Eco-friendly guide for Christmas

Here'sourguidetomaking Christmasaneco-friendly celebrationwithyour lovedonesthisyear. It's easy to get swept up in the magic and fun over the festive season. From wrapping, gifts, decorations to food and plastic waste, there are ways to help reduce your waste footprint.

Try using: Instead of foil wrapping Paper, twine with dried flowers Wax wraps A basket Tissue paper Reusable fabric bags Paper bags decorated Tea towels Tip for wrapping if you can tear it, then place in recycle bin, if the wrapping cannot be torn it must be placed into the general waste bin. Not sure what waste goes where? Find out what goes in your bin

Christmas decorations Use dried flowers, leaves, fruit, lavender, cinnamon and star anise to make your own decorations. Iced biscuits, chocolates and truffles also make for great decoration. Christmas gifts Body care products such as bath salts, body scrubs and soaps can be made at home using minimal packaging.
bin if you
Try using LED lights to reduce your eco footprint. Old lights can be disposed of in the E-waste events see E-waste pages for upcoming dates.
tree or a real one?
Artificial tree For more recycle ideas see Councils A-Z recycle guide. Real tree For more information on Councils discounted compost bins, see our Compost and worm farming page Christmas lights
Artificial trees are made from non-recyclable material but can be used over and over, these can be donated to charity after or can be placed into the kerbside collections.
trees can be composted after but cannot be
These can be cut up into small pieces
placed in your garden organics
do not have a compost.
options... Christmas trees

For more ways to recycle other items see A- Z recycling guide and Recycling near me.