COMMUNITY SPRING EDITION 2022 GEORGESRIVER.NSW.GOV.AU f iyl GEORGES RIVER COUNCIL MAGAZINE We Are GeorgesExhibitionRiverreturns Meet Communityour Champion Geoff Paine from the Verge Garden Program In Good Taste A new community recipe every edition

Georges River Council acknowledges the Bidjigal people of the Eora Nation, who are the Traditional Custodians of all lands, waters and sky in the Georges River area. Council recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as an integral part of the Georges River community and values their social and cultural contributions. We pay our respect to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who live work and meet on these lands.
been working hard with the community these past few months through the Your Say consultations and public exhibitions. Your feedback is important in helping shape the Georges River of our future so thank you to everyone who has completed and submitted their ideas and feedback.
community members and seeing people of all ages come together to celebrate a day of significant importance to Georges River. Thank you to 3Bridges Community group for organising such a great event.
Georges River Council Mayor, Nick Katris at Un[contained] Arts Festival 2022
At the NAIDOC Youth and Family Day, I saw the people of Georges River Get Up! Stand Up! Show up! for our First Nations community. It was wonderful learning more about our heritage, meeting our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Events are important to our community by helping bring people together and it makes me incredibly proud to see such strong comradery and support in our
Un[contained] at Kogarah was bigger and better than ever before. There over 38,000 visitors over the three-day festival with many popular performances returning but also new activities to bring even more excitement to our community.
Welcome to the spring edition of the Community Magazine. I’m excited to share that we’ve given the magazine a refresh and have introduced new sections focusing on our community.
Recently, I was very lucky to attend a number of events within Georges River from our Un[containted] Arts Festival, to the NAIDOC Youth and Family event and National Tree Day. It’s been great to meet all of you and I hope you enjoyed these community events as much as I did.
Mayor's Message
Another recent event I wanted to share is Council’s National Tree Day and plant giveaway event. Beverly Hills Park was restored with over 1,000 native plants being planted by local community members. Well done to our Bushcare team and community members for helping make a positive impact to our Councilenvironment.hasalso
Nick River
3. FEATURES 3. Our Journeys | Our Stories 3. National Tree Day 4. Un[contained] 2022 6. Eurovision Broadcast Party 8. NAIDOC Youth and Family Day 9. CWA’s 100th Anniversary 10. Community Champion 13. In Good Taste | Recipes 14. YOUR COUNCIL 14. Citizenship Ceremony 15. Community Grants 15. St George Local Business Awards 15. Small Station Recycling 16. YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 16. We Are Georges River 17. First Nations Collection 17. Developing your creative skills 18. YOUR CALENDAR 18. What’s On 2 | READ ONLINE AT GEORGESRIVER.NSW.GOV.AU
I look forward to seeing everyone at our next community event.
This year’s National Tree Day event was held at Beverly Hills Park (Black Forest Reserve). A huge number of community volunteers attended to help make a positive impact to the environment.

And finally, thank you everyone for your help on National Tree Day, we couldn’t have done it without all your support.
Over 1,000 native grasses, shrubs, small trees and a few canopy trees were planted in a pocket of the reserve to increase native plants in the area.
National Tree Day and Plant Giveaway
Find more infomation on events visit
Georges River Council Mayor, Nick Katris with Council's Bushcare team and International Peace Youth Group members.
A big thank you to Oatley Lions Club who helped provide a well-earned sausage sizzle BBQ for our hungry volunteers after a great effort in planting and watering the plants. Thank you to the International Peace Youth Group for bringing their enthusiasm for planting trees on the day and to the Oatley Flora and Fauna members who were also on hand to lend support throughout the morning. Thank you to our very own mayor, Nick Katris who rolled up his sleeves to help community with planting native flora on the day.
Our Journeys Our Stories
Over 60 historical items and artwork by six internationally acclaimed Australian Chinese artists: Cindy Yuen-Zhe Chen, Guo Jian, Lindy Lee, Xiao Lu, Jason Phu and Guan Wei, including photographs from the Georges River Libraries Local Studies collection were featured.
Guo Jian with his commissioned artwork Where the river flows for the Our Journeys I Our Stories exhibition

We hope to see you again at the next tree day planting event!

One of Bushcare's littlest volunteers
A huge thank you to Council’s Bushcare volunteers who organised and facilitated the community event and plant giveaway! We’re excited to see the plants grow and give vital structure to the plant community on site, this will also help improve the overall biodiversity of the site.
Our Journeys | Our Stories is supported by the National Foundation for AustraliaChina Relations and the NSW Government through Create NSW.
The stories were told through a collection of rare historical items as well as new artworks from six internationally renowned ChineseAustralian artists.
Our Journeys | Our Stories explored the changing face and history of Chinese migration in the Georges River area, against the backdrop of wider social, cultural and economic developments in Australia.
Susan Lowe with family history objects on loan for the Our Journeys I Our Stories exhibition

Labyrinth by Atelier Sisu.

