer focused program providing a range of pre-lodgement and advice


Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


services relating to planning, development and building matters. Continue the implementation of internal procedures relating to the assessment of DAs such as the Clearing House.

Process reviews and system changes are ongoing.

Monitoring communications Strategy 2.1.4: Ensure high quality reporting and DA assessment by Council staff, local planning panels and the Sydney South Planning Panel. DP Action

2.1.4a: Continue to monitor and standardise DA assessment reports and templates.




All applications are assessed against statutory and Council requirements. Peer review processes are implemented for quality control. Processes and procedures are being reviewed, refined and improved consistently on an ongoing basis.

Action Name



Maintain and review development and building templates to increase efficiency.

The review and refinement of assessment templates is currently being undertaken

Conduct community information sessions on legislation changes affecting building and development.

Council's new Development Advisory Service has commenced Development Information Sessions, however, due to COVID-19 restrictions, face to face meetings are not possible and have been placed on hold. The team is currently investigating options to run the sessions over an online communications platform when staff vacancies are filled and capacity in the team is available.

Implement e-planning system to include e-lodgement of applications and commence implementation of ASSESS module.

The implementation of the ASSESS module is on hold pending the gazettal of new LEP.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Design Review Panel Strategy 2.1.5: Utilise Council’s Design Review Panel to provide independent and expert advice on the design quality of planning proposals and multistorey developments that meet the review criteria. DP Action

2.1.5a: Monitor the functions and recommendations of the Design Review Panel (DRP).




DRP review and draft report completed. Matter will be reported to ET pending the commencement of the new Senior Specialist Planner (Urban Design) in August 2021.

Action Name



Review the functions and membership of the Design Review Panel.

DRP review and draft report completed. Matter will be reported to Executive Team pending the commencement of the new Senior Specialist Planner (Urban Design) in August 2021.

Fire safety Strategy 2.1.6: Adopt an effective Fire Safety Program. DP Action

2.1.6a: Adopt and implement a Fire Safety Program that maintains buildings with essential fire services to safeguard the community.





Action Name Implement actions to ensure compliance with the directions set by the NSW State Government relating to external combustible cladding and Fire Safety Audit.


Comment Actions to implement Council's Fire Safety Program are as follows: •

Reviewed and updated the Fire Safety Corporate Protocol for adoption by the Executive Team.

Reviewed and updated Combustible Cladding Standard Operating Procedure for adoption by the Executive Team.

Completion of 17 of the 19 overdue Fire Safety Processes and Compliance Audit recommendations.

Progressed, with the assistance of Legal Services, the resolution of historic Orders issued to building owners under the Fire Cladding Rectification Program.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Implemented process improvements to the Annual Fire Safety Statement Register designed to save time improve efficiency.

Implemented a systematic quarterly review of the Annual Fire Safety Statement Register resulting in the issuing of 36 fines for the failure to submit an on time annual fire safety statement during Quarter 3 of 2021.

Reviewed and updated the information contained on Council's Fire Safety website.

Goal 2.2: The community helps to plan the LGAs future. Strategy 2.2.1: Use community consultation and feedback to guide a comprehensive set of planning and development strategies that are incorporated into LEPs and Council policies. DP Action

2.2.1a: Provide ongoing education to the community about controls to the development and building approval processes.




Council's new Development Advisory Service has commenced Development Information Sessions.

Action Name


Continue to inform the community on development and building matters.

Comment Council's new Development Advisory Service has commenced Development Information Sessions, however, due to COVID-19 restrictions, face to face meetings are not possible and have been placed on hold. The team is currently investigating options to run the sessions over an online communications platform when staff vacancies are filled and capacity in the team is available.

Goal 2.3: Council-led development and assets provide quality, long-term benefits to everyone Strategy 2.3.1: Ensure quality design and sustainability principles underpin the provision of Council facilities and other assets. DP Action

2.3.1a: Investigate systems to improve public safety and accessibility.




New CCTV systems installed or underway at Lugarno shopping area, Peakhurst Park Synthetic Soccer Field amenities, Gannons Park works amenities buildings and Mortdale engineering operations depot.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


Action Name

On hold


Expand Council's security and CCTV systems to improve public safety and accessibility.

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Comment Various CCTV upgrades completed to existing camera locations. System upgrades at Oatley amenities and Mortdale completed.

DP Action

2.3.1b: Implement more environmentally friendly building practices and products.




Continuing to roll-out numerous environmentally friendly building practices, including R22 refrigerant phase out, LED lighting, energy efficient water heater renewals and roof to solar installations.

Action Name



Implement R22 refrigerant phase out across all legacy HVAC systems.

R22 phase out completed in 2020/21 financial year for all internally managed buildings.

Implement phase out of all fluorinated firefighting foams.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

2.3.1c: Forward plan, and investigate funding for, major rollouts of sustainable materials.




Full building inspections program in place. All council exit lights are now LED. Scope and delivery of 2 PV solar systems. Asbestos removal continues for fire doors and electrical boards.

Action Name Implement LED lighting rollout.


Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


PILLAR 3: ACTIVE AND ACCESSIBLE PLACES AND SPACES Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items


The strategic planning related actions from the Car Parking Strategy are currently being implemented. The car parking rates have been reviewed and incorporated into the Georges River Development Control Plan (DCP). Collaboration took place with City of Canterbury-Bankstown and the NSW Department of Planning to develop the Salt Pan Creek Spatial Framework - a Master Plan for improving access and environmental resilience for Salt Pan Creek.

• •

Council held an immersive arts festival un[contained] - providing many modes of artistic expression over a weekend in June 2021 at Kogarah. Two Disability Awareness sessions were organised for customer-facing Council staff on 17 and 24 June 2021. We completed all stormwater drainage works and construction designs for 2020/21.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report




Civil design for private works completed within timeframe.

Baseline New measure

Maintain the Asset Renewal Ratio above industry benchmarks.

Baseline 116%

Number of potholes repaired.

Percentage of depot jobs completed against works scheduled

Annual Target

Results To Date


YTD Comments

> 90%

99% Achieved

426 new applications received in 2020/21. 442 total applications and designs processed. 426 approved, 36 either deferred, withdrawn or further information requested Completed within timeframe.

> 100%

83% Not Achieved

Performance measure calculated annually as part of annual financial statements. 2019/20 figure is 83% which was below benchmark. This was attributed to a large number of renewal projects that were still in progress as of 30 June 2020 resulting in a lower asset renewals. Current work being undertaken to better capture value of privately constructed asset renewal during development.

Baseline New measure

= 300

1,200 Achieved

No specific data was available during the year to report on a "pothole" category in CiAnywhere. Pothole figures will most likely always incur inaccuracies due to many of these being repaired on a reactive basis on sight and therefore not always based on a service request.

Baseline New measure

≥ 80%

100% Achieved

Further categories were added to the CiAnywhere platform during the year enabling better analysis and reporting.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report




Percentage of utility restorations completed within timeframe advised.

Baseline 80%

Annual Target ≥ 80%

Results To Date


98% Achieved

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report

YTD Comments 963 Restoration requests received year to date; 912 Valid 859 Completed, 52 issued to contractor awaiting completion.


Goal 3.1: The Local Government Area (LGA) has a range of transport options to connect people, goods and businesses Parking supply Strategy 3.1.1: Lobby for improved commuter car parking and manage local parking supply, including around train stations, to enhance business vitality and encourage public transport use, cycling and walking. DP Action

3.1.1a: Implement the recommendations of the Car Parking Strategy.




The strategic planning related actions from the Car Parking Strategy are currently being implemented. The car parking rates have been reviewed and incorporated into the Georges River Development Control Plan.

Action Name



Develop a Car Parking Strategy for the commercial centres in the Georges River LGA.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Finalise the Car Parking Strategy.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Integrated transport and land use planning Strategy 3.1.2: Work with the NSW Government to develop an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan and a 20-year Precinct Plan as part of Future Transport 2056 initiatives. DP Action

3.1.2a: Draft an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan as part of Future Transport 2056 for public exhibition.




Council, in June 2021, endorsed the Draft Georges River Transport Strategy for public exhibition. The Draft Strategy is on exhibition from 7 July 2021 to 6 August 2021.

Action Name Commence work on an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan.


Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Goal 3.2: Roads, footpaths and cycleways are safe, accessible and free of congestion Capital works Strategy 3.2.2: Implement a program of capital and maintenance to meet the needs of current and future users of Council’s infrastructure assets. DP Action

3.2.2a: Develop and implement the annual Infrastructure Works Program, including a Town Centres Public Domain Program.




The implementation of the Mortdale Town Centre upgrade project was delayed due to the extended period of time it has taken to obtain design approvals from Ausgrid.

Action Name Develop and deliver the 2020/21 Capital Works Program for new construction and renewals.


Comment The implementation of the Mortdale Town Centre upgrade project was delayed due to the extended period of time it has taken to obtain design approvals from Ausgrid. The Ormonde Parade Streetscape Upgrade was successfully completed. The removal of the old substation and power pole and energisation of the new substation in Hurstville Plaza was on hold for 2021 due to Ausgrid live work bans. In Quarter 3 the ban was lifted, and approval was eventually obtained from Ausgrid for the electrical designs for Hurstville Plaza. Power outages were scheduled with Ausgrid so that work could be completed, however, the outage was cancelled by Ausgrid due an Ausgrid network fault. Council is currently waiting for another outage date to be granted so that work can be completed in Hurstville Plaza.

Develop and deliver the 2020/21Road Re-sheeting Program.

The program was completed on time and on budget.

Deliver the 2020/21 Drainage Upgrade Program including new and replacement works.

Stormwater drainage works program and construction designs completed for 2020/21. All scheduled projects constructed.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Implement the Black Spot Funding Program for Beverly Hills.

Black Spot Funding Program projects for Beverly Hills completed in 2019/20. Successful projects for 2020/21:

Design and construct compliant accessible bus stops.

Installation of Pedestrian refuge on Blakesley Road and removal of right turn movement onto King Georges Road, Blakehurst.

Permanent removal of right turn movement from Lower West Street onto Princess Highway, Carlton.

58 Local Traffic Advisory Committee reports were prepared to formalise and/or improve bus stops in Quarter 4.

DP Action

3.2.2b: Use the findings from the Footpath Condition Audit to implement the planned Footpath Maintenance Schedule.




100% of S3 trip slabs have been repaired. Repairs of S2 trip slaps are next to be scheduled.

Action Name


Develop and deliver the 2020/21 Footpath Maintenance Schedule.

Comment Completion of all S3 trip slab repairs was achieved in the current year. Scheduling of S2 trip slab repairs will now progress.

Large-scale infrastructure Strategy 3.2.3: Collaborate with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure and planning projects. DP Action

3.2.3a: Develop plans with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects, including projects recommended in the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.




Council progressing with stormwater channel naturalisation at Harold Fraser in partnership with Sydney Water. No other projects currently in progress with neighbouring councils or authorities.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Action Name



Establish a framework, mechanism and resourcing strategy for working with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Attend meetings with neighbouring councils to discuss delivery of future large-scale infrastructure projects.

Collaboration took place with City of CanterburyBankstown and the NSW Department of Planning to develop the Salt Pan Creek Spatial Framework - a Master Plan for improving access and environmental resilience for Salt Pan Creek. The Plan has now been completed and a report is being prepared for Council. Once adopted, both Councils will be eligible to apply for funding from the Metropolitan Greenspace Program to implement projects identified in the Plan.

Goal 3.3: Everyone, including people with disability, navigates the LGA in safety Accessibility and inclusivity Strategy 3.3.1: Implement the Georges River Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan. DP Action

3.3.1a: Engage with and support the local business community to provide more accessible and inclusive services to people of all abilities.




