The Georgetonian - Spring 2016, Issue 5

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February 24, 2016

Volume CXXXVI Issue 5

Oxford Honors Program highlighted during Scholar’s Day

Dr. Hadaway and students speak to prospective students on behalf of Oxford By ABBY SMITH Staff Writer On Friday, Feb. 19, the campus hosted “Georgetown Scholar’s Day.” This event was sponsored by Admissions in conjunction with Georgetown’s “Programs of Distinction.” The programs included were the Christian Scholars Program, Equine Scholars, Oxford Honors and Spanish Immersion. High school seniors who have applied to Georgetown and to one or more of these various scholarship programs were invited to tour the campus, learn more about the academic programs to which they applied and take part in scholarship interviews. A number of students were invited to attend Georgetown Scholar’s Day specifically for the Oxford Honors Program. In the morning, there was a meeting for students and guests in which a detailed overview of the Oxford program was presented by Dr. Hadaway. First, Dr. Hadaway went over the requirements of the program. The students invited


this issue

had already applied to the pro- themselves in Oxford Uni- in order to prepare themselves gram, which requires a mini- versity just as any ordinary for this different way of learnmum 28 ACT composite and Oxford student. ing. unweighted GPA of 3.75 for However, the class strucAfter the general overhigh school applicants. Once ture at Oxford is very differ- view of Oxford was given, Dr. admitted, the students in Hadaway invited students the Oxford Honors Procurrently involved in the gram are expected to mainOxford Honors Program tain a strong GPA and take to share their experiences. certain honors courses. William Thomas and Evan Next, Dr. Hadaway Moore, two students curgave a brief overview rently in the practice tutoof the university itself. rial phase, shared their Oxford University is difthoughts on what they ferent in many ways from were getting out of the an American university. It Oxford Honors Program. dates back to the Medieval In the practice tutoperiod, when education rial, students are paired focused on religion. with Georgetown profesOne of its most unique sors in their disciplines to aspects is its college complete an independent system. Within the Unistudy in the Oxford tutoversity itself, there are 38 Submitted by Abby Smith rial style, which usually different colleges, and the The Radcliff Camera library in Oxford includes being given a largest of them has only University. reading list and an essay 400 students. The college assignment. in which Georgetown students ent. They operate on a tutorial Students who have sucenroll as visiting students is system, where students learn cessfully completed a term, or Regent’s Park College, which one–on–one with an Oxford several, at Oxford were also has 100 full–time undergradu- tutor in lieu of attending reg- invited to speak. The speakate students and 90 postgradu- ular class like in the American ers were seniors Ariel Wren, ate students. system. The Oxford Honors Tyler Philips, Abby Smith and This small academic com- Program sets up a practice Marina Rust. munity enables Georgetown tutorial for all students wishThey described their students to fully immerse ing to go to Oxford to complete tutorial experiences simi-

larly insofar as all had successful academic experiences in Oxford and said that the Georgetown Oxford Honors Program had more than prepared them for the level of learning that was expected while they were enrolled. They also briefly described what about their experiences had the most impact on them, and a common theme was the confidence and heightened critical thinking skills that come as a result of completing a term of study at Oxford University. The opening session was followed later by a “student– only” question and answer session in which prospective students were able to speak directly with current students in an informal setting about any final questions or concerns they had regarding the Oxford program. In addition to facilitating the Programs of Distinction interview processes, the events of the day were designed to inform the students and guests about the unique programs that Georgetown has to offer.

FBI asks Apple to create a backdoor page 2

Georgetown College must update website page 10

Cheer Team prepares for competition page 4

This week with Sodexo: A pledge for animal welfare page 6

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News FBI asks for information from Apple

The Georgetonian


Headlines Compiled by Noah Krieger

 In Mount Pocono, PA, two thieves stole 81–year–old Alice Makla’s purse through her car window while parked in her driveway. She gave chase and rear–ended their escape vehicle, which was later identified because of the damage and the suspects apprehended.  In Onkaparinga Hills, Australia, a rescue helicopter, sent to transport a man injured in a car accident, was grounded after landing near a herd of goats, one of which rammed the chopper and broke a window.  In Vienna, Austria, a man was fined $77 for a breach of peace when he belched near a policeman after a meal from a kebab stand.  In Patos, Brazil, firefighters were called to a bar to remove a monkey which drank a glass of rum, grabbed a knife, and chased the men around the bar while leaving the women alone. The monkey was successfully captured and released into the wild.  In Bradenton, FL, a man attempted to rob a Walgreens for Oxycodone, claiming he had a gun. Fortunately, the pharmacist’s boyfriend, a boxer, was visiting and subdued and held the man until police arrived. In Nevada, Iowa, a comedy club owner discovered a wallet lost in 1944 during renovations. He then managed to track down the 85–year–old owner and return the wallet.

By MEGAN NORRIS Staff Writer

Last week, a federal judge ordered Apple to help the Federal Bureau of Investigation gain access to encrypted data on an iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook who killed 14 people in San Bernardino, CA in December. Apple is facing a court– ordered deadline to help investigators by responding to the request by Feb 26. On Feb. 16, Apple released an open letter entitled “A Message to Our Customers” where it informed the readers that the United States government has requested certain data that is in Apple’s possession. Apple stated that it “complies with valid subpoenas and search warrants, as [they] have in the San Bernardino case” ( The FBI has asked Apple to make a new version of the iPhone operating system, one that will circumvent several important security features, and install it on an iPhone recovered


FBI director James Comey, left, and National Intelligence Agency director James Clapper discuss the San Bernardino case.

