The Georgetonian - Spring 2016, Issue 1

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January 27, 2016  Volume CXXXVI Issue 1

Founder’s Day kicks off spring semester

The late Dr. “Doc” Birdwhistell was among those inducted into the Hall of Fame By DOUG MOLLETT Sports Editor On Tuesday, staff, faculty, students, alumni and Georgetown city and Scott County officials filled the John L. Hill Chapel in attendance of Founder’s Day Convocation and Hall of Fame Induction. In the words of President Greene, the purpose of the annual Founder’s Day Convocation is to “recognize the beloved members of the Georgetown College family.” At the beginning of the service, Dr. Todd Rasberry, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, announced the dedication of carillon bells in the steeple of the Chapel. The bells were a gift to the college by the Hambrick family in honor of Dr. Horace and Mrs. Maribeth Porter Hambrick for their contributions to the Georgetown community and Georgetown College. Dr. Hambrick serves as Professor Emeritus of History. Every year, a nominating committee suggests to the Board of Trustees the names of people they feel worthy of


this issue

induction into the Georgetown a community leader, author, generals, physicians and poliCollege Hall of Fame. and veteran of the United ticians and numerous others. This year, they enthusi- States Marine Corps. The Hall of Fame honors astically recommended four The final inductee was outstanding individuals who people, and the Board of Trust- the late Dr. Ira V. (Jack) Bird- have made great contribuees made unanimous decisions whistell. Dr. Birdwhistell tions during their lifetime to to induct all four into the Hall was an author and pastor. In Georgetown College. of Fame. 1980, Dr. Birdwhistell served In addition to the FoundThe first er’s Day two inductCelebration ees were and the Hall Mr. and of Fame Mrs. Rollie Inductions, and Lena Dr. RoseGraves. mary Allen, R o l l i e Provost of The Georgetonian/DOUG MOLLET the college, served as a paratrooper President Greene addresses the crowd on Tuesday during the p r e s e n t e d in World Founder’s Day Convocation. He inducted four new members of the Curry War II, and the Georgetown College Hall of Fame. Award for he was a Faculty member of the Georgetown as campus minister and part- Excellence, named in honor of College Board of Trustees for time professor of Religion. He Drs. Ralph and Gwen Curry, many years. became a full time Religion former chairs of the English His wife, Lena, made professor in 1997. Department at Georgetown significant contributions to He unexpectedly passed College. The award was estabGeorgetown College in the away in 2014 while still serv- lished in 2005 and recognizes Graves Center for Calling and ing as a professor at George- three important elements: serCareer and the Lena Graves town College. vice to faculty, excellence in Academic Fund. The Georgetown College scholarship, and dedication to The third inductee was Bob Hall of Fame, established students. Terrell. Mr. Terrell was an ath- in 1993, features 82 people The recipient of the Curry lete and is already a member from an array of professions. Award for 2016 was Philosoof the Georgetown College Included are athletes and phy professor Dr. Roger Ward. Athletics Hall of Fame. He is authors, ministers and military Outside of Georgetown Col-

lege, Dr. Ward commtis his service to the city, the Scott County School District and Faith Baptist Church. A permanently installed cross in the Chapel was also presented at the celebration. When he first arrived at Georgetown College, President Greene noticed that, while the Chapel was beautiful, there was no cross. He requested that a cross be permanently installed into the Chapel, and it was erected on Tuesday. To close the service, Mr. Thomas Stuart led the Georgetown College Chorale and the audience in the singing of the Alma Mater. The Chorale also delivered the benediction song. Founder’s Day and the Hall of Fame inductions are some of the most beloved traditions belonging to Georgetown College because not only students and faculty, but alumni and the community are able to be recognized for their commitment and dedication to Georgetown College.

Chapel Day unites girls with their new sisters page 2

A discussion on Planned Parenthood page 1

Tigers Basketball falls short to Lindsey Wilson page 4

Students can be in the know with Sodexo page 8

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