The Missed Business Guide provides local business with information on how to ensure they are accessible to people with a disability. This has been updated and will be made available for distribution. We are reviewing the feasibility of joining the Zero Barriers Group, who provide on-the-ground training and education for local business.

Action Name Provide key Council documents in easy English.


Comment A translation widget was explored for potential to automatically translate documents into easy English. This is not possible for attached PDFs, such as Strategic Plans and these will need to continue to be translated as necessary.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


DP Action

3.3.1b: Increase the accessibility and inclusiveness of Council’s community and major events through the development of a continuous improvement program based on the findings of accessibility assessments and community feedback.




Council held an immersive arts festival - un[contained] - providing many modes of artistic expression over a weekend in June 2021 at Kogarah. Accessibility ramps for access to and from containers were provided, as well as ramps to assist people maneuvering in Kogarah Town Square. One of the art exhibitions was a sensory artwork inside a shipping container, providing different textures, and visual stimuli that would not be overpowering for people with autism. One hour of the program on the Sunday was dedicated quiet time, allowing a more tranquil experience for people with sensory sensitivity. Council held their second Eurovision broadcast event which not only celebrates the inclusiveness of music and performance but is also a coming together of multicultural backgrounds and supportive to the LGBTQIA+ community.

Action Name


Provide opportunities for performers and audiences with disabilities at Council's major events.

Comment Un[contained]; accessibility ramps to assist with entry into shipping containers, quiet hour on day three of the festival. Completed but Council will continue to provide accessibility at all Council Events.

DP Action

3.3.1c: Provide ‘Appreciating Diversity in Others' training to staff to build confidence in working with and providing services to people with disability.




Two Disability Awareness sessions were organised for customer-facing Council staff on 17 and 24 June 2021. 15 people attended the first session with the second session postponed due to emerging COVID-19 restrictions.

Action Name Continue to provide 'Appreciating Diversity in Others' training to staff to build confidence in working with and providing services to people with disability.


Comment Two Disability Awareness sessions were organised for customer-facing Council staff on 17 and 24 June 2021. 15 people attended the first session with the second session postponed due to emerging COVID-19 restrictions.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Goal 3.4: Everyone has access to a range of active and passive recreation facilities Open space and recreation Strategy 3.4.1: Guided by the Georges River Council Open Space and Recreation Strategy, provide contemporary passive and active recreation spaces, aquatic facilities, synthetic fields, community centres and libraries. DP Action

3.4.1a: Plan, consider funding for and commence a program of capital works and service adjustments that responds to the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy, and improve opportunities for the community to participate in sporting, exercise and leisure activities.




Funding for capital works and service adjustments considered that respond to the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy, and improve opportunities for the community to participate in sporting, exercise and leisure activities. Many projects have been commenced and/or are complete. These include: Oatley Park Adventure Playground, Penshurst Park Adventure Playground, Meade and Kempt Field Adventure Playgrounds, Sports Amenities buildings at Gannons Park, Charles Pirie Reserve, Peakhurst Park, Poulton Park, Riverwood Park, Renown Park, Harold Fraser Oval Pavilion and field upgrades, Peakhurst Park and Poulton Park Synthetic Fields, Master Plan for Olds Park, Sportsfield Upgrades at Olds Park and Beverly Hills Park, Master Plan and Plan of Management for Hurstville Oval, Stage 2 of Penshurst Park Sporting Hub.

Action Name Prioritise new projects and service changes in response to the Georges River Council Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.


Comment The Georges River Council Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy was used to identify projects for inclusion in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 Capital Works Program where funding availability permitted. Projects identified in the Georges River Council Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy were also included in Council’s Shovel Ready Projects list which will be used to apply for grant funding should suitable funding programs be offered in the future by the State and Commonwealth Governments.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Complete Hurstville Central Plaza as community open space.

The removal of the old substation and power pole and energisation of the new substation in Hurstville Plaza was on hold for 2021 due to Ausgrid live work bans. In Quarter 3 the ban was lifted and approval was eventually obtained from Ausgrid for the electrical designs for Husrtville Plaza. Power outages were scheduled with Ausgrid so that work could be completed, however, the outage was cancelled by Ausgrid due an Ausgrid network fault. Council is currently waiting for another outage date to be granted so that work can be completed in Hurstville Plaza.

DP Action

3.4.1b: Complete Plans of Management for all sporting fields in the Georges River LGA.




This work is underway over three years.

Action Name Develop innovative funding and delivery models to implement priority projects and recommendations from the Georges River Council Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.


Comment Funding sources and delivery models investigated for all projects. All possible grant opportunities considered along with exploration of funding through Development Contributions Working Party, Voluntary Planning Agreements, State Government Partnerships and direct funding from community groups and associations. Local Road and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Grants obtained, various projects put forward from Development Contributions. Edgbaston Reserve Amenities block underway through LRCI grant funding.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


PILLAR 4: A DIVERSE AND PRODUCTIVE ECONOMY Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items


• •

The Business First addition to the Economic Development Strategy was approved by Council as was the Night Time Economy Study and action plan. The Streets as Shared Spaces program was rolled out across Kogarah and Hurstville. We have developed a series of resources to help connect businesses, including a mentoring program and launching an online business platform called Georges River Business. We have completed a City Marketing Plan and Action Plan which has been endorsed by the Executive Team.

Median processing times for all applications (DAs, Modifications and Reviews) have dropped from 135 days in 2019/20 to 88 days in 2020/21. This is 47-day (34%) reduction in the median determination time. We have built strong and improved relationships in the last 12 months with Service NSW, University of Technology Sydney, St George Business Chamber, Parramatta Council, Canterbury Bankstown Council, several small business providers and the startup community.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report




24 commercial centres, identified for daily cleaning, cleaned each day.

Baseline 100%

Amount of commercial, retail and industrial zoned/employment land capacity

Baseline 115.56ha employment lands; retail and industrial

Level of 'place satisfaction' for key and emerging centres

Baseline - new measure

Mean gross assessment times (in days) on DAs, modifications, DA reviews.

Baseline 101.4

Annual Target

Results To Date


= 100%

100% Achieved

No net decrease

No net Achieved decrease

Level of satisfaction increases

No Data On Track

< 90

124 Not Achieved

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report

YTD Comments The ongoing focus of improved service standards, particularly in Hurstville and Kogarah CBDs, has been achieved via the development and introduction of the Deep Cleansing Program which focuses on beautifying and sanitising our town centres, CBDs and public amenities. This program included two externally completed extensive cleans in both Hurstville and Kogarah CBDs for additional targeted cleansing in our high pedestrian activity hot spots. No net decrease

New place satisfaction will be measured both by project and also captured in the biannual community satisfaction survey. Council determined a total of 154 application including 104 DAs, 46 Modifications and four reviews. Overall, the mean gross processing days was 122. 42



Annual Target

Results To Date


YTD Comments

However, as measured by NSW DPIE median processing times for all applications (DAs, Modifications and Reviews) have dropped from 135 days in 2019/20 to 88 days in 2020/21. This is 47day (34%) reduction in the median determination time. Percentage of Construction Certificates determined in 21 days.

Baseline - 76%

> 90%

21% Not Achieved

Percentage of planning proposals meeting Gateway determination timeframes.

Baseline - 85%

> 85%

No Data Not Achieved

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report

During 2020/21 Council had determined 40 applications. Of those applications determined, 10/40 (or 25%) were processed below the 21-day target. Overall Council has considered 4 Planning Proposals in 2020/21. Only one has not made the Gateway Determination - being the Planning Proposal for the part reclassification of land in Taylors Reserve that was considered by Council in December 2020. The timeframe for completing the LEP was 30 November 2020. Council did not meet this timeframe.



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 4.1: Local businesses are supported to help protect jobs and create employment opportunities Economic development Strategy 4.1.1: Primarily target economic development initiatives in Kogarah, Hurstville, Kingsgrove, Peakhurst and Riverwood. DP Action

4.1.1a: Adopt the Economic Development Strategy as supported by local business, Council's Economic Development Advisory Committee and Council.




Completed as stated in the 2020/21 half-yearly progress report.

Action Name


Adopt the Economic Development Strategy as supported by local business, Council's Economic Development Advisory Committee and Council.

Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

4.1.1b: Implement a program of works in key centres that responds to the Economic Development Strategy.




The Streets as Shared Spaces Grant continues to deliver place making and activations in Hurstville and Kogarah CBD. The Night Time economy study was adopted by Council and included the provision of the ReWrite the Nights to support night time activation. Three small businesses were successful in obtaining grant funding.

Action Name Deliver program of works in key centres that responds to the Economic Development Strategy.


Comment Over the last 12 months, Council has delivered placemaking and activations focused on Hurstville and Kogarah. Georges River Business continues to connect our business community to each other through training programs and up to date Council information. The Business First addition to the Economic Development Strategy was approved by Council as was the Night Time Economy Study and Action Plan.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

4.1.1c: Promote effective economic development initiatives that benefit the Local Government Area.




Webinars were offered through the Georges River Business Platform. Local procurement was promoted and delivered. Work continues to develop the Georges River Marketing Plan which will support economic initiatives into the future by attracting visitors into the area.

Action Name



Continue to promote the benefits of economic development to the community.

In the last 12 months, Council has developed a series of resources to help connect businesses to resources to help their business grow, including a mentoring program and launching an online business platform called Georges River Business. Georges River business is a free online resource for businesses to promote their products or services, connect with each other and access free webinars. The initiatives introduced by Council have been positively received by the Georges River business community.

Continue to work with the NSW Government, adjoining councils, business and community groups to facilitate, coordinate and stimulate economic development opportunities.

Strong and improved relationships in the last 12 months have been built with Service NSW, UTS, St George Business Chamber, Parramatta Council, Canterbury Bankstown Council, several small business providers and the startup community. These working relationships have resulted in business networking, targeted training, deep dive into the Kogarah Innovation Ecosystem report as well as grants to support place making and activation.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

4.1.1d: Regularly review and monitor DA times and implement efficiencies to improve DA turnaround times.




Median processing times for all applications (Development Applications, Modifications and Reviews) have dropped from 135 days in 2019/20 to 88 days in 2020/21.

Action Name Continue to review and monitor DA times and implement efficiencies to improve DA turnaround times.


Comment Median processing times for all applications (Development Applications, Modifications and Reviews) have dropped from 135 days in 2019/20 to 88 days in 2020/21. This is 47-day (34%) reduction in the median determination time. This success has resulted in grant funding being received by Council through the Public Spaces Legacy Program exceeding $4m. This success has further been achieved notwithstanding Council is currently experiencing a substantial increase in the number of applications lodged in 2021. The increase in applications is attributed to a number of factors, such as the Development Application fee waiver applied by Council for alterations and additions to dwellings, a series of economic programs implemented including Federal Government grants for building works, property owners undertaking renovations due to change in work environments during COVID-19 and ongoing low interest rates and easy access to loan funding for development work. The time period to undertake a review of an application in the Planning Portal is significantly greater and more resource intensive than the former system of over-thecounter lodgements. Council is currently looking at technology and resourcing options to help address these issues.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Economic sector Strategy 4.1.2: Develop economic programs that target the health, retail, construction, education and financial sectors, small to medium businesses and home-based businesses. DP Action

4.1.2a: Implement initiatives in key economic sectors in response to the Economic Development Strategy.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name


Implement initiatives in key economic sectors in response to the Economic Development Strategy.

