The Georgetonian - Spring 2016, Issue 8

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March 30, 2016

Volume CXXXVI Issue 8

Student Government Association elections are under way

Presidential debate held between Altman and Boddy during SGA assembly By BAILEE BOGGESS Staff Writer The time of the year has come for students to campaign for and elect the Student Government Association. As always, students have the opportunity to run for several different offices. Upcoming Senior Turner Altman and Upcoming Sophomore Kolt Boddy are running for President. The other offices are as follows: Shannon Eckelkamp, Ben Martin and Remington Williams are running for Vice President; Aaron Benge, Peyton Griffee and Raygan Kilby are running for Vice President of Academic Affairs; Emily Altman and Kendall Harrison are running for Vice President of Campus and Community Affairs; Brook Billings and Jordan Meade are running for Parliamentarian. On Thurs., March 24, the SGA General Assembly was held. Students in attendance were able to get a better view of who the candidates are. During the general assem-


this issue

bly, all the candidates were introduced. Also, the annual presidential debate was held between the two candidates running for the office.


Presidential candidate Turner Altman focuses on progressing Georgetown by changing current precedents. The current president, William Thomas, asked three questions to Altman and Boddy about the ideas and principles they would implement if elected as President. The first question dealt with why they wanted to be

This week at the State Capitol page 2

elected as president. Altman’s answer touched on the fact that he was running for the second time and how running for SGA is a “great opportunity for the college to grow. [Georgetown is] a very special place close to my heart.” He also said that he is not content and wants to make things around campus better. Boddy said that he wants “to carry on the legacy of the current administration, be a voice to all students and bring legitimacy to the school.” Then, the candidates were asked what one initiative they would like to take on in office is. Boddy said he would like to see more diversity and create a place for students to come and participate in equality. Altman also mentioned diversity, as well as wanting to create a voice for the students. He wants SGA to make a difference by doing things like the Christmas Light Competition to “bring the campus together” and utilizing the budget given to SGA more.

The third question was what made each candidate different from his opponent. Altman said that he had experience with the position

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Submitted by Kolt Boddy

Presidential candidate Kolt Boddy focuses on continuing and improving on the current administration. and personal relationships with the president of the college, the dean and the board of the school. Boddy said that even though he has not been on campus long, he is willing to work with everyone and is a hands–on leader. He also said

he will be sure to stay informed on what is going on with all other positions on Executive Council. Candidates were then asked about how they would work with Executive Council. After the current president asked his questions, the floor was opened to students who wanted to ask questions about issues about which they were concerned. One of the questions was, “How are you going to get other organizations to pull for diversitiy?” Altman said that there is not one answer, but he plans on doing everything that he can to change the culture, because that is where diversity starts. Boddy said that the best way to start diversity is to search into other diversity programs and expand what they already have. Voting began on March 28 and can be accessed on the Portal through the GC Life tab. Student Life sent an email out to all students with an attached link to the online voting poll.

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