3 minute read

Statutory information

Compliance with the Companion Animals Act 1998 and Companion Animals Regulation 2008

Council’s statement on activities relating to enforcing and ensuring compliance with the Companion Animals Act and Regulation. (C 217(1) (f))

Lodgement of pound data returns with the Office of Local Government

COUNCIL SEIZURE ACTIVITY Seized Returned to owner Transferred to Council’s Facility COUNCIL ANIMAL CARE FACILITY ACTIVITY Animals in and arriving at Council’s facility Animals in Council’s facility From seizures Dumped Animal leaving Council’s facility Released to owners Euthanised Sold Released to organisation to re-home Died at Council facility Stolen from Council facility Escaped from Council facility Cats Dogs Total 153 351 504 1 208 209 152 143 295

Cats Dogs Total

224 205 443 152 143 295 0 9 0 Cats Dogs Total 30 157 187 49 1 50 128 23 151 5 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lodgement of data relating to dog attacks with the Office of Local Government

Status Commenced Incidents entered Attacking dogs Victims (human and animal) 10 10 5


3 Under investigation 5 Total 18 3 6 19 1 2 8

Funding of Companion animal Management Activities

During the reporting period, we spent $308,000 on two companion animal management contracts with St George Animal Rescue, which impounds companion animals on behalf of Council and the impounding facility, Sydney Dogs and Cats Home. Our regulatory functions in relation to companion animal management are conducted by our rangers who also perform a range of other public safety functions. Consequently, direct costs attributable to companion animal management regulatory functions cannot be provided, but we estimate they are approximately $200,000. We spent $32,397 on a Companion Animal Administration Officer to continue an audit of the Companion Animals Register to confirm owners’ details are up to date and to increase the number of correctly registered animals in the area.

Community education programs

We provide community education relating to legislative requirements and responsible pet ownership through our website and social media. We distributed a media release in relation to the responsible management of dogs during the initial COVID-19 restrictions. Our rangers also educate members of the community at various leash-free areas as part of their regular patrols.

Alternatives to euthanasia of Unclaimed Animals

Our policy provides the flexibility to permit infant companion animals to be transferred to approved rescue organisations to expand options available to rehome unclaimed animals. Sydney Dogs and Cats Home maintain an up-to-date website with details of all impounded animals to assist in returning or re-homing impounded animals.

Off-leash areas

There are nine off-leash dog parks in the Georges River LGA, where dogs can run, exercise and socialise leashfree with other dogs and visitors. They are open all year round at:

• Arrowsmith Park, Hurstville • Carss Bush Park, Carss Park • Gannons Park, Peakhurst • H.V. Evatt Park, Lugarno • Hogben Park, Kogarah • Kogarah Park, Carlton • Moore Park, Hurstville Grove • Moore Reserve, Hurstville Grove • Riverwood Park, Riverwood

Compliance with NSW Carers (Recognition) Act 2010

Our Community Capacity Building team support programs for older people, people with disability, people with mental illness and other members of the community who may be cared for by carers. The Community Capacity Building staff is provided with a copy of the Carers (Recognition) Act 2010 and associated Guidelines and adhere to the principles contained therein.

Inspection of private swimming pools


Number of inspections of tourist and visitor accommodation.

Number of inspections of premises with more than two dwellings.

Number of inspections resulting in issuance of a certificate of compliance under S22D of the Swimming Pools Act 1992.

Number of inspections resulting in issuance of a certificate of non-compliance under cl21 of the Swimming Pools Regulation 2008.

Inspections held Notes


13 There are no swimming pools located within tourist and visitor accommodation within the Georges River LGA.

There were 8 applications received in 2020/21. Of these, 5 properties required a further inspection.

31 37 inspections resulted in issuance of a certificate of compliance.

16 16 inspections resulted in issuance of one certificate of non-compliance.

Customer satisfaction kiosk.

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