Toy's Noise 1

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toys noise issue no1 02/20/2015


I screwed up a lot making this first issue, and I’d like to thank Charlie, Josh, Luis, Mission, Aleister, and Faith for being patient, helpful, and talkative. I’d also like to thank Jumie, Freya, Clarke, Ally and Margaret for helping me edit, Ellie for making the comic, and Ola for your contribution, the title, the encouragement, your faith, your love, and for standing on the stage with me. Thank you all again. See you next time!!!!

welcome! table of contents micro chips.........................................2 cover- faith is the best........................4 review by ola wilk branas....................6 comic by eleanor carpenter.................7 poll.......................................................7 mission marcus....................................8 aleister martensen..............................10 horoscopes.........................................12




because if i make u pay for it u will treat it with more respect than if i gave it to you for free. and printing costs. and im proud of it???? dont ask me again

this is the first interview I’ve ever conducted. On December 1st, I sat down with

Charlie Oken, Luis Perales,& Joshua Sanchez of The Ambiguous Chips for an interview. I thought we’d go to a choir practice room for a quiet place to talk. When we got in there, Josh and Luis immediately sat down at opposite pianos and began to play, seemingly without listening to each other or seeing anyone else. gonna start a band and I want these

So who exactly is in the band, guys in it.” right now I’m looking at Josh, L: We all have division together, so we Charlie, and Luis... all knew each other since freshman year. Luis: Officially... Josh: Yeah, I think when it really got Charle: Officially, we got me on started was when... We started getting lead guitar, Luis on rhythem guitar, serious about it with the documentary, Joshua on bass, Ethan [Moroh] on the Whitney Young documentarydrums, and now we have no official- C: That’s right L: We kinda have no official singer. J: They we looking for music from the C: No official but Rachel [Bostic, of students to use as their tracks on the The Other Team] has been singing documentary. for us recently. L: We were supposed to be a one time I heard that song of yours that she thing! Remember we were only supsang on, what was recording that posed to do one song. like? C: Our original incarnation had me C: We recorded it using the JamHub on drums, Luis on lead guitar, Josh on in the guitar room, so like... we just rhythm, Marissa [Delgado] on bass, plugged in, and... we’d been play- Ayyad [Jacob] on vocals, Lauren ing that specific song, Past Undone, [White-Jackson] also on vocals, Adrian for a long time, like that’s our first [Valdez] on another guitar somewheresongL: [laughing] It was just like everyone L: First song, yeah. in our division wanted to join our band. C: Luis wrote it. C: Aidan [Acosta] was a dancer for us. Nice. What influences does the band have? C: Yeah. So we went in... had many C: We are all over the place, everyone takes.... [laughs] has different artists. Josh... L: [chuckles] Yeah, like 300. J: We’re not going to talk about it. C: Yeah, 300. We recorded it a lot, L: [laughs] I remember you used to talk and then eventually we got a take about Maroon 5 all the time. that sounded right. J: I did. You said on Facebook a while ago C: We used to be big on Maroon 5, now that you were making an EP last he’s like big on blues. And Van Morrisummer, did that happen? son, for sure. C: Well, we planned on it, J: Our true roots are quite like the name, L: We planned on it. they’re quite ambiguous. C: But we just couldn’t get it C: My middle school days were very together. Cuz Ethan was gone all much metal, I came from a metal place, summer, and I have all the recording and then when I got to high school I got equipment, but I live all the way, more well rounded in terms of music, like really far northwest. and I listened to more garage rock, and L: Too far for me. shoegaze, lots of shoegaze. I ended up C: Too far for Luis. listening to everything. L: Like two hours public transit. L: Yeah I started off listening to alternaSo how did you start the band, tive rock, all this alternative stuff, garage who was the one who said “I’m rock, stuff like that, like the Strokes, one all diff we all have different sound. If