during the investigation. Put simply, the FBI wants Apple to build a new version of iOS that bypasses the security. The government suggests this tool could only be used once, on one phone, but Apple said, “that’s simply not true.” ( Apple’s argument to this request is that if this software were to exist—it currently does not—there is no way to guarantee that it would only be used for the San Bernardino case. “Once created, the technique could be used over and over again, on any number of devices. In the physical world, it would be the equivalent of a master key, capable of opening millions of locks—from restaurants and banks to stores and homes. No reasonable person would find that acceptable,” said Apple. ( Last December, after Farook and Source: Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people, Farrok’s and Malik’s getaway car after they died in a shootout with police. the police shootout. The police seized all of their elec-

tronics in order to find out more about the shooters, and they discovered that the killers had smashed their cellphones and removed the hard drive from their laptop. An iPhone 5c belonging to Farook was found in the car where they died. ( Apple has spent the past few years positioning itself as “The Privacy Company.” The company has increased its security against everyone, including themselves. After the releasing of Apple’s letter to its customers, the FBI Director James Comey said, “We don’t want to break anyone’s encryption or set a master key loose on the land” ( Comey’s response was aimed toward the idea that vital decisions involving safety from terrorists shouldn’t be left in the hands of “corporations that sell stuff for a living” (

Issue 5


February 24, 2016 Page 3

Kesha is denied an end to her contract By LINDSEY PHILLIPS Staff Writer

Earlier this month, Kesha went to court trying to get out of her contract with Sony. She allegedly wants to leave the label in order to avoid working with Lukasz Gottwald, otherwise known as Dr. Luke. Kesha has accused her former producer of sexual harassment and rape. Many of Kesha’s big hits were co–produced or even written by her former producer. Songs like “Tik Tok,” “Timber,” “Take It Off” and “We R Who We R” were co–written or co–produced by him. Dr. Luke discovered Kesha in 2005 when she was 18 and has since been heavily involved in her career. In 2014, Kesha went into rehab for an eating disorder. Later in 2014, Kesha sued Dr. Luke for rape, drug

threats and emotional/physical distress. Very soon after word got out about Kesha’s accuations, Gottwald filed a countersuit. His claim is that Kesha and her mother (Pebe Sebert) came up with the lawsuit just to get out of the exclusive contract, after he’d already done so much work for her. Dr. Luke has also taken to Twitter to defend himself against Kesha’s allegations. He has shared two seperate instances where Kesha has been under oath and denied any intimate relationship with him. He said, “Kesha and I were friends for many years and she was like my little sister” ( Judge Kornreich, who is presiding over the case, is waitSource: ing to hear more evidence Kesha started crying after Justice Shirley Kornreich denied her case for before dismissing the case. ending her exclusive contract with Dr. Luke.

Bush resigns from presidential campaign By BAILEE BOGGESS Staff Writer

On Saturday, Feb. 20, the South Carolina elections took place, and the results were shocking to many. With Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton taking the lead, other presidential candidates were left in the dust to reevaluate their place in the race. Jeb Bush was one of these candidates. Ultimately, he decided to suspend his campaign for the 2016 presidential elections based on the not–so–good results he got. In a speech following the results on national television, he said “The people of Iowa and New Hampshire

and South Carolina have spoken, and so tonight I am suspending my campaign.” ( According to the stats from previous races, Bush had not won a single GOP contest and was not placed in the top three. This alone was a large setback for him and started the campaign off on a negative foot. Reporters latched on to Bush at the beginning of the campaign season due to his family history in presidency from his father and brother. He started off with lots of money ($100 million as reported by the New York Times) and support as a front– runner. A basis of his platform

was “an experienced governor from a swing state who could help expand the GOP base by appealing to Latinos and craft a narrative of a more compassionate GOP” ( During his campaign, he became known for his simple slogan of “Jeb!” However, he soon began getting bad press at the hands of fellow candidate Donald Trump. He called him a “low-energy candidate,” which was “a label that stuck” ( It also did not help that he was seen as being a “misfit, or seemingly uncomfortable on television and on the debate stage” ( Supporters of Bush were

disappointed in his withdrawal from the race. U.S. Veteran Sean Kilbane said, “It’s a huge letdown. Americans have shown how susceptible they are to one– liners, to rhetoric, and just ignore issues and policy. It’s an example of how easily Americans can be manipulated just by getting them emotional” ( Bush has not announced anything about what he plans to do next in the political world, or if he plans to even continue to be involved in it.

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Sports & Recreation

The Georgetonian

Cheerleaders prepare for MSC Competition By MEGAN NORRIS Staff Writer On Wednesday, March 2, the cheerleading squad, led by coaches Betsy Montgomery and Angela Earwood, will compete at the NAIA MidSouth Conference Competition in Frankfort, Ky. Georgetown College Tiger Cheerleaders, throughout the entire year, have worked towards the competition in March that will be hosted at the Frankfort Convention Center. For the first time in years, Georgetown will compete with multiple males on the team. The squad now has four male members on the team that really help add to the dynamic of the team. Senior Colleen Robinson said, “The dynamic is a lot different, but good, with the

guys on the team. They were pretty new to what was going on, but they picked it up fast, and without them, we couldn’t have reached the difficulty level in our stunts that we have now.” Those members are senior Joseph Lane, and freshmen Josh Brodzik, Travis Parker and Austin Bambach. “There is no other team I would rather compete with; we have the best, and we are the best,” said Lane. Senior Rachel Mergenthal stated her excitement about the competition. “I can’t wait to see how all of our hard work has paid off as I take the mat one last time,” said Mergenthal. The Tigers have four seniors, Mergenthal, Lane, Colleen Robinson and Megan Norris. The Tigers will be competing against six other teams

in the competition for the Mid-South Conference. Those teams include University of Pikeville, University of the Cumberlands, Lindsey Wilson College, St. Catharine College, Campbellsville University and Cumberland University (Tenn.). As well as competing for a

team title, individual awards will also be announced at the competition. Awards at this year’s event feature an all-female stunt competition, co– ed stunt competition, MSC Cheerleader of the Year, MSC Cheerleading Freshman of the Year and MSC Champions of Character Award voted by the

Photo submitted by Megan Norris

The cheerleading squad will be competing in Frankfort on March 2.

