The Georgetonian - Spring 2016, Issue 6

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March 9, 2016

Volume CXXXVI Issue 6

Belle of the Blue adds men to the esteemed competition

GAC hosts “Belle of the Blue and Beaus Too,” crowns Allen and Haraway By BAILEE BOGGESS Staff Writer On Saturday, Feb. 27, Georgetown College hosted the 66th annual Belle of the Blue pageant in the John L. Hill Chapel. Previously, it had been a female–dominated competition, but this year males participated for the men’s residence halls and fraternities. Sophomore Abby Eads said, “Belle of the Blue and Beaus too was very entertaining this year. I love the fact that they added men to the pageant this year; it definitely shook things up a bit.” With this new change, it brought about many more people than usual for the campus event. Each man or woman was representing and sponsored by a particular residence hall or Greek organization. In the pageant, contestants have to present formal attire and perform a talent. Female contestants were as follows: Holly House (Allen), Danielle Pittman (Collier), Rachel Daniels (Alpha Gamma Delta), Lydia Allen (Kappa


this issue

Delta), Caroline Pinson (Sigma showed off their formal attire. during the pageant was perKappa), Shelby Beam (East The final parade of the contes- formed by former Belle of the Campus, Hambrick & Rucker tants allowed the judges and Blue Senior Kristen Robinson, Villages), Kaya Kelly (Flowers audience to see each partici- who delivered a performance Hall) and Madison Courtney pant one final time. of the song “Astonishing.” (Phi Mu). The communication and Landry Jung then gave The male contestants were skills presentations came next, her farewell walk. Jung won as follows: Alec Higdon– which is when the students Belle of the Blue in 2015. She Burgess (Lambda Chi is originally from Corbin, Alpha), Dylan Haraway Ky., and graduated from (East Campus, HamCorbin High School. She brick & Rucker Villages), has five siblings and is a Westin Osborn (Pressophomore with a double ident’s House Associmajor in art and business. ation), Joshua Copely When she graduates, (Kappa Alpha) and Hans she plans to start her Eerik Mikelsoo (Pierce). own business with some The pageant started of her family members. with the contestants She passed on the crown performing an opento the winner of Belle of ing number. Then, each the Blue, as is tradition. individual performed Source: Finally, the judges a talent act. The acts Pictured, from left to right, are third picked the winner based ranged from music to place Rachel Daniels, winner Lydia Allen on the following catdance, magic and public and second place Shelby Beam. egories: Scholarship, speaking. were asked questions that Interview, Talent, Poise and Sophomore Rachel Elam allowed them to show off their Communication Skills. said, “I enjoyed watching Belle verbal skills. The men were The judging panel conof the Blue, especially since asked to give their positions sisted of Rosemary Allen, there were so many new and about athletes getting paid to Kim Donaldson, Pattie Elliott, hidden talents from both the play a sport in college, and Brent Merritt and Amanda guys and the girls that I did the women were asked what Sberna. Winners were given not know about.” a liberal arts education meant the awards of Mister and Miss The poise category fol- to them. Congeniality, Overall Scholarlowed, when contestants Special entertainment ship Winner, Second Runner–

Up, First Runner–Up and the Overall 2016 Belle & Beau of the Blue. The winners were Lydia Allen, representing Kappa Delta, and Dylan Haraway, representing East Campus and Hambrick and Rucker Villages. Allen is a junior with a double major in psychology and communication. Haraway is a sophomore with a mathematics major and a secondary education minor. In regards to the participants, Allen said, “I am very excited and honored to be this year’s Belle of the Blue for many reasons, but mainly because of the rich tradition and history of this scholarship competition at Georgetown. It is also really exciting to have represented Kappa Delta, as well as be the first Belle of the Blue crowned alongside the first Beau of the Blue. I think Dylan did an awesome job, and, as the first year with men participating, it is wonderful to have been selected as the winner in such a monumental year for this program.”

Capitol Steps come to Georgetown page 2

Women should be able to preach page 10

UK plays two strong games page 5



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Headlines Compiled by Noah Krieger

 In Tel Aviv, Israel, along an oceanfront boardwalk, a Palestinian terrorist left one American tourist dead and 10 other people wounded in a stabbing attack. The man was shot dead by Israeli police. In Newport Beach, California, seven Ty Cobb baseball cards from 1909-1911 were nearly thrown away when a family was clearing out the house of a deceased relative. Only 15 cards were known of before, and these should net seven figures. In Port St. Lucie, Florida, a scuba diver is suing a utility company for inadequate safety precautions after being sucked into a quarter mile long intake pipe to a nuclear power plant and released, without injury, in a reservoir at the facility. In Harpersville, Alabama, a former employee of Brink’s Company, Stephen Dennis, was charged with stealing nearly $200,000 in quarters. He must repay the amount and may face ten years in prison plus a $250,000 fine. In Las Cruces, New Mexico, a drunken man kicked in the door of a closed convenience store, took a pack of cigarettes and held up $6 to a security camera which he left on the counter. He was later arrested for the $800 damage to the door. In Roselle, Illinois, a suspected drunk driver was pulled over when a police officer spotted her driving with a 15 foot tall tree lodged in the hood.

