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Women refuses to pull over for police because her Prius has "s---ty tires"
from Issue 15
Woman refuses to pull over for police because her Prius has “s---ty tires”
News Editor
Toyota reached new heights in the automobile industry upon the first sale of its Prius in 1998. Twenty years later the Prius is thriving more than ever; however, a Washington state woman found herself letting the car attract criminal attention.
A patrol officer was lured into a low-speed, fuel-efficient chase due to a woman refusing to pull over, her reasoning was her Prius had “sh---y f---ing tires.”
The patrol trooper flashed his lights when he noticed the expired license plates on the 2011 white Toyota Prius strolling I-5 in Maryland, just north of Seattle.
Although the officer signaled his emergency lights to the driver, she continued driving for half of a mile. She then exited the highway, resulting in her stopping at a traffic light.
At the light, the officer prompted the woman to pull to the shoulder of the road through his megaphone. However, the driver did not budge. As a result, the trooper pulled his vehicle parallel to the Prius and repeated his request for her to pull over, but she refused yet again.

2011 Toyota Prius
“I will not,” the 42-year-old driver asserted back. Refusing the order, she offered to pull her Prius over into a bank parking lot, but the officer came nervous it was a trick to string him along once again, so he commanded her to pull over, once again.
The woman continues to refuse to get out of her vehicle, so the officer leaves his vehicle and goosenecked her out of his vehicle, all while the 42-year-old resisted.
Throughout the altercation, the driver yelled, “you’re f---ing up, dude!” She continued with threats, “I am going to own you! I am going to own your kids, I am going to take your house from you.”
To further complications, the driver refused to identify herself to the officer. Later, she assured media outlets and police officers that she refused to pull over for fear of her safety.
She informed police officers that her Prius’ tires kept popping and she was fearful to drive her car through debris that lies on the shoulder of the highway.
Police contacted the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regarding the issue, and they confirmed faulty tires are not very common with the 2011 model of the Toyota Prius.
The woman was reportedly screaming, “Priuses have sh---y f---ing tires. You are just a bully, and you are rude.” The woman furthered her dialogue with, “I am not contracting with you today.”
After local media outlets spoke with the police department she was detained with, police revealed the woman exclaimed, “I am f---ed all because I am in a bad mood, because my f---ing day went too long. I am so tired of my tires! F---ing five hours on the side of the road to get the tires done!”
As a result, the woman was detained and charged with three misdemeanor charges. She was released the following evening with no mention of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the time of arrest.
There has been no follow-up information released regarding the driver’s case.