Upcoming Sporting Events (Home events denoted by **) Feb. 25 Women’s Basketball vs. Shawnee State University (6 p.m.)** Feb. 25 Men’s Basketball vs. Shawnee State University (8 p.m.)** Feb. 26 Men’s and Women’s Tennis @ SCAD Atlanta (11 a.m.) Feb. 26 Women’s Lacrosse vs. Lawrence Technological University (6 p.m.)** Feb. 27 Baseball vs. Indiana Institute of Technology (1 p.m.)** Feb. 27 Softball vs. Kentucky Christian University (1 p.m.)** Feb. 28 Baseball vs. Indiana Institute of Technology (1 p.m.)** Feb. 28 Softball vs. Clarke University (1 p.m.)** Mar. 1 Women’s Lacrosse vs. Ave Maria University (5 p.m.)**

conference’s athletic directors. Furthermore, 14 students will be named first–team all– conference, and 14 will be chosen for second–team all– conference. The team competition portion of the event consists of two parts: a 45–second gameday cheer routine and then by 2–minutes, 15–seconds of stunts, tumbling and jumps choreographed to music. Want to see what the Tiger Cheerleaders will be performing next Wednesday? On Tuesday, Feb. 29 at 6 p.m. in the Rec, Tiger Cheerleaders will be hosting an open–event for students, faculty, staff, alumni, family and friends to enjoy the routine they have worked so hard on for the season.

Issue 5

Sports & Recreation

February 24, 2016 Page 5

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK – SHAWN KENNEDY By MEGAN NORRIS Staff Writer This week’s Athlete of the Week, from San Dimas, Calif., is senior Shawn Kennedy. Shawn is a pitcher for the Georgetown College Baseball team, and was just named the Mid–South Conference Pitcher of the Week, earning him the honor of being Georgetown’s Athlete of the Week. Shawn said he has been playing baseball since he could walk. He said, “I was two years old walking around with a bat in my hand.” Despite being a senior, this is only his second year for the Tigers. The Tiger Baseball Team is currently 7–4, with upcoming games against Brescia University, Trinity Christian College, Indiana Institute of Technol-

ogy and Union College this back and make plays for me. week. My offense will score runs so I “This season we’ve already can pitch with a lead.” witnessed ups and downs, and Shawn’s personal stats this some tough losses that are hard to get past. We need to keep working hard to get through the grind games to keep going in the right direction. We have a lot of talent this year and need to just play our game and not worry about anything else,” said Shawn. He said his biggest personal battle while playing baseball has been, “Just trying not to over throw. I do not need to strike everyone out every single game. I trust that the guys Photo submitted by Megan Norris behind me will have my

season are impressive. Shawn is 2–0 for the season with an ERA of 1.50. When asked how it felt being chosen as MSC’s Pitcher of the Week, he said, “It’s a great achievement to be pitcher of the week. I have never received this in my entire career, and it was a feeling of excitement when I saw that I was pitcher of the week. “Even though this is a great achievement, I can’t be content with just this. I have to keep working hard to be ready for the next week when I get to pitch again.” Not only is Shawn impressive on the field, he also excels outside of baseball. In his free tome,

Shawn likes to play ping-pong and golf and eat BBQ with his teammates. As a health science major, Shawn plans to return to California after graduation to work in either a hospital or a physical therapy center. “I want to shout out all my teammates. I love you guys, and I’m ready to go to war with every single one of you. Go ‘gers! And shout out to all the people that said I couldn’t do it or I wasn’t good enough. If people aren’t laughing at your dreams, then they aren’t big enough. God bless America, and God bless the Buffalo Bills.”

Tiger basketball prepares for Senior Night By DOUG MOLLETT Sports Editor On Thursday, Feb. 25, nine Georgetown College Tiger basketball players will take the court for the last time. On Senior Night, the Tigers will play Shawnee State University in hopes for a win for the last home game of the season. There are six women’s basketball seniors. They are Tena Johnson, Jessica Foster, Haley Armstrong, Mykal Farris, Ashli Mayes and Teonia McCune.

The three men’s basketball seniors are Noah Cottrill, Tony Kimbro and Deondre McWhorter. Tip–off for the women’s game is scheduled for Thursday at 6 p.m. The men’s game is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. Both games will be held in the Davis-Reid Alumni Gym. All students are admitted to home basketball games for free with their G–Card. Come out on Thursday and support the Tiger seniors on their very special Senior Night.

Do you want to write articles for The Georgetonian? Contact Evan Moore


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By DOUG MOLLETT Sports Editor Landon Thomas Norman is a senior from Eddyville, Ky. He is a political science major and psychology minor. After graduation, he plans to attend law school and then go on to open up his own law practice. On campus, Landon is very involved. Currently, he serves on the Accountability Board, and he is a member of the Presidents House Association where he serves as the Fundraising Chair. Previously, he has been a part of Residence Life, was the student supervisor for the Phone–a–Thon office and was an Orientation Leader. While speaking about the

The Georgetonian

Presidents House Association, he said, “The organization and the men of PHA have helped me in so many ways by challenging me to be the best person I can be. PHA has made my Georgetown experience great.” Landon has really enjoyed his time here at Georgetown College. He said, “My favorite Georgetown tradition is probably SongFest. Homecoming week is such a fun time for everyone involved.” Georgetown College has helped Landon improve academically, socially and as a person. “One of the best things about Georgetown is the relationships built with professors who actually care about you enough to get to know you.

