Georgetonian Issue 1

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Georgetown College’s Student–Run Newspaper

January 23, 2019

Volume CXXXVIV Issue 1

Video of University of Oklahoma Tri Delta wearing blackface goes viral By DEMETRIUS HARRISON

News Editor Two women within the Theta Gamma chapter of University of Oklahoma’s Tri Delta have been excused from their chapter and left the university after posting a Snapchat video using racial slurs. On Fri. Jan. 18, another student posted the Snapchat video on Twitter. The video went viral, exposing the Caucasian woman smearing black paint on her face while her friend laughs and records saying, “Stop! You’ve got too much. That’s paint, not a face mask.” The video camera flips, exposing two blonde women chuckling as the female painted in blackface says, “I am a n----r” to the camera. Once UO officials discovered the video, they quickly condemned it, announcing they had launched an investigation on the students. On Sat. Jan. 19, the University’s Theta Gamma chapter of the Delta Delta Delta sorority, also known as Tri Delta, confirmed that it had expelled the student who had recorded and posted the video from the sorority. Furthermore, the chapter called the students’


this issue

behavior “abhorrent.” On Monday, OU President James Gallogly announced that the two students voluntarily left the college. Gallogly explained that university officials were unable to expel students because the video recording took place off-campus. Expelling the students would create legal boundaries in how they could respond as a public university. President Gallogly held a press conference announcing, “Those students won’t return to campus. This type of behavior is not welcomed here and is condemned in the strongest terms by me and by our university.” Furthermore, Gallogly classified the Snapchat video as “demeaning,” informing media reporters that the two sophomores had been “very surprised by the reaction” to the video. The UO President continued by saying, “Under the circumstances, they could see that our culture rejects this kind of behavior in no uncertain term. I think it became very clear to them that this type of behavior is not only local news, but state

news and national news.” Gallogly and other university officials are still continuing with the investigation to assure there was not a third student involved in the controversial recording. Students attending the University of Oklahoma had initially criticized their university for not taking any disciplinary action against the two students. Students were also outraged the university released a statement saying that the sophomore students had offered to apologize. Joshua Davis, Junior Industrial Systems Engineering major, commented to a local media outlet that, “It’s really sad to see this happening in 2019 because you’d think we moved forward, but it’s racism. Racism is a sickness.” Gallogly explained that school officials first heard of the video upon it going viral on Twitter Friday and immediately began investigating; however, officials are unaware of when the students recorded it. “It very clearly is racist,” he said at the Monday press conference. “It’s on its face

of the school’s chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity were recorded singing a racist song on a bus in unison. After the university investigated, the school expelled two students involved in the video and shut down the OU SAE chapter. In an additional response, the National Association of Black Journalists stated that “in the year 2019, it is disappointing that we still have to deal with incidents such as this.” In his remarks Monday, Gallogly Source: Twitter recognized that the Screencapture of Snapchat video of school has faced two student painted in blackface. serious racism controversies in the last racist, and we should call it several years, and is in need of what it is.” “systemic” change. The University’s Black Gallogly noted, “More Student Association issued a needs to be done. I heard strongly-worded statement them. More will be done.” announcing they were “not The University’s president surprised” by the blackface has also confirmed that he had video. accepted his personal invitaFurthermore, the released tion to address students at a statement referenced a 2015 rally against racism organized incident at the University of by the Black Student AssociaOklahoma in which members tion.

Kentucky students disrupt peaceful protest page 3

Superbowl LIII Preview page 5

“Pandemic” is a board game for type A people page 8

Winter weather fashion hot takes page 11


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Headlines Compiled by Demetrius Harrison  Mariah Carey’s former personal assistant says she was held down and peed on at work  Republican lawmaker allegedly yelled at a Democrat: “Go back to Puerto Rico”  GoFundMe to refund the $20 million raised for the Mexican border wall  Spotify announces new update coming to block certain artists from playing on radio  Netflix raises prices of all plans: $7.99 to $8.99 and $10.99 to $12.99  TSA workers did not receive $500 bonus they were promised after weeks of working without pay  A 21-year-old Georgia man was arrested after reportedly plotting to bomb the White House  A man who struck a bicycling 10-year-old boy with his Range Rover said he’s “Sorry That You Rode Into Me” in written apology

Georgetown recycling program is underway

The Georgetonian

By MADDIE LONG Staff Writer The Georgetown Sustainability Initiative began plans for a campus-wide recycling program last semester and are working towards implementing the plan in the coming weeks. Students should look out for recycling bins placed next to trash cans around campus. Posted above the bins will be flyers explaining what can and cannot be recycled. The group plans to first place bins in the most popular areas of campus. If these prove successful, they will consider expanding to less populated areas, such as East Campus. They hope the program will be effective this time, as previous efforts have fallen through. It is important to separate recyclables from non-recyclables, because the recycling center won’t accept recyclables with trash mixed in. Therefore, the recycling bins already on campus are currently being taken to the landfill. Paper, cardboard, cans, and #1 and #2 plastic bottles and jugs will all be accepted. Any cans or bottles must be rinsed out. There is no need to sort recyclables; the recycling center accepts mixed recyclables. The following items will not be accepted: glass, food wrappers, plastic cups, plastic bags, napkins, paper towels, refrigerated food boxes, foil, Styrofoam, and food scraps. Additionally, any envelopes with plastic lining will not be accepted. It is essential that we only put recyclables into these bins, or the recycling center will not accept our contributions. Since they will be placed right next to trash cans, the GSI is hopeful students will take initiative to separate

Source: Dr. Kopp

Pictured above is an example of the on-campus recycling model that will be used. recyclables from trash. The GSI hopes to find a central location on campus for the recycling bin sponsors to take their respective bins to be emptied, but the location is still to be determined. The recycling center, located on Paris Pike next to Southern States gas station, will pick up recycling from the central location. The Georgetown Sustainability Initiative, a group passionate about minimizing our environmental impact and making campus a more sustainable community, is looking for members. Any student interested in helping

to implement a recycling program is welcome to come to their meeting on Thursday in Asher 33. If you are unable to attend the meeting but are still interested, please contact Dr. Rick Kopp, GSI sponsor, at The GSI hopes this new recycling program will make being environmentally friend a more accessible option for students. Because most campuses in the US already have a recycling program in place, they hope to catch the college up to the environmental standards of other campuses.

