eorgetonian G
February 5, 2014 Volume CXXXIV Issue 3
Faculty and students respond to change Faculty and students have mixed emotions about the changes coming to campus By ANDREA BELLEW Staff Writer Late last month, President Greene announced various changes that would be coming to campus. There have been multiple reactions among faculty and students about how the changes will be implemented within the next few years. They are pondering what these new possibilities mean for themselves, their colleagues and the college as a whole. Between students and faculty there is a lot of bewilderment, worry and hope going around. Senior Zac Bettersworth thinks it is “strange” that the computer science major may be cut because he thinks that it is one of the most marketable majors Georgetown offers. He knows the number of majors in programs the past couple of years have been considered, but thinks something else should be considered as well. He said, “If we’re putting out maybe two to three computer science majors per year, but they are going out and doing something like getting jobs and making money and being willing to donate to the college later on in life, then that might be better than say a couple of other majors that we’re putting out in a year or so.”
Hannah Prassel, junior, stated her mixed feelings about the changes to the music program. “Personally, being a music minor I am upset that they are taking steps to get rid of the music program, but at the same time, I understand that the president is trying to do what is best for the college. If we have to change some of the programs that have been here for a while, then I understand it has to be done for the betterment of the college. Also, as much as I don’t want to admit it, the music department doesn’t have a lot of incoming students, so it would make sense for the president to cut it down for the sake of the school. Or maybe instead of getting rid of the music department, we could cut the major back to a minor?” Genee Johns, senior, said, “As a music major, it’s hard to see him [Greene] thinking about potentially cutting our department.” She knows that the number of majors a program has and what appeals to potential students is being considered, but it is tough for her to see past the dependency she knows so many students and faculty have with that program. Meagan Henry, sophomore, had similar sentiments as Johns about the college being one of liberal arts: “It is
Georgetown College is currently going through changes that are meant for the betterment of the institution. just sad that for a liberal arts college, the arts that make us that type of college are up for elimination. It’s upsetting to think about the future generations that could come here and what they could miss if those programs are cut.” Doctor Dawson, German professor, touched base on this herself: “I think students are fearful and worried about not being able to finish what they started and also losing the identity of [the institution]– I actually spoke with some of the students today about this and they voiced the opinion that they were scared it was no longer the institution they chose to come to….if this happens – if the programs are cut.” Madame Brill — French professor, had a few reactions, her first being “shock and surprise” because many programs
had already been reviewed. It was determined that program cuts wouldn’t happen and if the college needed to reduce faculty it would be through natural attrition, such as retirement or people leaving voluntarily for other jobs. Also, both Dawson and Brill were surprised because their numbers and interest in the two languages are rising. They also pointed out that foreign language departments are crucial for international business or banking, which would fit in well with additions President Greene wants because they provide global perspective and necessary cultural knowledge. Brill’s second reaction was sadness for her students because she thought they had had a really good year. “Students seem to be getting really
involved,” she said. Brill’s final reaction was concern for the college because she was worried families would pick other colleges if they would find out there is a chance that the faculty they may have met and programs they were specifically looking for may be gone. Jordan Smith, freshman, thought that “adding things, like criminal justice, will draw people in, but [that] we should not be decreasing the number of majors, but increasing it.” Alex Caudill, sophomore, summed up a view of why people are having difficulties accepting these proposed changes: “…a lot of people are going to get affected, and it’s a tough situation beings it’s such a small college and a nice community where everybody knows each other and we’re like a family. So if we lose 20 faculty, plus some staff, that affects a lot of people, but it’s something I understand the reason behind. It should have been done years ago, but it wasn’t done and it’s not good that it’s happening, but it has to happen.” Doctor Klopfer, Religion
CHANGE, pg. 2
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News GC Young Dems awarded by KYD
The Georgetonian
Headlines Sponsored by Global Scholars
Facebook celebrates its 10th birthday this week. The site now boasts over 1.2 billion users since its creation in 2004. American student Amanda Knox was again convicted of murdering her roommate in Italy in 2009. She served 4 years of a 26 year sentence before the ruling was overturned. The US must now decide whether or not to extradite Knox. The Sochi Winter Olympics begins this week in Russia despite complaints of the city not yet being prepared for the games. Microsoft on Tuesday named Satya Nadella as its next chief executive officer. He will succeed Steve Ballmer and become only the 3rd CEO in the company’s history. Iraq has seen a spike in violence in recent weeks, prompting the US Ambassador to the country to warn of possible civil war in coming months. Katy Perry recently became the most followed person on Twitter, boasting over 50 million followers. She recently passed Justin Bieber for tops on the list.
Follow us on Twitter! @GCGlobalScholars
By CALIESHA COMLEY News Editor Kentucky Young Democrats, according to their website, is a “youthled political organization committed to electing Democratic candidates, promoting Democratic ideals and encouraging political activism.” This organization, more affectionately known as Young Dems or KYD, has served as a platform for politically-engaged young adults since 1932. A large portion of Kentucky’s community of Young Democrats are members of college chapters, much like the one at Georgetown College. Yet, this past weekend the GC Young Dems were distinguished among all Kentucky chapters at the annual KYD Conference where they received the award for Outstanding College Chapter of the Year. The KYD Convention was held last weekend in Covington, Ky. Attendees included people ages 18-40 from across the state, and from a variety of KYD chapters. Kentucky U.S. Senate candidate Alison Grimes was a guest speaker for the all-weekend event. Other speakers convened to talk about current issues such as labor and union markets. Additionally, different panels were hosted at the convention to prepare for 2014, an
Changes (continued from page 1) Department Chair, had a somewhat different reaction than some of the others. She was only surprised about the timing of this situation, but she knew changes of that type were coming because “We have been living beyond our means for some time now as a college.” The news saddened her, but she looked on the bright side and said, “I greatly appreciate the admin-
important election year. Nomination for KYD’s Outstanding Chapter of the Year was based on the many achievements of Georgetown College Young Dems. The chapter was officially chartered from the KYD this past year. Current President, sophomore Alex Caudill reports that the GC Young Dems were under great leadership with Junior Meredith Scalos. The chapter
held more frequent meetings and as a result were able to gain more members. Guest speakers were often a large part of their regular meetings and included office holders and local candidates such as State Representative Tom McKee, and Scott County Clerk candidate Tim Thompson.
