eorgetonian G
October 29, 2014 Volume CXXXIV Issue 7
Panel talks on homosexuality and Christianity GC Fairness sponsored an event that discussed how Christians view homosexuality
By ANDREA BELLEW Staff Writer On Tuesday, Oct. 28, GC Fairness and Campus Spectrum sponsored the event “Gay and Christian across Denominations,” which was a panel discussion about different denominations’ stances on homosexuality. There were speakers from four denominations: Reverend Bob Fox (Baptist), Bryan Langlands (United Methodist), Eric Thompson (Catholic) and Bishop Douglas Hahn (Episcopal). The discussion was moderated by Doctor Terry Clark, Associate Professor of the Religion Department. Nathan Pritzer, President of GC Fairness, gave the opening statement. Then Dr. Clark began by giving some statistics about how many people identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual and/or transgender. He also said, “There are major shifts in attitude towards this issue [Christianity and homosexuality, and gay marriage] in the last decade.” Then each of the panelists was given the opportunity to tell their denomination’s stance on homosexuality and gay marriage before the ques-
this issue
tions began. largest group of Baptists Hahn said that the would be in the camp Episcopals look at Scripof condemning homoture, traditions and sexuality as against the experiences of current Scripture and against Christians for guidance. God’s will.” Some Baptist He used the experiences churches condemn homoof a homosexual couple, sexuality completely, Michael and Charley, while others are open and who have been married The Georgetonian/ANGEL WOODRUM affirming towards homofor 22 years and are strong The panel for the GC Fairness event. sexuality. There can even members of their congrebe diversity within each gation as an example of Epis- there is no ordination of homo- congregation because Baptists copalian theology. He said that sexual people. He said the encourage each individual there is understanding in the Catholic Church challenges to read the Bible and come to Episcopalian church that con- homosexuals to chastity. their own conclusion. versation with God and the Bryan Langlands read After there being statechurch is always changing. He from the 2008 edition of “The ments on theology, the quesended by saying in reference Book of Discipline of the tions began. The first question to homosexual people, “This is United Methodist Church” to was on what the different why our doors are wide open.” tell what the United Methodist denomination’s opinions were Eric Thompson, who works stance is. The books says that on transgender identification, at St. John’s Catholic Church, only heterosexual sexual activ- faith and church involvement. began explaining the Catholic ity while married is accepted. Reverend Fox said that the standpoint by saying, “Per- It also says that all people Ky. Baptist convention, which haps most importantly, this is should have civil rights and is meeting soon, will be putan exciting time for the Cath- should not be treated with vio- ting out a resolution saying olic church.” He is referring lence, and that all people are of that transgender people are to the gathering of the Senate worth. It says that God’s grace living sinfully, but must be of the Family, which is when is for all, so people are encour- treated with love. Bryan Langcardinals and bishops gather aged to not reject or condemn lands said that he was unsure, to pray and discuss where the any person. but that it would most likely church is currently and where Reverend Fox said that be open for United Methodists. it is going. He said, “It is a very there is no overarching author- Thompson also said he was exciting time to be Catholic, ity for Baptists to follow, so unsure. Hahn said that ordinanot because we necessarily see there is a lot of diversity within tion is not barred to transgenchange, but because there is the Baptist denomination. He der people and that they are a new openness.” Currently, said, “To be fair, probably the accepted.
Another big question was whether homosexuality was considered an affliction that a church can fix. Hahn said that God made people diversely and what should be more focused upon is whether a relationship is faithful or healing. Thompson said that the inclination to homosexuality is not a sin, but acting upon it is a sin, so he reemphasized the call for chastity and self-control. Langlands said that the affliction seems to come more from the rejection, condemnation and loneliness that comes from revealing homosexuality and that he challenges everyone to walk with homosexual people through their journey and not condemning them. Fox said that Baptists generally see it as a lifestyle choice that society wants to make a normal, accepted thing. The final question presented to the panel was whether homosexual Christians could get into heaven. Each panelist said yes to this question. Hahn mentioned the Bible said that when people are born the angels sing out in order to emphasize that we are all loved in the Lord’s eyes.
Shooting at Maysville Pilchuck High School in Washington page 3
Native American author Susan Power is coming to campus page 9
SGA shares updates with campus page 3
KHS Club sponsors “Exercise is Medicine Week” page 7
Page 2
Headlines Compiled by Noah Krieger
An unmanned rocket loaded with about 5,000 pounds of supplies, experiments and classified equipment meant for the ISS exploded six seconds after launch in eastern Virginia at the Wallops Flight Facility. 18 workers are trapped 330 yards underground in a flooded coal mine in Ankara, Turkey. Water is currently being pumped out of the mine, but rescue crews have not been able to make contact with the miners yet. A Jacksonville, Fla. woman has lined her driveway with over 400 mothballs in an effort to keep dogs out of her yard. Neighbors have filed complaints with the city claiming that it is a health hazard, causing respiratory reactions and headaches. 24 people were injured when an Amtrak passenger train collided with a semitrailer on its way from Indianapolis to Chicago. 16 people were treated on site while the other eight were treated at a hospital, but released soon after.