Issue 1


January 23, 2019 Page 3

Kentucky student harasses Native Americans at Indigenous People’s March By MADISON GOODMAN Staff Writer Controversy surrounds a Kentucky teen who appeared to mock a Native American at the indigenous Peoples March on Jan. 18, 2019. The student, Nick Sandmann, a junior at Covington Catholic High School, gave a statement to CNN saying, “He approached me, coming within inches of my face.” “I never interacted with this protestor. I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves. To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me. “We had already been yelled at by another group of protestors, and when the second group approached, I was worried that a situation was getting out of control where adults were attempting to provoke teenagers. “I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to

diffuse the situation.” Meanwhile, Nathan Phillips, the Native American activist and American veteran had been caught on camera being surrounded by many high school boys. Phillips said, according to CNN, that he felt threatened as the boys swarmed him. However, this is not the only issue about this incident being talked about throughout social media. The boys were wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ merchandise. Many people are calling this a Trump induced incident. Chase Iron Eyes, a spokesperson for the Indigenous Peoples March said, “Conservative people are fearful now. Trump has riled up a reactionary voting block that reminds us that we are a nation founded on patriarchy, genocide and racism.” This was not the only statement collected. Many elected officials publicly decided to support Phillips. Currently, President Trump has not come out with

students’ behaviors saying, “We extend our deepest apologies to Mr. Phillips. This behavior is opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person.” With this being said, many are blaming the Source: New York Post Pictured is live footage captured of student wearing a school’s teachings and even the MAGA hat taunting a Native American. catholic religion itself for the boys’ behavior. any statements. At this time, Sandmann is denying However, many Americans are supporting Sandmann as well. They negative participation in the incident are saying the freedom of speech is and saying he was simply standing there. being used here. Both sides are being supported, but Sandmann’s school sent out an official apology for his and many other

Missouri dance team told black teen she was “too dark” to perform By DEMETRIUS HARRISON News Editor A black teen is in the process of suing her former dance coach after she claims the dance coach says she could not perform because her skin was too dark. The student also claims she was retaliated against when she spoke up about the discrimination she received. University of Missouri freshman Camille Sturdivant filed suite last month against Blue Valley Schools in overland Park, Kan., the high school principal, the former dance coach and a parent of a former teammate. According to the lawsuit, Sturdivant was excluded from a dance routine performance and singled out

because of her race. Furthermore, when Sturdivant’s parents approached school leaders requesting action to be taken, nothing was done. At the time of the incident, Sturdivant was a senior at Blue Valley NorthWest High School during the 2017-18 school year. Sturdivant was also one of two black students on the school’s Dazzlers dance team. In July 2017, the team’s choreographer told her she was “too dark” to take part in a contemporary dance performance and told her that her skin color would clash with the costumes used in the routine. When her parents met with the school’s principal to discuss the issue, the principal informed the family that

it was up to the coach’s discretion on deciding who performs and in what outfits. Sturdivant said she remained a member of the team for the rest of the school year, being allowed to dance, but her coach, Carley Fine, was “dismissive” to her. In April 2018, Sturdivant received news that she earned a spot on the University of Missouri’s Golden Girls dance squad. Furthermore, Sturdivant was helping Fine with the dance team and used the coach’s phone to play music. While using Coach Fine’s phone, a text message alerted a conversation about Sturdivant’s university audition success. The

The text message read, “Bc she’s f--king black. I hate that,” Coach Fine wrote according to the complaint. Sturdivant and her parents met with the school’s principal once again, and Fine was fired the following day. The coach was informed he was not allowed to be near Sturdivant or the dance team, and his end-of-year banquet was canceled. Coach Fine released a statement saying, “I have dedicated myself to helping our dancers achieve their goals. In no way would I ever want to cause pain, distress or concern.” While the school district representative has declined to comment on the issue, the discrimination lawsuit is still pending.

The Georgetonian Sports & Recreation NCAA basketball players Georgetown College Golf is set to host spring break tournament in Saint Augustine to watch out for as March approaches

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By ADAM BETS Staff Writer Every college basketball season, the media takes a seldom known player and turns them into a superstar. It might be a player who takes the basketball world by storm through their flashy play, outstanding shooting, or composure in clutch situations. In the past, it has been Kemba Walker, Stephen Curry and Jimmer Fredette. But who will it be this year? Stardom can come from many places, so here are a few possibilities for who may be our March hero this season: The first comes from right down the road at Murray State, Ja Morant. Even though Morant plays for Murray State, a team who plays in the Ohio Valley Conference which is traditionally a one-bid league, Morant has currently led the Racers to an undefeated conference record, and they should be the favorites to represent the OVC come March. Morant has been nothing short of outstanding this season, averaging 24.3 points per game along with 10.6 assists per game. He has positioned himself to be a top ten pick in the upcoming NBA draft. Morant is a great candidate to be the biggest story come March due to his high–flying abilities, phenomenal athleticism, and sheer offensive skill. He has already had two Sportscenter top ten poster dunks this season. Expect more from Ja Morant in