Comment In the last 12 months a more general approach was taken to support business which included a focus on business engagement with the delivery of Georges River Business, mentoring programs, workshops, placemaking and activations across Hurstville and Kogarah as well as the completion of the Night Time Economy Study.

DP Action

4.1.2b: Provide clearer, tailored information for small business on Council approvals and regulatory requirements.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Place making Strategy 4.1.3: Deliver responsive placedbased activities across the Area LGA to promote the natural environment, improve cleanliness and safety, and assist local businesses. DP Action

4.1.3a: Deliver programs to activate and increase the night time economy in town centres.




The Night Time Economy Study has been approved by Council and the roll out of actions has begun. In Quarter 4 Council ran the first ReWrite the night grant program focusing on building the night time economy in Georges River.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


Action Name

On hold


Deliver programs to activate and increase the night time economy in Hurstville CBD and Kogarah Town Centre.

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Comment Night Time Economy Study and Action Plan for the LGA has been approved by Council. Initiatives are being rolled out across town centres, including the ReWrite the Night Grants Program - an initiative of the Night Time Economy Study and Action Plan. The Streets as Shared Spaces program was rolled out across Kogarah and Hurstville. Initiatives included neon garden, pop up parks, increased seating and lighting and other activation and supported the delivery of smaller scale Council events.

DP Action

4.1.3b: Implement medium and long-term place-based initiatives across other centres in the LGA.




Duplicate of 4.1.3a.

Action Name


Continue to implement medium and long term place based initiatives across other centres in the LGA.

Comment The Hurstville CBD will continue to see public domain improvements until December 2021 as a result of the funding received from the 'Streets as Shared Spaces' grant program. A key activation is earmarked for October 2021 to target the area's key workers. In addition, Council has been successful in receiving $4.75m for permanent public domain improvements in four key areas in the Hurstville CBD.

DP Action

4.1.3c: Measure the community’s satisfaction of the LGAs key town centres as places.




The community satisfaction survey results were compiled in Quarter 4 2020/21. In terms of the most valued aspects of living in the Georges River LGA, themes of accessibility and location were common along with the atmosphere and natural environment aspects. 21% of residents said they value the 'proximity to shopping centres, hospitals, services, amenities and activities'. 'Access to good public transport' and the fact that the area is 'quiet and peaceful' were also commonly mentioned. The survey is conducted every two years.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


Action Name

On hold


Continue to measure the community's satisfaction of the LGA's key town centres as places.

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Comment Community satisfaction survey carried out in 2017 stated 87% were somewhat satisfied with Council’s performance. The survey is conducted every two years.

Goal 4.2: Outcomes from an Employment Lands Study ensure sufficient land is available for future employment growth Employment lands Strategy 4.2.1: Develop an Employment Lands Study to preserve employment lands and to protect employment growth and services during land rezoning processes. DP Action

4.2.1a: Implement the recommendations of the Commercial Centres Strategy.




The Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan was reported to Council for a resolution to exhibit.

Action Name


Continue the work of the Commercial Centres Strategy for all centres within the LGA.

Comment In Quarter 4, the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan was reported to Council for a resolution to exhibit. Funding was not allocated to continue the Commercial Centres Study in 2021/22. Council did receive funding from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to finalise the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan and to carry out a hazard analysis for the Beverly Hills Local Centre Master Plan.

DP Action

4.2.1b: Establish guidelines for assessing rezoning proposals in industrial and urban services land.




Completed as stated in the 2018/19 end of year progress report.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 4.3: The ambitions for Hurstville and Kogarah as strategic centres are realised Critical infrastructure Strategy 4.3.1: Advocate at all levels of government to ensure critical infrastructure accompanies significant residential and employment growth. DP Action

4.3.1a: Prepare a new Section 7.11 and Section 7.12 Contributions Plan for the Georges River LGA.




The draft Section 7.11 and Section 7.12 Contributions Plan(s) for the Georges River LGA was finalised in Quarter 4 and reported to Council in June 2021 for a resolution to exhibit.

Action Name


Complete a new draft Section 7.11 and Section 7.12 Contributions Plan(s) for the Georges River LGA.

Comment The draft Section 7.11 and Section 7.12 Contributions Plan(s) for the Georges River LGA was finalised in Quarter 4 and reported to Council in June 2021 for a resolution to exhibit. The exhibition of the Draft Plans will commence on 14 July 2021.

DP Action

4.3.1b: Lobby the Australian and NSW Governments to address infrastructure gaps.




Council continues to promote the River Rail report. We are also planning for an event in October 2021 in partnership with Committee for Sydney and other key stakeholders to promote the assets of the south and lobby for focused investment from the NSW Government. Council continues to work towards the deliverables of the Kogarah Place Strategy in partnership with the Greater Sydney Commission and Bayside Council.

Action Name Lobby the Australian and NSW Governments to address infrastructure gaps.


Comment Due to resourcing this action has not commenced.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

4.3.1c: Work with the NSW Government and Canterbury-Bankstown Council on the orderly development of Riverwood as a Planning Precinct.


Not Progressing


Council has advised the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) that it has two master planning processes underway for Beverly Hills and Mortdale Local Centre. At this stage Riverwood will probably commence late 2022 subject to a budget.

Action Name


Continue to work with the NSW Government and CanterburyBankstown Council on the orderly development of Riverwood as a Planning Precinct.

Comment Council has advised the DPIE that it has two master planning processes underway for Beverly Hills and Mortdale Local Centre. At this stage Riverwood will probably commence late 2022 subject to funding..

Kogarah health and education precinct Strategy 4.3.2: Collaborate across all levels of government so that the Kogarah Health and Research Hub can grow and attract allied services, increase employment, provide a range of housing types (including affordable housing) and provide excellent transport connections to and within the South and Eastern City districts. DP Action

4.3.2a: Actively participate with State agencies and Bayside Council to achieve the ambitions for the Kogarah Health and Research Hub Collaboration Area.




The Kogarah Place Strategy continues to be implemented with key working groups to focus on transport, public domain and communications.

Action Name Play an active role in the Kogarah Collaboration Area Place Strategy Governance Group.


Comment It is anticipated that the Greater Sydney Commission will no longer drive Collaboration Areas as their focus will instead be on the identified four key precincts to accelerate economic recovery for Greater Sydney (Tech Central, Westmead, Macquarie Park and Meadowbank) including a strategy for employment and economic growth opportunities on the Central Coast. Therefore, Council will put forward a case to the Greater Sydney Commission to independently lead the Kogarah Collaboration Area, with the area of focus to be on the health and education core within the Georges River LGA.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Investment opportunities Strategy 4.3.3: Create an action plan with the business community that markets the LGAs investment opportunities. DP Action

4.3.3a: Prepare and implement an action plan to market the LGA's investment opportunities.




The City Marketing Strategy has been approved by the Executive and work will now commence on the delivery of this Plan. The Kogarah Investment Prospectus, supported by the UTS Innovation Ecosystem Pilot Study, is currently being developed.

Action Name Finalise an action plan to market the LGA's investment opportunities.


Comment A City Marketing Plan and Action Plan working document has been completed and endorsed by the Executive Team. Council continues to implement strategies for Kogarah and Hurstville with a focus on promoting the areas investment potential.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report




We delivered two events that put our Local Government Area (LGA) on the bigger national and international platform - Un[contained) and Eurovision. Council adopted its Affordable Housing Policy in May 2021. The Policy outlines our position and approach to providing affordable housing in our LGA and contains the affordable housing targets from the Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program.

We delivered ‘Be Kind to Your Mind’ a wide range of online mental health and wellbeing workshops and webinars to different target groups from preschool aged children to young people, parents and seniors. We commenced the Volunteer Safety Champions program with five volunteers in Mortdale receiving initial training information developed in collaboration with the St George Police Area Command.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report




Annual Target

Results To Date


Customer satisfaction with Children’s Services.

Baseline >82%

= 80%

88% Achieved

Annual target achieved.

Customer satisfaction with community centres and performance venues.

Baseline - new measure

= 80%

82.75% Achieved

Annual target achieved.

Customer satisfaction with Events.

Baseline New measure

= 80%

94% Achieved

Annual target achieved.

Customer satisfaction with Library Services.

Baseline >83%

= 80%

86% Achieved

YTD actual exceeds target.

Customer satisfaction with Museum and Gallery.

Baseline - > 90%

= 80%

95.25% Achieved

YTD actual exceeds target.

Percentage of food premises inspected annually.

Baseline 100%

= 100%

100% Achieved

All registered and operating high and medium risk retail food premises in the Georges River Local Government Area (LGA) were inspected at least once in the 2020/21 financial year.

Percentage of school safety zones patrolled annually.

Baseline 100%

= 100%

100% Achieved

Annual target achieved.

Utilisation of Council's Child Care Centres.

Baseline >95%

> 90%

87% Not Achieved

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report

YTD Comments

Annual target not achieved.



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 5.1: We create and support events that celebrate community and cultural identity and benefit the economy Events Strategy 5.1.1: Initiate, facilitate and support inclusive and accessible events that meet the community’s aspirations and actively connect Council to individuals, community groups and businesses. DP Action

5.1.1a: Assess event capacity and opportunities to make the LGA a preferred event destination.




Un[contained) and Eurovision were two events delivered and put our LGA on the bigger national and international platform.

Action Name



Evaluate and review destination event options for implementation.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Evaluate event value to the LGA, investigate a destination event for the LGA and review the events process.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Engage sponsorship expertise to review and revamp event sponsorship.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

5.1.1b: Implement an annual program of Council-run and Council-supported events.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name



Implement findings of the Event Services Review.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Deliver the 2020 Christmas Lights Competition.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 half yearly progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

5.1.1c: Develop an Environmentally Sustainable Events Guideline




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

5.1.1d: Build stronger relationships with local businesses, industries and State agencies to maximise sponsorship of local events.




A Sponsorship Specialist was hired in November 2019, who is maintaining and building relationships in the community with local business owners.

Action Name


Continue to build stronger relationships with local businesses, industries and State agencies to maximise sponsorship of local events.

Comment Sponsorship received in Quarter 4 for Council’s major event Un[contained) Art Festival 2021. All sponsorship received was from local businesses in Kogarah.

DP Action

5.1.1e: Develop an online event toolkit to help community and commercial groups deliver events. Build community capacity in event planning and delivery.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

5.1.1f: Review of Georges River Council Event Strategy.




Community and Culture on Wheels was created for delivery of programs in 2021/22 during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 5.2: Affordable and quality housing options are available Affordable housing Strategy 5.2.1: Partner with State agencies to increase supply of affordable housing for residents on very low to moderate incomes. DP Action

5.2.1a: Develop an Affordable Housing Policy and Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme (as per NSW Government requirements).




Council adopted its Affordable Housing Policy in May 2021. The Policy outlines our position and approach to providing affordable housing in our LGA and contains the affordable housing targets from the Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program. The Policy details our commitment to increasing the range and supply of affordable housing in our LGA to meet the growing needs of very low to moderate income households, singles, families, couples, seniors, people with a disability, students, key workers and the broader residential market, including first home buyers. Council has commenced an Affordable Rental Housing Scheme for the Mortdale Local Centre and surrounds.

Action Name Prepare an Affordable Rental Housing Policy.


Comment Council adopted its Affordable Housing Policy in May 2021. The Policy outlines our position and approach to providing affordable housing in our LGA, and contains the affordable housing targets from the Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program. The Policy details our commitment to increasing the range and supply of affordable housing in our LGA to meet the growing needs of very low to moderate income households, singles, families, couples, seniors, people with a disability, students, key workers and the broader residential market, including first home buyers.

Complete the Inclusive Housing Strategy.