The Georgetonian
SGA General assembly
By HANNAH KRIEGER Editor-in-Chief
On Thursday, Oct. 23, SGA held its second general assembly in the Ward Room of the LRC. After the assembly had been called to order and the roll was taken, President Turner Altman talked about some of the new activities that SGA is doing to become more involved. Altman will be serving in a campus community connection, which will succeed in bringing the campus and community closer together. He will also meet with President Greene once a month, and he was present at the Board of Trustees meeting that happened last week. A report on how that meeting went will be given at the next general assembly. SGA will also be doing a radio show where they will talk about what is going on and students are welcome to call in with questions. They will also have a bi-weekly article published in “The Georgetonian.” The SGA office will also be moving to where the game room used to be in the Grille. Their motive behind the move was to enable students to see them working and get a better idea of what they do. The move cost under $3,000, which allows SGA to budget
A 22 year old woman from London has decided to sell her imaginary friend, Bernard, on eBay after her psychiatrist recommended that it was time to let him go. She will sell him to the highest bidder, but would like to get around $325. Source:
Keller told students what she felt leadership involved.
out the remaining $9,000 to organizations and improvements to campus. The assembly had two speakers. The first was Dan Brown, who is the Director of Campus Safety. Brown immediately opened the floor to any questions students had about parking or safety issues. The comment of freshmen parking in the upper classmen lots came up and Source: Brown immediately apologized for Director of Campus Safety Dan Brown, the inconvenience. He says “I knew discussed the parking policy. it [the parking] would be tight,” but he felt that it was worth it in order to ensure the safety of students. ion.” He also has an open door policy, He said he completely understands and students are welcome to come and that it’s not fair that previous students talk to him about any concerns they had to abide by the rules and park in have about safety issues. designated parking lots, but his priThe second speaker was Justice mary concern is for the safety of the Michelle Keller, who has a seat on the masses, and allowing freshman to park Kentucky Supreme Court. She is the on South Campus was the safest way to first woman in her district to hold the achieve that goal. current seat that she has. SGA invited Brown encouraged that if students her to speak to the students about leadpark in lots like The Pit at night and do ership. Her three main points about not feel comfortable walking by them- leadership involved commitment, selves, they can use the safety phones vision and bravery. She stated that all in the parking lots to call campus three of these aspects are closely intersafety, or even call them from their cell twined. phones. In order to show commitment, one He suggested that students park in must have a good work ethic. They The Pit and the military lot as they are must be able to persevere and see the typically only half full. Knight Hall is job through, no matter how hard it is. also a place where people can park, as She stated that in a leadership position, it usually is only 10 percent full. Stu- “problems will come and [you] need to dents are also welcome to park in the be committed to solving them.” Hambrick lots (even if they do not live The next aspect was having a there). vision. She suggested that sometimes Brown also brought up the sug- when people start on a job or task they gestion of placing cameras in the lots do not have a vision. She said that one and around the entrances to the dorm shouldn’t worry about this as it can be buildings. He understands that people quickly remedied if the person is a good will have strong feelings on both sides listener and observes what is going on of this issue. However, he is predom- around them. A vision could be small inately concerned with the safety of and on something specific, or it could students and wants to prevent vandal- be a large vision on something more ism to buildings. He said he is “happy to listen to your [the students’] idea of where to put the cameras.” He ended by saying “I value your input and opin-
SGA (Cont. pg. 3)
Issue 7
October 29, 2014 Page 3
Victim of shooting forgives shooter
By ERIC BALMER News Editor On Friday, Oct. 24 at Marysville Pilchuck High School in a suburb of Seattle Washington, high school freshman Jaylen Ray Fryberg opened fire on several of his classmates. During lunch, Fryberg, who had brought a .40-caliber (which had been legally purchased) approached a table, shot the five students sitting there before he turned the gun on himself.
Two students died while several of the other victims were seriously injured and are under continued monitoring. According to NBC, the shooter seemed to be a kid who was popular and happy overall. Eric Cervantes, a junior, said, “He seemed like a nice guy, and he had a lots of friends”( His popularity was apparent due to the fact he was named freshman “homecoming prince” only a week before the shooting.
Although his twitter account may have indicated a shift in his mood in the several weeks leading up to the shooting, his friends had a hard time believing Fryberg could be capable of such violence. A cousin of his, Alex Hatch, was sitting close by when the shots fired. On the shooting Hatch said, “He looked like a different person. He had a look on his face like he was just realizing what he did” ( Fryberg’s other cousin, Nate Hatch,
was one of the victims in the shooting. While in the hospital, he was able to forgive his cousin. Hatch tweeted, “I love you and I forgive you [J]aylen rest in peace”( Students who knew Fryberg were shocked to discover he shot people who were his friends. The question as to why he did what he did and many other questions will unfortunatley continue to remain unaswered.
cil (GAC) on the third floor of the Student Center, but their new office will be on the first floor in what was formerly the game room. They decided on this location because it is in a high traffic area, so students will have easier access to them and any necessary information they need, and students will be able to better see what SGA is involved in. Before they can move in, refurbishments need to be made so that it is a proper office space. Altman said, “I think the office will be the most utilized, memorable thing of my term as president.” Once the new office is set up, SGA is hoping to have an open house where they provide treats and give students a chance to fill out concern cards and interest cards. The concern cards would give students the opportunity to let SGA hear about what they want
changed on campus, and the interest cards would allow students to display their current interest in being involved with SGA by having them fill out what office they may want to run for one day. They are also going to start regularly using on-campus media outlets such as “The Georgetonian” and WRVG 93.7 to giver regular updates on what is happening in SGA. There will be biweekly updates in “The Georgetonian,” like what can be seen in this very article, and on WRVG in their monthly radio talk show. SGA is also changing their grant usage. They used to give out grants to any organization that asked, but they reconsidered the budget usage in order to support both the new office and the organizations that need funding. With the funding for grants lowered this year, Altman said that their focus is
on new initiatives who ask for funding. Since people started to find out the grant limitations, SGA has been asked whether the initiatives that are currently set up, but struggling to survive, will receive grant funding. In response Altman said SGA will examine the different cases and will try to work with them. They want to help organizations who need assistance keeping afloat become more self-sustainable for the future so that they will thrive and will not have to rely so heavily on grant funding. SGA is already planning other ways to help on-campus organizations as well. They are going to partner with GAC and allow different organizations to play music and talk about their organization during lunch times on Fridays.
making difficult decisions, and if you aren’t making difficult decisions then you should evaluate just how effective of a leader you are. Keller admitted that the hardest thing to deal with is when people criticize you and their criticism isn’t even true. She said one must become like Teflon and just let it roll right off.
