Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

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Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

CONTENTS Overall Progress................................................................................4 Pillar 1: A protected environment and green open spaces........7 Summary…...................................................................................8 Three Year Delivery Program.......................................................9 One Year Operational Plan...........................................................14 Pillar 2: Quality, well planned development.............................19 Summary…...................................................................................20 Three Year Delivery Program.......................................................21 One Year Operational Plan...........................................................25 Pillar 3: Active and accessible places and spaces.................29 Summary…...................................................................................30 Three Year Delivery Program.......................................................31 One Year Operational Plan...........................................................34 Pillar 4: A diverse and productive economy............................39 Summary…...................................................................................40 Three Year Delivery Program.......................................................41 One Year Operational Plan...........................................................46 Pillar 5: A harmonious and proud community with strong social services and infrastructure........................51 Summary…...................................................................................52 Three Year Delivery Program.......................................................53 One Year Operational Plan...........................................................64 Pillar 6: Leadership and transparency.....................................77 Summary…...................................................................................78 Three Year Delivery Program.......................................................80 One Year Operational Plan...........................................................90 Budget Review Statement.........................................................101


overall progress


Customer requests




Completed within agreed times


Responded to within 14 days

Completed within agreed times

Dec 18

Dec 18

Dec 18




Above YTD approved budget

Below YTD approved budget

Dec 18

Dec 18



Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items


 T

Complete Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold




3% 7% 60% 15%



Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Pillar 1 A protected environment and green open spaces Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T

Complete Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold


9% 26%




Next time:

• $54,807 awarded in Heritage Building Grants to 17 applicants as part of the 2018/2019 Heritage Building Grants Program.

• Complete Heritage Review of Hurstville LEP

• Contracts awarded for design and construction of three new inclusive adventure playgrounds – Kempt Field, Meade Reserve and Oatley Park.

• Replacement of playgrounds in Bell Avenue Reserve, Nicol Murray Reserve, Meade Reserve and Poplar Place Reserve.

• Complete LGA wide Foreshore Review

• Renovation Program completed on all sporting fields within the LGA.


How our planned projects are progessing in 2018/2019: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS




Annual Target

Results to date



Number of trees planted or given away each year




On track

Over 2,500 free native plants - National Tree Day in July. 1,000 trees and shrubs planted at community planting event in Evatt Park. 236 street trees planted.

Number of hectares of active bush regeneration activities

New measure




The percentage of graffiti tags removed within 48 hours





Percentage of environment pollution complaints responded to within two business days





Percentage of waste customer requests responded to within 48 hours





Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE













The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing:


Year due Status


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Goal 1.1 - Council's environmentally sustainable practices inspire everyone to protect and nuture the natural environment. Environmental Strategy - 1.1.1. Ensure the Georges River area is resilient in addressing energy, water and gas usage, sustainable buildings, waste diversion, green corridors, carbon emissions and urban design. a. Adopt and implement a Resilience Strategy for Council's services (commence 2019-20).



A draft Energy and Water Management Plan will go to Council for review in April 2019. This will form a key part of the broader Resilience Strategy which will also include a climate adaptation plan, a waste minimisation strategy, and a review of urban design controls in Council's harmonised Development Control Plan (DCP).

b. Reduce energy use at the top 10 Council energy using sites through the Energy Management Plan.


c. Implement the Urban Forest Strategy.



A draft Energy and Water Management Plan will go to Council for review in April 2019.

d. Identify actions required to reduce the risks from climate change impacts on Council assets (commence 2019-20).



Creation of an action plan to reduce the risks of climate change has commenced. This will take into account a review of the Kogarah Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan to cover the entire LGA.

e.Create environmental protection education programs for schools and the broader community.



The waste and recycling calendar has been delivered to all residents within the LGA. Council is updating its waste education resources in preparation for delivery to schools and the broader community in 2019.

The draft Tree Management Policy which encompasses the Urban Forest Strategy was publicly exhibited from 17 October - 14 November 2018. A report recommending the adoption of the Policy (as amended) is schedule to go to Council in February 2019.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Waste Strategy - 1.1.2. Use waste management contracts and practices to divert waste from landfill sites. a. Monitor contracts for green waste, recyclables, general waste clean-up services and mattress collection for compliance and develop strategies to reduce landfill deposits.



Council is continuing negotiations with Suez to develop a refund sharing agreement for eligible containers through the State Government Return and Earn Scheme. A report detailing new approaches and programs to increase waste diversion was provided to Council on 17 December 2018.

b. Delivery community education initiatives to support environmentally sustainable waste disposal and recycling practices (commence 2019-20).



A workshops and events calendar will be finalised in February 2019, to provide dates for all workshops and events covering waste, environment and sustainability.

c. Actively participate in regional illegal dumping (RID Squad) initiatives.



The RID Squad officers work with Council staff across Council boundaries to coordinate illegal dumping investigations regionally. Council staff regularly attend committee meetings and work with RID Squad officers on a daily basis.

Sustainability Strategy - 1.1.3. Help everyone to contribute to a more environmentally sustainable Georges River LGA a. Undertake programs and activities to educate the community on reducing energy consumption, protecting waterways, reducing waste and taking other action to improve the environment, with a focus on climate change projects.



Council's Our Energy Future Program focuses on educating the community on ways to reduce their home energy bills and their environmental footprint. Council has conducted one workshop this year through the Program and also held a pop up stall in October 2018 at the Oately Lions Festival providing information on a range of topics from how to read electricity bills to installation of Solar panels.

b. Lobby the NSW Government to strengthen regulations to ensure private certifiers rigorously implement conditions of consent relating to environmental protection.


Submission made to the Review of Private Certification in NSW - Building and Development Certifiers Bill 2018 which requests the NSW Government to overhaul certifier regulation.

Natural environment Strategy - 1.1.4. Develop and implement programs to protect and conserve the natural environment. a. Implement the Urban Forest Strategy and Canopy Enhancement Program.




Council’s Draft Tree Management Policy was presented to Council and placed on exhibition in September 2018. In December 2018 Council lodged a grant application under the 5 Million Trees Program. Council is proposing the planting and maintenance of 500 trees within two newly-formed, distinct canopy corridors as per Georges River Council’s ‘Forest Roads’ Project. The trees will be planted in streets, reserves and schools, with a focus on the suburbs with the least urban tree canopy cover.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status

b. Implement Council's Bush Regeneration program to protect, conserve and enhance the natural environment.



Comment Bush regeneration activities completed include weed eradication, habitat protection and revegetation in 120ha of bushland.

Goal 1.2 -The LGA's waterways are healthy and accessible. Waterways Strategy - 1.2.1. Use our role on the Georges River Combined Councils' Committee (GRCCC) to lobby State

agencies and other stakeholders for a protected and enhanced Georges River. a. Represent Council's ambitions for the Georges River through the GRCCC.

b. Continue work to understand and manage how climate change affects foreshores and coastlines.



Council's Coordinator Environment, Sustainability and Waste is the Host Manager for the GRCC and attends all meetings and events coordinated by the GRCCC, to represent Council's ambitions for the Georges River.



Staff received training in developing baseline data to measure climate change impacts. Further workshops are scheduled for February 2019.

Marine and foreshore assets Strategy - 1.2.2. Maintain marine and foreshore assets in a safe and functional condition.

a. Maintain marine and foreshore assets in a safe and functional condition and upgrade as required.



Council is currently undertaking an extensive Foreshore Access Improvement Plan. A major upgrade to Carss Bush Park foreshore is currently underway including development of an environmentally friendly seawall and elevated boardwalk to improve waterway health and accessibility.

Goal 1.3 Everyone has access to beautiful parks and open spaces. Open space Strategy - 1.3.1. Ensure all public parks and open spaces are accessible, well-maintained and managed to meet the

recreational needs of current and future residents. a. Implement the annual Parks and Open Space Improvement Programs.



All sports field renovations are complete. Work has commenced on the Parks Infrastructure Plus Program, Gannons Park Stage 3 works and Oatley Oval irrigation and topdressing. The playground replacement program has commenced and will be completed in early 2019.

b. Use the findings of the Recreation and Open Space Strategy to guide forward works programs and budgets.


The draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy is currently

on public exhibition which will identify projects that address the key needs of the community. A priority list will be developed following Council's adoption of the Strategy.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Plans of management Strategy - 1.3.2. Review Plans of Management for sporting fields, parks, open space and bushland in the LGA.

a. Continue the review of Plans of Management for sporting fields, parks, open space and bushland within the LGA.



The review of the Plan of Management and Masterplan for Hurstville Oval is underway with the Draft Issues and Options Discussion Paper for Hurstville Oval & Timothy Reserve Plan of Management and Masterplan lodged with Council on 1 November 2018. Council has also commenced the Olds Park Masterplan and resolved to commence preparing a new Masterplan for the former Oatley Bowling Club site and a site specific Plan of Management.

Resilient Design Principles Strategy - 1.3.3. Understand the potential impacts of climate change when developing design principles for parks and open spaces.

a. Incorporate design principles for parks and open spaces that promote resilience.



Current works include Carss Park Environmental Foreshore Renewal Project, Hurstville Oval Plan of Management and Olds Park Landscape Masterplan.

Open Space and Recreation Strategy Strategy - 1.3.4. Use the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy to inform the provision of

parks and open space.

a. Continue to implement the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.




The draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy was delivered to Council on 26 November 2018 (COM05018) and placed on public exhibition on 3 December 2018. The draft Strategy will remain on public exhibition for community feedback until 7 April 2019.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


Goal 1.4 Local heritage is protected and promoted. Conservation and heritage Strategy - 1.4.1. Recognise the LGA's local heritage through heritage listings in LEPs and protection policies in


a. Finalise the review of the Hurstville LEP heritage Schedule as part of the comprehensive LEP for the Georges River LGA.



Council has commenced Stage 3 of the Hurstville LEP Heritage Review which involves updating and revising the State heritage inventory forms for all properties recommended for retention as heritage items. This will include a statement of significance for each heritage item.

b. Review existing DCPs to update heritage guidelines.



This project is connected with the preparation of the Georges River Local Environmental Plan (LEP). The LEP Health Check and LEP Review were adopted by Council in October 2018. The finalised DCP is due mid 2020.

Heritage assets Strategy - 1.4.2. Capitalise on opportunities to recognise heritage assets in Council services and programs.

a. Celebrate heritage in the annual program of Council run and Council supported events.



A Heritage Publication Grant was awarded to Anne Field for a documentary on Moorefield Racecourse. Council’s wayfinding signage was successfully installed across the LGA, marking important heritage sites including William Carss Grave, Oatley Castle, Olds Park, Moore Reserve Wetlands and Poulton Park Reserve.

b. Implement the annual Historical Markers Program to create awareness of the history, heritage and cultural identity of the Georges River area.



The official launch of the Historical Markers Program was held in July with five markers being installed in August 2018.

c. Develop and maintain public programs through the Hurstville Museum & Gallery that exemplify the history of the St George region.



Hurstville Museum & Gallery formed a partnership with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service to deliver Aboriginal cultural tours, highlighting the indigenous history of Oatley Park. An astronomy night at the Museum was organised with Sydney Observatory to coincide with the ‘Keep in Touch’ exhibition, attracting an audience of 50 people.

d. Retain and maintain properties with heritage significance through an annual Heritage Building Grants Program.



In November 2018 Council resolved that offers be made to 17 applicants of the Heritage Building Grants Program.



 6

 1











The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing:





Goal 1.1 - Council's environmentally sustainable practices inspire everyone to protect and nuture the natural environment. Environmental Strategy - 1.1.1. Ensure the Georges River area is resilient in addressing energy, water and gas usage, sustainable buildings, waste diversion, green corridors, carbon emissions and urban design. Develop an Energy Management Plan for Council's top 10 energy using sites


Audit of top 10 energy and water consuming sites and top five gas consuming sites completed by consultant (Conservia) in June 2018. Audit results have been reviewed to prioritise works/upgrades into new projects or Council's long term maintenance plan. A Draft Energy and Water Management Plan has been developed and will go to Council for approval in April 2019.

Develop an Urban Forest Strategy


Cardno has been engaged to prepare a vegetation mapping report which in combination with the Tree Management Policy form the overarching Urban Forest Strategy. Cardno provided a briefing to Councillors on 2 October on their draft report and a further briefing will be provided to Council in February 2019 following the public exhibition of the Draft Tree Management Policy.

Waste Strategy - 1.1.2. Use waste management contracts and practices to divert waste from landfill sites.


Implement a new contract for the processing and disposal of general waste for the former Hurstville Council area.

Council at its meeting on 28 May 2018 awarded Part A – the processing and disposal of Collected Material from Waste Collection Services of the former Hurstville City Council under Contract Number T18/015 to SUEZ Recycling and Recovery Pty Ltd.

Implement a new contract for the processing of garden organics for the Georges River LGA.

Council at its meeting on 28 May 2018 awarded Part A – the processing and disposal of Collected Material from Waste Collection Services of the former Hurstville City Council under Contract Number T18/015 to SUEZ Recycling and Recovery Pty Ltd.

Implement a new contact for the collection and disposal of waste from park and public litter bins for the former Kogarah Council area.

Council at its meeting on 28 May 2018 awarded Part A – the processing and disposal of Collected Material from Waste Collection Services of the former Hurstville City Council under Contract Number T18/015 to SUEZ Recycling and Recovery Pty Ltd.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Sustainability Strategy - 1.1.3. Help everyone to contribute to a more environmentally sustainable Georges River LGA. Develop a program to educate the community on reducing energy consumption and protecting the environment.


Council has engaged with the Our Energy Future Program to offer a free energy support service to assists residents reduce their home energy bills and reduce their environmental footprint. Residents can also obtain an obligation free quote to install solar panels on their home.

Advocate to the NSW Government for stronger regulations to ensure private certifiers rigorously implement conditions of consent relating to soil erosion and tree protection.

ď Ź

Submission made to the Review of Private Certification in NSW - Building and Development Certifiers Bill 2018 which requests the NSW Government to overhaul certifier regulation.

Natural environment Strategy - 1.1.4. Develop and implement programs to protect and conserve the natural environment. Implement the 2018-19 Bushland Regeneration Program.


The 2018-19 Bushland Regeneration Program is focused on weed reduction, natural regeneration and revegetation.

Goal 1.2 -The LGA's waterways are healthy and accessible. Waterways Strategy - 1.2.1. Use our role on the Georges River Combined Councils' Committee (GRCCC) to lobby State agencies and other stakeholders for a protected and enhanced Georges River. Be an active partner at all GRCCC meetings and events.


Council's Coordinator Environment, Sustainability and Waste is the host manager for the GRCC and attends all meetings and events coordinated by the GRCCC, to represent Council's ambitions for the Georges River.

Research the effects of climate change on foreshores and coastlines.


Staff have participated in a Strategic Planning workshop to assist in developing baseline data for future reference to measure impacts. Further workshops are scheduled for February 2019.

Marine and foreshore assets Strategy - 1.2.2. Maintain marine and foreshore assets in a safe and functional condition. Inspect foreshore assets every six months.


Asset inspections completed by Council's Parks Officer for foreshore assets. Minor works and maintenance undertaken as required.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Goal 1.3 Everyone has access to beautiful parks and open spaces. Open space Strategy - 1.3.1. Ensure all public parks and open spaces are accessible, well-maintained and managed to meet the recreational needs of current and future residents. Implement the 2018-19 Parks and Open Space Improvement Program.


Completed open space improvement works include Sports Field Rennovation Program on all sporting fields, irrigation system improvements, floodlight automation installation and installation of three drinking fountains at Carss Bush Park.

Implement the 2018-19 Playground Asset Replacement Program.


Contracts have been awarded for the replacement of playgrounds in Bell Avenue Reserve, Nicol Murray Reserve, Meade Reserve and Poplar Place Reserve. Works will be completed in early 2019.

Plans of management Strategy - 1.3.2. Review Plans of Management for sporting fields, parks, open space and bushland in the LGA. Prepare a program to review the Plans of Management, including setting priorities and funding sources.

ď Ź

A program to review the Plans of Management, including setting priorities and funding sources has been set and is being implemented.

Commence reviews of high priority actions identified in the Plans of Management Review Program.


The Draft Issues and Options Discussion Paper for Hurstville Oval & Timothy Reserve Plan of Management and Masterplan were lodged with Council on 1 November 2018. The Olds Park Masterplan also commenced in November 2018. In December 2018 Council resolved to commence the preparation of a new Masterplan for the former Oatley Bowling Club site and a site specific Plan of Management, and remove the site from the Hurstville Generic Plan of Management Natural Areas, adopted in February 2008.

Resilient design principles Strategy - 1.3.3. Understand the potential impacts of climate change when developing design principles for parks and open spaces. Develop parks and open space design principles to promote resilience.


Contracts for the design and construction of Inclusive Adventure Playgrounds have been awarded for Kempt Field, Meade Reserve and Oatley Park. These playgrounds will incorporate design principles that will include all age groups and abilities.

Open Space and Recreation Strategy Strategy - 1.3.4. Use the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy to inform the provision of parks and open space. Identify open space and recreation priorities based on the findings of the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.



The Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy is currently on public exhibition. Community feedback is being collated for review. Pop up information stalls are being conducted across the LGA at events and in city centres and parks.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Goal 1.4 Local heritage is protected and promoted. Conservation and heritage Strategy - 1.4.1. Recognise the LGA's local heritage through heritage listings in LEPs and protection policies in DCPs. Complete LGA wide foreshore review.

Complete heritage review of Hurstville LEP.