Other events included voter registration in November in which 30 people registered on campus, and a well-attended politics panel featuring the political science and history departments, as well as representatives for the young Democrats and Republicans. GC Young Dems also partner with KYD for some service opportunities such as volunteering for International Book Project where members organized textbooks to be sent to areas in the world affected by low literacy rates. The GC Young Dems are also excited to endorse Georgetown sophomore and Young Democrat Joel Dula who is running for City Council this election season. Young Dems meet on the first Tuesday and the third Thursday of each month. All are encouraged to attend and to direct any questions to Alex Caudill ( Meredith Scalos responds from her current study abroad experience in Oxford, “As our 2013-14 President I am so proud of my Young Dems and wish I could have been there. It’s nice to see that my work and Alex Caudill’s work has paid off in rebuilding our collegiate chapter this year. Hopefully this will give us more momentum to keep it up through the semester and into the next academic year.”
istration’s transparency and efforts to collaborate with the campus community in seeking a sustainable solution. I’m also heartened by the fact that we are not simply looking to cut existing programs, but we’re considering options to expand our offerings in ways that are consistent with who we are as a liberal arts, science and professions Christian College. We need to find ways to strengthen who we are, and let the world know about the good things we have going on here. I know of few academic institutions
that have the freedom to take faith and learning as equally seriously as we do here. An educational environment that can rigorously incorporate and engage mind, body and soul makes for a more well-rounded experience for our students.” As Meagan Henry said, “It’s just a bad situation and he’s got to make cuts where he thinks would best benefit the college. I definitely don’t envy the position he’s in, or anyone who has to make the final decision on what stays and what goes.”
Source: Alex Caudill
Pictured above are GCYDs, Chris Snider, Pearl Hebrock, Brenna Jewell, Alex Caudill and Joel Dula, with their award.
News Georgetown alumni and others report: Atlanta unprepared for unexpected snow
Issue 3
By MEGHAN ALESSI Features Editor Last Tuesday was a nightmare in several southern states as a winter storm blew through the country. Perhaps the hardest hit city was Atlanta, Ga. The city was slow to close down, as they were under the impression that they would experience only a “dusting” of snow through the area. Kasim Reed, mayor of Atlanta, tweeted out the night before the storm, “Atlanta, we are ready for the snow.” That was clearly not the case as only time would tell. Here in Ky., even if there is a slight chance for snowy conditions, salt trucks are usually out before we even wake up, pretreating the roads with salt to ensure safe travel. Snow is not uncommon here. Although we generally do not get very high accumulations, we have the equipment (snow plows and salt trucks). Snowy weather is a once-in-a-bluemoon event for many areas of the south, therefore they are not as well equipped. However, when it comes to Atlanta in particular, they had every reason to be prepared. In 2011 they were hit with a winter storm that crippled the city due to a lack of preventative actions. After that, the city purchased snow plows and tire chains for police cruisers so that they would be able to traverse the snowy roads and help its citizens. Fast-forward to 2014 and you have a city that is once again crippled because of winter weather. The situation was created by a series of unfortunate events. Since the state and local government was under the impression that they were only going to experience a “dusting,” they decided to continue business as usual. Reed held to the fact that they
February 5, 2014 Page 3
began pretreating “Priority 1” areas People couldn’t get up the slightest She said, “It felt like watching with the 30 salt and sand spreaders incline because it was pure ice.” David scenes from ‘The Walking Dead.’ It took and 40 snowplows they had purchased spent a good amount of time directing me an hour to make it the mile from since 2011, around 9 a.m. on Tuesday traffic at a chaotic intersection. school to the interstate and once on morning. Priority 1 includes areas like There are several GC alum that the interstate, I was driving on a sheet bridges and exits, which tend to deteri- now live in the Atlanta area. Abby and of ice. When snow melts on untreated orate quickly. Justin Sizemore (class of 2013) live just roads, that’s what it becomes: a sheet of However, it was not enough. By ice. I was not prepared to the time it started snowing around drive on that. Even going noon and the conditions were wors10 mph, there was no ening by the minute, it was too way to avoid slipping in late to attempt to treat the rest of spots.” Atlanta. The Police Department did She started out with not realize they had tire chains for a half–tank of gas and the snow, and when they did they by the time she sat in could not use them because they gridlocked traffic on the had never received any training on interstate for more than how to put them on. four hours she was prayThe city released all federal ing to get home safely. employees at the same time, adding Thankfully she was to the heavy traffic already created one of the lucky ones that by businesses closing and parents made it home that night. frantically trying to get home to Source: David Alessi Hundreds of students pick their kids up from schools that Snow in Woodstock, Ga. combined with unprepared roads slept in schools and cars decided to release their students caused major traffic delays and accidents. were abandoned everylate in the day. The mass of traffic where when people only compacted the snow more, creat- south of the metro area. decided they were better off trying to ing sheets of ice that were impossible to Abby said, “We both grew up in walk several miles home. drive on without accidents. Kentucky, so an inch or two of snow While it was a dire situation for My parents, Jodie and David was no big deal to us. So, at first, we many, there was a lot of good emanatAlessi, live just north of metro Atlanta, were laughing at how much people in ing from it. in Woodstock. They were on the way Atlanta were freaking out about the Helpful citizens opened their home from a doctor visit when the con- snow. However, we quickly changed homes to complete strangers so they ditions took a turn for the worse. It took our tune Tuesday night into Wednes- would have a warm place to sleep, and them five hours to travel a route that day morning when we saw all of the folks on four wheelers travelled up and normally takes about 20 minutes. news about people being stranded down the freeways offering water and David is a former police officer, without food and water, kids sleeping snacks to those who had to sleep in with over 20 years of experience. He has at schools and people running out of their cars overnight. Southern hospitaltaken defensive driving classes and has gas on the interstates. As much as they ity really shined through last week. also been a driving instructor. He lived have improved, Atlanta was still comIt wasn’t a case of southerners not half of his life in Maine and knows all pletely unprepared for this weather, knowing what to do when it snows. about winter weather, and even he was and that was made evident this week!” While it is true that they are not used to surprised by Tuesday’s events. Whitley and Stephen Parker (‘11) winter weather, this was a case of a lack He said, “The issue really was that also live in Atlanta. Whitley recalled of preparation. Hopefully next time the roads weren’t pretreated and the having an awful Tuesday as she made they will take more action and prepare more snow that fell, and the more cars the trek across the city from the school roads before the storm hits. After all, that drove over it turned it into ice. at which she teaches.. third time’s a charm.
