Delivery plan and operational plan end of year 201819

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End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Hurstville Plaza during Pride Month 2019


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

CONTENTS Overall Progress............................................. 4 Pillar 1 - A protected environment and green open spaces................................. 7 Performance indicators….....................................8 Three Year Delivery Program...............................9 One Year Operational Plan...................................16

Pillar 2 - Quality, well planned development................................................... 21

Pillar 4 - A diverse and productive economy...................................... 45 Performance indicators….....................................46 Three Year Delivery Program...............................47 One Year Operational Plan...................................54

Pillar 5 - A harmonious and proud community with strong social services and infrastructure........................................... 58

Performance indicators….....................................22 Three Year Delivery Program...............................23 One Year Operational Plan...................................28

Performance indicators….....................................59 Three Year Delivery Program...............................60 One Year Operational Plan...................................71

Pillar 3 - Active and accessible places and spaces...................................................... 35

Pillar 6 - Leadership and transparency...... 85

Performance indicators….....................................36 Three Year Delivery Program...............................37 One Year Operational Plan...................................40

Performance indicators….....................................86 Three Year Delivery Program...............................91 One Year Operational Plan...................................107


overall progress Customer requests



Completed within agreed times


Responded to within 14 days

Completed within agreed times

June 2019

June 2019

June 2019

72 70



90 85 80 75







62 60






80 July - Dec 17/18

Jan - June 2018

July - Dec 18/19

Jan - Jun 2019







55 July - Dec 17/18

Jan - June 2018

July - Dec 18/19

Jan - Jun 2019




Above YTD approved budget

Below YTD approved budget

June 19

June 19


July - Dec 17/18

Jan - June 2018

July - Dec 18/19


The large number represents Council's position in achieving the target for the year. The graphs represent Council's progress against the target over a two year period. Items in green met the target. Items in red fell below the target.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Jan - Jun 2019

Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T

Complete Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold

0.5% 1.5% 8% 69% 21%


Oatley Baths


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Yearly Progress Report

Pillar 1 A protected environment and green open spaces Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T

Complete Not started



On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold




• Tree Management Policy adopted

• Heritage Review of Hurstville LEP

• LGA wide foreshore review conducted

• Parks and Open Space Program

• Our Energy Future Program was held in 2019 to encourage residents to install solar power. The program had 144 resulting in 123 enquiries, 7 sales, 22 in house appointments and 46 residents considering their quotation.

• The decision to extend the community consultation of the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy has led to a delay in determining Open Space priorities.

• Completion of Meade Reserve Adventure Playground


How our planned projects are progessing in 2018/2019: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Description


Annual Target

Results to date



Number of trees planted or given away each year





July 2018 National Tree Day celebrations included a free native plant give away of over 2,500 plants and a community tree planting in Evatt Park where 1,000 trees and shrubs were planted. 314 street trees planted in 2018/19. 200 street trees are scheduled to be planted in August 2019 as part of the 5 Million Trees grant program.

Number of hectares of active bush regeneration activities

New measure




The percentage of graffiti tags removed within 48 hours





Percentage of environment pollution complaints responded to within two business days





Percentage of waste customer requests responded to within 48 hours





Planting trees for National Tree Day


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE













The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing:


Year due Status


ï 3


Goal 1.1 - Council's environmentally sustainable practices inspire everyone to protect and nuture the natural environment. Environmental Strategy - 1.1.1. Ensure the Georges River area is resilient in addressing energy, water and gas usage, sustainable buildings, waste diversion, green corridors, carbon emissions and urban design. a. Adopt and implement a Resilience Strategy for Council's services (commence 2019/20).



Request for Quotation to enable the preparation of a Resilience Strategy has been prepared for advertisement in July 2019.

b. Reduce energy use at the top 10 Council energy using sites through the Energy Management Plan.



Guidelines for the operation of a 'Revolving Energy Fund' and 'Environmental Retrofit Energy Fund' adopted in August 2019. The final Energy and Water Management Plan 2018-2022 has been prepared and will be reported to Council in late 2019.

c. Implement the Urban Forest Strategy.



Council at its meeting on 23 April 2019 adopted the Tree Management Policy which incorporates the Urban Forest Strategy. The policy is currently being implemented across Council departments.

d. Identify actions required to reduce the risks from climate change impacts on Council assets (commence 2019/20).


Actions identified and incorporated into Resilience Strategy Request for Quotation which will be advertised in July 2019.

e. Create environmental protection education programs for schools and the broader community.



Council has sponsored the Keep NSW Beautiful Enviromentors program by presenting to 62 classes totalling approximately 2,000 students. A litter audit program at a local public school, composting and worm farming workshops for the community and Speaking for the Planet event at a high school were also coordinated by Council.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Waste Strategy - 1.1.2. Use waste management contracts and practices to divert waste from landfill sites. a. Monitor contracts for green waste, recyclables, general waste clean-up services and mattress collection for compliance and develop strategies to reduce landfill deposits.


b. Delivery community education initiatives to support environmentally sustainable waste disposal and recycling practices (commence 2019-20).



Daily operational requirements of the green waste, recyclables, general waste, clean-up services and mattress collection contracts have continued. Preparations have also taken place for a refund sharing agreement (due for signing in July 2019), a new contract for mattress collection (due for signing in July 2019) and a clean-up service tender (due for release mid 2020).


Information Packs - New resident waste and recycling information pack and new business information pack were developed and distributed. Work has commenced on a new strata information pack which will be completed mid 2020. Education – Council has provided composting & worm farming workshops; presented at the Litter Congress 2019, presented to community groups regarding waste education and a worm farming practices workshop.

c. Actively participate in regional illegal dumping (RID Squad) initiatives.



The RID Squad officers work with Council staff across council boundaries to co-ordinate illegal dumping investigations regionally. Council staff regularly attend committee meetings and work with RID Squad officers on a daily basis.

Sustainability Strategy - 1.1.3. Help everyone to contribute to a more environmentally sustainable Georges River LGA


a. Undertake programs and activities to educate the community on reducing energy consumption, protecting waterways, reducing waste and taking other action to improve the environment, with a focus on climate change projects.



Our Energy Future Program - a Mayoral letter with an attached case study of a local couple who recently installed solar power, was sent to 10,000 single dwelling households in May 2019 to promote the 'Our Energy Future Program' and to encourage residents to install solar power. This resulted in 144 registrations (residents that have returned their mail slips, or registered for a quote), 123 enquiries, seven sales, 22 in-home appointments, 46 residents considering their quote.

b. Lobby the NSW Government to strengthen regulations to ensure private certifiers rigorously implement conditions of consent relating to environmental protection.


Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Natural environment Strategy - 1.1.4. Develop and implement programs to protect and conserve the natural environment. a. Implement the Urban Forest Strategy and Canopy Enhancement Program.



Council’s Tree Management Policy was adopted on 25 February 2019. The objectives of this Policy are to recognise the importance of the tree canopy throughout the City. Council was successful in obtaining grant funding under the '5 Million Trees Program'. Work has commenced to increase planting and maintenance of five-hundred trees within two newlyformed, distinct canopy corridors as per Georges River Council’s ‘Forest Roads’ Project. The trees will be planted in streets, reserves and schools, with a focus on the suburbs with the least urban tree canopy cover. Tree species have been selected and notification letters sent to residents. Trees have been sourced and tree planting contractors have been engaged. The first 200 trees are to be planted in August 2019.

b. Implement Council's Bush Regeneration Program to protect, conserve and enhance the natural environment.



Bush regeneration activities included, but was not limited to weed eradication, habitat protection and revegetation in 120ha of bushland.

Goal 1.2 -The LGA's waterways are healthy and accessible. Waterways Strategy - 1.2.1. Use our role on the Georges River Combined Councils' Committee (GRCCC) to lobby State

agencies and other stakeholders for a protected and enhanced Georges River.

a. Represent Council's ambitions for the Georges River through the GRCCC.



Council's Coordinator Environment, Sustainability and Waste is the host manager for the GRCC and attends all meetings and events coordinated by the GRCCC, to represent Council's ambitions for the Georges River.

b. Continue work to understand and manage how climate change affects foreshores and coastlines.


Council is developing key strategic and planning documents including the Local Strategic Planning Statement, new Development Control Plan, Carbon Footprint Mapping Project and assisting the Georges Riverkeeper in the development of the Coastal Management Plan, which will ensure Council is prepared to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the Foreshore area.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Marine and foreshore assets Strategy - 1.2.2. Maintain marine and foreshore assets in a safe and functional condition. a. Maintain marine and foreshore assets in a safe and functional condition and upgrade as required.



Council is currently undertaking an extensive Foreshore Access Improvement Plan. The Plan will address the follow issues; coastal vulnerability area mapping, foreshore protection and environmentally friendly seawalls, foreshore access and waterway use, linkages across the LGA. Major upgrade to Carss Bush Park foreshore is nearing completion, including development of environmentally friendly seawall and elevated boardwalk to improve both waterway health and accessibility.

Goal 1.3 Everyone has access to beautiful parks and open spaces. Open space Strategy - 1.3.1. Ensure all public parks and open spaces are accessible, well-maintained and managed to meet

the recreational needs of current and future residents.

a. Implement the annual Parks and Open Space Improvement Programs.



All 2018/19 Infrastructure Plus Playgrounds Replacement and Open Space Improvement works have been completed within the required time frames and budgets. There were additional playground upgrades that were completed this year, including Meade Reserve Adventure Playground, Connells Point Reserve and McRaes Park. In addition to playgrounds, other open space improvement projects completed included Ken Rosewall Tennis Court upgrades, shade sail installations at The Green Playground Kyle Bay, automated lighting installations at Peakhurst and Gannons Parks and Netball upgrades at Poulton Park and Olds Park.

b. Use the findings of the Recreation and Open Space Strategy to guide forward works programs and budgets.


Commencement of project delayed due to Council's decision to extend the public exhibition of the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy. The Strategy was adopted by Council in August 2019, prioritisation of work programs and budgets will occur in 2019/20.

Plans of management Strategy - 1.3.2. Review Plans of Management for sporting fields, parks, open space and bushland in the LGA. a. Continue the review of Plans of Management for sporting fields, parks, open space and bushland within the LGA.




During 2018/19 Council continued to review plans of management for sporting fields, parks, open space and bushland within the LGA. A program to address the reqirements of the Crown Land Management Act commenced on 1 July 2018 which provides a method for incorporating all 26 of Council's Crown Land Reserves into a Plan of Management by July 2021.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Resilient Design Principles Strategy - 1.3.3. Understand the potential impacts of climate change when developing design principles for parks and open spaces. a. Incorporate design principles for parks and open spaces that promote resilience.



Current works include Carss Park Environmental Foreshore Renewal Project, Hurstville Oval Plan of Management and Olds Park Landscape Masterplan. Significant upgrades to Gannons Park including restoration and protection of Upper Boggywell Creek, sporting field irrigation and drainage. Peakhurst Park synthetic sports field. Feasibility of sustainable irrigation systems being investigated for Beverly Hills Park, Evatt Park, Harold Fraser Oval and Parkside Drive Reserve.

Open Space and Recreation Strategy Strategy - 1.3.4. Use the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy to inform the provision

of parks and open space.

a. Continue to implement the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.



The Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy was adopted by Council in August 2019. Implementation of the Strategy will commence in 2019/20.

Goal 1.4 Local heritage is protected and promoted. Conservation and heritage Strategy - 1.4.1. Recognise the LGA's local heritage through heritage listings in LEPs and protection policies in


a. Finalise the review of the Hurstville LEP heritage Schedule as part of the comprehensive LEP for the Georges River LGA.



Historical research and analysis are complete. The discrepancies in historical and fabric statements between the existing State Heritage Inventory forms and the preliminary investigations that were noted in Stage 1 of the review have been found to be even more significant than anticipated. As a result the consultant has done original historical research for all items using all historical resources. Dates of construction have also been obtained for almost all items within a 2-5 year period.

b. Review existing DCPs to update heritage guidelines.



Stage 3 of the Hurstville LEP Heritage review which involves updating and revising the State Heritage Inventory forms for all properties recommended for retention as heritage items is still underway. This will include a statement of significance for each heritage item. Council appointed SJB Planning in early May 2019 to prepare DCP - Stage 2. An inception meeting was held with SJB on 17 May 2019. This stage of the GRC DCP 2020 will incorporate the heritage controls. Stage 2 of the DCP is due for completion by December 2020.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Heritage assets Strategy - 1.4.2. Capitalise on opportunities to recognise heritage assets in Council services and programs. a. Celebrate heritage in the annual program of Council run and Council supported events.



As part of the annual Historical Markers Program the following five markers were endorsed to be installed in Q1 19/20: Collaroy House, Peakhurst; ‘Ellesmere’ Camp, Sans Souci; English Family, Kogarah; Paramount/Hoyts Cinema, Mortdale; William Currey VC MLA, Kogarah. The Georges River Libraries Local Studies team took part in the annual Heritage Festival, hosting walking tours to uncover the history of Netstrata Jubilee Stadium and hosting the film launch of ‘Memories of Moorefield’, by Anne Field, recipient of the Georges River Council Heritage Publications Grant. Over the year, almost 300 people were engaged in heritage related programs.


b. Implement the annual Historical Markers Program to create awareness of the history, heritage and cultural identity of the Georges River area.



The official launch of the Historical Markers Program occurred in Q1, followed by a bus tour guided by Council's Local Studies Officer. 12 submissions were received with the following five markers being endorsed in Q4 to be installed in Q1 2019/20: Collaroy House, Peakhurst; ‘Ellesmere’ camp, Sans Souci; English Family, Kogarah; Paramount/Hoyts Cinema, Mortdale; William Currey VC MLA, Kogarah.

c. Develop and maintain public programs through the Hurstville Museum & Gallery that exemplify the history of the St George region.



Hurstville Museum & Gallery has received consistent bookings for regular programs including ‘Baby Explorers’, ‘Tactile Tours, ‘Reminiscing Sessions’ and ‘Art in the Courtyard’, with additional bookings from private groups for selected programs, proving these services are strongly desired by the community.

d. Retain and maintain properties with heritage significance through an annual Heritage Building Grants Program.



The grants program for 2018/19 was completed in Q4 with a total of $45,383 being granted to owners of heritage items.Council has reimbursed a total of 13 out of 17 successful applicants. Two applicants did not respond to any letters and a further two withdrew due to time constraints.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Bee Hotel



 16

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The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing:




Goal 1.1 - Council's environmentally sustainable practices inspire everyone to protect and nuture the natural environment. Environmental Strategy - 1.1.1. Ensure the Georges River area is resilient in addressing energy, water and gas usage, sustainable buildings, waste diversion, green corridors, carbon emissions and urban design. Develop an Energy Management Plan for Council's top 10 energy using sites


A report which established a priority list of actions and funding mechanisms to implement the Energy and Water Management Plan 2018-2022 was approved by Council's Executive in December 2018. The guidelines for the operation of a 'Revolving Energy Fund' and 'Environmental Retrofit Energy Fund' were adopted by Council's Executive in August 2019. The final Energy and Water Management Plan 2018-2022 will be reported towards the end of 2019.

Develop an Urban Forest Strategy

Council at its meeting on 23 April 2019 adopted the Tree Management Policy which includes the Urban Forest Strategy.

Waste Strategy - 1.1.2. Use waste management contracts and practices to divert waste from landfill sites. Implement a new contract for the processing and disposal of general waste for the former Hurstville Council area.

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Implement a new contract for the processing of garden organics for the Georges River LGA.

 

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Implement a new contact for the collection and disposal of waste from park and public litter bins for the former Kogarah Council area.


Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Sustainability Strategy - 1.1.3. Help everyone to contribute to a more environmentally sustainable Georges River LGA. Develop a program to educate the community on reducing energy consumption and protecting the environment.

A Mayoral letter with an attached case study of a local couple who recent installed solar power was sent to 10,000 single dwelling households in May 2019 to promote the Our Energy Future Program and to encourage residents to install solar power. This resulted in 144 registrations (residents that have returned their mail slips, or registered for a quote), 123 enquiries, seven sales, 22 inhome appointments, 46 residents considering their quote. Fox Management Program - Distributed 2,500 fox education guides to properties in suburbs of high fox activity.

Advocate to the NSW Government for stronger regulations to ensure private certifiers rigorously implement conditions of consent relating to soil erosion and tree protection.

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Natural environment Strategy - 1.1.4. Develop and implement programs to protect and conserve the natural environment. Implement the 2018-19 Bushland Regeneration Program.

Bush regeneration across the local government area is on track with activities including external contracts and volunteer programs.

Goal 1.2 -The LGA's waterways are healthy and accessible. Waterways Strategy - 1.2.1. Use our role on the Georges River Combined Councils' Committee (GRCCC) to lobby State agencies and other stakeholders for a protected and enhanced Georges River. Be an active partner at all GRCCC meetings and events.

Research the effects of climate change on foreshores and coastlines.

ï 

Council's Coordinator Environment, Sustainability and Waste is the host manager for the GRCC and attends all meetings and events coordinated by the GRCCC, to represent Council's ambitions for the Georges River. Staff have participated in a Strategic Planning workshop to assist in developing baseline data for future reference to measure impacts. Council has also obtained valuable information on how climate change will affect the foreshore and coastlines through: participation in the development of the Resilient Cities Strategy; working with SSROC on the Carbon Footprint Mapping Project (which will assist Council to develop a Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy), and being a major collaborator with the Georges Riverkeeper in the development of the Coastal Management Plan.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Marine and foreshore assets Strategy - 1.2.2. Maintain marine and foreshore assets in a safe and functional condition. Inspect foreshore assets every six months.