The Georgetonian

Capitol Steps satirize political figures By MEGAN NORRIS Staff Writer

On Monday, March 7, students, faculty, staff and the Georgetown community were entertained by the political satire group Capitol Steps. The Capitol Steps poked fun at politicians from this year’s and past presidential candidates like George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, as well as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The Capitol Steps began as a group of Senate staffers who set out to satirize the very people and places that employed them. The group was born in December 1981 when some staffers for Senator Charles Percy were planning entertainment for a Christmas party. Since they began, the Capitol Steps have recorded over 30 albums, including their latest, “Mock the Vote.” They have been featured on NBC, CBS, ABC and PBS and can be heard twice a year on National Public Radio. Political satires are now being seen more and more as reliable sources of news. One section of the performance featured a big–haired Bob Dylan character mentioning that it is a new media world. He sang that “you ignore C–SPAN, and you get your news from Twitter… You’re an American.” For every new politican or scene that was brought onto stage, a new tune with satirical lyrics was produced. Some of the night’s scenes featured Obamacare, the FBI and Apple, Rachel Maddow and a joke–telling contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Also, Fidel Castro and Vladimir Putin appeared. Putin’s


The Capitol Steps performers poked fun at all of this year’s presidential candidates. character sang, “John Kerry is upset with me. I was supposed to come to a luncheon, but I told him I couldn’t because I got Snowden.” There was also an endorsement from a thickly–accented Sarah Palin character. In reference to Tina Fey’s portrayal of Palin on Saturday Night Live, Palin advocated for Trump saying that “Vladimir Putin even thinks Trump would make a good President. I would know because I can see Vladimir’s press conference from my house.” The Donald Trump character for the event started off his performance and his time on stage with the hysterical remark “keep clapping for me.” The Donald character wowed the audience with his rendition of “Shut Up and Vote for Me,” which was a take on last year’s hit, “Shut Up and Dance.” The big-haired Donald got a lot of laughter from the audience by talking about how he would win votes and why people should vote for him. One of his most laughed at jokes of the eve-

ning was “I don’t kiss babies. Babies want handouts. Babies are losers.” Other noteworthy performers of the night included the confused and wire-haired Bernie Sanders character singing “If There Were No Rich Men” in the tune of Gwen Stefani’s “If I Were a Rich Girl,” and Marco Rubio’s endorsement by the Village People singing “Marco–Marco man.” Senior Landon Norman who attended the event said, “It’s an interesting time in the political world right now. The group that performed did an excellent job of bringing to light the current political topics while adding the right amount of humor.” If you missed the Capitol Steps on Georgetown’s campus, you can check out their website at Capsteps. com to see their other show listings, as well as previous shows.

News Breakfast menu brings scrutiny to McDonald’s

Issue 6

March 9, 2016 Page 3


The international fast food chain McDonald’s has been scrutinized in recent years for the quality of their food and the negative health effects of their high calorie meals. Varying opinions as well as facts and statistics about McDonald’s products are commonly shared in articles, news reports and documentaries. However, more and more customer reviews and opinions have been shared on social media. In 2004 the company was directly scrutinized by the film “SuperSize Me.” The film explored the consequences of a man who ate only McDonald’s for a month. However, the statistics, graphics and personal stories did not greatly affect sales at McDonald’s. The day before the release of “Supersize Me,” McDonald’s introduced their “Go Active” menu which aided in reducing scrutiny from the new health–conscious public while also expanding their menu. Though the company remains a top fast food chain, it is still blamed for issues pertaining to environmental issues, poverty and obesity.

In the last six months, McDonald’s has added more items to their menu that have prompted extreme responses from the public. On Oct. 6, McDonald’s introduced the allday breakfast menu, which means they no longer end breakfast at 10:30 a.m. This expansion was celebrated by the tens of thousands who demanded the all–day breakfast. “This is the consumers’ idea. This is what they want us to do,” McDonald’s president Michael Andres told the Wall Street Journal last month. “That’s why I think this could be the catalyst for our turnaround.” The company highlighted their abilities to meet the demands of customers in the era of social media. More recently though, many people on social media have made negative remarks about McDonald’s rather than keeping up with the previous tweets of praise. Last June, a few McDonald’s locations in the UK stopped serving the Big Breakfast. By Feb. 3, the Big Breakfast was removed from UK menus. Many expressed outrage on Twitter, and many signed a petition sent to the UK Government’s website urging the chain to bring back

the Big Breakfast. “The petition, which was submitted on Feb. 8, was rejected for being ‘about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for’ ” ( The breakfast contained scrambled eggs, sausage, hash browns and a toasted English muffin. The company claims to have removed the items in order to make room for new products such as porridge and additions to the McCafé menu.

Although all of the components are still available on McDonald’s menu, customers remain enraged at the removal of the 1,050 calorie platter. A tweet from the company said, “Sorry to disappoint. We’ve made some changes to our menu which means we’ve stopped selling the Big Breakfast.”


McDonald’s is being criticized in the UK for taking the Big Breakfast off of the menu.

The GC Writing Center will be closed during Spring Break beginning Friday, March 11, and will re-open when classes resume on Monday, March 21. Students who need help with writing assignments need to plan accordingly. Students can pre-schedule appointments in GConnect before or after break or simply drop in during hours of operation: Mon through Thurs 12:30–4:30 p.m.; Tues & Thurs 9:30–11 a.m., Mon & Tues nights from 7–9 p.m., and late nights Weds, Thurs, and Sundays from 7-11 pm.

