Issue 12

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Georgetown College’s Student–Run Newspaper

November 20, 2019

Volume CXXXVIV Issue 22

Civil liberties protests in Hong Kong continue to escalate By ROBERT BIRD

Ted Hui, who is a pro— democracy lawmaker who stayed on campus during the clashes, was one of the individuals who escorted several dozen students out of the university on Tuesday evening was quoted as saying, “This is not a surrender…The time has not yet come for us to surrender our arms. Instead, we must continue the fight, and fight for what we know to be correct.” Hui was not arrested, which he said “shows there is political selection in who they arrest and that there are arbitrary arrests.” The police questioned eighteen individuals on

the spot and may face further questioning, according to the city’s chief executive Carrie Lam. “There will be special arrangements for minors who intended to achieve a peaceful and reconciliatory resolution. It will be decided in the coming weeks.” Albert Ho, a former pro-democracy lawmaker, claims to have been assaulted on his route home from work in a separate incident though the motivation of that attack was unclear. Meanwhile, protestors and police continue to clash without many signs of stopping.

By TEAGAN LILY amounts of sleep Staff Writer needed for different On Tuesday, Nov. 19, a age groups. NEXUS called “Just Sleep Georgetown stuOn It” was presented in the dents were categoCooke Memorial Ballroom. rized as young adults, The Nexus was presented which showed that by the students of Dr. Prices we need seven to nine ‘PSY470 course called The hours of sleep. This Psychology of Sleep and was news to some THE GEORGETONIAN / ANDREW ALVEY students who had Dreaming. The presenters started Students visit the sleep clinic at Harrison Memorial Hospital. answered four hours off by asking the attendees get each night?” The room nine. of sleep earlier. questions about their sleep filled with students answered After hearing the audiThe presentation then habits. They first asked, “How in very different ways, rang- ence’s answers, the presenters moved into talking about many hours of sleep do you ing from four hours of sleep to moved into the recommended REM (rapid eye movement)

sleep. REM sleep is a kind of sleep where dreaming is more likely to happen and is characterized by rapid eye movements. NREM (non-rapid eye movement) is when your brain waves are low, and there is a sense of calmness during your sleep. One of the most informative parts of the discussion was the discussion about health effects and sleep. These are particularly important for college students. Continued on pg. 2

Staff Writer After a three day standoff between students and police, a prestigious institution in Hong Kong was turned into a battlefield. Currently, around 50 protesters are still hold up inside the university in Hong Kong. By the following morning, most had either surrendered or fled the campus once they were pinned on all sides by the police. On the third day of the standoff, only 100 protestors remained inside. Several hours later, the remaining holdouts stayed at around 50. Heavily armed officers sur-

rounded the school on Sunday after more than 1,000 protestors had spent the previous day clashing with the police, which gave the protestors few options but to surrender and face arrest. The battle at Polytechinc University, in which the police fired more than 1,000 cans of tear gas and rubber bullets, represented the force’s most direct intervention onto one of the city’s university campuses. A number of students had escaped by rappelling from a nearby bridge to be whisked away by painting motorbike drivers, while others failed in

an attempt to flee through a sewage pipe. As much of the territory remained gripped by the drama at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the central government in Beijing on Tuesday condemned a decision by a Hong Kong court that overturned a ban on face masks worn by protestors. Since June, these protests have been ongoing, starting due to legislation that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China, and have expanded to a broad range of demands for police accountability and greater democracy.

Georgetown students host “Just sleep on it” NEXUS


this issue

Final Weeks at Georgetown page 3

Omicron Delta Kappa Induction this Friday page 7

Disney +: Is it really worth it? page 9

“The Office” Hot Takes: Best and Worst Characters page 11


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Headlines Compiled by Andrew Alvey  Ford launches all electric Mustang SUV, known as the Mustang Mach E. The vehicle will begin shipping in late 2020 with the starting price being $43,895.  An Idaho man tossed a 42 pound dumbbell from hand to hand 100 times in 21 seconds in order to beat a Guinness World Record. The man has beaten over 100 records to promote STEM education.  A bar in Dubai is offering women free drinks based on their weight until the end of the year. The Fusion Club at Cassells Al Barsha Hotel will be offering $0.12 in free drink credit for every pound a female customer weighs.  An Iowa wrestling icon known as “Cheese Lady” had her likeness sculpted into a 3,000 pound wheel of cheese. The sculptor stated that it took four days to sculpt the cheese.  A running club in Virginia gathered 175 people to run in Tyrannosaurus Rex costumes for an annual event. The event raised money for Shood, a charity that collects used running shoes to distribute to the homeless

The Georgetonian

Georgetown Honors program hosts Poster Parliament By CARTER FELTON Staff Writer On Monday, Nov. 18, Georgetown College hosted the annual Poster Parliament for all of the students involved in the Honors program. The event took place in the Wilson Art Building’s Gallery. It began at 5:30 p.m. and still had people coming in through the doors until 7 p.m. For those who don’t know, Poster Parliament is an opportunity for Honors students to present the research questions that will eventually become the topic they will write their final papers on. The honors students assembled trifold posters which demonstrated their research topic question, their main premises, their working thesis and all of the strenuous research they had conducted so far. The students were encouraged to invite other professors whose class they had enjoyed over the semester to attend the event. Many faculty members and older students showed up to encourage the freshmen with their hard work, and to also provide constructive criticism and feedback with the goal of improving the students’ research papers. The student topics presented covered a variety of pressing, controversial issues, such as: The Potential Dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms,

De-Extinction of Plant Species, The Negative Implications of Smartphones, Whether Beauty was Subjective or Objective and of course, Teddy Roosevelt. One student, Ashlyn Reed, who presented at Poster Parliament said, “We were given lots of feedback, notes and talking points that will help on our papers. Getting to know some of the professors more and being able to talk about something we’re pasTHE GEORGETONIAN / PRESIDENT JONES sionate about, and letting GC students and faculty crowd around the various them know our experi- posters presented by Honors students. ences in researching our However the students felt about it, topics so far made the project post- Poster Parliament serves as a reminder ers and the presentations very worth that the semester is drawing to a close while.” and dreaded ten-page final papers will Other students who presented, such soon be due. President Jones himself as Joe Kiger, had other thoughts about made an appearance, and seemed to the event, “The overwhelming amount think the students’ hard work that had of verbal regurgitation that took place been demonstrated so far in the semesover the course of two hours served as ter warranted some form of celebration. a pleasant distraction from the daunt- He therefore graciously invited all of the ing paper that was to come, which my honors students over to his house afterposter deceptively conveyed I was pre- ward for refreshments in order to celepared for.” brate their success.