Keller admitted that leadership can be a thankless job where 20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work. But in the end, leadership will give you back way more in the long run and will even surprise you with where or who it comes from. She also offered the advice of “Don’t burn bridges,” no matter the situation or how you feel because you
will probably have to deal with those people again or someone who knows them. She stated that “leadership starts here and now.” The next SGA assembly will be in November. It is NEXUS credit and all students are welcome to attend.
Update on Student Government
By ANDREA BELLEW Staff Writer An interview with Turner Altman, Student Government Association (SGA) President, provided information on some of the initial plans that SGA has for this school year. Altman started early off by saying, “The main goal is to make SGA a prominent force on the campus,” and that they want to “increase the campus’ view of SGA.” SGA wants the campus to see what they are accomplishing on its behalf and to have more students get involved with them. Then all of the different plans SGA wants to execute to accomplish this goal were discussed. One of the first points he discussed was the new SGA office. The SGA office is currently in an office that is shared with the Georgetown Activities Coun-
SGA (Cont.) general. Whatever type of vision it is, one should put a game plan together and attack it, while also being flexible to what could happen. The last aspect was bravery and how it takes personal courage to be a leader. A part of being a leader is
Page 4
The Georgetonian
Volleyball splits Boneyard Brawl games
By JOE RICHEY Sports Editor
The Tigers won two out of their four games in the Boneyard Brawl Friday and Saturday. To be invited to the Boneyard Brawl teams must have competed in the national tounament. Each of the six teams were receiving votes if not ranked in the coaches’ poll. For their first match against Viterbo University the Tigers were without Lauren Schneidtmiller and Caroline Ricks due to injury. They lost to the No. 9 ranked team 27-25,
25-20, 25-22. “When we are up against a team like Viterbo, we have to put them away,” said coach Nick Griffin. “We played well enough at times, but didn’t finish.” Later that day they played No. 13 Columbia College, losing 25-14, 25-22, 23-25, 25-16. “We are looking for a rhythm with two of our hitters out,” said Griffin. “You play all season and chemistry is coming along nicely, then the injury bug hits. We have to learn to play through that ,and this will make us only that much stronger when we are
Lindsey Martindale sets the ball against Viterbo.
full strength.” On Saturday, with the return of Caroline Ricks, the Tigers played No. 14 Davenport University. They won 26-24, 25-20, 20-25, 25-23. Corri Muha had 14 kills for a .462 hitting percentage. The same day they beat Bryan College 25-20, 25-23, 18-25, 25-14. Caraline Maher had 16 kills for a .500 hitting percentage. Allyson Wilbourn followed with 14 kills and a .333 hitting percentage. “This tournament is so tough and I was really proud of the mental toughness that
we showed today,” said Griffin. “This tournament can make you or break you sometimes with postseason right around the corner. Missing two players Friday, we battled but dropped both matches. It could have been easy to come in here today and struggle. We didn’t. We came out ready to play, had a letdown in the third set of each match, but recovered and took care of business” (
or background. There are some places that don’t even have the hockey program to youth at all (each of these instances depend on where you live; sometimes this is not the case). “Hockey is for Everyone™” is designed to eliminate that and have equality for all youth to be able to play hockey, regardless of who they are. “Hockey is for Everyone™“ is designed to help children learn important life skills, education and the values of hockey (or any sport for that matter) through commitment, perseverance and teamwork. They also promote academic achievement, responsibility, respect and good character. The program provides each athlete with full equipment, ice time, USA Hockey registration and a premier volunteer coaching staff at no charge to the families or the athlete. The
coaches try to encourage the young athletes to be well dedicated, work hard and learn to celebrate both teamwork and individual accomplishments. It is designed to help boost self confidence among people around them and within themselves. This program has provided for over 200 young athletes per year and is among 40 other programs throughout North America that are similar with other sports. Not only does “Hockey is for Everyone™ “ receive financial support from the NHL, but also the Chicago BlackHawk Charities, Amateur Hockey Association of Illinois and other organizations. Chicago Steel, New Trier Hockey Club and Hinsdale Central Hockey Club have helped sponsor specific equip-
NHL’S “Hockey is for Everyone” Program
By KAYLA BOSWELL Staff Writer So, it has been noted that Kentucky isn’t a hockey state, but there are fans out there, though few there are. Many people know what hockey is though, and that it is associated as an all-male sport. However, there is a program called “Hockey is for Everyone™“ that the National
Men’s Bball Football Volleyball Men’s Soccer Women’s Soccer
Hockey League (NHL) has for youth development. This program provides support and special programming to nonprofit youth hockey organizations across North America. “Hockey is for Everyone™” is committed to offering children of all backgrounds, ethnicities and gender opportunities to play hockey. As many people are aware, ice hockey is quite expensive. For beginners, someone has to
W. 90-72 Miami-Middletown W. 37-26 University of Pikeville W. 3-1 Davenport University W. 2-1 Bresica University T. 0-0 WVIT
go through ice skating lessons before starting hockey. Then there is the expensive equipment one must buy to play ice hockey. Many youths are unable to play because of the expenses alone. There are those who aren’t allowed to sign up for youth hockey because there has to be another girl on the team or girls are not allowed to play. Some youths are unable to play because of their ethnicity
Oct. 29 vs. Ohio State-Newark 7 p.m. Nov. 1 @ Bluefield 1:30 p.m. Oct. 30 vs. Cumberland 7 p.m. Oct. 29 vs. Oakland City 6 p.m. Nov. 1 @ Pikeville 6 p.m.