of my favorite bands, but like- we’re all different, we all have different sound. If Rameez would have stayed, I remember he was really into jazz. C: Yeah, Ethan’s into jazz too, and metal a lot. L: And that’s what I feel like makes a good band. C: We all have this cohesiveness because we come from different environments. We don’t have like tastes. It combines. So if you had to say, “if you like this band, you’ll like Ambiguous Chips...” C: Oh man, um... L: What is the genre we have on Facebook? I really like it. C: Let me look it up. C: [reading Facebook] Avant garde garage prog jazz alternative rock. Not niche at all! J: Was that a joke? or was that an actual… I forget. I think that you don’t know says a lot. Now I know a lot of you are also very involved with jam club, how’d that get started? I know I was with... I donno who I was talking to somebody was like “yeah my friend started that, but they graduated,” and I was like “I’m pretty sure...” C: That actually- so there was a jam club, apparently, a really long time ago which I never knew about, I think I think Mikayla [Padella] started a jam club. Jonathan Areaz was telling me that it didn’t work out, so it stopped. Then this year over the summer I was talking to Holly [Situ] a lot, we were talking about how there was barely any bands here, cuz Spanish Tribe had graduated, Happy99 at the time was broken up, and so basically it was like Ambiguous Chips and The Other Team at the time and that was it. So me and Holly ... I was like “hey, we should form something to like get people in bands.” And then she told me to go do it. So I formed jam club. Nino [Lenzini] and Josh joined, Nino

was big on it for a while... and then I was president... and that’s how jam club was born. So do you think you’ve achieved your goal? C: I think we’re working towards it. It’s definitey slow at first, and I think that’s because.... We need to get more people playing different instruments. Like, a lot of people play guitar, which is fineL: Too many people play guitar. C: Yeah, it’s fine but we need to get more people playing drums, and that’s partially my fault because the way I organized the club we haven’t been able to do the drum teaching thing that we initially planned... hopefully we’ll be able to move that into action soon. I want to talk about Coffeehouse. what’s your favorite thing about Coffeehouse? C: Oh man! There are so many great things about Coffeehouse. L: Playing music... I like that we just have a place to at least practice and 3 show people what we’re making so far. I think that’s really cool, and then we get to see other people too. And there’s... no hate. It’s a nice environment where people can show their talents. C: Yeah everyone’s always... so much [heavy finger quotes] “positive energy” to put it that way, like, everyone’s always happy cheering everyone on, it’s always great. J: Yeah I think that’s the best thing about Coffeehouse, is you can go in, and play some music and no one will really judge you for it and that’s something... That’s great. Everyone has fun. Will we see you guys there next month? J: Yeah C: For sure. we’ll be playing every coffeehouse. L: What’re we doing next month? J: That’s a debate for a later time. C: We’ll figure it out.§

Our roots are quite like the name, they’re quite


note: Aidan was most likely volunteered, and Rameez is technically on hiatus, not gone forever

In early December, I went out for slushies with the incomparable

faith almeraz

aka Commakaze, guitarist for The Other Team, and host of WY’s premire musical tastemaking podcast, Stop Time. Other people were there, but they’re irrelevant. me: Alright. so tell me about how F: I don’t know if he’ll be ok with me podcast club got started saying... Faith: Okay, well, I didn’t actually Who is it! I have to know! start podcast club, it was Kenyatta F: It was Ayyad. he’s very opinionated, and a few other people that got it which I appreciate, honestly. started, but I did see fliers for it and, But he was silent! I don’t know, it got me interested F: Yeah. since there’s a lot of music that not Was that hard for him? a lot of people have heard of. So I F: Umm... I don’t think so because he was like hey, maybe I can give it a really didn’t want to be a part of it, he medium so that people can listen to was just kinda there because he was it. So I started my podcast. waiting for Yesenia, but also he’s very Cool! How do you pick your opinionated, so like between breaks songs? I know you have some like he’d be like “Oh my god, this song, I student work, but also just some have so much to say about it!” It wasn’t songs you’ve said you liked. always positive. F: Yeah, um, so part of it I see their You talked a little bit about how you pages on Facebook that just pop didn’t have a lot of girls in music in up and I like them and later check the first episode, and I’ve also been out their music. The other part of it having this problem, because... this is that I’m in this group [on facething I’m making... I’m like “oh I book] called “Defend pop punk” want people from podcast club and and there’s a lot of people who will jam club and Coffeehouse,” and write their own music and put it in then I realize I’m talking to five boys that group so I usually get my music aaand Faith. So... how are you... how from there. do I wanna say it- how is this affectIs that like an international thing? ing what you’re trying to make? I remember you’ve had some UK F: I mean... I really wanna make it artists on your show diverse. I know there’s- in the music F: Yeah it’s definitely international... industry in general there are a lot of the only problem is its a pop punk women, but especially in rock- like group so most of its pop punk. when you listen to the radio and there Your first episode your co-hosts are a lot of women, but aside from that were Yesenia and Karina... I hav- there really aren’t. And that’s kinda en’t heard the second one yet. but frustrating. So I do try to look for more is like that the constant thing, is it female musicians and put them on my the three of you together? podcast but it’s hard. F: Well, it started off that way, that How does that affect music that you it was me, Yesenia, and Karina, and make? I would bring in music and they F: It doesn’t really affect me that much would comment on it. slowly... but I mean- a lot of people that I look to they’ve kind of drifted away. musically are women, and since there Oh no! aren’t really a lot in rock I don’t have F: In my last episode I was the only a lot of women to really look to in my one talking, so that was a disaster. music, so I guess my... my influences First episode you also had a secret are kind of limited. guest. So you make music, but you also F: I did. make music with these people Who was it?