GC students host... ...Continued from page 1 Alzheimer’s disease was one of the health effects mentioned, saying constant lack of sleep could lead to the disease because of a buildup in the brain. College students are known for their use of caffeine and alcohol and take naps very often. All of these

topics were explained by the students as well. Did you know naps should only be 30 minutes long? Cameron Kenner expressed that, “This nexus was very informative, especially useful for young people to develop good sleeping habits for the future.” Sleeping habits were advised by the PSY 470 students. Willow Dove, one of

Dr. Price’s students and a presenter, expressed how she “loved presenting the information to the rest of the student body as I believe that what I have learned in the class is something that I have since implemented in my day to day sleeping habits. I think that if everyone implemented the tips we recommended, then we would as a society be a more healthy, happy and efficient society.”

News Final weeks at Georgetown: Nov. 20 - Dec. 10

Issue 22


Staff Writer This Thursday night at 7 p.m. in the John Hill Chapel one of Georgetown’s most time-honored traditions will be taking place: The Hanging of the Green. GAC has spent the last couple of weeks decorating the chapel in preparation for this night. There will be a chapel service followed by a candle lighting ceremony around Giddings Circle where all atendees will sing “Silent Night.” There will also be refreshments afterwards. This is a Tiger NEXUS which every student needs eight of, so come fellowship and welcome in the Christmas season. This Saturday, GAC will be hosting a Movies on Us at the Theatres of Georgetown. From 1-9 p.m., GAC will be giving away a free ticket to a movie

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starting at 8 p.m. Be on the lookout for team signups in the upcoming weeks. Tuesday, Dec. 3, there will be a chapel service for Winter Baccalaureate graduates beginning at 11 a.m. in the chapel. The service will be a NEXUS event and will be a good way to send off our graduating seniors. Later Tuesday night, GAC will be hosting a Finals Throwdown event that will be an awesome way to relax before the stresses of finals. The event will take place in the REC center at 9 p.m. and will run until midnight. There will be food, friends and a lot of fun. Come check it out and give yourself a break before hitting the books on Reading Day. That Wednesday, Dec. 4, beginning at noon, GAC will also be having a “Stress-Less-With-Pets” inside the

REC. GAC will be bringing in animals for students to pet and love on as the stress of finals wears on us. In the cafeteria Wednesday night, there will be a late-night brunch being offered from 10-11:30 p.m. The LRC will be offering a variety of activities for students who are working on dealing with finals. Here is the run down of the different days, activities and times. Wednesday, Dec. 4, from 4-6 p.m. they will have a hot chocolate bar inside the LRC lobby. On Thursday, Dec. 5, from 5-6 p.m., a yoga class will be offered for students inside the Fireside room. Sunday evening, Dec. 8, starting at 6:30 p.m. there will be E-sports offered in the LRC Ward Room. On Monday, Dec 9, the LRC will be having a Nacho Bar inside the lobby starting at 4 p.m.

of philanthropic giving annually. Although there are many who are happy about the choice that Chickfil-A has made to choose more widely inclusive charities to support, there are many who feel that this was not the right choice. Many people Source: Wikipedia Commons have taken to Twitter Protestors gathered in front of Chick-fil-A in Memphis, to release their frustraTN in 2012 to protest anti-LGBTQ+ donations tion about Chick-filliteracy and preparing for the work A’s decision to give in to the pressures environment as well as Covenant of not supporting anti-LGBTQ sentiHouse International which provides ments. assistance to homeless, runaway and There are consumers that believe trafficked people. that the company no longer represents The restaurant also decided that true Christian values and claim that it will no longer be making multiyear they would be losing significant supcommitments to its chosen charities, port by making this choice. instead opting to reevaluate its choice On the other hand, there are also

still LGBTQ activists that are wary about the news, holding back their support until long term results can be seen. Junior Emma Vandeveer gave her opinion on the matter, stating, “I’m not sure yet if I believe the media. It could all be just a ploy because of the negative press they constantly receive regarding support of antiLGBTQ organizations, and regardless I feel like overcoming years and years of funding those organizations is hard to overcome. I really hope they have changed, but until I see long term results, I’m still out.” Even with the negative reactions from certain consumers, it is unlikely that Chick-fil-A would suffer drastically from the change in philanthropy. Despite the constant protests and bad press they were receiving before the switch, Chick-fil-A was named America’s favorite fast-food restaurant for four years in a row, as well as the most profitable in the country.

for every student that comes ready with their G-card. Next Monday, Nov. 25, the Tiger Symphonic Band will be performing their Fall Anniversary Concert. This will be the 175th Anniversary of the band at Georgetown College. The concert begins at 8 p.m. inside the John Hill Chapel. Admission is as simple as bringing a canned or non-perishable food item that will be collected and donated to the AMEN house for the holiday season. This is another opportunity to help the less fortunate with the canned donation and get another NEXUS event. In December, there will be a handful of fun events to relieve some stress from finals. Starting on Sunday, Dec. 1, COMPETE will be hosting a dodgeball tournament inside the REC center

Chick-fil-A stops giving to anti-LGBTQ+ charities


Staff Writer For years it has been an area of discontent with many consumers that Chick-fil-A donates money to organizations that actively oppose the LGBTQ+ community. The organizations which they no longer support include the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to which they donated $2.4 million from 2017-2018, the Salvation Army of which they gave $165,000 during the same time span, and Paul Anderson Youth Homes to which they donated $6,000. This is not to say that the company has chosen to suspend charitable giving altogether. Chick-fil-A is choosing to focus on the three categories of education, homelessness and hunger as their new main areas of donation. Included in the organizations that will receive donations from the restaurant this year are Junior Achievement USA which helps students with financial

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Sports & Recreation

The Georgetonian

Myles Garrett suspended for Georgetown football makes comeback win helmet attack on Mason Rudolph against Cumberland Phoenix on Senior Night