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The Georgetonian
GC basketball takes good with bad By KAITLIN FAHEY Copy Editor Georgetown men’s basketball recently came off of a twoweek stretch of away games. During the crucial time period consisting of a loss and three wins, the Tigers improved their season record to 17-5 and 4-4 on the road. The most recent victory was Saturday, Feb. 1 at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio. Though the game went into overtime, Georgetown eventually came out on top.
With 20 seconds left in the period, the Shawnee Bears had possession of the ball and were only down by two points. The Tigers, however, forced a turnover and, with three seconds left in the game, senior Tiger Trenity Burdine made two free throws, solidifying the win for Georgetown and bringing the final score to 83-79. The victory was further sweetened by the fact that the game was a part of Shawnee’s winter homecoming festivities. The Tigers’ score was led by junior Dominique Hagans,
who achieved a game-high of 26 points. Following Hagans was Noah Cottrill with 23 points, 15 of which were the result of three-point field goals. Trenity Burdine finished with 11, Jaylen Daniel with 10, Montavious Marc with six and Deondre McWhorter with five. After two weeks on the road, the Tigers return home this week to play two matches in the Davis-Reid Alumni Gym. The men will face St. Catharine College tomorrow, Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. and conference rival Campbellsville Univer-
sity on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 4 p.m. The women’s team also traveled to Shawnee State on Saturday; however, the results were not as they had hoped, as a 63-70 loss to the Bears brought an end to the Tigers’ eight-game winning streak. Still, the game had its bright spots – for example, sophomore Jessica Foster achieved a career and game-high of 17 points. Following Foster was Andrea Howard with 12 points, Devanny King with 11,
Kourtney Tyra with nine, Lizza Jonas and Teonia McClune with six each and Mykal Farris with two. The women’s team also returns back to the Davis-Read Alumni Gym in Georgetown this week with the opportunity to get back to their winning ways. The Tigers will take the court against St. Catharine College tomorrow at 6 p.m. and against Campbellsville University on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 2 p.m.
Guys, Quidditch is so a real sport! By ERIC BALMER Sports Editor
The magical world of J.K. Rowling’s Hogwarts introduces fanatics to many awe-inspiring, sometimes disgusting things. Whether it’s cool toys and gadgets from “Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes” or the normality of running through a
Women’s Bball Men’s Bball Tennis Baseball Softball
brick pillar at a train station, the “Harry Potter” series has a little something for everybody, even sports. Many people who are familiar with the fantasy series know and love the favorite pastime of Quidditch but some may not know about the real life version of the sport. Middlebury College in Vermont was where the sport morphed
L. 63-70 Shawnee State W. 83-79 Shawnee State L. 2-7 Bellarmine Yet to begin season Yet to begin season
into its current non-wizard form. Since then, there’s over 300 colleges and high schools across North America and Europe where the sport is played. Although the “muggle” version of the competition doesn’t involve flying, brooms are still involved and players have taken the sport quite seriously. In fact, there is an
Feb. 6 vs. St. Catharine 6 p.m. Feb. 6 vs. St. Catharine 8 p.m. Feb. 7 vs. Western KY. 12 p.m. Feb. 8 vs. St. Francis 1 p.m. Feb. 13 @ IU Southeast 1 p.m.