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Sports & Recreation

The Georgetonian

Athlete of the Week: Jessica Foster Megan Norris Staff Writer

This week’s Athlete of the Week is Jessica Foster, from Versailles, Indiana. Jessica has been playing basketball since she was in third grade, and she has been playing for the Tigers for four seasons. “The girls on this team are my best friends and family; I love them all in their own way,” she said. Jessica said, “This season has been a roller coaster. We played a tough schedule to prepare us for the most important games in the conference and national tournament.” This season, Jessica

joined the 1000 point club, and she earned a spot in the top 20 leading scorers in school history. Jessica also joined the 500 rebound club. “My biggest battle this season has been that I dislocated some bones and sprained a ligament in my foot. It was in the middle of our season, so just overcoming that injury has been really hard, especially my senior year” she said. Source: As an exercise science Foster earned a spot among the major and a chemistry top 20 scorers in Georgetown minor, Jessica notes that history this season. academics still play a large role in her schedule: “It’s overwhelming at times, but it’s the only lifestyle I’ve

known. I just feel like that’s the way it’s supposed to be, so I’ve learned to balance it all out.” Outside of academics and basketball, Jessica also participates in Olympic Weightlifting and coaches CrossFit. After graduation, Jessica plans to attend graduate school for sports dietetics, or take a year off to pursue playing professional basketball overseas. “I hope I have taught my teammates to be dreamers. I want them to always set the bar high on what they want to accomplish, and then work hard to give it their best

shot. I hope they know the difference between giving it their all versus merely trying. At the end of the day, you can’t be upset if you gave it the absolute best preparation and effort leading into a situation no matter what the outcome,” Jessica said. The Tiger’s finished their season in the Mid–South Conference tournament in Frankfort, Ky., this past week.

Athlete of the Week: Chaselyn Allgeier By MEGAN NORRIS Staff Writer

Chaselyn Allgeier, from Brandenburg, Ky., is this week’s Athlete of the Week. As a sophomore on the GC softball team, Chaselyn is a designated hitter for the Tigers. Chaselyn has been playing softball since she was 4 years old, and this is her second season with the Tigers. Chaselyn has been 14 for 21 at the plate this season, with an incredible 7–for–7 in February. In the early stages of the season, she has already been named Mid–South Conference player of the week for two weeks in a row. “So far the season is

going pretty well” Chaselyn said. “I absolutely love my team and I know we will accomplish the goals that we have set for ourselves. One of my biggest battles that I continue to work on is just being confident enough in myself to know when I’m up at the plate, I’ll get whatever job that needs to be done, done.” Off the field, Chaselyn is an exercise science major and a biology minor. Chaselyn said, “It’s academics first, then softball.” Other organziations Chaselyn is involved in are the Phi Mu Fraternity and the Georgetown College Catholic Newman center. If you haven’t had a chance to watch the Tiger’s play yet, make sure to do so. The Tigers will face off

Are you interested in writing articles for The Georgetonian? Source:

against Asbury University on March 9 at the Tiger Softball Complex on East Campus. The Tiger Softball team will also travel to Lawrenceville, Ga.

Contact Evan Moore:

Issue 6

Sports & Recreation

March 9, 2016 Page 5

UK rolls over Alabama and LSU By Doug Mollet News Editor On Tuesday, Feb. 23, the University of Kentucky Wildcats Men’s Basketball Team took on the Alabama Crimson Tide. Isaac Humphries made his first collegiate start during the game. He took the place of Alex Poythress, who had not played in the previous five games due to an injury. The Wildcats started off the game well. Jamal Murray scored and was fouled in the first four seconds of the game, and this set the momentum for the rest of the game. Alabama got themselves into foul trouble early in the game. Michael Kessens and Arthur Edwards both had

three fouls, and the team had a total of 14, at the end of the first half. Senior Alex Poythress returned after a five–game


UK defeated LSU 94–77 on Saturday.

injury absence. Off the bench, he scored 14 points. Freshman Jamal Murray led the Wildcats in points, scoring 23. Sophomore Tyler Ulis had 19 points and 10 rebounds, his sixth double–double of the season. The final score was Kentucky–78, Alabama–53. This win puts the Wildcats’ record at 21–7 on the season, and 11–4 in the SEC. On Saturday, March 5, the Wildcats hosted their final regular season game at Rupp Arena against the LSU Tigers. The Wildcats started out the game with four straight points, but LSU responded with a nine–point run and gained the lead. In the first half, the Wildcats and the Tigers went back and forth as

leaders on the scoreboard. The second half belonged to the Wildcats with a seven– point run and a subsequent 10–point run. At one point, the Wildcats led by 26 points. On Saturday, Alex Poythress was recognized and honored for Senior Day. He celebrated the day with 12 points and three rebounds. Freshman Jamal Murray again led the Wildcats in points scored with 22. Sophomore Tyler Ulis totaled 14 points and 14 assists, which was a career high for him. This was his eighth double–double of the season. The final score was Kentucky–94, LSU–77. The Wildcats closed out the regular season with a season record of

23-8. The Wildcats play on Friday at 7 p.m. in the quarterfinals of the SEC Tournament in Nashville.


The Wildcats are playing in the SEC Tournament quarter finals this Friday.

Louisville downs Georgia Tech 56-53 By William Thomas Opinion Columnist The Louisville Cardinal’s Men’s Basketball team ended their home regular season with a bang last Tuesday by securing a 56–53 victory over ACC rival Georgia Tech at the YUM! Center in Louisville. The Cardinals (23–7, 12–5) struggled offensively against the Yellow Jackets (17–13, 7–10), shooting just 36 percent from the floor and 11 percent from behind the three–point arc. Luckily for Louisville, Georgia Tech shot no better and also posted a 36 percent field goal percentage.