Asset inspections completed by Parks Officer for foreshore assets. Minor works and maintenance undertaken as required.

Goal 1.3 Everyone has access to beautiful parks and open spaces. Open space Strategy - 1.3.1. Ensure all public parks and open spaces are accessible, well-maintained and managed to meet the recreational needs of current and future residents. Implement the 2018-19 Parks and Open Space Improvement Program.


90% of projects have been completed included major and minor works across all parks. These include new amenities buildings at Claydon Reserve, Renown Park, several new playgrounds include Meade Park, new drinking fountains, resurfacing basketball courts at Stuart Park, additional picnic shelters and seating. Delivery behind schedule due to quantity of projects and several additional grant funded open space projects.

Implement the 2018-19 Playground Asset Replacement Program.

All 2018/19 Infrastructure Plus Playgrounds Replacement and Open Space Improvement works have been completed. Additional playground upgrades were also completed this year which include Meade Reserve Adventure Playground, Connells Point Reserve and McRaes Park. In addition Ken Rosewall Tennis Court upgrades and Netball upgrades at Poulton Park and Olds Park were also completed.

Plans of management Strategy - 1.3.2. Review Plans of Management for sporting fields, parks, open space and bushland in the LGA.


Prepare a program to review the Plans of Management, including setting priorities and funding sources.

Complete, as reported in half yearly report.

Commence reviews of high priority actions identified in the Plans of Management Review Program.

Two Plans of Management are under review - Hurstville Oval and Olds Park. Request for quotations are currently on Tender link for Carss Bush Park/Todd Park and for the review, update and consolidation of the six generic Plans of Management for both former councils. Draft briefs have been prepared for the former Oatley Bowling Club site, Sans Souci Park, Moore Reserve and Donnelly Park.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Resilient design principles Strategy - 1.3.3. Understand the potential impacts of climate change when developing design principles for parks and open spaces. Develop parks and open space design principles to promote resilience.

Environmentally sustainable design principles that promote resilience were incorporated into Council's project specifications. Examples include the use of recycled rubber infill called SBR on our synthetic fields made from old car tyres. The Myles Dunphy Reserve Boardwalk was constructed from Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) – recycled plastic to prevent erosion in the reserve. The Carss Park Environmentally Friendly Seawall Project which aims to restore habitat and natural ecosystem process is nearing completion. The Gannons Park Water Quality Improvement Scheme which will introduce a sustainable water management scheme to the reserve to recycle stormwater for irrigation has also incorporated an FRP boardwalk. Additionally all clay, topsoil and sandstone that is excavated on site as part of the construction is being reused on site in other areas of construction and large quantities of our own topsoil from other sites within the LGA have been used saving funds on purchase of new materials and disposal.

Open Space and Recreation Strategy Strategy - 1.3.4. Use the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy to inform the provision of parks and open space. Identify open space and recreation priorities based on the findings of the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.


Council's Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy was adopted by Council in August 2019. Implementation of the Strategy will commence in 2019/20.

Goal 1.4 Local heritage is protected and promoted. Conservation and heritage Strategy - 1.4.1. Recognise the LGA's local heritage through heritage listings in LEPs and protection policies in DCPs. Complete LGA wide foreshore review.

The recommendations in the Strategic Directions: Character and Visual Amenity will be included in the GRC DCP 2020 and the recommendations of the Local Planning Controls Review will be incorporated into the GRC LEP 2020.


Program/Project Complete heritage review of Hurstville LEP.



Comment Historical research and analysis: complete. The discrepancies in historical and fabric statements between the existing State Heritage Inventory (SHI) forms and the preliminary investigations that were noted in Stage 1 of the review have been found to be even more significant than anticipated. As a result the consultant has done original historical research for all items using all historical resources. Dates of construction have also been obtained for almost all items within a 2-5 year period. Also identified is the chronology of occupants and uses of the shops and businesses of the items in the town centre. A master table has been compiled of all surviving buildings (that are heritage items) built pre 1910 in chronological order, and thus identify the oldest surviving example of each type of building and type of construction, both by precinct/suburb and across the former Hurstville LGA. Uploading of all inventory sheets into the SHI database is underway.

Heritage assets Strategy - 1.4.2. Capitalise on opportunities to recognise heritage assets in Council services and programs. Implement the 2018-19 Heritage Building Grants Program.

Council has reimbursed 13 out of 17 successful applicants. Two applicants did not respond to any letters and a further two applicants withdrew due to time constraints.

Conduct a heritage information session for owners of heritage listed properties.


A heritage information session for owners of heritage listed properties was held in May 2018. The next heritage information session will be held after the completion of Stage 3 of the Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 2012 heritage review. This review is due for completion at the end of 2019.

Develop and implement targeted school based and public programs for the Hurstville Museum & Gallery.

The Museum & Gallery continues to receive consistent bookings for school education programs, primarily primary school students. Over the year steps have been taken to boost high school engagement with education programs, in particular, for the Beyond the Bowl exhibition. In June 2019, the Museum & Gallery’s Artist in Residence, Soupsue, facilitated a targeted program to a local Intensive English Centre. The program aimed to introduce students to the local history and environment of the St George area through a variety of activities to promote connectivity to community and landscape. An introductory video was also developed to promote a new Museum on the Move kit available to schools, focusing on migration stories.

Deliver an annual Heritage Publications Grant program.


Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Pillar 2

Quality, well planned development Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T




Not started


On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold




• Community consultation on Local Strategic Planning Statement

• Upgrades to Netstrata Jubilee Oval Stadium

• New Development Advisory Service

• Design Review Panel

• Community participation in Strategic Land Use Planning






Annual Target

Results to date



Number of DAs determined




Not achieved

Council determined a total of 672 applications in 2018/19 and rejected 118 applications. 375 applications were determined between July - December including 288 Das, 32 Modifications and 5 Reviews.

Number of DAs determined by IHAP.





Number of DAs determined by the Regional Planning Panel.




Not achieved

A total of 7 applications have been determined this year by the Regional Planning Panel. This is significantly reduced from the target as many application were appealed to the NSW Land & Environment Court and the consent authority changed.

Community participation in strategic land use planning.

New measure

1% of the population of Georges River LGA for LGA wide community consultations.



Two LGA wide engagement activities occurred regarding strategic planning - the Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) development and the Planning Proposal for Low Rise Medium Density Residential Code. Almost 1,200 people participated in the LSPS engagement by either attending a workshop, visiting a pop up session, or completing a survey. In addition the LSPS page on Council's engagement platform received over 4,000 visits with 2,415 people becoming aware of the project. Engagement for the Planning Proposal was also high with over 100 submissions, 200 surveys and 191 phone messages received. In addition the LSPS page on Council's engagement platform received over 1,800 visits with 1,200 people becoming aware of the project.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE













The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing: Program/Project

Year due Status


ï 6


Goal 2.1 - Sustainable development delivers better amenity and liveability of the community and the environment. LGA-wide planning Strategy - 2.1.1. Prepare a comprehensive LEP for the entire LGA to improve and standardise development controls and regulations. a. Prepare a Local Environmental Plan (LEP) for the Georges River LGA.



Council at its Meeting held 23 April 2019 endorsed a staged approach to the new LEP as follows: a. LEP 2020 to focus on Harmonisation and Housing, b. LEP 2022 to focus on Jobs and Activation, c. LEP 2025 to focus on land use changes beyond the next 5 years.

Master planning Strategy - 2.1.1. Prepare a comprehensive LEP for the entire LGA to improve and standardise development controls and regulations. a. Complete the Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy.


At its meeting on 25 June 2018, Council considered the Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy, including the submissions received and in part resolved to endorse the Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy as a strategic planning document that will inform the preparation of the LEP and DCP controls for the Hurstville City Centre excluding the additional capacity areas.

b. Prepare a comprehensive DCP for the entire Georges River LGA.



Council has commenced the Georges River Development Control Plan with Stages 1 (notification requirements), 2 (general and industrial controls) and 3 (residential controls and precincts) well underway.

c. Complete the Masterplan for Beverly Hills.



The Masterplan is split into two phases. Phase 1 was received by Council at its Meeting held 23 April 2019. Phase 2 will involve the preparation of a Masterplan that will recommend a future development strategy for the area to address development pressure, a deteriorating urban fabric, poor public domain and lack of activation in the Centre. The Masterplan will recommend changes to land use and built form controls in a future comprehensive Georges River LEP. City Plan were appointed on 29 May 2019 to prepare Phase 2. An inception meeting with the project team was held on 18 June 2019.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Development Assessment Strategy - 2.1.3. Continue rigorous assessment of development applications (DAs) including compliance with DCPs, aesthetic qualities and environmental initiatives. a. Review the policy and procedures for community feedback on development applications, including neighbour notifications.


A preliminary review of the process has been undertaken. Formal processes have been implemented by using the CRM system to track return phone calls to customers. A more detailed review will be undertaken in conjunction with the roll out of the eServices systems such as track, lodge, plan and assess.

Monitoring Communications Strategy - 2.1.4. Ensure high quality reporting and DA assessment by Council staff, Local Planning Panels and the Sydney South Planning Panel. a. Conduct community information sessions on development and building matters.


Two free public information sessions were held, one for residents on 30 April 2019 and one for building professionals on 22 May 2019. Approximately 29 participants attended the sessions. The purpose of the sessions was to outline the range of services offered by the Development Advisory Services Team and to explain the complying development and development application processes.

Design Review Panel Strategy - 2.1.5. Utilise Council's Design Review Panel to provide independent and expert advice on the design quality of planning proposals and multi-storey developments that meet the review criteria. a. Review the performance and outcomes of the Design Review Panel to improve efficiencies.


This project is not scheduled to commence until 2019/20 as stated in half yearly report.

Fire Safety Strategy - 2.1.6. Adopt an effective Fire Safety Program. a. Adopt and implement a Fire Safety Program Ongoing that maintains buldings with essential fire services to safeguard the community.



Council continues to manage the annual Fire Safety Statement Register in addition to undertaking inspections of premises where fire safety concerns are raised. In addition, an additional fire cladding audit was undertaken by Council to create a visual audit of all properties within the amalgamated LGA and compile a list of properties for the NSW Department of Planning, and Fire and Rescue NSW to follow up with property owners.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Goal 2.2 - The community helps to plan the LGA's future. Community engagement Strategy - 2.2.1. Use community consultation and feedback to guide a comprehensive set of planning and development strategies that are incorporated into LEPs and Council policies. a. Review community consultation and feedback practices for LEPs and Council policies.



Detail obtained from all development submissions is recorded in application assessment reports. Feedback on controls is provided to strategic planning for review and potential incorporation into the new comprehensive development controls for the LGA. Council is working on a policy to manage inconsistencies between Hurstville and Kogarah DCP provisions and inform future planning controls.

b. Provide ongoing education to the community about the development approval process, including the role of the NSW Government.



New Development Advisory Services have been implemented in addition to the release of a new website for the preDA service. This includes an ability to make an online booking to come in and talk to our Duty Planners, a new DA form with a matrix outlining what detail is required to be submitted, and a new DA Guide which provide specific information on what detail each report / plan is required to include. Additional services including industry and resident development nights have been undertaken and are continuing.

Georges River Council's Mayor Kevin Greene at Speaking 4 the Planet 25

3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Goal 2.3 - Council-led development and assets provide quality, long-term benefits to everyone. Strategy - 2.3.1. Ensure quality design and sustainability principles underpin the provision of Council facilities and other assets. a. Expand Council's security and CCTV systems to improve public safety and accessibility.



CCTV network operating effectively throughout 2019, additional funding likely for the expansion of CCTV network in Hurstville CBD area. CCTV procedure manual currently being developed with investigation into additional mobile cameras to address 'hot spots' or determine feasibility for new permanent installations. Security review of all existing systems by new contractor completed.

b. Expand Council's solar panel network to additional and existing buildings.



In December 2018, Council's Executive approved an action plan for a range of new plant and equipment including solar panels which will reduce Council's energy consumption. Guidelines for the operation of a 'Revolving Energy Fund' and 'Environmental Retrofit Energy Fund' which will be used to fund the action plan have been developed and will be presented to the Executive for approval mid 2019.

c. Implement more environmentally friendly building practices and products.



Standardised designs for new building projects that incorporate quality design and sustainable principles. Significant inventory review completed and works commenced to identify projects that will deliver efficiency gains. Projects implemented to date include; hot water service timers, two new boiler replacements, powerfactor correction installed and at Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre, Jubilee Oval power monitoring underway, major BMS upgrade to ensure automatic controls and timers are optimised. Energy monitoring software portal implemented for top 10 energy using sites.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status

d. Forward plan, and investigate funding for, major rollouts of sustainable materials.



Comment The standardised building plans developed this year promotes the use of sustainable materials and design principles. This includes the use of passive lighting and thermal efficiency (airflow), recycled materials where possible and sensor operated LED lights, The Norm O’Neill Cricket Centre build used 'Bondor' insulated roofing panels which provide superior thermal performance for greater energy efficiency. Our synthetic fields use recycled rubber infill called SBR and we specify recycled rubber in our playground softfall. The Myles Dunphy Reserve boardwalk was constructed from Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP), a recycled plastic. The Gannons Park stormwater scheme which will harvest, treat & recycle stormwater for irrigation also includes a FRP boardwalk. All clay, topsoil and sandstone excavated on site is being reused elsewhere on site and we have imported large quantities of topsoil from other council sites within the LGA to avoid purchasing additional materials.

Hydropanels at Hurstville Aquatic Centre.



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The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing:




Goal 2.1 - Sustainable development delivers better amenity and liveability of the community and the environment. LGA-wide planning Strategy - 2.1.1. Prepare a comprehensive LEP for the entire LGA to improve and standardise development controls and regulations. Prepare a Local Strategic Planning Statement for the Georges River LGA.

Preparations for the Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS), which is due to the Department of Planning and Environment in December 2019, are well underway and on track to meet the departments deadline. Workshops with Councillors on the development of the LSPS were delivered in December 2018, February 2019, March 2019 and April 2019. The LSPS two staged community engagement program began in March 2019 and reached its target of 1% of the community being engaged. Over 400 community members took part in the workshops, with a clear majority of participants being satisfied with the program. Additional to the workshops was engagement via ‘pop-ups’, targeted consultation with community and business groups and website engagement. Community members were generally supportive of the LSPS framework as presented but recommendations were made as to the specific words used. Council was briefed on the initial outcomes of Stage 1 Community Engagement on 18 March. Further feedback from the community has also been sought via two surveys, a Housing Survey and a Commercial Centres Survey. 429 people completed the Housing Survey and 314 people completed the Commercial Centres Survey. The results of these surveys generally reinforced the community’s messaging from the workshops. The data collected will be a significant resource in the drafting of the LGA’s Housing Strategy and Commercial Centres Strategy. Changes to the framework resulting from Stage 1 Community Engagement were presented at Council Briefing on 1 April and 15 April. Council at its Meeting held 23 April 2019 noted the revised draft LSPS 2040 framework comprising the vision, local planning priorities and criteria for determining future land use resolved and endorsed the draft LSPS 2040 to proceed to public exhibition.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Start developing a new LEP for the Georges River LGA.

Council at its meeting held 23 April 2019 endorsed a staged approach to the new LEP as follows: a. LEP 2020 to focus on Harmonisation and Housing, b. LEP 2022 to focus on Jobs and Activation, c. LEP 2025 to focus on land use changes beyond the next 5 years.

Start developing a Housing Strategy for the Georges River LGA.

Council engaged the consultant Hill PDA in December 2018 to prepare the Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program for the Georges River Local Government Area (LGA). Council on 24 June 2019 endorsed the findings of the Assessment of Housing Needs (Stage 1 Report) of the Inclusive Housing Strategy. The Stage 1 Report will be exhibited as a supporting document with the Local Strategic Planning Statement in June-August 2019. It is anticipated that the complete report on the Inclusive Housing Strategy will be exhibited along with the Georges River LEP.

Master planning Strategy - 2.1.2. Prepare a comprehensive DCP for the LGA to guide development in the LGA. Start developing a new DCP for the Georges River LGA.

Council appointed SJB Planning in May 2019 to prepare the DCP – Stage 2. Workshop No.1 with internal staff was held on 27 June 2019. The brief for Stage 3 of the Georges River DCP relating to Residential Controls and Precincts was prepared and placed out for request for quotations in June. Council also adopted the Interim Policy – Georges River DCP 2020 which sets out a consistent approach for the assessment of residential development within the Georges River LGA, until such a time as a comprehensive DCP is prepared and implemented. The Interim Policy is a public document used by planners in their assessment of residential DAs. It will ensure that assessment is consistent across the LGA.





Development Assessment Strategy - 2.1.3. Continue rigorous assessment of development applications (DAs) including compliance with DCPs, aesthetic qualities and environmental initiatives. Develop and implement the Development and Building Customer Focused Program.

New Development Advisory Services have been implemented in addition to the release of a new website for the preDA service. A new process for recording and responding to customer phone calls and requests with regular monitoring was implemented with the new eTrack online DA tracker.

Monitoring Communications Strategy - 2.1.4 Ensure high quality reporting and DA assessment by Council staff, local planning panels and the Sydney South Planning Panel. Review development and building templates to increase efficiency.

A number of templates such as application forms and notification letters have been updated. This is an ongoing process which will continue as part of normal business operations.

Review the Local Planning Panel process.

The new Local Planning Panel commenced in March 2018 as per EPA Act 1979. A review of practices was undertaken in 2018/19 and will be continuously reviewed to ensure practices are up to date to meet changing Ministerial directions, legislative changes and Code of Conduct requirements.

Design Review Panel Strategy - 2.1.5. Utilise Council's Design Review Panel to provide independent and expert advice on the design quality of planning proposals and multi-storey developments that meet the review criteria. Commence the review of the Design Review Panel.