Staff Writer Myles Garrett, the Cleveland Browns defensive end, was suspended for the rest of the season on Friday after he pulled the helmet off of Steeler’s quarterback Mason Rudolph and hit him in the head with it on Thursday night. Two other players, Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey and Browns defensive tackle Larry Ogunjobi, were also suspended, and the Browns and Steelers were fined $250,000 each for their roles in the incident. The league said that other players, including those who left the bench to join an on-field fight, would face discipline as a review of the situation continued. The incident began with only eight seconds remaining in Cleveland’s 21-7 home victory over Pittsburgh, after Rudolph completed a pass and was tackled by Garrett who dragged Rudolph to

the ground. As two Steelers linemen tried to pull Garrett away from Rudolph, Garrett then grabbed Rudolph’s face mask and lifted him to his feet, pulling his helmet free. As the players were being separated, Rudolph chased after Garrett, who then swung the helmet with his right hand, hitting the quarterback on the top of the head. Rudolph said after the game that he did not feel any ill effects from the strike. But he was stunned by Garrett’s behavior, calling it “bush league” and “a total coward move on his part” (NY Times). On Wednesday, Nov. 20, Garrett will have an appeal hearing on his indefinite suspension. Garrett’s argument is that rules do not permit an indefinite suspension for on-field misconduct. However, many believe the NFL should make an example of him to properly discipline this type of behavior.


This past Saturday, the Georgetown Tigers took on the Cumberland Phoenix in their last regular season game. Unfortunately, the Tigers were knocked out of post-season contention after losing a few weeks ago against Lindsey Wilson College, but still had something to fight for in this contest. First, it was Senior Day, with 22 seniors and their football careers at Georgetown being celebrated. Secondly, Bill Cronin was on the verge of his first losing season at Georgetown. Bill Cronin has been at Georgetown for a majority of his coaching career. He first spent 12 years as an assistant coach from 1982-93. He became the head coach for Tigers in 1997 and just finished up his 23rd season. Just this semester, Coach Cronin was honored by an induction into the NAIA Hall of Fame for his dedication to the sport. During his tenure as a head coach, he has never had a losing season but was on the

verge of one this past year. Coming into the game, the Tigers were 4—5 overall and were close to finishing the season at 4—6. At halftime, the Tigers were down 35—7 with the Phoenix seemingly in total control of the game. The Tigers needed a miracle to come back from this one but only had the second half to do it. Despite such odds and a major setback from the beginning, the Tigers pushed through and had one of the most impressive comebacks in recent history. In the second half of the game, Georgetown went on a 35—0 run to put Cumberland University away for good. For the offense, junior Jake Johnson totaled 4 touchdowns on 11 receptions with 176 receiving yards earning him Offensive Player of the Week. Sophomore Zach Dampier was also big in this game as he had four passing touchdowns and totaled 18 completions and 231 yards. On the other side of the ball, the Tigers had lock-down defense the entire second half not allowing the Phoenix to

reach their side of the field. Freshman Anthony Welsh had two interceptions that both led to touchdown conversions from the offense. He was named the MSC Defensive Player of the Week award. Another key play that changed the outcome of this game was by senior Tyler Selby, as his fumble recovery in the fourth led to the go-ahead touchdown on the next offensive drive. Senior Landon Corolla has had big stops all year and had some big stops in this game as well. What fans probably don’t know is that Corolla played this game with a partially-torn ACL, demonstrating the dedication recognized at here a GC. Other recognized seniors are JJ Ogbogu, Shawn Jewell, Hayden Shelton, Starr Thompson, Anthony Vanderbeck, Daric Pugh, Larry Burns, Ryan Woolf, Levi Gross, Jacob Altman, Taylor McFarland, Nathan Swartz, Riley McKown, Alec Brumfield, Shawn Gilliam, Brian Barnes, Cole Stump, Matthew Herrington and Quennon Wilson. Best wishes to the seniors!


Source: Myles Garrett midswing during his altercation with Mason Rudolph.

NOVEMBER Thu 21 6 p.m. Sat 23 2 p.m. Sat 23 4 p.m. Mon 25 7 p.m Tue 26 6 p.m Fri 29 5 p.m. Sat 30 2 p.m. DECEMBER Thu 5 6 p.m. Thu 5 8 p.m. Thu 12 6:30 p.m. Fri 13 7 p.m.

Women’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Women’s Basketball

@ Kentucky State University vs. Alice Lloyd College vs. Ohio University-Eastern vs. Kentucky Christian University vs. Indiana University Southeast @ Miami University-Hamilton @ Ohio-Chillicothe

Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Men’s Basketball

vs. University of the Cumberlands vs. University of the Cumberlands @ Fisk University vs. Ohio-Chillicothe

November 20, 2019 Page 5 Sports & Recreation Dolphins’ running back Weekly wrestling history: a short arrested on assault charges collection of the craziest WWE stories

Issue 22


Mark Walton, running back for the Miami Dolphins, was released on Tuesday, Nov. 19, following an arrest related to an aggravated battery charge. According to Florida police, Walton allegedly assaulted the woman early Tuesday morning after learning that she was five weeks pregnant and he was the father. Police are reporting that Walton pushed the woman against a wall and proceeded to punch her repeatedly in the head and facial areas. As the Dolphins’ leading rusher, Walton held an extremely important spot on the team, with drastic effects on the Dolphins and their ability expected to take place following the arrest. However, despite the language used by the Dolphins in “cutting” Walton due to the charges, there have been no comments from the team or the National Football League on the charges or any disciplinary actions on Walton. Walton was already facing a four-game suspension based on his violation of the NFL’s conduct and substance abuse policies. During the past offseason, Walton was arrested

three separate times on multiple charges including, but not limited to, possession of marijuana and reckless driving. Walton had already been released by the Cincinnati Bengals following such drug-related arrests, which led to the Dolphins signing him in May of this year, a decision they most certainly regret after these newest charges. A plethora of other football stars have found themselves in similar positions, raising questions of exactly what type of men we as a society are allowing to become household sports names. Walton is only the latest of names in the NFL to have been charged with drug offenses and assault charges, and it can be said with near certainty that he will not be the last. In his absence, Kalen Ballage has assumed the role of running back for the Dolphins, but with little success. Despite the prior arrests, the Dolphins had allowed Walton to attend meetings and be present at the team facility, surely having made him and his playing style crucial to their plans. No word on charges or pleas has been made, nor have there been any statements from Walton or his attorneys.