Council adopted the Strategy in August 2020.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Housing for key workers Strategy 5.2.2: Council-led development proposals incorporate, where feasible, options that support affordable and diverse housing. DP Action

5.2.2a: Investigate the potential to include affordable housing in Council-led developments.




Council adopted its Affordable Housing Policy in May 2021. This Policy provides the framework for affordable housing in Council-led developments.

Action Name


Progress the Planning Proposal for Civic Precinct Master Plan to Gateway determination stage.

Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Goal 5.3: The community is socially and culturally connected. Social and cultural plans Strategy 5.3.1: Develop and implement a Social Plan and a Cultural Strategy that celebrates diversity, promotes the multicultural community, supports innovation and creativity and contributes to the economic success of the area. DP Action

5.3.1a Develop and implement a Social Justice Charter to build the LGA’s social strengths.




A Consultant worked with Community and Culture team to develop Social Justice Charter. The document is currently in draft format and ready for review by Executive Team and then requires community consultation.

Action Name Launch and promote the Georges River Council Social Justice Charter.


Comment An edited version was provided by our consultant. Final draft will be provided in July 2021for further community consultation prior to public exhibition.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

5.3.1b: Implement the priorities of the Cultural Strategy and Public Art Policy.




The Public Art Policy has continued to be implemented in Quarter 4, with public artwork undertaken on the external columns at Hurstville Library, the conservation of the Bruce Lee statue at Kogarah Town Square and the delivery of the inaugural Un[contained) Arts Festival.

Action Name



Implement recommendations from the Cultural Strategy.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Develop and implement a Public Art Policy.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Social participation and community wellbeing Strategy 5.3.2: Develop, support and promote programs and activities that foster social participation and wellbeing of the diverse community, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or religious background. DP Action

5.3.2a: Implement an annual program of activities that create opportunities for community interaction and cohesion.




Be Kind to Your Mind was a direct response to the COVID-19 situation in 2020 and delivered a wide range of online mental health and wellbeing workshops and webinars to different target groups from preschool aged children to young people, parents and seniors. These were produced in partnership with local, state and federal organisations and continue to be a valuable community resource available on Council’s YouTube channel. It’s a Mood Youth Festival delivered a wide range of live events, competitions and online activities, with the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) managing a karaoke competition and Instagram takeover, judging Short Stuff Film Festival in collaboration with young people from Sutherland Shire and Bayside Councils and promoting the YAC to young people across the Georges River area. A range of community workshops were delivered in partnership with community organisations and neighbouring councils. We collaborated on the delivery of online workshops for Strata Living and Childcare options for the Chinese community. We worked with Riverwood Community Centre and the City of Canterbury Bankstown to deliver a Healthy Ageing event during the Seniors Festival and our collaboration with the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District saw the delivery of a Healthy Lifestyle Expo for children and families from the Asian communities. Professional development opportunities were provided for service workers during Refugee Week, with a forum delivering best practice

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


information in working with newly arrived refugees and migrants in the Georges River area. NAIDOC week activities were held online and in-person, including Bush Tucker walks, jewellery making workshops and online discussions from Aboriginal Youth leaders about the principles of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Action Name



Implement the Hurstville Plaza Activation Plan.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Implement and promote the directory of free and low-cost services for seniors.

The Georges River Council (GRC) Seniors Directory is ready for review as a PDF document available on Council's website.

DP Action

5.3.2b: Collaborate across Council and with relevant partners to develop holistic programs for community benefit.





Action Name Continue to collaborate across Council and with relevant partners to develop holistic programs for community benefit.


Comment Council continued to collaborate and support programs that benefit the Georges River community. Council worked with the SESLHD and eight local community organisations to host a Healthy Family Lifestyle Expo aimed at increasing awareness around healthy eating and physical exercise. 120 children and parents of the Asian community attended the event in the Marana. In partnership with TAFE NSW, Advance Diversity Services and Marrickville Legal Centre, two workshops on Strata Living were conducted online for CALD communities. There was a Chinese session and a simplified English session with 41 attendees for both. Working with the Museum and Gallery Team and local Chinese restaurant for setting up Chinese Food Tasting Tours as part of the forthcoming programs of Chinese Migration History Exhibition. Council partnered with the City of Canterbury Bankstown, SHARE Inc and the Riverwood Community Centre to host a Seniors Festival event on Wednesday

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


21 April 2021 at the Riverwood Community Centre. 65 attendees socialised and participated in a range of exercise classes to promote healthy ageing. Council supported the Culture and Care event as part of Seniors Festival 2021. Hosted by SHARE Inc. at the Kogarah School of Arts on 28 April 2021, 97 attendees took part in healthy cooking and exercise classes. Council's 2021 'English Classes Directory' was completed, and 2,500 copies were distributed across all Georges River Libraries and community centres. The 'Working Together Forum' was held on 18 May 2021. 34 people attended the professional development event aimed at strengthening the community services sector, in particular those who work in settlement services. Community Development staff presented at the event, sharing examples and tools of effective engagement with CALD communities and promoting Council's resources. 30 Council staff participated in an Aboriginal Cultural Competency training session on 3 June 2021 during 'Reconciliation Week'. Facilitator, Shannon Foster provided insight into Aboriginal history and culture, with a special focus on her family and direct connection to Biddegal land.

DP Action

5.3.2c: Develop action plans through the Social Justice Charter that address the needs of the aged, youth, multicultural and Indigenous communities in the Georges River area.




An edited version of the Social Justice Charter has been provided by our consultants. A final draft will be provided in July for further community consultation prior to public exhibition.

Action Name Work with partner agencies to deliver targeted social inclusion grant program.


Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

5.3.2d: Implement Council's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.




Appreciating Diversity workshops have been offered to staff across areas focusing on Mental Health Awareness and Disability Awareness. Disability Awareness training will be incorporated into new staff inductions. Council's community Grants Program and Venue Hire Grants Program has continued to support a range of community groups to meet diverse community needs and promote social inclusion and participation regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or religious background.

Community safety planning Strategy 5.3.3: Develop an integrated Community Safety Plan to identify the role Council and others can play in helping to make the LGA a safer place. DP Action

5.3.3a: Implement a Community Safety Plan.




The Volunteer Safety Champions program has commenced with five volunteers in Mortdale receiving initial training information developed in collaboration with the St George Police Area Command. The current COVID-19 situation has meant that the schedule for further training and activity has been postponed. Online alternatives will be assessed for delivery of the secondary training session.

Action Name



Undertake a Safety Audit of public spaces across the LGA.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Consult on and develop a Community Safety Plan.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

5.3.3b: Increase community safety awareness with business and residents.




A draft Community Safety Plan is being prepared for review.

Action Name Develop a pilot Community Safety Program.


Comment Completed.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

5.3.3c: Work with the Police Area Command to manage Alcohol Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas.




St George Police Area Command are happy with the current arrangements. There has been no request for amendments or complaints of the current locations.

Action Name


Continue to work with the Police Area Command to manage Alcohol Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas.

Comment St George Police Area Command are happy with the current arrangements. There has been no request for amendments or complaints of the current locations. A replacement Alcohol Free Zone (AFZ) sign has been positioned at the park located at Belmore Road and Littleton Street Riverwood. Two new AFZ signs were also installed at the bus interchange Hurstville.

Children’s services Strategy 5.3.4: Provide high quality, affordable and economically viable education and care across Council’s children’s services. DP Action

5.3.4a: Implement the 2017-20 Children’s Services Strategic Plan with an emphasis on best practice and family-friendly childcare services.




Completed as stated in 2019/20 end of year progress report. The Reconciliation Action Plan was implemented and embedded across all Children's Services. Inclusion Support Plans have been developed for all centres to support children with additional needs.

Action Name



Establish a 40 place long daycare centre in Oatley West.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Develop inclusion support plans for each service.

All services have developed Inclusion Support Plans regardless of their funding for children with additional needs. This ensures all staff are working towards common goals on inclusion and can meet the needs of all children in the environment, regardless of their level of abilities. These plans will continue to be reviewed and changed based on the children in the service at any given time.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Develop a reconciliation action plan.

Support for the Acknowledging Aboriginal Culture and Heritage report.

Implement the findings of the Children’s Services Model Review.

Completed as stated in 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

5.3.4b: Investigate the feasibility of a 24-hour child care centre in the Kogarah Health and Research Hub and implement if viable.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

5.3.4c: Locate an appropriate site for an occasional child care service within the Hurstville CBD.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name



Establish a 23-place occasional care service within the LGA.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Undertake a trial study of mixed usage options at Hurstville Early Learning Centre to determine community's needs.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

5.3.4d: Operate all child care services with contemporary technology.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name Continue to operate all child care services with contemporary technology.


Comment All centres have contemporary technology installed with the use of ipads, smart boards and projectors to enhance the educational program for children. Online forms have been developed to assist with sustainability and ease of parents.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 5.4: Diverse, vibrant community facilities and spaces are connected, well maintained and accessible Library services Strategy 5.4.1: Expand the role of libraries as welcoming and inclusive spaces with services, collections and programs that inspire and engage with the community. DP Action

5.4.1a: Implement the 2030 Library Strategy to improve service delivery, technology, collections, information services, community engagement and programs.




The Cultural Engagement and Library Service Business Plan for 2021-23 is being finalised which will continue the work done in regard to the implementation the 2030 Library Strategy.

Action Name



Develop and implement training modules to maximise staff knowledge of the library’s collections and Information Services.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Develop a Local Studies Marketing and Communication Plan.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Implement agreed outcomes from the Library Strategy.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Develop a Collection Management Plan.

Georges River Libraries Collection Management Plan has been completed.

All library training to maximise staff knowledge was adapted to online learning.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

5.4.1b: Deliver improvements to library services and facilities to ensure appropriate and effective use of collections and resources.




Stage One: Clearing of pre-amalgamation and pre-Spydus charges - Completed. Stage Two: Implementation of an amnesty - extended due to the lockdown and ended on 23 July 2021. After the amnesty and closer to the opening of the branches after lockdown, all library members will be sent an email on the outcomes of the amnesty and the collection for the charity. Reference will also be noted in this email to the library fines that would be applicable moving forward after the end of the amnesty. After the lockdown a small event will be organised for the Mayor to present the donations received via a large cheque to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

Action Name



Deliver Media Lab within Hurstville Library.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Develop a Debt Recovery Plan for Library Services.

Stage Three: Implementation of a debt management process - after the amnesty customers who have not come forward to clear their outstanding fines will be sent a formal letter requesting for payment. If payment is not received within the required timeline the debt collection process will commence based on the value of the outstanding fine and in discussion with Council's finance team. From a comms perspective, the library will initiate a new tagline for old and new members to reinforce the importance of returning items on time. Georges River Libraries wants you to Borrow Enjoy Return Repeat Stage Four: Performance reporting - after the amnesty period a monthly audit of outstanding library fine payments and debt will be introduced and reported on to the Director, Community and Culture. Where applicable clearing of older fines not recoverable will be presented to the General Manager to waive as per the delegation policy. Stage Five: Investigation into the removal of library fines Library Services will work collaboratively with the finance team to review the financial implications to Council if fines were removed. On the completion of a review and assessment, a report will be presented to the Director, Community and Culture followed by the Executive Team and Council to consider the recommendation to remove library fines if this option is found to be feasible.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Community facilities Strategy 5.4.2: Collaborate with State agencies, the education sector and neighbouring councils to provide regional level community facilities. DP Action

5.4.2a: Develop a community property portfolio to improve public benefits to residents and local/state agencies and the ongoing sustainability of the property.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name



Develop a Joint Use Planning Agreement with the Department of Education.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Work with local service providers to support women and children who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness as a result of domestic violence.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

5.4.2b: Work with the NSW Government to encourage greater provision of adequate crisis accommodation in the LGA.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name Work with the NSW Government to facilitate an increase in crisis accommodation in the LGA for women and children who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness as a result of domestic violence.


Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Affordable facilities Strategy 5.4.3: Provide a range of affordable and accessible facilities for community-based activities. DP Action

5.4.3a: Review and deliver Council's Venue Hire Grants Program in conjunction with the Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

5.4.3b: Review use of community facilities in conjunction with Community Lease Policy.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name


Undertake audit of Councilowned community facilities.

Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Promoting the arts Strategy 5.4.4: Encourage and promote the arts through Council’s cultural facilities including Hurstville Museum & Gallery, Hurstville Entertainment Centre and Carss Park Artists Cottage. DP Action

5.4.4a: Implement an annual program of community and cultural programs and events.




The Georges River Artist in Residence program continued with artists Louisa Chircop and Sandra Winkworth completing their residencies. Applications for the Community Art Space program opened this quarter, which will see exhibitions scheduled across 2022 in the Dragon's Lair Gallery and Kogarah Art Space. Striving for Gold opened in Quarter 4 and was well received by the community.

Action Name



Increase the profile of the Artist in Residence Program.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Investigate a platform to promote cultural activity across the LGA.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Increase the profile of our cultural facilities through partnerships with key arts organisations.

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

5.5: The community is safe and healthy Regulatory functions Strategy 5.5.1: Conduct Councils regulatory functions in accordance with legislative requirements. DP Action

5.5.1a: Continue to liaise with the NSW Government and relevant stakeholders to keep up-to-date with legislative changes.




Staff have continued to liaise with major NSW Government and relevant stakeholders to ensure legislation is kept up to date. This activity was amplified during the movement restriction put in place under Public Health (COVID-19 Restriction on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020 since 1 April 2020.

Action Name


Implement the 2020/21 regulatory programs to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation and to address community safety concerns.

Comment All skin penetration premises and swimming pools were inspected. Regulated systems (cooling towers) were schedule to be completed in June 2021 however, due to COVID-19 restrictions, regulatory inspections on regulated systems were put on hold. These premises will be prioritised in our inspection schedule once COVID-19 restrictions are removed.

DP Action

5.5.1b: Continue to implement programs relating to food premises, skin penetration premises and regulated systems.


Behind Schedule


All food premises, skin penetration premises and swimming pools were inspected. Regulated systems (cooling towers) were schedule to be completed in June 2021 however, due to COVID-19 restrictions, regulatory inspections on regulated systems were put on hold. These premises will be prioritised in our inspection schedule once COVID-19 restrictions are removed. During the reporting period the restriction on movement Public Health Order has impacted Council's ability to schedule and complete all necessary inspections.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track

Action Name Implement the Get The Site Right Program to manage development site condition compliance.


On hold


Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Comment Council took part in the program during October 2020 and May 2021 with the overall results achieved: A total of 115 development sites inspected - this included both private and Council certified sites. 20 fines were issued totaling $88,474 - fines were issued for 'development not in accordance with consent' under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and 'pollute waters' under the Protection of the Environment Act 1997.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


PILLAR 6: LEADERSHIP AND TRANSPARENCY Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan Items


We have established a cycle of review and improvement for Community Engagement. We provided a Governance, Risk Management and Fraud Control presentation to the new members of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee. We updated online registers to ensure legislative compliance under Government Information Public Access (GIPA) including gifts and benefits. Disclosures of Interest Returns for designated persons published.

• •

We have completed a promotional video to be used on our website, in the service centres and libraries as a way to promote the ways customers can interact and deal with Council. We updated our Investment Policy. We successfully demolished the Sans Souci Bathers Pavilion and will now consider commercial leasing opportunities for a future café facility. Council's new learning program - LEAP was launched in April 2021.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report





Annual Target

Results To Date


YTD Comments

Actual year-to date income is no more than 5% under the year-to-date approved budget.

Baseline - 8% under budget


-0.16% Achieved

Total income performed well comparative to original budget, though unfavourable movements in user fees and charges and the final result of profit on sale of assets were below original estimates. The decline in user fees and charges was mainly attributed to the waiving of fees of the Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre (HALC), reductions in long day care fees, events income and hoarding rentals.

Actual year-to-date expenditure is no more than 5% over the year-to-date approved budget.

Baseline - 12% under budget


24% Not Achieved

Excluding the revaluation decrements ($37.1 million), the 2020/21 operating result, excluding capital grants and contributions, is a $1.4 million deficit, which is a vast improvement in comparison to the original adopted budget deficit of $3.2 million. Improvements comparative to original budget were attributed to reduced expenditure in materials and services and other expenses. Specifically, utilities, doubtful debts, materials, maintenance, and events were below original budget.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report




Annual Target

Results To Date


YTD Comments Including the revaluation decrements ($37.1million), the 2020/21 operating result excluding capital grants and contributions is a deficit of $38.5 million.

Annual nett litigation costs managed to $1.5m budget

Baseline $600,000

< $1,500,000

$2,473,216 Not Achieved

Attempted resolution of Class 1 merit appeals by way of alternative dispute resolution such as s34 conciliation wherever possible and appropriate.

Baseline 100%

= 100%

100% Achieved

Council decisions made at meetings closed to the public.

Baseline - 8%

< 25%

7% Achieved

Council's overall Customer Experience rating

Baseline - 53%

≥ 63%

68% Achieved

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report

Legal Services has exceeded the target expenditure due to the significantly high number of Class 1 and Class 4 matters taken in the public interest over this year. Costs do get awarded in favour of Council, however, there is a delay in the cost assessment and recovery process, often up to 2 years. All costs ordered are being pursued including to bankruptcy and sale of properties where appropriate. Legal Services has consistently attempted the resolution of all Class 1 merit appeals by way of S34 conciliation whenever possible.

467 total items. 33 confidential. 434 open. Council exceeded the target of 63% .




Annual Target

Results To Date


Customer satisfaction with face-to-face interaction at the Customer Service Centre.

Baseline - New Measure

≥ 80%

95% Achieved

Council exceeded the target of 80%. Results for all four quarters are well above required targets.

Maintain income from grants at 75% of prior year levels

Baseline - 13%

> 75%

80% Achieved

80% of 2019/20 ($23.7 million) grant levels were collected in 2020/21 ($19 million) grants income.

Investment portfolio returns for the past 12 months exceeding industry benchmark as disclosed by CPG.

Baseline 3.39% - 1.64% above benchmark

Benchmark exceeded

1.35% Achieved

Number of visits to Council's website is increased by 10% annually

Baseline - New measure


1,967,254 Achieved page views for the year.

Open and transparent interaction at council and committee meetings (public participation).

Baseline - New measure


92 Achieved

Operating Performance operating expenditure is contained within operating revenue.

Baseline –

> -4%

-3.75% Achieved

The ratio had a favourable improvement in comparison to 2019/20. The improvement was substantial based on reduced expenditure in materials and services and other expenses.

> 60%

79.95% Achieved

The ratio had a favourable improvement in comparison to 2019/20. Mainly due to sales of


Own Source Baseline – Operating Revenue 77.17% - % of self-funding.

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YTD Comments

Benchmark of 0.06% was exceeded by 1.29%

1,267,659 page visits above the target.

Target exceeded.




Annual Target

Results To Date


YTD Comments underperforming commercial assets.

Percentage compliance with statutory and legislative reporting requirements (Office of Local Government Compliance Calendar).

Baseline 100%

= 100%

100% Achieved

Percentage of complaints completed within agreed times.

Baseline - 67%

≥ 90%

91% Achieved

Council exceeded the target of 90%. The overall YTD score was brought down by a low Q3 result (77%). The work undertaken to improve the result in Q4 has enabled the YTD result to exceed target.

Percentage of Baseline - 82% correspondence responded to within 14 days.

> 80%

88% Achieved

Council exceeded the target of 80%. The top three areas for correspondence were Environment and Planning / Business and Corporate Services / Community and Culture. This was consistent across all four quarters.

Percentage of customer requests completed within agreed times.

Baseline - 64%

≥ 80%

89% Achieved

Council exceeded the target of 80%.

Percentage of customers satisfied with the overall experience with their customer requests to Council.

Baseline 78.7%

≥ 80%

66% Not Achieved

YTD result is below required target. Results for all four quarters are well below target. A review of trend data will be used to focus on main areas of customer dissatisfaction and drive

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Satisfied reporting requirements for 2020/21 year.




Annual Target

Results To Date


YTD Comments improvement.

Percentage of legal Baseline cases determined 100% in accordance with Council's corporate and strategic objectives including successful prosecutions (convictions) and/or fines for major environment offences, including tree breaches.

> 75%

100% Achieved

Percentage of occupancy across Council-owned commercial properties.

Baseline - 97%

> 90%

93% Achieved

Difficult market conditions due to COVID-19.

Percentage of satisfied Your Say Georges River Panel members with engagement on Council projects.

Baseline - New measure

> 75%

58% Not Achieved

A Your Say Panel Reengagement and Maintenance plan has been developed and an annual survey of the panel only will be undertaken to measure their satisfaction and seek ideas on future engagement activities.

Percentage of WHS Incident Management Corrective Actions finalised within agreed times

Baseline - 22%

≥ 60%

75% Achieved

Target achieved.

Rates and annual charges outstanding ratio

Baseline 4.26%

< 5%

4.45% Achieved

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The Legal Services team is working with the Investigations, Compliance and Regulatory and Tree Management officers throughout Council to educate them around improving investigation techniques.

As at 31 December 2020 the outstanding rates and charges ratio had risen to over 9%, due to the legislated restrictions preventing legal recovery. Legal recovery recommenced 77



Annual Target

Results To Date


YTD Comments in the last 2 quarters, resulting in the outstanding ratio returning to 4.45% as at 30 June 2021, slightly higher than 2019/20 though overall within the benchmark and a good result considering COVID-19 impacts.

Unrestricted Current Ratio

Baseline – 2.63x

> 1.5

2.48x Achieved

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Target achieved.



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 6.1: The community is involved and listened to. Community consultation Strategy 6.1.1: Actively implement the GRC Community Engagement Policy and Strategy, providing a consistent and best practice approach to engagement across all Council functions. DP Action

6.1.1a: Review performance indicators and data with internal and external stakeholders to ensure data contributes to continuous improvement.




A cycle of review has been established with internal and external stakeholders.

Action Name


Continue to review performance indicators and data with internal and external stakeholders to ensure data contributes to continuous improvement.

Comment A cycle of review has been established with internal and external stakeholders.

DP Action

6.1.1b: Embed Council's Engagement Strategy as an overarching process for all Council engagement activity.




A cycle of review and improvement for Community Engagement has been established.

Action Name



Implement changes to Your Say following feedback from the Your Say Satisfaction Survey.

A cycle of review and improvement for Community Engagement has been established.

Deliver training to relevant staff concerning updates to the Community Engagement Strategy.

Your Say learning module established to use alongside team specific briefing approach.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

6.1.1c: Develop and build a brand and identity for the Local Government Area (LGA).




The City Marketing Plan has been endorsed by the Executive Team. Broader advocacy continues to focus on influencing the next version of NSW Government planning. The key message is asking the government to focus investment on the existing assets south of the airport. An advocacy event focused on the role of Georges River is scheduled for October 2021.

Action Name


Continue to develop and build a brand and identity for the LGA.