[points at Genny Kleve and Evelyn F: Yeah but I’m actually really glad Stowe of The Other Team]so I’d that he’s been performing his own like some updates on some band originals because I do listen to them gossip I heard from Genny: she on Facebook and then he sends me his said you guys were going to have to music. beat someone up to have a practice I totally had more questions Faith room. Did it happen. but I didn’t write them down. What F: Not really, cause on Friday they are some other great artists at our didn’t show up. This Friday we might school that you have featured [on have to... Stop Time] or that you just like? Showdown? F: okay, so I mentioned myself and F: Yeah... against Wink 281. [laughs] Aleister... We’ll challenge them to a two-step G: [points to herself] contest! No. That no was to GenAre you planning on ny, not to you, Faith. putting your own music F: I also have to give a on the podcast? shout out to my band, The F: I actually have, on the Other Team, last episode. I did it under Genny and Evelyn: [apa moniker though- Complaud themselves] makaze. Yeah I definitely F: Like us on Facebook... want to share more like Ambiguous Chips are also that. pretty cool... Happy99... I’m totally obsessed I barely even know with that one song anyone else besides that. you did at coffehouseHow do you feel about “Strawberry Jam?” so the Target $1 section. cute! F: I love it. it’s my bff. F: Thank you!! Me too. It’s always there What’s your favorite for me. thing about coffeeF: Exactly! house? When no one else is. More music F: Just the fact that it’s so supportive, questions! Um... Name some of your like even- there’s a lot of mess ups, musical influences. just because people... They do this F: Okaylast minute, like our band messed up Genny: [points to self] a lot, but people are really supportive, F: Of course, Ms. Genevieve Kleve. they don’t boo us, they clap... And the No, but I’ve always been a huge Parcrowd is always growing, bigger and amore fan, I love them sooo sosososo bigger. At the beginning of the year sooo much. Avril Lavigne, actually, like there was like five, ten people. Last her early stuff is top notch. I just love coffeehouse I went to there was... an All Time Low. They’re pretty good too. insane amount. What do you want for Christmas? Was that the November one or the F: All I want for Christmas is you. October one? Aww thanks. That’s the note we’re F: October gonna end the interview on. That’s November was awesome. it was the cutest interview. Thank you for awesome. talking. F: I heard it was awesome! F: Thank you for having me. ∞ So good. G: [various whimpering noises about Aleister play originals] Team/405316882886085 Are you friends with him on book? He puts them up on Facebook. I’ve been listening to them, and then I got to hear them live at coffeehouse! photo by Holly Situ


Album: Come On Ola Pilgrim by Pixiesby Wilk-Branas

Year: 1987 Label: 4AD You might enjoy this if you like: Sonic Youth, Violent Femmes, Mudhoney, Modest Mouse, Lou Reed, early The White Stripes, Smashing Pumpkins, The Breeders, Black Flag, Nirvana, early Radiohead (or just give it a shot as you are because who knows you just might like it) Warning: NSFW (or family listening- contains crude language and themes)

