Issue 12
September 5, 2018 Page 7
Exciting new campus ministries By Mariah Addington & Cameron Kenner Staff Writers Campus Pastor, Bryan Langlands does a great job helping new faith based organizations grow. In fact, there are two new ones on our campus this year that are focused toward new goals than other had before. The first is Campus Recess. Campus Recess is a new ministry on Georgetown’s campus that is centered towards first— year students. This ministry wants to unleash the inner elementary schooler in all of us who just long for that short recess break everyday. Every Tuesday night at 7 P.M, we
will be gathering in the lounge of the Rec Center for a time of games, fellowship, discussion, and food. The food is provided by local churches, the games will be typically recess style games like kickball and four square, and the discussion will be directed by looking into the decisions that we make as college students. For many students, the first year of college is a huge adjustment period where we are faced with situations that many of us are facing for the first time. Some of these situations could be starting over with new friend groups, having to budget money for the first time and making decisions about one’s career.
Campus Recess hopes to engage these students in conversations about how to make these decisions before they need to in hopes of helping them make the best decision based on who they are, what their priorities are and what God has instore for them. This ministry is specifically geared towards Freshmen. Cameron Kenner, the person who designed Campus Recess, blends a Bible study on deci-
Hot Takes from the staff Cameron:
was intense.
Writing from the comfort
coed dorm! And you get
think she gives a terrible
to get your parents to get
a coed dorm! Everyone
model for what a rela-
a dog if you promise not
gets a coed dorm.
tionship should be.
to move away after you
burning Nike gear need to reconsider the needs
so I’m doing it anyway. Kallie: Tube socks will
of American children. Riley:
Bethany: I’m a senior,
stickers on stickers. It
always be in style. Demetrius: You get
Source: Mariah Addington
Do you like money?
Rachel: It’s a lot easier
graduate college.
ways to grow as a Christian is to learn how to love God and love others. L.I.F.T strives to accomplish this through a conversation based Bible study every other week and a trip to Hometown Manor Assisted Living Home on the weeks between. L.I.F.T is for everyone. No matter what your reason is for coming, L.I.F.T. is welcoming and would love to have you.
a coed dorm! You get a
Taylor Swift. Why? I
Trey: People who are
sion making with the time to recharge through classic recess games. Last week they played Kickball with Dr. Langlands and Dr. Klopfer. Every week a new church will sponsor the meeting by bringing food so that you get to know people in your community better. The second new organization is called L.I.F.T (Letting Individuals Feel Treasured). This organization is based off of the idea that one of the best
Lauren: 65 degrees Fahrenheit is the perfect temperature. Jennifer: AP style is exhausting.
of your home? Write or take pictures for the Georgetonian! Email Rachel Cheatham for more information.