They really will do everything in their power to help you and see you succeed,” he said. Landon is thought of very highly on campus. Elyssa Holt, a junior, said, “Landon was my Directions leader before I got to Georgetown. He was one of my first friends in college, and he continues to be one of my closest friends.” Aidan Young, a freshman, said, “I just met Landon this semester because he studied abroad last fall, but I can already tell that he is one of the best people on campus. He is always willing to help out.” Landon has some advice for underclassmen. “Go to class. Don’t waste your parents’ money. Study first; have a good time later.”

Photo submitted by Doug Mollett

Landon, a political science major, plans to attend law school after graduating from Georgetown College this May.

Equine Scholars welcomed prospective students last week By BAILEE BOGGESS Staff Writer On Friday, Feb. 19, Georgetown College had a Scholar’s Day for the prospective students of the 2016–2017 year. Programs such as the Oxford Honors and Christian Scholars had their own programs created to give these incoming freshman more information about the program or programs in which they were to be involved. The Equine Scholars Program, directed by Chelsey Reid, developed a unique and informative day for future scholars that gave them all the information they would need about the horse program here

at Georgetown. According to Reid, “It was a wonderful day that provided the unique opportunity for incoming Equine Scholars to connect with current Equine Scholars doing things they will be doing in the fall when they arrive on campus.” When they first arrived to campus, the Equine Office had an open house to show future students that to which they will have access when they start on campus in the fall. The Equine Office is located inside the Meetinghouse on E. College Street. Here, basic information about the program was given and any questions were answered. After this, students inter-

ested in joining the Equestrian Team were given a tour of Scheffelridge Farm. This farm is where students on the team take riding lessons, board their horses (if they have them) and train for upcoming shows. Students then had the opportunity to eat with current Equine Scholars ranging from freshmen to seniors in order to gain a better perspective of what being in the program is actually like. The highlight of the day was when students were able to attend an equine event, which was a lecture with Lee Carter from USEF (United States Equestrian Federation). Carter is a graduate from Georgetown College and has

served previously as the Director of Rolex Kentucky Three– Day Event, an event at which the Equine Scholars volunteer each Spring.

(EQUINE, page 7) The Georgetonian/BAILEE BOGGESS

Scholar’s Day included a tour of Scheffelridge Farm, where the Equestrian Team trains.


Issue 5

February 24, 2016 Page 7

In the know with Sodexo: Sodexo expands animal welfare policy By MEGAN NORRIS

ring with Sodexo on Georgetown’s campus. Ending out the month of Sodexo has recently February, a few events might announced a new commitment catch your eye. to eliminate veal crates from On Thursday, Feb. 25, its supply chain by 2017 and a there will be a Pretzel Bar at phased–in approach the late night grille. to sourcing all egg Over the weekend, products exclusively celebrate National from cage–free hens Pistachio Day (Feb. by 2020. 26), National Straw“By committing berry Day (Feb. 27) to source all egg and National Chili products exclusively Day (Feb. 28). from cage–free hens, As we begin Sodexo has built on March in sight of an already strong Spring Break just set of animal welfare a few weeks away, policies, with this Sodexo will be cellatest pledge affect- Photo submitted by Megan Norris ebrating National ing the removal of GC students can sign up for text messages Nutrition month. 750,000 hens annu- about dining offers and events, as well as to Last but not ally from extreme provide feedback on dining services. least, this week, the confinement in batMulberry Café will tery cage systems,” be producing new said Wayne Pacelle, president Shae Henry, Zoe Stovik, Kim cookies that have already and CEO of the Humane Soci- Garcia, Michael Destantis, started a ruckus: sugar cookety of the United States (Sodex- Shelby Vogel, Ashton Trun- ies with sprinkles. Sure, the nell, William Thomas, Aaron Caf cookies are all the rave, What else is going on with Benge, Melissa Rodriguez, but try these new cookies in Sodexo? Alex Caudill, Megan Norris, the Mulberry, and you will On March 1, the Caf Com- Amy Kao, Renee Toole and not be disappointed. mittee will meet in the Jones Madison Zimmer. Did you know that you Hall Nelson Suite at 11 a.m. Coming from a week of can glance at what will be If you have questions or con- excitement over Chick–fil–A served in the Caf in advance? cerns about something in the in the Mulberry, even more Check out georgtowncollege. Caf, or have a suggestion, talk exciting changes are occur- Sodexo Marketing Intern

to a member of the Caf Committee so that your voice can be heard. The members of the Caf Committee are as follows: Turner Altman, Amber Dees, McKenzie Moore,

Want to stay updated with events and promotions associated with Sodexo? As the new marketing intern, I am helping to implement a new program called “mydtxt.” This is essentially a mass text system that will provide students promotional texts, coupons, and information about upcoming events and meals in the Caf. For special offers and discounts, text “GeorgetownEats” to 82257. For more information about dining events and meals

at the late night grille, text “GeorgetownEvents” to 82257. To give feedback to Sodexo, text “GeorgetownFeedback” plus your feedback to 82257. Don’t want to commit to text messages? That’s okay, too! You can keep up with Georgetown College Sodexo on social media. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, look for Georgetown College Dining, and, on Twitter, follow us @CafDiningatGT.

Quote My Georgetown Professor “It’s cute how you say ‘thank you’ even though you’re full of anger inside.” - Dr. Burch Posted on the “Quote My Georgetown Professor” Facebook group

Georgetown Tree Huggers

Equine, cont’d from page 6 Prospective students had the opportunity to hear Carter’s journey through the equestrian business world and were able to ask questions to learn more about this area of work. This also allowed the students to see where the

program will be able to take them in the future, not only during their time at Georgetown. Lastly, current Equine Scholars members took the future scholars to the Mulberry for coffee and snacks to

chat more about the program. It seemed that each student had a wonderful day and reported that they left feeling very informed about the program.

