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Engaging with the community
Community engagement is the act of informing, consulting, involving, collaborating with and empowering residents on issues that may affect their lives. It is the foundation of good governance and allows us to identify local ideas, concerns and opportunities by involving the public. We adopted the Community Engagement Strategy in October 2019.
The benefits of community engagement include: • better project and service delivery • improved quality of policy being developed • strengthened relationships with individuals and community groups • a process to ensure council is meeting local needs • opportunities to discuss complex and emerging issues • opportunities for diverse voices to be heard.
Major Projects
During 2019/2020 we consulted with the community on: • Georges River LEP 2020 • Changes to your rates (proposed rates restructure) • Georges River Draft Regional Aquatic Site Suitability and Feasibility Study • Community Engagement Strategy • Oatley Bowling Club Site Master Plan and Plan of
Management • Operational Plan and Draft Delivery Program • Library Strategy • Innovation Strategy • Create Georges River Cultural Strategy. We engage with the community in a variety of ways, including direct mail, notices in newspapers, subscription emails/newsletters, letter drops, face-toface briefings, telephone surveys, and workshops. In addition, we used our online platform Your Say for 65 community consultations, which involved 3,132 ‘active engaged’ participants and 21,329 ‘aware’ participants.
Registered Your Say members increased by 62 per cent (809) during 2019/20. Due COVID-19 restrictions, we changed face-to-face engagements to interactive online webinars for the Draft Georges River LEP.
Changes to your rates information reached more than 2.3 million people through 79 activities or events in a twomonth period. This program included online, on social media, in newspapers and newsletters, in community languages as well as a brochure and survey to all households and businesses in the LGA. Face-to-face information sessions and drop-in events were led by our General Manager and included targeted sessions for business and the Chinese-speaking community.
We obtained community feedback through four main channels: • face-to-face - 288 people were reached through eight events. • surveys – the return of 6,363 surveys represents a response rate of 11.86 per cent on 53,646 feedback packs (letter, brochure and survey). • Your Say - 50 people provided submissions online and a further 50 people wrote submissions by email and mail. • randomised telephone survey of 600 households.
In all, 3,220 comments were received and analysed. Council’s top 10 online projects with the highest participation were: • Changes to your rates (662) • Draft Georges River LEP 2020 (350) • Christmas lights competition 2019 (285) • Oatley Bowling Club Site Master Plan and Plan Of
Management (240) • Community safety survey (189) • Georges River Draft Regional Aquatic Site Suitability and Feasibility Study (156) • Moore Reserve Plan of Management and Master
Plan (130) • Beverly Hills @ Night (116) • Closure of Kogarah War Memorial Pool (Carss Park
Pool) (114) • Hurstville @ Night (97)
Australia Day at Carss Bush Park 2020
Public Exhibitions 2019/20
Draft Resourcing Strategy 2020/21 Draft Operational Plan and Draft Delivery Program Draft Innovation Strategy Draft Georges River Foreshore Access and Improvement Plan Regional Aquatic Facility Site Suitability and Feasibility Study Public Art and Cultural Facilities in Georges River Planning Proposal and DCP – 9 Gloucester Road, Hurstville Oatley Bowling Club Site Master Plan and Plan of Management Moore Reserve Plan of Management and Master Plan Hurstville Oval and Timothy Reserve Draft Plan of Management and Master Plan Georges River Draft Regional Aquatic Site Suitability and Feasibility Study Georges River 2050: Leading for Change Generic Plan of Management Financial Statements and Auditors Report Draft Stormwater Management Policy Draft Public Art Policy Draft Olds Park Master Plan Draft Library Strategy Draft Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy Draft Hurstville Place Strategy Draft Grants Donations and Sponsorships Policy Draft Georges River LEP 2020 Draft Debt Management and Hardship Policy Draft Community Lease Policy Draft Community Engagement Strategy Draft Car Parking Strategy Draft Amendment to the Georges River Policy on Planning Agreements Draft Amendment to Part C2 - Medium Density Housing in Kogarah DCP 2013 Digital Communications and Experience Strategy Changes to Your Rates Community Engagement Strategy Amended Place Naming Policy Amended Draft Long-Term Financial Plan
Your Say Georges River
Your Say is Council’s online engagement tool.
Registered participants receive requests to share their views, concerns or ideas to help inform our decisionmaking. We have received 2,487 site registrations to date, more than one per cent of the population.
Your Say incorporates the following features:
Community satisfaction research
In March 2020 we conducted an independent community satisfaction survey to gain insight into resident attitudes and perceptions towards services and facilities provided by Council. The community survey was carried out over 43 facilities/services in terms of importance and satisfaction, grouped into service areas as detailed below:
Community facilities/services Infrastructure Human services Corporate services and management
The survey was conducted by telephone, interviewing 604 residents with 162 acquired through number harvesting. Key results being:
87% of residents were at least somewhat satisfied with the performance of Council. Results have remained consistent with research conducted in 2017. In terms of the most valued aspects of living in the LGA, themes of accessibility and location were common along with the atmosphere and natural environment aspects. 21% of residents said they value the proximity to shopping centres, hospitals, services, amenities and activities. Access to good public transport and the fact that the area is quiet and peaceful were also commonly mentioned. Overall satisfaction with Council’s communication has significantly increased since 2017, with 85% of residents being at least somewhat satisfied. Council’s website was the most preferred method for receiving information for residents. Controlling population growth and overdevelopment in the area was top of mind for residents (32%). Improved public transport, traffic management, congestion and more outdoor parks and recreation areas were also commonly mentioned. Public transport was both a valued aspect of the area and a top priority.
Australia Day at Carss Bush Park 2020