As a result of the pre work associated with developing the new Development Advisory Service which include updating forms, clearly outlining submission requirements etc, the review of the Design Review Panel was rescheduled to be undertaken in 2019/20.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Fire Safety Strategy - 2.1.6. Adopt an effective fire safety program. Audit high-risk buildings.


Council continues to manage the annual fire safety statement register in addition to undertaking inspections of premises where fire safety concerns are raised. An additional fire cladding audit was undertaken by Council to create a visual audit of all properties within the amalgamated LGA and compile a list of properties for the NSW Department of Planning, and Fire and Rescue NSW to follow up with property owners. A new fire safety protocol has been developed and will be forwarded to the Executive for approval in August 2019.

Maintain a high submission rate of Annual Fire Safety Statements.


Council continues to manage the annual fire safety statement register in addition to undertaking inspections of premises where fire safety concerns are raised. A New Fire Safety protocol has been developed and will be forwarded to the Executive Team for approval in August 2019

Goal 2.2 - The community helps to plan the LGA's future. Community engagement Strategy - 2.2.1. Use community consultation and feedback to guide a comprehensive set of planning and development strategies that are incorporated into LEPs and Council policies. Develop and implement a community information program about the development process.

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A new Development Advisory Service has been implemented in addition to the release of a new website for the preDA service. This includes an ability to make an online booking to come in a talk to a duty planners, a new DA form with a matrix outlining what detail is required to be submitted and a new DA guide which provides specific information on what detail each report / plan is required to include. Additional services including industry and resident development nights have also been held.





Goal 2.3 - Council-led development and assets provide quality, long-term benefits to everyone. Strategy - 2.3.1. Ensure quality design and sustainability principles underpin the provision of Council facilities and other assets. Investigate suitable building materials and procedures for Netstrata Jubilee Stadium roof extension.


The Jubilee Stadium roof extension project did not proceed. Council has standardised plans for amenities buildings that incorporate quality design and sustainability principles. These include: passive lighting and thermal efficiency (airflow), use of recycled materials where possible such as composite timber in seating, benches and racks; LED sensor lights which are not activated until its dark and that remain dimed until they sense movement. The Norm O’Neill Cricket Training Facility utilised Bondor insulated roofing panels which offer superior thermal performance for greater energy efficiency. The design brief for Hurstville Oval pavilion includes a green roof and Council staff will work with architects to incorporate environmentally friendly building practices where possible into the designs for the Golf Course and Hurstville Oval Pavilions.

Upgrade HVAC System at Hurstville Library to deliver a more comfortable environment. Review essential services to improve building security, compliance and certification.

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Completed, as stated in half yearly report.

New contracts in place for fire, mechanical, plumbing, HVAC, cleaning and lifts maintenance. All service providers required to complete asset management review as part of incoming contract. Significant inventory review completed and works commenced to improve compliance and certification. RCD electrical board protection installed in all library and childcare circuits. New security contract for all Council facilities commenced April 2019. Security review of all existing systems by new contractor completed. New locksmith contract in place with standardised key system continuing to be rolled out across all Council facilities and park assets.

Increase presentation and operation of entertainment and public structures.


Significant repainting program completed across community facilities and childcare centres, air conditioning upgrades to Hurstville Senior Citizens and Penshurst Library, RCD electrical board protection roll out underway.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Volunteers at Hurstville Library and Service Centre


Myles Dunphy Reserve Boardwalk, constructed from Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP)


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Pillar 3

Active and accessible places and spaces Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

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Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold




• Completed Hurstville CBD TMAP

• Car Parking Strategy

• Construction of accessible toilet with adult change table at Carss Park

• Ausgrid Live Work Ban

• Road safety devices and road resheeting program

• Drainage works • The decision to extend the community consultation of the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy led to a delay in determining open space priorities.





Results to date


Civil design completion rate.

New measure




Maintain the Asset Renewal Ratio above industry benchmarks.




Not Achieved

Percentage of utility restorations completed within timeframe advised.






This performance measure is calculated annually as part of annual financial statements. 2018/19 figure is due in August 2019. Current estimate for renewal ratio is estimated to be 92%. Current estimated depreciation expense for infrastructure will increase to approximately $16M, however Total asset renewals will also increase to $14.75M.

Hurstville CBD


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE













The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing:


Year due Status




Goal 3.1 - The LGA has a range of transport options to connect people, goods and businesses. Parking supply Strategy - 3.1.1. Lobby for improved commuter car parking and manage local parking supply, including around train stations, to enhance business vitality and encourage public transport use, cycling and walking. a. Implement the recommendations of a new Car Parking Strategy.



The draft Georges River Council Car Parking Strategy, Council’s position paper on the draft Strategy recommendations and relevant Council reports will be on public exhibition from 24 July 2019 until 25 September 2019. After exhibition, the draft Strategy will be reported back to Council.

Integrated transport and land use planning Strategy - 3.1.2. Work with the NSW Government to develop an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan and a 20Year Precinct Plan as part of Future Transport 2056 initiatives. a. Work with State agencies to deliver improved transport outcomes for the Hurstville City Centre area based on the recommendations of the Hurstville CBD TMAP.



At its meeting on 24 June 2019, Council endorsed the Hurstville City Centre Transport Management and Accessibility Plan (TMAP) 2018. Now that the TMAP has been endorsed the next step is to work with transport authorities in relation to specific recommendations in the TMAP Report.

b. Draft an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan, including a 20Year Precinct Plan, as part of the Future Transport 2056, for public exhibition.



The new (city wide) Transport Strategy was not funded in the 2018/19 Budget however work is underway that will feed into the Strategy including the Hurstville Transport Management Accessibility Plan (TMAP) and the Kogarah Local Environmental Plan 2013 Transport/ Traffic Study.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Goal 3.2 - Roads, footpaths and cycleways are safe, accessible and free of congestion. Capital Works Strategy - 3.2.2. Implement a program of capital and maintenance to meet the needs of current and future users of Council's infrastructure assets. a. Develop and implement the annual infrastructure Works Program, including a Town Centres Public Domain Program.



All civil works at Central Plaza are complete with the exception of Ausgrid commissioning work which has been delayed indefinitely due to Ausgrid’s live work ban. The Ausgrid ban has also halted the progress of the Forest Road Stage 2 footpath upgrade which delayed the commissioning of new work and the installation of new light poles and removal of old poles. All other footpath works scheduled for the year were completed. Mortdale and Ormonde Parade Town Centre upgrade designs are being finalised and these works are being carried over into the 2019/20 financial year.

Large-scale infrastructure Strategy - 3.2.3. Collaborate with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure and planning projects. a. Develop plans with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects, including projects recommended in the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy.



This project is not scheduled to commence until 2019/20, as stated in half yearly report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Goal 3.3 - Everyone, including people with disability, navigates the LGA in safety. Accessibility and inclusivity Strategy - 3.3.1. Implement the GRC Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). a. Engage with and support the local business community to provide more accessible and inclusive services to people of all abilities.



Across the 2018/19 year, local businesses have been provided with information and opportunities to increase their accessibility for the community. The ongoing provision of the Winning Business Guide, the Small Business Expo and the more recent development of the Hurstville CBD access maps all contribute to Council's approach of engaging with and supporting local business to drive a more accessible and inclusive local economy.

b. Increase the accessibility and inclusiveness of Council community and major events through accessibility assessments and community feedback.



A report on the use of MLAK keys and the locking of accessible facilities across the LGA.will be reviewed by Council's Executive in Q1 2019/20. Council have recently opened an adult change facility in Carss Bush Park. This location attracts many visitors and locals each year and is a location for some of Council's major events. Another feature of the accessibility assessments carried out by Council's events team has meant plans for a viewing platform and ramps for upcoming summer festivals.

c. Provide disability awareness training to staff to build confidence in working with and providing services to people with disability.



Disability awareness training incorporated in the 2018-2020 Ready Set Grow Learning Program which offers Appreciating Diversity in Others training workshops. Training approved for roll out in 2019/20.

Goal 3.4 - Everyone has access to a range of active and passive recreation facilities. Open space and recreation Strategy - 3.4.1. Guided by the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy, provide contemporary passive and active recreation spaces, aquatic facilities, synthetic fields, community centres and libraries. a. Plan and consider funding for, and commence a program of capital works and service adjustments that respond to the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy, and improve opportunities for the community to participate in sporting, exercise and leisure activities.


This project is not scheduled to commence until 2020/21, as stated in half yearly report.

b. Complete Plans of Management for all sporting fields in the Georges River LGA.



Plans of Management currently underway for Olds Park and Hurstville Oval / Timothy Reserve. These plans will consider and address site unification and identity, access and circulation, leisure, sport and recreation, buildings and facilities, landscape character and environment, leases and licences and park management. Olds Park Masterplan currently on public exhibition. 39

1 Year Operational Plan Projects COMPLETE



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The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing: Program/Project



Goal 3.1 - The LGA has a range of transport options to connect people, goods and businesses. Parking supply Strategy - 3.1.1. Lobby for improved commuter car parking and manage local parking supply, including around train stations, to enhance business vitality and encourage public transport use, cycling and walking. Develop a car parking strategy for the commercial centres in the Georges River LGA.


Council, at its meeting on 27 May 2019 resolved to exhibit the draft Georges River Council Car Parking Strategy and a position paper prepared by Council on the recommendations of the draft Strategy for a minimum of 60 days. The draft Strategy applies to the business zoned land under the Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Kogarah Local Environmental Plan 2012. The draft Strategy, Council’s position paper on the draft Strategy recommendations and relevant reports will be on public exhibition from 24 July 2019 until 25 September 2019.

Integrated transport and land use planning Strategy - 3.1.2. Work with the NSW Government to develop an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan and a 20Year Precinct Plan as part of Future Transport 2056 initiatives.


Complete the Hurstville CBD TMAP.

At its meeting on 24 June 2019, Council endorsed the Hurstville City Centre Transport Management and Accessibility Plan (TMAP) 2018.

Commence work on an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan.


Carried over, as stated in half yearly report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Goal 3.2 - Roads, footpaths and cycleways are safe, accessible and free of congestion. Capital Works Strategy - 3.2.2. Implement a program of capital and maintenance works to meet the needs of current and future users of Council's infrastructure assets. Develop and deliver the 2018-19 capital works program for new construction and renewals.


All civil works at Central Plaza are complete with the exception of Ausgrid commissioning work which has been delayed indefinitely due to Ausgrid’s live work ban. The Ausgrid ban has also halted the progress of the Forest Road Stage 2 footpath upgrade which delayed the commissioning of new work and the installation of new light poles and removal of old poles. All other footpath works for the year are complete. Mortdale and Ormonde Parade Town Centre designs are being finalised.

Develop and deliver the 2018-19 road resheeting program. Develop a Risk Management plan for roads, footpaths and cycleways.

The 2018/19 road re-sheeting program is 100% complete.

Deliver the 2018-19 Drainage Upgrade Program including new and replacement works.


There are six outstanding jobs to complete. The funds for these will be carried over to the 2019/20 budget.

Design and construct road safety devices. Design and construct accessible bus stops to comply with Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1992 (Cth) requirements.

Numerous road safety devices implemented including raised pedestrian crossings in Gladstone Street, Kogarah; Letitia Street, Oatley; and Pindari Road, Peakhurst. Pedestrian refuges installed including Boundary Road, Mortdale. 20 accessible bus stops installed with an additional 28 reviewed and planned pending transport NSW approval.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Large-scale infrastructure Strategy - 3.2.3. Collaborate with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure and planning projects. Establish a framework, mechanism and resourcing strategy for working with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects.


Delayed due to extension of public exhibition period for Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy. The Strategy was adopted by Council in August 2019. Implementation will commence in 2019/20.

Goal 3.3 - Everyone, including people with disability, navigates the LGA in safety (DIAP). Accessibility and inclusivity Strategy - 3.3.1. Implement the GRC Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). Design and construct an accessible toilet with an adult change table at Carss Park.

In addition to the completion of the Carss Park Changing Places facility this year has seen Council construct the Charles Pirie Special Needs Sporting Amenities Building which is also a Changing Places Building with an adult change area as part of the main change room. Incorporation of accessibility and inclusiveness design principles in other major projects including Penshurst Park Sporting Hub Stages 2 and 3, Gannons Park amenities, Hurstville Golf Course and Hurstville Oval pavilion with the inclusion of lifts, wider doors and toilets. “Everyone Can Play” design principals have also been introduced as standard for all Council design specifications for new playgrounds.

Celebrate International Day of People with Disability.

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Goal 3.4 - Everyone has access to a range of active and passive recreation facilities. Open space and recreation Strategy - 3.4.1. Guided by the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy, provide contemporary passive and active recreation spaces, aquatic facilities, synthetic fields, community centres and libraries.


Prioritise new projects and service changes in response to the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy.


Delayed due to extension of public exhibition period for Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy. The Strategy was adopted by Council in August 2019. Implementation will commence in 2019/20.

Develop innovative funding and delivery models to implement priority projects and recommendations from the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy.


Delayed due to extension of public exhibition period for Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy. The Strategy was adopted by Council in August 2019. Implementation will commence in 2019/20.

Complete Hurstville Central Plaza as community open space.


All civil works at Central Plaza are complete with the exception of Ausgrid commissioning work which has been delayed indefinitely due to Ausgrid’s live work ban.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Hurstville Plaza


The Green - pop up park in Hurstville CBD


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Pillar 4

A diverse and productive economy Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

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Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold




• Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy developed

• Gross assessment times for DAs

• Shopfront guidelines completed • 90% planning proposals meeting gateway determination timeframes

• Construction Certificate determinations • Car Parking Strategy







Results to date



24 commercial centres, identified for daily cleaning, cleaned each day.





Mean gross assessment times (in days) on Das, modifications, DA reviews


<90 gross days


Not Achieved

672 applications have been determined for the 2018/19 financial year. Of these 305 were below the 90 days which is an average of 45.3%. The time periods remain high as they are based on determined applications. As the backlog of old applications is cleared these average times will reduce and the number of applications determined below the 90 day target will increase.

Percentage of Construction Certificates determined in 21 days




Not Achieved

For the 2018/19 financial year, Council had determined 66 applications. Of those applications determined, 41/66 (or 62%) were processed below the 21 day target.

Percentage of planning proposals meeting Gateway determination timeframes





Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE



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The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing: Program/Project

Year due







Goal 4.1 - Local businesses are supported to help protect jobs and create employment opportunities. Economic development Strategy - 4.1.1. Primarily target economic development initiatives in Kogarah, Hurstville, Kingsgrove, Peakhurst and Riverwood. a. Adopt the Economic Development Strategy as supported by local business, Council's Economic Development Advisory Committee and Council.


Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

b. Implement a program of works in key centres that responds to the Economic Development Strategy.



The Economic Development Strategy was adopted by Council on 17 December 2018.

c. Promote effective economic development initiatives that benefit the LGA.


The following works have been carried out over the past 12 months: 'Kogarah Tunes at Noon', temporary art installation, continuation of Bannerconda system remainder of Forest Road, continued roll out of the signage and branding in centres, installation of additional five planter boxes in Hurstville, pop up park in Hurstville, planning for installation of 'Chill Out Hubs' in Kogarah, Hurstville and Mortdale.


Council has purchased a tool to monitor and make strategic decisions around consumer spend in the LGA. The Economic Development Team continues to attend 'Economic Development Master Classes' to provide expert advice to the local business community. Several meetings have occurred with anchor institutions and business owners to understand perceptions and current trends in Hurstville and Kogarah. These insights will be made into actions for the Hurstville and Kogarah Place Strategies and the Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy. Events held include business breakfast and the 'Business After 5' networking events. Council has also developed a dedicated business page on the Council website which provides fast track advice on setting up and growing a business in Georges River.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project d. Regularly review and monitor DA times and implement efficiencies to improve DA turnaround times.

Year due 20/21



Comment Process and system improvement is ongoing. Some key improvements include team restructures to focus resources, continuation of the DA backlog program, implementation of new Development Advisory Service and website, commencement of eService implementation and new protocols including development advisory and assessment, swimming pools, hoardings and fire safety.

Economic sectors Strategy - 4.1.2. Develop economic programs that target the health, retail, construction, education and financial sectors, small to medium businesses and home based businesses. a. Implement initiatives in key economic sectors in response to the Economic Development Strategy.



The Kogarah Collaboration Area program has continued to progress with all key stakeholder meetings with NSW Government agencies now completed. The Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy has been workshopped with Council and actions are currently being finalised. The Hurstville Place Strategy has also identified key projects that require priority resources. The sectors being targeted are health, education and finance in Kogarah and commercial, retail and education in Hurstville. To support the development of the Strategies multiple meetings have been held with health and education executives to create alignment and support for future projects. Whilst developing new strategies and partnerships Council has continued to provide expert advice to the local business community through key events such as the 'Business After 5' networking event.

b. Provide clearer, tailored information for small business on council approvals and regulatory requirements.



Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due



Place making Strategy - 4.1.3. Deliver responsive placed-based activities across the LGA to promote the natural environment, improve cleanliness and safety, and assist local businesses. a. Deliver programs to improve cleanliness and attractiveness of public spaces and increase nighttime activation in Hurstville CBD.



The development of the Hurstville Place Strategy is continuing and will outline key programs and projects to activate Hurstville.The established cleaning program for the 24 central business districts, town centres and key shopping districts across the local government area, 365 days per year continued through January - June 2019.

b. Deliver programs in the Kogarah town centre to improve cleanliness, attractiveness and activation.