Chinanu Onuaku made two of his infamous underhand, “granny–style” free throws with 30 seconds left which put the game just out of reach from the Yellow Jackets. The Cardinals celebrated Senior Night by sending off two graduating transfers who came to Louisville for the end of their collegiate careers. Damion Lee and Trey Lewis, from Drexel and Cleveland State, respectively, transferred to Louisville with high hopes of competing in the NCAA March Madness Tournament in their final year. Unfortunately, the Cardinals were faced with a

heartbreaking self–imposed postseason ban as a result of a recruiting scandal earlier this year. Had the Cardinals not been sanctioned, they would be in good position to win a very competitive ACC Tournament and win a good seed in the NCAA Tournament. The Cardinals finished fourth in the ACC Regular Season standings and highlighted their season with wins over North Carolina and Duke. Even still, Coach Pitino did not let the hopes of getting a ring die for the two seniors. After the game, Pitino presented the pair with matching custom rings in the same style

as championship rings. On the inside they were engraved, “I will always have your back. It’s been a privilege to coach you. Love you Coach P.” Pitino also informed the two that they had been invited to participate in the NABC College All–Star Game in Houston. In Damion Lee’s words, they were simply “speechless.” The Cardinals finished their season at #4 Virginia, losing 68–46 and shooting 27 percent from the field. Afterwards, Damion Lee and Sophomore Chinanu Onuaku earned ACC All–Conference honors, and seven Cardinals were named to the ACC All–

Conference Academic team. The Cardinals return to action next fall, and hope to continue on as one of the most successful basketball programs in the country.



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The Georgetonian

In the know with Sodexo: Sodexo requests student feedback By MEGAN NORRIS Sodexo Marketing Intern With Spring Break fast approaching, Sodexo has already planned events for after the week off that might interest you. Before Spring Break, though, on March 10 at the late night grille, there will be an ice cream sundae bar. Between 7:30–9:30 p.m., stop by and add your favorite toppings to your sundae just before heading to your Spring Photo submitted by Megan Norris Break destination. After the break, on The dining survey is available Wednesday, March 23, there Friday, March 11. will be another Elite Event in the Caf, which are the events Wings and BBQ Blues. This that require a meal swipe plus event will be called Bodacious a few Tiger Dollars. Previous Burgers, and you will be given events have included Wicked a meaty portion of hamburger

with side options to choose from. Last but not least, until Friday, March 11, you have the ability to take Sodexo’s survey, which has been distributed via email by Charlene Lucas. This survey helps the Sodexo manfrom now until agement team bring change and improvements to campus dining based on the survey results. Your feedback is extremely important. For every com-

pleted survey, $1 will be donated to Sodexo’s program Stop Hunger. Also, if you print the last page of your survey and bring it to the C–Store, you will receive one free item under $2.00. Did you know that you can glance at what will be served in the Caf in advance? Check out Want to stay updated with events and promotions associated with Sodexo? As the new marketing intern, I am helping to implement a new program called “mydtxt.” This is essentially a mass text system that will provide students promotional texts, coupons, and information about upcoming events and meals in the Caf.

For special offers and discounts, text “GeorgetownEats” to 82257. For more information about dining events and meals at the late night grille, text “GeorgetownEvents” to 82257. To give feedback to Sodexo, text “GeorgetownFeedback” plus your feedback to 82257. Don’t want to commit to text messages? That’s okay, too. You can keep up with Georgetown College Sodexo on social media. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, look for Georgetown College Dining, and on Twitter, follow us @CafDiningatGT.

Additional photos from “Belle of the Blue and Beaus Too”



The pageant began with a dance routine performed by all of the contestants.

2015 Belle of the Blue, Sophomore Landry Jung, passed on her title to Junior Lydia Allen.


Each contestant participated in a poise portion which included a brief biography about their campus involvement and career goals.

Issue 6


March 9, 2016 Page 7

SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: BRENNA JEWELL By ALEX CAUDILL Staff Writer Brenna Jewell, from Henderson, Ky., didn’t plan to attend Georgetown College but transferred here during her sophomore year and fell in love. “I wanted to pursue environmental science, which wasn’t offered at my previous school, the University of the Cumberlands. I felt much more at home on Georgetown’s campus,” said Brenna. Brenna has been active in several aspects of campus life in her three years here. Photo submitted by Alex Caudll She has served as president Brenna Jewell (left) is an environmental science major of the Georgetown College involved in the Georgetown College Young Democrats, Young Democrats for the past Georgetown Sustainability Initiative and the Maskrafters. two years, and she is the president of Alpha Psi Omega, the theatre honor society. She in policies in the state to people I have ever met. I can is also the vice president of the better the Commonwealth always tell he genuinely cares Georgetown Sustainability Ini- of Kentucky. She noted that about myself and other stutiative for which she helped to working through institu- dents and for that reason he coordinate the 2015 Earth Day tional political structures is is one of my favorite profesevent. Brenna is also a proud the best way to achieve goals. sors.” Maskrafter. “‘Chemistry and Cancer’ Brenna continued, “I have Being so passionate about with Dr. Campbell was by learned the most about my environmental issues, Brenna far my favorite class at the field of study from Dr. Kopp was driven to join the George- College,” said Brenna. “Pro- because he presents infortown College Young Demo- fessor George McGee is one mation in a clear and concise crats to try and effect changes of the most compassionate way, so he is also one of my

favorite professors.” Her time at Georgetown College has been very memorable. Brenna recalled times spent with friends. “The things I will always remember will be sitting at the same lunch table every day for three years with some amazing friends and getting to work behind the scenes on the tech crew for various theatrical productions while having secret headset conversations.” Brenna knows a world of opportunities await her, but she looks forward to returning

home to Henderson, Ky., after graduation and getting a cat. She hopes to attend graduate school sometime in the future to pursue a career in environmental engineering. Until then, Brenna will keep fighting to change the world. Brenna concluded, “My advice to other students would be to try and focus on how you can make the lives of those around you better. We are part of the earth and it is part of us.”