March Madness. What more can be said about the next man, Zion Williamson? No doubt one of the more popular athletes in the all-time history of high school sports, Williamson burst onto the scene at Duke as a high–flying forward who keeps Sportscenter stocked with highlights. Williamson currently averages 21.8 points per game and 9.4 rebounds per game. He is sure to deliver many viral plays in the coming months, especially in the National Tournament. The most sensational scorer in the country has to be Markus Howard from Marquette. Howard recently had a 53 point game against Creighton, proving his ability to pour in buckets. Marquette may struggle to reach March Madness, though Howard will be leading the charge. Howard is comparable to Trae Young. An undersized yet high scoring guard playing on an average team, the parallels between Young and Howard draw themselves. Howard averages 24.4 points per game and 4.1 assists and 4 rebounds. His playmaking may not be as good as Ja Morant, but his scoring is second to none. A few honorable mentions include: Mike Daum (South Dakota State), Shamorie Ponds (St. Johns), Rui Hachimura (Gonzaga), RJ Barrett (Duke), Fletcher Magee (Wofford), CJ Massinburg (Buffalo), John Elmore (Marshall). Watch out for these elite players.

By REESE ASHER Staff Writer

As the spring semester gets underway here at Georgetown College, the men’s Tiger golf team has begun practice and preparation to gear up for a new season. Coming off a win in the last fall tournament at Shawnee State, the Tigers will be looking to carry that success over into the new year. The Tigers will be hopping on a plane and going down to St. Augustine, Florida to host the annual Georgetown World Golf Village Invitational February 17-19. The Tigers will be sporting a reasonably young lineup along-side their only senior, Drake Stepter, who will be trying to lead the young team to a Mid-South Conference championship later this spring. When asked what his goals and expectations were for his senior campaign, Stepter said, “It is bittersweet to be in my final semester here at George-

town, but I am very excited to get the new season underway in Florida as there is always good weather and great competition in the Sunshine state. Obviously, the ultimate goal is always to be in the mix for a conference championship when the end of April comes around, but our main focus right now is to come home from Florida with some hardware, and I think our guys are more than ready to get down there and compete. Our team is a little different this year than last in that we are going to be much more reliant on some younger guys to step up and play well, but I have full confidence in those guys to get the job done. There are always some tough teams in this tournament, but I feel very good about our team and think we are very much up to the task. I know it is going to go quick, so I want to try and enjoy it as much as I can and hopefully have some success along the way.”

Along-side Stepter, the Tigers will be looking for good play from juniors Patrick Oakley and Jay Harris Adams, who were both very solid for the Tigers in the fall season. The last two spots will be determined by a series of qualifiers at Cherry Blossom Golf Club here in Georgetown before the team heads to Florida next month as a mix of underclassmen will be battling it out for those spots in hopes to put together the best five possible to take to Florida and compete. After that tournament, the Tigers will have about four weeks before they begin spring-play in Kentucky and the surrounding states as they head to Asbury March 24-26, Midway April 7-9, then to Shawnee State for the MSC invitational April 12-14, and lastly the conference Championship at Bowling Green Country Club April 29- May 1.


JANUARY Thu 24 Thu 24 Sat 26 Sat 26 Thu 31 Thu 31 FEBRUARY Fri 1 Sat 2 Sat 2 Sat 2 Wed 6 Thu 7

6 p.m. 8 p.m. 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 p.m. 9 p.m.

Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball

vs. vs. @ @ @ @

Shawnee State University Shawnee State University University of Pikeville University of Pikeville Lindsey Wilson College Lindsey Wilson College

2 p.m. noon 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.

Baseball Baseball Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball Women’s Lacrosse Women’s Basketball

@ @ @ @ vs. vs.

Truett-McConnell College Truett-McConnell College Cumberland University Cumberland University Transylvania University Life University

Sports & Recreation

Issue 1

UFC and ESPN new broadcasting deal By BUDDY LUKENS Staff Writer The first fight card under the new broadcasting deal between the Ultimate Fighting Championship and ESPN was deemed a huge success by both companies involved. The main event featured a “champion versus champion” bout, where TJ Dillashaw cut down to 125 pounds as Cejudo defended his strap. Dillashaw was looking to become the sixth fighter in the history of the company to hold a title in multiple weight classes. Dillashaw was the favorite coming into the fight, but Cejudo proved the oddsmakers wrong and won via TKO 32 seconds into the first round. This was the first fight under their new television deal. The UFC and ESPN announced a five-year, 750 million dollar contract in May. The UFC was unhappy with their previous contract with Fox, so ESPN pounced on obtaining the rights to broadcast their product. This lucrative deal is already proving that it will be a worthwhile venture for both companies, as ESPN just unveiled their new subscription service, ESPN+, and the UFC found the ratings they were getting on Fox

unsatisfactory. The fights preliminary card was hosted on ESPN, on a day that featured some great college basketball games which drew in high ratings, the network was consistently advertising the fight card throughout the day. Once again, this proved to be a great venture as the UFC pulled the highest ratings they have seen on a preliminary card since 2013. The biggest question throughout the day was how well the main card would do with it being the most significant event hosted exclusively on ESPN+ since they unveiled the service. ESPN+ found success outside of the octagon during the night. The card led to a record-setting night with 568,000 new subscribers for ESPN+ on Friday and Saturday combined. With all that has happened, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful marriage between the largest sports-only broadcasting network, and the largest mixed martial arts organization in the world. The UFC hopes to be, one day, considered on the same professional sports as the NFL, NBA, and MLB, and deals like this are helping them achieve that goal.

