February 3, 2016
Volume CXXXVI Issue 2
Iowa caucuses ignite presidential race
As victors emerge from the annual caucuses, candidates continue to New Hampshire By RACHEL CHEATHAM News Editor Feb. 1, 2016, marked the Iowa Caucuses, one of the first steps for candidates to confirm and solidify their possible futures in the White House. Iowa, while having the privilege of being the first state to officially open the primaries, also holds responsibility. The caucus can give a candidate a much needed edge or bring months of preparation and hope to a halt. The process of the caucuses themselves is much more intricate and detailed than reg-
ular voting primaries. They involve mandatory meetings for the public in school gyms, libraries, and other places. The whole process can extend for hours at a time. During the GOP caucus, each campaign is allowed to make one final pitch to the crowd. Sometimes official ballots are used and other times only scraps of paper are necessary. The Democratic caucus begins with an initial meeting, which is follwed by a public announcement of whom the caucus–goers would prefer as a candidate.
Source: Cnn.com
Cruz gives a speech after the Iowa Caucus victory.
this issue
Wounded Warrior funds are going elsewhere page 2
For the Democratic caucus, if a candidate is to be considered viable, there must be at least 15 percent of the original turnout of Iowans supporting him/her. Considering the extensive process of the Iowa caucuses, it’s not surprising that the people who do show up to vote only make up a small percentage of the actual registered DemSource: Politico.com ocrats and Republicans Voters use corn kernels to cast their vote in the Iowa Caucus. (www.cnn.com). The results from the cau- above their fellow candidates. the Democratic win, she isn’t cuses showed Cruz winning It may come as a surprise the clear standard–bearer for the Republican vote with to some people that Donald the Democratic Party. Sand27.6 percent and Hil- Trump lost the caucus. He ers continues to hold strong in lary Clinton winning the was leading in the last seven New Hampshire, which votes Democratic vote with polls conducted in Iowa (real- on February 9. 49.9 percent. However, it clearpolitics.com). Trump has The next couple of months was a close race. Trump experienced the most media might be needed to determine trailed behind Cruz with coverage, and, because of it, if Clinton will gain the Dem24.3 percent, and Rubio he had only a mediocre turn- ocratic nomination. The same came in third with 23.1 out. While extensive media holds true with Cruz, considpercent. Bernie Sanders coverage may or may not ering he won by 3.3 percent. lost to Clinton by .3 per- influence the polls, it is certain We will soon know if the cent. that before the Iowa Caucus, Iowa caucus was a fluke or a While the Iowa cau- Trump was in the lead by reoccurring fact. After N.H., cuses don’t guarantee the seven points. Now he trails by the Nev. Democratic caucus winners a party nomina- three. and S.C. Republican primary tion, they do put them With Clinton barely getting are on Feb. 20.
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