Comment The Executive Team has supported the City Marketing Plan and Action Plan. Work is now being done to build a recognisable brand for the Georges River area which attracts visitors, investment and reflects our proud residents.

Engagement mechanisms Strategy 6.1.2: Use of online, social media and other communication channels, including Your Say Georges River. DP Action

6.1.2a: Increase the range of community engagement activities on Council’s website.




A plan has been developed to brief key Council teams in the engagement functionality of our consultation platform and it will be implemented in September 2021.

Action Name Deliver drop-in sessions and toolbox talks to encourage staff to increase the range and type of activities on Your Say.


Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

6.1.2b: Broaden the range of Council and community issues referred for feedback to Councils Your Say Georges River Panel.




A plan has been developed to brief key Council teams in the engagement functionality of our consultation platform and it will be implemented in September.

Action Name


Continue to broaden the range of Council and community issues referred for feedback to Council's Your Say Georges River Panel.

Comment This year saw an increase in the range of consultations seeking community engagement from the libraries, arts and culture, business community, event feedback and planning.

DP Action

6.1.2c: Develop comprehensive communication plans for Council’s projects, programs and initiatives.




All major community consultations, events and programs have a Communications Plan and a lead Communications Officer.

Action Name Create and implement an Engagement Communication Plan for major projects where Council is seeking community engagement in 2020/21 including use of print media and traditional marketing methods.


Comment Engagement Communication Plans developed for community engagement in Draft Georges River Council Smoke Free Policy for Outdoor Areas, Draft Georges River Council Enforcement Policy, Disability Inclusion Plan, Historical Marker Program, Local Environmental Plan (LEP), Georges River Affordable Housing, Libraries trial extension of opening hours, Georges River Biodiversity Study, LEP21 Planning Proposal, and Draft Development Control Plan and New Rates 2021. This was also extended to Communications to build engagement, attendance and positive reputation with Get Reconnected, In Good Taste, 2021: It's A Mood, Neighbour Day, International Women's Day and Clean up Australia Day, and Un[contained).

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Performance reporting Strategy 6.1.3: Publicly and regularly report on our performance against strategic, financial and operational plans DP Action

6.1.3a: Comply with all requirements of Integrated Planning and Reporting legislation, including progress reports for the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan.




All Integrated Planning and Reporting requirements for 2020/21 have been met including publishing of the 2019/20 Annual Report, 2021/22 Delivery Program and Operational Plan, 2022 Resourcing Strategy and 6 monthly updates on our progress with the Delivery Program.

Action Name


Communicate Council's progress against the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan through Council's website.

Comment 2019/20 Annual Report, 2021/22 Delivery Program, Operational Plan, 6-monthly reports on the progress of our delivery program, 2022 Resourcing Strategy all approved by Council and published to Council's website in accordance with OLG requirements.

DP Action

6.1.3b: Develop an Annual Community Consultation Progress report.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name Create an Annual Community Consultation Progress report.


Comment The Annual Community Consultation Progress Report is a live dashboard available for the community on the Your Say platform of Council's website.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Goal 6.2: Open, informed and transparent decision-making supports the interests of the community. Transparent communication Strategy 6.2.1: Make all reports to Council Meetings public wherever possible under the Local Government Act 1993 or provide open and closed reports where necessary. DP Action

6.2.1a: Investigate the feasibility of 'Meet your Ward Councillors' sessions.




Meet Your Ward Councillor Sessions did not proceed during 2020/21 due to the restrictions imposed on public gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Action Name



Produce a feasibility report on the 'Meet Your Ward Councillor' sessions.

Meet Your Ward Councillor sessions did not proceed in 2020/21 due to the restrictions imposed on public gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Provide fact sheets at each Council meeting to inform the community on the reasons for confidential Council reports.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

6.2.1b: Utilise webcasting to improve access to information from Council meetings.




All Council meetings are webcast with a link available prior to every Council and Committee meeting.

Action Name Webcast resolutions from any items considered in closed sessions.


Comment This occurs prior to the closure of every Council meeting. This work is ongoing and continual.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Risk management Strategy 6.2.2: Undertake effective risk management to provide greater certainty and security over the management of Council resources and services. DP Action

6.2.2a: Annually review Council’s enterprise and operational risks.




Annual Risk Management update presented to the Executive Team and Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

Action Name



Maintain the focus on education, awareness and mitigation with respect to risk management procurement and fraud control.

Annual Risk Management update presented to the Executive Team and Audit Risk and Improvement Committee.

Review and report on the Governance Framework status to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

Governance, risk management and fraud control presentation provided to the new members of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

Procurement Strategy 6.2.3: Ensure procurement policies and practices demonstrate best practice in probity assurance and legislative compliance. DP Action

6.2.3a: Review procurement policy and practice through the Local Government Procurement Program.




Procurement update presented to the Executive Team on contract information and completion of all actions arising from external audits and the NSW Audit Office. Local Suppliers Awareness Session (webinar) held in partnership with Local Government Procurement.

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On track


On hold

Action Name


Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started



Continue to implement recommendations from the Procurement Audit.

Procurement update presented to the Executive Team on contract information and completion of all actions arising from external audits and the NSW Audit Office.

Ongoing focus on procurement contracts governance strategies and enabling priorities.

Local Suppliers Awareness Session (webinar) held in partnership with Local Government Procurement. Implementation of a single e-procurement platform (Vendorpanel). Continuation of the Interim Direction Purchasing from Local Suppliers, within the Procurement Policy.

Timely provision of information Strategy 6.2.4: Provide timely access to Council information, in accordance with legislation, policy, public interest considerations, proactive disclosure and the respect for individual privacy. DP Action

6.2.4a: Maintain online public registers as required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) including contracts, gifts and benefits and Councillor disclosures of interest returns (Section 449 of the LG Act).




Online registers updated to ensure legislative compliance under GIPA including gifts and benefits. Disclosures of Interest Returns for designated persons published as required in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Conduct and the Information Privacy Commission.

Action Name



Continue to maintain online public registers as required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) including contracts, gifts and benefits and Councillor disclosures of interest returns.

Online registers updated to ensure legislative compliance under GIPA including gifts and benefits. Disclosures of Interest Returns for designated persons published as required in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Conduct and the Information Privacy Commission.

Continue to implement a training and awareness program for Code of Conduct and Public Interest Disclosure matters.

Mandatory staff training on the Code of Conduct including public interest disclosures and fraud and corruption prevention commenced from June 2021.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

6.2.4b: Maintain online records of Council and Committee papers and minutes, donations and sponsorships, and Councillor expenses.




Achieved. This work is ongoing and continual.

Action Name


Continue to maintain online records of Council and Committee papers and minutes, donations and sponsorships and Councillor expenses.

Comment All reports that are considered by Council are available on Council's website, this includes the publication of minutes to ensure that decisions made by Council are open and transparent and accessible to the community. Additionally, registers are available on Council's website which contain details of expenses which are reimbursed to Councillors in accordance with the Mayor and Councillors’ Expenses and Facilities Policy.

DP Action

6.2.4c: Report annually to the Office of Local Government and the NSW Ombudsman on Code of Conduct and Public Interest Disclosure matters.




Completed the online PID statistics report to the NSW Ombudsman for the January to June 2021 report period. The report on the Code of Conduct complaints statistics 2021 is scheduled to be presented to the Office of Local Government and Council by November/December 2021. Mandatory training on the Code of Conduct including public interest disclosures and fraud and corruption prevention commenced from June 2021.

Action Name Continue annual reporting to the Office of Local Government and the NSW Ombudsman on Code of Conduct and Public Interest Disclosure matters.


Comment Completed the online PID statistics report to the NSW Ombudsman for the January to June 2021 report period. The report on the Code of Conduct complaints statistics 2021 is scheduled to be presented to the Office of Local Government and Council by November/December 2021.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Audit responsibilities Strategy 6.2.5: Use the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to independently advise Council on good governance, audit matters, business improvement and risk management controls. DP Action

6.2.5a: Facilitate the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) to fulfil its responsibilities under the LG Act and ARIC Charter.




The ARIC has fulfilled its responsibilities under the ARIC Charter and Local Government Act 1993 (not yet mandated) by covering all items included in the ARIC Responsibility Calendar across the five meetings held throughout 2020/21, being: • • • • •

13 July 2020 21 September 2020 19 October 2020 - Special Financial Statement meeting 21 December 2020 20 May 2021

These responsibilities have been assessed and reported on by way of the ARIC Annual Report to Council. Action Name



Prepare an annual ARIC Responsibility Calendar reflecting Local Government and ARIC Charter requirements to be completed throughout the year.

The ARIC Responsibility Calendar has been completed and fulfilled for the 2020 calendar year which includes Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 periods. The ARIC Responsibility Calendar has been completed for the 2021 calendar year. This was prepared in consultation with the newly appointed ARIC Chair, Mr Stephen Horne.

Facilitate 4-5 ARIC meetings per year with the agendas to cover all topics in the ARIC Responsibility Calendar over the year.

ARIC held five meetings throughout the year as follows: • 13 July 2020 • 21 September 2020 • 19 October 2020 - Special Financial Statement • 21 December 2020 • 20 May 2021

Facilitate to ARIC Annual Report to Council on activities and functions.

The ARIC Annual Report was completed in Quarter 2 and went to the Council Meeting on 14 December 2020 (CCL086-20).

Recruit for 2 independent ARIC members to replace scheduled departures in December 2020 and 1 independent member in March 2021.

Two independent ARIC members were appointed in Quarter 3 as per Council report CCL016-21. The existing ARIC member was given the Chair position and had their tenure extended to 30 June 2022 to ensure

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


continuity of the Committee in Quarter 3 as per Council report CCL016-21. DP Action

6.2.5b: Prepare and implement a three-year risk-based Audit Plan




The three-year risk-based Audit Plan commenced in 2018 covering a period from 2018-2021. The Audit Plan has almost been completed in 2021 covering 24 completed audits, two service reviews and four Information Technology audits. Two audits remain outstanding.

Action Name


Complete the 2020/21 Audit Program.

Comment The 2020/21 Audit Program was almost completed despite COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions. In Quarter 4 the following audits were being or had been finalised to round out the 2020/21 Audit Program: • • • • •

Swimming Pool Compliance Development Application related fees and charges Project Methodology and Governance IM&T Phishing testing RMS DRIVES annual compliance audit

The two carry over audits from the 2020/21 Audit Program are: • Bonds, Bank Guarantees and Security Deposits which commenced on the 6 July 2021; and • Cash Management - which has been deferred to the 2021/22 Audit Program due to inability to perform the audit during COVID-19 restrictions. DP Action

6.2.5c: Provide ARIC with the status of internal audit recommendation implementation.




ARIC was provided with the status of audit recommendations at each meeting held throughout the year on: • • • •

13 July 2020 21 September 2020 21 December 2020 20 May 2021

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On track


Action Name

On hold


Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started



Provide the ARIC with the status of audit recommendations at each meeting.

ARIC was provided with the status of audit recommendations at each meeting held throughout the year on: • • • •

13 July 2020 21 September 2020 21 December 2020 20 May 2021

DP Action

6.2.5d: Liaise with the Office of Local Government regarding internal audit guidelines and adopt as required.




The official OLG Guidelines have not yet been released and are proposed to be released in draft by mid-2021.