If you’re interested in becoming a writer for the Georgetonian, contact Riley Noe at:

January 23, 2019 Page 5

Super Bowl LIII preview

By ETHAN CUNDIFF Staff Writer At the beginning of the year, if you would have told me it would be the Rams vs. the Patriots. I would have told you I don’t see it happening. Nothing against these two teams, but with the talent around both leagues this season I did not see this exact matchup coming. Let’s look how at L.A. went throughout the season. The Rams were the last undefeated team in the NFL until they lost to New Orleans. They eventually faced The Saints in the NFC Championship and won to punch their ticket to the Super Bowl this past weekend. The Rams were good last year, and people said they would not be the same this year. Not true! The Rams had the number two offense in the league just behind the Kansas City Chiefs. The one concern that the Rams had this season was their defense. Last year they had one of the leagues best defense, but they had the 19 ranked defense this season. With that being said, I did not expect them to win the NFC, especially since they did not have the number one seed. They proved me wrong and went to New Orleans and beat them 26-23 in overtime. This game was very nerve-wracking because the Saints were up 13-0 at home and looking like they were going to walk away with this one. With twenty-three seconds left in the first half, Todd

Gurley rushed for a touchdown and put the Rams down 13-10 heading into the half. The second half concluded with a game-tying field goal by Rams kicker Greg Zuerlein with 15 seconds left on the clock. You know how I said the Rams defense was going to be a concern? Well, in overtime that was not the case. The Rams forced Saints quarterback Drew Brees to throw an interception which led to a game-winning field goal for the Rams. Now looking at New England, they had a different season. They did not start well and went through the whole season going up and down. The AFC was very different from previous years. There has not been a contender that consistently dominated the competition. The AFC had Kansas City, Los Angeles Chargers, and the Patriots all up in the top of the league. The Patriots were underdogs the whole season practically. People were expecting the Chargers or Chiefs to reach the Super Bowl from the AFC. Going into the championship game, the Patriots were three-point underdogs to the Chiefs and people were expecting Kansas City to win. This game opened up by the Patriots taking the lead 14-0, then going down 28-24 with two minutes left to play in the game. They then took the lead back before Kansas City tied it at 31 to force overtime. New England won the coin toss and drove right down

the field to win the game 37-31, not giving MVP candidate Patrick Mahomes a chance to touch the football. These two championship games were thrillers and did not disappoint. The Rams were able to come back to win, and the Patriots ended up winning after squandering the lead to give us a matchup between the Los Angeles Rams and New England Patriots. This is a rematch of the 2002 Super Bowl. The Patriots are playing in their third straight Super Bowl, and the Rams are playing for the first time since 2002. People will complain about the Patriots reaching the Super Bowl and hate on them for always winning the AFC championship. Most of the NFL fans will hate on them and want them to lose the Super Bowl because they win all the time. Well, you have to give them credit for winning all the time. Come on! Tom Brady has reached nine Super Bowls in his career That is impressive. The Rams are led by Jared Goff who will be playing in his first Super Bowl. Regardless of the outcome, it will be a great game and fans should be excited for this matchup for many reasons. If Brady wins, will he retire? If so, will another young rising star beat Tom Brady and the Patriots? This matchup consists of two top five offenses led by two great quarterbacks. Ladies and gentlemen take this weekend off from football to prepare you for a fantastic finish to a great NFL season.

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The Georgetonian

Delta Sorority where she has served as Vice-President Operations and Vice-President Member Education. She has also served on the leadership team for Campus Outreach and been a two-year member of the Student Government Association’s executive council. Along with her involvement with these campus groups, Emily is involved with numerous academic honor societies. These societies include Omicron Delta Kappa, Alpha Lambda Delta, and Phi Kappa Phi. Emily has also had the opportunity to study abroad in Belize as well as do research at the University of Pikeville. While in Belize, she studied

tropical biology in the rainforest and marine ecosystems. While researching at the University of Pikeville, she studied O-GlcNAc signaling in drosophila by creating different gene knockouts. She also had the opportunity to research what Source: Emily Altman was the most effective use of vision in sports. This can say is my favorite. I have research helped Emily decide so loved my time here and the that she would like to purse a people I have met over these future career in ophthalmol- past four years. Next year is ogy. going to look a lot different for When asked about her me and I am sad to leave this favorite memory while at place I have called home, but Georgetown, Emily said, I am so excited for this next “There is not just one thing I step.”

Senior Spotlight: Emily Altman By ANNA ARRASTIA Staff Writer

Soon to be senior graduate, Emily Altman, has a bright future ahead of her. The senior biology major and chemistry minor will be continuing her education at The University of Kentucky, where she will begin medical school in the fall. She hopes to potentially have her own ophthalmology practice in her hometown of Pikeville, KY. Being a doctor is something Emily has always dreamed of. She has grown up surrounded by people in the medical field, this includes her brother, recent Georgetown graduate, Turner Altman, who is currently studying optometry at the

University of Alabama- Birmingham. Her grandfatheris also performing medicine and studied at Yale University for undergrad and attended medical school at the University of Tennessee. Emily came to Georgetown after seeing how much her family members had been impacted by this small college’s education. Emily said, “The professors know who you are, and they are able to provide you with the appropriate attention you need in order to be successful.” During her time at Georgetown, Emily has been extremely involved in many organizations and activities. Emily is a member of Kappa

