Features Vendor Fair is coming to town Page 6
By Emily Altman Staff Writer
The Student Government Association (SGA) is hosting the first ever street fair at Georgetown College on September 5, 2018 from 6-8pm located directly in front of the Georgetown sign. The City of Georgetown will be shutting down Memorial Drive for this event to take place on Wednesday evening. The street fair is a new version of the involvement fair put on by SGA every year, but this year it is being combined with a local vendor fair. For new students who are not familiar with the involvement fair this a time where all of the organi-
zations on campus are set up and have representatives present for you to ask questions and give you the chance to join their group. This is a great way for students to see all the Georgetown College has to offer including clubs, organizations, and service opportunities. Not only is this a great opportunity for new students, but it’s also great for old students to learn about new organizations or discover ones they didn’t know we have here at Georgetown. The street fair is a great place for students to learn more about groups on our campus, ask questions, and become more involved within the organizations. Even
if you already have joined organizations at Georgetown College come to the street fair and support the Georgetown community by visiting the booths of local Georgetown businesses. The fair should be a lot of fun for GC students of all ages. There will be a great atmosphere including music, food trucks, and giveaways from all of the local businesses and Georgetown College organizations. If you are a new student looking for ways to get involved on campus, then look no further than the street fair. Some of the groups that will be represented at the fair include fraternities, sororities, Yearbook, Honors Program,
New editor, who dis?
By Sophie Hughes Features Editor
Hi! My name is Sophie Hughes (aka Big Poppa Soph) and I am a junior from Henry County, Kentucky and an English and Communication & Media Studies double major. This is my second semester working for the Georgetonian and I absolutely love it. I have no idea of my plans for after graduation, but for now Features Editor sounds pretty good to me. Some things I am involved with on campus include Kappa Delta, Campus Outreach, JV Soccer and Basketball, ResLife, Admissions as a tour guide, and The Georgetonian (obvi-
ously). I have no other work experience including newspaper—in fact, I have spent my past two summers working drive-thru at McDonald’s in Sandusky, Ohio for Summer Project. I am not even entirely sure what the features section typically entails but let’s grow together, shall we? Since you all are probably dying to know, here are a few of my favorite things. I love all movies, but especially one’s including Julia Roberts, Patrick Swayze, dope soundtracks, musicals, and anything of the rom-com variety. Chocolate desserts of all kinds as well as M&M’s. My family—I have an amazing family and a beautiful golden
The Georgetonian
Equestrian Team, Campus Outreach, HipHop team and many others. SGA President, Ben Martin, said “The street fair is a great way for new students to get plugged into various clubs Source: Wikipedia around campus Pictured above: not the Georgetown vendor and not only meet new people, We encourage all the students but to find their passions as to come out and have fun on well.” Steel City Pops will be campus by being a part of this at the street fair and the first new Georgetown tradition 100 customers will receive a that is beginning this year. free popsicle, so you do not want to miss out on this night with your Georgetown family.
doodle named Molly that I accountability. Overall just love to the point that I could a pleasure. That’s enough eat her but don’t because about me I think. that’s gross. My older brother Some of you may be works for Georgetown as a wondering what this section campus minister for Campus is all about, so I’ll tell you. I Outreach and he just got want to fill these pages with married last month so I now articles of friends, life, and have a sister! My little brothfood. Any student, teacher, er’s name is Gabe and he is or tree hugger spotlights a senior in high school and will be included. New and cooler than me by far. Lover hip restaurants or attracof sports, puppies, and clastions opening in Georgesic rock. town and the surrounding Source: Sophie Hughes My favorite part about Pictured above: Renee Toole and areas will also be in here. working for the newspaper myself stuntin’ last Halloween. I am super excited to be is the great people who surheading up this section and round me. Especially, new edi- newspaper. Save the oceans. can hopefully supply you all tor-in-chief Rachel Cheatham. Plus, Backpage editor Donald with the best of the news of There is also pizza here every Trey Smallwood III reminds Georgetown College! Tuesday which we eat off me when I have RA meetings with old copies of this very so I am also thankful for the