Action Name Implement any mandatory internal audit guidelines issued by the OLG


Comment The official OLG Guidelines have not yet been released and are proposed to be released in draft by mid-2021. Notwithstanding, a number of actions have occurred to pre-empt the OLG Guidelines including: •

changing title of Internal Auditor to Chief Audit Executive (March 2020)

removing councillors from the ARIC so that the ARIC only comprises three independent members (September 2020)

aligning the legislative responsibilities of the ARIC to an Annual Responsibility Calendar (2019)

creating a role and profile for Risk Management within the organisation (2017)

The Council is in a good position to have all requirements implemented when the Guidelines are released by the OLG. The Chief Audit Executive is keeping abreast of the OLG updates and proposed changes on a constant basis.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Councillor role Strategy 6.2.6: Ensure compliance with Section 232(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 and processes adopted in Council policies. DP Action

6.2.6a: Implement a Councillor training program to improve decision making, facilitate better communication with the local community and assist Councillors to acquire and maintain the skills needed to perform their role.




Achieving 12 hours of professional development training in these times of COVID-19 restrictions is proving difficult, however, online and skype training has been provided and is encouraged. This work is ongoing and continual.

Action Name


Implement a Professional Development Program for Councillors to ensure a minimum of 12 hours of skills development training is offered to each Councillor.

Comment Councillors are continually encouraged to apply for appropriate training opportunities throughout the year.

Goal 6.3: Leadership focuses on innovation and improving the customer experience Customer service Strategy 6.3.1: Meet customer service commitments that aim to make it easy to do business with Council and create systems and a culture that support positive customer experiences. DP Action

6.3.1a: Expand online services and payment options, including mobile applications, public Wi-Fi and self-service kiosks.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name



Assess and review the use of Self-Service Kiosks.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Undertake outcomes of the customer experience transformation program.

Customer experience assessments conducted monthly and reported on quarterly and end of year.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started

DP Action

6.3.1b: Increase automation of processes to increase efficiencies.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name


Identify processes that can be automated to increase efficiencies.


Comment Log it / fix it enables customers to self-serve and raise requests for service online.

DP Action

6.3.1c: Improve the DA lodgement processes and pre-lodgement advice, including new NSW Department of Planning and Environment guidelines.




Advisory Service implemented. Council has now implemented electronic lodgement for all application types through NSW Planning Portal. In-house system improvements continuing.

Action Name


Implement and review the new changes to pre-lodgement services.

Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

6.3.1d: Improve consistency and reliability of service across all customer contact channels.




Due to recent change in workplans, a dedicated daily administrative officer from the Customer Experience team has been allocated to respond to the planning portals, BPpoint, CM9 and emails. This is shown to be effective as the call abandonment rate has decreased this Quarter.

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On track


Action Name

On hold


Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started



Develop promotional videos highlighting how customers can communicate with Council.

Promotional video completed and will be used on the website, in the service centers and libraries as a way to promote the was customers can interact and deal with Council.

Review the internal reporting that reflects customer response times and officer accountability.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Review and assess the use of call back option.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Continuous improvement Strategy 6.3.2: Demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement and effective governance throughout Council services DP Action

6.3.2a: Advocate a comprehensive performance program for all Councils with OLG, in partnership with LG Professionals.





Action Name Embed innovation into the existing project management framework.


Comment Council is continuously investigating ways to embed innovation into project management by partnering and seeking out with innovative organisations and solutions to deliver projects. In addition, Council continues to build a culture of innovation internally through staff engagement initiatives.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started

DP Action

6.3.2b: Establish Council’s reputation as a leading local government organisation.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name


Develop strategic partnerships to influence key government policy and bring investment to the LGA.


Comment Council continues to lead the Kogarah Collaboration Area Place Strategy. We have gained over $4.75m in grant funding to progress city transforming projects. Council is currently working to deliver a key advocacy event in October 2021. The event will involve partners such as the Committee for Sydney and Wollongong Council and with focus on the further of Sydney's south.

DP Action

6.3.2c: Implement an Innovation Strategy to provide a strategic approach to improvements to customer service, service delivery and performance improvement.




There has been focus on culture and creativity internally and the development of partnerships and networks externally. Council has been successful in building partnerships and gaining grant funding to support the innovative delivery of projects for example a ‘Greening our City Grant’ to use new technology to support the growth of trees in urban settings.

Action Name Implement the Innovation Strategy.


Comment The implementation of the Innovation Strategy has focused on building a culture of innovation across the organisation. external partnerships and have also been developed with the private sector, universities and the NSW Government to support innovation across Georges River.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

6.3.2d: Raise awareness for cyber security.




Community Web Page has been deployed to raise awareness on how Council protects our information.

Action Name


Implement procedures in line with NSW Cyber Security Policy. - 2020/21 Finalise benchmarking of Information Security framework against Essential 8 and NSW Cyber security policy.

Comment Council's Information Security Framework Policy was independently auditored and was deemed mature.

Strategy and innovation Strategy 6.3.3: Increase the status, influence, reputation and brand of Georges River Council and its LGA through a greater focus on innovation and advocacy. DP Action

6.3.3a: Prepare a 30-year City Vision and City Reputation Strategy, incorporating a strong, well-communicated external presence and brand.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name



Prepare a 30-year City Vision and City Reputation Strategy.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Promote the aspirations of 2050 - leading for change and undertake feasibility studies where required.

Council has commenced planning to revitalise Hurstville through major public domain improvements. We continue to advocate for Kogarah as an emerging innovation precinct through studies, events and speaking opportunities. City shaping future projects continue to be planned for.

Deliver an investment prospectus for Kogarah.

A draft Investment Prospectus has been developed, in line with the findings from the UTS pilot study and report findings.

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On track


On hold

Cultivate the night time economy in Kogarah and Hurstville.

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Council has endorsed the Night Time Economy Study & Action Plan. Place making Initiatives, activations and events continue to be rolled out across town centres. Council also delivered the ReWrite the Night Grants Program - an initiative of the Night Time Economy Study and Action Plan.

DP Action

6.3.3b: Maximise the potential of the Kogarah Health and Research Hub.




Council continues to work with Bayside, the Greater Sydney Commission and other NSW Government agencies to implement the Kogarah Collaboration Area Place Strategy. Council has also completed a study into the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem that exists in Kogarah and has supported grant applications of Med Tech startups.

Action Name


Target key government agencies and industries to grow the Kogarah Health and Research Hub.

Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

6.3.3c: Build the cultural identity of Hurstville CBD as the Heart of the City.




Council continues to implement the Hurstville Heart of the City Place Strategy. Grant funding has seen public domain improvements in the city and will continue to be rolled out until October 2021 as well as $4.75m from the State Government to transform Palm Court Car Park into quality open space for the community.

Action Name Continue to build the cultural identity of Hurstville CBD as the Heart of the City.


Comment Council continues the roll out of the Streets as Shared Spaces funding within Hurstville till end 2021. Funding received from DPIE Legacy to progress Hurstville revitalisation projects within the city

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

6.3.3d: Develop an advocacy strategy that identifies how GRC can influence government policy and secure government investment in the LGA.




Further work needs to be done to develop an Advocacy Program. Council has the opportunity to influence the next iteration of metropolitan planning by partnering with other councils and stakeholders, lobbying State Government and presenting compelling evidence to support transport and other priority projects and opportunities. Council has commenced this work through the development of key partnerships.

Action Name Implement advocacy strategy to assist to influence government policy and secure government investment in the LGA.


Comment Council has 13 high level advocacy priorities; categorised as NSW government investment and Georges River local priorities. These fall under the overarching concept of the Southern Aerotropolis. A discussion paper has been developed and is currently being peer-reviewed by a prominent advisor on cities. Council is currently planning a thought leadership event 'Sydney re-discovered: The Metropolis of 5 Cities', earmarked to take place on 27 October 2021. The event will promote and position Georges River/the South District region as a place of opportunity whilst stimulating conversation about the role of 'gateway cities/'liveability centres' (Wollongong, Newcastle) and their role to metro jobs centres, particularly in the context of COVID-19, therefore challenging the notion of the 'Metropolis of 3 cities' to have a broader view. We have secured partners Committee for Sydney, Business Western Sydney and Wollongong City Council to co-host this event. in addition, the new Community Strategic Plan will contain Council's advocacy priorities and the community will have their say on which are most important to them.

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On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

6.3.3e: Assist and promote the greening and creation of open space in our town centres.




Greening continues to be facilitated through successful grant applications in Hurstville and Kogarah.

Action Name


Continue to promote the greening and creation of open space in our town centres.

Comment Continued greening through Streets as Shared Spaces and Greening Our City funding received by Council. Progression of the Hurstville Revitalisation project enabled through funding received from DPIE Legacy funding will see further greening of the city centre.

DP Action

6.3.3f: Complete the program of service delivery reviews commenced after the establishment of GRC.




Completed as stated in the 2020/21 half yearly progress report.

Action Name


Complete the Venues and Facilities Management Service Review.

Comment Redraft EOI document underway. To be completed early August 2021.

Goal 6.4: Council’s assets and resources are managed responsibly and with accountability Asset management Strategy 6.4.1: Implement asset management plans to maintain infrastructure assets in a safe and functional standard, meeting current and future community needs DP Action

6.4.1a: Consult with the community about the service standards for Council assets, including asset maintenance funding in the context of Councils overall budget imperatives, and use this to inform a review of asset ownership and maintenance standards.




Asset Management Strategy completed and presented for inclusion in Resourcing Strategy including updated information on community service levels, latest footpath and road asset information.

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On track


Action Name

On hold


Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started



Update Asset Management Plan, for road and footpath assets classes based on full network data capture.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Provide maintenance and renewal programs for building asset class based on contractor asset inspections.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

6.4.1b: Implement the GRC Depot Master Plan including closure of the Carlton Depot and rehabilitation of the Hurstville Road quarry depot site. (Executive Manager, Engineering Operations)


Not Progressing


Vacating of some commercial and community occupancy was achieved in Quarter 4.

Action Name


Commence implementation of the GRC Depot Master Plan.

Comment Rehabilitation of the Hurstville Road quarry depot site has not been possible due to the unforeseen temporary use of this site for waste storage operations. Vacating of commercial and community occupancy did progress within the 2020/21 reporting year.

Financial strength Strategy 6.4.2: Maintain a sustainably strong financial position, balanced with demand for essential services and new projects, and having regard for Section 8B(d) (ii) of the Local Government Act (the current generation funds the cost of its services). DP Action

6.4.2a: Continually align the Long-Term Financial Plan with the context of Council and Integrated Planning and Reporting documents.




Completed as stated in the 2020/21 half yearly progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


Action Name

On hold


Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started



Refine the Long-Term Financial Plan to incorporate proposed new projects and programs and to facilitate financially sustainable decisions.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Incorporate the review of Council's Asset Management Plan (6.4.1.a), including asset life, depreciation and maintenance costs, into Council's Long-Term Financial Plan.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

DP Action

6.4.2b: Develop a rating structure for the LGA by June 2020.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name



Engage with Community on a new Georges River Council Rating Structure.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Submit a proposed new Georges River Council rate structure to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Submit a Georges River Council Special Rate Variation request to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

6.4.2c: Continue to review financial policies and processes to ensure integrity of controls, efficiency of service and quality financial data, to reduce risk, deliver quality information for business decisions and improve service delivery.





Action Name



Develop a Georges River Council Revenue Management Policy for public exhibition and Council adoption.

Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Expand payment options for all revenue activities to minimise risks and costs associated with cash and cheque management.

Awaiting finalisation of Revenue NSW. PML is working and BPAY is effective.

Investigate opportunities for a greater proportion of Council's investment portfolio to be directed to ethical and environmentally responsible investments which are low risk and have returns equal to or greater than existing investments.

The Investment Policy was updated and adopted by Council in October 2020.