Un[contained] 2022
Octopoda by Amigo and Amigo.
Travelling Disco by Office Feuerman.
Mixing drinks at the outdoor bar.

This year’s Un[contained] event was bigger and better! Over 38,000 visitors attended the three-day urban arts festival in the heart of Kogarah.

Many of the community’s favourite activities and entertainment returned to light up Kogarah Town Centre including the largescale installations, aerial performers, live and interactive art experiences, drummers, and Visitorsdancers.came together to experience and enjoy live music, food, and wine while exploring the wild and vibrant attractions. Thanks for making it an exceptional event this year, see you again next year!
LED dancers in the LED tunnel.

Thanks to everyone who joined us for the spectacular event!
Drag artist Charisma Belle posing with Eurovision attendees.

Eurovision fans enjoying Ukraine's win.

Multi-award winning drag queen Charisma Belle hosted the event while fellow Sydney Drag Royalty artists, Hannah Conda, Fairah and Carmen Geddit joined her during the interval for a Eurovision medley watched the live event on the big screen to cheer on their favourite talent while enjoying Italian cuisine, tea and coffee for breakfast.
The Marana Auditorium in Hurstville transformed into little Italia with Council’s Eurovision Broadcast Party returning to celebrate the grand final of the singing contest.
Eurovision fans enjoying the live broadcast.

Drag artist Hannah Conda.

Koomurri Aboriginal Incursions performing the smoking ceremony.

Kids enjoying painting boomerangs and rocks.
Koomurri Aboriginal Incursions giving Welcome to Country.
NAIDOC Youth FamilyandDay
Other family activities included face painting, an animal petting zoo, a youth OzTag competition plus a sausage sizzle and refreshments all free for all ages to enjoy.

Georges River Council Mayor, Nick Katris participating in the art mural project.

Visitors flocked to Penshurst Park for an action-packed day with cultural activities including traditional arts and crafts and an evolving art project to embrace NAIDOC Week and Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

Georges River Council partnered with 3Bridges who hosted the first ever First Nations Youth and Family Day in celebration of NAIDOC Week.
Koomurri Aboriginal Incursions kicked off the event with a Welcome to Country, traditional performance and smoking ceremony.
Country Women's Association (CWA) morning tea.
Country yearscelebratesAssociationWomen’s(CWA)100ofhistory
This year, the Country Women’s Association of NSW celebrates 100 years and Georges River CWA members hosted a special morning tea with the community for the official opening of the CWA exhibition at Hurstville Museum & Gallery.
CWA Georges River Presidents, Wailyn Mar and Catherine Sloan baked delicious cakes, biscuits and scones for the community to enjoy at morning tea.

Established in 1922, CWA is Australia’s largest women’s organisation focused on creating a network of support for women in towns and cities.
Country Women's Association (CWA) exhibition opening.
The CWA centenary exhibition features historic pieces donated by members including women from the local Georges River branch to help preserve the diverse culture in our area. Items such as kitchen memorabilia, textiles and knitted creations from the past 100 years were shared for the exhibition.

We love living in the LGA. It has become very diverse culturally in the time we have been here. We have a great public transport system, we are close to parks and beaches, the food and restaurants all make for it to be a very liveable area. We are very happy here.
What do you love about the Georges River LGA?
How important is it for community members to get involved in Council’s verge garden program?
Any tips or advice for other community members who are interested in starting their own verge garden?
We’re introducing a new section to Council’s Community Magazine, celebrating our local Community Champions who have demonstrated how they’ve positively impacted the Georges River area and people. We’re calling on our next Community Champion to share their exciting achievement or quirky story to be featured in the next edition. Submissions are now open and all ages welcome. If you’re interested in sharing your story, please send through your submission via
The people that stop and look at our garden come from many cultures and even though we may not be able to communicate very effectively, we connect through our love of plants. With the ark being so close, it draws people from out of the area and they too come to have a look and have a chat.
I would encourage other people to get involved with the verge program, especially if they don’t have room within their own yard to start a garden. It helps with mowing and you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to grow your own vegetables and herbs rather than buying everything you eat. It also attracts locals walking past to have a look, talk and offer and ask advice as they pass by which I think is great. I hope our garden makes people happy when they look at it.
I tend to use a no-dig type of gardening. Once the grass is removed you don’t dig or disturb the soil you just add homemade or store-bought compost once or twice a year. This really cuts down on the weeds that grow and the soil is full of worms so you know it is healthy.
What inspired you to be grow your own verge garden?
I have also added a dripper system for watering and covered the exposed soil with either lucerne or sugar cane mulch. This has really helped in maintaining moisture in the ground – since doing this, the garden is thriving!
We have always been interested in gardening and growing our own vegetables was a natural progression. We are surrounded by quite a few trees so the only area that gets some sun is on the verge. We’re quite lucky, our verge is wide and doesn’t have a concrete footpath so we could add the garden without impeding any movement. Plus, it saves me having to mow too much grass!
Geoff Paine - Verge Garden Program
Want to start your own verge garden? Learn more about Council’s Verge Garden Program, Guidelines and how register via the Georges River Council website:

What do you love about your community?
Geoff's verge garden in Connells Point.
In this edition we speak to Geoff Paine from Connells Point about his luscious verge garden. Geoff has always been passionate about gardening and growing vegetables. Geoff grows a variety of fruits and vegetables, everything from an assortment of onions, herbs, beans, garlic, chilli, root vegetables to strawberries and rhubarb.
Through this common interest, we get to grow different vegetables than we would not normally grow as we often swap plants, seeds and tips with people who visit our verge garden.
Geoff Paine


This recipe was originally featured as part of Georges River Council’s In Good Taste festival.
Region: Nepal Contributor: Laaki
1 tbsp. roasted sesame seeds
2 cups rice flour
Yomari is usually made during the Yomari Punhi Festival, celebrated by making, eating and distributing Yomari during the full moon day in November/December. People believe the celebration of Yomari brings them wealth, health and prosperity. This festival belongs to the Newari community in Nepal. I am from the community and have grown up watching the full moon with my family. This recipe is very meaningful to myself and my family.
2 tbsp. ghee (clarified butter)
1 cup chaku (molasses) or khuwa (evaporated milk solids)
3. Prepare the fillings. Filling may be chaku, roasted sesame seeds, grained coconut or khuwa
5. After the sealing process, steam it similar to the way you might make dumplings, or for about 10-15 minutes. Enjoy!

Tip: Before shaping, put a little bit of oil on your hand so it won’t stick.
Tip: don’t make the dough too soft
4. Shape the dough into small pockets. Later, you will add the filling and seat it. It is formed into different shapes which often represent fruits and marionettes of gods and goddesses.
1 tbsp. grained coconut
Tip: Cover the dough with a damp cloth
Water (as required)
1. Prepare the dough. Boil the water and 2 tbsp. of ghee into water. Add the water slowly to the rice flour. Gently stir the mixture until it is sticky and thick. Then blend it into a smooth dough.
Ingredients Dough
2. Once the dough is ready, keep it aside for about 10-15 minutes.
“We’ve been here for almost 9 years so it’s been a long time. It’s an honour to be an Australian citizen, Australia is an amazing country. I’m truly honoured and happy to be here. The people in Georges River Council are great, people are connected to each other and take care of one another when Covid happened.”
Citizenship Ceremony
Here’s what a few had to say about what this special day means to them and their families:
– Neeti Sinha, Penshurst
“This country means a lot to me, since I arrived here. There’s freedom and human rights, it gives the things I didn’t think about it. Georges River is all about families, it’s quiet, nice and near the beach and there’s lots of things to do with the kids. It’s beautiful.
Dansy SharonTaoukMuega
Throughout the year, Council hosts a number of Citizenship Ceremonies, welcoming new Australian citizens to our local area, on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs.
Neeta Sinha with her family at the Citizenship Ceremony

“Being a part of this beautiful country is very meaningful to me. Australia offers lots of good things to my family, people are polite and I want to my family to adapt to this culture. There’s a lot of things Georges River Council offers, one of which is the playground for kids and suits my family. There’s also lots of events, like almost every month we like going to each of the events to meet other people and to have fun.”
This year, Council has welcomed 771 people from 77 countries so far. We are proud to embrace our rich history and diverse heritage and are excited to see our new Aussies make themselves at home in the Georges River Council local government area (LGA). Welcome to our new community members!
– Sharon Muega, Beverly Hills

– Dansy Taouk, Ramsgate
information on the small recycling stations, visit
The project aims to build beds and breakfast for birds and bees at local schools and community centres to form regenerative corridors across the urban environment and create hands-on experiences to educate students and kids.