HOCKEY, (Cont. pg.5)
Issue 7
October 29, 2014 Page 5
Basketball Wins Opener
By JOE RICHEY Sports Editor The basketball team began their season with a win Monday night, beating Miami University Middletown 90-72. At the end of the first half 47-34 in favor of the Tigers. The Flash pulled within one point in the first seven minutes of the second half. Then the preseason No. 8 team pulled away for good. Georgetown plays at home Wednesday against Ohio State-Newark at 7:00 p.m.
HOCKEY ment for the program. The “Hockey is for Everyone™” program has made a change in the idea that “hockey is for boys.” It allows more young girls to participate in the sport, as well as allowing others who have financial troubles to participate. This program provides a safe environment for the young athletes and teaches them the basic skills of ice hockey regardless of their age or skill level. There is also no emphasis on winning, but on dedication, hard work, mutual respect for themselves and teammates. All and all this is a good program for youth to have and hopefully it will expand in the future.
Box Score
Georgetown College (1-0) TOT-FG 3-PT REBOUNDS NO PLAYER P FG FGA FG FGA FT FTA OFF DEF TOT PF 14 Washburn, Corey F 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 35 McWhorter, Deondre F 8 17 0 0 3 10 4 10 14 1 4 Cottrill, Noah G 6 13 4 10 8 9 0 3 3 0 12 Coleman, Gerard G 11 14 0 2 1 5 1 2 3 1 13 Kimbro, Tony G 1 5 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 Stenzel, Bopper 1 3 1 2 2 2 0 2 2 3 5 3 Burns, Darion 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 34 Sandoval, EJ 1 4 0 0 1 2 1 5 6 0 3 TEAM REBOUNDS 0 1 1 Team Totals
15 17 30
29 36
Total FG% - 1st: 20/37 0.541 2nd: 14/26 0.538 Game: 0.540 3-PT FG% - 1st: 3/9 0.333 2nd: 2/6 0.333 Game: 0.333 Total FT% - 1st: 4/6 0.667 2nd: 13/24 0.542 Game: 0.567
TP 10 19 24 23 2 1 2 0
A 0 0 4 6 3 2 1 1
TO BK 2 0 4 6 2 0 4 0 2 1 1 0 1
9 90 16 18 9
Deadball Rebounds (6,0)
The Maskrafters present
Want to write for the Sports Page? Update the student body on your team’s season. Write on an obscure sport such as toe wrestling. Profile a Georgetown student-athlete. These and anything else sports related are eligible to be published. Contact the sports editor, Joe Richey @
The Importance of Being Earnest Showtimes
In Ruth Pearce Wilson
Thursday, Oct. 30
7:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 31
7:30 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 1
7:30 p.m.
Lab Theatre
Page 6
The Georgetonian
SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: SAMUEL ADAMS By TERESA CURTIS Staff Writer “All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost. . .” This quote from J.R.R. Tolkien is one that Samuel Adams has so obviously lived by. He has demonstrated through his time thus far at Georgetown that he glitters in his own way. Stepping foot on campus four years ago, Senior Samuel Adams “couldn’t put words to it” but realized that he was destined to attend Georgetown College. Never looking back, Sam has made the most of his time here at Georgetown by becoming involved in various organizations, making new friends and thriving as a theatre major and religion minor. The past four years Sam has really enjoyed his professors because they care about their
students. school breaks, he still Sam is an active wishes that he could member of the President’s have kept in better touch House Association, Alpha with them over the past Psi Omega and the Maskfour years. rafters. He has participated Making new friends in plays on campus since and gaining brothers his freshman year and here at Georgetown, very recently has starred Sam has plenty of people as Jack in “The Importance to help celebrate the rest of Being Earnest” (2014). of his senior year, which This is a tradition that he Source: he plans on doing as has continued since high Sam, who has starred in numerous much as possible while school where he realized Maskrafter productions, plans to con- spending time with his that he had a knack for the tinue performing after graduation. friends. stage and really enjoyed Looking back on the it as well. He sees himself watching one YouTube video, past four years, Sam’s working in theatre somewhere you have to watch 16.” most memorable moment was in the near future. His aspiThough he doesn’t regret the call he got telling him that rations for the stage are truly his choice to procrastinate with he was a member of the Presadmirable. YouTube videos, Sam does ident’s House Association, However, when Sam isn’t regret not keeping in touch as well as the next few days running lines or doing home- with his close friends from of really getting to know his work, he is watching YouTube home as often as he should. He brothers. And the shenanivideos. Even though there are notes that although it is like gans ensued, especially with important things to be done, nothing has changed between past roommate and Sam’s bigSam said “Once you start them when he sees them over gest influence, Grant Harned
(class of 2014). Sam learned a lot about friendship, responsibility, how to be a good friend and just a good person in general from Grant. That kind of friendship really lasts a lifetime, and is something that is apparent whenever seeing the two interact in the theatre together. Although Sam is finished with school, and does not plan on attending graduate school after graduating from Georgetown, he still wishes to pursue acting as a career and hopefully “not starve.” Sam’s advice to the freshmen would be this: “Do not spread yourself too thin, make sure you save time for the things that really interest you, and always show up to rehearsal.”