If you’re interested in becoming a writer for the Georgetonian, contact Dylan Pruitt at:


With this being the final Georgetonian issue of the semester, it seems fitting to drop the charade surrounding my coverage of the world of professional wrestling. As much as I love professional wrestling and the stories that come with it, I must confess: there have been many storylines that were worthy of clinical insanity. To celebrate the true wonder of professional wrestling, however, it is only appropriate to recognize the not-so-wonderful aspects of this industry as well. Most notably, my picks for some of the craziest stories in World Wrestling Entertainment history. Rather than starting slow and moving along to the craziest, this short collection is all of the heavy hitters of WWE history. These truly insane stories will make you sit back and say, “Wait...what?” First up on the list is the wedding of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. As part of a feud between Triple H and Vince McMahon — the owner of WWE — Triple H did the unthinkable and married the boss’s daughter. This was problematic particularly because Stephanie was already marrying another superstar, Test, in the middle of the wrestling ring. The beautiful ceremony was interrupted by Triple H, who the played a video of he and an unconcious

Stephanie being married in a Las Vegas drive-thru. It almost feels like an understatement to call this story insane, mostly because Stephanie and Triple H are actually married today. Up next, there is the disturbing birth of the love-child of wrestling legend, Mae Young, and WWE superstar, Mark Henry. During the early 2000’s, WWE made Mark Henry have a gimmick of being “Sexual Chocolate,” having him be a true ladies’ man in the backstage area night after night. The gimmick came to a climax when it clashed with Mae Young’s role at the time: a 77-year-old women’s wrestling legend that provided comic relief to anything and everything. Naturally, Young and Henry experienced love at first sight. Not long after, Young announced she was pregnant with Henry’s child. Sure, WWE, whatever you say. Now, there have been plenty of relationships and pregnancies in the world of wrestling stories. What earns this one a spot on the list, however, is that Mae Young gave birth on television... to a hand. This is not a typo, a women’s wrestling legend in her 70’s “gave birth” to a hand covered in goo on live television. Moving on, another of the weirdest storylines in WWE history is the infamous ladder match between Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio for the custody of a child. In a shocking storyline between two

men who were reportedly best friends backstage before Guerrero’s death in 2005, this feud culminated in a match where the winner had to grab a custody document by climbing up a ladder. Weeks prior, it was revealed onscreen that Guerrero was the real father of Mysterio’s son Dominic, not Mysterio himself. Episode after excruciating episode, fans had to see both men try to “win over” Dominic’s loyalty before it all led to a battle for custody at SummerSlam 2005. It is worth noting that this event occurred in August, and Guerrero passed away in November of the same year. If you ask me, that somehow makes the whole thing worse. Do not fret, you loyal few who are still reading this article, the best is always saved for last. The Katie Vick storyline is perhaps the best example of absolute madness in professional wrestling form. Triple H and Kane were in a heated rivalry, which led to Triple H discovering some serious dirt on Kane’s past: Kane had killed a girl drunk driving many years ago, and proceeded to have intercourse with her body post-mortem. Not much more has to be said for this story, as I think it speaks for itself. Only a few crazy storylines could make it in this article, but if you gain anything from this series, know that there are always more things out there about pro-wrestling.


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The Georgetonian

F is for finals: tips for success this season


Staff Writer As the end of the semester is just in our sights, it is time to start talking about the F word… Finals! Hope of getting some relaxation during the short Thanksgiving break rests in the shadow of the finals that begin only three days after Thanksgiving. Study guides need to be written, homework needs to be finished, projects have to be presented and somehow we need to find a few minutes to shower and eat. Before your blood pressure gets too high, let us discuss some ways you can avoid the hair loss and sleepless nights leading up to and through finals week. We are about a couple of weeks away from the first day of finals and so now is

notes. Find the best way to study, stick to this method and study daily. Another way to prioritize your study time is to calculate your final grade. Hopefully you have worked hard all semester and you can get a B or C on your final to keep the grade you want. Google search final grade calculators and… boom! You will be able to determine which classes you need to spend more time studying for and which classes you can safely “wing it” in. The best ways to prepare your body and mind for the week of finals is to treat it properly. It is important to take care of yourself. Nourish your brain so it can take in information and process it. You can easily do this by choosing healthier food options, exercising and

getting plenty of sleep. Many students use finals week as an excuse to slack off in these areas. It can often be hard to find time for all of these things and grabbing a burger, skipping the gym and staying up until 4 a.m. studying seem like the most efficient options. But in the long run, these choices can hurt you. Exercise has many benefits physiologically and emotionally. Exercise combats stress hormones by releasing endorphins or the feel-good hormones. It can also serve as a good study break to relax your mind and recharge for your next study session. Eating right will help keep up your energy for studying and test taking, as well as keep your mind sharp during your exams. Eating high fat and high carbohydrate diets can make

you feel fatigued and you will be hungry again soon. Instead, opt for something grilled or a veggie packed sandwich that will be more sustainable. Now this next one might upset you, but trust that it is in your best interest to do this: avoid drinking too much caffeine. I know caffeine is what fuels most students just to get out of bed in the mornings and your morning cup of coffee is perfectly fine. The stipulation is that drinking too much caffeine or caffeine too late in the day can have negative effects on your body. Instead of giving you the extra little boost you need to study, it can instead cause stress reactions in your body making you feel anxious. Just remember to keep your mental and physical

formerly known under its is essential to the simulation HIV/AIDS in the entire world colonial name of Swaziland; we will be participating in. and their government is one of a small, landlocked country You have to put yourself into the last absolute monarchies bordered by South Africa and the shoes of someone who is still around. Mozambique with just over a from Eswatini, a place with As a citizen of the United million citizens. an extremely different culture States, it’s sometimes hard to After finding out our and system of government. put your personal beliefs aside committee assignments, we They have the highest rate of and play the role of a Swazi researched each representative to the topic and how our UN, but that’s what country would react makes the class and to each issue. Each the conference so much committee is tasked fun. with drafting and Model United passing two resoluNations is one of the tions related to the most interesting classes topics discussed in and trips I’ve taken them. part in. I really knew Our research nothing of Eswatini THE GEORGETONIAN/ COOPER ADKINS until starting the class into Eswatini and the positions The team stands behind their banner. and doing the research they would take for the conference.