Council has completed designs and specifications for the installation of a 'Chill Out Hub' and upgrades to street furniture on Belgrave Street. The new hubs of street furniture will improve attractiveness and reduce the impacts of heat in the area so the community and workers have a place to sit and enjoy. Council continues to work to the budgeted cleansing schedule which involves delivering essential services to our centres. Council is in the process of delivering a Place and Investment Attraction Strategy for Kogarah which will also deliver programs to improve attractiveness, cleanliness and activation. In October 2018, 'Tunes at Noon' was held in Kogarah Town Square. The event included free live music every Friday between 12-3pm. Unfortunately the first two weeks were cancelled due to wet weather.



The Georges River 2050 Strategy is currently being developed to provide a long term aspirational vision for the future of the area. The Strategy outlines key medium and long term initiatives across all centres, and identifies early moves that Council has already begun to implement.

d. Measure the community's satisfaction 20/21 of the LGA's key town centres as places.


A base survey of the community's satisfaction of the LGA's key town centres as places was conducted in 2017. As a result of the survey Place Making events were held in Kogarah and Hurstville. A further satisfaction survey will be undertaken in 2020. Majority of community satisfaction monitoring was conducted as part of the extensive Local Strategic Planning Statement. Over 450 people attended community workshops to share their views for the future of the City.

c. Implement medium and long-term placed-based initiatives across other centres in the LGA.



Year due



Goal 4.2 - Outcomes from an Employment Lands Study ensure sufficient land is available for future employment growth. Employment lands Strategy - 4.2.1. Develop an Employment Lands Study to preserve employment lands and to protect employment growth and services during land rezoning processes. a. Implement the Employment Lands Study, informed by consultation with the community, business, landowners and others.



Council has finalised the Georges River Industrial Land Review. The next phase is the review of land zoned B1, B2, B3, B4 and B6 (ie the business zones). Council on 24 June 2019 endorsed Part 1 Centres Analysis which conducts a stocktake of all 48 commercial centres in the Georges River LGA. The primary purpose of Part 1 is to address immediate inconsistencies and deficiencies of the existing former Hurstville and Kogarah LEPs through a harmonised LEP 2020 and the accompanying Development Control Plan. Part 1 of the Strategy does not propose any zoning changes as part of the LEP 2020; but contains LEP recommendations relating to changes in land use permissibility and the minimum non-residential floor space ratio. Part 2 is currently being prepared and will provide a comprehensive analysis of the 48 centres through a place-based planning approach. The outcome will include centre-specific objectives, development standards and built form controls / guidelines, which will inform LEP 2022.

b. Establish guidelines for assessing 18/19 rezoning proposals in industrial and urban services land.


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Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due



Goal 4.3 - The ambitions for Hurstville and Kogarah as strategic centres are realised. Critical infrastructure Strategy - 4.3.1. Advocate at all levels of government to ensure critical infrastructure accompanies significant residential and employment growth. a. Prepare a new Section 94 Contributions Plan for the Georges River LGA.



SGS Planning and Economics were engaged in January 2019 to review Council’s existing Development Contributions Plans, prepare a report on the preferred contributions plans for the new Council and then prepare that plan for Council. Their work so far has involved gathering data and information from other Councils. They have examined capital works programs, development and population data for Georges River Council and prepared models to test different contributions scenarios for GRC. SGS presented their work to date and options for the Georges River Council Contributions Plan to a Councillor Briefing on 17 June 2019.

b. Lobby the Australian and NSW Governments to address infrastructure gaps.



Based on the findings of the LEP Health Check, LSPS and Collaboration Area (Kogarah Health and Education Precinct) and other key Council studies, Council has committed to key advocacy programs. These are: •

Increased provision of open space to address short fall identified in the Open Space and Recreation Strategy.

Mass transit train line between Kogarah and Parramatta to connect health precincts and job centres

University presence in the local area to provide skills and job opportunities and economic development opportunities

Local Government long term financial sustainability to continue to deliver essential infrastructure for the community.

Conversations have started with key state government agencies and impacted Councils to address these issues. c. Work with the NSW Government 20/21 and Canterbury-Bankstown Council on the orderly development of Riverwood as a Planning Precinct.


On hold, as stated in half yearly report. On 7 June 2018 the Department of Planning and Environment advised that the Riverwood Planning Precinct has been placed on hold until after the State elections in 2019. The elections were held in March 2019. No further update has yet been provided from the Department.



Year due



Kogarah health and education precinct Strategy - 4.3.2. Collaborate across all levels of government so that the Kogarah health and research hub can grow and attract allied services, increase employment, provide a range of housing types (including affordable housing) and provide excellent transport connections to and within the South and Eastern City districts. a. Actively participate with State agencies and Bayside Council to achieve the ambitions for the Kogarah Health and Research Hub Collaboration Area.



Council continues to work with Bayside Council and key state agencies to deliver a Place Strategy for Kogarah to achieve ambitions of becoming a health, education and innovation precinct. All workshops have now been completed. The Place Strategy will be delivered in late 2019, providing Council and our partners with a clear list of actions to achieve the ambitions for the Kogarah Health and Research Precinct.

Investment opportunities Strategy - 4.3.3. Create an action plan with the business community that markets the LGA's investment opportunities. a. Prepare and implement an action plan to market the LGA's investment opportunities.




The City Strategy and Innovation Directorate has commenced discussions with universities, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, local businesses, and anchor institutions such as Westfield and Westpac to market the city and look for investment opportunities. The Investment Attraction Strategy and the Place Strategy for Kogarah as well as the Place Strategy for Hurstville will deliver a list of projects which will create multiple investment opportunities for the area.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Workers in Kogarah CBD


1 Year Operational Plan Projects COMPLETE



 -

















The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing: Program/Project



Goal 4.1 - Local businesses are supported to help protect jobs and create employment opportunities. Economic development Strategy - 4.1.1. Primarily target economic development initiatives in Kogarah, Hurstville, Kingsgrove, Peakhurst and Riverwood. Complete the Economic Development Strategy. Promote the benefits of economic development to the community. Commence work with the NSW Government, adjoining councils, business and community groups to facilitate, coordinate and stimulate economic development opportunities.

 

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

The Kogarah Collaboration Area Program has commenced and will be supported by an Investment Strategy for Kogarah currently at the RFQ stage. A governance group approved by Council's Executive will support the development of a Place Strategy and implement future projects. The sectors being targeted are health, education and finance in Kogarah and commercial, retail and education in Hurstville.

Economic sectors Strategy - 4.1.2 Develop economic programs that target the health, retail, construction, education and financial sectors, small to medium businesses and home based businesses.


Partner with Realise Business to assist startup and growing businesses in the LGA and promote and facilitate networking opportunities.

Council held a Business Breakfast event on 28 August 2018. Council also organised two 'Business After 5' events with Realise Business on 4 July and 25 October 2018. A Home Based Business Conference was held on 17 October 2018.

Develop and present regular information sessions on council development assessment and regulatory requirements and processes for small business.

A new Development Advisory Services has been implemented in addition to the release a new website for the preDA service. This includes an ability to make an online booking to come in and talk to a duty planner, a new DA form with a matrix outlining what detail is required to be submitted and a new DA Guide which provide specific information on what detail each report / plan is required to include. Additional services including industry and resident development nights have been undertaken and are continuing.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Place making Strategy - 4.1.3. Deliver responsive placed-based activities across the LGA to promote the natural environment, improve cleanliness and safety, and assist local businesses. Develop and implement a place-making works program. Prepare shopfront guidelines for Hurstville.

Shopfront guidelines completed and available on Council's website. Council's Smart Social Spaces Program was rolled out in Memorial Square in November 2018 to increase public amenity and inform future public domain design.

Undertake the 'Big Wash' cleaning program in Hurstville CBD.

  

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Undertake 'Kogarah Clean' in Kogarah CBD. Undertake family-orientated and centre activation community events in Kogarah CBD. Undertake an annual community town centre satisfaction survey.

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Goal 4.2 - Outcomes from an Employment Lands Study ensure sufficient land is available for future employment growth. Employment lands Strategy - 4.2.1. Develop an Employment Lands Study to preserve employment lands and to protect employment growth and services during land rezoning processes. Complete the Employment Lands Study following a supply and demand assessment. Adopt guidelines for assessing rezoning proposals in industrial and urban services land.

 

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Goal 4.3 - The ambitions for Hurstville and Kogarah as strategic centres are realised. Critical infrastructure Strategy - 4.3.1. Advocate at all levels of government to ensure critical infrastructure accompanies significant residential and employment growth. Identify critical infrastructure needs arising from the new car parking strategy.


The draft Georges River Council Car Parking Strategy, Council’s position paper on the draft Strategy recommendations and relevant Council reports will be on public exhibition from 24 July 2019 until 25 September 2019. Following exhibition, the draft Strategy will be reported back to Council. Once adopted the critical infrastructure needs will be identified.

Kogarah health and education precinct Strategy - 4.3.2. Collaborate across all levels of government so that the Kogarah Health and Research Hub can grow and attract allied services, increase employment, provide a range of housing types (including affordable housing) and provide excellent transport connections to and within the South and Eastern City districts. Play an active role as processes are established for the Kogarah Health and Research Hub Collaboration Area.

Council has liaised with key stakeholders to develop the Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy. Council continues to drive the development of the Kogarah Place Strategy as part of the collaboration area process.

Investment opportunities Strategy - 4.3.3. Create an action plan with the business community that markets the LGA's investment opportunities. Begin developing an action plan to market the LGA's investment opportunities.


Consolidated projects from the Economic Development Strategy, draft Hurstville Place Strategy and draft Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy have informed the development of an investment action plan.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Aerial view of Kogarah


Pillar 5 A harmonious and proud community with STRONG social services and infrastructure Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T

Complete 25%

Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold

2% 2% 2%




• Visitor numbers at the Museum & Gallery and Hurstville Entertainment Centre

• Crisis accommodation provision

• Pride Month celebrations • Draft Cultural Strategy developed

• Affordable Rental Housing Policy • Library membership

• Event activity audit conducted • Mobility map of Hurstville town centre produced


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Results to date



Utilisation of Council's Child Care Centres.




Not Achieved

Ocean Street - 74% Narani - 83% South Hurstville Kindergarten - 99% Penshurst - 80% Jack High - 60% Hurstville Early Learning Centre - 65%. Whilst overall utilisation is below the target we have seen a steady increase in numbers at Jack High over the last six months (utilisation 68% in December 2018, 76% in June 2019) with a promising waitlist at some services for 2020. All centres now have streamlined branding to ensure a cohesive message.

Number of annual visitors to Museum & Gallery.





Number of annual visitors to Hurstville Entertainment Centre.





Number of attendees at council major events.




Not Achieved

Council did not meet its target of 70,000 this year due to extreme weather on Australia Day. Overall attendance rates for all events captured by the Events Calendar for the Financial Year 2018/19 were: 441,986.

Number of library members.




Not Achieved

The overall drop in membership numbers is due to the combining of duplicate memberships and non active members being removed after three years of inactivity.

Percentage of food premises inspected annually.





757 high and medium risk food premises inspected.

Percentage of school safety zones patrolledy annually.

New measure




40 schools patrolled on at least eight occassions during the year.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE



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The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing: Program/Project

Year due Status






Goal 5.1 - We create and support events that celebrate community and cultural identity and benefit the economy. Events Strategy - 5.1.1. Initiate, facilitate and support inclusive and accessible events that meet the community's aspirations and actively connect Council to individuals, community groups and businesses. a. Assess event capacity and opportunities to make the LGA a preferred event destination.



Council supported and facilitated 386 community events during the year. Council events included the White Ribbon Walk, Magic of Christmas, Australia Day, Lunar New Year, Eurovision Song Contest Screening, Australian Citizenship Ceremonies, Twilight Cinemas, Eat/ Art Night Markets, NAIDOC Week events, facility openings and Councillors' Charity Ball. Supported events included community markets, fetes and festivals and community celebrations. All events are assessed for their capacity to provide social, cultural, economic and environmental opportunities for the community. The events survey was conducted at many events and approximately 20% of those surveyed were visitors. This highlights Georges River's capacity to be a preferred event destination. The working group will now be using the survey results to help shape a preferred destination event.

b. Implement an annual program of Council-run and Councilsupported events.



Council planned, facilitated and supported over 300 events during the year. Events including White Ribbon Walk, NAIDOC Week, Citizenship Ceremonies and community festivals allowed Council to connect with community groups and businesses. This helped to foster interest in sponsorship opportunities and participation by having a stall at events. Evaluation and debrief sessions will assist in planning the annual program for 2019/20 with new initiatives for more inclusive and accessible events.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status

c. Develop an Environmentally Sustainable Events Policy.



Council is currently researching and reviewing previous Sustainable Event Management policies and strategies of both former Kogarah City Council and former Hurstville City Council in order to create a Georges River Council Sustainable Event Management Guideline. The updated guideline is due for completion in August 2019.

d. Build stronger relationships with local businesses, industries and State agencies to maximise sponsorship of local events.



Improvements have been implemented from the Sponsorship review with refinements to continue. Options for a dedicated Sponsorship Officer to be considered.

e. Develop an online event toolkit to help community and commercial groups deliver events. Build community capacity in event planning and delivery.



All documentation for event organisers is now located on Councils website. The next step is to allow the event form to be filled out online and integrated for the approval process. This process is currently behind schedule as the project is waiting for the integration of the form to be finalised.


Goal 5.2 - Affordable and quality housing options are available. Affordable housing Strategy - 5.2.1 Partner with State agencies to increase supply of affordable housing for residents on very low to moderate incomes. a. Develop, as part of a new Housing Strategy, an Affordable Housing Policy and affordable housing target for the LGA.



Council engaged the consultant Hill PDA in December 2018 to prepare the Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program for the Georges River Local Government Area (LGA). Council on 24 June 2019 endorsed the findings of the Assessment of Housing Needs (Stage 1 Report) of the Inclusive Housing Strategy. The report will be exhibited as a supporting document with the Local Strategic Planning Statement, which will be exhibited during June-August 2019. It is anticipated that the complete report on the Inclusive Housing Strategy will be exhibited along with the Georges River LEP.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Housing for key workers Strategy - 5.2.2. Advocate to the NSW Government to include 'key worker' housing for moderate income earners to be included in affordable housing initiatives. a. Work with the NSW Government to extend the application of affordable rental housing initiatives to key workers.



Council engaged the consultant Hill PDA in December 2018 to prepare the Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program for the Georges River Local Government Area (LGA). Council on 24 June 2019 endorsed the findings of the Assessment of Housing Needs (Stage 1 Report) of the Inclusive Housing Strategy. The report will be exhibited as a supporting document with the Local Strategic Planning Statement during June-August 2019. It is anticipated that the complete report on the Inclusive Housing Strategy will be exhibited along with the Georges River LEP.

Mandatory requirements Strategy - 5.2.3. Advocate to the NSW Government to include mandatory affordable housing requirements in Council LEPs. a. Advocate to the NSW 20/21 Government to include mandatory affordable housing requirements in the standard instrument LEP.


Council engaged the consultant Hill PDA in December 2018 to prepare the Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program for the Georges River Local Government Area (LGA). Council on 24 June 2019 endorsed the findings of the Assessment of Housing Needs (Stage 1 Report) of the Inclusive Housing Strategy. The report will be exhibited as a supporting document with the Local Strategic Planning Statement during June-August 2019. It is anticipated that the complete report on the Inclusive Housing Strategy will be exhibited along with the Georges River LEP.

Housing diversity and choice Strategy - 5.2.4. Develop policies that encourage a greater supply of housing diversity and choice. a. Incorporate the results of the 20/21 Housing Strategy into the comprehensive LEP and DCP, and Council's planning guidelines.



The analysis completed in the Georges River evidence base informed the objections and actions of the Local Housing Strategy. It indicated gaps in housing supply (housing choice and diversification), and gaps between forecast population growth and housing supply (e.g. mismatch between small households and small dwellings). It also identified dwelling capacity which will provide a net gain of 12,134 dwellings and dwelling forecast for projected 2036 population of more than 185,000, we need to plan for an additional 14,000 new dwellings.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Council-led development proposals Strategy - 5.2.5. Council-led development proposals incorporate, where feasible, options that support affordable and diverse housing. a. Complete the Planning Proposal for Oatley Aged Care Centre and, if approved, engage an aged care service provider to manage the facility. Investigate the potential to include affordable housing in Council-led developments.



Cancelled, as stated in half yearly report.

Goal 5.3 - The community is socially and culturally connected. Social and cultural plans Strategy - 5.3.1. Develop and implement a Social Plan and a Cultural Strategy that celebrates diversity, promotes the multicultural community, supports innovation and creativity and contributes to the economic success of the area. a. Develop and implement a Social Plan to build the LGA's social strengths.



Existing consultation data has been reviewed as have draft action plans from individual programs within the Community Development Team. Additional feedback is required for the Youth Action Plan, which will be sought in late 2019. Community consultation on the development of a Child and Family Action Plan is currently in place. A draft structure has been developed for Council's Social Plan, which will incorporate the theme of 'Think Global, Act Local' and aim to ensure the actions identified for individual programs are aligned to complement one another.

b. Develop and implement a Cultural 20/21 Strategy to build the LGA's cultural strengths.


The draft 'Create Georges River' Cultural Strategy was approved for public exhibition in June 2019. The Strategy will be on exhibition throughout July 2019.

c. Provide a broad and balanced range of cultural activities that are accessible to the local and wider metropolitan communities.

ď Ź

Public artworks, installed at Hurstville Plaza and the Hurstville Interchange Open Air Gallery, helped to celebrate the area’s diversity and multiculturalism.