GSI hosts “No Power Hour” for energy awareness By KAITLIN FAHEY Features Editor Yesterday, Oct. 28, Georgetown Sustainability Initiative (GSI) hosted a “No Power Hour” NEXUS event on the steps of Giddings Hall to raise awareness about power consumption and better management of our energy resources. During this event, attendees heard stump speeches by President Greene, philosophy professor Dr. Jonathan Sands Wise, physics professor Dr.
Jonathan Dickinson, biology professor Dr. Mary Anne Carletta and Bart Horne, Director of Facilities for the College. These speeches covered topics such as renewable energy and global warming, both of which contribute to overall sustainability and environmental wellness. In addition to the speeches, throughout campus, non-critical lights and energy-consuming devices were shut off between 11 a.m. and noon.
Students listen to President M. Dwaine Greene deliver a speech.
Many GC professors, such as Dr. Dickinson (above) participated in the event.
Features KHS club promotes healthy lifestyle on campus
Issue 7
By KAYLA BOSWELL Staff Writer Many clubs across campus try to get students more involved with them. For students, it is important to have something to do other than just school work because it helps them get involved with extracurricular activities, meet new friends and learn about something that they are interested in. Some clubs are not for everyone, but that doesn’t mean they can’t try to see if they might be interested in them. For freshmen, it could help them discover what they would like to major and minor in based on the club they got involved with or the people they met. It could also help them decide what they would like to do after college if they don’t have a plan already. The Kinesiology and Health Studies (KHS) Club is one of many clubs across campus. This club’s purpose is to provide opportunities for leadership among the
October 29, 2014 Page 7
members, include experiential learning with different events they host, provide career education with guest speakers, and networking opportunities which are extremely important for students after they graduate. The Kinesiology Club also promotes a healthy lifestyle on the campus and within the community. Many NEXUS events are organized by the Kinesiology Club. The events include speakers from all types of careers in the health and fitness profession. Their first speaker of the year, Brandon Smitley, was a strength and conditioning coach and is working on his Master’s degree at Indiana State University. He is also ranked sixth nationally in his weight class in powerlifting. Another speaker the club has had in the past, Jamie Hale, is an experimental researcher affiliated with Eastern Kentucky University and is a leading expert on neuroscience and exercise. He has also authored seven books.
One of the events in Exercise is Medicine Week will be a Crossfit Day.
Over the course of the academic year, the Kinesiology club plans to have more guest speakers in professions such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, health and promotion careers, health administrations, personal training and even medicine. Currently, the Kinesiology Club is planning to host an event called “Exercise is Medicine Week” which will be Nov. 3 through Nov. 7. The Exercise is Medicine movement was started by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) with the intention to get health professionals such as doctors, occupational therapists and physical therapists to use exercise more in their treatment and prevention plans for disease in patients. The first full week of November will consist of Crossfit Day on Monday, Yoga Day on Tuesday, Self-Defense Day on Wednesday, Hungry Games (which is a NEXUS event) on Thursday and a Corn Hole Tournament on Friday. Club members hope many students will attend these events and meet some new people, as anyone and everyone is welcome. The current KHS Club president is Sean Kratchman. If anyone is interested in becoming a member of the club or has any questions, Kratchman can be contacted via email at kpeters2@georgetowncollege. edu.
The Kinesiology and Health Studies Club brings various qualified speakers to campus. Jamie Hale, pictured above, is an author and researcher in neuroscience and exercise.
Quote My Georgetown Professor “You don’t want to wait until Wednesday to get your gravy. You’re gonna have some dry turkey. These are things you need to know.” - Rev. Alan Redditt
Posted on the “Quote My Georgetown Professor” Facebook group
Georgetown Tree Huggers
The Georgetonian/KAITLIN FAHEY
This week’s Tree Hugger is Senior Brooke Whitaker.
Page 8
The Georgetonian
“Mario Kart” speeds to be Guild Game of the week By KAYLA BOSWELL
Staff Writer and Gamer’s Guild President There are many games out in the world that friends play together. These games include “Halo,” “Left 4 Dead,” “Call of Duty” and more. These games, when playing in groups, require skills and knowledge of the game. There are also racing games such as “Need for Speed” which require a certain set of skills. However, there is one game that many people can play, if they have skills or not, and that is “Mario Kart.” “Mario Kart” (in whichever version you prefer) is a game where all someone needs to know are the basic controls for driving and throwing the box items that they get. It is challenging, because placings change frequently. Everyone has a chance to get into first place depending on their steering and luck of what the box items provide. So while playing “Mario Kart,” the first rule of thumb is that if Dr. Dickinson is present and you choose Princess Peach to be your driver, you should expect a lot of cheering on his end. Yes, Dr. D loves Princess Peach. The second rule is to play with people who are slightly competitive, but are there to have fun as well. “Mario Kart” is a
with you connected to it) or the nifty Thunder Cloud or Thunderbolt item (that shrinks everyone playing but you and causes the other players to drive slower thanks to their Source: new tiny Rainbow Road proves a terrifying experience for beginners, sizes). These but a fun way for friends to compete against each other. are items that you are fun game, after all. The third rule is that expected to if someone is a beginner at this game, use while you cackle maniacally and do not, and I repeat, do not start on the pass your lovely friends. Rainbow Road track. That is the worst What is also great about “Mario thing that you can do as a friend. For Kart” is that some people say there those who have no idea what Rainbow are characters who aren’t too good Road is, good. You don’t want to know. and some characters who are the best. Another thing about “Mario Kart” However in reality, they are all the that is really awesome is the fact that same. It just depends on how you use if you are running near last place, the the character and how you drive. So, items that you get from the item boxes it makes it a fair race when competing are more useful. Items such as chain with friends and not having to worry chomp (which is this black Pac-Man about them having a faster car so you’ll with teeth thing that is attached to a have to find the secret shortcuts and cut chain that speeds past almost everyone the curves.