While at the conference, it’s also interesting to learn about different countries’ beliefs, cultures and systems of government. We are so thankful to the College and Dr. Scheier for allowing us and helping us participate in such a unique education experience. If you’re interested in global affairs regarding a variety of topics, you should take this class regardless of your major. If you are interested in doing Model United Nations, sign up for the one credit hour class next fall. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at and I’d be happy to help!

the perfect time to start preparing for them. It may seem like you have too much going on now to even consider thinking about your final exam, but there are easy ways to integrate finals preparations into your current to-do list. First, create study guides for the exams you have left before the final. This is super important for cumulative finals. Take the time now to create your study guides and/ or Quizlets so that you have one less thing to do on reading day. You can easily do this by contributing 30-45 minutes per day to your study guides. This brings us to another preparation tip: organize and prioritize. It is super important to know when your finals are, to plan when you will be studying and to organize your

GC attends Model United Nations Assembly


Staff Writer This weekend, my fellow Model United Nations classmates and I will be attending the 2019 American Model United Nations Conference in Chicago. The conference is a giant simulation of how an actual meeting of the United Nations, with each of us assigned to a certain committee dedicated to discussing problems around the globe, such as nuclear disarmament, international migration and development, the rights of children and women and various economic issues. We will be roleplaying as the Kingdom of Eswatini,


November 20, 2019 Page 7

induction ceremony on April up to 3% or 5% (depending that we have ever had since 14, 1996. on total enrollment) of our our chapter has opened. At that time, 23 students and institution’s entire underThis year, the induction six faculty and staff members graduate student population. ceremony will be held on Nov were inducted. And .22 at 6p.m. in the so, the Georgetown John Hill Chapel College Omicron and there will be 46 Delta Kappa Chapinductees. One of ter was created. those will be PresiOmicron Delta dent Jones himself. Kappa is a restricted Here are all society meaning that the students being only juniors and inducted: Andrew seniors scoring in Alvey, Mallary the top 35% as well Elizabeth Bickers, as identified graduRobert Bird, Dawna ate students, faculty, Boudot, Laura Brothstaff, alumni and ers, Jessalyn Brown, community leaders Avery Colvin, Presare eligible to join. The Omicron Delta Kappa symbol at Headquarters ton Crump, Hayden First, potential new members Due to Georgetown College’s Daniel, Andrew Dyer, Maci must aubmit an application increased enrollment this Ferguson, Kaitlyn Gibson, and be admitted by the society, year, we will have the highest Austin Hamlett, Sarah HerA circle can only initiate number of inductees into O∆K rell, Gwendolyn House, Eliz-

abeth Hudgins, Hailey Ison, Jerryn Jones, Gracelyn Kephart, Kitty Lackey, Cindy Lin, Haven Lochow, Samantha Loya, Megan Martin, Jessica Mattingly, W. Zachary Muniz, Kelsey Napier, Hunter Nosek, Brady Parlato, Alexis Payne, Tyelar Rohman, Caroline Rouse, Lauren Roy—Currently studying in Oxford, Baylee Salyers, Molly Shoup, Sarah Slusher, Abby Sparkman, Katie Swanson, Sondra Vernengo, Alexandria Ward, Tatum Wessling and Stefan Za. The faculty inductee will be Christopher Powell, the staff inductees will be Amanda Milby and Stephanie Aufmann, and the Honorary Causa will be President William A. Jones III.

Issue 22

Omicron Delta Kappa induction this Friday By CHARITY STOLTZ

Staff Writer Omicron Delta Kappa is one of the top four National Leadership Honor Societies in the nation. O∆K recognizes and encourages superior leadership and exemplary character. O∆K encourages collaboration among members across the five phases celebrated by O∆K: scholarship, athletics, service, communications and arts. Founded in 1914 at Washington and Lee University, O∆K honors and develops leaders through scholarships, workshops, career opportunities, leadership resources and a lifelong connection to other members. Georgetown College opened a circle and had their first

Thanksgiving fever is here


Staff Writer Thanksgiving break is about one week away and you know what that means, right? We are nearly one week away from stuffing our faces with turkey and enjoying a well-deserved break right before finals start. So, brush up on your politics and start loosening up your wrists so that they don’t get tired of forking pie and cranberry sauce into your mouth. In the spirit of the holidays, here are some fun facts about Thanksgiving that you can read for your enjoyment or use to start conversation at the kids table next week. Turkey was not the main

course for the first Thanksgiving. Actually, the Pilgrims and Indians enjoyed venison, duck, goose, oysters, lobster, eel and fish. Pumpkins and cranberries were definitely present, but most likely not in their pie or sauce forms (don’t worry, fruitcake hadn’t made it to the new world yet, so the Pilgrims and Indians were safe from that). After 17 years of writing letters, Sarah Hale, who wrote “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” finally got the attention of President Abraham Lincoln who officially made Thanksgiving a national holiday on Oct. 3, 1863. A town in Arizona, Texas, Louisiana and North Carolina is named

“Turkey.” On average, 4,500 calories are consumed by a single person on Thanksgiving (it’s not too late to sign up for your local 5k Turkey Trot). The Butterball company receives and answers over 100,000 calls related to cooking turkeys through their hotline each November and December. About 46 million turkeys will be cooked this Thanksgiving holiday and 50 million pumpkin pies will be eaten. The hormone Tryptophan in turkey meat doesn’t actually make you tired. In reality, over-eating is the cause of your post-dinner fatigue. Your body goes into rest and digest mode and sleepiness is a side effect.

If you are interested in becoming a writer or photographer for the Features section, contact Abby Sparkman at


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The Georgetonian

“The Mandalorian” leaves fans ecstatic By TYLER EVANS Staff Writer One of the most anticipated shows that has come out since the launch of Disney+ is a “Star Wars” spin off called “The Mandalorian.” Directed, written and produced by Jon Favreau, the story follows the titular character collecting bounties and getting into high stakes action. Pedro Pascal, of “Game of Thrones” fame, plays the protagonist with such energy and passion. With only two episodes out currently, it so far appears to be a highly crafted show; there is a lot of character development for a character whose face we don’t even see in these first episodes.