organization called the International Quidditch Association (IQA) which was created within the last five years. IQA is defined as a “nonprofit dedicated to governing the sport of quidditch and inspiring young people to lead physically active and socially engaged lives” (iqaquidditch. com). For many players, the activity is more than just an adaptation of a fictitious game, but rather a different and fun Source: way to connect with people. Quidditch has found worldRules for the sport , which wide appeal. are provided by the IQA, try to keep the essence of the origi- who runs around the field, nal sport. There must be three and if a seeker (a player who chasers, which are your scor- tries to catch the snitch) is sucers, a keeper who is sort of like cessful in doing so, that team a goalie in soccer, two beaters is awarded 30 points and the that use dogeballs (bludgers in game ends. the “Harry Potter” series) and There are fouls in the sport. a volleyball for the quaffle. Depending on the severity The snitch is actually a person of a foul, the penalty is any-
Issue 3
February 5, 2014 Page 5
Who actually watched the Super Bowl? By ERIC BALMER Sports Editor For those of you who didn’t notice, the Super Bowl was this past Sunday. You may be sad that you missed “the game” but don’t worry: it was probably one of the worst games ever played in the National Football League. The game was so unbearable I am not ashamed to admit that for the majority of the contest, I was stressing out over playing “Flappy Bird.” On Sunday, Feb. 2 in East Rutherford, N.J. in the 48th edition to the Super Bowl, the Seattle Seahawks demolished the Denver Broncos with a score of 43-8. A 35-point deficit is more common in a Georgetown College Intramural foot-
ball game than from the best ered by a Broncos player in teams in the world, but some- the end zone. Several records how the Broncos managed to would come from this play, lay down and take a beating one of those being the quickest from the Seahawks. points in Super Bowl history, Possibly the only good as well as only the second time thing about the game was the weather conditions. Although forecasts a week before the game were calling for some down-right frigid, arctic-like conditions, the temperature stayed in the mid-to-upper 40s throughout the game with no pre- Source: cipitation. Broncos couldn’t find rhythm on The game started out offense. with a safety after Peyton Manning couldn’t be heard by a safety has occurred in the the team’s center due to the NFL championship game. intensity of the crowd. Peyton Unfortunately for Manwasn’t ready when the ball was ning’s crew, things would snapped; the ball flew over his only get worse. In fact, Denver head and was finally recov- would not receive any points
in the first half. The only points the mile-high team could manage was a touchdown and two point conversion in the third quarter. Even though this was a huge blowout, the game wasn’t the most lopsided Super Bowl in NFL history. In Super Bowl XXIV the San Francisco 49ers defeated the Denver Broncos with an unbelievable score of 55-10. After the game, surely frustrated and upset with how his team played, Peyton answered questions with a level head and didn’t let the sting of defeat get the best of him. He gave credit where credit was due and admitted they weren’t the better team that night. “They just made
more plays on defense than we did. Certainly, you force some turnovers, it was probably a credit to them for forcing those plays as far as the offensive mistakes, so I’ll give them credit for that” ( As much as I like watching Peyton Manning and think he’s one of the best quarterbacks to play the game, the Seahawk’s clearly had him playing uncharacteristically awful. Maybe I am being too cynical about the whole situation, but if I wanted to watch that big of a blowout I would attend a Scott County High football game. But, kudos to the Seahawks for holding an incredible defense to just eight points.
Quidditch (cont.) thing from returning back to their hoops after knocking the opposing team’s hoops down, to a red card which results in an ejection from the match. There is also a “two-minimum” gender rule, which states each team is required “to have at least two players on the field who identify with a different gender than at least two other players” ( IQA holds or authorizes 25 events around the world and even have international competitions such as a World Cup and International Open. A great part of the association
is that people from any country and of any age can be part of the Quidditch family.
The IQA is open to players of all ages.
Intramural Basketball Wednesday Court 1 Court 2 7:00 KA Vs. Pup n Suds- A league NWA Vs. Lamb- A league 8:00 PHA vs. KA- C Lamb vs. Pike- C 9:00 Sigma vs. kd fun Open 10;00 Mon-stars vs. pike= B Money Gang vs. Lamb- B Thursday 7:00 Tropics vs. KA- A Bamfy vs. Sigma 8:00 KA vs. Money Gang- B Mon-stars vs. Lamb- b 9:00 PHA vs. pike- b Anderson vs. nwa- a 10:00 Kd fun vs. phi mu phi tau vs. anderson
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The Georgetonian
FACULTY SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Cooper By ANNA MEURER Opinion Editor At the Founder’s Day Convocation on Jan. 21, Dr. Tom Cooper was named the recipient of the 2014 Curry Award for Faculty Excellence. According to the college’s press release, the award is “intended to recognize three elements of faculty life that were important [to Drs. Ralph and Gwen Curry]: service to faculty, excellence in scholarship and dedication to students.” The award came as a surprise to Cooper. As Provost Rosemary Allen read the description of the winner, citing “quiet competence,” “uncommon common sense” and an “extraordinary capacity to think carefully about academic matters as he serves
in high stakes positions,” Dr. Cooper said he thought, “I wish someone would say that about me.” In fact, not until the last three phrases, including the fact that the winner was in his or her fifteenth year, did he know. In response to receiving the award Dr. Cooper said, “It was kind of weird to get Source: the award [because] Dr. Cooper won the Curry Award at this I didn’t do anything Founder’s Day event. alone.” He noted that it is “nice when people notice Dr. Cooper came to [good work]” but neverthe- Georgetown initially because less described it as somewhat he felt that it had the “right “humbling and embarrass- emphasis on teaching.” Now ing.” He credits the success of in his fifteenth year of teachmost of the projects he’s led to ing, he serves as the James his colleagues. “They made it Graham Brown Professor and work,” he says. chair of the Business Admin-
istration and Economics department. When asked to reflect on his teaching style in light of the award, Dr. Cooper simply said, “I don’t teach.” That might seem odd for a professor just named the recipient of an award for faculty excellence, but Dr. Cooper insists that he’s telling the truth. “My job is to be the setup man and to put year’s [the students] in a position to give them the best shot and learn the best they can.” Of course, he said, he spends more time guiding his lower levels, especially because of the large amount of rote knowledge to learn, but he expects his upper level classes to be significantly more independent in their learning.