Four artists (Mehrdad MehrAeen, Mulga, Elizabeth West and Mike Eleven) painted murals on temporary hoarding, to increase the cultural vibrancy and richness of the area. These murals were complemented by an interactive installation by Aaron McGarry at the Interchange Open Air Gallery, depicting three large scale bird wings (Rainbow Lorikeet, White Dove and Budgerigar) in celebration of Pride Month.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Social participation and community wellbeing Strategy - 5.3.2. Develop, support and promote programs and activities that foster social participation and wellbeing of the diverse community, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or religious background. a. Implement an annual program of activities that create opportunities for community interaction and cohesion.



Council's Community Development Team continue to deliver a bi-annual program signifying special dates and occasions, including Youth Week and Reconciliation Week. Over the course of 2018/19 the team delivered a total of 65 programs for the community, creating many opportunities for connection and a sense of community cohesion.

b. Collaborate across Council and with relevant partners to develop holistic programs for community benefit.



The Community Development Team has continued to work closely with Events and Communications; namely in the delivery of a successful White Ribbon Walk in Q2, but also with the Information Management Team with the implementation of accessibility upgrades to Council's website. Council is currently rated A for website accessibility and will soon be rated AA due to the upgrades.

c. Develop programs for the LGA's aged, youth, multicultural and Indigenous communities.



The GRC Youth Week program ran from 6 -18 April 2019, which included a range of programs including sports, performance, arts, cooking and community projects. The launch event was a competition for young people to develop a community initiative and then pitch this idea for funding to deliver it. The winners of the program included a blanket drive and an online youth magazine, Woke. The Community Development Team hosted a total of 65 events in 2018/19 and was able to attract over 6000 community members to these. Special events throughout the year including Seniors Week, International Day of People with Disability, Harmony Day, NAIDOC Week and Refugee Week.

d. Implement Council's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (EEO).


The EEO, Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2019 - 2021 has been developed and implemented. 13 people expressed interest in joining the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Committee. The D&I Committee's first meeting was held on 8 May 2019 and involved a two hour conscious inclusion session run by an external facilitator.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status

e. Implement the Georges River Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP).



Comment Year two of the implementation of Council's Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) saw the following programs delivered and upgrades achieved: • Small Business Expo • continued promotion of the Better Business Guide • opening of an adult change facility in Carss Bush Park • funding allocated for grab rails in Lugarno • access upgrades to all Council owned community venues within the LGA • development and delivery of Disability Awareness training to all senior management at Council • continued promotion of our keep footpaths clear campaign • the development of an access map of Hurstville CBD. Council's Access and Inclusion Group continue to meet and provide invaluable feedback and input to Council's plans and priorities in actioning the commitments of our DIAP.

f. Develop action plans that address 19/20 the needs of the aged, youth, multicultural and Indigenous communities in the Georges River area.


Draft plans have been developed with Council reference groups for its Youth, Aged, Multicultural and Aboriginal communities. Additional feedback was sought in Q3 to ensure the actions were relevant. Council's Youth identified missing actions and have requested additional surveying be completed. This will occur in Q1 2019/20. Once these plans are finalised, they will become the structure behind Council's Social Plan, which will feed into the broader Community Strategic Plan.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Community safety planning Strategy - 5.3.3. Develop an integrated Community Safety Plan to identify the role Council and others can play in helping to make the LGA a safer place. a. Develop and implement a Community Safety Plan.



A Draft Safety Plan has been developed in line with state, national and international standards. This draft plan will be reviewed and finalised in line with other action plans to form part of Council's Social Plan.

b. Increase community safety awareness with business and residents.



Community Development and security infrastructure representatives now meet quarterly with Westfield Security team with more regular meetings as necessary. Westfield Security, Police and Georges River Council work closely to ensure a high level of safety and community engagement are adhered to responding to immediate changes in trends.

c. Work with the Police Area Command to manage Alcohol Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas.



Council meets with Local Police when new Alcohol Free Zones (AFZ) and Alcohol Prohibited Areas (APA) are proposed or challenged. They are reviewed every four years with the last renewal of all AFZ occurring in Q3. The most recent addition to APA was Renown Reserve, which was approved through consultation with the Local Area Command and the community.

Preparing food at on of Georges River childcare centres


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Children's services Strategy - 5.3.4. Provide high quality, affordable and economically viable education and care across Council's children's services. a. Implement the 2017-20 Children's Services Strategic Plan with an emphasis on best practice and family-friendly childcare services.



Staff working groups have been implemented allowing for consistent updates, reflection and progress on all objectives and provide a platform for collaboration and team cohesion across the centres. A central focus has been developing a Reconciliation Action Plan.

b. Investigate the feasibility of a 24-hour child care centre in the Kogarah health and education precinct and implement if viable.



Council obtained information from our existing families in a survey to determine their need for 24/7 childcare. The survey was also on YourSay for members of the community to respond. The survey received coverage on ABC radio and Studio 10 however there was not a large pool of responses and as a result the survey does not provide enough rich data to determine a need in the community. It does however provide scope for further consultation as most respondents required extended hours care. The survey response feedback has been funneled into the Children's Services Model Review to be completed in the 2019/20 financial year.

c. Locate an appropriate site for an occassional child care service within the Hurstville CBD.



Occasional Care is currently open to the community at Hurstville Early Learning. Flyers have been developed promoting the service both in English and Cantonese and it is also promoted on Council's website. Council has had three inquiries for Occasional Care however no one has yet utilised the service.

d. Operate all child care services with contemporary technology.



A Technology Plan has been developed and will be rolled out over the next three years. Year 1 of the plan has commenced for this calendar year seeing five of six centres adopting time and attendance, WAN updates across two of six sites, electronic sign in for all centres, enhanced web presence, online newsletters and one centre trialling on line programming.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Goal 5.4 - Diverse, vibrant community facilities and spaces are connected, well maintained and accessible. Library services Strategy - 5.4.1. Expand the role of libraries as welcoming and inclusive spaces with services, collections and programs that inspire and engage with the community. a. Implement the 2017-2020 Library Strategy to improve service delivery, technology, collections, information services, community engagement and programs.



The implementation of the Library Strategy 20172020 is on track and work has continued in improving service delivery across the service. The Library Strategy is in it's second year of implementation with all actions for 2018/19 completed as planned.

Community facilities Strategy - 5.4.2. Collaborate with State agencies, the education sector and neighbouring councils to provide regional-level community facilities. a. Identify regional-level community facilities as part of the development of the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.


Ongoing b. Work with the NSW Government to encourage greater provision of adequate crisis accommodation in the LGA.


The Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy was adopted by Council in August 2019.


Following Council endorsement to provide a Council owned property for use as crisis accommodation for women and children affected by domestic and family violence, a lessee has been selected through an open expression of interest. A transfer of funds has been completed for works to take place regarding building code compliance works. Council's Community Safety Officer continues to work closely with the lessee to ensure works are carried out in a timely and efficient manner, and to offer support as required.

Affordable facilities Strategy - 5.4.3. Provide a range of affordable and accessible facilities for community-based activities. a. Review and deliver Council's Venue Hire Grants Program in conjunction with the Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy.



ď Ź

A total of seven rounds of Venue Hire Grants were assessed in 18/19, with rounds 3-7 assessed under the Grants Donations and Sponsorship Policy adopted by Council on 27 August 2018. A total of $203,111.20 of in-kind venue hire has been supported through the program over the course of 2018/19.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Promoting the Arts Strategy - 5.4.4. Encourage and promote the arts through Council's cultural facilities including Hurstville Museum & Gallery, Hurstville Entertainment Centre and Carss Park Artist's Cottage. a. Implement an annual program of community and cultural programs and events.



A Community and Culture directorate wide calendar of events was produced for the July – December 2019 period, in order to increase community awareness of the events and programs run across the LGA. Hurstville Museum & Gallery continued to run a strong program of events and exhibitions, hosting the travelling exhibition, Kanalaritja: An Unbroken String, from the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, and strengthening cultural partnerships with other institutions. The Artist in Residence program received overwhelming positive feedback from the participating artists of the program, with many appreciating the dedicated time for their art practice that the live-in residency provides.

Goal 5.5 - The community is safe and healthy. Regulatory functions Strategy - 5.5.1 Conduct Council's regulatory functions in accordance with legislative requirements. a. Ensure Council continues to liaise Ongoing with the NSW Government and relevant stakeholders to keep upto-date with legislative changes.


Staff within the Environment, Health and Regulatory Services section receive legislation updates from various sources including emails advising of changes to legislation from relevant State Government departments/agencies, consultant solicitors and Council's inhouse legal team.

b. Continue to implement the food premises inspection program.


The overall inspection result for the financial year is 100% with 757 of the high and medium risk food premises being inspected.

c. Continue to implement Council's public health programs.



Regulated System Inspection Program - 39% completed delays due to contractor delays, Skin Penetration Premises Inspection Program - 100% completed, Public Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Inspection Program - 100% completed



Year due Status

d. Develop and implement boarding 18/19 house, asbestos and development site compliance programs.

Comment A boarding house fact sheet for the community in English and simple Chinese was added to Council's website. Suspected boarding houses continue to be inspected following community request with a total of 19 customer requests relating to boarding houses received during the year. Council's Asbestos Awareness Education Program was implemented during November to coincide with Asbestos Awareness month. The Get the Site Right program was conducted in November 2018 and June 2019 resulting in 12 noncompliant development sites that required further regulatory action to ensure compliance.

Compliance of public space Strategy - 5.5.2. Manage public spaces to ensure legislative compliance and promote a safe and healthy environment for the community. a. Develop and implement compliance management programs.



All programs scheduled for 2018/19 completed or on track.

b. Develop and implement a parking education program.



Each of the 40 schools within the LGA are patrolled at least twice per quarter which has resulted in a total of 708 fines being issued to drives for parking related offences within school zones over the year. Community education continues via Councils website and the distribution of 'designed for purpose' flyers to improve the knowledge of specific parking rules eg school zones and clearway parking.

c. Develop and implement an animal 20/21 management education program.


Council continues to engage with the community via face to face discussions regarding responsible pet ownership at high use 'off leash' areas and via improvements to Council's website. The commencement of the Companion Animal Administration Officer position will see an increase in the number of companion animals registered across the LGA and improvements in the accuracy of data contained within the Companion Animals Register which will assist with the rehoming of lost animals.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

1 Year Operational Plan Projects COMPLETE



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The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing: Program/Project



Goal 5.1 - We create and support events that celebrate community and cultural identity and benefit the economy. Events Strategy - 5.1.1. Initiate, facilitate and support inclusive and accessible events that meet the community's aspirations and actively connect Council to individuals, community groups and businesses. Conduct a location/venue audit of the LGA and map existing event activity and infrastructure.

A location and venue audit of the the LGA mapping existing event activity and infrastructure was conducted by Ethos Urban between July 2018 and March 2019.

Evaluate event value to the LGA, investigate a destination event for the LGA and review the events process.


Council collected event data and surveyed event participants of the LGA in 2018/19. The information attempted to capture all events run by Council, events supported by Council but run by the community and events run independently of Council. Event surveys were collected from all three event examples in order to inform Council of a destination event focus. The project team for the destination event re-convened in 2019 and continues to progress its event planning. Events processes were also independently reviewed within the period via an Event Service Delivery Review and a self assessment undertaken by staff.

Engage sponsorship expertise to review and revamp event sponsorship.


A business case for a Sponsorship Officer will be presented to Council's Executive in late 2019. The 2019/20 Sponsorship prospectus has been launched and recommendations from the review incorporated so that all sponsorship options are showcased in one publication.


1 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project



Goal 5.2 - Affordable and quality housing options are available. Affordable housing Strategy - 5.2.1. Partner with State agencies to increase supply of affordable housing for residents on very low to moderate incomes. Prepare an Affordable Rental Housing Policy.


Council engaged the consultant Hill PDA in December 2018 to prepare the Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program for the Georges River Local Government Area (LGA). Council endorsed the findings of the Assessment of Housing Needs (Stage1 Report) of the Inclusive Housing Strategy on 24 June 2019. The report will be exhibited as a supporting document with the Local Strategic Planning Statement, which will be exhibited during June-August 2019. It is anticipated that the complete report on the Inclusive Housing Strategy will be exhibited along with the Georges River LEP.

Housing for key workers Strategy - 5.2.2. Advocate to the NSW Government to include 'key worker' housing for moderate income earners to be included in affordable housing initiatives. Use the new Housing Strategy to inform NSW Government advocacy that includes key worker housing in affordable housing initiatives.


Council engaged the consultant Hill PDA in December 2018 to prepare the Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program for the Georges River Local Government Area (LGA). Council endorsed the findings of the Assessment of Housing Needs (Stage1 Report) of the Inclusive Housing Strategy on 24 June 2019. The report will be exhibited as a supporting document with the Local Strategic Planning Statement, which will be exhibited during June-August 2019. It is anticipated that the complete report on the Inclusive Housing Strategy will be exhibited along with the Georges River LEP.

Mandatory requirements Strategy - 5.2.3. Advocate to the NSW Government to include mandatory affordable housing requirements in Council LEPs. Based on the findings of the Affordable Housing Strategy, approach the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to include mandatory affordable housing in State Environmental Planning Policy No.70 Affordable Housing (Revised Schemes).



The Inclusive Housing Strategy has not been finalised. Council endorsed the findings of the Assessment of Housing Needs (Stage 1 Report) of the Inclusive Housing Strategy on 24 June 2019.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Housing diversity and choice Strategy - 5.2.4. Develop policies that encourage a greater supply of housing diversity and choice. Include initiatives to encourage greater housing diversity and choice in the comprehensive LEP and DCP and planning guidelines.


Carried over, as stated in half yearly report.

Council-led development proposals Strategy - 5.2.5. Council-led development proposals incorporate, where feasible, options that support affordable and diverse housing. Complete the Planning Proposal for Oatley Aged Care Centre.


Cancelled, as stated in half yearly report.

Goal 5.3 - The community is socially and culturally connected. Social and cultural plans Strategy - 5.3.1. Develop and implement a Social Plan and a Cultural Strategy that celebrates diversity, promotes the multicultural community, supports innovation and creativity and contributes to the economic success of the area. Conduct community consultation to inform a draft Social Plan and draft Cultural Strategy.

ď Ź

Community consultation was undertaken for the development of the GRC Social Plan and Cultural Strategy. Key surveys for action plan items were delivered through Your Say, and the draft Create Georges River Cultural Strategy was placed on public exhibition for community feedback.

Demonstrate continuous improvement through a community engagement feedback process.

ď Ź

Throughout 2018/19 Council staff have worked in partnership with both external and internal stakeholders to deliver a range of programs promoting community safety. These included a large scale White Ribbon Walk from Carlton to Kogarah, involving more than 10 local schools, the candlelight vigil, supporting the One Billion Rising event and engaging with young people for International Youth Day to find out what spaces of our LGA are considered safe and unsafe.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project Incorporate Social Plan and Cultural Strategy objectives in preparation for Council's events including Australia Day, Harmony Day, Chinese New Year, Pride Month and NAIDOC week celebrations.


Comment Council embraced Pride Month in June 2019, with a series of LGBTIQ+ programs, drawing over 120 people. In addition, Council demonstrated visible support in the community, through lighting at Hurstville Plaza and MacMahon Street, street flags in Hurstville and Kogarah town centres, a rainbow crossing, and an art installation at the Hurstville Interchange Open Air Gallery. Developing inclusive programming for our gender diverse community is a key action in the draft Cultural Strategy, and many members of the LGBTIQ+ community expressed their support and appreciation via social media. Council also celebrated Reconciliation Week, through the launch of ‘Walking Together’, a documentary featuring three local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The documentary aims to promote the diversity of the region, and over 50 people from the Chinese community, attended the launch to learn about Indigenous culture. Programming for key Council major events referenced the Draft Social Plan and Cultural Strategy's aims and objectives.

Social participation and community wellbeing Strategy - 5.3.2. Develop, support and promote programs and activities that foster social participation and wellbeing of the diverse community, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or religious background. Develop and sustain community partnerships that result in improved social participation programs.

A new partnership was developed with South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) and Calvary Healthcare Kogarah to deliver a new grants initiative 'Doing it Differently'. Council also worked across internal departments to ensure community groups were aware of new grants program and encouraged to apply. This new grants program will be rolled out in 2019/20. Council established strong partnerships with youth services including Project Youth, 3 Bridges, Shopfront Arts Co-op and 2Connect to deliver a range of programs across Youth Week 2019. Council also partnered with neighbouring Councils, including Canterbury Bankstown, to deliver successful events during Youth Week.

Undertake community analysis and consultation to better understand the needs and aspirations of the community.


Action plans have been developed for youth, indigenous, multicultural, culture, seniors, disability and safety. Development of a Child and Family Strategy will occur following feedback from a community survey which closed in early August 2019. Council's Social Plan format has been developed – think global, act local – all action plans are linked to state, national and international plans, including the UN sustainable development goals.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Develop a calendar of cultural development programs and events that increase opportunities for social participation.

A bi-annual calendar which encompasses entertainment, events, cultural services, environment and community development was created for July-December 2019.

Develop a directory of free and low-cost services for seniors.


An annual program of free and low cost seniors activities is available on Council's website. A Seniors Directory will be launched during Seniors Week 2020.

Implement and support a minimum of ten programs and activities that contribute towards the wellbeing of Council residents.

In 2018/19 the Community Development team implemented a total of 65 events and programs that contributed to the wellbeing of residents. These events allowed for further engagement and social connection for many people. Youth Week was held from 10-18 April 2019 with a program of six events attended by over 400 young people. Georges River Unplugged saw 11 young people perform to an audience of over 200 in Hurstville's new plaza. Council hosted the launch of 'Walking Together' for Reconciliation Week which had an audience of 200. Council recieved postive feedback from the event with 90% of respondents indicating they had a deeper understanding of Aboriginal people. Council partnered with Advance Diversity Services and Settlement Services International to deliver a community dinner to celebrate Refugee Week. The event was attended by 100 people of both refugee and non-refugee backgrounds and recognised the unique and valuable skills refugees bring to our community.