St AwardsBusinessLocalGeorge
Spring Cleaning: Small station recycling
These items contain various materials and toxins and if disposed of incorrectly, can harm wildlife and the environment. Some of these waste items, if sent to landfill, will never fully decompose. Therefore, it’s important to recycle these items correctly, to protect our environment.
Three schools within the Georges River area including Carlton Public School, Connell’s Point Public School and Blakehurst High School are the newest additions to the B&B Highways. As part of the program, PlantingSeeds will hold education sessions in September and October to provide an immersive learning experience to help students better understand pollination, plants, insects, birds, biodiversity, citizen science, data collection, making observations and
B&B Highways with PlantingSeeds
Georges River Council provides recycling stations for the free collection and recycling of:
Good luck to all the finalists at the 2022 St George Local Business Awards!
• CD’s and DVD’s – both the cases and the discs
will also celebrate with their peers at a special Gala Presentation evening in September and we will be sharing the event with you in the next edition.
The recycling stations are available at: Georges River Civic Centre, Hurstville Library and Clive James Library, Kogarah.

Thank you to our supportive community for voting for their favourite businesses in the 30 different categories.
For more information about Council’s Community Grants that make these projects possible, visit
• Household batteries - AA, AAA, C and 9V Batteries
The Local Business Awards recognises and rewards the community’s best Localbusinesses.businesses

• Mobile phones and their chargers.
Through the B&B Highways project, the Georges River community can take a proactive step towards learning more about vital pollinators and good biodiversity and how this impacts our wider ecological wellbeing. Pollinators are important to our ongoing biodiversity and enable communities to protect the local environment long-term.
Congratulations to PlantingSeeds who received a $10,000 grant for the B&B Highways project in Round 1 of Community Grants 2021-2022 this year! B&B Highways is an environmental and sustainable project offering Bed & Breakfast to our local biodiversity.
Georges River Council has been announced as a major sponsor for the St George Local Business Awards this year.
• Coming through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bathers, Believed to be at East Hills, NSW, Date Unknown. Georges River Council Library Local Studies collection.

If you have old photos or stories that will help us understand your connection to Georges River, please donate or share your story with us!
Celebrate the stories of the Georges River local government area at fun events and exhibitions that provide a glimpse into the historic moments that define who we are today.
St George County Council Home Service Staff Member, Christmas Recipe Book Photograph, St George District, 1966.

We would love to learn about your experiences, including:
During “Hands On History” Week (3 – 11 September 2022) we will explore the ways we have worked, lived and played over the decades, with walking tours, author talks and a travelling outdoor exhibition of iconic Learnphotographs.howto
Share your story with Georges River
Donate or submit your story to the Library Local Studies team via email at
Connect with our heritage & culture
• Arriving here from overseas.
Georges River Libraries wants to protect the history of our diverse community.
research your family history or digitise your old photo albums in a series of practical workshops.
To find out more about the exhibition or book into an event visit
• Growing up, raising a family or running a business in the area.
‘The staff were supportive of my vision, and the tools on offer allowed me to tell the stories my soul has needed to tell.’
Residents are invited to contribute to the ongoing development of this new community resource by contacting the library with feedback and suggestions via
The bulk of the collection is available to browse and borrow from Hurstville Library, however, members can reserve items in the library catalogue to pick up from any of the Georges River Libraries access points.
Developing your creative skills at the library
In June, Georges River Libraries launched a new First Nations Collection, consisting of approximately 600 titles. The new collection was created with the aim of amplifying the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers and artists to build knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture within our community.

– Jack Theodoulou
The value of libraries in supporting cultural development is now well documented, and libraries have a diverse array of collections and programs to support people to develop their creative skills and interests, as well as showcase local talent.
New First Nations collection for the Georges communityRiver
If Jack’s first single, recorded under the name Kyrie, is anything to go by, we can expect to hear a lot more from him in the future.

Scan the QR code to check out Kyrie’s new single ‘Misguided’.
Local resident and artist, Jack Theodoulou, knows more than most, the value of our libraries in supporting creativity. A chance encounter with library staff and a visit to the Hurstville Library Media Lab lead Jack to completing his own creative project using the resources the library has available.

Snapshot Gallery exhibition Hand Made
Civic Theatre, Hurstville Entertainment Centre 10.00am Emily Who: A Day for Adventure 2.00pm Make Believe starring Emily Turner and Ian Warwick 6.00pm Wildflower Trio 8.00pm Fringe International Comedy Gala
Sunday 11 September 2022
From boatbuilding at Neverfail Bay in 1912 to the Renown Park Drainage Works in 1956 and the Kempt Field Skateboard Bowl Construction in 1986, the exhibition features a selection of photographs from the Georges River Local Studies Library collection highlighting the many hands-on projects and activities that have contributed to our shared community history of built and made industries, places and buildings in the Georges River area.
Over two days, Sydney Fringe Festival and Georges River Council also present a selection of live shows for all ages at Hurstville Entertainment Centre’s Civic Theatre.
To coincide with the History Week 2022 theme ‘Hands-On History’, Hurstville Museum & Gallery presents the exhibition Hand Made in the Snapshot Gallery.
Exhibition dates: 1 September – 13 November 2022
Silvy Meow
more infomation on all events, visit
Boatbuilding at Neverfail Bay, Oatley NSW, (c. 1912). Georges River Council Library Local Studies collection.