The draft Georges River Foreshore Controls Strategic Directions Paper was lodged with Council on 31 August 2018. It is currently being reviewed by Council Officers. Stages 1 and 2 of the Heritage Review was completed in September 2018. Stage 1 involved the review of heritage items in the Hurstville CBD (approximately 47 items) and Stage 2 was the review of remaining heritage items (approximately 105 items) in the former Hurstville LGA.

Heritage assets Strategy - 1.4.2. Capitalise on opportunities to recognise heritage assets in Council services and programs. Implement the 2018-19 Heritage Building Grants Program.


On 26 November 2018 Council resolved that the Heritage Building Grants Program 2018-19 offers be made to 17 successful applicants. Letters were forwarded to the successful applicants by the end of November 2018.

Conduct a heritage information session for owners of heritage listed properties.


A heritage information session for owners of heritage listed properties was held in May 2018. The next one is planned for mid 2019.

A Heritage Publication Grant to the value of $1,600 was awarded to Anne Field, in October 2018 for the Moorefield Racecourse project.

Develop and implement targeted school based and public programs for the Hurstville Museum & Gallery.

Deliver an annual Heritage Publications Grant program.

Schools and teachers were targeted to boost the Museum’s reach in terms of brand and service awareness. A teacher information night showcased the Museum & Gallery’s education programs and outreach kits. A syllabus based program has been developed for the upcoming exhibition ‘Keep in touch’ which will allow primary school students to learn about the Museum’s collection, in particular, the communication technology on display.



Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Pillar 2

Quality, well planned development Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T

Complete Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold



27% 7%



Next time:

• Fire cladding audit of all properties within the LGA completed and a list of properties compiled for the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and Fire & Rescue NSW.

• Community consultation on the Local Strategic Planning Statement.

• Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system upgraded at Hurstville Library. • Georges River Housing Strategy in development with the research phase well under way.

• Significant upgrades to Netstrata Jubilee Oval Stadium. • Community information program about the development process.






Annual Target

Results to date



Number of DAs determined




Behind schedule

Council determined 375 applications between July - December including 288 DAs, 32 Modifications and 5 Reviews.

Number of DAs determined by IHAP.





Number of DAs determined by the Regional Planning Panel.




Behind schedule

The Regional Planning Panel has held 5 meetings between July - December 2018 and considered 5 applications.

Community participation in strategic land use planning.

New measure



Not started

Target relates to participation in LGA wide engagement activities relating to strategic planning. The first LGA wide engagement activity will be on the Local Strategic Planning Statement which commences in 2019.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE













The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing: Program/Project

Year due Status


ï 6


Goal 2.1 - Sustainable development delivers better amenity and liveability of the community and the environment. LGA-wide planning Strategy - 2.1.1. Prepare a comprehensive LEP for the entire LGA to improve and standardise development controls and regulations. a. Prepare a Local Environmental Plan (LEP) for the Georges River LGA.



The LEP Health Check and LEP Review were lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment on 31 October 2018. Work on the Local Strategic Planning Statement has also commenced. Council is well advanced in the progress of the following studies / strategies that are being completed for the Georges River LEP: Industrial Land Review, Car Parking Study, Foreshore Access and Improvement Plan, Foreshore Review of LEP and DCP Controls.

Master planning Strategy - 2.1.1. Prepare a comprehensive LEP for the entire LGA to improve and standardise development controls and regulations. a. Complete the Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy.


At its meeting on 25 June 2018, Council considered the Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy, including the submissions received. Council in part resolved to endorse the Strategy as a Strategic Planning document that will inform the preparation of the LEP and DCP controls for the Hurstville City Centre, excluding the additional capacity areas.

b. Prepare a comprehensive DCP for the entire Georges River LGA.



This project is connected with the preparation of the Georges River Local Environmental Plan (LEP). The Georges River LEP Health Check and LEP Review were adopted by Council in October 2018. The finalised DCP is due mid 2020.

c. Complete the Masterplan for Beverly Hills.



Phase 1 of the Beverly Hills Masterplan - community engagement and analysis of study area - has begun. Community engagement undertaken has included roaming surveys, two community walks, a pop up kiosk, focus group consultations and online submission and survey options. Quotations are being sought for the development of the Masterplan document.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Development Assessment Strategy - 2.1.3. Continue rigorous assessment of development applications (DAs) including compliance with DCPs, aesthetic qualities and environmental initiatives. a. Review the policy and procedures for community feedback on development applications, including neighbour notifications.



Project plan completed. Team Leader Development Advisory commenced at the end of 2018. Review of material has begun.

Monitoring Communications Strategy - 2.14. Ensure high quality reporting and DA assessment by Council staff, local planning panels and the Sydney South Planning Panel. a. Conduct community information sessions on development and building matters.


Development of material for the community engagement sessions will be created by the Team Leader Development Advisory. This position was filled in late 2018 and work on the action item will commence in 2019.

Design Review Panel Strategy - 2.1.5. Utilise Council's Design Review Panel to provide independent and expert advice on the design quality of planning proposals and multi-storey developments that meet the review criteria. a. Review the performance and outcomes of the Design Review Panel to improve efficiencies.


Project plan completed. Team Leader Development Advisory commenced at the end of 2018. Review of material has begun.


Council continues to manage the annual fire safety statement register and inspect premises where fire safety concerns are raised. Council completed a fire cladding audit of all properties within the LGA and compiled a list of properties for the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and Fire & Rescue NSW to follow up with property owners.

Fire Safety Strategy - 2.1.6. Adopt an effective Fire Safety Program. a. Adopt and implement a Fire Safety Program that maintains buldings with essential fire services to safeguard the community.



Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


Goal 2.2 - The community helps to plan the LGA's future. Community engagement Strategy - 2.2.1. Use community consultation and feedback to guide a comprehensive set of planning and development strategies that are incorporated into LEPs and Council policies. a. Review community consultation and feedback practices for LEPs and Council policies.

b. Provide ongoing education to the community about the development approval process, including the role of the NSW Government.



Detail obtained from all development submissions is recorded in application assessment reports. Feedback on controls is provided to Strategic Planning for review and potential incorporation into the new comprehensive Development Controls for the LGA. Council is working on a policy to manage inconsistencies between Hurstville and Kogarah DCP provisions and inform future planning controls.



Development of community education materials will be created by the Team Leader Development Advisory. This position was filled in late 2018 and work on the action item will commence in 2019.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Goal 2.3 - Council-led development and assets provide quality, long-term benefits to everyone. Strategy - 2.3.1. Ensure quality design and sustainability principles underpin the provision of Council facilities and other assets.


a. Expand Council's security and CCTV systems to improve public safety and accessibility.


Considerable upgrade to public CCTV network undertaken in 2018 and a grant application has been submitted for additional CCTV camera expansion. Excellent response to existing network with regular transfer of footage to local police on a variety of community safety matters and investigation of alleged offences. New contracts in place for fire, mechanical, plumbing, HVAC, cleaning and lifts maintenance. Significant inventory review completed and works commenced to improve compliance and certification.

b. Expand Council's solar panel network to additional and existing buildings.


The action plan developed by a consultant as part of the Energy and Water Management Plan contains a range of new plant and equipment including solar panels which if implemented will reduce Council's energy consumption. A report establishing a priority list of actions and funding mechanisms is being prepared to go to Council in April 2019.

c. Implement more environmentally friendly building practices and products.


Five new standardised amenities buildings underway at Claydon Reserve, Renown Reserve, Harold Fraser Oval, Parkside Drive Reserve and Peakhurst Park. All building maintenance contractors required to complete asset management review. New energy efficient chiller and HVAC ductwork implemented at Hurstville Library,Powerfactor correction and eight Hydro-panels installed on the roof of Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre. Netstrata Jubilee Oval power monitoring underway, major upgrade to ensure automatic controls and timers are optimised.

d. Forward plan, and investigate funding for, major rollouts of sustainable materials.


Standardised designs of key buildings that incorporate quality design and sustainable principles finalised. Principles are also being adopted at Penshurst Park Sporting Hub Stages 2 and 3 and Gannons Park.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

1 Year Operation Program Projects COMPLETE















The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing:





Goal 2.1 - Sustainable development delivers better amenity and liveability of the community and the environment. LGA-wide planning Strategy - 2.1.1. Prepare a comprehensive LEP for the entire LGA to improve and standardise development controls and regulations. Prepare a Local Strategic Planning Statement for the Georges River LGA.


The preparation of the Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) has commenced with the appointment of a consultant to assist in developing the 20 year vision for the Georges River LGA. Council officers attended the Greater Sydney Commission and Department of Planning workshops on the LSPS and a draft Statement has been commenced. A preliminary briefing on the LSPS was held with Councillors on 11 December 2018.

Start developing a new LEP for the Georges River LGA.


An early draft of LEP 2020 zone objectives has been prepared with reference to: standard instrument core objectives, draft LSPS local planning priorities, emerging evidence from studies and strategies and feedback from the DA Assessment team.

Start developing a Housing Strategy for the Georges River LGA.


Council begun working on a Housing Strategy for the Georges River LGA in late 2018. Demographic and housing data has been commissioned to inform the Strategy and a draft report was received in December 2018. Analysis of opportunities and constraints to the provision of housing has also commenced.

Master planning Strategy - 2.1.2. Prepare a comprehensive DCP for the LGA to guide development in the LGA. Start developing a new DCP for the Georges River LGA.


This project is connected with the preparation of the Georges River Local Environmental Plan (LEP). The Georges River LEP Health Check and LEP Review were adopted by Council in October 2018. The finalised DCP is due mid 2020.


1 Year Operation Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Development Assessment Strategy - 2.1.3. Continue rigorous assessment of development applications (DAs) including compliance with DCPs, aesthetic qualities and environmental initiatives. Develop and implement the Development and Building Customer Focused Program.

Development and implementation of this program will be part of the new Team Leader Development Advisory position's Work Plan. This position was filled in late 2018 and work will commence in 2019.

Monitoring Communications Strategy - 2.14 Ensure high quality reporting and DA assessment by Council staff, local planning panels and the Sydney South Planning Panel. Review development and building templates to increase efficiency.

Review of templates will be part of the new Team Leader Development Advisory position's Work Plan. This position was filled in late 2018 and work will commence in 2019.

Review the Local Planning Panel process.


The new Local Planning Panel commenced in March 2018 as per EPA Act 1979. A project is in place to review Council's current operations to ensure consistency with legislation.

Design Review Panel Strategy - 2.1.5. Utilise Council's Design Review Panel to provide independent and expert advice on the design quality of planning proposals and multi-storey developments that meet the review criteria. Commence the review of the Design Review Panel.

Review of the Design Review Panel will be part of the new Team Leader Development Advisory position's Work Plan. This position was filled in late 2018 and work will commence in 2019.

Fire Safety Strategy - 2.1.6. Adopt an effective fire safety program.


Audit high-risk buildings.


Council continues to manage the annual fire safety statement register in addition to inspecting premises where fire safety concerns are raised. Council completed an additional fire cladding audit of all properties within the LGA and compiled a list of properties for the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, and Fire & Rescue NSW to follow up with property owners.

Maintain a high submission rate of Annual Fire Safety Statements.


Council continues to monitor and implement the mandatory Annual Fire Safety Statement register.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


Goal 2.2 - The community helps to plan the LGA's future. Community engagement Strategy - 2.2.1. Use community consultation and feedback to guide a comprehensive set of planning and development strategies that are incorporated into LEPs and Council policies. Develop and implement a community information program about the development process.


A Community Information Program will be part of the new Team Leader Development Advisory position's Work Plan. This position was filled in late 2018 and work will commence in 2019.

Goal 2.3 - Council-led development and assets provide quality, long-term benefits to everyone. Strategy - 2.3.1. Ensure quality design and sustainability principles underpin the provision of Council facilities and other assets. Investigate suitable building materials and procedures for Netstrata Jubilee Stadium roof extension.


Work will commence following the development of the Netstrata Jubilee Stadium roof extension project brief.

Upgrade HVAC System at Hurstville Library to deliver a more comfortable environment.

ď Ź

New 'powerpax' energy efficient chiller installed, commissioned and operating. Existing HVAC ductwork extensively cleaned.

Review essential services to improve building security, compliance and certification.


New contracts in place for fire, mechanical, plumbing, HVAC, cleaning and lifts maintenance. All service providers required to complete asset management review as part of incoming contract. Significant inventory review completed.

Increase presentation and operation of entertainment and public structures.


Extensive painting and minor refurbishment program underway in public places. Significant upgrades to Netstrata Jubilee Oval Stadium will commence early 2019.



Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Pillar 3

Active and accessible places and spaces Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T

Complete 8%

Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold





Next time:

• Draft Car Parking Strategy has been prepared and is expected to go on public exhibition in June.

• Complete Hurstville CBD TMAP.

• 10 Disability Discrimination Act compliant bus stops completed with another 10 scheduled.

• Construct an accessible toilet with an adult change table at Carss Park • Complete Hurstville Central Plaza

• Council’s International Day of People with Disability event raised awareness of the contribution people with disabilities make in our community and was attended by over 70 people. The event was run in partnership with Kingsgrove Community Aid Centre.







Results to date


Civil design completion rate.

New measure




Maintain the Asset Renewal Ratio above industry benchmarks.




Behind Schedule

Percentage of utility restorations completed within timeframe advised.






This performance measure is calculated annually as part of annual financial statements. Significant work was completed in 2018 to update the condition data for all of Council's footpath and road network. This will identify renewal priorities and the works program to allow the Renewal Ratio to be improved, if funded. While Renewal Ratio is reported below 100%, the Maintenance Ratio is 114%

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE















The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing:


Year due Status



Goal 3.1 - The LGA has a range of transport options to connect people, goods and businesses. Parking supply Strategy - 3.1.1. Lobby for improved commuter car parking and manage local parking supply, including around train stations, to enhance business vitality and encourage public transport use, cycling and walking. a. Implement the recommendations of a new Car Parking Strategy.



Councillors were briefed on the recommendations of the draft Car Parking Strategy on 5 November 2018. A report on the draft Strategy will go to the February 2019 Environment and Planning Committee with exhibition expected in May 2019.

Integrated transport and land use planning Strategy - 3.1.2 Work with the NSW Government to develop an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan and a 20Year Precinct Plan as part of Future Transport 2056 initiatives. a. Work with State agencies to deliver improved transport outcomes for the Hurstville City Centre area based on the recommendations of the Hurstville CBD TMAP.



The updated TMAP Modelling and draft TMAP Report was forwarded to Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for review. Council staff, RMS, TfNSW and GHD met on 1 November 2018 to discuss issues. GHD lodged an updated draft TMAP on 4 December 2018 which is with RMS and TfNSW for review.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project Draft an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan, including a 20-Year Precinct Plan, as part of the Future Transport 2056, for public exhibition.

Year due Status 20/21


Comment The New (City Wide) Transport Strategy was not funded in the 18/19 Budget. However work is underway that will feed into the Transport Strategy, including the Hurstville Transport Management Accessibility Plan (TMAP) and the Kogarah Local Environmental Plan 2013 Transport/ Traffic Study.

Goal 3.2 - Roads, footpaths and cycleways are safe, accessible and free of congestion. Capital Works Strategy - 3.2.2 Implement a program of capital and maintenance to meet the needs of current and future users of Council's infrastructure assets. a. Develop and implement the annual infrastructure Works Program, including a Town Centres Public Domain Program.



Design has commenced on Mortdale Town Centre Upgrade and Ormonde Parade Streetscape works. New paving, street furniture and public art will be incorporated into each Town Centres and opportunities for Smart City Furniture are also been investigated.

Large-scale infrastructure Strategy - 3.2.3 Collaborate with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure and planning projects. a. Develop plans with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects, including projects recommended in the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy.



The draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy is currently on Public Exhibition which will identify projects that address the key needs of the community. A clear priority list will be developed once the Open Space Strategy is finalised.

Goal 3.3 - Everyone, including people with disability, navigates the LGA in safety. Accessibility and inclusivity Strategy - 3.3.1. Implement the GRC Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). a. Engage with and support the local business community to provide more accessible and inclusive services to people of all abilities.




The Small Business Expo was held on 31 October 2018and attracted more than 22 people from the local business community. Stall holders varied from employment services to access consultants and Vision Australia who were keen to share information on the benefits of a holistic approach in ensuring businesses are more inclusive and accessible. Speakers included people with a lived disability and local business owners. The event also launched Council's Winning Business Guide, which provides information and resources for business owners.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


b. Increase the accessibility and inclusiveness of Council community and major events through accessibility assessments and community feedback.



Accessibility assessments are included in the risk assessments undertaken for Council events. An adult change room facility is under construction in Carss Park.

c. Provide disability awareness training to staff to build confidence in working with and providing services to people with disability.



The 2018-2020 Ready Set Grow! Learning Program offers Appreciating Diversity in Others training workshops. Training will be rolled out in 19/20.

Goal 3.4 - Everyone has access to a range of active and passive recreation facilities. Open space and recreation Strategy - 3.4.1 Guided by the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy, provide contemporary passive and active recreation spaces, aquatic facilities, synthetic fields, community centres and libraries. a. Plan and consider funding for, and commence a program of capital works and service adjustments that respond to the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy, and improve opportunities for the community to participate in sporting, exercise and leisure activities.



The Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy is currently on public exhibition, and will identify projects that address the key needs of the community. A clear priority list will be developed once the Strategy is finalised.

b. Complete Plans of Management for all sporting fields in the Georges River LGA.