The Georgetonian/DOUG MOLLETT

This week’s Tree Hugger is sophomore Haley Oliver.

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The Georgetonian

The biggest band you never heard By HARLEY DUBLOW Staff Writer Twenty øne piløts, often abbreviated as tøp, is a group of two men that was formed in Columbus, Ohio, back in 2009. The two members are Josh Dun, who entered the band in 2011 to play drums, and Tyler Joseph, the original founder, as well as singer, pianist, keytar player, accordionist, bass guitarist, keyboardist and ukulele player. They have four albums under their belt, which include their self–titled album (2009, with Nick Thomas and Chris Salih) and “Regional at Best” (2011). In 2012, the duo signed on with Fueled By Ramen. In 2013, they released their first signed debut, “Vessel,” followed by “Blurryface,” which was released on May 15, 2015.

“Blurryface” was the album that sent them soaring to the top of the charts with their hit single, “Stressed Out,” which reached number two on Billboard for weeks. Unfortunately, most people only know tøp by this song, and do not know the meaning behind it. Blurryface was an alter–ego created by Joseph to represent his insecurities. Joseph has always been open about his struggles with depression and anxiety, and this has resonated with millions of fans worldwide. In the music video for “Stressed Out,” he is seen with black paint covering his neck and hands. This is a metaphor for the suffocation he feels from stress. The most recognized line in the song is as follows: “My name’s Blurryface, and I care what you think.”

In an interview with, Joseph explains the meaning of it. “It’s just being honest,” Joseph begins. “One thing that you notice about anyone that gets up on stage is that they don’t really have a lot of self–awareness. It’s kind of a trait that performers don’t have because you just kinda just have to let go and do whatever you want to do on stage. “Self–awareness is a character trait that’s terrible to have if you’re a performer…a lot of these performers [have a sense of] not caring how they come across…I just think that for me personally, I’m not completely like that.” The lyrics that Joseph writes are far more meaningful than they seem on the surface, and not many people realize this, especially if they didn’t become fans until “Blurryface” debuted.

So, while it may be fun to sit down and rap about “student loans and tree house homes,” you should look into it. There is a reason behind every line of every song, and that is part of what makes tøp such a unique band. While “Stressed Out” continues to climb the charts, buy their other albums and enjoy their music not for the beat, but for the meaning; help them get the recognition that they really deserve. Also, catch their newest tour, EMØTIØNAL RØADSHØW, this summer.

Georgetown to host “Where I’m From” event By KAITLIN FAHEY Features Editor On Monday, March 7, the Scott County Arts and Cultural Center will host an event called “’Where I’m From’: A Poetry of Place,” during which, members of the community are invited to read poems that they have created using the name of the event as a writing prompt. The event is part of a larger initiative from the Kentucky Arts Council and Kentucky Poet Laureate George Ella Lyon. As Poet Laureate, Lyon’s responsibilities are to “promote the arts and lead the state in literary endeavors” ( Her aim behind the “Where I’m From” project is to collect memory poems from each of Kentucky’s 120 counties. In late April, select poems will be published on the Kentucky Arts Council website.

Though it may sound complicated, “I edited [the lists] into a poem—not a memory poem is “simply a list of my usual way of working—but even what’s important to you” (Artscouncil. when that was done I kept on making Lyon, a Harlan County native the lists. The process was too rich and who attended Centre College, recounts too much fun to give up after only one in her own poem the box of old photos poem. Realizing this, I decided to try it underneath her bed and the taste of the as an exercise with other writers, and dirt underneath her it immediately took back porch among off. The list form is other memories. simple and familThe idea behind iar, and the ques“Where I’m From” tion of where you came from Lyon’s are from reaches response to a poem deep.” (Georgeelby one of her friends, Source: Jo Carson, that asked Ah, home sweet home. Lyon also gave the question of how some advice to one gets to be “from” a place. those writing their own “Where I’m “In the summer of 1993, I decided From” poem: “Remember, you are the to see what would happen if I made my expert on you. No one else sees the own where–I’m–from lists, which I did, world as you do; no one else has your in a black and white speckled composi- material to draw on,” she wrote on tion book,” Lyon wrote on her website. her website. “You don’t have to know

where to begin. Just start. Let it flow. Trust the work to find its own form.” ( The event will begin at 6 p.m., with refreshments being served at 5:30. The Scott County Arts and Cultural Center is located at 117 N. Water Street in downtown Georgetown. Students and staff of Georgetown College are encouraged to attend and participate either as listeners or by sharing poems of their own. Those with questions or seeking more information about the event may contact Elizabeth Sands Wise at elizabethsandswise@ or Jawanna Herd at Lyon’s original poem, “Where I’m From,” along with the full story behind it, can be found at

ArtsEntertainment Celebraties step up to support Kesha Issue 5

By KATE DOCTOR Web Editor On Friday, singer and songwriter Kesha burst into tears in court when the judge ruled in denial against her wish to break a 6–album deal with Sony, as well as to break away from the man and super–producer she says raped her. Dr. Luke (or his real name, Luke Gottwald), known as a super–producer who helps to produce big name singers in Sony, was accused of drugging Kesha with a pill that made her black out and then raping her shortly thereafter on her 18th birthday in California. Dr. Luke was never formally criminally charged. Sony had offered to let Kesha work with another producer, but she fears that her music will not be promoted by