If you’ve never played “Mario Kart,” it is highly recommended (by me) that you do so, especially with friends. You might see a side of your friends that you’ve never seen before. You also may have a reason to let your evil side break loose as you make a friend lose their first place.
Princess Peach is the personal favorite of Gamer’s Guild sponsor and physics professor Dr. Dickinson.
Issue 7
October 29, 2014 Page 9
Featured satire: “The Editor’s Lament” #1 and #2
he told his roommate the next day “my staff writers didn’t write. I woke up in a cold sweat and let out a scream.”
By JOE RICHEY Sports Editor
#1 An editor of Georgetown called for writers, any and all. “Who will write for the sports page?” “We will! We will!” the cry did resound.
“Those articles were crap,” he said, “I threw them together. “Maybe one, occasionally two… but three and four can’t be part of my contract!”
In sum, twelve persons agreed to write about sports (for which they would be paid). Ample it seemed.
#2 An editor of Georgetown called for writers any and all “Who will write for the sports page?” In sum, twelve persons were found.
But when called upon there was not a sound. The sports editor, scrambling, plagiphrased from the website and worked long past sundown. “Last night I had a dream,”
The sports editor messaged articles to write. A writer with vague interest replied and zero articles were written by Monday’s deadline at midnight.
Where his staff writers lacked the sports editor dutifully did. He neglected his schoolwork while plagiphrasing the website recaps. The first issue went out he emailed articles to write if his staff writers didn’t respond he would write them all again He told his roommate, “Last night I dreamed staff writers didn’t write for me. With one teat or two I can squeeze out the milk but with three of four there won’t be cream.” The sports editor did not grumble although he was perturbed. He would again if need be (alas, he had no choice). He kept calm and on he trundled.
Susan Power is coming to campus By KAYLA BOSWELL Staff Writer A great opportunity is coming around the corner for Georgetown College. There will be an award-winning author, Susan Power, visiting the campus. Power is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe of the Dakotas and a descendant of the Sioux Chief, Mato Nupa. She will be visiting our campus on Nov. 6 during Dr. Czarnecki’s Native American Literature class, and then she will be available at 7:00 p.m. in the Jones Hall Nelson Suite for a reading/book signing. Power was born in Chicago in 1961. At the age of three, she met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and was an active member of the Civil Rights movement with her parents. When she reached the age of 17, she was named Miss Indian
Chicago. Power then went to Harvard/ Radcliffe to receive an A.B. degree in psychology and later her Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School. Currently, she teaches at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota. After having a short career in law, she decided to pursue creative writing. Currently, Power has written three books, “The Grass Dancer” (1994), “Strong Heart Sociery” (1998) and “Roofwalker” (2002). Some of her short fiction has already been published in “Atlantic Monthly,” “Paris Review,” “Voice Literary Supplement,“ “Ploughshares” and the “Best American Short Stories 1993.” “The Grass Dancer” actually won the PEN/Hemingway Award for First Novel in 1995. This unique tale is told about a North Dakota Sioux tribe and focuses on the Native Americans per-
sonal experiences and values they have within themselves. It also describes how they deal with their relationships with one another. One of the main themes throughout the novel is the importance of ancestry and how in the human world, life does not end there. There are different stories that show the reader how important ancestry is to someone’s life. It also portrays the elders as wise and meant to be followed. This is all expressed in a poetic language and imagery that captivates the reader. Power uses imagery to foreshadow things in the future as well as the past for issues that are essential in learning from life. Some of the imagery used are shown through dreams and visions that demonstrate sources of guidance and enlightenment, all which are important to Native Americans. In an interview through an article, Power
said, “Given the culture I was raised in, this is not magical realism; this is actually reality to me.”
Author Susan Power will be coming to campus for a reading and discussion.
Page 10
The Georgetonian
Georgetonian #Changethename
Editor-in-Chief............................................. Hannah Krieger Managing Editor................................................ Eric Balmer News Editor........................................................ Eric Balmer Sports Editor........................................................ Joe Richey Features Editor................................................ Kaitlin Fahey A&E Editor.................................................. Brooke Whitaker Opinion Editor................................................Stephanie Lee Back Page Editor.................... Austin Fraley & Tyler Phillips Web Editor . .....................................................Kate Doctor Photo Editor..................................................Angel Woodrum Technical Editor..............................................Nathan Smith Copy Editor...................................................Cassidy Clayton Copy Editor................................................... Fiona McElrath Copy Editor................................................. Brooke Whitaker Faculty Adviser...........................................Jennifer Beckett
The Georgetonian is a free weekly newspaper published most Wednesdays during the academic year by Georgetown College in Georgetown, Ky. Its contents are written and edited by current students of Georgetown College. Letters to the editor should be under 600 words and should include the writer’s name and telephone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. Please send letters to one of the following addresses:
The Georgetonian Georgetown College 400 E. College Street Box 280 Georgetown, Kentucky, 40324
All material printed in The Georgetonian is copyright ©2013 Georgetown College, unless otherwise noted. Any republication in any form without express permission from the writer and editor is prohibited.