Develop accessibility maps for key town centres in the LGA.

A mobility map was developed for the Hurstville Town Centre. The information for the mobility map was developed and reviewed in consultation with the Access & Inclusion Reference Group, and will be available electronically on Council’s website and in hard copy printed versions, including a tactile format. A rolling schedule of mobility maps has been recommended by the reference group, with the next town centre, Mortdale to be completed by October 2019.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Community safety planning Strategy - 5.3.3. Develop an integrated Community Safety Plan to identify the role Council and others can play in helping to make the LGA a safer place. Review and assess the impact of CCTV cameras across the LGA.

An audit of existing CCTV has been undertaken and assessed against BOSCAR crime statistics. A draft Community Safety Plan is in development utilising data gathered from the CCTV audit, to be delivered by June 2020.

Facilitate meetings with the community and Local Area Command to address community safety issues.

Council, in partnership with the St George Domestic Violence Committee hosted the annual candlelight vigil to remember victims of domestic and family violence. This was held on 1 May 2019 in Kogarah Town Square and attracted over 50 people. Council staff continue to attend quarterly Community Safety Precinct meetings to discuss local safety concerns and solutions. The forum provides an opportunity to discuss current crime trends with the community and stakeholders. Councils 'Protect Your Car' campaign was launched with the guidance of NSW Police to educate the community on the importance of locking your car and protecting valuables. This action was due to an increase in car theft in the LGA. Throughout 2018/19 staff have worked in partnership with both external and internal stakeholders to deliver a range of programs promoting community safety including a large scale White Ribbon Walk from Carlton to Kograh, involving more than 10 local schools, the candlelight vigil, supporting the One Billion Rising event and engaging with young people for International Youth Day to find out what spaces of our LGA are considered safe and unsafe.

Re-establish Alcohol Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas in the LGA.


Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Children's services Strategy - 5.3.4. Provide high quality, affordable and economically viable education and care across Council's children's services. Relocate the Hurstville Early Learning Centre to new premises.


Carried over, as stated in half yearly report.

Establish a 40-place long day-care centre within the LGA close to transport and business within the LGA.


Carried over, as stated in half yearly report.

Establish a 23-place occassional care service within the LGA.


Carried over, as stated in half yearly report.

Improve the quality of child care digital services. Integrate Council's Children's Services Strategy into each service's Quality Improvement Plan.

ď Ź

Electronic sign in and out implemented at centres. Each centre's Quality Improvement Plan has integrated the relevant Children's Services Strategy items.

Conduct community and customer consultation to establish the need for, and interest in, establishing a 24/7 child care service.

ď Ź

Community consultation completed and internal customers surveyed. All information has been provided to the consultant carrying out Children's Services Model Review. Consultation highlighted that there isn't a current appetite in the community for 24/7 care however extended hours care is a need for working families.

Georgies the Dragon visiting the children at Narani Child Care Centre 77

1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Goal 5.4 - Diverse, vibrant community facilities and spaces are connected, well maintained and accessible. Library services Strategy - 5.4.1. Expand the role of libraries as welcoming and inclusive spaces with services, collections and programs that inspire and engage with the community. Research and evaluate contemporary library service delivery models.

The review and evaluation of contemporary library service delivery models has been completed. The consultation undertaken with the community, library staff and the independent specialist has achieved a thorough evaluation of the Georges River Library Service. A summary document is in draft form with further amendments to be completed and results from an upcoming Councillor workshops are to be included in the preferred future service model for Georges River Council.

Consult with the community and library staff and consider the findings of the Open Space and Recreation Strategy, to address issues within the library service delivery model.

The work undertaken with the community, library staff and the independent consultant has achieved a thorough evaluation of the Georges River Library Service and options for the future. The completed Service Delivery Model will inform how the Library will continue to engage the community with a quality standard of service.

Develop a Technology and Digital Access Plan.

The Technology and Digital Access Plan encompasses: Council’s strategic background, our community profile, a review of public library practice and a description of what the Library will aim for, including: training and programming goals; sources of funding and support; the type of equipment we will provide; enhanced online accessibility and outreach. The Plan also includes a schema for taking feedback from the community to assist ongoing evaluation and service development.

Develop a responsive collection development practice that encourages strong community participation.

Optimisation of customer request module has been a success with 80.5% of requests for items being purchased. Of the requests not purchased, the majority were out of scope of the Library Collections Development Policy. Alternate options were provided to source the item for the customer including inter-library loan. The library has introduced new and expanded collections throughout the year to satisfy customer demand - including readers, educational items, zines and technology.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Program/Project Develop and implement an Information Services Plan.


ď Ź

Comment The Information Services Plan encompasses: Council’s strategic background, our community profile, a review of information services best practice and a description of what the library will aim for, including: training and programming goals; sources of funding and support; the type of collections and research we will provide; enhanced online accessibility and outreach. The Plan also includes a schema for taking feedback from the community to assist ongoing evaluation and service development.

Engage with the community to promote, inform, showcase and receive feedback on library services.

ď Ź

The library successfully introduced new touch screen kiosks at every library to enable customer feedback. This innovative easy to use feedback channel receives over 900 responses a week with a consistent satisfaction rate of over 80%. The data collected allows the library to identify specific aspects of the service that are loved as well as those that need to be improved. The Georges River Libraries Facebook page has provided another engagement channel with 930 page likes this year, posts having a total reach of 276,846 and a total engagement of 34,332 for the year. A diverse range of programs and events totalling 1,965 were held over the 2018/19 year attracting 45,790 attendees. These programs and events have helped to increase engagement with library services and provide opportunities for feedback, which have been used to assist in the planning of programs and events for 2019/20.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Community facilities Strategy - 5.4.2. Collaborate with State agencies, the education sector and neighbouring councils to provide regional-level community facilities. Work with SSROC to advocate for regional-level community facilities.

Quarterly meetings held with the SSROC Community, Culture and Recreation Network. The Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy was adopted by Council in August 2019. Implementation of further projects involving SSROC will commence in 2019/20.

Liaise with the Office of Sport and NSW Department of Education to investigate regional-level community facilities.

Council staff meet regularly with the Department of Education to further develop a Joint Use Planning Agreement to identify and address use of school facilities for active green space and community facilities, and with the Office of Sport to identify trends in active recreation and possible funding sources.

Work with the NSW Government to facilitate an increase in crisis accommodation in the LGA for women and children who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness as a result of domestic violence.


Lessee has been identified, works are underway at identified property. Lease and MOU have been drafted and will be finalised by September 2019.

Affordable facilities Strategy - 5.4.3. Provide a range of affordable and accessible facilities for community-based activities. Deliver and promote the annual Venue Hire Grants Program for subsidised usage of Council facilities for programs and activities that benefit the community.


Venue Hire Grants were finalised in June 2018 for the 2018/19 year and a total of $203,111.20 was provided to community groups across the LGA as in-kind support to allow groups to have a meeting space to continue their work. The final round was assessed using SmartyGrants management system, simplifying the process for staff and applicants.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Promoting the Arts Strategy - 5.4.4. Encourage and promote the arts through Council's cultural facilities including Hurstville Museum & Gallery, Hurstville Entertainment Centre and Carss Park Artist's Cottage. Develop and deliver the Georges River Area Prize, Artist in Residence Program and Discovery Festival.

Georges River Art Prize: Final preparations to the online form, art prize website and promotional schedule were completed, with entries opening from 1 July 2019. Artist in Residence: Three artists completed their residencies in Q4; Elder, Soupsue and Michael Ambriano. These artists work in photography, mixed media and oil paint respectively, and were featured in the winter Community magazine. Soupsue delivered an art and history workshop in Carss Park for students from the Beverly Hills Intensive English Centre. The 2018 Discovery Festival was delivered in October 2018, with planning undertaken throughout the year for the 2019 Discovery Festival.

Goal 5.5 - The community is safe and healthy. Regulatory functions Strategy - 5.5.1. Conduct Council's regulatory functions in accordance with legislative requirements. Implement the Food Premises Inspection Program.

The overall inspection result for the year is 100% with 757 high and medium risk food premises being inspected.

Develop and implement a Regulated Systems Program. Implement the Public Pool and Spa Inspection Program.


Regulated System Inspection Program - no inspections were conducted during the quarter due to contactor being unable to complete inspections for medical reasons resulting in 39% of inspections being conducted over the financial year. Public Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Inspection Program 100% of the total number of public swimming pools and spa pools were inspected for the financial year.

Implement the Mortuaries' Inspection Program.

 

Completed, as stated in half yearly report.

Completed, as stated in half yearly report.

Develop and implement a Boarding House Compliance Program.

Develop and implement an Asbestos Education Program.

Boarding House factsheet for the community in English and simple Chinese added to Council's website. Suspected boarding houses continue to be inspected following community request with a total of 19 customer requests relating to boarding houses received during the year.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project Develop a program to manage development site condition compliance.


Comment The Get the Site Right Program was conducted in November 2018 and June 2019 resulting in 12 non-compliant development sites that required further regulatory action to ensure compliance.

Compliance of public space Strategy - 5.5.2. Manage public spaces to ensure legislative compliance and promote a safe and healthy environment for the community. Develop and implement a School Safety and Education Program. Implement the footways' use approvals system.

The use of the Public Land - Local Approvals Policy was adopted by Council in October 2018 and provides guidelines for the use, management and occupation of teh footpath. Each of the 40 schools within the LGA have been patrolled on at least two occassions per quarter.

Ensure compliance with removal of illegal rubbish by the dumper.

Develop and implement an animal management education program that includes promotion of increased registrations.



When dumped rubbish is reported, Council's Waste Field Officers commence investigating the incident within one working day.

The Companion Animal Administration Officer position contacted 248 customers in relation to unregistered animals. This resulted in 105 registration payments being received and 63 penalty notices issued to owners who failed to register their animal. Rangers are continuing to undertake regular patrols of Moore Reserve and Gannon's Park, speaking with pet owners and informing them of their responsibilities. Council’s contracted Animal Management Officer has been directed to attend these key areas to further educate dog owners.

In 2018/19 there were 1,329 cases of illegal dumping reported. Following investigations by Council, only 22% of material was removed by the dumper. This resulted in issuance of 165 penalty notices, 15 clean up notices and 5 warnings. Following this action 100% of rubbish was removed by the dumper.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Kogarah resident and dog owner, Claude Holland, with his dog Trickie


Local Strategic Planning Statement workshop


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Pillar 6

Leadership and transparency Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T

Complete Not started



On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold




• Council Open Days Program

• Georges River Vision 2050 and 30 Year City Strategy

• Completion of five audits • Online services • Participation in the Local Government Professionals Performance Excellence Program

• Council Depot Masterplan funding • Customer Requests timeframe







Results to date



Annual nett litigation costs managed to $1.5m budget





The amount of legal costs expended by Council as at 30 June 2019, including costs of all litigation (Court proceedings), is $2,062.224. Costs recovered for this period was $1,124,111. The nett figure is therefore $938,113 which is well within the budget of $1.5 million.

Percentage of legal cases determined in accordance with Council's corporate and strategic objectives including successful prosecutions (convictions) and/ or fines for major environmental offences, including tree breaches





Attempted resolution of Class 1 merit appeals by way of alternative dispute resolution such as s34 conciliation wherever possible and appropriate.





Percentage of satisfied Your Say Georges River Panel members with engagement on Council projects.

New measure



Not Achieved

The satisfaction survey of Your Say Panel members concluded on 31 March 2019. Over this period, 92 members engaged in this survey and 62% agree or strongly agreed that Your Say has made it easier to stay informed and provide input on decision making of Council with 82% satisfied with the Your Say tool.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Results to date



Council decisions made at meetings closed to the public.





A total of 12 decisions were made in closed sessions during 2018/19. Annual average of 2.5%

Increased interaction with Council meetings including average number of speakers, public attendees and uptake of live streaming of Council Meetings and Committees of Council.

7 speakers 42 attendees 15 live streams

>2 speakers >10 attendees 50 live streams

7 speakers 42 attendees 15 live streams


Average of 3 speakers and 20 attendees at Council meetings for the year. 65 live steamed Council meetings. Committee meetings only started live streaming in June.

Percentage of occupancy across all Council-owned commercial properties.





Percentage of customer requests completed within agreed times.




Not Achieved

Percentage of correspondence responded to within 14 days.





Percentage of complaints completed within agreed times.





Percentage compliance with statutory and legislative reporting requirements (Office of Local Government Compliance Calendar).





Percentage of customers satisfied with the overall experience with their customer requests to Council.





Whilst Council has not met the target, improvements have been made across the year. Council completed 20,426 service requests this year (67% in Q1 and Q2, 73% in Q3 and 77% in Q4).






Results to date


Customer satisfaction with face to face interaction at the Customer Service Centre.

New measure




Actual year-to-date income is no more than 5% under the year-to-date approved budget.

8% under budget

<5% under budget

5% above budget


Actual year-to-date expenditure is no more than 5% over the year-to-date approved budget.

12% under budget

<5% over budget

8% below budget


Investment portfolio returns for the past 12 months exceeding industry benchmark as disclosed by CPG.

3.39% 1.64% above benchmark

Benchmark exceeded



Percentage outstanding rates, annual charges, interest and extra charges.






Baseline is 1.97%, and Council's annualised performance was 2.76% for June 2019. The performance is declining from last years performance as a result in declining cash rate and old term deposits on higher interest rates maturing.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Georges River Service Centre, Hurstville


Community engagement for Hurstville Place Strategy development


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE













The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing: Program/Project

Year due Status


ï 11


Goal 6.1 - The community is involved and listened to. Community consultation Strategy - 6.1.1. Actively implement the GRC Community Engagement Policy and Strategy, providing a consistent and best-practice approach to engagement across all Council functions.

A review of indicators was held with internal stakeholders in 2018/19. Consultation with external stakeholders on key performance indicators occurred as part of the public exhibition of the 2019/20 Operational Plan.

19/20 b. Embed Council's Engagement Strategy as an overarching process for all Council engagement activity.


Council's Engagement Strategy has been drafted and is going to the July 2019 Council meeting for endorsement to go on public exhibition. Following adoption of the Engagement Strategy training will be provided to all relevant Council staff.

c. Develop and build a brand and identity 19/20 for the LGA.


Council has commenced advocacy and partnerships to draw attention to key issues impacting city working, and to create a brand and identity across greater Sydney. This advocacy program has already gained the support of other Councils and key lobby groups. A Reputation Strategy will be delivered late 2019 which will further develop our brand and identity as a LGA and an influential organisation.

a. Review performance indicators and data with internal and external stakeholders to ensure data contributes to continuous improvement.



3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Engagement mechanisms Strategy - 6.1.2. Use of online, social media and other communication channels, including Your Say Georges River. a. Increase the range of community engagement activities on Council's website.



Community engagement activities are hosted on Council’s Your Say website which is directly linked to the Council website. A wide range of activities covering a broad spectrum of Council business were offered during the year including but not limited to, focus groups, online surveys, idea sharing and polls.

b. Broaden the range of Council and community issues referred for feedback to Council's Your Say Georges River Panel.



A wide range of projects were available for feedback on the Your Say site in 2018/19 this included projects on planning and development, park and playground upgrades, childcare provisions, community events, and development of key Council policies and strategies. Some of the most popular projects for the year included the Local Strategic Planning Statement, 24/7 childcare provisions, Beverly Hills Town Centre Masterplan and the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy. The Your Say site had a total of 12,800 visits in 2018/19.

c. Develop a comprehensive communication plan for Council's projects, programs and initiatives.




The Communications Team develops comprehensive communication plans as required. In 2018/19, 49 communication plans were developed and implemented and 252 media releases issued.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Performance reporting Strategy - 6.1.3. Publicly and regularly report on performance against strategic, financial and operational plans. a. Comply with all requirements of Integrated Planning and Reporting legislation, including progress reports for the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan.



All Integrated Planning and Reporting requirements for the 2018/2019 year have been met including publishing an End Of Year Report, Half Yearly Report, Annual Report and producing the Delivery Program, Resourcing Strategy and Operational Plan.

b. Develop an Annual Community Consultation Progress report.



The first Annual Community Consultation report will be developed in 2019/20. A Your Say satisfaction survey was run in January 2019 and closed in March 2019 with 89 responses received. The satisfaction survey is a key element of the Annual Community Consultation Progress Report. The Community Engagement Completion forms will also be utilised to provide information for the Consultation Progress Report.

c. Advocate to the Office of Local Government for timely benchmarking across councils.



Council has commenced its advocacy program which has involved gaining support from key state government agencies, other Councils and lobby groups. More advocacy work needs to be done directly with the Office of Local Government based on the 2018 Performance Excellence Program results.

Goal 6.2 - Open, informed and transparent decision-making supports the interests of the community. Transparent communication Strategy - 6.2.1. Make all reports to Council Meetings public wherever possible under the Local Government Act 1993 or provide open and closed reports where necessary. a. Investigate the feasibility of 'Meet Your Ward Councillors' sessions



The Community Open Day Program - Meet Your Ward Councillor was established to provide the opportunity for the community to engage with their Councillors. Five open days were held during 2018/19, one in each Council ward. Open days provided members of the community with an opportunity to either make an appointment to talk to their ward councillor on a specific issue or simply drop in to catch up on projects that were occurring within the ward.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Risk management Strategy - 6.2.2. Undertake effective risk management to provide greater certainty and security over the management of Council resources and services.


a. Annually review Council's enterprise and operational risks.


b. Continue Fraud and Corruption Prevention Programs.