Sony as heavily if she does not work with Dr. Luke, who is considered their biggest hit maker. Her desire is to break ties with Sony and to work with other labels and brands and to have control over her career in general. Over the years, Kesha has been struggling with the demands given to her by Sony and Dr. Luke. At one point, she was admitted to rehab for an eating disorder. Kesha’s mother, Pebe Sebert, told People magazine that she had been pressured into losing weight by Dr. Luke, allegedly comparing her to a “refrigerator.” In the formal suit, it says that, he “sexually, physically, verbally and emotionally abused Ms. Sebert to the point where Ms. Sebert nearly lost her

life,” all in order to “maintain complete control over her life and career” ( The reason why Kesha had not reported all of the abuse is that she believed Dr. Luke had enough power to carry out the threats he had allegedly made towards her, so she felt that it was best for her own safety to keep silent. Dr. Luke said that the allegations are not true; his lawyer said, “The allegations against him are outright lies that have been advanced to extort a contract renegotiation and money… Kesha and her counsel have cavalierly subjected Dr. Luke and his family to trial by Twitter, using a vicious smear campaign to ruin his reputation for financial gain while failing to support their claims” ( Many stars, including Taylor Swift,

February 24, 2016 Page 9

Lady Gaga, Lorde, Kelly Clarkson, Demi Lovato, Arianna Grande and many more, have offered public support to Kesha. Taylor Swift has donated $250,000 to Kesha to help offset costs and compensate for everything she is going through. Many fans are also rallying around her through social media with the hashtag #freekesha. Kesha is appreciative of all the support, tweeting this message on Feb. 18: “thank you for all the support in my legal case animals. i love all of you. it’s meant the world to me. Xoxo [sic]” It will be interesting to see how the rest of this story unfolds in time.

Game of the week: “Deadpool” By JOHN WAITE Staff Writer Oh, Deadpool. This guy is just awesome and is everywhere these days. With the new movie out, which I still need to see, I decided to re–play the game that came out a few years ago. After beating the game again, I realized that this has to be the best representation of a Deadpool game. So, without further ado, let’s talk about this crazy game. Story–wise, it’s what you’d expect from a “Deadpool” game. Deadpool is sitting in his chair while watching a T.V. show about himself, when High Moon Studios, the creators of the game, call and refuse his game proposal. After a bit of convincing, they call back and tell him that he has a game. After not reading the script, the game begins and

you start by fighting bad guys. game. At one point, Deadpool wastes The story is simple, but it leaves the whole budget for the game, so they plenty of room for Deadpool to be him- have to make it into an old NES game. self. The story is all over the place and The story might be a little dull, but is really funny. the gameplay is As you progwhere it’s at. ress, you meet This game some characters is a really cool relating to Deadmix of a hack ‘n pool, including slash and a few Cable, Rouge, RPG elements. Domino, WolverYou have muline and Mistress tiple weapon Death. options, ranging The jokes Source: from hand guns in this game are Deadpool: the best anti–hero ever. to katanas and just great. It is so rocket launchers. over–the–top, and the game breaks the Deadpool has a few abilities as well. fourth wall multiple times. He has the ability to teleport short disDuring the first part of the game, tances, and he has a heal factor. You Deadpool calls his own voice actor, can buy more weapons and abilities as Nolan North, to play him in the video you earn more Deadpool Points.

Some say the combat is too repetitive. I can see where they’re coming from, but I feel like the combat is just fine. Granted, it’s not “Batman: Arkham series” levels of combat, but it’s still fun to play for hours. The way you can customize your skills as you progress is really cool, and you can go whatever weapon route you want. Overall, I love this game. The story, no matter how simple, is amazing and super funny. The gameplay is also top notch. If you’re a Deadpool fan, or just a comic book fan in general, you should play this game. You can get “Deadpool” for the PS3, XBox 360, PC, PS4, and XBox One.


Page 10

The Georgetonian

Georgetonian Website needs updating


Editor-in-Chief....................................................Evan Moore Managing Editor.............................................. Kaitlin Fahey News Editor..............................................Rachel Cheatham S&R Editor....................................................... Doug Mollett Features Editor................................................ Kaitlin Fahey A&E Editor...............................................Danielle O’Connell Opinion Editor.................................................... Eric Balmer Back Page Editor............................................Raleigh Dixon Web Editor . .....................................................Kate Doctor Photo Editor........................................................Jenny Cobb Technical Editor...............................................Andrew Giles Copy Editor...................................................Elizabeth Smith Copy Editor.....................................................Andrea Bellew Copy Editor.....................................................Whitney Bryan Faculty Adviser...........................................Jennifer Beckett

The Georgetonian is a free weekly newspaper published most Wednesdays during the academic year by Georgetown College in Georgetown, Ky. Its contents are written and edited by current students of Georgetown College. Letters to the editor should be under 600 words and should include the writer’s name and telephone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. Please send letters to one of the following addresses:



The Georgetonian Georgetown College 400 E. College Street Box 280 Georgetown, Kentucky, 40324

All material printed in The Georgetonian is copyright ©2013 Georgetown College, unless otherwise noted. Any republication in any form without express permission from the writer and editor is prohibited.

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By WILLIAM THOMAS Opinion Columnist

On the importance of a well–kept and updated website… The Georgetown College Admissions website recently received a huge update in accessibility, visuals and overall presentation. The website has greatly improved accessibility by reducing the number of buttons and links to click on and the number of dropdown menus to search through. Visually, the website is sleek and modern, utilizing a dark gray border to accent the vibrant orange highlights and colorful pictures present on the page. Scheduling a visit and starting an application couldn’t be easier, as those options are available at the click of a button on the main page. Additionally, two other “big question topics” are readily available on the main page: academics and financial aid. The admissions team has done a great job of putting together a great website free of dead links and complex navigation. Unfortunately, the rest of the college website is not as brilliant. The main page really looks sharp and is home to a

large photo ticker that presents upcoming events, news, and information about campus. The main page is home to easy links for applications, visit scheduling, and monetary giving. It also lists upcoming events on campus and in athletics and gives some fast facts about the college. After moving deeper into the website, though, it only gets worse. I think one of the main problems that plagues the college website is its unnecessarily complex layout. The website is home to massive drop down menus and sidebar menus. For example, hovering over the “Students” button brings up a large dropdown menu, and continuing to the “Student Organizations” page will take you to a huge webpage that features a sidebar menu with over 100 options. This is simply too large to be efficient and is certainly not an appealing undertaking for visitors to the website. It can take way too long to find needed information. Moreover, many of the links and pages in the depths of the website lead to dead pages, 404 errors and “Coming Soon!” pages that, well, have never come. Georgetonian


Some of the Georgetown website links lead to error pages.

