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Celebrating volunteers

Library services

Our Libraries Volunteer Program hosted 49 volunteers during 2019/20. These comprised of: • 13 general duties volunteers who look after our library collections and library spaces five English conversation class volunteers who help people learn vital English language skills four English conversation class assistants as children and youth programs assistant who help us run our library programs. Their patience, care and special attention ensures children and their parents and carers always have a wonderful time 19 Duke of Edinburgh student volunteers seven justices of the peace who are valued for their skills, patience, time and dedication to delivering an essential community service.

Hurstville Museum and Gallery

Between July 2019 and June 2020, the Museum hosted eight volunteers. Museum volunteer invigilators assist with monitoring the exhibition spaces, ensure artworks and installations are not touched or photographed as indicated, keep the exhibition space tidy, interact, and provide general information to the public and direct them to Museum staff when appropriate.

Cultural development

We worked with 92 volunteers last financial year. Members of the different Georges River Council Reference Groups devoted their time to provide advice on our programs and policies in targeted areas (multicultural: 14 members, Aboriginal: 8, youth: 12, seniors: 35, access and inclusion: 13). Furthermore, 10 volunteers from Chinese backgrounds helped us connect and communicate with the Chinese community and assisted at events such as the St George Migrant Information Day in November 2019 and our open day for the Chinese community in August 2019.

Bushcare volunteers

Bushcare volunteer program

Our Bushcare volunteers help manage remnant bushland by mitigating the effects of vegetation fragmentation, urban run-off, invasion of garden species and noxious weeds (such as lantana and privet), vandalism (including tree poisoning and rubbish dumping) and pest animals.

In 2019/20, we supported 316 volunteer sessions across 16 sites, and two responsive groups (Nomads and Rovers) that service an extra 10 sites combined. The volunteers planted an additional 3,000 plants including a mix of trees, shrubs, and grasses.

Bushcare volunteers participated in monitoring and trapping of the highly invasive red-eared slider turtle at Lime Kiln Bay and Webbs Dam, coordinated by Department of Primary Industries. Bushcare also received five grants totalling $106,400 from the Commonwealth and NSW governments to implement restoration and bush regeneration projects at various reserves in the LGA. Bushcare volunteers support Council projects by participating in bush regeneration activities, propagation of plants, planting, and monitoring activities.

The grants include: • $26,400 – Restoration and Rehabilitation of Gannons

Park, Peakhurst. Funded by Environmental Trust. This is the second year of a three-year grant. $20,000 – Riverwood Park Restoration Project. Funded by Local Land Services. $20,000 – Rehabilitation Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark

Forest, Beverly Hills Park. Funded by Community

Environment Program. $20,000 – Evatt Park Natural Bushland Restoration.

Funded by Community Environment Program. $20,000 – Moore Reserve Natural Bushland

Restoration. Funded by Community Environment


Work experience program

Our work experience program has continued during 2019/20 with business units collaborating with the people and culture team to establish relationships with local organisations ranging from education services, schools, universities, TAFE, and disability services. We received more than 250 applications for places.

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