What's on
Saturday 10 September 2022
Civic Theatre, Hurstville Entertainment Centre 10.00am Emily Who: A Day for Adventure 2.00pm Wildflower Trio 6.30pm Doors of Deception 8.00pm Date Night Comedy Showcase
To find out more about the exhibition or book into an event visit
Jerry Hatricks
is a spectacular audio/visual experience highlighted by Sydney Fringe’s Comedy Bus with FREE live comedy shows throughout the night, plus you can catch performances from juggler Kenny Cheung, vaudeville clowns Jerry & Penny Hatricks , the Disco Bimbos, Silvy Meow’s fire dancing and live music from Soul St Brigade, The Scarlett Songbirds and the Oompah Loompah Band. Fringeville is the fringiest fun you can have during the Festival.
The Sydney Fringe Festival has once again partnered with Georges River Council to bring back a taste of the Fringe to Hurstville.

Check out the line up below:
On Friday 9 September between 5pm – 9pm, Fringeville returns to Hurstville Plaza for one night only to give the fine folk of Southwest Sydney a feast of FringevilleFringe.
Mental Health Month LibrariesGeorgesatRiver
You can immerse yourself in a short meditation through a virtual reality experience. Learn how to draw in virtual reality using the Oculus Quest and be guided through a series of breathing exercises to promote oxygen and blood flow through the body whilst seeing your arm movements emerge as beautiful patterns.
If you would prefer to do things in your own time or at your own pace, take home our self-care bingo card and complete simple activities like creating your own affirmation cards, leaf stitching or a happy post – where you make a postcard to send to someone with a happy message.
First Nations Georges River exhibition
We also have workshops and activities for children and young people during the school holidays to promote mental health and wellbeing including laughter yoga where people can clap, chant, and play laughter games together and a frottage and collage workshop where participants can discover and explore the hidden textures in the built
The exhibition has been developed in collaboration with local First Nations groups, individuals, artists and the Gujaga Foundation.
The Gujaga Foundation is the peak organisation leading Dharawal language, cultural and research activities. They provide language and cultural advice to educational, government and corporate organisations within their cultural boundary of eastern, southern and south-western Sydney. Funding from Create NSW has made possible the commissioned artworks by leading First Nations artists in NSW included in the exhibition. A suite of associated public programs developed with First Nations community groups will accompany the exhibition.
played an important role for the Bidjigal people, the Traditional Custodians of this land, and many others. The exhibition aims to re-discover and present to the community First Nations stories about the Georges River, its significance and insights into historical and contemporary connections to the river.
For our monthly Get Crafty session, join other community members to create a nature mandala on the floor of Hurstville Library. A nature mandala uses different materials from nature – leaves, stones, flowers, sticks – to explore and be creative in a collaborative and meditative environment. The pattern moves outwards from a unifying centre to create a circular form.

Combining history with the work of commissioned First Nations visual artists, the forthcoming First Nations Georges River exhibition will explore the history of the Georges River and its ongoing and continuous association with First Nations
Souvenir 1938, timbers and ink. Made by Ancestors. Hurstville Museum & Gallery Collection

In October, our library programs will be shifting gear for Mental Health Month. As we draw towards the end of the year, we want you to take the opportunity to slow down, have some time for self-care and participate in different mindfulness activities at the library.
& f georgesrivercouncil i grcouncil y Georges River Council
Sam Elmir 0410 654 310

Kogarah Bay Mortdale
0419 402 191
Greene 0407 291 872 Natalie Mort 0499 522 200 Nancy Liu 0400 681 188 Elise Borg 0477 222 089 Christina Jamieson 0431 833 Lou Konjarski 0421 188 896 MonHurstvilletoFri 8.30am - 5.00pm Kogarah Town Square, Belgrave Street, Kogarah Mon to Fri 9.00am - 6.00pm Sat 10.00am - 4.00pm Sun 10.00am - 1.00pm YOUR SAY Be involved in important projects that shape the future of the Georges River area. Your feedback matters. Register via Council’s website at

Symington 0409 546
Smerdely 0431 646