February 10, 2016
Volume CXXXVI Issue 3
Dillon and Lepper give and encourage job hunt advice
Nexus event showcases entering the job market as a recent graduate By LINDSEY PHILLIPS Staff Writer On Tuesday, the Graves Center for Calling and Career hosted an informational event about preparing for career fairs and interviews. The speakers, Scott Dillon and Haley Lepper, of Schneider Electric, came to campus to speak about these topics to students, since they are heading closer to graduation. The attendees consisted mostly of juniors and seniors who are thinking more and more about what comes after graduation: the job market. Scott Dillon is a hiring manager for Schneider Electric with over 20 years of experience. Haley Lepper is a 2015 graduate of Georgetown College who now works in an entry–level position for the company. Lepper was a business major and Equine Scholar on campus. Her biggest piece of advice to college students was to not discount a company just because it seems boring. Do research; you could be as surprised as Haley was in regards to how much she loves Schnei-
this issue
der Electric and the people she The resume is also a big shake their hand and look works with. factor. Get different faculty them in the eye. Give them a She also encouraged stu- and professionals to look at resume; they may read it while dents to really get to know it. Chelsey Reid and Holly you’re standing there to help the community of professors James at the Graves Center for strike up a conversation. and professional individuals Calling and Career can help Ask questions about the because they can really help with resumes as well. Located company. Trying to figure students in the long run with right here on campus in the out if the company is right their contacts and for the potential experience. employee is as The speakhard as trying ers gave a lot of to figure out if advice during the the potential event, so below is employee is right some of what they for the company. discussed and After the fair, suggested. follow up. Thank Career fairs Source: Georgetowncollege.edu them for their and interviews Georgetown alumna Haley Lepper returned to her time and referwere the main alma mater as a representative of Schneider Electric ence a point of focus of the event. with Scott Dillon. connection you Career fairs can made in convermake a great impression on Meetinghouse, they can look sation. That will help them future employers and put a at your resume and help you remember your face and give face to the name on a resume, out. Bring clean copies of your yet another good impression. which can help in an interview. resume to the career fair and Career fairs can really Don’t know how to prepare give them to the companies make a difference. Sophomore for a career fair? First of all, you’re most interested in. Kayla Dudick attended one, preparation is key to successThe day of, be prompt and made contacts, and got a job. fully meeting with employers. dress business professional. For all juniors and seniors, Find out who is attending the This separates those who are there’s a career fair coming up event and Google them. As a and are not serious; dressing on Feb. 25. Two Nexus credit hopeful future employee, it well places one on a higher will be offered to those that is helpful to know about the level for employers. When attend. It’s called the Spotlight company at which one looks. approaching an employer, Career Fair, and the Graves
center will continue to give more information as time gets closer. Interviews are different than career fairs, but many of the same ideas apply. In preparation, the interviewee should research the company and the positions interested in and what the objectives are. Make sure to know and research the interviewer. Practice some interview questions, but don’t rehearse. For the interview, be polite, shake their hand and dress business professionally. Dillon stated that, as a hiring manager, when an interviewee also asks questions and seems interested in the conversation, he is more likely to hire them. After the interview, follow up with an email (very quick; this will keep you fresh in the employer’s mind) or a handwritten thank you note (much more personal). There are positives and negatives to both options. They actually will look at your social media to see if it lines up with the person whom they met in the interview and who is on the resume, so be careful.
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