Quote My Georgetown Professor “Your mother buys Twitter stock.” - Dr. Cooper Posted on the “Quote My Georgetown Professor” Facebook group

Georgetown Tree Huggers

Upcoming NEXUS Events: - Thu., March 10 at 11 a.m.: Spring Break Safety Fair (Jones Hall Nelson Suite) - Tue., March 22 at 11 a.m.: “Let it Be” - a talk with Bob Terrell (LRC Ward Room) - Thu., March 24 at 11 a.m.: SGA General Assembly (LRC Ward Room)

The Georgetonian/BAILEE BOGGESS

This week’s Tree Hugger is Freshman Spencer Sims.

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The Georgetonian

Kanye West debuts “The Life of Pablo” By ROSS SMITH Staff Writer On Feb. 11, Kanye West debuted his highly anticipated seventh album, “The Life of Pablo,” or TLOP, which is now available on Tidal, an online music streaming website. The project was debuted at Madison Square Garden alongside Kanye’s Yeezy Season 3 clothesline collection. Kanye announced multiple title changes during the process of the album’s production, ranging from “So Help Me God” to “Swish to Waves,” but finally settling with TLOP. The title was initially released as an acronym in a tweet of Kanye’s in which he offered prizes for the first person who could guess the name. As for who Pablo is, it is unclear. Fans have generated possibilities

which include Pablo Escobar and Pablo While ‘Ye is known to make game– Picasso. changing albums, I could not help but Kanye has been responsible for note the sloppiness in TLOP’s presenchanging the hip–hop genre with each tation. From last minute track addiof his albums, and tions like “Waves” inspiring various to the general rushed successful artists, feeling of the album, including the followTLOP has an unfining: Big Sean, Drake, ished quality to it. Chance the Rapper, Despite the someRaury and many times cringe–worthy more. lyrics, Kanye makes Once again, he it work. The tracks has created an album are all solid with sigwith experimen- Source: nificant meaning, and tal tracks that uti- Reminds me of when he intr- each feature is placed lize catchy, unique rupted Taylor Swift back in strategically in order effects. Many songs 2009. to allow the other arton TLOP offer a fresh and bizarre style, ists to shine. such as “Freestyle 4,” which shows Kanye has riddled the album with Kanye delivering some abstract, unpre- complex messages for his fans to decidictable lines over a haunting beat. pher. Some are obscure, but a few are

obvious. “I Love Kanye” is a satirical track in which Kanye addresses his egotistic antics and his role in creating new artists. He also references the Kardashians several times throughout the album, and at one point compares them to the Jacksons, another influential family in music. He places obvious emphasis on his wife Kim and their family, which is an important theme in this album. TLOP offers a wide variety of tracks, ranging from bangers like “Feedback” to the soft gospel “Low Lights.” This impressive range gives TLOP a patchwork feeling, and it offers a song for everyone, each inspired by a different part of the artist. Whether you love or hate Kanye West, he has given music lovers everywhere a gift: a captivating album.

The founding fathers aren’t just dead white guys By EMILY EADER Staff Writer Many people would name Eminem, Jay Z or Kendrick Lamar when asked who their favorite rapper or hip–hop artist is. Very few would think to include names such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington or Alexander Hamilton. Yet, with the growing success of the phenomenon that is “Hamilton: An American Musical,” those names are no longer just the names of dead white guys who founded America. “Hamilton” is the story of founding father Alexander (you guessed it) Hamilton, who was the first Secretary of the Treasury. The plot of the musical follows Hamilton from the time that he arrives in New York City in 1776 to his fatal duel with Aaron Burr in 1804. In between is everything from fighting in

and winning the American Revolution Music and the Spoken word. This to the affair and consequent blackmail “mixtape” eventually became “Alexthat caused the ruin of his political ander Hamilton,” the opening number career and of “Hamilthe tragic ton.” death of Hamhis eldest ilton conson. The tains a musical is variety incredibly of musihistorically cal styles accurate including and based R&B, hip– off of the Source: hop and H a m i l t o n Sounds like a very interesting show classical biography Broadway. by Ron Chernow. However, the diversity of this show Lin–Manuel Miranda, “Hamilton’s” does not stop with the music. The composer and lyricist, read this biogra- music is a mere accentuation of the cast, phy in 2009 and was inspired by Hamil- which is comprised almost entirely of ton’s story. He wrote a piece called “The non–Caucasian actors. Hamilton Mixtape“ and performed it In fact, the only lead role that is at the White House Evening of Poetry, played by a Caucasian actor is King

George the III, and he is onstage for approximately five minutes of the three–hour show. With an African– American George Washington, Latino– American Alexander Hamilton and Asian–American Eliza Schuyler–Hamilton, this may be the most ethnically diverse cast for a Broadway musical ever. Tickets to this show are practically impossible to get. The soundtrack ranked number 12 on the Billboard 200, and number 1 on the Billboard Rap chart, and won it Best Musical Theater Album at the 2016 Grammy Awards. Celebrities have flocked to the musical. They range from Broadway regulars such as Bernadette Peters to popular artists such as Beyoncé to politicians such as President Barack Obama. How to account for its rise to the top? Man, “Hamilton” is non–stop.