Much of the information on the website is outdated, listing “Upcoming Events” from 2013 on various pages. Not only is this frustrating to a visitor looking for information on those pages, but it simply comes off as unprofessional and sloppy. It is not the image Georgetown needs to present to prospective students and parents. The problems the website presents are not all easy fixes. It is a huge task to manage such a large website and arguably an even bigger task to code and maintain a great look. Some fixes, however, could be easily fixed. The complexity of the website could be reduced by taking much information that is useful for current students and making it available on the portal, which is used solely by current students. For example, information on fraternities and sororities should be included on the college site, as it is pertinent to prospective students, but information on the judicial review board for fraternity and sorority life isn’t necessarily a concern of prospective students and parents. It takes up space when it doesn’t need to. I would love to see the college review, condense and update the college website. Consolidate the graphic themes and make them like the new admissions page; clean up all broken links, dead pages and outdated information; and condense the information on the website to make sure it is not overwhelming to search for information.


Issue 5

February 24, 2016 Page 11

Jeb Bush falls short of family name By MEGAN NORRIS Staff Writer Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush announced on Saturday evening that he is ending his presidential search after a loss in the South Carolina. While spending nearly 130 million dollars on his campaign, Bush now has nothing to show for it. No other candidate this year has fallen so short of the original expectations set out for them. “I’m proud of the campaign that we’ve run to unify our country,” Bush said in an emotional speech on Saturday, after his third straight disappointing finish in the early voting states. “The people of Iowa and New Hampshire and

South Carolina have spoken, he could do nothing to erase tory of politicians. Both his and I really respect their deci- or dilute: Jeb was a “Bush” father and his brother were sion” ( through and through. He cam- presidents, so how is it that The former two– voters could believe term governor of Florthat Jeb would change ida failed to inspire things that his father and Republican primary brother didn’t? voters whose mood and From the beginning of needs had changed drahis campaign, Jeb strugmatically since he left gled to handle both his government in 2007. famous last name and the After promising legacy of his infamous to conduct a “joyful” brother, George W. Bush, campaign, Bush instead who led the nation into a locked himself in an Source: widely unpopular war in ugly and disappoint- Gov. Jeb Bush dropped out of the presi- Iraq to pursue weapons ing trail. His campaign dential race after months and millions of mass destruction that remained under attack spent. never materialized. from his rivals in the Throughout his campolitical world that he had paigned at a time when voters paign, Jeb improved somethought would be rooting for scoffed at the political and eco- what as a debater, but he him. nomic establishment that the never seemed to dominate the Bush’s biggest liability family name represented. heavily watched encounters. It by far was a pedigree that Jeb comes from a long his- seems that Bush’s most memo-

rable moments in his campaign are his uneven performances with Donald Trump. According to sources and various headlines, the financial muscle is what became very lucid to the political operation and hallmarked Bush’s campaign. There’s no way to know if Jeb’s campaign was even aiming at success. At this point, all we can note is that Jeb failed at grasping the strong on the beginning states primary elections that were needed for him to continue his families history in the political realm of Washington politics. Here’s to Jeb signing off. We all know it was the smartest move.

the last few years. Older generations have labeled us as raucous, uncontrollable and dysfunctional. If you’re walking down the street and see a young teenage girl with leggings, a monogrammed shirt, an iPhone and Starbucks, the immediate assumption is made that she is most likely spoiled and lazy. When asked to think about how a teenage boy might look, a young, preppy guy who wears a sport coat and penny loafers and who makes questionable decisions on the weekends comes to mind. Unfortunately, gender distinctions are so detrimental to the millennial generation and

human mind can comprehend. We will be the generation to change the world through our innovative creativity. So, instead of feeding into the pop culture that has divided and conquered our generation, we should focus on becoming the best individuals that we can possibly be. Be inspired by the world around you, live each day by experiencing new things, and appreciate the nuances in yourself. Changing the perception of our generation starts with the individual, and it needs to start now.

Millenials are going to change the world

By BAILEE BOGGESS Staff Writer A millennial can be defined as several different things: a time period, a celebration of a thousand years passing or a young adult born in the 1990s or early 2000s. Our society places many different labels to go with this word with both positive and negative connotations. However, being a millennial is so much more than a definition published on Wikipedia or Urban Dictionary. Millennials are the up–and– coming minds of our society, but they seem to have developed a bad reputation within

have permeated every single nook and cranny of our society. We have been labeled as thugs, lazy students, effortless employees, technology dependent, overreacting radicals and hypocritical conservatives. The most problematic thing about the negative identity being placed on millennials is that it is hindering the potential for many of the young adults within this generation. While there is a select group of academically successful and “normal” individuals who break the stereotypes in communities, the rest are funneled into a category of humans that seem to scare older generations for the safety of our world.

