The Georgetonian - Spring 2016, Issue 4

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February 17, 2016

Volume CXXXVI Issue 4

Black History Month: A look at Zeta Phi Beta Sorority

Zeta Phi Beta to celebrate history and host Black History Month Nexus By DEMETRIA QUINCY Staff Writer The essence of the word “finer” is merely physical. It is a virtue. The Pi Upsilon Chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated at Georgetown College aspires to being finer, and they are seeking to promote the organization through quality rather than quantity. That which the organization lacks in numbers it more than makes up for in commitment to service, diversity and leadership. The four core principles of Zeta Phi Beta are scholarship, service, sisterhood and, above the others, finer womanhood. The organization was first founded on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 16, 1920, by our Five Founding Pearls: Arizona Cleaver Stemmons, Mrytle Tyler Faithful, Viola Tyler Goings, Fannie Pettie Watts and Pearl Anna Neal. The organization was founded on the premise that service should be the mission of Greek life, rather than aris-


this issue

tocracy. M. Dwaine Green who saw it Georgetown. She is joined by Since the founding of the necessary to help Zeta Phi Beta her fellow members, senior sorority, Zeta Phi Beta has along its journey to George- Teonia McCune and sophochronicled a series of firsts. town. more Kyndle Pace, to make up Zeta Phi Beta was the first The five charter members the Pi Upsilon chapter of Zeta sorority to establish a chap- were Olivia Coleman, Deanna Phi Beta. ter in Africa Despite in 1948, the being the smallfirst sorority est Greek orgato form youth nization on and adult auxcampus, these iliary groups three women and the first continue to to be constitustrive for greattionally bound ness and, at all to a fraternity, costs, remain Phi Beta Sigma finer. Fraternity, The chapIncorporated. ter has decided On Nov. to use social 9, 2014, Zeta media as a platPhi Beta also form to connect became the with students first and only at Georgetown Black Greek Submitted by Demetria Quincy College and to Letter Orga- The three members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, keep students nization to be are (from left to right) sophomore Kyndle Pace, senior informed and chartered at Teonia McCune, and President junior Demetria Quincy. engaged. Georgetown Just last College in the institution’s 200 Masterson, Demetria Quincy, April, Zeta Phi Beta hosted years of existence. Nikita Taggart and Christian “The Thirst is Real” Nexus This accomplishment Crues. Serving as the Presi- event which included a guest speaks volumes to both Zeta dent, junior Demetria Quincy speaker and a student panel. Phi Beta’s vision and to the is the only charter member that The purpose of this event was true leadership of President has not yet graduated from to educate other students on

the do’s and don’t’s of dating. The event was highly publicized on social media, and it proved to be one of the most widely attended Nexus events ever. On Feb. 23, 2016, the chapter will be partnering with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to host a Black History Month Nexus event on the topic “Not Letting Cultural Perceptions Limit You” in which Clark Jenell Davis, Miss Kentucky 2015, will be the guest speaker. The Nexus event is in a series entitled “Diversity” and is meant to encourage everyone that, no matter someone’s background, one can always achieve anything with the right mindset and attitude. Zeta Phi Beta is proud to help host this event because individuality and overcoming obstacles are important to the organization. Cultural perceptions and uncontrollable circumstances often play a large role in life, and this Nexus event is about breaking out of those molds.

Justice Scalia dies at 79 page 2

The environment, reprise: plastics page 11

Tigers win in week of outstanding performances page 4

This week with Sodexo: Chik-Fil-A in the Mulberry begins page 6

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