ArtsEntertainment “That ‘70s Show” was made in the ‘90s? Issue 6

By JOHN WAITE Staff Writer “That ‘70s Show,” made in 1998, is one of my favorite shows. It still has many things about it that relate to people today. Sometimes when I’m watching this show, I keep forgetting that it’s in the ‘70s. After re–watching it over the past few months, I figured why not talk about this awesome show? On to the story! The show takes place from 1976 to 1979 in Wisconsin; it centers around Eric Forman and his group of friends. These teens go through what all teens go through: finding a job, finding love, losing love, parents and just finding out who you are. This pot–smoking group of friends can and will get into any trouble that they find. The story is just an episodic that tells the days of

March 9, 2016 Page 9

the lives of these crazy characters. Like Up next is Hyde, the loveable bad “Orange is the New Black,” the charac- boy stoner. He is the one you love to see ters make the show. cause trouble. However, inside he’s just Eric is a softy with a your typical sarcastic attinerd and lovtude. able goofball. Finally we He may not have Kelso be the smartand Jackie, the est boy, but weird couple. he makes up These two for it with his are horrible heart. together. They Next we are the polar have Donna, opposites Eric’s love Source: of Eric and interest. She Not a bad ‘90s sitsom, if you ask me. Donna. Jackie is sarcasis a dimwitted tic and an rich girl, while adventurer. Her personality, combined Kelso is just…Kelso. with Eric’s goofiness, creates a couple You also have great supporting worth rooting for. characters like Eric’s parents Red and

Kitty. Watching these characters interact is just so fun to see. The back and forth banter is what keeps you coming back. Also, seeing all the mayhem that they cause is so much fun. Even though this is show set in the ‘70s, it has so many connections to today’s world. The old saying is true for this show: “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” I recommend everyone watch this show at least once in their lives. You will see a lot of stuff you did as teenagers and stuff you do now. I find this to be a perfect show with enough twist and turns to keep you coming back for more. You can watch this great show on Netflix right now.

Game of the week: “Undertale”


In the last few years, indie games have gained more popularity and notoriety in the gaming market. It used to be that only AAA titles would be reviewed by magazines and even Youtube lets–players and commentators. Only AAA titles would be able to bring in big profits, with an increase in quality of graphics and gameplay, but sometimes at the risk of a lacking storyline. One game in particular, “Undertale,” has set itself apart in terms of not only its indie status as a game, but also its storyline, gameplay and general reception in the market. Odds are that if you like to play video games, you probably have heard of Undertale. The general background to this

game is that you play as a child who Unlike other games, where after has fallen down a hole into what is killing enemies, the enemies respawn, known as the Underground. once you kill characters in this game, Your goal is to travel through it they are gone forever. and find your way out while coming There are two different kinds of across many storylines in monsters and this game: developed, Pacifist and lovable charGenocide acters along runs. Pacithe way. fist is where Develyou don’t oped by Toy kill anyone at Fox, it is a all, and you homage to get to know classic RPG Source: the many style games, Looks like one of those old 8 bit games. characters in but it is very the Underwell known for its tagline, “the game ground. However, in Genocide… well, where you don’t have to kill anyone.” you kill absolutely everyone and get a This is a very, very important part of different ending and storyline to the the game, as it can impact the whole game overall. storyline of the game in general. In my opinion, you have to play the

Pacifist run first, then play the Genocide run to appreciate the game more. Trust me, there are a lot of tears to be shed in this game, as you end up killing characters whom you have come to love the second time around. But for the sake of this article, I won’t share much more about the plot of the story. At the wishes of Toby Fox, it is recommended that people play the game themselves before watching playthroughs of it. Spoilers are a big no–no. Overall, if you are interested in delving into a rich story, well developed world with a fantastical heart rending storyline and a cast of hilarious, relatable characters, this may be the game for you. “Undertale” is available on Steam for $10.


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The Georgetonian

Georgetonian On Biblical interpretation


Editor-in-Chief....................................................Evan Moore Managing Editor.............................................. Kaitlin Fahey News Editor...................................................... Doug Mollett S&R Editor........................................................ Tyler Phillips Features Editor................................................ Kaitlin Fahey A&E Editor...............................................Danielle O’Connell Opinion Editor.................................................... Eric Balmer Back Page Editor............................................Raleigh Dixon Web Editor . .....................................................Kate Doctor Photo Editor........................................................Jenny Cobb Technical Editor...............................................Andrew Giles Copy Editor...................................................Elizabeth Smith Copy Editor.....................................................Andrea Bellew Copy Editor.....................................................Whitney Bryan Faculty Adviser...........................................Jennifer Beckett