Independent annual review of Council's fraud and corruption control framework, fraud risk assessments and fraud survey health check survey and training was completed by June 2019.

c. Comply with laws, codes, policies and procedures.


Completed an external legal review of Council's delegations and authorisations and adoption of new General Manager's delegations and subdelegations to staff.

A report on strategic risks was tabled at the 20 May 2019 Audit Risk and Improvement Committee meeting. Enterprise and operational risks have been finalised and embedded into Council's reporting system. Enterprise and operational risk training and reporting training completed. A Councillor workshop on risk and insurance was held on 20 May 2019. An independent risk and audit maturity assessment benchmarking report was completed in June 2019.

Procurement Strategy - 6.2.3. Ensure procurement policies and practices demonstrate best practice in probity assurance and legislative compliance.


a. Continuously improve procurement policy and practice through the Local Government Procurement Program.


b. Register all contracts as per Council's Procurement Policy.



Finalised an independent procurement audit report and recommendations approved by Council's Executive on 7 May 2019 and referred to Audit Risk and Improvement Committee on 20 May 2019. An external Project Manager was appointed to facilitate the implementation of the procurement audit recommendations. Finalised legal review of Council's procurement and contracts suite of documents.

From 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019, there were 44 tenders awarded over $150,000, cumulative value over $45M.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Timely provision of information Strategy - 6.2.4. Provide timely access to Council information, in accordance with legislation, policy, public interest considerations, proactive disclosure and the respect for individual privacy. a. Maintain online public registers as required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) including contracts, gifts and benefits and Councillor disclosures of interest returns (Section 449 of the LG Act).



Disclosure log of access applicatons, register of government contracts and register of gifts and benefits updated regularly and published on Council's website. Disclosure of interest return template forms have been updated in line with the new Model Code of Conduct (adopted by Council in May 2019) and the annual return process commenced in August 2019.

b. Maintain online records of Council and Committee papers and minutes, donations and sponsorships, and Councillor expenses.



All reports that are considered by Council are available on Council's website, this includes the publication of minutes to ensure that decisions made by Council are open and transparent and accessible to the community. Additionally, registers are available on Councils website which contain details of expenses which are reimbursed to Councillors in accordance with the Mayor and Councillors Expenses and Facilities Policy and funds that have been voted by Council in accordance with the Councillor Ward Discretionary Fund Policy.

c. Report annually to the Office of Local Government and the NSW Ombudsman on Code of Conduct and Public Interest Disclosure matters.



All reports that are considered by Council are available on Council's website, this includes the publication of minutes to ensure that decisions made by Council are open and transparent and accessible to the community. Additionally, registers are available on Councils website which contain details of expenses which are reimbursed to Councillors in accordance with the Mayor and Councillors Expenses and Facilities Policy and funds that have been voted by Council in accordance with the Councillor Ward Discretionary Fund Policy. A revised Public Interest Disclosure Policy has been drafted and referred to the NSW Ombudsman's Office and OLG for feedback. PID training for disclosure officers has been scheduled for August 2019.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Audit responsibilities Strategy - 6.2.5. Use the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to independently advice Council on good governance, audit matters, business improvement and risk management controls. a. Support the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to fulfil its responsibilities under the LG Act.



The Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee has had its five scheduled meetings throughout the year as follows: 6 August, 24 October (special financial statements) and 29 October 2018, 18 February and 20 May 2019.

b. Prepare and implement a three-year risk-based Audit Plan.



The three year Audit Plan has been divided into annual Audit Programs. The 2018/19 Audit Program met scheduled target as follows: • completion of footpaths and asphalt audit and development assessments using the ICAC DA Internal Audit Control tool audit • completion of the Section 7.11 and 7.12 developer contributions income audit • completion of the procurement, accounts receivable, accounts payable audits and RMS DRIVES compliance audit • completion on an unscheduled audit for Section 94 contribution income ex-Kogarah Council • commencement of the debt management & recovery audit and voluntary planning contributions audit The Audit Program for 2018/19 has been completed within the overall Audit Plan 20182021.

c. Work with the Office of Local Government to clarify risk management and business improvement functions and guidelines under Section 23A of the LG Act.



The 2016 Local Government (Planning & Governance) Amendment Act has been reflected in an updated Audit Risk & Improvement Committee Charter which the Committee is currently operating under.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Councillor role Strategy - 6.2.6. Ensure compliance with Section 232(1) of the Local Government Act and processes adopted in Council policies. 18/19 a. Implement a Councillor training program to improve decision making, facilitate better communication with the local community and assist Councillors to acquire and maintain the skills needed to perform their role.


It is anticipated that draft Professional Development Strategy will be completed by October 2019. Although a formal strategy has yet to be adopted, Councillors were offered professional development opportunities throughout the 2018/19 financial year. Councillors were encouraged to attend a minimum of 12 hours of professional development throughout the year.

Georges River


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Goal 6.3 - Leadership focuses on innovation and improving the customer experience. Customer service Strategy - 6.3.1. Meet customer service commitments that aim to make it easy to do business with Council and create systems and a culture that support positive customer experiences. a. Expand online services and payment options, including mobile applications, public Wi-Fi and self-service kiosks.



The request for quote for the self service kiosks was completed and installation is being finalised. The scoping and implementation date of the self service kiosks has been extended to ensure the kiosks integrate with Council’s systems. Council's mobile phone application was introduced and promoted. Public Wi-Fi was expanded in areas where approvals were finalised and in areas where the benefits could reach many visitors to the locations.

b. Increase automation of processes to increase efficiencies.



Digital services introduced in 2018/19 include: omni channel contact centre providing visibility on wait times, planning and rate certificates available for self service, online grant management system, centrally managed digital signage, online report an issue service, self-service kiosks at library branches, expansion of public WiFi to Kogarah, Riverwood, Kogarah Library Forecourt, Beverly Hills, Hurstville Plaza and Palm Court, consolidated map of Georges River for the Georges Riverkeeper website, online booking system for pre-lodgement services and live streaming all council and committee meetings through Dragon TV (Youtube).

c. Improve the DA lodgement processes 20/21 and pre-lodgement advice, including new NSW Department of Planning and Environment guidelines.



New Development Advisory Services have been implemented in addition to the release of a new website for the preDA service. This includes an ability to make an online booking to come in and talk to Duty Planners, a new DA form with a matrix outlining what detail is required to be submitted and a new DA guide which provides specific information on what detail each report / plan is required to include. Additional services including industry and resident development nights have been undertaken and will continue in 2019/20..

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status

d. Improve consistency and reliability of service across all customer contact channels.



Comment Council's phone call abandonment rate in the first half of 2018/19 was approximately 8%. Following the completion of the CX Transformation Projects new technology and procedures were implemented with the abandonment rate reducing to approximately 4%. Improved reporting methods and a reporting dashboard have allowed visibility and ensured that staff work with the new technology and procedures. Training of staff has been integral in ensuring that all customer contact channels are utilised and consistent service is provided.Â

Continuous improvement Strategy - 6.3.2. Demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement and effective governance throughout Council services. 20/21


The 2018 performance results completed during the year were presented to Council's Executive Team in Q4. The City Strategy and Innovation Team will investigate if there are any advocacy campaigns that should be pursued.Â

b. Establish Council's reputation as a 19/20 leading local government organisation.


Council has developed its advocacy program focusing on open space, new transport linkages across greater Sydney, university presence in the local area and local government long term financial sustainability to continue to deliver essential infrastructure for the community. Conversations have started with key partners including state government agencies to address these issues. Council also continues to be involved in innovation and smart cities initiatives and networks which promote the cities reputation as innovation and a positive leader of change.

c. Implement a Digital Innovation Strategy to provide a strategic approach to improvements to customer service, service delivery and performance improvement.


Council is developing an Innovation Strategy which will help drive improvement to customer service, service delivery and performance improvement. The Strategy will be delivered late 2019 and will present a range of actions for implementation.

a. Advocate a comprehensive performance program for all Councils with OLG, in partnership with LG Professionals.



3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Strategy and Innovation Strategy - 6.3.3. Increase the status, influence, reputation and brand of GRC and its LGA through a greater focus on innovaton and advocacy.


a. Prepare a 30-Year City Vision and City 19/20 Reputation Strategy, incorporating a strong, well-communicated external presence and brand.


The Georges River 2050 Vision has been prepared and will be ready for Council adoption in the 2019/20 financial year. The development of a Reputation Strategy to build on the Georges River 2050 Vision and will be delivered late 2019.

b. Maximise the economic potential of the Kogarah Health and Research Hub.



Council and the Greater Sydney Commission continue to collaborate to deliver a Place Strategy for Kogarah Health and Education Hub which will focus on productivity, livability, sustainability and accessibility. To complement this work an Investment Attraction Strategy is currently being developed and will be sent to Council in the 2019/20 financial year.

c. Create a unique identity for Hurstville CBD through innovative economic, cultural and infrastructure improvement projects.



The Hurstville Heart of the City Strategy will be ready for Council in the 2019/20 financial year. As a way to engage the community in the Strategy Council turned Palm Court Car Park (Hurstville) into a 'Pop Up Park' for the June long weekend to provide the community with additional open space. The Strategy will focus on economic, cultural and infrastructure improvements.

d. Commence implementation of a Smart City Strategy to leverage digital innovation opportunities.



The Innovation Strategy is currently being developed. The Strategy will outline key projects to create an innovative organisation and help enable an innovative city. Council continues to deliver innovative technology to support the public domain and future master planning. The current Smart Cities project will deliver three 'Chill Out Hubs' in the city to help combat urban heat island effect and add to Council's smart street furniture. Council has also adopted the City Possible MasterCard MOU which allows Council to work with research and industry partners to find solutions to city problems.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status

e. Develop an advocacy strategy that identifies how GRC can influence government policy and secure government investment in the LGA.



The City Strategy and Innovation Directorate has prepared an Advocacy Plan aligned to key Council Strategies. The current focus includes key transport infrastructure for the City, increased open space, education opportunities including an university presence, and long term financial sustainability.

f. Commence implementation of the Cool Places:Urban Oasis project in Riverwood and Other Priority Town Centres.



The development of 'Chill Out Hubs' in Hurstville, Kogarah and Mortdale in partnership with UNSW and Street Furniture Australia is continuing with the hubs to be installed in October 2019. Council continues to collaborate to deliver the '5 Million Trees' grant. Place Strategies for Hurstville and Kogarah identify the need for greening and open space in our centres. Key actions from these strategies will be implemented over the coming years.

g. Complete the program of service delivery reviews commenced after the establishment of GRC.



Two major service delivery reviews were completed in the last year, communications and customer service. The events service delivery review data capture and analysis was completed in June 2019. A report with recommendations for improvements to strategies, business processes and staff learning and developed is currently being finalised. The library services model review is underway with the first phase of community and staff consultation completed. Consultation with Councillors will occur in August 2019. Further consultation and engagement opportunities are also in development. Other reviews in progress include building certification and efficiency reviews in the areas of environment, sustainability and waste, and development assessment.



3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Goal 6.4- Council's assets and resources are managed responsibly and with accountability Asset management Strategy - 6.4.1. Implement asset management plans to maintain infrastructure assets in a safe and functional standard, meeting current and future community needs. a. Consult with the community about the 19/20 service standards for Council assets, including asset maintenance funding in the context of Council's overall budget imperatives, and use this to inform a review of asset ownership and maintenance standards.


Survey questions to be incorporated into council wide ‘Satisfaction and Wellbeing Survey’ scheduled for early 2020.

b. Implement the GRC Depot Masterplan including closure of the Carlton Depot and the Hurstville Road quarry depot site.


Masterplan and feasibility study have not been endorsed by Council resulting in works being moved to 2019/20, if approved.


Financial strength Strategy - 6.4.2. Maintain a sustainably strong financial position, balanced with demand for essential services and new projects, and having regard for Section 8B(d) (ii) of the Local Government Act (the current generation funds the cost of its services).


a. Continually align the Long-Term Financial Plan with the context of Council and Integrated Planning and Reporting documents.



2018/19 Long Term Financial Plan has been completed and published on Council's website. A new Long Term Financial Plan will be prepared during the 2019/20 budget process. The focus will be service costs by service category to ensure sustainable operations.

b. Develop a rating structure for the LGA by June 2020.



Council will be seeking a Special Rate Variation (SRV) to increase Council's rate income. This is to accommodate the expiring former Hustville Council SRV, which will have a negative $2.2M impact on Council's operating income. Work on the SRV submission is 60% completed with community engagement to commence in October 2019. It is important for Council to receive the SRV to ensure financial sustainability and maintain Council's assets and resources. Four of the six planned Councillor briefings on the rate structure have been completed.

c. Continue to review financial policies and processes to ensure integrity of controls, efficiency of service and quality financial data, to reduce risk, deliver quality information for business decisions and improve service delivery.



The Purchase Card Policy has been reviewed and adopted by Council's Executive. Training across Council will take place in September 2019. The Cash Handling, Debt Management and Hardship and Pensioner Rate draft policies are scheduled to go to the Executive for review in September 2019.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Property management Strategy - 6.4.3. Actively manage Council's property portfolio to maximise returns on investment in community assets and programs. a. Plan for and implement a purchasing program for property requiring compulsory acquisition in the comprehensive LEP.



A purchasing program has been developed based on identified criteria within Council's Local Environmental Plans and subsequent to the Land Acquisition Act, 1991. Implementation of the purchasing program will commence in August 2019.

b. Complete Planning Proposals for the Treacy Street residential development and the Hurstville Civic Centre precinct.



The Planning Proposal for the Hurstville Civic Precinct has been reviewed by the Local Planning Panel. The proposal has merit and following a review by Council strategic planning unit, it is anticipated that the matter will be reported to Council in the coming months seeking endorsement to send the matter to Gateway for determination.The planning proposal for the Treacy Street car park is on hold pending completion of the city wide strategies for affordable housing and parking.

c. Give community groups and individuals the opportunity to utilise community land and buildings, while alleviating some of the financial burden on Council.


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There is currently no vacancy in the community lease portfolio. Facilities that are underutilised and new facilities to be acquired will be made available to community groups via a competitive public process.

d. Progress all statutory property matters in a timely manner.



In a difficult commercial property market, Council's property portfolio has maintained occupancy rates in excess of the KPI of 90% with the current occupancy level being 97%. There are currently no rental arrears reported.



Year due Status


Goal 6.5 - The workforce is inspiring, diverse and engaged. Workforce planning and performance Strategy - 6.5.1. Implement leading people practices to create a high performing capable and resilient workforce.


a. Implement the GRC Workforce Plan.



Workforce Strategy adopted by Council inJune 2018. The Strategy consists of 46 actions, 26 (57%) of which have been completed – 15 (33%) in progress or on track and four yet to commence.

b. Implement Performance Excellence and People Capability Strategies and Programs.



Council's learning program, Ready Set Grow launched this year and priorities have been determined by Council's Executive based on current staff resourcing and allocated budgets. The learning and development program has commenced with 32 courses scheduled and approximately 500 staff booked in to attend.

c. Implement a Workplace Health and Safety System to support a well and safe workplace.



Introduction of a new injury management and recover at work framework aligned with compliance requirements and current internal processes, consisting of five key elements including an overarching policy, procedural guidelines, dedicated Recover at Work Business Partners, communication and education programs and online self-service support tools. Review and realignment of Council’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Strategy and implementation plan.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019


Year due Status


Goal 6.6 - Council has a regional-approach to service delivery and facilities. Regional planning Strategy - 6.6.1. Plan for regional-level services and facilities and share information across State agencies and neighbouring councils. a. Develop long-term regional plans with neighbouring councils to facilitate major projects with long-term delivery timeframes.



Council has established it's advocacy program and identified key partners. City Strategy and Innovation continues to work with State Agencies and other Councils to plan for the future. Examples include shared and joint use of school facilities; the Kogarah Collaboration Area process to develop a Place Strategy, new mass transit links and partnerships with impacted Councils, the 2050 vision will also identify transformational projects for the city which will be investigated further in the coming years.

b. Develop an engagement program for services and facilities where regional collaboration would assist in their delivery, including those identified in the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy.



Council has established it's advocacy program and identified key partners. City Strategy and Innovation continues to work with State Agencies and other Councils to plan for the future. Examples include shared and joint use of school facilities; the Kogarah Collaboration Area process to develop a Place Strategy, new mass transit links and partnerships with impacted Councils, the 2050 vision will also identify transformational projects for the city which will be investigated further in the coming years.

c. Work with State agencies to identify 19/20 funding opportunities across all tiers of government.


Council has established it's advocacy program and identified key partners. City Strategy and Innovation continues to work with State Agencies and other Councils to plan for the future. Examples include shared and joint use of school facilities; the Kogarah Collaboration Area process to develop a Place Strategy, new mass transit links and partnerships with impacted Councils, the 2050 vision will also identify transformational projects for the city which will be investigated further in the coming years.


Georges River Council Historical Markers.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

1 Year Operational Plan Projects COMPLETE



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The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing: Program/Project



Goal 6.1 - The community is involved and listened to. Community consultation Strategy - 6.1.1. Actively implement the GRC Community Engagement Policy and Strategy, providing a consistent and best-practice approach to engagement across all Council functions. Implement the Your Say Georges River Panel. Consult with internal and external stakeholders on key performance indicators.

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Completed, as stated in half yearly report.

A review of indicators was held with internal stakeholders in 2018. KPI proforma templates have been designed and will be rolled out in late 2019 to provide further information on data sources and interpretation methodology. Consultation with external stakeholders on key performance indicators was held as part of the development of the 2019/20 Operational Plan.