Property management Strategy 6.4.3: Actively manage Council’s property portfolio to maximise returns on investment in community assets and programs. DP Action

6.4.3a: Plan for and implement a purchasing program for property requiring compulsory acquisition in the comprehensive LEP.




Acquisition program determined with process commenced.

Action Name Redevelop Sans Souci Bathers' Pavilion to provide commercial leasing opportunity.


Comment The Sans Souci Bathers Pavilion has been successfully demolished. Council will now consider commercial leasing opportunities for a future café facility.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

6.4.3b: Complete Planning Proposals for the Hurstville Civic Centre precinct.




Awaiting Council resolution to amended proposal followed by Gateway determination by DPIE.

Action Name



Develop Master Plan for Sans Souci Park.

Consultants who are preparing the Plan of Management and Master Plan for Sans Souci Park briefed Councillors on a draft landscape Design. Feedback was provided and the Plan of Management and Landscape Master Plan are now being finalised to be presented to Council later in 2021.

Develop Plan of Management for Sans Souci Park.

Consultants who are preparing the Plan of Management and Master Plan for Sans Souci Park briefed Councillors on a draft landscape Design. Feedback was provided and the Plan of Management and Landscape Master Plan are now being finalised to be presented to Council later in 2021.

Progress Planning Proposals for planned Council developments.

Work progressed on the Planning Proposal for the Hurstville Civic Precinct which will be reported to Council in July 2021.

DP Action

6.4.3c: Progress all statutory property matters in a timely manner.




All property matters completed in accordance with statutory time frames.

Action Name Implement outdoor dining and footway trading application management system.


Comment Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Strategy 6.4.4: To strengthen Council's reputation and maintain community confidence by delivering secure, efficient, easy to use services. For our community, this means greater flexibility dealing with Council. DP Action

6.4.4a: Align and implement the Digital Resourcing Strategy with the context of Council and Integrated Planning and Reporting documents




The Digital Resource Management Plan demonstrates Council's commitment to utilising the best digital framework possible to enable responsive and timely services and information. It defines the roadmap by which Council will leverage information and digital technology to transform the nature of services to our community and customers to deliver on Community Strategic Plan outcomes and targets. This program is on track to meet 80% compliance with 29 of the 33 Digital Resource projects completed or on schedule to be completed. You can find Council's Digital Resource Management plan embedded within Council's 2021/22 Resourcing strategy.

Action Name



Enable electronic signature to provide a secure, efficient way of managing Council Agreements.

Digital signature capability now available to all staff.

Support Library Technology Innovation Strategy.

We enabled three of the seven key priorities outlined in the Library Technology Innovation plan. We will continue to implement capability where funding has been sourced in 2021/22.

Establish e-planning technology framework. - NSW Planning portal - API integration between Technology One and NSW Planning Portal - T1 eplanning module implementation

Capability to enable tight integration between NSW planning portal and Council's enterprise system has been enabled. In 2021/22 we will be implementing this capability to support the Development and Planning Team streamline processes. Electronic lodgment capability was also enabled. This capability will help Council transform lodgement across Council services.

Implement digital initiatives for the Customer Experience Program.

IMT in partnership with Customer Service have finalised the following key initiatives for the CX Program. These initiatives are intended to streamline process and increase efficiency: •

Expanded online services through the implementation of Log it/Fix it and electronic lodgment capability. Expanded payment options for our community

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

• • • • Deliver Works, Assets and Mobility program.

Carry forward

Not started


Enabled capability to establish a customer portal for our residents. This portal will be made available to our community in second quarter of 2021/22. Online services page finalised and ready to launch on our website Mobile application My Council refreshed After hours contact centre RFQ finalized Upgrade Contact Centre - Upgrade in progress, on schedule to implement second quarter of 2021/22.

Works, Assets and Mobility program progressing well. The pandemic has impacted the rollout of this program. Key capability enabled in 2020/21. •

iAuditor established which has enabled digital capability for asset collection.

QR Codes capability for facilities established. Will continue the allocation of QR codes for all amenities in 2021/22.

Work orders & scheduling capability enabled. Will continue implementation of Work Orders from Log it/Fix it requests.

Standard Operating Environment for mobile devices developed and all field crew iPads set up and ready for rollout.

Digital Literacy program developed and approved by business unit. Rollout of program delayed due to pandemic. Will be a priority in 2021.

SOE for mobile devices is now operational which includes access to Digital workplace and Virtual desktop,

Educate customers and community to raise awareness of cyber security.

Cyber Security pages are now available on our website. The pages focus on how council protects its data, and the "Scams and Threats" includes information on cyber scams / threats and how the public can protect their data.

Implement Audit recommendations.

A total of 85 Audit recommendations were allocated with 60 of those recommendation being implemented within agreed timeframe. Actively working on19 recommendations.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


6.5: The workforce is inspiring, diverse and engaged. Workforce planning and performance Strategy 6.5.1: Implement leading people practices to create a high performing, capable and resilient workforce. DP Action

6.5.1a: Implement the Georges River Council Workforce Plan.




Georges River Council Resourcing Strategy reviewed in April 2021 and adopted by Council. Plan consists of 38 current actions, 34 (90%) of which have been completed and four (10%) in progress.

Action Name



Implement Council's Wellness and Belonging Program.

A year since we implemented the Wellness and Belonging policy, Council continues to actively encourage and support the holistic total wellness of its employees launching the BENE-FIT 360 Program in October 2020. BENE-FIT 360 was recognised by industry at the 2021 LG Professionals NSW Local Government Awards winning the category of People, Workplace, Wellbeing. Upheld by three core pillars, BENE-FIT 360 builds on our wellness and belonging initiatives (WELL-FIT) and highlights our commitment to mental health (M-FIT) and flexible work practice (FLEXFIT). The earlier pillars are examples of Council's ability to lead the way and respond to the challenges our people face.

Implement the Diversity and Inclusion Program.

Days and weeks of significance continue to be identified, recognised and celebrated throughout the organisation on an annual basis. This year we celebrated R U OK Day? mental health month, NAIDOC week, Reconciliation Week Mardi Gras and Pride Month. In celebration of Reconciliation Week, our Cultural Awareness training shared on LinkedIn attracted 1,123 impressions, a click through rate of 29% and engagement rate of 30%. Professional development training in appreciating diversity in others, cultural awareness, Code of Conduct, mindfulness and disability awareness was offered to staff. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee's Diversity and Inclusion Series 'Our People Our Stories’ commenced in February 2021, with four stories told to date, spotlighting our diverse workforce and nurturing a sense of belonging through the experiences our staff have lived, challenges they have overcome and their achievements.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


The diversity and inclusion survey was launched in June 2021 along with the iCHRIS AED project to gain a better understanding of the diversity of our workforce which enables better representation, support, and opportunities for celebration of this diversity and allow us to start reporting on diversity and inclusionI. Implementation of the BENE-FIT 360 program and Wellness and Belonging Policy supports staff through significant life events and provides more flexible work options. Maintain our relationships with TAFE and Universities, utilising their recruitment boards to attract young professionals and graduates to apply.

DP Action

6.5.1b: Implement Performance Excellence and People Capability Strategies and Programs.




Council's new learning program - LEAP was launched in April 2021. LEAP provides a visual framework and aligns capability with the organisation's current and future priorities. LEAP encompasses all the organisational development opportunities that are made available to staff to help our people Learn Exceed Achieve and Progress. Ongoing, LEAP will be reviewed every two years to ensure our framework continues to serve the needs of our people and our community. LEAP promotes four key streams of excellence, Corporate, Professional, Leadership and Personal, and emphasizes the 70:20:10 model in nurturing a culture of learning at Georges River Council through on-the-job learning, knowledge sharing, coaching and mentoring. With a focus on employee engagement, empowerment and support, we continue to work towards building a positive culture that is people-focused and leads best practice.

Action Name Implement performance program and streamline performance appraisal process.


Comment LG Capability Framework training completed. Performance excellence program mapping completed. Project team has progressed to consultation for delivery of EPM21 and launch for Annual Skills and Performance Review for the 2020/21 review period. Revised performance rating scale drafted, and transition framework established to move to more regular reviews in line with financial years. Timeframes established for commencement of performance excellence program consultation focus groups.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


Streamline recruitment processes for easier candidate selection and onboarding.

On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


LinkedIn Careers Page completed. Careers videos completed. HRO implemented including automation of offboarding. Website relaunch remains in progress - new formatting incorporating People and Culture branding is under review with the Communications team.

DP Action

6.5.1c: Implement a Workplace Health and Safety System to support a well and safe workplace.




Work Health and Safety (WHS) Strategy 2021 to 2024, Audit Program and statistical report on safety performance presented and adopted by the Executive Team. Review of the Emergency Procedure and Emergency Planning Committees. Ongoing risk assessments, communications and engagement with workers to mitigate hazards/risks at the workplace.

Action Name


Evaluate Work, Health and Safety (WHS) procedures and implement effective controls to manage WHS risks.

Comment WHS Strategy 2021 to 2024, Audit Program and statistical report on safety performance presented and adopted by the Executive Team. Review of the Emergency Procedure and Emergency Planning Committees. Ongoing risk assessments, communications and engagement with workers to mitigate hazards/risks at the workplace.

Goal 6.6: Council has a regional approach to service delivery and facilities Regional planning Strategy 6.6.1: Plan for regional-level services and facilities and share information across State agencies and neighbouring councils. DP Action

6.6.1a: Work with neighbouring councils to facilitate major projects with long-term delivery timeframes.




Council works and advocates with neighbouring councils to facilitate major projects with long-term delivery timeframes examples include: •

Continues to progress the Kogarah Collaboration Area Place Strategy with Greater Sydney Commission and Bayside Council.

Building a Southern Sydney Innovation Ecosystem.

River Rail connection between Kogarah and Paramatta .

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


Central City alliance focused on high quality places, the Georges River and transport connections.

Action Name


Develop strategic partnerships to influence key government policy and bring investment to the LGA.

Comment Duplicate action - see 6.3.2bi.

DP Action

6.6.1b: Develop an engagement program for services and facilities where regional collaboration would assist in their delivery, including those identified in the Georges River Council Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.




Council actively advocates and collaborates with key stakeholders to delivery key projects to our community. We continue to implement the Kogarah Collaboration Area Place Strategy working with NSW Government agencies and neighbouring councils. Progress has also been made on our advocacy program which focuses on transport connections across Greater Sydney, the provision of open space for our community and investment into Councils creative assets.

Action Name Deliver engagement program for services and facilities.


Comment Council's advocacy priorities include the fast tracking of the River Rail (Kogarah to Parramatta rail link) and the notion of the Southern Aerotropolis (incorporating assets in the South District). There is an engagement program and advocacy register to track correspondence with key stakeholders such as other councils, local MPs and Ministers to ensure we garner support and buy-in. Council will partner with Committee for Sydney, Greater Sydney Commission and Wollongong Council to deliver an event in October 2021 highlighting the need to broader the governments approach to planning across Sydney.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report



On track


On hold

Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Not started


DP Action

6.6.1c: Work with state agencies to identify funding opportunities across all tiers of government.




Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.

Action Name Continue to work with state agencies to identify funding and pilot opportunities for Council.


Comment Council has received $4.75m under the NSW Department Planning, Industry and Environment’s Legacy program to deliver public domain improvements in Hurstville CBD, as well as a Greening the City grant to also be used in Hurstville and the Streets as Shared Spaces placemaking activation fund for Hurstville and Kogarah.

Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 // Operational Plan 2020/21 – End of Year Progress Report


Delivery Program 2018/19 – 2021/22 Operational Plan 2020/21 End of Year Progress Report www.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au

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