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with Biclical interpretation. The Bible was written over a period of hundreds of years by Interpreting ancient texts is multiple authors all in differconsiderably hard. Apart from ent situations. These circumbeing able to simply decipher stances make the text difficult what the words mean, inter- to decipher. preters must also consider the Christians argue over historical and social contexts in many different issues, includwhich the texts were created. ing even who Jesus is, which Additionally, it is sometimes may seem like an easy quesappropriate to determine con- tion to answer to any good, temporary contexts and how Bible–believing, Sunday those texts may apply in the School–attending Christian. modern day. But on closer inspection, it Religious texts are espe- becomes much more difficult. cially difficult due in part to Was he divine? Did he the broad implications that an really rise from the dead? interpretation could have on What do his parables mean? hundreds, thousands or mil- These questions have been lions of people and the way answered countless times and they live their lives. each of them differently. We all have heard it on the One issue affecting the news: a radical Muslim read modern Christian church is the Qur’an and interpreted the whether or not women should verse to mean that he should serve in leadership roles in kill other people in some crazy the church, and specifically act of terrorism. This situation as pastor. There are basically is not unfamiliar to us, and it two sides to this argument: 1) is a great example of the way women should not be assigned interpretation is difficult and a pastoral leadership role, and can affect the way we live. 2) women are equal to men in Christians also struggle the church and can be a pastoral leader. The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest protestant denomination in the U.S., and they hold fast to belief number one. Many other protestant Source: The Southern Baptist Convention is one churches hold denomination that argues allowing women to belief number two. to be pastors is not biblical. I mention Opinion Columnist

this issue because it revolves almost solely around various interpretations of a single verse in the Bible. In 1 Timothy 2:12, the pseudonymous author writes, “I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent” (NRSV). It seems quite clear that this supports belief number one, which claims that women cannot be pastors. Pastors teach, and pastors have authority; both circumstances are forbidden for women in this passage. However, using this single verse to support this argument fails to acknowledge a multitude of other verses that very clearly acknowledge the leadership of women in the church. Paul spoke of more than ten women leaders in the church in Acts and Romans. Women also had a significant role in Jesus’ ministry. These texts do not specifically name these women as pastors, but they also do not condemn it. We must not let a single verse stand in the way of acknowledging the pastoral gifts many great women possess. To do so is absurd, and to do so is to deny God’s gifts that he has given to these women. While I understand the argument made by the Southern Baptist Convention, I must argue that they fail to see how women pastors can function, lead and help in a church. By not even giving women a chance, they are missing an opportunity to reach a new and different level in the church.

Opinion Media perpetuates poor treatment of women

Issue 6

By BAILEE BOGGESS Staff Writer Women have always been put on the backburner in society, but through many different movements and a changing worldview, they have gained more liberty and recognition. Advancements are being made daily in the home, work force and educational world. However, there are still many setbacks that limit and degrade women in both subtle and direct manners. Media, which is the driving force in how information is communicated in today’s society, presents women to be self– conscious, ditzy, judgmental and overdramatic. “Flaws” such as having overweight and underweight body types, old–age, no makeup and a non–smiling

March 9, 2016 Page 11

face are on the news more than actual personalities. I am constantly surprised by how women are demeaned by trivial messages sent by the media today, and it is something that I personally believe must be stopped. Young women constantly look to celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and Miley Cyrus for inspiration on how to behave and dress. Unfortunately, most of the time, these celebrities set unachievably high standards for girls. Women think that they must live up to these unrealistic standards in order to be successful or happy. Why, in any shape or form, is this acceptable? Sadly, women in all walks of life are portrayed in horribly negative ways. Politicians, such as Hillary Clinton, are

criticized for their outfit choice and hairstyles instead of their answers in debates. Female newscasters are often encouraged to wear low–cut tops to increase ratings instead of use their talent. Mothers who stay at home are considered lazy and dependent solely because they do not work outside the home. This discrimination permeates through every boundary set by our society and shows no mercy on socioeconomic classes. No matter whether a woman is a CEO of her own company or a waitress at a local restaurant, the media and other people will find some way to contort perception of her. Now the question must be asked: how can women change this portrayal of themselves? Simply put, we must hold our-

selves to high ideals and standards. Showing society and the world that women will not take the negativity and hateful attitudes from the media is crucial and should be the first step that is taken. We must not sit idly by and continue to allow the media to portray women as sexual deviants, catty wenches or unintelligent members of society. We must ensure that more stories about women doing powerful and influential things are shown on the news instead of meaningless drama with celebrities. Whether you are a part of a more conservative or more liberal movement, we must all come together and stop shaming each other for something we believe is morally repugnant. Organizations such as No

More and The Representation Project have been around for several years trying to spread the word about women’s ‘equality’ in relation to domestic violence and politics. Their movements have inspired many to take action against the stereotypes and stigmas surrounding women. We must take these ideals and spread them into everyday culture; we must make this prevalent issue a dinner–table conversation instead of a radical belief to be gawked at. In conclusion, by diligently standing up for what is right, women’s portrayal in the media can be easily changed. However, we must work together in order to achieve this goal.

create a community of lasting friendships and relationships that will continue throughout the course of my life. That is why I move that we extend the Mulberry Café hours. Until this school year (2015–2016), the Mulberry Café has kept its doors open until 9 p.m., and it has been open on Sunday evenings from 4-9 p.m. with the employment of several student workers. Currently, the Mulberry closes at 4 p.m. and is not open on the weekends. In the realm of mid–terms, capstones, comps, orals, finals and graduation, it seems

important to provide a valuable option to students where they can do homework in a place with a friendly community and purchase beverages or snacks outside of the Caf. If you haven’t been to the Mulberry recently, the managing staff has done an outstanding job at creating and obtaining an atmosphere that all of us regulars love and love to contribute to. Every day when I get out of class, I cannot wait to visit my friends in the Mulberry, who just so happen to be talking about politics, philosophy or Georgetown. Corporate businesses

throughout the world value the concept of community. They value it so much so that retail stores add coffee shops to their stores in an effort to build community. The community that you obtain through the study–in–community lifestyle is irreplaceable and priceless. The things you learn when embraced with this type of community helps you to obtain lessons and create ideas and goals that benefit you as a lifelong learner. This atmosphere and community teach you to listen to others’ opinions, attitudes and ideas. Throughout life,

there will be many occasions when you will be told to “just listen” or to be understanding of others. This atmosphere teaches you to learn to really understand the content and learn the different views on topics by generating conversation. This atmosphere in the Mulberry Café teaches invaluable lessons to you if you partake. We should extend the Mulberry Café hours so that others can take part in the wonderful community established here.