The show takes place right after “Star Wars: Return of The Jedi,” so remnants of the Galactic Empire are underground and in hiding, which is where we see the protagonist get his latest bounty assignment. We see an expanded view of the Star Wars universe that explores new worlds, creatures, alien species (including a very familiar one that we don’t know much about). One particular focus is on the Mandalorian religion and culture which has been expanded upon in other Star Wars properties like “The Clone Wars.” “The Mandalorian” is a wonderful experience for fans of “Star Wars” and fans of fantasy and action. It has great

promise for the future. I personally hope it continues to capture the essence of the great space saga we all know and love and provide us with a sense of awe and wonder like it did when we were kids. This show is giving another generation the excitement that we had when we were growing up watching the Star Wars franchise for the first time. The show is definitely different from what

we are used to though. it takes a darker path than the films showing us what lengths people will go to accomplish their goals, and it shows how in Star Wars that bounty hunting is no easy profession. “The Mandalorian” is a great way to pass the time and is highly addicting to watch. There are nothing but praises for this show, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Source: Wikipedia

“The Mandalorian” is now on Disney+

Books That Became Movies Across 3. A fairy-tale style story about a farmboy-turned-pirate rescuing his true love; stars Robin Wright 4. Astronaut Mark Watney becomes stranded on Mars; stars Matt Damon 6. Tells the perspective of African American maids during the 1960’s; stars Emma Stone and Viola Davis 7. A young German girl’s family decides to shelter a Jew during World War II; stars Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson 8. A rich woman falls in love with a poor man in the 1940’s; stars Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

9. A child is recruited to lead a battle against an alien race called Formics; stars Asa Butterfield and Harrison Ford 10. About a boy named Jonas in a Utopian society where no one can see color; stars Brenton Thwaites and Jeff Bridges

Down 1. Two teenage cancer patients fall in love; stars Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort 2. A boy wakes up trapped in a maze with a group of others trying to escape; stars Dylan O’Brien 5. Y/A trilogy about a girl named Tris in a dystopian society; stars Shailene Woodley

Issue 22


Disney+: Is it really worth it? By KENNEDY FOREMAN

Staff Writer With Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO and Netflix, some may have thought that the streaming market had no more room. That was until the media giant Disney came to the playing field. Disney+ boasted 500 movies and 7,500 television episodes on its initial launch on Tuesday, Nov. 12. The streaming service has Marvel, “Star Wars,” classic Disney movies and shows as well as many more titles. The release was highly anticipated, but should you spend the money? While Disney+ does have many titles, some of these films and shows can be found on other streaming sites like Hulu and Netflix, subscriptions most people already have. Although it seems like these shows and movies will be coming back to Disney+ once their contracts with other streaming services are done, some titles will be staying away from Disney+ since they are not family-friendly content, like “Deadpool.” Disney+ is also in its infancy, so there are issues with buffering, user

interface and glitches in the system. Those will most likely be fixed in the coming months with millions of people using the website. There is also another positive for Disney+: the price. At only seven dollars a month, Disney+ is now two dollars under Netflix’s lowest tier. Disney is also offering four people streaming at once as well as HD and 4K options. This is more reflective of Netflix’s $16dollar tier. There are also many shows and movies that have not appeared on streaming lists before, such as “Bambi” and “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.” The company has opened the vault and isn’t stopping there. They are also

lining up to make many new shows, the most anticipated of which is “The Mandalorian,” a show that is based in the “Star Wars” universe. The service seems to be using its platform to expand on their most popular franchises, like the Marvel movies and “High School Musical.” The streaming service is a lovely mix of nostalgia and excitement for new content. With the low price tag as well as the many perks in comparison to the other streaming services, it seems to be a good option for many college students.

ing Jamie Foxx and Michael B. Jordan, is about to hit theatres this winter. This movie is based off of the book of the same name by Bryan Stevenson, a lawyer who works with the Equal Justice Initiative. The story follows a lawyer, Bryan Stevenson, who is working on various cases of men on death row throughout the south. Throughout the story you are invested in Stevenson’s story, the plot not only making you question the morality of the criminal justice system, but also making you ponder what you can do to be more an an individual in this country.

The book keeps sucking you in. Your heart is rooting for justice to prevail, but it is continuously knocked down. The story of Stevenson having to step between both worlds of the incarcerated men and the law keeps the reader questioning if the criminal justice system ever actually does what it implies for the men and women involved. It is nearly impossible to read the book without wondering about your own purpose and place in the fight. The director, Destin Daniel Cretton, has been known to make movies that keep you completely invested. “Short

Source: Wikimedia Commons

November 20, 2019 Page 9

Do you love movies? Books? Television? Music? Theatre? Become a writer for Arts & Entertainment next semester! Just contact Lauren Parkinson at

Disney+ is available in the app store

Upcoming “Just Mercy” film will be a hit


Staff Writer Recently there has been an influx in movies that are about contemporary racial issues. We have been given romances like “Loving” about the Loving couple who were almost ripped apart by institutionalized racism. We have been given “Hidden Figures,” a film about the women who sent American astonauts to space. We even got the first African American lead in a superhero movie with Marvel’s film “Black Panther.” Now though, we are about to receive a new gift. “Just Mercy,” star-

Term 12” is one of his most famous, focusing on kids who are healing from abuse and moving on with their lives. In “Just Mercy,” the idea of “Gotta do more, gotta be more” echoes throughout the entire story, where Stevenson is trying to find his purpose in the world with the knowledge he’s learned. The emotions in the book that gripped you and kept you turning the pages are bound to make a masterpiece on the screen. “Just Mercy” comes out on Christmas of this year, and you bet I will be there to see it!