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According to Dan Snyder, Redskins owner, his reasoning for not I have been a closeted NFL changing the name is the fan for a while now. Now following: “I respect the it is time for me to open up opinions of those who disabout my feelings toward the agree. I want them to know NFL, but more importantly that I do hear them, and I the team known as the Wash- will continue to listen and ington Redskins. Do not get learn...but we cannot ignore me wrong; I love watching our 81 year history, or the Monday night football as much strong feelings of most of Source: as the next girl, especially our fans as well as Native How the mascot is portrayed when my team happens to be Americans throughout the now. playing. I have also shame- country. After 81 years, lessly dedicated hours of my the team name ‘Redskins’ problem only allows the perlife watching these games continues to hold the memo- petuating stereotype that most on television. But one thing I ries and meaning of where we Euro-Americans hold against cannot understand is the need came from, who we are and the Native Americans. In referto cling to such an offensive who we want to be in the years ence to the article I wrote last and slanderous name as much to come.” So, Dan, you’re tell- week, I threw a lot of signifias the owner and most fans of ing me that you want to be cant dates at you that show the the Washington Redskins do. known as someone that con- different acts and laws that the Last week, if you’ve been dones racial slurs in the name Native Americans have surpaying attention, I talked of some good American foot- vived and come out stronger about Indigenous People’s Day ball? for in the end. As an avid footinstead of celebrating ColumIn all honesty, it would not ball fan, if my team had such bus Day. The same kind of tur- be that difficult to change the controversy surrounding their moil is found at the root of this name, nor that expensive. He name, it would not hurt me to very issue that I am have them change the name raising today. Accordto something less offensive. I ing to the interwebs, get the need for tradition, but the Redskins have been not at the expense of an entire tossing the good ol’ group of people. pigskin around since “Proud. Forgotten. Indian. the year 1932, which is Navajo. Blackfoot. Inuit and interesting because the Sioux. Survivor. Spiritualist. Indigenous Peoples Patriot. . .” Only a few of the that they are offendnames that are mentioned in ing have been here the latest commercial paid for much longer. The fact by the Yocha Dehe Wintun that there is contro- Source: Nation, that mentions several versy surrounding this The name Redskins is offensive to different names that Native team is nothing new, some people. Americans like to call themas the headline has selves; but the one word that is been swirling news stations has also denied the problem not mentioned is “Redskins.” for a while now. I ask myself, on several occasions by ignor- #ChangeTheName why would it be so difficult to ing it and hoping it just goes change the name? away. I am afraid that this Staff Writer
Issue 7
October 29, 2014 Page 11
Partake in the Halloween festivities By KAYLA BOSWELL Staff Writer Halloween is one of the unique holidays that we celebrate in America. There are many things that we do to prepare for this scary holiday. We carve pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns (which used to represent the dead souls), visit haunted houses, watch horror films and pick out a costume. Then on Halloween, young children go trick-or-treating, people attend costume parties, light bonfires, play pranks, tell scary stories and go apple bobbing. Some cities have parades that have many things involving costumes and the dead. For one holiday, we do a lot for it. Then there is the candy that everyone loves to eat. Ah, candy, the sweet reward of
this holiday. KitKats, Butterfingers, candy corn, Snickers, Reese’s, Skittles, M&M’s, Hershey’s, Whoppers and many more are given out and eaten on Halloween (and before and after too). As college students, some of us wait until after Halloween to attack the stores for discounted candy that we can afford. Once classes end, students rush to Wal-Mart to take what is left of their Halloween candy. After 5 p.m., there usually isn’t anything left because shoppers and students get all of it, but if you are lucky and arrive early, you may be able to buy something good. The sweet tooth that people have during this scary holiday cannot be satisfied, and everyone is very appreciative when they are given candy. After all, we are all too old to go trick-
Hope everyone has a fun Halloween! or-treating and sadly cannot get all the free candy we used to receive from the kind neighbors that would give it out to us. However, many of us make it up by giving candy out to the children that we used to be and pay back what we received. Plus, (and don’t lie) most of us eat some of the candy that we buy for the children. It is Halloween and it is completely
okay to have one piece or twenty to snack on while waiting for children dressed up to come to our doors. Then there is the Pumpkin craze that happens around autumn and Halloween, yet there and safe is not a pumpkin candy that is given. There is pumpkin shaped candy; I believe Reese’s sometimes is in the shape of a pumpkin. Even candy corn takes the form of a pumpkin sometimes, but there isn’t pumpkin flavored candy, which is odd for our pumpkin crazed society. Speaking of candy corn: that seems to become rather popular during Halloween.
No one seems to want candy corn anytime during the year, expect during Halloween. Maybe there are some people who want candy corn all the time, but you don’t normally see it as much as you do during Halloween. It even comes in different colors besides the famous white, orange and yellow. Sometimes brown, black or red is shown in the candy corn, although it always tastes the same. So, Halloween is coming up this Friday and everyone will be dressing up in costumes and eating candy. Haunted houses will be attended and many parties will be hosted for this autumn holiday. Hopefully, everyone will get some delicious candy, and be safe.
More Georgetown pride needed on campus By STEPHANIE LEE Staff Writer It has come to my attention that Georgetown pride might not be as great as the student body and faculty believe. Walk around campus and take a peek at the shirts, hoodies and hats that students are wearing. You probably saw some UK, UofL and other miscellaneous schools thrown into the mix along with some Georgetown shirts, right? I’m not saying that we cannot or should not wear and take pride in these other
teams that we support for athletic reasons. I merely want to spread awareness within the student body to take more consideration when they pull a shirt or hoodie on in the morning. I want people to be more conscious of their choices when going to an athletic event on campus, or standing up to support Georgetown College as a whole. We should be proud of the institution where we are getting our education (and investing so much of our money). Since we go to Georgetown we are all probably wanting
in the money department. Most likely we are not able to buy the sweatshirts and other memorabilia in the Store on campus. That is why they have Flash sales and a clearance rack though. Or, once, I bought a zip up hoodie at the Goodwill in town. There are cheaper ways to show Tiger pride, thankfully. Our faculty and staff do a decent job of wearing Georgetown appropriate apparel though. Granted, I believe they also have a dress code, but if you were to ever pay closer attention to their wardrobes,
much of our faculty wear a lot of orange and black. Subconsciously this affects what I think of my school. If the faculty can have that much pride in their work, then it makes me want to have more pride in my alma mater as well. I want to challenge the student body to not wear their UK, UofL, etc. clothing for one week. I believe that this will promote a better sense of unity among us all. That is why we are all here after all. Georgetown College has united us, not any other school or sports team. If you cannot complete
this challenge because you only own shirts, hoodies, etc. with that school or team on them then I suggest you invest in a new wardrobe because you are probably a really obnoxious fan and need a change in your life anyway.