Plans of Management are currently underway for Olds Park and Hurstville Oval / Timothy Reserve. Plans will address site unification and identity, access and circulation, leisure, sport and recreation, buildings and facilities, landscape character and environment, leases and licences and park management.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects COMPLETE



 3

















The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing: Program/Project



Goal 3.1 - The LGA has a range of transport options to connect people, goods and businesses. Parking supply Strategy - 3.1.1. Lobby for improved commuter car parking and manage local parking supply, including around train stations, to enhance business vitality and encourage public transport use, cycling and walking. Develop a car parking strategy for the commercial centres in the Georges River LGA.


Councillors were briefed on the recommendations of the draft Car Parking Strategy on 5 November 2018. A report on the draft Strategy will go to the February 2019 Environment and Planning Committee with exhibition expected in June 2019.

Integrated transport and land use planning Strategy - 3.1.2. Work with the NSW Government to develop an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan and a 20Year Precinct Plan as part of Future Transport 2056 initiatives.


Complete the Hurstville CBD TMAP.


The updated TMAP Modelling and draft TMAP Report was forwarded to Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for review. Council staff, RMS, TfNSW and GHD met in November 2018 to discuss issues. GHD lodged an updated draft TMAP on 4 December 2018 which is with RMS and TfNSW for review.

Commence work on an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan.


The New (City Wide) Transport Strategy was not funded in the 18/19 budget, however work is underway that will feed into the Transport Strategy, including the Hurstville Transport Management Accessibility Plan (TMAP) and the Kogarah Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 Transport/Traffic Study.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Goal 3.2 - Roads, footpaths and cycleways are safe, accessible and free of congestion. Capital Works Strategy - 3.2.2 Implement a program of capital and maintenance works to meet the needs of current and future users of Council's infrastructure assets. Develop and deliver the 2018-19 capital works program for new construction and renewals.


• Dame Mary Gilmore Road – Construction of parking bays – completed • Roberts Avenue at Gungah Bay Road, Mortdale – Construction of a pedestrian refuge – completed • Letitia Street, Oatley – Construction of a raised pedestrian crossing – completed • Forest Road, Hurstville - footpath upgrade project – Stage 2 – Undergrounding of overhead cables 70% completed. Footpath paving in progress. • Rose Street, Hurstville - Construction of a pedestrian refuge – will occur as part of Forest Road footpath upgrade projects. • Cromdale Street Drainage Upgrade Project – Scheduled to commence in February 2019, subject to Sydney Water approvals.

Develop and deliver the 2018-19 road resheeting program. Develop a Risk Management plan for roads, footpaths and cycleways.


• Road re-sheeting program – 60% completed • Footpath projects – 80% completed

Deliver the 2018-19 Drainage Upgrade Program including new and replacement works. Design and construct road safety devices. Design and construct accessible bus stops to comply with Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1992 (Cth) requirements.

Designs are currently being finalised with works to be awarded to Contractors in early 2019. 10 DDA compliant bus stops recently completed with slabs and tactiles with another 10 scheduled. 16 existing ‘Bus Stops’, in Lugarno along route 943 approved to be formalised into ‘Bus Zones’ with statutory ‘No Stopping’ zones where applicable.

Large-scale infrastructure Strategy - 3.2.3. Collaborate with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure and planning projects. Establish a framework, mechanism and resourcing strategy for working with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects.

Work will commence in early 2019 using information provided in the draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Goal 3.3 - Everyone, including people with disability, navigates the LGA in safety (DIAP). Accessibility and inclusivity Strategy - 3.3.1. Implement the GRC Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). Design and construct an accessible toilet with an adult change table at Carss Park.


The new accessible toilet and adult change facility are currently under construction with works scheduled to be completed in February 2019.

Celebrate International Day of People with Disability.

An International Day of People with Disability event was held in November 2018 in partnership with Kingsgrove Community Aid Centre, which focused on raising awareness of the contribution people with disability make in our community. The event was attended by over 70 people included live performances by community groups, free henna painting and a visit from Georgie the Dragon. Council will continue to work in partnership to support Kingsgrove Community Aid to deliver the annual program.

Goal 3.4 - Everyone has access to a range of active and passive recreation facilities. Open space and recreation Strategy - 3.4.1 Guided by the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy, provide contemporary passive and active recreation spaces, aquatic facilities, synthetic fields, community centres and libraries.


Prioritise new projects and service changes in response to the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy.

The draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy is currently on public exhibition which will identify projects that address the key needs of the community. A clear priority list will be developed once the Strategy is finalised.

Develop innovative funding and delivery models to implement priority projects and recommendations from the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy.

The draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy is currently on public exhibition which will identify projects that address the key needs of the community. A clear priority list will be developed once the Strategy is finalised.

Complete Hurstville Central Plaza as community open space.


The plaza is expected to be open to the public on 2 February 2019 for the Lunar New Year Festival; however some sections along Diment Way and near the Westfield pedestrian ramp will be fenced-off for public access as Ausgrid (electrical) and Sydney Water related works will not be completed.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December



Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Pillar 4

A diverse and productive economy Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T



Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold





Next time:

• Council adopted its Economic Development Strategy in December.

• Commence the Night Time Economy Study for Hurstville and Kogarah.

• ‘Big Wash’ cleaning program undertaken in Hurstville CBD and Kogarah Clean initiative launched in Kogarah CBD.

• Community information sessions on Council’s development assessment process and regulatory requirements for small businesses.

• All commercial centres cleaned within set timeframes. • Georges River Home Based Business Conference held with over 50 home based businesses attending.







Results to date



24 commercial centres, identified for daily cleaning, cleaned each day.





Mean gross assessment times (in days) on Das, modifications, DA reviews


<90 gross days


Off Track

375 applications determined in the first half of the financial year, of these 162 were processed below the 90 day target which is an average of 43%, with the average processing time for those applications being 118.5 days. The time periods remain high as they are based on determined applications. As the backlog of old applications is cleared these average times will reduce and the number of applications determined below the 90 day target will increase.

Percentage of Construction Certificates determined in 21 days




Off Track

37 construction certificates were determined in the first half of the financial year, of these 31 were processed within the 21 days which is an average of 84%. Whilst the figures are still below the target a significant improvement has occurred from the baseline.

Percentage of planning proposals meeting Gateway determination timeframes




On Track

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE



 -










ï 1



The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing: Program/Project

Year due Status






Goal 4.1 - Local businesses are supported to help protect jobs and create employment opportunities. Economic development Strategy - 4.1.1 Primarily target economic development initiatives in Kogarah, Hurstville, Kingsgrove, Peakhurst and Riverwood. a. Adopt the Economic Development Strategy as supported by local business, Council's Economic Development Advisory Committee and Council.


The Economic Development Strategy was adopted by Council on 17 December 2018.

b. Implement a program of works in key centres that responds to the Economic Development Strategy.



The Economic Development Strategy was adopted by Council on 17 December 2018. In October 2018 Council held 'Kogarah Tunes at Noon' and Hurstville Civic Centre commenced planning the following for temporary art installation, continuation of bannerconda system for the remainder of Forest Rd, installation of additional five planter boxes.

c. Promote effective economic development initiatives that benefit the LGA.



Initiatives have included 'Business After 5' networking events held on 4 July and 25 October 2018; joint St Georges Business Chamber and Council event on 28 August 2018; and the Georges River Home Based Business Conference on 17 October 2018 which attracted over 50 home based business operators.

d. Regularly review and monitor DA times and implement efficiencies to improve DA turnaround times.



A number of initiatives have been developed to reduce DA turnaround times including: new lodgement requirements to streamline assessment processes, standard development approval templates and a review of delegations by officers. Total outstanding development application numbers have dropped to 369 which is continuing the trend observed in late 2017. Whilst average turnaround times are above the 90 days target timeframe there has been an improvement from the previous year.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Economic sectors Strategy - 4.1.2. Develop economic programs that target the health, retail, construction, education and financial sectors, small to medium businesses and home based businesses. a. Implement initiatives in key economic sectors 20/21 in response to the Economic Development Strategy.


Initiatives have included 'Business After 5' networking events held on 4 July and 25 October 2018; joint St Georges Business Chamber and Council event on 28 August 2018; and the Georges River Home Based Business Conference on 17 October 2018 which attracted over 50 home based business operators.

b. Provide clearer, tailored information for small business on council approvals and regulatory requirements.

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The updated local business page on Council’s website provides a comprehensive package of information for local businesses.


Place making Strategy - 4.1.3. Deliver responsive placed-based activities across the LGA to promote the natural environment, improve cleanliness and safety, and assist local businesses.


a. Deliver programs to improve cleanliness and attractiveness of public spaces and increase night-time activation in Hurstville CBD.



The established cleaning program for the 24 central business districts, town centres and key shopping districts across the local government area, 365 days per year continued in 2018. A draft brief was prepared to engage a suitably experienced consultant to deliver a Night Time Economy Study for Hurstville and Kogarah.

b. Deliver programs in the Kogarah town centre to improve cleanliness, attractiveness and activation.



Council has an established cleansing schedule that involves essential services being delivered to 24 central business districts, town centres and key shopping districts across the local government area, 365 days per year. During October 2018 Council's free event series 'Kogarah Tunes at Noon' was run at the Kogarah Town Square. The event was targeted at people who work and live in the Kogarah City Centre and featured food, live music, wellness displays, interactive activities and public programs provided by Kogarah Library. On 26 October 2018, Shopfront Arts Co-op delivered a youth art project, 'Sunset Square', which have been developed with local schools.

c. Implement medium and long-term placedbased initiatives across other centres in the LGA.



The following projects have been approved and can now begin development: temporary art installation, continuation of bannerconda system remainder of Forest Rd, installation of additional five planter boxes.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status

a. Measure the community's satisfaction of the LGA's key town centres as places.



Comment A base survey of the community's satisfaction of the LGA's key town centres as places was conducted in 2017. As a result of the survey Place Making events were held in Kogarah and Hurstville. A further satisfaction survey will be undertaken towards the end of 2019.

Goal 4.2 - Outcomes from an Employment Lands Study ensure sufficient land is available for future employment growth. Employment lands Strategy - 4.2.1. Develop an Employment Lands Study to preserve employment lands and to protect employment growth and services during land rezoning processes. a. Implement the Employment Lands Study, informed by consultation with the community, business, landowners and others.



On 17 December 2018 Council endorsed the Georges River Industrial Land Review as a strategic planning document that will inform the preparation of the Georges River LEP and DCP controls.

b. Establish guidelines for assessing rezoning proposals in industrial and urban services land.


ď Ź

'Guidelines for Assessing Industrial Land Rezoning Proposals' have been developed to ensure a consistent process by requiring any future rezoning requests to be accompanied by a rezoning assessment.

Goal 4.3 - The ambitions for Hurstville and Kogarah as strategic centres are realised. Critical infrastructure Strategy - 4.3.1. Advocate at all levels of government to ensure critical infrastructure accompanies significant residential and employment growth. a. Prepare a new Section 94 Contributions Plan for the Georges River LGA.



SGS Economics and Planning were appointed on 31 December 2018 to prepare the new Development Contributions Plans (DCP) for the Georges River LGA. The plans are required to be finalised by Mid 2020.

b. Lobby the Australian and NSW Governments to address infrastructure gaps.



The LEP Health Check was lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment on 31 October 2018. Infrastructure has been highlighted as one of the major barriers to population growth in the Local Government Area. Council's new Directorate - City Strategy and Innovation - is in a position to be able to lobby governments to address infrastructure gaps based on the work that has been completed to date on the LEP Health Check.

c. Work with the NSW Government and Canterbury-Bankstown Council on the orderly development of Riverwood as a Planning Precinct.



On 7 June 2018 the Department of Planning and Environment advised that the Riverwood Planning Precinct has been placed on hold until after the State elections in 2019.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Kogarah health and education precinct Strategy - 4.3.2. Collaborate across all levels of government so that the Kogarah health and research hub can grow and attract allied services, increase employment, provide a range of housing types (including affordable housing) and provide excellent transport connections to and within the South and Eastern City districts. Actively participate with State agencies and Bayside Council to achieve the ambitions for the Kogarah Health and Research Hub Collaboration Area.



A meeting was held with the Greater Sydney Commission in December 2018 to establish the Kogarah Collaboration area. Federal, State and community stakeholders have been identifiedand will be invited to a workshop in March 2019 to establish priorities for the area. Greater engagement will be undertaken with Bayside Council prior to the February workshop.

Investment opportunities Strategy - 4.3.3. Create an action plan with the business community that markets the LGA's investment opportunities. Prepare and implement an action plan to market the LGA's investment opportunities.




The Economic Development Strategy was adopted by Council on 17 December 2018. Council's website was updated with a Business Tab to provide resources for local businesses.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


1 Year Operational Plan Projects COMPLETE



 2

















The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing: Program/Project



Goal 4.1 - Local businesses are supported to help protect jobs and create employment opportunities. Economic development Strategy - 4.1.1 Primarily target economic development initiatives in Kogarah, Hurstville, Kingsgrove, Peakhurst and Riverwood. Complete the Economic Development Strategy. Promote the benefits of economic development to the community.

Council adopted the Economic Development Strategy on 17 December 2018. A number of business events have been held including two 'Business After 5' networking events and a 'Home Based Business Conference'. Council's website has also been updated to provide a comprehensive package of information for local businesses.

Commence work with the NSW Government, adjoining councils, business and community groups to facilitate, coordinate and stimulate economic development opportunities.

The City Strategy and Innovation Directorate will be in operation from January 2019. The Directorate will commence work with the NSW Government, adjoining councils, business and community groups to facilitate, coordinate and stimulate economic development opportunities.

Economic sectors Strategy - 4.1.2 Develop economic programs that target the health, retail, construction, education and financial sectors, small to medium businesses and home based businesses. Partner with Realise Business to assist startup and growing businesses in the LGA and promote and facilitate networking opportunities.


Council held two events with Realise Business, 'Business After 5' on 4 July and 25 October 2018. Council also held a 'Home Based Business Conference' on 17 October which attracted over 50 home based business operators with special guest Robert Gerrish.

Develop and present regular information sessions on council development assessment and regulatory requirements and processes for small business.

Information sessions are part of the Team Leader Development Advisory position's Work Plan. This position was filled in late 2018 and work will commence in 2019.

Place making Strategy - 4.1.3 Deliver responsive placed-based activities across the LGA to promote the natural environment, improve cleanliness and safety, and assist local businesses. Develop and implement a place-making works program. Prepare shopfront guidelines for Hurstville.



Shopfront signage guidelines have been completed and are on Council's website. In October 2018 Council held 'Kogarah Tunes at Noon' and commenced planning the following works at Hurstville City Centre temporary art installation, continuation of bannerconda system on Forest Road, installation of five additional planter boxes.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Undertake the 'Big Wash' cleaning program in Hurstville CBD.

Council has an established budgeted cleansing schedule that involves essential services being delivered to 24 central business districts, town centres and key shopping districts across the local government area, 365 days per year.

Undertake 'Kogarah Clean' in Kogarah CBD. Undertake family-orientated and centre activation community events in Kogarah CBD.

Council has an established cleansing schedule that involves essential services being delivered to 24 central business districts, town centres and key shopping districts across the local government area, 365 days per year. During October 2018, Council's free event series 'Kogarah Tunes at Noon' was run at the Kogarah Town Square. The event targeted at people who work and live in the Kogarah City Centre and featured food, live music, wellness displays, interactive activities and public programs provided by Kogarah Library. On 26 October 2018, Shopfront Arts Co-op delivered a youth art project, Sunset Square, which has been developed with local schools.

Undertake an annual community town centre satisfaction survey.

A base survey of the community's satisfaction of the LGA's key town centres as places was conducted in 2017. As a result of the survey place making events were held in Kogarah and Hurstville. A further satisfaction survey will be undertaken towards the end of 2019.

Goal 4.2 - Outcomes from an Employment Lands Study ensure sufficient land is available for future employment growth. Employment lands Strategy - 4.2.1. Develop an Employment Lands Study to preserve employment lands and to protect employment growth and services during land rezoning processes. Complete the Employment Lands Study following a supply and demand assessment.

At its meeting held 17 December 2018, Council endorsed the Georges River Industrial Land Review as a strategic planning document that will inform the preparation of the Georges River LEP and DCP controls.

Adopt guidelines for assessing rezoning proposals in industrial and urban services land.

'Guidelines for Assessing Industrial Land Rezoning Proposals' have been developed to ensure a consistent process for the assessment of planning proposals by requiring any future rezoning requests to be accompanied by a rezoning assessment.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Goal 4.3 - The ambitions for Hurstville and Kogarah as strategic centres are realised. Critical infrastructure Strategy - 4.3.1. Advocate at all levels of government to ensure critical infrastructure accompanies significant residential and employment growth. Identify critical infrastructure needs arising from the new car parking strategy.


Councillors were briefed on the recommendations of the draft Car Parking Strategy on 5 November 2018. A report on the draft Strategy is being prepared for the February 2019 Environment and Planning Committee with exhibition expected in June 2019. Before any identification of critical infrastructure can occur, the strategy needs to be completed and endorsed by Council.

Kogarah health and education precinct Strategy - 4.3.2 Collaborate across all levels of government so that the Kogarah Health and Research Hub can grow and attract allied services, increase employment, provide a range of housing types (including affordable housing) and provide excellent transport connections to and within the South and Eastern City districts. Play an active role as processes are established for the Kogarah Health and Research Hub Collaboration Area.


A preliminary meeting on the Collaboration Area was held with representatives of the Greater Sydney Commission on 18 December 2018. Council's new Directorate - City Strategy and Innovation will play an active role in this process.

Investment opportunities Strategy - 4.3.3 Create an action plan with the business community that markets the LGA's investment opportunities. Begin developing an action plan to market the LGA's investment opportunities.