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The Georgetonian

The Goonies: the best 80’s movie? By ASHLYN REED

Staff Writer The 1980s were a decade of wonderful fashion, music, trends, politics and movies. Some of the best movies are “Gremlins,” “Stand By Me,” and “Dead Poets Society” but there is one movie that takes the cake for the best movie of the decade: The 1985 classic, “The Goonies.” The soundtrack alone deserves recognition, but the acting is the heart and soul of the film. We begin in Astoria, Washington when a rag-tag group of kids are showing off their various talents like speaking fluent Spanish, inventing MacGyver-like gadgets and

knowing random facts from history. With a plot against their parents property, and the possibility of losing their home, the group of kids set off on a journey to find a long-lost treasure to save everything they have ever known. There are three plots to the movie: the kids trying to save their homes, the older siblings and teenagers caught in an odd love triangle and a crime family attempting to hide a child seen as an abomination. All three plots cross and send the kids on a wild goose chase, while being followed by the Fratellis. Starting off with a risky escape from prison and a high speed chase through

the city, this classic starts off with a bang, or actually more like a small explosion, but the expression still rings true. “The Goonies” is literally one of the best coming-of-age or adventure movies to ever grace the screens before audiences. This film was absolutely crucial in some of these actors’ careers. Sean Astin (Mikey), Corey Feldman (Mouth), Josh Brolin (Brand), Jeff Cohen (Chunk) and a couple others. But the sentiment of the movie is what reigns throughout the years. Knowing that as a 17-year old college freshman, I can stand up in a classroom and say, “Truffle shuffle,” and at least one student and the

professor will know what I am referincing, and some may heed my request. But simply knowing that at least one person in the room knows what I am saying is enough for me. This movie is filled with so many lines that you can reference at any point in the day. There are so many scenes that scream “PURE 80’S MOVIE” like the massive pirate ship at the end, which was even a surprise to the actors, and the clothing. The fashing is iconic 80s. The denim, workout shorts over sweatpants, the bomber jackets over Hawaiian shirts, all of the pieces in the making for a colorful montage to the

tune of Cyndi Lauper. Overall, the message in the movie is great as well. You learn some history, some geography, and you learn that you can’t give up. The Goonies themselves never say die, even when trapped at the bottom of a well surrounded by booby traps. You can’t find a message like that in “Stand By Me” or “Gremlins.” All those two teach you is that life sucks and you shouldn’t adopt a creature from Chinatown that sounds like Yoda being run over by a car. After taking all these things into consideration, there is no movie that even comes close to the level of “The Goonies”

signaling by House Democrats and “saviors” of democracy. Much like the House Un-American Activities Committee of the McCarthy era, the impeachment is portrayed as crucial to ourdemocracy. The fact is, the partisanship and the unwillingness of the radical left to accept election results in 2016 is the true threat to democracy. The president should not be impeached because they’re from an opposite party or are completely different from the status quo in the government. The history of our government is a long and stable one, and impeaching a president should be taken seriously, not as a partisan circus. Cries for the impeachment of Trump have been made

since Jan 20, 2017, the day of his inauguration. Democrats waited for some allegation that they could pounce on, and they got it whenever people accused Trump of withholding aid to Ukraine until they investigated Joe Biden’s son for his business dealings there. The quid pro quo, as it has come to be called, is nonexistent. There was never a quid to begin with. The aid was given by the United States, and the Ukrainians did not investigate Hunter Biden’s business dealings, which should be investigated especially with how much the Russians supposedly influenced our election in 2016. It’s also ironic that the same people who constantly espouse how idiotic Trump is are implying that he is some

kind of political mastermind by wanting to withhold aid from a country in order to get dirt on a possible future opponent in some Machiavellian scheme. If President Trump was impeached and found guilty by the Senate, Vice President Pence would take over. The fact that he could serve the remainder of Trump’s term as well as two additional terms if he so chose is something the Democrats have not taken into account. There is no way of knowing how the country would react to Trump’s removal from office, especially the reaction from his base, so impeachment should be viewed with more caution from the Democrats. The impeachment hearings

and the impending impeachment is a total sham. The precedent being set by the House Democrats is dangerous and should not be allowed. It gives future majorities in Congress extreme power to go after impeachment against any president, for any reason, not just the reasons mentioned in the Constitution: “... high crimes and misdemeanors.” President Trump hasn’t done anything impeachable; this is a witch hunt by the House Democrats against an unorthodox president whom they have sought to impeach since his inauguration. Democracy itself is at stake; not because of Donald Trump but because of the House Democrats and their sham impeachment circus.

Impeachment over quid pro quo? No.


Opinion Editor The impeachment hearings have been underway for about a week now, and the harsh partisanship behind them is on full display. The Democrats promised these hearings would produce bombshells to prove President Trump committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” and deserved to be impeached due to that. Weeks of closed-door hearings hyped these meetings as crucial in our democracy. However, they have failed to produce any proof of Trump’s wrongdoing. There have been no bombshells and no condemning evidence brought forward in the hearings. All there has been is partisan rhetoric and virtue


Issue 22

“The Office” hot takes: best and worst characters By TYLER EVANS Opinion Editor Everyone knows what “The Office” is, and even if you haven’t seen it, you may know plenty about it because how prominent it is in popular culture. I decided to rank the main characters from the worst to the best. The worst main character is Ryan Howard, the temp who made it to the big time and then crashed hard. He is also a very manipulative person and took the chance to stab someone in the back if it meant moving up in the world (1.5/10). Next we have Kelly Kapoor, she is the definition of a “tea-sipper/spiller” if I have ever seen one; she had a good heart, but no self-control when it came to gossip (3.5/10). Now Toby Flenderson is a bit of an anomaly because he is hated when there is no need for it. He is just a guy doing his job, but there is a theory that I subscribe to stating that he is the famed Scranton Strangler (4.5/10). Angela Martin is the shrewd little accountant that seemed to be extremely uptight and exchanged partners in the workplace like it was cards; but in later seasons she did redeem herself and grows to be decent person (5/10). Kevin Malone, being the

food-oriented accountant of the office, always spouted out some of the most random things on the show. Also, I’m curious what his famous chili tastes like (6/10). Stanley Hudson is iconic with his lackluster expressions and his famous line “Did I stutter?” He is someone I would like to go on a vacation with (7/10). Andy Bernard was very annoying whenever he was introduced, but he matures. However, at some points in the show he was very unprofessional and took a six-month long vacation without telling anybody when he was the manager (7.75/10). Phyllis Vance is like the sweet person that you would like to go into work and visit. She is a very sweet soul (8/10). Oscar Martinez, an accountant who deals with the struggles of being gay in the office. He also has a kind heart but a very arrogant attitude (8.25/10). Erin Hannon, the receptionist in later seasons, is a sweetheart who has everyone’s best interest at heart and never really knew what it was to be a part of a family until she came to Dunder Mifflin (8.9/10). Creed Bratton is a very mysterious character. He shows up out of the blue and has the most interesting stories to tell. Creed is always