Mulberry should have extended hours

By MEGAN NORRIS Staff Writer As a fifth year senior at Georgetown, my study sessions honestly wouldn’t have been as successful as they have been without insights from my peers and classmates on topics in my studies. Throughout my years at Georgetown, one place in particular can take the credit for the community that my friends and I have shared and built throughout the years: the Mulberry Café. From freezing snow days to blazing 75 degree days, the Mulberry Café has helped me

T H E B A C K PA G E Trump is not funny anymore By Raleigh Dixon BackPage Editor It is not funny anymore. For the past several months, the Republican party has hosted a reality television show disguised as a race to receive the party’s nomination for the 2016 Presidential Election. By and large, the show has been dominated by (surprise) the one candidate who has past experience as an entertainer and reality show star: Donald Trump. Initially, I, like many others, was amused by the spectacle that Trump was putting on during his earlier pep rallies, press conferences and debates. I chuckled to myself as the Republican establishment tried again and again to throw level–headed, self–described “moderates” at Trump in order to derail his campaign. I even enjoyed the childish insults and antics that Trump engaged in on the debate stage. I assumed that Trump would go the way of every other eccentric billionaire who has sought the nation’s highest office and just fade away into irrelevance. Unfortunately, that has not happened. As the election season has progressed, more than a dozen Republican candidates have jumped ship and now have as much of a chance of becoming the next President of the United States as you or I do. Yet Trump has not been one of those to concede defeat. Rather, he has emerged as the frontrunner in the race and is currently poised to take on the winner of the Democratic race between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. There are a number of issues with a Trump candidacy and (God help us) an eventual Trump presidency. So many in fact, that I am honestly struggling to find a place to begin. What has particularly surprised me is that in the past few Republican

primaries, Trump has done quite well with voters who describe themselves as Evangelical Christians. How and why this has happened is completely beyond me. He has claimed that he will protect Christians and their values from all of the assaults that Christians face today. Meanwhile, his words and actions seem to point to an alternative conclusion. TRUMP ON IMMIGRATION: Trump has been incredibly anti– immigrant throughout his entire campaign. From the very beginning, Trump has called for the building of a great wall on the Mexican–American border. He has added to this bold claim by assuring that he, in his infinite greatness, would command the Mexican government to pay for it. Not only is this logistically unfeasible, but it sends a message to the world that America is not for everyone: it is only for the select few. Trump has also beefed up his anti– immigrant rhetoric with unfounded claims that Mexico is sending rapists, murderers and criminals across the border, that Mexico is killing us in trade and that Obama and the Democrats are entirely too weak on immigration. When you also consider that Trump has called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States and for the United States to refuse Syrian refugees, it is apparent that Trump doesn’t like the idea of new people coming to our country. THE BIBLE ON IMMIGRATION: Leviticus 19:33–34 and 24:22 — “When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself.”

Jeremiah 22:3–5 — “Do no wrong or violence to the alien.” Matthew 25:31–46 — “…I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” I could go on, but I hate when people in arguments simply cherry– pick facts or quotes, especially from the Bible, without providing any context. So here is the context: nowhere in the Bible does it say to hate immigrants or foreigners in your land. If I’m not mistaken, the Bible actually calls for Christians to welcome and comfort aliens and refugees. TRUMP ON VIOLENCE: Trump has also shown a shocking level of approval for violence both domestically and abroad. He has repeatedly endorsed the use of waterboarding and more extreme types of torture. He has advocated the murder of alleged terrorists’ families. At his rallies, he has advocated for the beating of protestors and the murder of members of the media. He also boasted that he could shoot another human being in the middle of Fifth Avenue in New York and still maintain popularity and win the election. He also told a story at a rally about a man dipping bullets in pigs’ blood before killing 49 Muslim prisoners. Trump has also received endorsements from white supremacist groups around the country, such as from former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. While Trump later disavowed Duke’s endorsement after dodging around it for a few days, it should say something that the Klan believes that Trump is the candidate who best advocates for their positions. THE BIBLE ON VIOLENCE: Psalm 11:5 — “The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence.”

Matthew 5:38–39 — “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Proverbs 3:31 (ESV) — “Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways.” -----------------------------------------Again, Trump doesn’t quite seem to see eye to eye with the Bible when it comes to the rhetoric that comes out of his mouth. The day that Trump turns the other cheek when someone insults or threatens him will be one for the record books indeed. There is also just the notion of common decency that seems to be lacking in Donald Trump. He has been married three separate times. He has made questionable statements about whether or not he would engage in relations with his daughter. He calls people he does not like fat, ugly, slobs, losers and a number of other insults that would take far too much time to write down. He even made a reference to his penis size during a nationally televised debate. Let me reiterate that. He assured the American people that just because he may or may not have tiny hands does not mean that his penis is also small. ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. This would be a funny joke if it weren’t so sad. And this is the man who has the Evangelical vote on his side in the Republican primary. This is the man who allegedly stands for American Christian family values. God Bless the United States of America.

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