April 6, 2016
Volume CXXXVI Issue 9
Dr. Houston and Meiko Smith speak at Tuesday chapel service Dr. Frank Houston leads chapel service focused on success and failure By MEGAN NORRIS Staff Writer On Tuesday, April 5, students, faculty, staff and members of the Georgetown College community met for a worship service in John L. Hill Chapel auditorium at 11 a.m. Dr. Bryan Langlands hosted the service. He started by reading Psalm 150. The psalm starts: “Praise the Lord.” This opening line of the scripture sequed without pause into the message later brought by Senior Mieko Smith and Dr. Frank Houston. The accompaniment for the event was provided by Mr. Nathaniel Price, whose opening song and performance was “Mighty to Save” by Chris Tomlin. After the worship song, Meiko Smith read from Luke 24, which says, “We must remind each other that we will be victorious.” Luke 24 is a passage about individuals visiting the tomb of Jesus, but finding that Jesus had risen from the dead and was not in the tomb.
this issue
cesses do. Every day is a new day; every game is a new game. Even those that are at the top of their game (the professionals, the experts) sometimes fail. SomeSubmitted by Megan Norris Dr. Houston speaks to the campus community times, our failures bless in attendance on Tuesday. us more than our sucSmith ended her time on cesses.” stage by leaving the audiDr. Houston went on to ence with this final thought, say, “The only people who “We, too, can be resurrected, catch fish every time they go because our savior lives.” out are those that lie, that have Dr. Houston read from short memories, or both.” Luke 5:1-11. Recalling the lives of the The basis of his message apostles, he said, “We know was that nobody wins all the the end result of some of their time. Throughout his remarks, lives, but we often don’t know Dr. Houston expressed to the their struggles.” audience that no one can sucIn terms of struggling, Dr. ceed in every moment or in Houston recalled numerous every aspect of life. people, deemed successful He said, “Our failures by society, who had various define us more than our suc- struggles.
He noted the accounts of Children,” a community servarious successful people, such vice opportunity available to as Thomas Edison, Dr. Seuss the Georgetown College comand Michael Jordan, who was munity. cut from his high school basFeed My Starving Chilketball team. He was deemed dren is a Christian non–profit the superstar of superstars, organization, whose tagline even though he missed more is “‘Blessed are those who are than 9,000 career shots, lost 300 generous, because they feed the games and was trusted by his poor.’ – Proverbs 22:9.” team to shoot game–winning To find out more informashot 26 times and missed. tion about this event, visit Fmsc. Dr. Houston said, “Peter org or contact Bryan Langlands spoke for all of us. ‘We’ve at his email, Bryan_Langlands@ worked hard and haven’t georgetowncollege.edu. caught anything.’ We must trust and obey Him in our failure. Peter l e a r n e d something about himself because he met Jesus in his failure.” Concluding Dr. Houston’s message was a special offering and promotion for volunteers to help Submitted by Megan Norris with “Feed Meiko Smith after the Tuesday chapel service. My Starving
Phi Kappa Phi inductes students with excellent academics page 2
A discussion on encouraged, not forced, diversity page 11
Villanova wins NCAA Division I national title page 5
Auxiliary organizations are gone page 12