Engagement mechanisms Strategy - 6.1.2. Use of online, social media and other communication channels, including Your Say Georges River. Explore the potential for Council open days with the community.

All Councillor Open Days for 2018/19 have been completed. Feedback on the program was provided to Councillors who will consider the best structure for the 2019/20 program.

Engage Council's Your Say Georges River Panel and tools on: *The annual Historical Markers' Program to create awareness of the history, heritage and cultural identity of the Georges River area *The development of the Canopy Enhancement Program *The Beverly Hills Master Plan *Other major projects where Council is seeking community engagement."

The Historical Markers Program and Beverly Hills Master Plan projects were both available for community comment during the second half of 2018. The Vision for Beverly Hills project page was the highest visited project on the Your Say panel between July and September with 190 people interacting with the project page. The Canopy Enhancement Program forms part of the Tree Management Policy which was exhibited on Your Say in late 2018. Major projects that Council sought community engagement on included the Local Strategic Planning Statement, Low Rise and Medium Density Housing, Community Open Days, and Oatley Park Nature Based Inclusive Playground. These projects have been promoted to Panel members through the Your Say e-newsletter.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Status



Performance reporting Strategy - 6.1.3. Publicly and regularly report on performance against strategic, financial and operational plans. Report to Council twice a year on progress against the adopted Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

The Delivery Program and the Operational Plan was adopted by Council at its meeting on 24 June 2019.

Goal 6.2- Open, informed and transparent decision-making supports the interests of the community. Transparent communication Strategy - 6.2.1. Make all reports to Council Meetings public wherever possible under the Local Government Act 1993 or provide open and closed reports where necessary. Report quarterly to Council on progress against outstanding Council resolutions.

Reports on outstanding council resolutions went to the Finance and Governance Committee meetings in August and November 2018, and March and May 2019.

Regularly review adherence to the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) and Code of Meeting Practice in relation to confidential reports.


Council adopted a revised Code of Meeting Practice at its meeting on 27 May 2019. Council has taken active measures to minimise the number of reports being categorised as confidential, to ensure the highest level of transparency.

Provide fact sheets at each Council meeting to inform the community on the reasons for confidential Council reports.


A draft fact sheet has been prepared. Work is required for this fact sheet to be finalised and readily available for the public at each Committee and Council meeting.


2018/19 to 2020/21






Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Risk management Strategy - 6.2.2. Undertake effective risk management to provide greater certainty and security over the management of Council resources and services. Identify priority risk management activities including related claims issues.

The report on strategic risks review was tabled at the 20 May 2019 Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meeting. Enterprise and operational risks finalised and embedded in Council's reporting system. Enterprise and operational risk training and reporting training was completed. A Councillor briefing on risk and insurance was held on 20 May 2019. Council continues to hold quarterly claims review meetings with JLT.

Minimise or maintain operational and enterprise risks to an acceptable level by monitoring action plans in risk register.

Independent annual review of Council's enterprise risk management framework and risk registers, including the fraud and corruption control framework, fraud risk assessments and fraud survey health check survey and training completed by June 2019. Risk and audit maturity assessment and benchmarking report completed by June 2019. The report identified Georges River Council in the top three leader councils.

Report quarterly to Council's Audit Risk and Improvement Committee on progress with implementing audit plans.


Finalised independent procurement audit report and recommendations referred to Audit Risk and Improvement Committee on 20 May 2019. Procurement audit update scheduled for the next quarter.

Review policy framework across the suite of governance-related documents.


The Code of Conduct and procedures for the administration of the Code of Conduct was adopted by Council on 27 May 2019. Review of information guide is complete and will be referred to Council's Executive in the next quarter for endorsement. The Access to Information Policy and Privacy Management Plan together with Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Enterprise Risk Management Policy have been targetted for response to OLG Circular 19-13 regarding development of template policies. A revised Public Interest Disclosure Policy has been drafted and referred to the NSW Ombudsman's Office and OLG for feedback. PID training for disclosure officers has been scheduled for August 2019.

Update policy register and include review dates.

Completed, as stated in half yearly report.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Procurement Strategy - 6.2.3. Ensure procurement policies and practices demonstrate best practice in probity assurance and legislative compliance. Ensure procurement activity conforms with legislation and Council policy.

Finalised independent procurement audit report and recommendations approved by the Executive on 7 May 2019 and referred to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Commmitee on 20 May 2019. An external Project Manager was appointed to facilitate the implementation of the audit recommendations. Establishment of procurement improvement steering group to oversight implementation.

Make procurement information and processes accessible via the Council intranet in conjunction with staff training.

Procurement and Contract Management policies exist on Council's intranet, including resources for accessing pre-qualified contracts, request for contract number and contract templates, tender evaluation plan and preparing tender recommedations report to Council. Procurement communications are delivered through staff orientations and supported by procurement bulletins and information sessions.

Monitor contracts by evaluating the contracts register and report annually.

From 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019, 44 tenders awarded for values over $150,000, cumulative value over $45M.

Timely provision of information Strategy - 6.2.4. Provide timely access to Council information, in accordance with legislation, policy, public interest considerations, proactive disclosure and the respect for individual privacy. Process and determine formal GIPA requests.

Regularly review proactive release of Council information to ensure availability online.


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100% formal access applications processed within statutory timeframes. Total of 29 formal applications received with five withdrawn and 21 determined. Council's website is the central reference point for the proactive release of information in accordance with the Access to Information Policy and Information Guide. This includes Council policies, meeting agendas and minutes, donations and sponsorships and Councillor expenses. Council officers regularly review access requests, relevant legislation and Office of Local Government and Information Privacy Commission websites; and council held information with a view to proactively release information.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Audit responsibilities Strategy - 6.2.5. Use the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to independently advise Council on good governance, audit matters, business improvement and risk management controls. Ensure the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee is run according to the Counciladopted charter, including quarterly meetings.


The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee has had its five scheduled meetings throughout the year as follows: 6 August, 24 October (special financial statements) and 29 October 2018, 18 February and 20 May 2019.

Implement a one-year Audit Program aligned to the Audit Plan and timetable endorsed by the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

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Complete, as stated in half yearly report

Implement any mandatory internal audit guidelines issued by the OLG.


Office of Local Government have not issued any mandatory guidelines for Internal Audit or Audit, Risk and Improvement Committees in 2018/19. Such guidelines are expected to be issued in 2019/20.

Recruit for the outgoing member of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

The 2018/19 Audit Program met scheduled target as follows: completion of Footpaths and Asphalt audit and Development Assessments using the ICAC DA Internal Audit Control tool audit. Completion of the Section 7.11 and 7.12 developer contributions income audit.completion of the procurement, accounts receivable, accounts payable audits and RMS DRIVES compliance audit. completion on an unscheduled audit for Section 94 contribution income ex-Kogarah Council. Commencement of the Debt Management & Recovery audit and Voluntary Planning Contributions audit. The Audit Program for 2018/19 has been completed within the overall Audit Plan 2018-2021.

Councillor role Strategy - 6.2.6. Ensure compliance with Section 232(1) of the Local Government Act and processes adopted in Council policies. Implement a program of open days to improve community engagement.

Ensure Councillors have access to a minimum of 12 hours skills' development training each year.

All Councillor Open Days for 2018/19 have been completed. Feedback on the program was provided to Councillors who will consider the best structure for the 2019/20 program.


11 out of 15 Councillors have completed more than 12 hours professional development in the 2018/19 year. 2019/20 will offer more promotion to Councillors of this minimum requirement. This promotion will occur throughout the year. It is anticipated that the draft Professional Development Strategy will be completed by October 2019. Although a formal strategy has yet to be adopted, Councillors were offered professional development opportunities throughout the 2018/19 financial year. Councillors were encouraged to attend a minimum of 12 hours of professional development throughout the year. 111

1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Goal 6.3 - Leadership focuses on innovation and improving the customer experience. Customer service Strategy - 6.3.1. Meet customer service commitments that aim to make it easy to do business with Council and create systems and a culture that support positive customer experiences. Improve internal reporting to reflect customer response times and officer accountability.

Reports are generated each week and staff responsible are notified of deadlines. New reporting being introduced in July 2019.

Develop a harmonised customer request management system.

A new customer service request management system has gone live. Ongoing operational efforts will be made to migrate existing service categories from the previous system to the new one.

Increase online services.

Implemented an easy to use online report an issue service for our customers (eCRM). The capabilities of this system will allow for anywhere/anytime management of customer issues and will improve the customer experience. It will enable staff to be able to respond to issues efficiently in the office or out in the field. Implemented online self service for planning and rates certificates. Launched an online booking system to enable easy and accessible pre-lodgment services. Finalised the delivery of self service kiosks located at library branches. Expanded our public WiFi services to Kogarah Civic Forecourt, Riverwood City Centre, Kogarah Library Forecourt ,Beverely Hills, Hurstville Plaza and Palm Court. Electronic payment options expanded to private certifiers.

Review and improve the website to enable more self service.


A significant achievement for the website has been the launch of Council’s Development Advisory Service which presents information in an easy to read format on how to lodge a Development Application (DA) with Council. A Council smart-phone app has also been launched which enables users to lodge service requests, and includes information on key services, facilities and upcoming events. Netstrata Jubilee Stadium pages have been created which includes forthcoming events and information about stadium and venue hire. A review of Google Translate recommends Council continue to use this tool as the key translation tool on the site.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

Program/Project Implement Council's customer feedback and complaints management framework. Build customer service training into the GRC Learning and Development Plan. Upgrade contact centre technology and expand customer contact channels to include webchat and call back options.


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Comment Completed, as stated in half yearly report.

Completed, as stated in half yearly report.

Automated customer announcements for estimated time to wait, and position in queue implemented. Council launched its web chat option on the Council website.

Continuous improvement Strategy - 6.3.2 Demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement and effective governance throughout Council services. Enhance quarterly reporting processes to better review service delivery performance.

A training program for staff in the quarterly reporting process was delivered in October 2018 in the lead up to the Q1 Quarterly Review meetings. The program focused on ensuring quality of reporting data.

Implement a consistent project management methodology with overarching reporting for consistency and service delivery.


Carried over, as stated in half yearly report.

Develop a Digitial Innovation Strategy.


Discussion paper endorsed by Council's Executive Team and consultant currently being appointed.

Work with the University of NSW to implement the innovative smart street furniture project in Olds Park, Mortdale and Memorial Square, Hurstville.

All tasks for the Smart Cities project that were scheduled for 2018/19 have been completed, these include product development and data specifications. Installation will occur in 2019/20.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Strategy and Innovation Strategy - 6.3.3. Increase the status, influence, reputation and brand of GRC and its LGA through a greater focus on innovaton and advocacy. Prepare a 30-year City Vision and City Reputation Strategy.


The Reputation Strategy will be completed late 2019. The 30-year City Vision has been workshopped with Council and is currently in draft.

Refocus communication efforts to include messages that build the LGA's brand and reputation.

City Strategy and Innovation is currently developing a 30-year City Vision for the City. Key projects have been workshopped with Council and are being built into other strategic documents to build alignment including the Local Strategic Planning Statement. To support the development of this Strategy, an advocacy program has been built which is currently being promoted to key external stakeholders including state agencies and other Councils.

Commence implementation of programs that stimulate investment in the Kogarah Health and Research Hub

The Kogarah Collaboration Area program has commenced and will be supported by an Investment Strategy for Kogarah.

Commence programs that transform the economic and cultural potential of Hurstville CBD.

Discussion paper has been developed and a request for quotation for a Place Strategy is currently out to market. A governance group to transform the economic and cultural potential of Hurstville CBD has been approved and will be established mid 2019.

Goal 6.4- Council's assets and resources are managed responsibly and with accountability Asset management Strategy - 6.4.1. Implement asset management plans to maintain infrastructure assets in a safe and functional standard, meeting current and future community needs. Develop a funding strategy to consolidate the GRC depot sites in accordance with the GRC Depot Masterplan.



A Council report will be presented in September 2019 with further work required in conjunction with Finance to confirm the funding strategy.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Financial strength Strategy - 6.4.2. Maintain a sustainably strong financial position, balanced with demand for essential services and new projects, and having regard for Section 8B(d) (ii) of the Local Government Act (the current generation funds the cost of its services). Refine the Long-Term Financial Plan to incorporate proposed new projects and programs and to facilitate financially sustainable decisions.

A new Long Term Financial Plan was developed and adopted by Council in June 2019.

Incorporate the review of Council's Asset Management Plan (6.4.1.a), including asset life, depreciation and maintenance costs, into Council's Long-Term Financial Plan.

The Long Term Financial Plan was developed based on the five year capital program and maintenance budget.

Review Council's Investment Strategy and procedures and appoint an investment advisor.

Investment advisor is in place. Strategy from Council is to invest in level A and above which derives a lower return but is deemed lower risk. Procedures for management of investments have also been reviewed and efficiency opportunities for ease of management have been identified. This includes changes to the investment register and using less institutions.

Continue to improve management reporting to increase access to relevant financial information by senior management.

2019/20 budget preparation process had the roll out of the enterprise budgeting tool, which enabled managers to have easy access to budget and financial information. This improved budget ownership and also reduced duplication of activities.

Refine critical financial processes through clear documentation of policies, procedures and training.

Considerable work has been conducted with four internal audits across high risk financial processes. In addition to this working groups have been established to further improve cross business processes, these include cash handling and bonds.





Property management Strategy - 6.4.3. Actively manage Council's property portfolio to maximise returns on investment in community assets and programs. Redevelop Sans Souci Bathers' Pavilion to provide commercial leasing opportunity.


Project was on hold pending outcome of legal action. Project recommenced mid May 2019 with a new estimated completion date for development approval being March 2020.

Collaborate across Council to identify business needs requiring property acquisition.


Review of land acquisition maps with strategic planning unit and infrastructure and assets has commenced, to confirm existing and future properties required for open space purposes.

Progress Planning Proposals for planned Council developments. Implement leasing management system.


System in place. Data currently being populated

Implement Outdoor Dining and Footway Trading application management system.


System in place. Data currently being populated

Outdoor dining Kogarah


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019




Goal 6.5 - The workforce is inspiring, diverse and engaged. Workforce planning and performance Strategy - 6.5.1. Implement leading people practices to create a high performing capable and resilient workforce. Evaluate Work, Health and Safety (WH&S) processes, systems and procedures and implement effective controls to manage WH&S risks.

Introduction of a new injury management and recover at work framework aligned with compliance requirements and current internal processes, consisting of five key elements including an overarching policy, procedural guidelines, dedicated Recover at Work Business Partners, communication and education programs and online self-service support tools. Review and realignment of Council’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Strategy and implementation plan. WHS statistical reports are presented and reviewed by Council's Executive on a monthly basis. Specific WHS actions and measurement and business unit reporting are presented and reviewed for each directorate/ department on a monthly basis.

Implement results of safety system audit. Conduct first year Safety Culture survey.

An ongoing audit is occurring on a monthly basis and non compliance areas are being addressed directly with Managers. Corrective actions from the safety culture survey have been implemented in full, including attendance of a WHS Officer to monthly team meetings to discuss business unit safety reports; the implementation of three safety actions for each business unit to be measured monthly; implementation of a Q&A section in the monthly 'In Safe Hands' newsletter to answer worker enquiries in regards to WHS. Year two of the safety culture survey will be launched at Safety Week in October 2019.

Maintain a framework to reduce the number of lost time injuries (LTI) days per year.


Council’s new injury management and recover at work framework is aligned with SIRA/legislative/AS/ NZ4801 Safety Management Systems requirements in preparation for future compliance auditing and selfinsurance modelling. The framework outlines Council’s commitment to early injury intervention, effective employee claim support and recover at work philosophies. It consists of five key elements including an overarching policy, procedural guidelines, dedicated Recover at Work Business Partners, communication and education programs and online self-service support tools.





Develop and implement the first phase of a Performance Excellence Program including a review of the current skill and performance review system and procedure.

Project plan developed.OOSoft – job evaluation system is currently being upgraded.

Deliver an annual all-staff conference focused on our mission, values and regulatory training.

Annual conference delivered in March 2018. Next River Run to be held in August 2019.

Develop and implement a Reward and Recognition Program.

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Shine Bright Reward and Saluting Service Program in operation.

Establish the Wellness and Belonging Program with a focus on the ageing workforce.

2018/19 skills and performance process linked to Ready Set Grow program, driving organisational capability, has been further reviewed to accommodate different needs of the business and investigations have now commenced to further implement capability and performance excellence criteria for the 2020/21 reviews.

Fitness Passport implemented. Warm up program facilitated with engineering operations, rangers and parking officers. Establishment of flexible working arrangements employee working group. Draft policy completed including provision of special leave for life events. Draft Domestic Violence Leave Policy developed. Equal Employment Opportunity Diversity and Inclusion Policy and program for 2018-2020 developed and commenced. Reward and Recognition program implemented. Draft Wellness and Belonging Policy program developed and ready for implementation in 2019/20.

Goal 6.6 - Council has a regional approach to service delivery and facilities. Regional planning Strategy - 6.6.1. Plan for regional-level services and facilities and share information across State agencies and neighbouring councils.


Assist delivery of major infrastructure projects that impact the LGA and the region and commence discussions with adjoining councils to identify projects of regional significance.

An advocacy program has been created to progress to the delivery of major infrastructure projects of regional significance including new mass transit links.

Establish a Council Business Unit to progress the future of the LGA, including through regional partnerships.

Complete, as stated in half yearly report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan // End of Year Progress Report July 2018 - June 2019

King Georges Road



JULY 2018 - JUNE 2019

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