The Economic Development Strategy was adopted by Council on 17 December 2018 and Council's website was updated with a Business Tab to include pages on invest, grow and learn.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December



Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Pillar 5 A harmonious and proud community with STRONG social services and infrastructure Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T

Complete 9%

Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold


9% 2% 4%



Next time:

• New Alcohol Free Zone established at Mortdale Shopping Centre and existing Alcohol Free Zones at Hurstville CBD, Oatley Shopping Centre and Penshurst Shopping Centre extended until 28 August 2022.

• Create directory of free and low cost services for seniors.

• Asbestos Awareness Program delivered as part of Asbestos Awareness Month

• Deliver Affordable Rental Housing Policy. • Conduct community consultation for draft Social Plan and draft Cultural Strategy.

• Commenced School Zone Safety Program with all 40 schools in the LGA being patrolled four times between July and December 2018. • Artists in Residence 2018-2020 program launched with 26 applications received and 15 artists selected to complete residencies within the next two years. • 201 Community and Council run events held. 51






Results to date



Utilisation of Council's Child Care Centres.




Behind Schedule

Ocean Street- 98% Narani97% South Hurstville Kindergarten- 99% Penshurst91% Jack High- 68% Hurstville Early Learning Centre- 79%. The introduction to fixed day attendance patterns has not yet seen positions at Jack High, Penshurst and Hurstville Early Learning Centre increase. A Children's Services Review is currently in place which will identify focus areas for improving utilisation rates.

Number of annual visitors to Museum & Gallery.




On Track

Number of annual visitors to Hurstville Entertainment Centre.




On Track

Number of attendees at council major events.




Not Started

Number of library members.




On Track

Percentage of food premises inspected annually.




Behind Schedule

Percentage of school safety zones patrolledy annually.

New measure




Council's major events take place between December and February. This measure will be reported on in the next progress report.

The overall inspection result for the year to date is 42% with 316 of the 751 high and medium risk food premises being inspected.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE













The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing: Program/Project

Year due Status


ï 14


Goal 5.1 - We create and support events that celebrate community and cultural identity and benefit the economy. Events Strategy - 5.1.1. Initiate, facilitate and support inclusive and accessible events that meet the community's aspirations and actively connect Council to individuals, community groups and businesses. a. Assess event capacity and opportunities to make the LGA a preferred event destination.



Council has initiated, supported and facilitated 197 events in the first half of 18/19 which demonstrates that Georges River is a preferred event destination. Events were assessed on their capacity to provide social, cultural, economic and environmental opportunities for the community.

b. Implement an annual program of Council-run and Council-supported events.



Council has planned an annual calendar that includes both Council-run and Community-run events. Highlights include; Lunar New Year Festival, Australia Day Festival, Lugarno Spring Festival, Oatley Village Fair, Magic of Christmas at Carss Bush Park, Discovery Festival of Community Arts, White Ribbon Walk, Youth Week, Seniors Week, Councillors' Charity Ball, The Night Markets Series, Starlight Cinema and Drive-In Cinema, Citizenship Ceremonies, Mayoral Golf Day fundraiser and the Pro Am Golf Day. 201 Community and Council run events have been held from July - December 2018.

c. Develop an Environmentally Sustainable Events Policy.



Council is currently researching and reviewing previous Sustainable Event Management policies and strategies of both former Kogarah City Council and former Hurstville City Council in order to create a Georges River Council Sustainable Event Management Guideline.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status

d. Build stronger relationships with local businesses, industries and State agencies to maximise sponsorship of local events.



Council continued its research into sponsorship with an independent consultant. A report was delivered in November 2018 which identified a number of improvements. Some of these improvements were carried over in the development of the 2018/2019 Sponsorship Prospectus. Other improvements will be implemented within the next 12 months. In kind and financial sponsorships confirmed as at 30 December; Magic of Christmas $12,500, Australia Day $16,393 and Lunar New Year $94,512.80.

e. Develop an online event toolkit to help community and commercial groups deliver events. Build community capacity in event planning and delivery.



Council developed customer-focussed documents to guide commercial and community event organisers in the planning and execution of their events with the Georges River LGA. A number of these documents are now available on Council's website with the remaining to be published in early 2019. In 2019 Council will also begin running event management community workshops.


Goal 5.2 - Affordable and quality housing options are available. Affordable housing Strategy - 5.2.1 Partner with State agencies to increase supply of affordable housing for residents on very low to moderate incomes. Develop, as part of a new Housing Strategy, an Affordable Housing Policy and affordable housing target for the LGA.



Council appointed consultants in December 2018 to prepare the Georges River Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program. The Delivery Program will investigate an affordable housing target for the LGA.

Housing for key workers Strategy - 5.2.2. Advocate to the NSW Government to include 'key worker' housing for moderate income earners to be included in affordable housing initiatives. Work with the NSW Government to extend the application of affordable rental housing initiatives to key workers.



Council appointed consultants in December 2018 to prepare the Georges River Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program. Council's project brief requires the investigation of ‘key worker’ housing for moderate income earners.

Mandatory requirements Strategy - 5.2.3. Advocate to the NSW Government to include mandatory affordable housing requirements in Council LEPs. a. Advocate to the NSW Government to include mandatory affordable housing requirements in the standard instrument LEP.




Council appointed consultants in December 2018 to prepare the Georges River Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program. The Delivery Program will investigate mandatory affordable housing requirements in the new Georges River Local Environmental Plan (LEP).

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


Housing diversity and choice Strategy - 5.2.4. Develop policies that encourage a greater supply of housing diversity and choice. a. Incorporate the results of the Housing Strategy into the comprehensive LEP and DCP, and Council's planning guidelines.



ID the Population Experts were appointed in September 2018 to complete the social and demographic profile for the LGA for the housing strategies. Constraints and opportunities for housing in the LGA has been mapped and a briefing held with Councillors on 11 December 2018. The Georges River LEP is due to be lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment by June 2020.The finalised DCP is due mid 2020.

Council-led development proposals Strategy - 5.2.5. Council-led development proposals incorporate, where feasible, options that support affordable and diverse housing. 18/19 a. Complete the Planning Proposal for Oatley Aged Care Centre and, if approved, engage an aged care service provider to manage the facility. Investigate the potential to include affordable housing in Council-led developments.


The Planning Proposal for Oatley Aged Care Centre has been withdrawn following a Council resolution to halt the project and dedicate the land to open space and recreation and remediate the contamination of the site. Consideration is given in Councilled developments for affordable and diverse housing where appropriate.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Goal 5.3 - The community is socially and culturally connected. Social and cultural plans Strategy - 5.3.1. Develop and implement a Social Plan and a Cultural Strategy that celebrates diversity, promotes the multicultural community, supports innovation and creativity and contributes to the economic success of the area.


b. Develop and implement a Social Plan to build the LGA's social strengths.



Action plans are being developed to inform direction of the Social Plan. Community consultation and profile datasets are being collated from pre existing surveying including Cultural Planning, Community Strategic Plan and Local Strategic Planning Statement workshops. This data will form a solid foundation for the development of final consultation for the preparation of the Social Plan.

b. Develop and implement a Cultural Strategy to build the LGA's cultural strengths.



Studio TCS was appointed to prepare Council’s Cultural Strategy. Stage 1 of the project plan has been completed which involved conducting extensive background research on the Georges River area, reviewing relevant documentation, and researching comparable Council areas and exploring trends across the creative sector. A report detailing these findings was produced in November 2018. Stage 2- community consultation began in December 2018 which included interviews with internal and external stakeholders and site visits of the LGA. Further interviews will be held in early 2019 and a map of cultural activities developed.

c. Provide a broad and balanced range of cultural activities that are accessible to the local and wider metropolitan communities.



Round 1 of the 2018-19 Community Grants were assessed, with 38 grants awarded. A new Vibrant Georges River category for grants of up to $25,000 was included, with 7 community groups receiving funding for projects that establish significant new arts and cultural programs in the local area and increase participation in cultural activities. Successful programs include the establishment of a Georges River sinfonia, a youth music ensemble, a local artisan market, a program for local Chinese Australian artists, and a youth theatre production in collaboration with the Sydney Fringe. These programs commence in December 2018 and will be implemented over a two year period in line with the development and subsequent actions of the Cultural Strategy.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


Social participation and community wellbeing Strategy - 5.3.2 Develop, support and promote programs and activities that foster social participation and wellbeing of the diverse community, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or religious background. a. Implement an annual program of activities that create opportunities for community interaction and cohesion.



A 6-month Community Development Calendar from July to December 2018 was produced, incorporating programs to engage with families, seniors, people with disability, carers, multicultural and Aboriginal communities through arts and cultural activities. Key events included; St George Women's Interfaith Network Prayer for the Farmers; Open Day for the Nepalese Community, Migrant Information Day, Mental Health and Wellbeing in CALD communities symposium.

b.Collaborate across Council and with relevant partners to develop holistic programs for community benefit.



NAIDOC Week in July 2018 reached more people than ever before due to the number of partners involved in the planning and delivery of the Program. Ten interagency meetings were attended targeting CALD community development programs and sector development e.g. St George Multicultural Network, Chinese Workers Network, St George Sutherland Multicultural Working Together Forum Committee and St George Women’s Interfaith Network.

c. Develop programs for the LGA's aged, youth, multicultural and Indigenous communities.



Council partnered with local providers to organise the St George Aged Care Expo in August 2018. The expo attracted 11 local sponsors, 45 stall holders and 380 attendees. It provided seniors with information about help at home, nursing care, transport, carer support, social support and personal care. 240 people attended August's Job Skills Day - a partnership with key local providers targeting new migrants and refugees. Council partnered with SGCH (community housing provider) to organise a ‘Footy Fun Day’ on 3 October 2018 to celebrate Mental Health Week. The event which attracted over 120 people targeted CALD youth providing opportunities providing opportunities for families to spend time with each other, their friends and neighbours. The 'Working Together Forum’ on 15 November 2018 aimed to build capacity of service providers to work with multicultural communities had 60 attendees. Council hosted the Multicultural NSW Forum in November 2018. The theme of the forum was “Creating a welcoming community: Building social connections between established communities and new arrivals.” Eight events were organised in July 2018 to celebrate NAIDOC Week with over 1,000 people attending.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects



Year due Status

d. Implement Council's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (EEO).



The draft EEO, Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2018 - 2020 approved in October 2018. Following consultation with staff the revised version is anticipated to be adopted in January 2019. Adoption of the Diversity and Inclusion committee is anticipated by February 2019.

e. Implement the Georges River Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP).



Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) commitments have progressed well including hosting of International Day of People with Disability, Small Business Expo, Winning Business guide launch, student placements, Reference Group meetings, and partnerships with local organisations to provide information sessions. Two information sessions were held in the community on autism and four commonly used forms from Customer Service were translated into Easy English. A Partnership with Advance Diversity Services and the University of Technology Sydney to launch a report paper and hold a forum on the barriers faced by people from a CALD background in accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme. The forum was attended by over 70 local providers and members of the community. The Access audit has been received by Council on all the community centres. The report outlines recommendations of change to ensure centres comply with standards relating to access and inclusion.

f. Develop action plans that address the needs of the aged, youth, multicultural and Indigenous communities in the Georges River area.



A draft Youth Action Plan has been developed which is currently under internal review. Preliminary work has commenced to prepare action plans for the needs of the aged, multicultural and indigenous communities in Georges River. A combined approach in action plan development will lead the direction for informing the Social Plan process in 2019.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


Community safety planning Strategy - 5.3.3. Develop an integrated Community Safety Plan to identify the role Council and others can play in helping to make the LGA a safer place. a. Develop and implement a Community Safety Plan.



This quarter Council staff meet regularly with St George Polic Area Command and attended the December Safety Precinct meeting to address areas of concern from the local community, inform safety priorities and discuss the development of a Community Safety Plan. Staff also attended the St George Domestic Violence Committee in November and December and worked with Police on the development of the White Ribbon Walk as a program to increase awareness and support the development of a Community Safety Plan.

b. Increase community safety awareness with business and residents.



Council worked with the St George Domestic Violence Committee, local schools, community organisations and businesses to promote the domestic and family violence public awareness initiative, White Ribbon Walk. The Walk was attended by 14 local schools (including two local primary schools) with 1,100 students participating. A total of 1,600 people were involved on the day, walking together to say no to men's violence against women and children. Council staff also supported the St George domestic violence public awareness campaign Conversations through Coasters project. 50,000 drink Coasters printed with anti domestic violence artwork created by local youth were distributed to 31 pubs and clubs locally to coincide with '16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence' from 25 November 10 December 2018.

c. Work with the Police Area Command to manage Alcohol Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas.



Council endorsed the establishment of a new Alcohol Free Zone at Mortdale Shopping Centre in October 2018 and the expansion of the existing Alcohol Free Zones at Hurstville CBD, Oatley Shopping Centre and Penshurst Shopping Centre until 28 August 2022.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Children's services Strategy - 5.3.4. Provide high quality, affordable and economically viable education and care across Council's children's services. a. Implement the 2017-20 Children's Services Strategic Plan with an emphasis on best practice and family-friendly childcare services.



All tasks from the Childrens Services Strategic Plan have been allocated to Centre Coordinators work plans as well as each centres Quality Improvement Plans to ensure outcomes are achieved. Communications Plan is in draft format. All mandatory training for 2018 was achieved.

b. Investigate the feasibility of a 24-hour child care centre in the Kogarah health and education precinct and implement if viable.


c. Locate an appropriate site for an occassional child care service within the Hurstville CBD.


d. Operate all child care services with contemporary technology.


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Research has commenced into existing 24/7 services. Actions will come out of the Children's Services Model Review to determine best outcomes. The Move to Improve Project has commenced. Ipads have been installed at each centre allowing for electronic sign in and out for families.Â

Goal 5.4 - Diverse, vibrant community facilities and spaces are connected, well maintained and accessible. Library services Strategy - 5.4.1. Expand the role of libraries as welcoming and inclusive spaces with services, collections and programs that inspire and engage with the community. a. Implement the 2017-2020 Library Strategy to improve service delivery, technology, collections, information services, community engagement and programs.



The Local Studies Management Plan has been finalised and will guide best practice development and process in the delivery of Local Studies services. As part of this plan a Digitisation Program for Local Studies resources has been developed which identifies and prioritises collections for digitisation.

Community facilities Strategy - 5.4.2. Collaborate with State agencies, the education sector and neighbouring councils to provide regional-level community facilities. a. Identify regional-level community facilities as part of the development of the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.




Ongoing meetings held with SSROC Community, Culture and Recreation Network and the Department of Education to identify priority areas for collaborative development, as addressed in the draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy. A priority list of school sites is being drafted for possible Joint Use Planning Agreements.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status

b. Work with the NSW Government to encourage greater provision of adequate crisis accommodation in the LGA.



Comment An Expression of Interest (EOI) to find an organisation to provide crisis accommodation out of a Council owned property was tendered in September 2018. Following assessment of the EOI, negotiations to enter into a draft lease proposal have occured. Council has worked with NSW Health, and the peak bodies including Homelessness NSW, Domestic Violence NSW, and Community Housing Industry Association NSW on this project.

Affordable facilities Strategy - 5.4.3. Provide a range of affordable and accessible facilities for community-based activities. a. Review and deliver Council's Venue Hire Grants Program in conjunction with the Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy.



One round of the Venue Hire Grants Program was assessed under the new Grants Donations and Sponsorship Policy adopted by Council on 27 August 2018. The Community Facilities Rental Subsidies budget is $420,000. A total of $3,560 of in-kind venue hire was supported between July - Dec 2018 through the Venue Hire Grants Program. The remaining balance for the 18-19 Venue Hire Grants Program is $235,701.80. A new online application form using Smarty Grants has been developed to be implemented in 2019.

Promoting the Arts Strategy - 5.4.4. Encourage and promote the arts through Council's cultural facilities including Hurstville Museum & Gallery, Hurstville Entertainment Centre and Carss Park Artist's Cottage. a. Implement an annual program of community and cultural programs and events.



Artists and art groups for the 2019 Dragon’s Lair Gallery exhibition program have been selected. A media release for the full Artist in Residence Program was produced, along with one for the first artist of the 2018-2020 program, Kassandra Bossell. A six month calendar of cultural programs and events, outlining the diverse events on offer to the community was also produced and widely distributed.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Goal 5.5 - The community is safe and healthy. Regulatory functions Strategy - 5.5.1 Conduct Council's regulatory functions in accordance with legislative requirements. Ongoing


Staff within the Environment, Health and Regulatory Services Section receive legislation updates including emails from relevant State Government Departments/Agencies, consultant solicitors and Council's inhouse legal team.

b. Continue to implement the food premises Ongoing inspection program.


Of the 188 high and medium risk food premises required to be inspected between October - December 2018, 158 were inspected. The overall inspection result for the year to date is 42% with 316 of the 751 high and medium risk food premises being inspected.

c. Continue to implement Council's public health programs.



38% of the total number of cooling towers have now been inspected. All skin penetration premises have been inspected for the financial year. 80% of the total number of public swimming pools and spas have been inspected for the financial year. An asbestos awareness education program was run in November to coincide with Asbestos Awareness month.

d. Develop and implement boarding house, asbestos and development site compliance programs.



A boarding house factsheet for the community is being developed. Suspected boarding houses continue to be inspected following community request's with the level of complaint significantly reduced compared to previous years. An asbestos awareness education program was run in November to coincide with Asbestos Awareness month. The Got the Site Right program was also held in November which identified 10 non compliant development sites that required further regulatory action.

a. Ensure Council continues to liaise with the NSW Government and relevant stakeholders to keep up-to-date with legislative changes.