Student spotlight: Willow Dove By DEMETRIUS HARRISON Opinions Editor Please give junior Willow Dove a warm welcome to The Georgetonian as she has proven herself to be one of Georgetown College’s hardest working students. Throughout Willow’s academic career, she has been involved in several of campus activities and clubs. Willow is a member of the Oxford Honor’s program and she has been accepted and set to study abroad this summer for Oxford’s Trinity term. Willow is also a member

of Alpha Gamma Delta, holding an executive office position. Holding a reputation for having tremendous skills in leadership and responsibility, Willow is also an Assistant Manager for Phoneathon, as well as being the Business Editor of Georgetown College’s reintroduced yearbook. “When I have free Source: Demetrius Harrison time, I love spending it with my precious cat, Luna. I live and watching T.V. Recently with an amazing group of I’ve been obsessed with Black friends in Hambrick Village, Mirror, so I’ve also been so it’s always nice to be able to spending a lot of free time spend weekends in our living watching that,” Willow said. room playing board games It is also common to see

Willow hanging out near the campus theater as she has a minor in Theater, having acted in numerous plays through her time at Georgetown. “If I could have my dream job, I would want to for sure be a veterinarian. I love animals. But if I could be any creature of my dream, I would love to be a dragon that spits out ice cream and sprinkles instead of lava. Or mint tea. I love mint

tea. I also love The Caf.” Willow has only one semester left before she graduates to pursue medical school and a career in the medical field. Before this, however, she plans to go back home to Ohio and visit family before she travels the world before committing to medical school for the next few years.


Issue 1

January 23, 2019 Page 7

New interactive play comes to Georgetown By EMILY ALTMAN Staff Writer

The Georgetown College Theater department will be putting on a production called Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind. This play is unique because the audience gets to play a big role in this show that includes a large variety of autobiography and performance art. Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind was the longest running show in Chicago. It started in 1988 and ran 50 weekends of the year until the end of 2016. This production is obviously a crowd favorite and will not disappoint the audi-

ence members that come out to see it. This show is especially exciting, because it will get to showcase the talent of so many individuals at many different talent and experience levels. There are some performances that will be students first ever performance while others have starred in. Justus Martin who performed in the last production by the theater department commented that “this play will be a lively and interactive show filled with spontaneity and wit.” The students of Georgetown are lucky to have a theater department that is equipped with talented leaders to direct our students who

have a love and interest in performance art. Director Ed Smith was extremely excited when we asked him about this upcoming production. Smith said, “This is like no other show I’ve directed here at Georgetown. One of the biggest draws, for me, was just how much audience involvement there is. If you come see the show, expect that you might find yourself taking part in games, answering questions, and lots of other moments that will have to be seen to be believed. Another element I love is the randomness. Without giving too much away, I absolutely promise

New Mulberry hours. Who dis? Exciting news for all you Mulberry

that the show will be different each night, because it must be. If you came and watched all five nights, you’d see five different shows.” Smith also commented, “For this show, the Maskrafters (our student theatre group) will turn into Neo-Futurists. Neo-Futurism is the aesthetic established by Greg Allen, the group’s founder (and author of this group of plays). One of the key ideas behind this, according to Allen, is “exploring the actual truth of being yourself on stage in front of a live audience at that precise time.” Some writers have called it a blend of sports, poetry and a living newspaper because of

the high energy, the elements of randomness and chance that start when you enter the theatre and don’t let up until the clock counts down to 0. When I say sixty minutes, that’s no exaggeration. We’ll have a countdown timer on stage, so cast and audience are all working together. On the plus side, if we sell out every seat, that night’s audience will get a special treat, but every seat has to be filled.” Come out on Thursday Feb. 14 through Sunday Feb. 17 at 7:30 to support this production and get the special prize for filling the house!

If you are interested in becoming a writer or photographer for the

goers and sitters. The Mulberry has new and extended hours implemented this semester. The new hours being at 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. This is ideal for you early morning grinders, afternoon nappers, or nightowls. Give Mrs. Pat and Robin a visit for the hook-up and a nice study spot!

Features section, contact Sophie Hughes at

ArtsEntertainment “Pandemic”: A board game for type-A people Page 8

By MARY HINES Copy Editor The Arts & Entertainment section of the newspaper normally covers movies, music and television series. But this week, its jurisdiction stretches into the realm of old-fashioned entertainment: board games. Board games and card games are surprisingly popular at the moment. From “Cards Against Humanity” to “Ticket to Ride” to “What Do You Meme?”, all age groups seem to enjoy the aesthetic of coming together around one table to invest in some friendly competition. My family has always enjoyed playing board games. Of course, we’re riding the board game craze that’s happening right now. One of the most recent board games that have captured

The Georgetonian

our attention is Pandemic. Pandemic is a strategy game more than anything. Instead of competing against your fellow players, all the participants work together to reach a common goal: cure four deadly diseases and prevent a pandemic that could wipe out the human race. In Pandemic, each player has a role in preventing the end of the human race and each position comes with a unique set of perks tailored to the prevention of a deadly outbreak. For example, some players act as dispatchers whose perk allows them to move the pawns of fellow players as if they were their own; dispatchers play an essential role in allowing teammates to travel around locales in an effort to cleanse cities, exchange knowledge and, eventually, cure all four diseases. Other roles

include Scientist, Contingency Planner and Quarantine Specialist to name a few. If you haven’t already guessed, the gameplay of Pandemic consists of traveling to different cities to treat diseases and eventually learn how to cure them. Players collect city and action cards: City cards allow players to move across the map while action cards assist in gameplay. After each player’s turn, a random assortment of cities is infected. If four cubes collect on one city, it triggers an outbreak to all cities connected. If an epidemic card is drawn out of the deck, the number of cities infected after each turn increases. If eight outbreaks are incurred throughout gameplay, the human race ceases to exist. The allure of this game is the fact that it’s hard. My family failed several

times before we won our first game and gameplay can get heated if players have different strategies. One or two moves in this gameplay can determine success or failure. Nevertheless, this game is great fun for anyone who likes a challenge.