“I want them to not need me,” he said, “because I want them to have the foundation for after they leave Georgetown.” During the award ceremony, Dr. Allen described him as “challenging, influential and interesting.” His students agree. Haley Lepper, a junior business major, says, “I really enjoyed taking Dr. Cooper’s macroeconomics and finance classes because he pushed you to apply what we learned in lectures to current events. Rather than force us to merely memorize material, his teaching style allowing us to wrap our thoughts around each specific item and discuss their importance. There certainly was never a dull educational moment.” Counterintuitive though it may sound, the moral of the story is: professors, stop teaching.
ded cheddar cheese from the salad bar. Add fry seasoning. Microwave for about 20 seconds for tasty cheese fries. •Special granola. Start with a bowl of granola and milk. Mix in a spoonful of peanut butter and drizzle with honey. Add a sliced banana in for a healthy, unique dish. •Milkshake. Start with ice cream in a glass. Add milk. Customize your milkshake with whatever is available: chocolate syrup, peanut
butter, etc. Have this for dessert after dinner on Milkshake Wednesdays. •Patty melt. This is a grilled cheese with a hamburger patty in the middle. This is a Caf classic, but for all you freshmen reading: ask for a patty melt at the grill. You can ask for double cheeseburgers too! •Root beer float. Get ice
Students get creative in the caf
By CAITLIN KNOX A&E Editor Eating at the Caf can be a challenge. Some days, it’s delicious. Other days, especially on Friday through Sunday, you go to the Caf for a meal and leave unsatisfied. Maybe you are still hungry. Maybe you have just destroyed all your efforts to eat healthy because you ate a cheeseburger. Maybe you wanted dessert and the middle schoolers cleaned out the cookies.
Blame it on Pinterest, Instagram or desperation- students have gotten creative with Caf food. Here are a few original recipes that students created to spice up their meals. •Fancy breakfast sandwich. Get a fried egg at the grill, toast a bagel and ask for some ham and cheese. Put these together for a classy morning and a fantastic breakfast sandwich. Cappuccino is The Georgetonian/ CAITLIN KNOX optional. Wes Folsom enjoys making root •Cheese fries. Get some beer floats for dessert in the Caf. fries from the grill and shred-
(cont. on page 7)
Issue 3
February 5, 2014 Page 7
Students make the best out of snow
Source: Zac Bettersworth
Source: Becca Cason
A group of students built a giant snowman (from left to right) Kennady Rabe, Becca next to Flowers Hall. Cason, MaKayla Jackson and Devin Matthews
Kayla Lewis and Lyndi Egbert made sure their snowman had school spirit!
Quote My Georgetown Professor “My first dream was to be a rock star, and I’m going to continue pursuing it until I no longer look good in spandex.” -Dr. Coke Posted on the “Quote My Georgetown Professor” Facebook group
Georgetown Tree Huggers Source:
UK Students built a giant Julius Randle snowman.
Source: Zac Bettersworth
Source: Jo Emmert
Sam Ellis and Jonathan Balmer being snow ninjas.
Jo Emmert and Megan Landry named their snowman Igor.
they’ll know just what to do. •Salad…with meat. Spice up any salad you make by asking for a portion of meat elsewhere. Next time there is grilled chicken at the deli or middle line, don’t be afraid to ask for some. •Non-boring bagels. Bagels can be mundane at first, but that’s why we put stuff on top of them. Try a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel with butter and cinnamon sugar on top. Get ready to taste excitement! When you need a healthy
snack, keep it simple and try combinations like: granola and yogurt, cottage cheese and peaches (some people like it), peanut butter and sliced apples…when you take a little extra time, you will find that the options are endless. Who knew? If you would like to share your Caf creation for other students to enjoy, tweet it to us @ georgetonian #cafcookbook, Instagram a picture of your dish and tag us or post it to The Georgetonian’s Facebook.
Creative in the caf cont.
cream in a glass, add root beer and there you have it- a foolproof dessert (as long as you add the ice cream first). •Pizza wrap. At the deli, ask for a flour tortilla, tomato sauce, pepperonis and shredded mozzarella cheese. You can add other pizza-ish toppings, like olives and peppers. Stick it in the press until your cheese has melted, and you have your very own pizza wrap. It’s almost like a non-frozen Hot Pocket. Usually you can request this at the deli and
The Georgetonian/COLLIN SMITH
This week’s Tree Hugger is sophomore Jana Dye.
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The Georgetonian
Procrastination via geocaching By AUSTIN FRALEY Staff Writer Do you ever find yourself bored on a Friday night, with gas to spare in your car and loads of free time on your hands to do whatever you want with? What’s that? You go to Georgetown and you have a mountain of homework higher than the Empire State Building? Oh, let me amend that last question. Do you find yourself with loads of work to procrastinate on? Let me give you a whole new way to procrastinate. It’s called geocaching. Based on an old entertainment activity called “letterboxing,” geocaching is similar to treasure hunting. Here’s how it works. You get a GPS (If you
have one on your smartphone, just download the free geocaching app), and either load the geocaching online website, or install the application to the GPS if possible. Make a username. Then have it search for geocaches near you. There are some just miles from campus. Then follow the GPS to whichever geocache you choose. When you get there, because the GPS is not 100% accurate you will have to search for a little while. The people who hide these are very clever so sometimes it takes some finagling to get it. Common geocaching containers are film canisters, and camouflage-duct-tape-covered pill bottles among other things. Once you’ve found it, open it up. The most common ones will just have
a log sheet in them, in which you sign your name, get a point, and then move on. But the more extravagant ones will have all kinds of neat little knick knacks in them, like pipe cleaners, keychains,and other exciting items! Okay, those aren’t all that exciting, but never fail to dream. I once found a book in one stashed in the woods. Granted, I never read it, but it was still pretty cool. Once you’ve found the items, you can trade them with some items of your own, and say on your online account what you’ve traded. The coolest thing I’ve ever found was what’s called a “trackable.” Trackables are items that people hide in one geocache that have a code on them. When you get home, type the code
into your computer and see its owner’s intended destination. It is now your mission to get that item closer to its destiny. Yes. This game is that important. You can even hide geocaches yourself if you want, as long as you’re willing to check up on them periodically to make sure they haven’t been “muggled” (stolen by people who don’t know what geocaching is). Yes, it is a gigantic waste of time, and in the end you find little more than trinkets. But the fun is in the journey and the hunt, and what more could a college student ask for than fun that allows you to explore the community? Okay, so it’s probably less homework, but since that isn’t going to happen, you should really try this out.