thinking and will never not be hilarious (9/10). Pam Beesly, the former receptionist, she was a very nurturing person, she tries her best to follow her dreams but always comes back to the people she loves (9.25/10). Darryl Philbin started off in the warehouse and moved up to an upper level management, while being a single parent and trying his best to improve himself (9.5/10). Michael Scott is the manager until he leaves in season 7. He is a child at heart which leads him to be irresponsible but very fun. He is one of the reasons that the show even took off (9.65/10). Jim Halpert one of the best salesmen in the office. He is also the office prankster but he later goes on to be a very competent leader and goes on to raise a beautiful family with Pam (9.9/10). In my opinion, Dwight Schrute is the best. Dwight seemed to be a brown nose at the start of the show but he grows up a lot. He has a remarkable sales record, not to mention how smart he is. Dwight has many layers to him, on the outside he is rough looking but he is an extremely caring person to those he considers his friends; he is a very complex soul and that is why I’m giving him the ranking as the best character from “The Office” (10/10).

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Editor–in–Chief.............................................Laura Callihan Managing Editor..........................................Trey Smallwood News Editor......................................................Andrew Alvey S&R Editor......................................................... Dylan Pruitt Features Editor........................................... Abby Sparkman A&E Editor................................................ Lauren Parkinson Opinion Editor................................................Cooper Adkins Back Page Editor.......................................... Brinley Swears Copy Editor.......................................................... Becky Gray Copy Editor................................................... Sophie Hughes Copy Editor............................................... Mariah Addington

The Georgetonian is a free weekly newspaper published most Wednesdays during the academic year by Georgetown College in Georgetown, Ky. Its contents are written and edited by current students of Georgetown College. Letters to the editor should be under 600 words and should include the writer’s name and telephone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. Please send letters to one of the following addresses:



The Georgetonian Georgetown College 400 E. College Street Box 280 Georgetown, Kentucky, 40324

All material printed in The Georgetonian is copyright ©2019 Georgetown College, unless otherwise noted. Any republication in any form without express written permission from the writer and editor is prohibited.





Thanksgiving-The Good, the Bad, and the Mashed Potatoes!

Thanksgiving is a great time of year. This is the biggest indicator that the school semester is almost over! Everyone knows that Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Holiday Season. This means that for the next several weeks it will be a continuous flow of family, friends, and that one weird uncle gathered around the family meal. Bring on the stress, am I right? Well, I have included some (hopefuly) helpful tips to help you not only survive the holidays, but enjoy them too!


1. When you are setting up the kids’ table, instead of placemats, cover the table in Kraft paper and lay out some crayons! This will keep them entertained, as well as behaved. 2. At family gatherings we have to expect some spilled drinks. So, set old newspapers under the table cloth to soak up any mishaps. 3. If your family is anything like my family, you are going to talk politics at some point throughout the holiday season. When you have these conversations, be sure to try to understand all sides of the argument. Also understand that sometimes, it’s okay not to say anything at all. In fact, sometimes the best thing you can say is absolutely nothing.

~Riddle for the Road~ Every week, check out the back page for a new riddle. You’ll have to wait until next semester to find out the answer!

4. If your family cannot keep the political talk or arguing under control, just do what my Mimi does: get the fly-swatter. Yep! You read that right. Get the fly-swatter and swat anyone who cannot cooperate with the no-politics rule! 5. College students feel an enormous amount of stress at this time of year because when family gets together, they usually have one question: “What are your plans after graduation?” This question can be so scary! Whether you are a freshman who has no idea what your plans are yet, or you are a senior who is still asking yourself that question, fear not! Here is the perfect answer to that dreadful question: “You know, I will probably take a nap after graduation.” This is funny and politely tells people to mind their own business. 6. Find your wingman (or wingwoman)! Grab your favorite cousin (yep, we all have one) and have an exit plan in place. Always have an excuse handy like, “I need some fresh air.” Grab your partner and give yourself some space. It is okay to take a step back every once in a while. 7. Be forgiving. Try to understand that the one grandparent that you do not typically see just wants to keep up a relationship with you because you are pretty awesome! 8. Lastly, enjoy that food! This is the best time of year because everybody brings their best meal to the table. Sit by someone you can have endless conversation with because chances are, you’ll be at the table for awhile. So fill up your plate. Don’t forget to leave room for dessert! Let’s hear it for that pumpkin pie!

~Riddle for the Road~ Previous week What starts with “e,” ends with “e,” and contains one letter? Envelope

RECIPE MEAL PREP: Side dish for a Thanksgiving meal

Karaoke Party Bus

Did anyone happen to see the Tiger van making some laps around campus this week? Well if you did, you probably noticed some crazy stuff happening inside! Some of our awesome faculty and staff jumped in the van and sang some Christmas karaoke with our very own Karaoke King, President Jones! We all know President Jones enjoys a good singing festival, so now he is gonna spread some Christmas cheer. As we all know thanks to Elf, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!” One our favorite professors at Georgetown College, Dr. Susan Dummer says this about her experience, “Carpool karaoke was really fun! President Jones has such a great energy, and he isn’t afraid to be silly. Usually I am a no-Christmas-celebration-before-Thanksgiving kind of person, I’m glad that I made an exception this time.”

Everyone has a family recipe that makes other familes jealous. Our family recipe that is a must have on Thanksgiving is Fried Cornbread! I am going to share the recipe with you all because you all need to have this dish in your lives. It is super easy, and it goes great with practically any meal! This recipe is from

Ingredients: 1. 2 cups cornmeal 2. 1⁄4 teaspoon salt 3. 1⁄4 cup self rising flour 4. 1 cup water 5. 1⁄4 cup bacon drippings or 1/4 cup cooking oil 6. 1⁄2 cup milk or 1/2 cup buttermilk 7. 1 egg

Instructions: 1. Gently stir together all ingredients in a mixing bowl. 2. Drop batter with a large spoon onto a hot, well greased griddle. 3. Cook as you would for pancakes, turning to brown both sides. 4. Serve with butter. Okay, you all, I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving break! Good luck on finals! Have a Merry Christmas! As always, I will catch up with you in January for the spring semester!

~Riddle for the Road~ This week When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

~Riddle for the Road~ Be the first one to email me with the correct answer to win a prize!

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