Pandemic: The Board Game

Musical Instruments Across

1. The largest and lowest brass instrument. 3. The only woodwind instrument that is made of brass but is called a woodwind because it has a reed. 7. This instrument has eighty- eight keys. 8. The name of this instrument in Italian means “little”. 10. A low brass instrument that is usually not found in an orches tra. 12. This instrument has 47 strings. 13. The other name for a timpani. 16. The lowest sounding double reed instrument. 17. Largest drum on the orches tra.


1.This instrument creates sound waves with the most force. 2. Paul McCartney is seen holding this instrument on the cover of the album: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. 4. This instrument has the largest bow. 5. The _______ is moved to change pitch on a trombone. 6. A percussion instrument made up of wooden bars struck by wooden, rubber, or plastic mallets. 9. Also called a side drum, it is a drum made with strands of curled metal wire, metal cable, plastic cable, or gut cords stretched across the bottom head. 11. This instrument is Italian for big trumpet. 14. This kind of instrument typically has six strings. 15. Violins have this many strings.

ArtsEntertainment Lauren’s Screen Savers: “Into the Spider-Verse” Issue 1

By LAUREN PARKINSON A&E Editor I can only hope that at this point you have heard critics, celebrities, and basically everyone on Twitter rave about “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” enough that you have realized that this is not just a kid’s movie. “Just kid’s movies” don’t win the Golden Globe award for “Best Animated Motion Picture.” The kinds of films that win those must be revolutionarily artistic in addition to immensely entertaining for both children and adults alike. “Into the Spider-Verse” fulfills all of these requirements. The animation style takes some getting used to because the film is not just a cartoon; it looks like a moving comic book. Every new Spider-Man character brings their own art style with them. That’s the best

January 23, 2019 Page 9

way I can describe how this film looks, since I’m no art/animation style expert. Thankfully, however, I do know one. Art major Harley Dublow describes the movie in this way: “It is difficult to combine art styles so that they all complement one another, but even in the fight scenes, all the characters seem so seamlessly put together. It doesn’t feel like you’re watching four or five different movies. It feels like one cohesive piece.” She and I are basically saying the same thing, but you should definitely trust her opinion over mine. Something I can fully appreciate, however, is good casting. Actors such as Jake Johnson (“New Girl”), Hailee Steinfeld (“True Grit”), and Chris Pine (if you don’t know who this is, get off my article) lend their vocal talents to this beautiful film. But the quality casting doesn’t stop there. I never thought

I would hear comedian John Mulaney voice a cartoon, superhero pig, or hear Nicolas Cage voice an angsty, noir version of Spider-Man (actually, that one isn’t that shocking). All things considered, the casting was, I dare say, flawless. Now, anyone who has ever seen a movie with me knows how easily any movie can make me cry. It’s probably unhealthy. This is part of why I was surprised to walk out of that theater having not shed a tear. Now, don’t get me wrong. The plot was thrilling. I am a sucker for a good super-hero origin story, especially one with this much laugh-out-loud comedy and biting wit sprinkled in. Miles Morales turned out to be an extremely loveable main character, and the ups and downs of the plot dragged my empathetic butt right along.

Yet, I never cried. I can pinpoint the specific moment where I probably should have, but I just didn’t. (I know it’s just a kid’s movie, but I’ve cried in kid’s movies before. “Frozen” wrecked me, okay?) Unfortunately, I feel obligated to deduct some radioactive spiders for that. Nevertheless, overall, I think that the film was worth me leaving my wallet at the theater and having to drive all the way back to Lexington the next day for it. I recommend you quickly find a small child and use them as an excuse to go see this movie. Quality of film rating: 8/10 radioactive spiders Would recommend rating: 9/10 radioactive spiders

“Aquaman” blows expectations out of the water

By JEREMY MIZE Staff Writer

Editor’s Note: SPOILER ALERT “Aquaman” directed by James Wan tells the tale of Arthur Curry/ Aquaman, played by Jason Momoa, who is dragged into the conflict between the Atlantean kingdoms by Mera, the daughter of a king of one of the kingdoms that make up Atlantis. Through her, Aquaman becomes aware that his half brother, Orm, who seeks to unite the underwater kingdoms in order to organize and forge a powerful army to attack the surface world. This film invokes a sense of growth, broadening perspectives, responsibility and understanding of one’s own lineage and legacy. Taking place a year after the events of the Justice League film, Aquaman is acting as a vigilante to protect the surface world. We

learn that Aquaman’s mother, Queen Atlanna, originally left her underwater home to escape an arranged marriage. She landed on the surface world, which led her to falling in love with Arthur’s father. However, she is forced to return to Atlantis, reluctantly marrying the one she was betrothed to and eventually giving birth to Orm, but then was believed to be executed. Arthur learned of this from his Atlantean mentor Nuidis Vulko and has hated Atlantis ever since. In his journey to defeat his brother, Arthur faces trials that test his body, mind, and spirit. He struggles with his own identity as a son of the land and the sea, having lived on land his entire life yet, with the voice of the sea always calling to him. He is a man of royal blood yet doesn’t want anything to do with it. He sees himself as not capable of being a leader.