Northup and Ford’s racist carpenter, Tibeats (Paul Dano, terrifying and slimy), Northup is sent to a plantation owned by Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbender). Fassbender is terrifying as Epps, a drunk known for having no aversion to violence and biblically endorsing slavery, “That servant that don’t obey his Lord, shall be beaten with many strikes. That’s Scripture.” It’s a performance so alarmingly intense that you’ll feel physically ill watching him. He leers after his young slave Patsey (newcomer Lupita Nyong’o giving a steely, raw performance), who in turn is threatened by Epps’s cold wife (Sarah Paulson). Patsey’s conversations with Northup break your heart. You will find yourself willing them on, begging for a happy ending that may or may not come. Ejiofor is a phenomenal presence as Northup. As a man forced to hide his intellect, all his unsaid words are found
behind the eyes. We see the treacherous sible hope for social justice and righworld through him; his pain becomes teousness, though never forgetting the our own. In spite of injustice and abject excruciating events of our past. horror, his refusal to give in to despair “12 Years a Slave” is not an easy becomes a speck of hope. It’s an imme- film to watch, nor should it be. It is an diately intimate performance joined emotional ride you won’t be able to with a deftly observant film. shake, and reminds us that we must Director Steve McQueen (“Shame”) not forget our past as we move into the is an attentive filmmaker. I admire the future. This film will be a true classic. sweep of his film and the quietness with which he allows the story to be told. He shoots with long takes, holding on a moment and refusing to cut away. One sequence involves a man standing on his tiptoes to keep a noose from strangling him. He stays in the center of the screen as other slaves walk behind him, hardly daring to stop and look in order to avoid a similar fate. McQueen’s camera is still and unflinching; the only music is the sound of cicadas. Source: It is suffocating. And yet the film is McQueen’s heart-wrenching film not all doom and gloom. Through his deserves 4 out of 4 stars. excellent cast he finds notes of pos-
“12 Years a Slave” difficult to watch
By SHAY McCLEAVY Staff Writer
This film will be a classic. It draws you in with intense intimacy, and by the end you’ll know you’ve experienced something unforgettable. You must see Steve McQueen’s “12 Years a Slave.” Adapted from the memoir of the same name, the story follows Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor), an African American man from New York. In 1841 the happy husband, father and professional violinist was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Shipped to New Orleans and re-named “Platt” by slave traders, Northup was forced to keep his education a secret in order to survive. The majority of the film is based on his experience on two plantations. The first owned by William Ford (Benedict Cumberbatch), a man with humanity and compassion towards his slaves. After a horrific altercation between
Issue 3
Top 5 theaters near you
1. Theatres of Georgetown Ticket Prices: Regular Adult: $7.00 – Matinee $4.50 – After matinee with student discount $4.50 Right around the corner from our little college is our little movie theater. Theatres of Georgetown sits in the Outlet Center along with Rue 21 and the Peddler’s Mall, so it is always a great time to see a movie and do some shopping. The theater has free popcorn Tuesday: bring two canned goods/non-perishables for a small bag of popcorn and/or bring winter clothes (winter coat, gloves, hats or socks) for a free medium bag of popcorn. So if you find yourself bored, go see a movie at the Theatres of Georgetown or watch out for GAC movies on us.
3. MOVIE TAVERN Ticket Prices: Regular Adult $7.50 - Matinee $6.00 Student Discount $6.00 The Movie Tavern has a full-service bar and an in-theatre ordering and dining. They also offer a “Breakfast and a Flick” on Saturday and Sunday at 9 a.m. When asked about this event, Angel Woodrum said, “best pancakes of my life!” For February, Movie Tavern has a special event called “Retro Cinema: Salute to the Oscars!” On Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m and Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. they play past Oscar winners. The upcoming retro movies include: “Moonstruck,” “The Sound of Music” and “Casablanca.” Flicks, pancakes and liquor sounds like a perfect night.
February 5, 2014 Page 9
By Alex courtenay ( staff writer )
2. Kentucky Theatre Ticket Prices: Regular Adult: $7.50 – Matinee all seats $5.50 The Kentucky Theater opened in 1922 and is located in downtown Lexington. Each summer the historic theatre hosts a “Summer Classic Series,” in which a classic movie is shown each Wednesday throughout the summer. The 2013 “Summer Classic Series” included Young Frankenstein, Singing in the Rain, Gone With the Wind and The Great Escape. The Kentucky Theatre also puts on a live version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show (where actors perform as the movie screens in the background). So visit this historic theater for a good time. Maybe bring a date there; they are playing Casablanca on Valentine’s Day (and other scheduled days).
4. Woodhill Cinemark Lex Green 8 Ticket Prices: Monday – Thursday $1.50 Friday – Sunday $2.00 First off, seeing a movie here is literally less than buying a DVD, going to a new release or getting a movie from RedBox. You get the theater experience for the price of a candy bar. So if you still have not seen that ‘certain’ movie yet and have some pocket change, then Green 8 is the top choice. According to the website, “Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa,” “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2” and “Walking With Dinosaurs” are still playing there.
5. Regal Hamburg Pavilion 16
Ticket Prices: Regular Adult $9.50 - Matinee $7.00 - Evening with student discount $7.50 Regal Theatres offer a “Regal Crown Club Membership.” With this membership you can be included in $2 Candy Mondays and $2 off Popcorn Tuesdays. The Regal Hamburg Pavilion is involved in the special three-day (February 13-16) showing of a Broadway version of “Romeo and Juliet,” starring Orlando Bloom and Condola Rashad.
