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Pillar 6 - Leadership and Transparency
This pillar is about fostering a culture of professionalism, transparency, accountability and financial responsibility where the community is actively listened to and a part of the decision making process.
The goals in this pillar include:
• Goal 6.1: The community is involved and listened to • Goal 6.2: Open, informed, and transparent decisionmaking supports the interests of the community • Goal 6.3: Leadership focuses on innovation and improving the customer experience • Goal 6.4: Council’s assets and resources are managed responsibly and with accountability • Goal 6.5: The workforce is inspiring, diverse, and engaged • Goal 6.6: Council has a regional-approach to service delivery and facilities.
• We continued to implement our Innovation Strategy focusing on building a culture of innovation across the organisation. • We completed a comprehensive list of risk-based audits on the Audit Program 2020/21 including: - payroll - procurement service review - tree management - swimming pool compliance - project governance and methodology - development related fees and charges - Transport for NSW DRIVES compliance audit - information management and technology cybersecurity • We conducted five ARIC meetings including four normal meetings and a special meeting for the financial statements covering all statutory item requirements. • Three online corruption form allegations were investigated and finalised (in conjunction with
Manger, Governance and Risk Management). • We recruited two new ARIC members to replace the retiring committee members. • Our Happy or Not customer feedback portals in customer centres and provide real time feedback on a customer's immediate interaction with our staff.
We see consistently favourable results indicating our customers are happy with the service they receive.
Customers can leave feedback and comments and this is captured and used to recognise staff and teams and also improve our services and processes.
The overall result for this year was 88% HAPPY, improving on the previous year 85% HAPPY. • Our WHS Strategy is in place to guide WHS for the next three years. • Our revised Business Continuity Management
Policy was adopted in March 2021 and revised
Crisis Management Team structure in response to
COVID-19 included an updated Business Continuity
Plan. • Staff engagement has increased by 3% compared to the previous year’s staff engagement survey. • We developed a careers video which demonstrates our commitment to support staff from various backgrounds. • Our new Policy framework was adopted in
September 2020. • We appointed procurement champions within each
Directorate to facilitate contract information updates into the corporate system. • Our procurement policies and practices demonstrate best practice in probity assurance and legislative compliance to external auditors.
• We were unable to perform Cash Handling Audit due to COVID-19 impacts. • Pressure on existing resources to deliver with a diminished capacity due to vacancies and staff turnover.
• There was significant reliance on external funding. • It has been a challenge to maintain effective relationships and understanding changing business requirements. • We were required to deliver extensive blended training programs (face to face/online) on the new contract management framework and system. • The volatility of COVID-19 has continued to evolve, along with confirmation (as originally projected) that it would be a highly unstable environment, in terms of the size of the social and financial impact, on
Council and the community. • We prioritised delivering key services and operations whilst also mitigating the financial risks that had been known and were accelerating.
Georges River Civic Centre.
Summary of performance against indicators
Annual net litigation costs managed to $1.5m budget
Percentage of legal cases determined in accordance with council’s corporate and strategic objectives including successful prosecutions (convictions) and/ or fines for major environmental offences, including tree breaches
Attempted resolution of Class 1 merit appeals by way of alternative dispute resolution such as s34 conciliation and wherever possible and appropriate
Percentage of satisfied Your Say Georges River Panel members with engagement on Council projects
Council decisions made at meetings closed to the public Target 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
<$1,500,000 $534,577 $1,175,078 $983,113 $1,269,024 $2,473,216
>75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
>75% N/A N/A 62% 75% 58%
<25% 10.9% 5% 2.52% Although some matters were discussed and deliverated inclosed confidential session, all decisions recommender in closed session are confirmed in open session as the same meeting. 7%
Increased interaction with council meetings including average number of speakers, public attendees and uptake of live streaming of Council Meetings and Committees of Council Target 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
>2 speakers
>10 attendees
50 live streams 4 speakers
15 attendees 7 speakers
42 attendees
15 live streams 53 speakers
50 attendees
32 live streams 92 speakers
Percentage of customer requests completed within agreed times
Percentage of correspondence responded to within 14 days
Percentage of complaints completed within agreed times
Percentage compliance with statutory and legislative reporting requirements (OLG Compliance Calendar)
Percentage of customers satisfied with the overall experience with their customer requests to Council 80% 44% 61% 71% 84% 89%
>80% 67% 85% 87% 88% 88%
90% 13% 86% 91% 95% 91%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
80% 66% 76% 81% 74% 66%
Customer satisfaction with face-to-face interaction at the Customer Service Centre 80% N/A N/A 80% 90% 95%
Actual year-to- date income is no more than 5% under the year-todate approved budget <5% under budget 26.6% above budget 1.8% above budget 5% above budget 7.5% -0.16%
Actual year-to-date expenditure is no more than 5% over the year-to-date approved budget
Investment portfolio returns for the past 12 months exceeding industry benchmark as disclosed by CPG
Percentage outstanding rates, annual charges, interest and extra charges Target 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
<5% over budget 7.7% above budget 4.5% below budget 2.76% -5.1% 24%
Benchmark exceeded 3.41%1.59% above performance index 2.91%1.13% above performance index 2.76% 1.9%. 1.05% above benchmark 1.35%
<5% 3.1% 3.1% 3.2% 3.52% 4.45%
In 2021/22 we will …
• Develop and commence implementation of a new risk-based three-year Audit Plan • Continue Code of Conduct training across the whole organisation • Organise and conduct ARIC meetings • Enhance the information available to ARIC members via a renewed online portal • Implement the Office of Local Government Guidelines when they are released on a new risk management and internal audit framework for local government in NSW • Continue to develop a culture of innovation with the goal of imbedding increased innovation in project management and delivery as aligned to the NSW Government’s Smart Places report • Continue to build the reputation and brand of the Georges River, attracting opportunities and investment • Deliver a Customer Experience Strategy to focus on primary customer touchpoints with Council, review statistics, customer feedback, operations and technology and identify actions to improve the customer experience for residents and customers • Implement our Performance Excellence Program (PEP) – a performance review program focused on continuous performance discussions throughout the year • Develop and commence induction program for newly elected councillors.