Compliance of public space Strategy - 5.5.2. Manage public spaces to ensure legislative compliance and promote a safe and healthy environment for the community. a. Develop and implement compliance management programs.




The overall food premises inspection result for the year to date is 42% with 316 of the 751 high and medium risk food premises being inspected. 38% of cooling towers, 100% skin penetration premises and 80% public swimming pools and spas have been inspected for the financial year. Suspected boarding houses continue to be inspected following community requests.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status

b. Develop and implement a parking education program.



Each of the 40 schools with the LGA have been patrolled four times resulting in 437 fines being issued and five warnings. As a consequence Council's school safety brochure has been resent to a number of schools with high incidence of poor driver behaviour. Changes have been made to the Parking Officers roster to provide expanded coverage across the LGA in terms of geographic locations and hours of patrol, now between 6am to 6pm. These changes are designed to provide a greater presence for Parking Officers on the streets and therefore greater opportunity to educate the community on correct parking practices.

c. Develop and implement an animal management education program.



Rangers are continuing to undertake regular patrols of Moore Reserve and Gannon’s Park, speaking with pet owners and informing them of their responsibilities. The new Stick Scanner helps scan implanted chips more easily than traditional readers. Two rangers attended an animal awareness day at Moore Reserve conducted by Sydney Dogs and Cats Home, speaking to residents about responsible pet ownership and updating registration details.



1 Year Operational Plan Projects COMPLETE



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The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing: Program/Project



Goal 5.1 - We create and support events that celebrate community and cultural identity and benefit the economy. Events Strategy - 5.1.1. Initiate, facilitate and support inclusive and accessible events that meet the community's aspirations and actively connect Council to individuals, community groups and businesses.


Conduct a location/venue audit of the LGA and map existing event activity and infrastructure.


Council has begun collating data relating to the distribution of events throughout the LGA including Council run events, community run events and private events that may affect the community. The data can define which Wards events take place in, who is the event organiser and whether the event is supported financially or in kind by Council.

Evaluate event value to the LGA, investigate a destination event for the LGA and review the events process.


Destination event research will commence following the results of the events service delivery review which is anticipated to complete at the end of March 2019. An events survey began in December 2018 with surveying occuring at four events: Magic of Christmas, Santa Visits in Riverwood, Mortdale and Kogarah. 90 surveys were conducted and the survey will close on 2 March 2019.

Engage sponsorship expertise to review and revamp event sponsorship.


Council has received a report from Brooks Community Engagement regarding Council's sponsorship review. Recommendations are being reviewed and work from a detailed action plan will commence in 2019.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Goal 5.2 - Affordable and quality housing options are available. Affordable housing Strategy - 5.2.1. Partner with State agencies to increase supply of affordable housing for residents on very low to moderate incomes. Prepare an Affordable Rental Housing Policy.


Council appointed consultants on 11 December 2018 to prepare the Georges River Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program.

Housing for key workers Strategy - 5.2.2. Advocate to the NSW Government to include 'key worker' housing for moderate income earners to be included in affordable housing initiatives. Use the new Housing Strategy to inform NSW Government advocacy that includes key worker housing in affordable housing initiatives.


Council appointed consultants on 11 December 2018 to prepare the Georges River Inclusive Housing Strategy and Delivery Program. The Council's brief for the Strategy and Delivery Program requires the investigation of ‘key worker’ housing for moderate income earners.

Mandatory requirements Strategy - 5.2.3. Advocate to the NSW Government to include mandatory affordable housing requirements in Council LEPs. Based on the findings of the Affordable Housing Strategy, approach the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to include mandatory affordable housing in State Environmental Planning Policy No.70 - Affordable Housing (Revised Schemes).


The Department of Planning and Environment recently exhibited amendments to the State Environmental Planning Policy No. 70 (SEPP 70) – Affordable Housing (Revised Schemes). The proposed changes include amending SEPP 70 to include all local government areas so that councils will no longer need to seek the Minister's approval to be included in SEPP 70. Council has commenced the Inclusive Housing Strategy which will develop strategies to encourage the supply of affordable and inclusive housing in the LGA, including mechanisms to maximise the benefits of the existing State Government framework including SEPP 70 and SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing).

Housing diversity and choice Strategy - 5.2.4. Develop policies that encourage a greater supply of housing diversity and choice. Include initiatives to encourage greater housing diversity and choice in the comprehensive LEP and DCP and planning guidelines.


Council commenced a Housing Strategy for the Georges River LGA and has commissioned demographic and housing data to inform the Strategy. Council has also commenced the Inclusive Housing Strategy which will provide strategies to encourage the supply of affordable and inclusive housing in the LGA. This is to include planning controls and mechanisms that encourage the provision of affordable, adaptable and diverse housing. These projects will carry over to 19/20 financial year.

Council-led development proposals Strategy - 5.2.5. Council-led development proposals incorporate, where feasible, options that support affordable and diverse housing. Complete the Planning Proposal for Oatley Aged Care Centre.


The Planning Proposal for Oatley Aged Care Centre has been withdrawn following a Council resolution to not proceed with the project, dedicate the land to open space and recreation and remediate the contamination of the site. 65

One Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Goal 5.3 - The community is socially and culturally connected. Social and cultural plans Strategy - 5.3.1 Develop and implement a Social Plan and a Cultural Strategy that celebrates diversity, promotes the multicultural community, supports innovation and creativity and contributes to the economic success of the area.


Conduct community consultation to inform a draft Social Plan and draft Cultural Strategy.


Ongoing consultation through the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy research. Surveying and analysis compiled through Community Development initiatives for Social Plan. TCS consultants commenced 6-week cultural mapping and community consultation phase of Create Georges River Cultural Strategy development.

Demonstrate continuous improvement through a community engagement feedback process.


Feedback from the Community Grants Program led to a new grants management system, Smarty Grants, being implemented in 2018 and workshop sessions on the grants program being held. Suggestions from Hurstville Museum & Gallery's Dragonflies Kids’ Club survey, relating to skill development for 4-7 year olds, have been incorporated into next year’s program. The Cultural Strategy discussion paper was distributed on the Your Say website for community feedback, with initial results showing a desire for more public art to increase Georges River’s cultural vibrancy. Responding to this, a public art project has been proposed for the Ellen Subway, Mortdale and further community engagement conducted to ask the local community what Mortdale means to them. Consultants Studio TCS, have engaged in direct consultation via stakeholder meetings and interviews for the development of Council’s Cultural Strategy.

Incorporate Social Plan and Cultural Strategy objectives in preparation for Council's events including Australia Day, Harmony Day, Chinese New Year, Pride Month and NAIDOC week celebrations.


Cultural Services staff collaborated with Council’s Events team to ensure a cultural focus for Australia Day and Lunar New Year preparations. Council’s current Artist in Residence, Kassandra Bossell, will provide a wind sculpture workshop at the Australia Day Festival as part of her contribution to Council. 2019’s Lunar New Year celebrations will incorporate several art based activities, including a live public artwork, created by Sydney based artist, Christina Huynh. This aims to both engage to our local residents in cultural activity within the area and lift the cultural profile of Georges River. Work on the Social Plan will commence in 2019.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


One Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Social participation and community wellbeing Strategy - 5.3.2. Develop, support and promote programs and activities that foster social participation and wellbeing of the diverse community, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or religious background. Develop and sustain community partnerships that result in improved social participation programs.


Recipients of the Community Grants 2017-18 Round 1 program attended ‘Show and Share’ event held in August 2018 at Kingsgrove Community Centre. Grantees were able to share their success and challenges creating opportunities for collaborations and learning. Council supported The Kogarah Storehouse to promote and serve meals during Anti Poverty Week 15-19 October 2018. In total, 120 people were provided with free meals. During October and November 2018, Council staff liaised with not for profit organisation Share the Dignity to apply for the installation of a Dignity Vending machine (#Pink Box free sanitary products dispenser) in Hurstville Library. The site was chosen due to the high foot traffic visiting the library thereby having the greatest impact on young girls and women from disadvantaged background. The #Pinkbox Dispenser will be installed in early 2019.

Undertake community analysis and consultation to better understand the needs and aspirations of the community.


Initial consultation conducted throughout 2018 has been undertaken to identify gaps and fatigue alerts in line with the development of Council's Social Plan. Surveying and feedback has shown the overall impression of community development programs to be positive. Community consultation has occured on: development of public art installations, community events, preparation of the Open Space Strategy, creation of the Economic Development Strategy and the Local Strategic Planning Statement.


Develop a calendar of cultural development programs and events that increase opportunities for social participation.


Council prepares a bi-annual calendar of free programs and events for the community which is distributed at major events, libraries and customer service centres. The January to June 2019 calendar is ready for distribution. Council's Community 'what's on' page on its website promotes events and programs.

Develop a directory of free and low-cost services for seniors.


Preparation of a directory of low-cost seniors services with local community groups and organisations is underway. The directory will include information on annual programs supported by Council and will be printed and available on Council's website . The directory will be delivered in early 2019. Council has developed a 'what's on' calendar of events and programs being held throughout the Seniors Festival in February 2019. This calendar will be printed and available on Council's website.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Implement and support a minimum of ten programs and activities that contribute towards the wellbeing of Council residents.


Council supported the St George Arts Expo in August 2018. In October 2018 Council supported St George and Sutherland Mental Health Interagency to organise a two day Healthy Minds and Wellbeing Expo in Hurstville Westfield. This event was attended by over 600 people and was very positively received which encouraged organisers to provide the event again in 2019. Council participated in the St George Children and Families Interagency Children’s Week Event held in Rockdale. This event attracted over 140 families residing in the St George region to gain more information on services available in their area. Council facilitated a sustainability activity and shared information on available services for families in the area. Through the Capacity Building category of Council's 2018-19 Community Grants Program Round 1, 31 projects were funded providing services and benefits to the community. The Discovery Festival of Community Arts was held between 21 September and 27 October 2018 . It featured a celebration of Ecuadorian and South American culture together with a special focus on local writing. The Festival engaged with 15 different community and cultural organisations, covering the art forms of visual arts and crafts, theatre, dance, film, singing, music, local history and professional development for artists. The Writing focus included book launches, performance poetry, readings, a 40 year celebration of the Macedonian Literary Association and an inaugural Georges River Writers Day held at Carss Park Cottage Museum.

Develop accessibility maps for key town centres in the LGA.


Work has commenced on mobility maps and the mapping of public toilets across the LGA. This is expected to be completed in 2019.


One Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Community safety planning Strategy - 5.3.3. Develop an integrated Community Safety Plan to identify the role Council and others can play in helping to make the LGA a safer place. Review and assess the impact of CCTV cameras across the LGA.


Staff liaised with Local Area Command police to review the provision of CCTV cameras in the LGA. A Community Safety Officer position will be created in early 2019. This position will continue to manage and monitor CCTV programs across the LGA.

Facilitate meetings with the community and Local Area Command to address community safety issues.


Council staff meet regularly with St George Police Area Command and attended the September and December Safety Precinct meetings to address areas of concern from the local community. Staff also attended the St George Domestic Violence Committee and worked with Police on the development of the White Ribbon Walk.

Re-establish Alcohol Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas in the LGA.

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At the 29 October Council Meeting, Council endorsed the establishment of a new Alcohol Free Zone at Mortdale Shopping Centre and the expansion of the existing Alcohol Free Zones at Hurstville CBD, Oatley Shopping Centre and Penshurst Shopping Centre until 28 August 2022.

Children's services Strategy - 5.3.4. Provide high quality, affordable and economically viable education and care across Council's children's services.


Relocate the Hurstville Early Learning Centre to new premises.


The service model review will determine community needs. This piece of work will be carried out prior to looking for alternate locations or changing any existing services.

Establish a 40-place long day-care centre within the LGA close to transport and business within the LGA.


Oatley West Long Day Care Centre is scheduled to open in March 2020. It is close to public transport and local businesses within our LGA. Council report scheduled for meeting on 25 February 2019 to award tender for construction.

Establish a 23-place occassional care service within the LGA.


To coincide with the opening of Oatley Child Care, research has commenced to transition Hurstville Early Learning Centre into a 23 place occasional care by 2020. The Children's Services model review will provide insight into decision making i.e preschool/occasional care places for 2020.

Improve the quality of child care digital services. Integrate Council's Children's Services Strategy into each service's Quality Improvement Plan.


All Children's Services Strategic Plan items have been distributed across all six services quality improvement plans and individual work plans to ensure completion.

Conduct community and customer consultation to establish the need for, and interest in, establishing a 24/7 child care service.


Project has been allocated to appropriate manager. Questions are being developed for community consultation.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Goal 5.4 - Diverse, vibrant community facilities and spaces are connected, well maintained and accessible. Library services Strategy - 5.4.1. Expand the role of libraries as welcoming and inclusive spaces with services, collections and programs that inspire and engage with the community.


The Library Service Delivery Model Review is on track, with Stage One completion and the delivery of the preliminary consultant's report due by 31 December 2018.

Develop a Technology and Digital Access Plan.


The Technology and Digital Access Plan is in the preliminary planning phase with research and bench marking currently underway. Improvements include:Customer experience through the library website - test pages are being built, reviewed and approved for publication on the Library Management System with the goal of consolidating the majority of library information and online services in one place. - Research and evaluate new technologies for innovative practice and programs – devices have been acquired and will be used to improve roving customer service (iPads), the development of rich multi media documents (Surface Pro computer), and streamlined customer services (cloud print apps and online payments).

Develop a responsive collection development practice that encourages strong community participation.


The customer request module within the Library Management System has been optimised to provide updates and personalised responses to customers. Workflows and KPIs for fast tracking customer requests have been developed. A plan to re-brand and promote community participation in the development of the library collection has been drafted.

Develop and implement an Information Services Plan.


The Information Services Plan is in the early stage of drafting, utilising recent engagement with the State Library Reference Group on contemporary best practice in public libraries and drawing on staff experience from the private sector.

Engage with the community to promote, inform, showcase and receive feedback on library services.


Engagement activities have included: - Seeking feedback via Your Say website - Implementation of Happy or Not customer satisfaction kiosk at Hurstville Library - Consolidation of library information and online services on one website to streamline customer experience and focus promotion - Implementation of targeted promotions through RFID self checkout screens at all locations - Evaluation and revision of Facebook social media strategy and approach – including improving quality of images, development of library “voice/personality”, and recruitment of a social media expert to lead this area.

Research and evaluate contemporary library service delivery models. Consult with the community and library staff and consider the findings of the Open Space and Recreation Strategy, to address issues within the library service delivery model.

Staff consultation and workshops have been completed. A public survey is available on Your Say until 14 January 2019 and will supplement the public consultation activities already completed for the Library Service Delivery Model Review project earlier in the year.


One Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Community facilities Strategy - 5.4.2 Collaborate with State agencies, the education sector and neighbouring councils to provide regional-level community facilities. Work with SSROC to advocate for regional-level community facilities.


Quarterly meetings held with the SSROC Community, Culture and Recreation Network. The November 2018 agenda included discussion on the Department of Planning and Environment's Community Participation Plan.

Liaise with the Office of Sport and NSW Department of Education to investigate regional-level community facilities.


Discussions held with the Department of Education in September 2018 and November 2018 to review Joint Use Planning Agreement opportunities. Office of Sport data has been incorporated into the draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.

Work with the NSW Government to facilitate an increase in crisis accommodation in the LGA for women and children who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness as a result of domestic violence.


An Expression of Interest (EOI) was tendered in September 2018 to find an organisation to provide a crisis accommodation service out of a Council owned property. Following assessment of the EOI, negotiations with a suitably qualified non government organisation to enter into a draft lease proposal have occured. Council has worked with NSW Health, and the peak bodies including Homelessness NSW, Domestic Violence NSW, and Community Housing Industry Association NSW on this project.

Affordable facilities Strategy - 5.4.3 Provide a range of affordable and accessible facilities for community-based activities. Deliver and promote the annual Venue Hire Grants Program for subsidised usage of Council facilities for programs and activities that benefit the community.



One round of the Venue Hire Grants Program was assessed under the new Grants Donations and Sponsorship Policy adopted by Council on 27 August 2018. The Community Facilities Rental Subsidies budget is $420,000. A total of $9852.50 of in-kind venue hire was supported between October - December 2018 through the Venue Hire Grants program. The remaining balance for the 18/19 Venue Hire Grants Program is $235,701.80. A new online application form using Smarty Grants has been developed, following review and user testing this will be implemented in early 2019.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Promoting the Arts Strategy - 5.4.4 Encourage and promote the arts through Council's cultural facilities including Hurstville Museum & Gallery, Hurstville Entertainment Centre and Carss Park Artist's Cottage. Develop and deliver the Georges River Area Prize, Artist in Residence Program and Discovery Festival.


Council's Artist in Residence 2018-2020 program for local, national and international artists to complete a residency at Carss Park was launched in July and closed in September 2018. 26 applications were received and 15 artists were selected to compete residencies over the next two years. The successful artists represent a range of artforms including creative writing, printmaking, painting, poetry, sketching, and photography. The first artist for the 20182020 program, Kassandra Bossell, began her 10 week residency in November 2018, creating sculptural works exploring the natural environment. Council’s 2018 Discovery Festival of Community Arts was held between 21 September and 27 October 2018. It featured a celebration of Ecuadorian and South American culture together with a special focus on local writing. The Festival engaged with 15 different community and cultural organisations, covering the art forms of visual arts and crafts, theatre, dance, film singing, music, local history and professional development for artists. The writing focus included book launches, performance poetry, readings, a 40 year celebration of the Macedonian Literary Association and an inaugural Georges River Writers Day held at Carss Cottage Museum.


One Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Goal 5.5 - The community is safe and healthy. Regulatory functions Strategy - 5.5.1. Conduct Council's regulatory functions in accordance with legislative requirements. Implement the food premises inspection program.


Of the 188 high and medium risk food premises required to be inspected between October - December 2018, 158 were inspected. The overall inspection result for the year to date is 42% with 316 of the 751 high and medium risk food premises being inspected.

Develop and implement a regulated Systems Program. Implement the Public Pool and Spa Inspection Program.


Council's Regulated Systems Program requires that all cooling towers are inspected at least once per financial year. Due to NSW Health amending the Public Heath Act to transfer the primary function for the management of Regulated Systems to Council, along with new registration requirements, Council has engaged a consultant commencing in November 2018 to audit all existing systems. Consequently, 16 of the 42 or 38% of the total number of cooling towers were inspected by a contractor. Council's Public Swimming Pool and Spa Inspection Program requires that all premises are inspected at least once per financial year. 8 inspections or 80% of the total number of public swimming pools and spa pools premises have been inspected this financial year.

Implement the mortuaries' inspection program.

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91 premises were inspected resulting in 100% of all premises required to be inspected this financial year being seen.

Develop and implement a Boarding House Compliance Program.

Develop and implement an Asbestos Education Program. Develop a program to manage development site condition compliance.


A boarding house factsheet for the community in development. Suspected boarding houses continue to be inspected following community requests with the level of complaint significantly reduced when compared to previous years.

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An Asbestos Awareness Program was run in November 2018 to coincide with Asbestos Awareness Week. The 'Get the Site Right' program was conducted in November 2018 which identified 10 non-compliant development sites that required further regulatory action to ensure compliance.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Compliance of public space Strategy - 5.5.2 Manage public spaces to ensure legislative compliance and promote a safe and healthy environment for the community. Develop and implement a school safety and education program. Implement the footways' use approvals system.


An Annual School Zone Safety Program commenced on 1 July 2018. A letter was sent to all schools in the LGA advising them of the program, and providing them with an electronic brochure ‘Know Your School Zones’ for inclusion into the school’s newsletter, website and other forums to pass information onto parents and students. Each of the 40 schools within the LGA have been patrolled on four occasions with Parking Officers issuing 437 fines and 5 warnings. Council, has undertaken a full review of business uses within the footpath areas . The Use of Public Land – Local Approvals Policy was adopted by Council on 29 October 2018 to provide guidelines for the use, management and occupation of the footpath.

Ensure compliance with removal of illegal rubbish by the dumper.


When dumped rubbish is reported, Council’s Waste Field Officers commence investigating the incident within one working day. Between July and December 2018 there were 633 cases of illegal dumping. Following investigations by Council only 20% of material was removed by the dumper, resulting in 30 penalty notices, 12 clean up notices and two warnings being issued totalling $40,340 in fines and fees.

Develop and implement an animal management education program that includes promotion of increased registrations.


Rangers are continuing to undertake regular patrols of Moore Reserve and Gannon’s Park, speaking with pet owners and informing them of their responsibilities. The new Stick Scanner helps scan implanted chips more easily than traditional readers. Two rangers attended an animal awareness day at Moore Reserve conducted by Sydney Dogs and Cats Home speaking to residents about responsible pet ownership and updating registration details.



Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Pillar 6

Leadership and transparency Progress against 1 Year Operational Plan items

 T

Complete Not started On track


Behind schedule






Carry over


On hold


2% 3%

14% 2%



Next time:

• 86% of correspondence responded to within 14 days.

• Georges River Vision 2050 and 30 Year City Strategy.

• Council’s Online engagement platform -Your Say has been implemented and has 964 members. Work is continuing to grow the membership of this important engagement network.

• Hurstville Civic Precinct Masterplan. • Fact sheets utilised to help explain reason for confidential reports at Council meetings.

• Customer Feedback and Complaints Management framework implemented.







Results to date



Annual nett litigation costs managed to $1.5m budget.




On Track

Costs of all litigation (Court proceedings) $836,620. Costs recovered $353,728. Nett expenditure as at 31 December 2018 $482,892.Â

Percentage of legal cases determined in accordance with Council's corporate and strategic objectives including successful prosecutions (convictions) and/or fines for major environmental offences, including tree breaches





Attempted resolution of Class 1 merit appeals by way of alternative dispute resolution such as s34 conciliation wherever possible and appropriate.





Percentage of satisfied Your Say Georges River Panel members with engagement on Council projects.

New measure



Not Started

Council decisions made at meetings closed to the public.




On Track

Increased interaction with Council meetings including average number of speakers, public attendees and uptake of live streaming of Council Meetings and Committees of Council.

7 speakers 42 attendees 15 live streams

>2 speakers >10 attendees 50 live streams

3; 18; 100


Percentage of occupancy across all Council-owned commercial properties.





Percentage of customer requests completed within agreed times.




Off Track

A satisfaction survey of Your Say Panel members commenced in Q2 and will conclude in Q3.

Average of 3 speakers per meeting 18 people per meeting Average 100 live streams

While the target for customer requests has not been met there has been some improvement in this area. Refresher training for staff is now complete

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Results to date



Percentage of correspondence responded to within 14 days.





Percentage of complaints completed within agreed times.




Off Track

Percentage compliance with statutory and legislative reporting requirements (Office of Local Government Compliance Calendar).





Percentage of customers satisfied with the overall experience with their customer requests to Council.





Customer satisfaction with face to face interaction at the Customer Service Centre.

New measure




Actual year-to-date income is no more than 5% under the year-todate approved budget.

8% under budget

<5% under budget

5% above budget


Favourable variance as a result of unexpected operational and capital grants received

Actual year-to-date expenditure is no more than 5% over the year-to-date approved budget.

12% under budget

<5% over budget

8% below budget


Variance due to under spend in employee costs due to vacancies and under expenditure of the waste contract as a result of the new contract being lower than budget estimate.

Investment portfolio returns for the past 12 months exceeding industry benchmark as disclosed by CPG.

3.39% - 1.64% above

Benchmark exceeded



Council’s annualised rate of return is 2.61%, which is 0.69% above benchmark.

Percentage outstanding rates, annual charges, interest and extra charges.





The target has been exceeded with collections in excess of pro-rated income due.

While the target has not been met there continues to be an improvement in managing complaints within timeframes since establishing Customer advocates.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects COMPLETE













The table below highlights how each project in our 3 year Delivery Program is progressing: Program/Project

Year due Status


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Goal 6.1 - The community is involved and listened to. Community consultation Strategy - 6.1.1. Actively implement the GRC Community Engagement Policy and Strategy, providing a consistent and best-practice approach to engagement across all Council functions.


A review of indicators was held with internal stakeholders in 2017/2018. KPI proforma templates have been designed and will be rolled out in 2019 to provide further information on data sources and interpretation methodology. Consultation with external stakeholders on key performance indicators will be held in 2019 as part of the development of the 2019/2020 Operational Plan. Consultation will ensure that our key performance indicators are useful and meaningful.

b. Embed Council's Engagement Strategy as an 19/20 overarching process for all Council engagement activity.


The minimum requirements for community engagement and a community engagement plan template were promoted to all managers in 2018. Weekly drop in information sessions on community engagement are held for all staff.

c. Develop and build a brand and identity for the 19/20 LGA.


Work has commenced on the Georges River 2050 strategy which will provide a foundation for future brand and reputation work.

a. Review performance indicators and data with internal and external stakeholders to ensure data contributes to continuous improvement.


Engagement mechanisms Strategy - 6.1.2. Use of online, social media and other communication channels, including Your Say Georges River. a. Increase the range of community engagement activities on Council's website.




Community engagement activities are hosted on Council’s Your Say website which is directly linked to the Council website. A wide range of activities covering a broad spectrum of Council business were offered from July - December 2018 including focus groups, online surveys, idea sharing and polls.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


b. Broaden the range of Council and community Ongoing issues referred for feedback to Council's Your Say Georges River Panel.


A total of 48 projects for community interest were available on the Your Say site in the second half of 2018. These included 33 new projects and 15 ongoing projects covering a variety of issues including planning and development, fields and park upgrades, council's new smartphone app, community events and development of key Council policies and strategies. The Your Say site had a total of 8,900 visits between July and December 2018.

c. Develop a comprehensive communication plan for Council's projects, programs and initiatives.


The Communications Team develops comprehensive plans as and when advised. Between July and December 2018, the team developed 32 tailored communication plans (including online, e-news, social media, posters and print publications, including Council's 'Community' magazine) for specific programs and projects, and 115 media releases.


Performance reporting Strategy - 6.1.3 Publicly and regularly report on performance against strategic, financial and operational plans. a. Comply with all requirements of Integrated Planning and Reporting legislation, including progress reports for the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan.



The 2017-2018 Annual Report was produced on time and both a pdf and an interactive version are available on Council's website. Progress reports on meeting the Community Strategic Plan Strategies, and the Delivery Program and Operational Plan objectives are presented to Council in March and August 2019. Work on developing the 2019-20 Operational Plan is currently underway.

b. Develop an Annual Community Consultation Progress report.


The first Annual Community Consultation report will be developed in 2019-20

c. Advocate to the Office of Local Government for timely benchmarking across councils.


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Council participated in the 2018 Performance Excellence Program. The results of this program, released late December 2018, will be used by Council to drive deep into our performance and advocate to the Office of Local Government for timely benchmarking across councils.Â


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Goal 6.2- Open, informed and transparent decision-making supports the interests of the community. Transparent communication Strategy - 6.2.1. Make all reports to Council Meetings public wherever possible under the Local Government Act 1993 or provide open and closed reports where necessary. a. Investigate the feasibility of 'Meet Your Ward Councillors' sessions



The Community Open Day Program Meet Your Ward Councillor have been established to provide the opportunity for the community to engage with their Councillors. Two Open Days have now been held, the first in the Kogarah Bay Ward, the second in the Blakehurst Ward. Open Days provide the opportunity for members of the community to either make an appointment to talk to their Ward Councillor on a specific issue or simply drop in to catch up on projects that are occurring within the ward. Three more Open Days will be held in 2019 in the remaining wards.

Risk management Strategy - 6.2.2. Undertake effective risk management to provide greater certainty and security over the management of Council resources and services.


a. Annually review Council's enterprise and operational risks.



Completed an independant review and update of the Enterprise Risk Management and Business Continuity Management related policies and plans that were endorsed by the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee in October 2018. New operational risk registers and top 10 strategic risks were developed in consultation with risk owners and endorsed by the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee in October 2018.

b. Continue fraud and corruption prevention programs.



Commenced a third party assessment of the Fraud and Corruption Control framework and related policy and plan, against the NSW Audit Office Fraud Control framework and the NSW Auditor-General's Fraud Risk Survey Report (2016). The top 10 fraud and corruption risks and related treatment plans were developed in consultation with risk owners and endorsed by the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee in December 2018. An ICAC presentation to Councillors and senior management was held on 10 December 2018 on the emerging issues, trends and strategic responses to corruption.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status

c. Comply with laws, codes, policies and procedures.



Comment General Manager's new delegations (s377 LGA) were adopted by Council in September 2018 in accordance with s380 LGA requiring a review within the first 12 months of each term of office. Commenced an update of the sub-delegations to staff, reporting to the Council's Directorates in December 2018.

Procurement Strategy - 6.2.3 Ensure procurement policies and practices demonstrate best practice in probity assurance and legislative compliance. a. Continuously improve procurement policy and practice through the Local Government Procurement Program.


b. Register all contracts as per Council's Procurement Policy.


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Substantial completion of procurement spend analysis with the assistance of the Local Government Procurement Program. From 1 July 2018, 29 contracts awarded over $150,000, cumulative value over $23M

Timely provision of information Strategy - 6.2.4. Provide timely access to Council information, in accordance with legislation, policy, public interest considerations, proactive disclosure and the respect for individual privacy. a. Maintain online public registers as required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) including contracts, gifts and benefits and Councillor disclosures of interest returns (Section 449 of the LG Act).



Disclosure Log of Access Applications, Register of Government Contracts and Register of Gifts and Benefits is published on Council's website. Councillors and Staff disclosure of interest returns (s449) were presented to Council on 29 October 2018. Newly designated persons (staff) s449 returns were also submitted to Council on 17 December 2018.

Maintain online records of Council and Committee papers and minutes, donations and sponsorships, and Councillor expenses.



All reports that are considered by Council are available on Council's website, this includes the publication of minutes to ensure that decisions made by Council are open and transparent and accessible to the community. Additionally, registers are available on Councils website which contain details of expenses which are reimbursed to Councillors in accordance with the Mayor and Councillors Expenses Policy and funds that have been voted by Council in accordance with the Councillor Ward Discretionary Fund Policy.

Report annually to the Office of Local Government and the NSW Ombudsman on Code of Conduct and Public Interest Disclosure matters.



The Code of Conduct Complaint Statistics report was presented to Council on 26 November 2018 and submitted to the Office of Local Government on 28 November 2018. The Public Interest Disclosure on-line reporting is bi-annual to the NSW Ombudsman, and will be submited in January 2019 for the report period 1 July to December 2018. 83

3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status


Audit responsibilities Strategy - 6.2.5. Use the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to independently advice Council on good governance, audit matters, business improvement and risk management controls. a. Support the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to fulfil its responsibilities under the LG Act.



The Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee has scheduled quarterly meetings based on an adopted forward meeting calendar. The Committee responsibilities are factored into the calendar and correspond to their requirements under the Local Government Act. In addition to the quarterly meetings held on 6 August and 29 October 2018 an additional special meeting was held on 24 October 2018 for consideration of the Financial Statements.

b. Prepare and implement a three-year riskbased Audit Plan.



The three year Audit Plan was adopted by the Audit Risk & Improvement Committee at its meeting on 6 August 2018. The Audit Plan is underway and on target with two scheduled audits completed: Footpath & Asphalt Contracts; Development Assessments using the ICAC DA Internal Audit Tool.

c. Work with the Office of Local Government to clarify risk management and business improvement functions and guidelines under Section 23A of the LG Act.



The 2016 Local Government (Planning & Governance) Amendment Act has been reflected in an updated Audit Risk & Improvement Committee Charter which the Committee is currently operating under. The new legislative responsibilities are also reflected in the Forward Responsibility Meeting Calendar.

Councillor role Strategy - 6.2.6. Ensure compliance with Section 232(1) of the Local Government Act and processes adopted in Council policies. a. Implement a Councillor training program to improve decision making, facilitate better communication with the local community and assist Councillors to acquire and maintain the skills needed to perform their role.




A report to Council on 26 November 2018, outlined that Councillors had achieved their induction and professional development requirements in 2018 by participating in the required induction and development activities. Development opportunities to be provided in 2019 were also outlined in the report.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


Goal 6.3 - Leadership focuses on innovation and improving the customer experience. Customer service Strategy - 6.3.1. Meet customer service commitments that aim to make it easy to do business with Council and create systems and a culture that support positive customer experiences. a. Expand online services and payment options, 18/19 including mobile applications, public Wi-Fi and self-service kiosks. b. Increase automation of processes to increase 19/20 efficiencies.


Expansion of online services is scheduled for completion in early 2019 Planning Certificates now available for self service on Council's website. Internal Budget Bid process utilised new online tool which increased productivity. Legionella inspections managed through TechOne reducing manual processes.

c. Improve the DA lodgement processes and pre-lodgement advice, including new NSW Department of Planning and Environment guidelines.



Improvement of DA lodgement processes and pre-lodgement advice will be part of the new Team Leader Development Advisory position's work plan. This position was filled in late 2018 and work will commence in 2019.

d. Improve consistency and reliability of service across all customer contact channels.



Customer Experience Transformation Project is well underway with service centre refurbishment and customer journey mapping projects being completed in 2018.

Continuous improvement Strategy - 6.3.2. Demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement and effective governance throughout Council services. a. Advocate a comprehensive performance program for all Councils with OLG, in partnership with LG Professionals.



Council participated in the 2018 Performance Excellence Program. The results of this program, released late December 2018, will be used by Council to deep dive into our performance and promote a performance program for all Councils with OLG, in partnership with LG Professionals.

b. Establish Council's reputation as a leading local government organisation.



City Strategy and Innovation has started work on the Georges River Vison 2050 a 30 year vision for the City. This Strategy will identify transformative projects to establish Councils reputation as a leading government organisation. This Strategy will be branded and marketed to build key partnerships which influence key government decisions. Â


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status

c. Implement a Digital Innovation Strategy to provide a strategic approach to improvements to customer service, service delivery and performance improvement.



Comment A road map has been drafted and will be revisited when the Director City Strategy and Innovation is on boarded in February 2019. The road map has been developed based on best practice and participation in smart city and innovation networks and forums.

Strategy and Innovation Strategy - 6.3.3. Increase the status, influence, reputation and brand of GRC and its LGA through a greater focus on innovaton and advocacy.


a. Prepare a 30-Year City Vision and City Reputation Strategy, incorporating a strong, well-communicated external presence and brand.



Consultant selected and initiation meeting undertaken. 30 Year Vision Strategy will be delivered in April 2019 with preliminary results available in March 2019 which will allow other strategies such as brand and reputation to be refined and delivered in alignment. The Reputation Strategy will build off this work and will be delivered in the 2019-20 financial year.

b. Maximise the economic potential of the Kogarah Health and Research Hub.


c. Create a unique identity for Hurstville CBD through innovative economic, cultural and infrastructure improvement projects.



Initial project planning and scoping has commenced.

d. Commence implementation of a Smart City Strategy to leverage digital innovation opportunities.