Opinion The Georgetonian “All that glitters is not gold”
Page 10
The Georgetonian
Editor-in-Chief............................................. Hannah Krieger Managing Editor................................................ Eric Balmer News Editor................................................ Caliesha Comley Sports Editor...................................................... Eric Balmer Features Editor............................................. Meghan Alessi A&E Editor..........................................................Caitlin Knox Opinion Editor.................................................. Anna Meurer Back Page Editor................................Leanndra W. Padgett Web Editor ..... .....................................................Max Terril Photo Editor.......................................................Collin Smith Technical Editor...............................................Caitlin Knox Copy Editor....................................................... Kaitlin Fahey Copy Editor......................................................Racquel Ryan Copy Editor................................................. Brooke Whitaker Faculty Adviser...........................................Jennifer Beckett
The Georgetonian is a free weekly newspaper published most Wednesdays during the academic year by Georgetown College in Georgetown, Ky. Its contents are written and edited by current students of Georgetown College. Letters to the editor should be under 600 words and should include the writer’s name and telephone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. Please send letters to one of the following addresses:
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Student responds to President’s Ambassadors termination By DANIEL CHICK Staff Writer The President’s Ambassadors was, at its core, a program that proved the worth of the adage “all that glitters is not gold.” Its core mission was diluted in the final few years of the tenure of our last president. It, to be put lightly, was branded by our former president’s influence, and thus, felt corrupted to my fellow students and I. While yes, the explicit mission of the program was to literally be an ambassador of the college, that mission was lost. The message that was instead sent by the program was defined by the lavish trips members took, the omnipresent nature of the members at almost every college function and the redundant nature of the services which they provided on campus as well as off. Functions that could have been offered in a much better capacity by already long-standing groups on campus were instead co-opted by the Ambassadors. Full-disclosure: I once applied to be a President’s Ambassador (PA). Ultimately, I was rejected. I want to address that before any conspiracy theorist says I’m just some spurned applicant who lost. This theory cannot be farther from the truth; in fact, when I applied, I saw the organization as an ultimate achievement for a student at Georgetown. The group was,
after all, branded to the student–body–at–large and to the public as a service-oriented organization that had more than plenty of perks to go alongside such service. However, when I was asked by a mentor, “Do you know why you want to be a President’s Ambassador?” I had no response. I then realized how similar the mineral known as pyrite (Fool’s Gold) is to the Ambassadors. Aside from being tempted with lavish trips to the Caribbean, or getting to rub elbows with our former president’s contacts, there was no real service-orientation to the group. Those lavish perks were enough, mind you, to take hold of my naive sophomore mind—don’t get me wrong. For quite some time, I thought about the question the mentor posed to me and its relevance became especially apparent as I saw the specific operations of group members. These members acted as student representatives to formal functions such as Board of Trustee meetings and dinners as well as other on-campus events. It boggled my mind: why are these people so privileged to attend these functions simply because of a title? This is especially troubling when we have students elected to positions of actual representation (i.e. Student Government Association and the Georgetown Activities Council). PA representation was simply
redundant and unnecessary. That is why it is particularly insulting to see some former PA’s express such vocal disappointment over the dissolution of the group. As someone who has argued publicly for the further legitimation of the Student Government Association for many years, I’m troubled as to how one PA could say only PA’s could provide our current president an opportunity “to meet with a small group of students who could help him learn about the issues the student body thinks are important...” It’s mind–bogglingly naive and insulting—especially to those who were elected to representative positions—to think that only the President’s Ambassadors could provide such a service to President Greene. Instead of whining about losing your position in a pyrite group, look at this situation objectively and realize that this reduction in redundancy is healthy for this campus. As President Greene proposes more changes for this campus, it’s nice to see that he is taking an active step to further enhance campus morale. The elimination of the PA’s is just one of the many steps to come.
Read the original article: “President’s Ambassadors Terminated” in The Georgetonian Issue 1 (Jan. 22, 2014)
Issue 3
February 5, 2014 Page 11
Should Georgetown relax its pet policy? Good for us, not for them
By CASSIDY CLAYTON Staff Writer “Stress Less With Pets” is a popular campus event during the week of finals. Studies have shown that having some form of interaction with pets can help the body deal with stress and relax more. However, is that true in the long term? Many will argue that having pets on campus could produce the same benefits, but I disagree. Spending twenty minutes with a puppy is sure to improve the mood, but what about when that puppy is constantly craving that attention?