Go Tigers!
THE BACKPAGE A Brief History of Georgetonia, Part 4: The Yik Yak Menace
By A. Fraley & T. Phillips BackPage Editors
The Holy Hand Grenade of Andersoniach had gone off without a hitch and destroyed the Great Patriot of Cumberlandia. In a miracle comparable only to the Sea-Store Coastal Marketplace opening its doors for 24 hours, the grenade also destroyed the villainous GC Confessions. To celebrate the events of Homecoming 2014, several valorous war heroes from all classes were declared royalty. Once again, there was great rejoicing in Georgetonia. For a while it seemed as if the Great Peace would finally return to the land. However, as it turned out, the soul of GC Confessions was made of community garden weeds and was thus indestructible. Servants of darkness, the squirrels of Georgetonia, began to reassemble the remains of GC Confessions with an even more potent material—total anonymity and lawlessness. The new and improved zombie terrorist arose from the depths of the Elkhorn sea, and promptly renamed itself “Yik Yak.” Its terror was only comparable to the horrifying twins—The Student Loan Monster and its sister, the Final Exams Multi-headed Beast. Only days after homecoming, the Yik Yak went around terrorizing the poor Georgetonians, who just could not catch a break. The Great and Powerful Yik Yak cleared its throat, bellowed a deep cry, and spake these words: HahaImDrunk No RAs in the great Halls of Anderson! Partaaaaaaay. 1 Day Ago The Georgetonians trembled at his deceptive glory and insurmountable wisdom, submitting to the slavery of the seven-horned beast’s will. They paid homage to the beast by daily recording every thought, opinion
or fleeting desire to complain about waking up earlier than 9:00 a.m. JusTrynaStudy “Turning up” leads to death! Flee! Flee Anderson, all ye who seek life! 1 Day Ago T-Philly hi im tylerphilips and i’m such a loooooooooser 1 Day Ago A Mysterious GC Professor #TRINITY 23 Hours Ago Willie Nelson’s Cheese Biscuit Mm mm good. >:) 17 Hours Ago Kannah Hrieger The formatting of the BackPage’s “History of Georgetonia” serial is quickly degenerating. Not sure what’s happening… 15 Hours Ago Actually T-Philly It is the curse of the terrible Yik Yak! It has run amok across Georgetonia so much so that it has seeped into the very BackPage itself! 14 Hours Ago
not what your Georgetonia can do for you, but what you can do for it. In other words, Georgetonians, fight the Yik Yak beast! You’ve been deceived. Imagine a world with no anonyminominiminity (Goodness, that word is quite the devil to spell!). A world where we existed as people, face to face, with honor as our sword and authenticity as our shield. A world where we were known truthfully by our brothers, comfortable in our identity, and compassionate to all! Go forth Georgetonian kin, and fear no darkness! Arise to smite the mighty Yik Yak! 2 Hours Ago 2 downvotes #Lame What a loser that guy is. You lost me after the first 140 characters. Keep partyin, G-Tonia! 2 Hours Ago A.Fralisons Wait. I now see the truth! The Defender is right! #Lame is really the Yik Yak. I can smell the anonomomity on his breath! How can we stop him? 2 Hours Ago
iPhone 6 Yes, Yik Yak. Good. Use your hatred. Work to my advantage. 8 Hours Ago.
I Have an Idea Hello. My name is Rick. I’m the WiFi on campus. Most of you have never seen me. I lurk in the shadows of your ethernet cables and satellite signals (I’m even in your Netflix screens). You Georgetonians have hated me for a long time. You never even bothered to learn my real name. But now, once and for all, I am going to prove to you that I am valuable and capable of much more than you ever dreamed or imagined. 45 Minutes Ago.
#TheDefenderofGeorgetonia Halt! Let this madness of Yaking the Yiks cease! Fourscore and seven years ago I had a dream that one day the only thing to fear would be fear itself! Ask
Suddenly the WiFi on campus vanished and with it so did Yik Yak. There was some question as to whether or not this was only temporary. But when the WiFi turned itself back on, the citizens
Georgetonian Teenage Mutant Ninja Skunk Munch, munch, munch, conquer. 9 Hours Ago
were informed via the most reliable news source on the face of the Earth, the BackPage, that the Yik Yak beast had been forever banished to the study tables of Asher. It was never seen or heard from again. The great Tiger of Georgetonia, Asher-lan, would guard the gates for all eternity (semester). Of course, you regular readers will recognize that the Georgetonians never enjoy peace for long. We here at the BackPage are not sure if we have ever encountered such a tortured, miserable people (although Austin claims he once saw an Asherite spontaneously combust when exposed to the sun for the first time in months). We’re not sure why they have been the victims of such horrible fortunes. Perhaps one day we will know, and be able to solve all of their problems. Who am I kidding, there’s probably another torturous monster coming next week! It’ll seem like the world is in a state of apocalypse, there will be a happy ending, and then at the last minute something will ruin it. I mean, please. The structure of these serials is so repetitive. A monkey could write them. Seriously. Monkeys wrote this. We’re actually monkeys. I’m not kidding.
Source: GSI
Turn down for what? For blankets!