A road map has been drafted based on research and participation in smart city, digital and innovation forums. Council has been granted Round 2 Smart Cities and Suburbs federal government funding to continue to develop innovation opportunities.

e. Develop an advocacy strategy that identifies how GRC can influence government policy and secure government investment in the LGA.



Director City Strategy and Innovation is on boarded February 2019. Work will commence at this time.

Initial project scoping and planning has commenced including the kick off meeting for the Cultural Strategy and 30 Year Vision.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status

f. Commence implementation of the Cool Places:Urban Oasis project in Riverwood and Other Priority Town Centres.



A 5 Million Trees grant application was submitted to increase the tree canopy in locations including Hurstville, Kogarah, Narwee and Mortdale. Round 2 Smart City project - Chill Out Smart Social Spaces Creating Connected Green Places has commenced and will establish outdoor working spaces that combat heat island effect in three locations across Council aligning to our Urban Oasis Project.

g. Complete the program of service delivery reviews commenced after the establishment of GRC.



Priority Service Delivery Reviews were completed by the Transformation and Change Directorate. Further work is required to develop the Service Delivery Review program for Strategy and Innovation.


Goal 6.4- Council's assets and resources are managed responsibly and with accountability Asset management Strategy - 6.4.1. Implement asset management plans to maintain infrastructure assets in a safe and functional standard, meeting current and future community needs. a. Consult with the community about the service standards for Council assets, including asset maintenance funding in the context of Council's overall budget imperatives, and use this to inform a review of asset ownership and maintenance standards.



Contractors engaged for extensive review of footpath, kerb and gutter and road network conditions - due March 2019. This major update of information can feed future community consultation on asset services levels and expectations.

b. Implement the GRC Depot Masterplan including closure of the Carlton Depot and the Hurstville Road quarry depot site.



Masterplan and Feasibility Study have not been endorsed by Council resulting in works being moved to 2019-20 if approved.

Financial strength Strategy - 6.4.2. Maintain a sustainably strong financial position, balanced with demand for essential services and new projects, and having regard for Section 8B(d) (ii) of the Local Government Act (the current generation funds the cost of its services). a. Continually align the Long-Term Financial Plan with the context of Council and Integrated Planning and Reporting documents.



2018/2019 Long Term Financial Plan has been completed and published on Council website. A new Long Term Financial Plan will be prepared during the 2019/2020 budget process. The focus will be service costs by service category to ensure sustainable operations.


3 Year Delivery Program Projects Program/Project

Year due Status

b. Develop a rating structure for the LGA by June 2020.



Council has received a rate structure scenario model that will be utilised in developing potential rate structure options to present to Councillors. The model highlights implications on the different community areas with a rate structure change. Our next steps are to consult with the Councillors on the timeframes on community consultation and discuss support for project management of the change.

c. Continue to review financial policies and processes to ensure integrity of controls, efficiency of service and quality financial data, to reduce risk, deliver quality information for business decisions and improve service delivery.



The Borrowing Policy and Asset Accounting Policy have been finalised. The Rates management and Debt Management Policy are in development. The remaining policies requiring review are the Purchase Card Policy and the Investment Policy.


Property management Strategy - 6.4.3. Actively manage Council's property portfolio to maximise returns on investment in community assets and programs.


a. Plan for and implement a purchasing program for property requiring compulsory acquisition in the comprehensive LEP.



Existing schedule of compulsory acquisitions from former Kogarah and Hurstville Councils have been identified and will be augmented once the comprehensive Georges River Council LEP is completed.

b. Complete Planning Proposals for the Treacy Street residential development and the Hurstville Civic Centre precinct.



The Hurstville Civic Precinct Planning Proposal will be addressed by the local Planning Panel in March 2019. The Planning Proposal for the Treacy Street Car Park will form part of a comprehensive LEP for Georges River which will be developed by 2020-21. This will become a new three year action in the 2019-20 Operational Plan

c. Give community groups and individuals the opportunity to utilise community land and buildings, while alleviating some of the financial burden on Council.



All community land holdings are under review in accordance with Council's adopted Community Lease Policy. Leases are currently in the process of being renewed. Facilities that are underutilised will be made available to community groups via a competitive public process.

d. Progress all statutory property matters in a timely manner.



All statutory property matters are dealt with in a timely manner upon receipt by Council. Plans of Management are being progressed for Hurstville Oval and Sans Souci Park in accordance with the new Crown Land Management Act, 2016

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


Year due Status


Goal 6.5 - The workforce is inspiring, diverse and engaged. Workforce planning and performance Strategy - 6.5.1. Implement leading people practices to create a high performing capable and resilient workforce. a. Implement the GRC Workforce Plan.



Workforce Strategy adopted by Council June 2018. Plan consists of 46 actions, 18 of which have been completed, 23 in progress and five yet to commence.

b. Implement Performance Excellence and People Capability Strategies and Programs.



Learning Program, Ready Set Grow launched and priorities have been determined based on current resourcing and allocated budgets.

c. Implement a Workplace Health and Safety System to support a well and safe workplace.



A monthly audit of compliance with incident reporting investigation and management timeframes is now in place with 90% compliance across the organisation. A Safety and Culture audit was completed with an action plan now in progress.

Goal 6.6 - Council has a regional-approach to service delivery and facilities. Regional planning Strategy - 6.6.1. Plan for regional-level services and facilities and share information across State agencies and neighbouring councils. 19/20 a. Develop long-term regional plans with neighbouring councils to facilitate major projects with long-term delivery timeframes.


Work has commenced on Georges River 2050. This Strategy will outline transformation projects such as transport initatives which involve neighbouring councils.

b. Develop an engagement program for services and facilities where regional collaboration would assist in their delivery, including those identified in the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy.



The team has reviewed the draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy and is using the findings to develop complementary project outcomes for example the placement of the Smart City Chill Out Hubs.Â

c. Work with State agencies to identify funding opportunities across all tiers of government.



Council has started working with the Greater Sydney Commission to create a Collaboration area in Kogarah, this project will identify funding opportunities to achieve outcomes.Â


1 Year Operational Plan Projects COMPLETE



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The table below highlights how each project in our Operational Plan 2018-2019 is progressing: Program/Project



Goal 6.1 - The community is involved and listened to. Community consultation Strategy - 6.1.1. Actively implement the GRC Community Engagement Policy and Strategy, providing a consistent and best-practice approach to engagement across all Council functions. Implement the Your Say Georges River Panel.

The Your Say Panel has been implemented and currently consists of 964 members. There are currently 886 active participants on Councils Your Say community engagement website and 488 panel members. Recruitment for the Your Say Panel and website will be ongoing and includes promotions through Council’s community newsletter and enewsletter, social media promotion, promotion at key community events and activities.

Consult with internal and external stakeholders on key performance indicators.


A review of indicators was held with internal stakeholders in 2017/2018. KPI proforma templates have been designed and will be rolled out in 2019 to provide further information on data sources and interpretation methodology. Consultation with external stakeholders on key performance indicators will be held in 2019 as part of the development of the 2019/2020 Operational Plan. Consultation will ensure that our key performance indicators are useful and meaningful.

Engagement mechanisms Strategy - 6.1.2. Use of online, social media and other communication channels, including Your Say Georges River.


Explore the potential for Council open days with the community.


Council has held two Community Open Days to date and will hold three more before the end of financial year. A review of the feasibility of the Community Open Days - Meet Your Ward Councillor program will occur in June following the conclusion of the 2018-2019 program.

Engage Council's Your Say Georges River Panel and tools on: *The annual Historical Markers' Program to create awareness of the history, heritage and cultural identity of the Georges River area *The development of the Canopy Enhancement Program *The Beverly Hills Master Plan *Other major projects where Council is seeking community engagement."


The Historical Markers Program and Beverly Hills Master Plan projects were both available for community comment during the second half of 2018. The Vision for Beverly Hills was the highest visited project on the Your Say panel between July and September with 190 people interacting with the project page. The Canopy Enhancement Program has yet to commence. Major projects that Council sought community engagement on included the Local Strategic Planning Statement (715 visitors), Community Open Days (198 visitors), and Oatley Park Nature Based Inclusive Playground (215 visitors). These projects have been promoted to Panel members through the Your Say e-newsletter.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Performance reporting Strategy - 6.1.3. Publicly and regularly report on performance against strategic, financial and operational plans. Report to Council twice a year on progress against the adopted Delivery Program and Operational Plan.


A report will be provided to the March Council meeting on Council's progress against the adopted Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

Goal 6.2- Open, informed and transparent decision-making supports the interests of the community. Transparent communication Strategy - 6.2.1. Make all reports to Council Meetings public wherever possible under the Local Government Act 1993 or provide open and closed reports where necessary. Report quarterly to Council on progress against outstanding Council resolutions.


A report on Outstanding Council resolutions went to the November 2018 Finance and Governance Committee meeting. The next report is due at the February 2019 meeting.

Regularly review adherence to the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) and Code of Meeting Practice in relation to confidential reports.


Information on items that will be considered in closed session is provided to the community in the agenda for Council and Standing Committee meetings in accordance with Section 10A of the Local Government Act 1993 (LGA). It is the role of the Head of Executive Services to review the reasons cited for a matter to be considered in closed session to ensure compliance with the LGA.

Provide fact sheets at each Council meeting to inform the community on the reasons for confidential Council reports.


The Director Generals Guidelines issued pursuant to section 10B(5) of the Local Government Act 1993 - The Closure of Council Meetings to the Public is currently being reviewed for it's appropriateness as a guide on Council's website for the public.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Risk management Strategy - 6.2.2. Undertake effective risk management to provide greater certainty and security over the management of Council resources and services. Identify priority risk management activities including related claims issues.


Four business impact analysis workshops were held with managers. Completed business continuity awareness training and scenario excercise with crisis management team. Completed an independant review of the Enterprise Risk Management and Business Continuity Management policies and plans that were endorsed by the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee in October 2018. A presentation on insurance risks and claims was conducted by Council's insurer (Jardine Lloyd Thompson) to Council's Directors on 30 October 2018.

Minimise or maintain operational and enterprise risks to an acceptable level by monitoring action plans in risk register.


New operational risk registers and top 10 strategic risks were developed in consultation with risk owners and endorsed by Council's Directors and the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee in October 2018.

Report quarterly to Council's Audit Risk and Improvement Committee on progress with implementing audit plans.


A report on the status of Audit Plan works is presented at each meeting of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee.

Review policy framework across the suite of governance-related documents.

Update policy register and include review dates.


ď Ź

Commenced a third party assessment of the Fraud and Corruption Control framework, related policy and plan, against the NSW Audit Office Fraud Control framework and the NSW Auditor-General's Fraud Risk Survey Report. The top 10 fraud and corruption risks were developed in consultation with risk owners and endorsed by Council's Directors and the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee in December 2018. An ICAC presentation to Councillors and senior management was held on 10 December 2018 on fraud and emerging issues, trends and strategic responses to corruption. General Manager's new delegations adopted by Council in September 2018. Commenced an update of the subdelegations to staff, reporting to Council's Directors in December 2018. Full policy register exists on the Council intranet and if appropriate on Council's website. Review date is specific to the nature of the policy.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Procurement Strategy - 6.2.3. Ensure procurement policies and practices demonstrate best practice in probity assurance and legislative compliance. Ensure procurement activity conforms with legislation and Council policy.


Commencing independent audit to review the centre-led procurement model and compliance with policy and procedures.

Make procurement information and processes accessible via the Council intranet in conjunction with staff training.

ď Ź

Procurement and Contract Management policies exist on Council's intranet, including resources for accessing Pre-Qualified Contracts, Request for Contract Number and Contract templates, Tender Evaluation Plan and Preparing Tender Recommendation Report to Council. Procurement communications are delivered through staff orientations and supported by procurement bulletins and information sessions.

Monitor contracts by evaluating the contracts register and report annually.


From 1 July 2018, 29 contracts awarded over $150,000, cumulative value over $23M.

Timely provision of information Strategy - 6.2.4. Provide timely access to Council information, in accordance with legislation, policy, public interest considerations, proactive disclosure and the respect for individual privacy. Process and determine formal GIPA requests. Regularly review proactive release of Council information to ensure availability online.


100% formal access applications processed within statutory timeframe. Total of 10 formal application received between July and Decemeber 2018. Council's website is the central reference point for the proactive release of information in accordance with the Access to Information Policy and Information Guide. This includes Council policies, meeting agendas and minutes, donations and sponsorships and Councillor expenses. Council officers regularly review access requests, relevant legislation and Office of Local Government & Information Privacy Commission websites; and council held information with a view to proactively release information.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Audit responsibilities Strategy - 6.2.5. Use the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to independently advice Council on good governance, audit matters, business improvement and risk management controls.


The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) has a 18 month forward meeting calendar for 2018/2019 which reflects both the requirements of the ARIC Charter and Local Government Act. In addition to the quarterly meetings held on 6 August and 29 October 2018 an additional special meeting was held on 24 October 2018 for consideration of the Financial Statements.

Recruit for the outgoing member of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

ď Ź

One Committee member was reappointed from October 2018 until 30 June 2021 via the Finance & Governance Committee Meeting (10 September 2018). The remaining two Committee member appointments expire in October 2019. The Office of Local Government are currently preparing a Discussion Paper on the Internal Audit Framework in Local Government. This is expected to be finalised in 2019. The outcome is expected to change the current recruitment, tenure and membership requirements of the ARIC Committee.

Implement a one-year Audit Program aligned to the Audit Plan and timetable endorsed by the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.


The Audit Program for 2018-19 is underway and on target with two scheduled audits completed: - Footpath & Asphalt Contracts - Development Assessments using the ICAC DA Internal Audit Tool.

Implement any mandatory internal audit guidelines issued by the OLG.


The Office of Local Government are currently preparing a Discussion Paper on the Internal Audit Framework in Local Government. This is expected to be finalised in late 2019.

Ensure the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee is run according to the Counciladopted charter, including quarterly meetings.

Councillor role Strategy - 6.2.6. Ensure compliance with Section 232(1) of the Local Government Act and processes adopted in Council policies. Implement a program of open days to improve community engagement.



The Community Open Day Program - Meet Your Ward Councillor was implemented to provide the opportunity for the community to engage with their Councillors. Two Open Days have now been held, the first in the Kogarah Bay Ward, the second in the Blakehurst Ward. Open Days provide members of the community with an opportunity to either make an appointment to talk to their Ward Councillor on a specific issue or simply drop in to catch up on projects that are occurring within the ward. Three more Open Days will be held in 2019 in the remaining wards.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Program/Project Ensure Councillors have access to a minimum of 12 hours skills' development training each year.



Comment The Professional Development Plan for Councillors runs from September each year. An annual update report advising of training undertaken will go to the October 2019 Finance and Governance Committee meeting. Training attended by Councillors in this period included the NIDA 'Presenting with Confidence' program, Ethics: Governance in Action and the Good Governance Forum run by LGNSW.

Goal 6.3 - Leadership focuses on innovation and improving the customer experience. Customer service Strategy - 6.3.1. Meet customer service commitments that aim to make it easy to do business with Council and create systems and a culture that support positive customer experiences. Improve internal reporting to reflect customer response times and officer accountability.


Weekly corporate Key Performance Indicators reporting implemented and reviewed. A reporting indicator was added to reflect the new Council Customer Feedback and Complaints Management Framework.

Develop a harmonised customer request management system.


One system is now being used to manage both service requests and customer management. An enhancement to the system is in progress.

Review and improve the website to enable more self service.


A demonstration video was developed for Council's social media and the website to provide clear advice for customers regarding biller code changes. More information on our library services is now housed on the Library Online Catalogue in response to customer webpage feedback. A Business section of the website was created which consists of more than 30 web pages to assist community members with their business needs.

Implement Council's customer feedback and complaints management framework.

ď Ź

The new Customer Feedback and Complaints Management framework was implemented and is now managed by the Customer Advocates. Improvements are already occuring with the number of complaints reducing from 77 in the October - December 2017-18 period to 36 for the same period in 2018-19.

Build customer service training into the GRC Learning and Development Plan.

ď Ź

Customer experience, engagement and communications training options are available through in the 2018- 20 Learning Program. Employee needs have been identified through the Skills and Performance Review process.

Upgrade contact centre technology and expand customer contact channels to include webchat and call back options.


New contact centre technology (Touchpoint) implemented in July 2018. Call back function enabled as part of implementation. Customer waiting times have decreased since system implementation and on average seven customers per day use the call back function and receive same day call back. Web Chat functional training and testing is completed and rollout plans are being will commence in 2019.

Increase online services.

The new Customer Feedback and Complaints Management framework was implemented and is now managed by the Customer Advocates. Improvements are already occuring with the number of complaints reducing from 77 in the October - December 2017/2018 period to 36 for the same period in 2018/2019.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Continuous improvement Strategy - 6.3.2 Demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement and effective governance throughout Council services. Enhance quarterly reporting processes to better review service delivery performance.


A training program for staff in the quarterly reporting process was delivered in October in the lead up to the Q1 Quarterly Review meetings. The program focused on ensuring quality of reporting data.

Implement a consistent project management methodology with overarching reporting for consistency and service delivery.


The Strategy and Innovation team was recruited late December 2018. This project will form part of their 20192020 work program.

Develop a Digitial Innovation Strategy.


Work has commenced on a Smart City Strategy Road Map which will help inform an Innovation Strategy.

Work with the University of NSW to implement the innovative smart street furniture project in Olds Park, Mortdale and Memorial Square, Hurstville.

All innovative smart street furniture is now installed and data is currently being collected. The data will inform future planning of similar spaces and be developed into a dashboard that will support Councils works and asset system.