Better for everyone By BROOKLYN ALCORN Staff Writer With top notch schools such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) allowing some pets in their dorms, people have begun to question why they can’t bring their own furry friends onto Georgetown’s campus. While it does require responsibility to take care of a pet, it would reduce stress and feelings of nostalgia in the student body if a pro-pet policy were adopted. If pets were allowed at Georgetown, then students would be less likely to be homesick. When asked what she missed most about home, freshman Lauren Abbott said, “definitely my cats.” She is not
Student life is busy enough without having to devote certain times of the day to walk, feed, groom and care for a pet. It is unreasonable to assume that a freshman living by their self for the first time could provide the pet with a quality of life the animal deserves. Even if the roommate happens to agree on the animal and splits the cost and time requirements, it is improbable that the animal would be happy living in a dorm–turned–zoo. If the current policy were to change, what would it change to? Say the college allows each dorm room to have one small house pet that will not exceed a certain weight limit. I seriously doubt it would be peaceful to live with a kitten if the whole floor is full of yapping pup-
pies or, better yet, with older, meaner dogs that could injure or kill the adorable kitten. With this lifestyle in mind, it seems impossible that students’ pets could be given the amount of room to roam around and let go of excess energy unless Georgetown offers to build a pet area. Given the recent cut backs, that is simply not going to happen. Having fish is enough responsibility in itself. My roommate is excellent at taking care of her fish’s needs — feeding, changing the water, etc. Yet, some of the fish have already died. It is inevitable. What would happen, though, if a puppy or kitten would meet the same fate? College already pushes students to the extremes when it
comes to emotional stress — losing a beloved pet would only further exacerbate the student. Now, I have a pet of my own back home. His name is Chomper, and he is turning ten soon. He is the cutest, most well-behaved Beagle I have ever seen. As much as I would love to have him sleep at the edge of my bed like he does when I go back home, I know living in a dorm is not the life for him. He needs the outdoors. He needs constant affection. He needs what I cannot give him. Between classes, work-study, campus events, Nexus credits and just living on my own, I am barely in the dorms at all. Having a pet might seem great to me, but definitely not to
the only one. With friendly furry reminders of home living on campus, students would be less likely to go home on the weekends, leading to more campus involvement. The drop-out and transfer rate would also decrease, as the most likely reason for both is a desire to be closer to home and family. However, in order to make this feasible, several measures would have to be taken. First, a new dorm building would have to be built, or the old ones such as Collier restored, to be accommodated for pets. The rooms could be slightly bigger, and playrooms could even be added for the pets to play in. Then, the housing questionnaire that all students fill out would have to be altered to fit the new policy change. For
example, students would have to answer questions about pet allergies, if they would be interested in bringing pets on campus, and if so, what pet they would be bringing to campus. That way, a student who was planning on bringing a cat to campus would not be roomed with someone who was allergic or someone who planned on bringing a mouse. After all, Snowball and Stuart weren’t always friends! Another important concession that would have to be made, however, is a weight limit. Just as most apartments that allow pets have a weight limit for logistic reasons, it would be necessary to implement one at Georgetown. Keeping a Saint Bernard, to use an extreme example, would be entirely impossible
in a normal sized dorm room. Likewise, certain animals, such as horses, pigs or goats, would also have to stay at home with the parents. Critics of the idea of allowing pets onto campus usually cite the irrationality of the idea as the main reason that pets should be forbidden. They say that pets will distract students from doing homework and other various mandated work, leading to a drop in grades or even causing students to drop out. They also say that many students our age are not ready to take on the full responsibility of being a pet owner and caretaker. However, the comfort and genuine happiness and contentment that they bring to this campus would far outweigh possible consequences. By
the animal stuck in my dorm, waiting for me to get back all day. If you truly love your pet, let it be happy somewhere away from campus. If animals are particularly heart–warming to you, then work at an animal shelter. Participate in campus events that deal with animals. Become an animal– rights activist. Whatever you do, do not bring them here to sit and be lonely all day. Georgetown’s current policy on pets is the best option for both you and your pet.
Is furry for the better or worse?
allowing pets on campus, the administration would show that they are willing to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure the student body is at home at Georgetown, not in their respective cities. With a chance at lowering the dropout and transfer rate at Georgetown, the policy to allow a pet to be brought on campus should be passed. It would be inexpensive to adopt, as there are already dorm buildings lying vacant, and it would make students feel at home, so that when they curl up in their beds at night, their furry friends from their houses will make them feel like they are right where they belong.
or spaghetti and salad. There are two problems with this set up. First, the Grille is not sufficiently complaint and a concern: last equipped to serve dinner to all on Friday’s dinner was sub par, campus in a timely manner. The single and last Thursday some of our students line was very long and those who underwent an armed robbery. ordered Cash EQ meals had additional To begin with, students who waiting time after placing their order. attempted to eat on campus last Friday It is unreasonable to assume that a food night know that the Caf was closed venue the size of the Grille can meet the for dinner. We were informed (at 1:49 needs of an entire campus. p.m.) via email that the Caf was hostSecondly, the options were excluing the KUG Band Dinner and that stu- sive. The only vegetarian items were dents could eat in the Grille. Offerings tossed salad, bread or pasta without for dinner included Cash EQ Combos sauce (none of the Cash EQ options are vegetarian — but that’s a seperate issue). Vegan options were even more limited. Gluten free dieters were a little better off, with chicken fingers and fries or sandwiches without buns, but they were not offered an ideal meal. Déjà vu? RegSource: ular GeorgetoAndy and Opie both enjoy Aunt Bee’s homecooked nian readers may meals. remember that I Back Page Editor
wrote an article about a similar situation last year when the Greek Banquet ousted the rest of campus from the Cafeteria. Apparently, it didn’t make much of a difference. While Greek Banquet is a meaningful experience for some and band dinners are wonderful (support the arts!), neither of these events are a justifiable cause to displace the rest of the student body from their main source of food. It is great to utilize GC’s facilities for various uses. Perhaps this is a way the college can raise some money and attract more people to campus. However, students pay for meal plans. It isn’t acceptable for the meals we purchase to be too slow to fit into our schedules or too exclusive for certain dietary groups to partake. Alternatives are not that difficult to imagine. The college just needs to serve extra groups after regular Caf hours. For instance, on Friday, normal services should have been offered until 6:30 p.m. as usual. A banquet could then begin at 7 or 7:30 p.m. Or perhaps the banquet could be held at the East Campus Conference Center. Surely we can all be fed. In other news — what about that robbery? Last Thursday, two GC stu-
Barn and Ange make up Mayberry’s version of Campus Safety. dents were robbed at gunpoint on campus. I remember hearing during freshman orientation, back in 2010, that people often get lulled into a false sense of security at GC because Georgetown seems like Mayberry. In truth, however, it has its own crimes and dangers that are all too real, as last week’s events proved. I know we are all extremely thankful that no one was hurt during the robbery. Still, these occurrences serve as a good reminder to be careful, pay attention and watch each other’s backs.