March 9, 2016
Volume CXXXVI Issue 6
Belle of the Blue adds men to the esteemed competition
GAC hosts “Belle of the Blue and Beaus Too,” crowns Allen and Haraway By BAILEE BOGGESS Staff Writer On Saturday, Feb. 27, Georgetown College hosted the 66th annual Belle of the Blue pageant in the John L. Hill Chapel. Previously, it had been a female–dominated competition, but this year males participated for the men’s residence halls and fraternities. Sophomore Abby Eads said, “Belle of the Blue and Beaus too was very entertaining this year. I love the fact that they added men to the pageant this year; it definitely shook things up a bit.” With this new change, it brought about many more people than usual for the campus event. Each man or woman was representing and sponsored by a particular residence hall or Greek organization. In the pageant, contestants have to present formal attire and perform a talent. Female contestants were as follows: Holly House (Allen), Danielle Pittman (Collier), Rachel Daniels (Alpha Gamma Delta), Lydia Allen (Kappa
this issue
Delta), Caroline Pinson (Sigma showed off their formal attire. during the pageant was perKappa), Shelby Beam (East The final parade of the contes- formed by former Belle of the Campus, Hambrick & Rucker tants allowed the judges and Blue Senior Kristen Robinson, Villages), Kaya Kelly (Flowers audience to see each partici- who delivered a performance Hall) and Madison Courtney pant one final time. of the song “Astonishing.” (Phi Mu). The communication and Landry Jung then gave The male contestants were skills presentations came next, her farewell walk. Jung won as follows: Alec Higdon– which is when the students Belle of the Blue in 2015. She Burgess (Lambda Chi is originally from Corbin, Alpha), Dylan Haraway Ky., and graduated from (East Campus, HamCorbin High School. She brick & Rucker Villages), has five siblings and is a Westin Osborn (Pressophomore with a double ident’s House Associmajor in art and business. ation), Joshua Copely When she graduates, (Kappa Alpha) and Hans she plans to start her Eerik Mikelsoo (Pierce). own business with some The pageant started of her family members. with the contestants She passed on the crown performing an opento the winner of Belle of ing number. Then, each the Blue, as is tradition. individual performed Source: Finally, the judges a talent act. The acts Pictured, from left to right, are third picked the winner based ranged from music to place Rachel Daniels, winner Lydia Allen on the following catdance, magic and public and second place Shelby Beam. egories: Scholarship, speaking. were asked questions that Interview, Talent, Poise and Sophomore Rachel Elam allowed them to show off their Communication Skills. said, “I enjoyed watching Belle verbal skills. The men were The judging panel conof the Blue, especially since asked to give their positions sisted of Rosemary Allen, there were so many new and about athletes getting paid to Kim Donaldson, Pattie Elliott, hidden talents from both the play a sport in college, and Brent Merritt and Amanda guys and the girls that I did the women were asked what Sberna. Winners were given not know about.” a liberal arts education meant the awards of Mister and Miss The poise category fol- to them. Congeniality, Overall Scholarlowed, when contestants Special entertainment ship Winner, Second Runner–
Up, First Runner–Up and the Overall 2016 Belle & Beau of the Blue. The winners were Lydia Allen, representing Kappa Delta, and Dylan Haraway, representing East Campus and Hambrick and Rucker Villages. Allen is a junior with a double major in psychology and communication. Haraway is a sophomore with a mathematics major and a secondary education minor. In regards to the participants, Allen said, “I am very excited and honored to be this year’s Belle of the Blue for many reasons, but mainly because of the rich tradition and history of this scholarship competition at Georgetown. It is also really exciting to have represented Kappa Delta, as well as be the first Belle of the Blue crowned alongside the first Beau of the Blue. I think Dylan did an awesome job, and, as the first year with men participating, it is wonderful to have been selected as the winner in such a monumental year for this program.”
Capitol Steps come to Georgetown page 2
Women should be able to preach page 10
UK plays two strong games page 5