On his adventure with the determined Mera, we see his beliefs evolving and changing, as Arthur’s anger with Atlantis and Mera’s distrust of the surface world alter through their interactions along with their experiences in both realms. Both have their right to be angry and distrustful, as Arthur believes Atlantis executed his mother on a ridiculous and terrible charge while so much of the surface world has polluted and ravaged the oceans for so long. Messages of understanding come through Arthur’s time trying to find the trident to prove he is the rightful king and during the final battle. This comes to a sort of a push forward when he finds his mother alive. With her adding her voice, Arthur proves to the guardian of the trident, Karathen (a giant sea creature of legend in Atlantis), that he is the true heir by proving his conviction and lineage.

With this, he returns to defeat Orm and become king by leading Karathen, the Trenchers and an army of sea animals. This takes the form both physically and spiritually of Arthur’s transformation to accepting who is he and taking hold of his place in the world. With this change, the people of Atlantis accept him as the rightful heir and even Orm himself accepts the truth when he sees his mother again. Transformation in many forms is key to the film. Changing of beliefs, ideals and connections present themselves in important parts throughout the plot. Arthur’s journey comes full circle when he realizes and acts upon what it means to be a king. In the film, we see someone with potential who doesn’t believe in power/destiny come to realize the danger of what could be and, through the journey, embraces the role of being who they truly are.


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The Georgetonian

Georgetonian Respect for campus


Editor–in–Chief..................................................Ross Smith Managing Editor............................................... Aidan Young News Editor........................................... Demetrius Harrison S&R Editor............................................................. Riley Noe Features Editor............................................ Sophie Hughes A&E Editor................................................ Lauren Parkinson Opinion Editor....................................... Demetrius Harrison Back Page Editor.........................................Trey Smallwood Web Editor...................................................Trey Smallwood Graphics Editor..........................................Cameron Kenner Alumni Coordinator.........................................Laura Calihan Copy Editor.................................................... Bethany Jones Copy Editor..........................................................Mary Hines Faculty Adviser...........................................Jennifer Beckett

The Georgetonian is a free weekly newspaper published most Wednesdays during the academic year by Georgetown College in Georgetown, Ky. Its contents are written and edited by current students of Georgetown College. Letters to the editor should be under 600 words and should include the writer’s name and telephone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. Please send letters to one of the following addresses:



The Georgetonian Georgetown College 400 E. College Street Box 280 Georgetown, Kentucky, 40324

All material printed in The Georgetonian is copyright ©2018 Georgetown College, unless otherwise noted. Any republication in any form without express permission from the writer and editor is prohibited. Georgetonian georgetonian georgetonian

organizations is essential By COOPER ADKINS

Staff Writer We’re at the start of Men’s Recruitment and the men who have decided to rush will soon be deciding which fraternal organization they would like to join. Georgetown has some of the finest men and women in all of the organizations on campus; there are leaders in the community, leaders on campus, leaders in the classroom and leaders in athletics. These organizations were founded in order to unite people and in the feeling of belonging with a group of friends who always has your back, personal betterment, Christianity and community service. But somewhere along the way, sight of this lost its way and retreated to this hostile feeling that their respective organizations are superior to others, that they are superior to independents and that they cannot be friends with anyone besides people in their organization or people who are in their significant other’s organization. The unrelenting hate that they are pressured into feeling

towards other organizations or independents is pointless and just plain ignorant. This hate is spouted by the older members of the organizations and is done for traditions sake, even though this directly conflicts with the pillars in which all of the organizations on campus were founded upon. Healthy rivalry in intramurals and the classroom is completely acceptable. However, stealing composites/ other items of value, flipping benches, stereotyping members of other organizations, mocking so called “friends” who join different organizations, and the general hostility is completely unacceptable and makes every single fraternity/ sorority on campus look bad. What’s the point of doing all of that? Organizations gain nothing but a bad reputation and self-gratification within the echelons of the organization. No organization on campus is free from doing this, and that is why we all need to do better and strive for change. But what really separates us from one another? We all have similar inter-

ests, have the same majors, cheer for the same teams, eat the same food, and do the same stupid stuff with our friends. The only thing that separates us is the letters on our shirts, or lack thereof. The same thing can be applied to sororities, too. Those letters may be different, but we all belong to another group we have in common: we are all humans. Fraternities and sororities are extremely beneficial to a college education and the social development of men and women. That is why it is time to end this never ending cycle of hostility, rivalry and disrespect and get back to the foundations of our organizations: bettering ourselves, bettering our college and bettering the community around us. If you would like to initiate positive impact on campus Greek Life, you should contact Ross Buskey, Director of Student Engagement. If you have not signed up for recruitment and wish to do so next year, it would be advisible to find out each requirement for the recruitment process in the Fall of 2019.


Issue 1

January 23, 2019 Page 11

Winter weather fashion hot takes By SOPHIE HUGHES Features Editor As some may know, it is cold as hail outside and no one seems to know how to dress properly for this extreme weather. All those who joined in on the chapel day fun this past Sunday felt this first hand. There are a few clothing items I find crucial during these hard times. One of these includes a big, puffy coat. You’ve seen them on most of the female public and population. The real puffy ones that go down past the

knees. As basic as these may seem, never judge too quickly because if I were somehow stuck in a snow storm, that is the one thing I would bring with me to save my life. I am not sure how they don’t have one designed for males yet, or maybe they are not wearing them, because that is a shame. These coats come with a big, comfy hood that is sometimes linesd with fur (fake fur I like to hope) that protects you in all inclimate weather. It blocks the wind and