Employers are skeptical to hire millennials because of preconceived notions. Future employees are evaluated for the absence of errant behavior, dependability and conceited attitudes rather than their actual potential within a work place. How, in all honestly, is this fair to up–and–coming professionals in the world? How are stereotypes and judgments made against an entire generation helping anyone do anything but stop the influx of brilliant minds? Our generation is the first to grow up in a world with technology that has the capability to do more things than the

T H E B A C K PA G E On Beyoncé, the Black Panthers and the necessity for Black History Month By Raleigh Dixon BackPage Editor Before I begin, I would like to offer my sincerest apology for the BackPage last week. It has been my goal this year to offer insightful commentary on issues affecting the lives of our student body both at Georgetown College and abroad in the wide world in which we find ourselves. Last week, I was battling an illness and workload that left me cripplingly fatigued, and the weather was melancholy to say the least. I irresponsibly and lazily allowed these factors to seep into my writing, which left you, the reader, with a BackPage that seriously lacked content with any level of depth. However, after a weekend spent hiking at Red River Gorge and amongst friends, my health is returning. It is also currently sunny and 55 degrees outside (although there may very well be 3 inches of snow on the ground by the time you read this), and I am much more optimistic about life and the world. So, without any further ado, let us look into the matter at hand: Black History Month. Going to public schools in the middle of an urban center for 13 years while growing up exposed me to a level of diversity that is hard to find in most places in our state, including here at Georgetown College. As a result, Black History Month, and black history in general, were an integral part of my education. I can remember countless presentations I both witnessed and participated in that pertained to topics ranging from the Underground Railroad to the Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement. Understanding these and other stories of the African–American community in the United States are essential to understanding the fabric of American society as it exists today.

Per usual, Facebook is providing me with the ammunition to write this week. A sentiment that I have seen echoed by various posts on my newsfeed, as well as by political pundits on popular cable television networks such as Fox News, is that we do not need Black History Month, and to isolate it apart from other history is racist in and of itself. This is a lie. One need look no further to find proof of this than Beyonce’s recent performance at the Super Bowl and the subsequent backlash she recieved for it. In case you were not one of the 100 million+ Americans who watched the game, I will give you a short summary: Beyoncé performed a rendition of her newest song “Formation.” In the music video for “Formation,” which debuted the day before the Super Bowl, Beyoncé embraced her New Orleans roots and featured images of a sinking cop car in an homage to Hurricane Katrina as well as police officers in riot gear with their hands up before panning to a wall with the words “Stop shooting us” scrawled in spray paint. While performing at the Super Bowl, Beyoncé wore a military jacket reminiscent of the one Michael Jackson wore in his 1993 Super Bowl performance. Beyoncé’s backup dancers wore militaristic costumes with berets that served as remembrance for the Black Panther Party, and part of the choreography paid respect to civil rights activist Malcom X. It was one of my favorite performances in recent memory. Beyoncé, as she is wont to do, absolutely killed her performance and used her stage to make implicit and explicit statements about black pride and the Black Lives Matter Movement. Unfortunately, not everyone shared such a positive outlook on Queen Bee’s performance. On Fox News’ morning show “Fox and Friends” the day after the Super

Bowl, pundits were shocked to find that Beyoncé’s lyrics were “asking police officers to stop shooting blacks!” Yes, because that is such a preposterous thing to ask for. Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani was particularly upset with Beyonce’s salute to the Black Panthers and criticism of the police. But perhaps the most cringe– worthy criticism of Beyoncé’s halftime performance came from Facebook– famous reporter Tomi Lahren of “The Blaze.” She criticized Beyonce for using her platform to support a group that wants to “overthrow white domination.” She also claimed that Beyoncé was merely playing the racial victim card to get attention and called the Black Panthers a terrorist organization similar to the KKK. Lastly, she complained that Beyoncé was race–baiting and refused to let racial wounds heal. First, for Lahren to complain about the overthrow of white dominance like it is a bad thing speaks volumes about the beliefs on race relations that she and her subscribers truly hold. Also, it seems a bit curious that any white person should essentially just say “get over it” whenever a black person might have the audacity to bring attention to an injustice that exists in the world. For a history of the Black Panthers, I do not have the time to go into full detail, but we can have a quick crash course. I will say that the textbooks that are currently read in the United States merely paint them as a hate group, but this is far too simplistic. The Black Panther Party was a part of the Civil Rights Movement that sought to empower the black community by putting an end to white oppression. In the Party’s 10–Point Plan, the Black Panthers described their desires for quality housing and employment, freedom from police brutality and forced military service, trials by juries of their peers and the right to defend themselves.

None of these things seem too far outside of the American dream, yet the Panthers are still demonized in the media to this very day. I find it ironic that any time a black man or woman picks up a gun, they become violent thugs and criminals who are bent on wreaking havoc in society. Meanwhile, any white person with a gun is merely exercising their constitutional rights and is regarded as a patriot. The Black Panthers sought to police the police by exercising their 2nd Amendment right in order to put an end to the brutalization of the black community by police officers in prominent urban centers such as Chicago and Los Angeles. They started a breakfast program in order to feed children in impoverished black communities. When shot at by police officers, the Black Panthers shot back. They did not, as Dr. King famously proposed, turn the other cheek to police brutality. Instead they met it head on. When Party leader Fred Hampton sought to join the Panthers with similarly minded groups with Latino and white members, the FBI raided his home and murdered him in his bed. Their ideas, alongside those of Dr. King, helped fight against the oppression felt in the black community at the hands of police and the government of the United States. For Beyoncé to salute them is not an affront to the safety and security of America as a whole. It is time for white people to stop feeling so afraid and insulted whenever minority groups seek to level the playing field. Believing that Black Lives Matter is not the same as believing that other lives do not. Just because an aspect of history makes you uncomfortable does not make it any less important. The reason that we need at least one Black History Month is that, in case you haven’t noticed, we still study white history for the other 11.

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