Strategy and Innovation Strategy - 6.3.3. Increase the status, influence, reputation and brand of GRC and its LGA through a greater focus on innovaton and advocacy.


A project initiation meeting was held in December 2018 to commence the development of Georges River Vision 2050. The Strategy will be completed in April 2019.

Commence implementation of programs that stimulate investment in the Kogarah Health and Research Hub


The Strategy and Innovation team have commenced work on the Kogarah Collaboration area an initiative of the Greater Sydney Commission and will be working closely with major stakeholders in the health care and social assistance, education and training and retail sectors to identify programs that will stimulate investment in the the Health and Research Hub.

Commence programs that transform the economic and cultural potential of Hurstville CBD.


The Strategy and Innovation team was recruited late December 2018. In December the team commenced an audit of existing programs and started engaging with the Georges River Cultural Strategy to ensure alignment.

Prepare a 30-year City Vision and City Reputation Strategy. Refocus communication efforts to include messages that build the LGA's brand and reputation.


Work has commenced on the 30 Year Vision project which will provide a strong foundation for refocusing of communication efforts that work in synergy with future brand and reputation work. Initial findings from the 30 Year Vision project will be available in March 2019, following this, work will then commence on a Reputation Strategy to build a stronger brand identity for Council.

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Goal 6.4- Council's assets and resources are managed responsibly and with accountability Asset management Strategy - 6.4.1. Implement asset management plans to maintain infrastructure assets in a safe and functional standard, meeting current and future community needs. Develop a funding strategy to consolidate the GRC depot sites in accordance with the GRC Depot Masterplan.


Council has engaged Asset Technologies to further explore redevelopment options and funding strategies relating to the GRC Depot Masterplan. The final business case in on track to be delivered to Council by April 2019.

Financial strength Strategy - 6.4.2. Maintain a sustainably strong financial position, balanced with demand for essential services and new projects, and having regard for Section 8B(d) (ii) of the Local Government Act (the current generation funds the cost of its services). Refine the Long-Term Financial Plan to incorporate proposed new projects and programs and to facilitate financially sustainable decisions.


2018-19 Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) has been completed. A new LTFP will be prepared during the 2019-20 budget process.

Incorporate the review of Council's Asset Management Plan (6.4.1.a), including asset life, depreciation and maintenance costs, into Council's Long-Term Financial Plan.


The finance structure is now live which includes the resourcing of two Financial Accountant Assets roles. Focus over the next 12 months will be ensuring accurate accounting records of Asset costs aligning operations to policy and working with the Asset Engineers to develop new Council processes.

Review Council's Investment Strategy and procedures and appoint an investment advisor.


Go live with the new Finance structure has enabled greater segragation of duties in the investment management processes. Opportunities are being investigated as to which investment advisor suits our needs. The aim is to have a new advisor by June 2019.

Continue to improve management reporting to increase access to relevant financial information by senior management.


Finance have rolled out enterprise budgeting to managers which has enabled capacity for the team to commence shifting to a role of system, reporting management. The focus for 2019 will be to improve understanding an analysis of business trends to identify improvement opportunities.

Refine critical financial processes through clear documentation of policies, procedures and training.


Go live of Finance structure has assisted in having clear separation of critical functions. Staff have role clarity which has provided the ability to allocate a schedule of critical processes.


1 Year Operational Plan Projects Program/Project



Property management Strategy - 6.4.3. Actively manage Council's property portfolio to maximise returns on investment in community assets and programs. Redevelop Sans Souci Bathers' Pavilion to provide commercial leasing opportunity.


Options for development program are being explored whilst legal proceedings continue.

Collaborate across Council to identify business needs requiring property acquisition.


Regularly collaborating across Council departments to identify properties for acquisition. Former Kogarah identified properties and Hurstville area are a work in progress. LEP for the whole LGA will identify target acquisitions.

Progress Planning Proposals for planned Council developments. Implement leasing management system.


Hurstville Civic Precinct Masterplan will go to the Local Planning Panel in February 2019. Treacey Street development is subject to completion of the Hurstville CBD City Plan. Techone leasing management module developed and ready to populate.

Implement Outdoor Dining and Footway Trading application management system.


The policy is approved and application system is being implemented. The Techone module is in testing phase to be rolled out in 2019.

Goal 6.5 - The workforce is inspiring, diverse and engaged. Workforce planning and performance Strategy - 6.5.1. Implement leading people practices to create a high performing capable and resilient workforce.


Evaluate Work, Health and Safety (WH&S) processes, systems and procedures and implement effective controls to manage WH&S risks.


Completed a full review of Council's safety management system. Completed suite of documents, including WHS policy, Statistical Reporting procedure, Consultation, Coordination and Collaboration process, First Aid procedures, Emergency Management procedures, Risk Management tools, Incident Reporting procedures and systems, Working Alone procedures, Issue Resolution procedures, and managing Hazardous Activities guidelines. All riskware incidents are reviewed by the WHS Committee and advice provided to incident owners. WHS statistics are reported to Council's Directors monthly and by exception for high risks incidents and compliance breaches. Redevelopment and launch of self service safety intranet platform, and Recover at Work guidelines. Compliance with incident reporting, investigation and management procedure.

Implement results of safety system audit. Conduct first year Safety Culture survey.


Completed two WHS Management System Reviews. Monthly audit of compliance with incident reporting, investigation and management timeframes is in place. Compliance is being achieved across 90% of the business ongoing

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December




Maintain a framework to reduce the number of lost time injuries (LTI) days per year.


There has been a 41% reduction of LTI days compared to the same period last year. Total of 68 hours LTI between July and December 2018.

Develop and implement the first phase of a Performance Excellence Program including a review of the current skill and performance review system and procedure.


The skills and performance review process has been reviewed and linked with the Ready Set Grow! Learning Program. A customer service capability assessment was conducted for the organisation. The job evaluation system is currently being upgraded.

Deliver an annual all-staff conference focused on our mission, values and regulatory training.


Next River Run Conference confirmed for August 2019.

Develop and implement a Reward and Recognition Program.

Shine Bright Reward program is in operation. The program rewards staff for significant performance, innovation and demonstration of Council's mission and value.

Establish the Wellness and Belonging Program with a focus on the ageing workforce.


The Rewards and Recognition Program and the Fitness Passport Program have been implemented. A flexible working arrangements group has been established. The draft Wellness and Belonging Policy is nearing completion.

Strategy - 6.6.1. Plan for regional-level services and facilities and share information across State agencies and neighbouring councils. Assist delivery of major infrastructure projects that impact the LGA and the region and commence discussions with adjoining councils to identify projects of regional significance.


The Strategy and Innovation team have commenced work on the Kogarah Collaboration area an initiative of the Greater Sydney Commission and will be working closely with Bayside to identify major infrastructure projects which are a priority for the Health and Education Hub.

Establish a Council Business Unit to progress the future of the LGA, including through regional partnerships.

The City Strategy and Innovation Directorate was established December 2018. The Directorate consisting of Communications and the Strategy and Innovation Team will work towards positioning the Georges River area and the Council as a strong and influential entity in both the Sydney metropolitan region and in NSW.



Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

BUDGET REVIEW STATEMENT For the Quarter ended 31 December 2018 Table of Contents Report by Responsible Accounting Officer Appendices Table 1: Income & Expenditure Budget Review Statement Table 2: Capital Budget Review Statement Table 3: Notes to Budget ReviewStatement Table 4: Key Performance Indicators Table 5: Restricted Cash Reserves Table 6: Consultancy & Legal Expenses Review Table 7: Quarter 2 Contracts awarded (greater than $50,000)


Report by Responsible Accounting Officer In accordance with Clause 203(2) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2005, it is my opinion that the Quarterly Budget Review Statement for Georges River Council for the quarter ended 31 December 2018 indicates that Council’s projected financial position at 30 June 2019 will be satisfactory at year end, having regard to the projected estimates of income and expenditure and the original budgeted income and expenditure.

David Tuxford Director Business & Corporate Services Responsible Accounting Officer 26 February 2019


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December


8,132 14,613

Operating Grants and Contributions

Capital Grants and Contributions -
















Budget Carryovers

















Quarter 1 Budget variations

Approved Changes

Quarterly Budget Review Statement for Period Ended 31 December 2018


Total Expense

Net Operating Result from Continuing Operations excluding Capital Grants & Contributions

21,345 142,629

Other Expenses



Net Operating Result from Continuing Operations – Surplus/(Deficit)






materials & Contracts

Borrowing Costs Expense

Employee Costs


Total Income



Other Revenues from Ordinary activities

Net Gain/loss on Disposal



User Charges & Fees



Rates and annual Charges



Original Budget 2018/19

Table 1: Income & Expenditure Budget Review Statement



















Revised Budget






































Projected Year End Result 2018/19


Proposed Notes Variations for Quarter 2


















Dec 2018 YTD Actuals


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December



8,695 1,500


Furniture & Fittings

2,502 6,848

Plant & Equipment
































Quarterly Budget Review Statement for Period Ended 31 December 2018



Other Assets

Total Capital Expenditure



Operational Land 2,625


Office Equipment

Other Structures


Land Improvements Non Depreciable

Open Space/ Recreational





Stormwater & Drainage

Kerb & Gutter


Buildings - Investment

Buildings - Non Specialised


Buildings – Specialised

Renewal Assets



Plant & Equipment

Other Structures



Open Space/ Recreational

Office Equipment


Intangible Assets 60




Furniture & Fittings



Stormwater & Drainage



Buildings - Non Specialised

Community Land




Buildings – Specialised

New Assets

Budget Carryovers































Quarter 1 Budget Variations ($'000)

Approved Changes

Original Budget 2018/19

Table 2: Capital Budget Review Statement
































Revised Budget

































Proposed Variations for Quarter 2



































Projected Year End Result 2018/19
































YTD Actuals

Table 3: Notes to Budget Variations Notes



Operating Income 1

Other Revenues from Ordinary activities

a favorable increase in revenue from Premium Facilities and Properties unit based on a variety of events that include; developer compensation for loss of car parking income, legal fee recovery and media and advertising arrangements.


Operating Grants and Contributions

Child Care income has been reclassified from user fees and charges to operating grants income. The reclassification of child care income from user fees and charges to operating grants has been offset by other increases in other fees and charges.


Net Gain on Disposal

The sale of the property at allen Street that was expected to take place in 2018/19 financial year and therefore included in the budget, was finalised in the prior financial year 2017/18. This results in an unfavourable variance of $942k in respect of this year’s results.

Operating Expenditure 4

materials & Contracts

Savings in expenditure on tipping fees, consultants and contractors helped in reducing costs in materials and Contracts.

Capital Budget – Section 7.11 (Developer Contribution) Cash Reserve Changes Kempt Field Inclusive Adventure Playground allocation of $100,000 from the repealed Hurstville Section 94 Contributions Plan No. 2 – Open Space/Community Recreation Facilities and the Georges River Council Section 94a Plan 2017 will cover the remaining cost of the works (aSS053-18).



New assets - Buildings Construction of the New Oatley West Childcare Centre Non Specialised The adopted budget for this project is $4 million. as such, additional non budgeted funds of $1.4m from the Repealed Hurstville Section 94 Community Facilities Plan are required. The Repealed Hurstville Section 94 Community Facilities Plan will have a projected closing balance of $1.6m as at 30 June 2020 (COm002-19). Renewal assets Footpath

Montgomery Street Kogarah Streetscape Upgrade additional non budgeted funds of $250k from the Kogarah s94 Plan 8 – Town Centres Plan, for the additional cost of the paving works and Telstra Pit replacements. The Kogarah s94 Plan 8 – Town Centres will have a forecasted balance of $10.7m at 30 June 2019 (aSS00419).

Table 4: Key Performance Indicators Ratios

Operating Performance Own Source Operating Revenue

Unrestricted Current Ratio

Ratio Description This ratio measures Council’s achievement of containing operating expenditure within operating revenue This ratio measures fiscal flexibility. it is the degree of reliance on external funding sources such as operating grants & contributions. To assess the adequacy of working capital and its ability to satisfy obligations in the short term for the unrestricted activities of Council.


Original Budget 2018/19

Revised Budget

Dec 2018 YTD Actuals

Projected Year End Result 2018/19

Greater than -4%





Greater than 60%





Greater than 1.5x





Quarterly Budget Review Statement for Period Ended 31 December 2018

6 105

Table 5: Restricted Cash Reserves



Audited Balance 30/06/18

Closing Balance 31/12/18



Projected Closing Balance 30/06/2019 ($'000)

Externally Restricted Cash Reserves Section 7.11 Section 7.12 voluntary Planning agreement Town improvement Funds Stormwater Drainage levy Domestic Waste management Specific Purpose Unexpended Grants infrastructure Plus investment Environmental levies

Developer contributions for improvement of public infrastructure. Development levies contributed to fund public infrastructure, amenities and services. Provision for public amenities, open space and infrastructure in accordance with the Policy on Planning agreements For the improvements to Riverwood, Penshurst, Hurstville and mordale town centres including public space and infrastructure upgrades and maintenance. Storm water infrastructure maintenance Provision for the cost of planned future Domestic Waste management Services in accordance with legislation. Grants received in previous years for ongoing projects. Special rate levied for the renewal and maintenance of local infrastructure. Balance of former Kogarah levies for environmental projects Sub Total - Externally Restricted Cash































Internally Restricted Cash Reserve Employee leave Entitlement

Fund employees leave entitlements on resignation or retirement.




Plant Replacement

Fund replacement costs of plant equipment.




Car Replacement

Fund replacement of Council owned vehicles.





Fund local government elections.




























Childcare Equipment Hurstville Golf Course Financial assistance Grant Bonds and Damage Deposits held merger initiatives allocation Collaterised Debt Obligation Recovery Stronger Communities Fund New Council implementation Fund


Fund equipment and renewal works at Childcare centres. maintenance and renewal at Hurstville Golf Course. Prepayment of Financial assistance Grant held for next year’s budget. Da and venue Hire Bonds held as security to prevent damage to Council assets. Savings identified through efficiencies, for future amalgamation projects Recovery of monies from lehmann Brothers investment State Government grant for major projects to benefit the Community within guidelines State Government approved amalgamation projects as per the implementation Plan

Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Quarterly Budget Review Statement for Period Ended 31 December 2018



asset, Roads and infrastructure management Commercial Property Strategic Centres Environmental Sustainability aquatic Facilities


maintenance and renewal across all of council's assets

Audited Balance 30/06/18

Closing Balance 31/12/18

Projected Closing Balance 30/06/2019



















Sub Total - Internally Restricted Cash




Total Internally and Externally Restricted Cash




investing in long term commercial property to generate ongoing income opportunities acquisition and management of property for strategic uses in key centres Projects that improve environmental sustainability in energy and water efficiency and tree planting maintenance, renewal and service improvements to aquatic facilities


Table 6: Consultancy & Legal Expenses Review

Consultancy Costs Legal Costs

YTD Expenditure ($'000)

Revised Budget ($'000)





Definition of consultant: a consultant is a person or organisation engaged under contract on a temporary basis to provide recommendations or high level specialist or professional advice to assist decision making by management. Generally it is the advisory nature of the work that differentiates a consultant from other contractors.


Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

Quarterly Budget Review Statement for Period Ended 31 December 2018


Table 7: Quarter 2 Contracts awarded (greater than $50,000) Contract



veronica Young Consultant

Schedule Of Rates

Neverstop irrigation Pty ltd




Homann Constructions Pty ltd


Entco Pty ltd


Q18/391 - Create Georges River - Cultural Strategy

Studio TCS Pty ltd


Q18/374 - Design and Construction of Concrete Paved Netball Court at Poulton Park

Recreational Surfacing Pty ltd


moduplay Group Pty ltd


Creative Recreation Solution Pty ltd


Q18/445 - 2018/19 Resheeting Program

Downer EDi Works Pty ltd


Q18/446 - Kogarah library Furniture Upgrade

Resource Furniture Pty ltd


Stowe australia Pty ltd (Primary)


aus Spark Electrics Pty ltd (Secondary)

Schedule of Rates Schedule of Rates Schedule of Rates

Q18/416 - Project manager for Georges River lEP preparation T18/041 – Design, Construction and installation of Drainage and irrigation at Oatley Park Oval Q18/454 - Georges River Council Service Centre Furnishing refurbishment Q18/405 - Construction of New amenities at Empress Reserve Q18/492 - TRim Records management System licences and maintenance (refer 16/1429 Contract)

Q18/213 – 2018/19 Playground Equipment various locations

T18/008 – Electrical Services

T18/050 - Design and Construction of the Kempt Field inclusive adventure Playground and Bike Training Circuit Q18/467 – Review Gorges River Planning agreement 2016 T18/017 - Georges River Council - Stormwater Pipe Relining Works

Harnleigh Pty ltd (Secondary) CBD mechanical Electrical Pty ltd (Secondary) moduplay Group Pty ltd




insituform Pacific Pty ltd


T18/028 - Carss Bush Park Foreshore Construction

Total Earth Care Pty ltd


T18/032 - Design and installation of Staged Drainage, irrigation and Resurfacing of Gannons Park

Renworx Pty ltd


Q18/464 – local Strategic Planning Statement Officer

University of Technology Sydney

Q18/507- Commercial Centres Economic and Feasibility Study Q18/497 - Gladstone Street - Construction of a wombat crossing Q18/426 - Recoveries and Reconstruction


Schedule Of Rates Schedule of Rates

ally Civil


Recoveries and Reconstruction (aust) Pty. ltd.

Schedule Of Rates / DEBT RECOvERY SERviCES

109 Quarterly Budget Review Statement for Period Ended 31 December 2018




Georges River Council // Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018/19 Half-Yearly Progress Report July - December

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