snow from entering any part of your body from your head to your ankles. For that last bit of exposed skin on a chilly morning I have one word for you—Uggs. The most underrated shoe of all time. Out of style? Maybe. Occasionally frowned upon? Possibly. The warmest thing you have or ever will put on your feet? Absolutely. Not only do these boots keep your toes completely warm, but these bad boys extend up the ankle and secure warmth up to your mid-calf. Senior Renee Toole said

something to say on the manner, “Why would I not want to wear socially acceptable house slippers that never fail to warm and comfort my feet and ankles all while giving me substantial grip on ice and snow?” Uggs are the new crocs people: get with it or get lost. My final piece of fashion advice, from an extremely fashionable person as myself, is hats! Especially Love Your Melon hats with the cute little furry ball on the top. Never has my head felt warmer or better protected since being swaddled by my mother as a new-

born child. They come in so many colors and styles for any preference. They are also made out of a super awesome and thick material that is durable so you will get your money’s worth out of this hat. Love your melons, sweeties, or nobody will. Now you are completely covered from head to toe and ready to embrace the arctic. If you are anything like me and despise the cold, these three articles of clothing could make or break your walk to class or out on the town.

younger, I remember laughing at some of his films such as “The Waterboy,” “Happy Gilmore,” and “Click.” I think in the 90’s and early 00’s, Sandler had a decent instinct for comedy. However, as time has passed, the Sandman’s comedic wit and integrity have become more and more dull, and my sense for bad movies has grown sharper. Even those early films I used to enjoy have not grown well with age. Let’s talk about Sandler’s 2011 comedy “Jack and Jill,” which is considered one of the worst offenses Adam Sandler has produced. With a budget of 80 million dollars and a cast with big– name actors such as Adam Sandler, Al Pacino, David

Spade and Katie Holmes, you would expect something like a passable movie. You’d be wrong. “Jack and Jill” received extremely poor reviews (3% on Rotten Tomato and 3.3/10 on IMDb), and is a glorified commercial for shamelessly plugged brands like Pepto– bismol and Dunkin’ Donuts. Even “Happy Madison” films that have gotten generally decent reviews have usually left a bad taste in my mouth. For example, the first “Grown Ups” film is basically a group of Sandler’s real friends enjoying a weekend at a lake house. That’s it. That’s all that happens in the movie. As far as plot, there are some familial squabbles, but

that’s being generous. My personal beef with the Sandman’s dynasty doesn’t end with the movies Adam Sandler stars, or even has a role in. Because Adam Sandler is the founder of Happy Madison Productions, I am taking the liberty to blame him for the cinematic disasters that are “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 1” and 2. Kevin James carries the weight of the acting in this film (that pun was about as good as any joke in that Paul Blart). However, when I watched it, I couldn’t help but harbor some resentment towards Sandler for producing the movie. If you look through his filmography, you can probably name a couple of his films you enjoy, but a good majority of them are cringe–city. If you

want a really recent example of his current brand of comedy, check out his Netflix original comedy power–hour, “100% Fresh.” At this point, you’re probably wondering why I put so much thought into bad movies that I have watched either mistakenly or intentionally in order to make fun of them. I wonder the same thing. My point is pretty simple, though. Adam Sandler does not make good comedy. Lots of other people do, and it’s probably time that Netflix stops giving him so many originals and makes space for more talented comedians with more to say.

Stop Sandler 2019: a treatise on bad goofs By ROSS SMITH Editor-in-Chief The “Grown Ups” series. “The Paul Blart: Mall Cop” series. “Pixels.” “Jack and Jill.” All of these films have one thing in common. All have been brought into this world by none other than the GodKing of comedy: Adam Sandler. That was a goof I just did. I made a joke, something Adam Sandler and some of his Saturday Night Live cronies and Happy Madison cohorts have completely left by the wayside. Now, before you say, “But Ross, I don’t want to read another a stink–piece about Adam Sandler. Who cares?” I care. I’ll admit, when I was




l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Very good Pepperjack cheese Kinda cheap (compared to competitors) Can wear a tanktop and sandals More variety of cookies Drive through convenience Meatball Marinara ooey goodness Good bacon Has a reward card You can claim that you are being healthy Can be found almost anywhere in the world No revolving doors (that I know of) Coke products and “decent Sprite” Day of the week deals Good chip selection Employs Sandwich Artists Also, good veggie selection Serves vitaminwater in the soda machine

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Soggy bread The new “fresh” mozzeralla is not that good The guac is extra (you’re not Chipotle) While on the topic, unlike Chipotle, guac is not handmade Former spokesperson is a felon Poor paint job on walls No free mint when you leave The toaster machine takes way too long Service can be lacking at times No more $5 footlongs Unclean bathrooms Meat could be fresher Too many fingerprints on the glass case Plastic Silverware Not very good steak Sometimes has an odor Not a good place to go before formals



l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

The Lexingtonian Salad is to die for Four restaurants in one Best sushi around Clean bathrooms Plus, the bathrooms have TV’s Makes you seem like you are boujie Cool wall decor Pretty good service Exceptionally good ice water Could see a celeb Offers $95 steaks No felon spokesperson Only play to get reliable calamari Clean silverware Can be found almost anywhere in Lexington The only place in Lexington to get an authentic Creme Brûlée There is a chef Good place to go before formals

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

No drivethrough No Day of the Week deals The butter is too artisan The salmon sandwich is a mess Does not employ an artist Can’t wear a tanktop and sandals Servers call you sir and ma’am Loud atmosphere Could be considered expensive Must leave a nice tip Must navigate revolving door No Meatball Marinara ooey goodness Bad chip selection Does not serve Vitaminwater Small menu No cookies People never know what restaurant they’re in


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