You’ve probably heard of the Pixies via songs like “Here Comes Your Man” or “Where Is My Mind?”, but those polished, practiced songs (which are still great) don’t have the same freshness, crudeness that the band had when it first had to try to make it’s mark. And they did it. First studio album (dubbed “miniLP-” it’s only 8 songs) by the Pixies, Come On Pilgrim is as raw as the finest steak tartare. But that doesn’t mean messy; the Pixies keep the sounds sustained and open, and let their beats attack. It’s tight and punchy, smart and fun, loud and fast. The Pixies are often said to be innovators of what would become “alternative rock”, and while the early Pixies didn’t exactly reflect this yet, their sound out of Boston was still unique and innovative. Battling and whining guitars, witty lyrics, tight and powerful drums, and the best screams from Black Francis (the band’s frontman). The band’s punk roots come through on songs like Vamos and Isla De Encanta (both partly sung in Spanish) where the guitars yowl and drone over heavy driving drums. But the Pixies don’t give in easy with what could be basic “punk”; Black Francis adds his sporadic almost demonic vocal sounds, and you get some abstract guitar sounds that are reminiscent of early Sonic Youth. Ed is Dead and The Holiday Song display some of the early gunge feel. The howling guitars don’t quit, some acoustic added over, more yowling from Francis, and some

img ©4AD Pixies

glorious solos that really set the Pixies apart. The Pixies stay cheeky, however through funny vocal sounds, sly lyrics, and what I would call melodic jokes, where the vocals, guitars, and drums play with timing and going in and out of each other. Despite seeming initially aggressive, Kim Deal contrasts this with backing vocals and spoken overdub that are cheery and lively. The dark themes on this album (incest, sexual frustration, vague religion, brain damage) especially make it a great pick for the dark gloomy winter days of Chicago. Things like these set the band apart from everything else coming out at the time, and this album kickstarted their fairly successful career (maybe they’re overstaying their time, but they are playing Shaky Knees and Boston Calling this year so). •••

you don’t give me butterflies. you give me anxiety and headaches. by Eleanor Carpenter



I asked facebook what to do with my last page. These are some semi-anonymous responces

1: my name. blank space baby 2: meeee 3: picture of a pug 4: memes 5: beautiful things 6: my face 7: to agree with [5] you could put my butt. my butt is a beauitful thing 6: but, tbh, if u want something beautiful, make a collage of Zayn 8: did u fill this page yet because I would like to formally submit a request for U to fill it with a picture of MY face surrounded by singing Angels 9: I request my left foot surrounded by Rays of sunshine my grandpa: You could write a poem about your papa 10: talk about how much u love me

Mission Marcus

is, in addition to a very charming interview, guitarist with Happy99 and a well-known WY Coffeehouse bro. READ MORE>>> at Coffeehouse, but I have to ask you, I saw you play not last Saturday, what is your technical role at CoffeeSaturday before, at that house house? Because sometimes I refer to you show at somebody’s houseas the emcee but sometimes Thomas Mission: You were there? is the emcee... Yeah, it was fun! But is that a [Bulvan] M: I’m actually I donno know it’s typical kind of show for you called, the chief?theThe leader? I donno. guys? Mikayla [Padella] actually gave me the M: Every time I’m not playing position of leader. a venue gig, I like to make my It was inherited? own shows, cuz everyone thinks M: Yes, it was inherited. And it was basithat like a smaller show is a because I was the only one there that better show, you know? Its like cally could inherit it at the time. At this point- I so small, there’s so many people don’t know I am anymore either there, I mean it seemed like there because- I’mwhat graduating next year, and I were lots of people there, right? I wanna give out as many positions as I can, like hosting small shows like thatI wanna give out emcee, I wanna give cuz it’s like- it’s kinda a break lights, I wanna- I know for sure Meganout from the norm. [Poulosophos] has a for sure position cuz Didn’t you guys break up? she’s always there Didn’t Happy99 break up? bless her. M: So there’s another guitarist God M: I wanna make sure everyone has like a in the band, his name is Victor spot you know, and a role. And so Thomas [Roa.] He’s, like, super profes- recently has asked me to be the emcee and sional. He’s a great guitarist, a I was like “yeah I actually need to great musician... and he really give that spot outdude, too.” And like, before did not like where Happy99 that it was Steel Teal who emceeing was going. I don’t think any of so I mean it was fun. So it was was fun while us did. We had a lot of probit lasted, but I’m not emcee anymore, and lems with who was being really I’m giving it up. committed to the band, and so When I first heard about Coffeehouse, I we actually played this “last in 8th grade, you were a freshman, show,” I think it was at another was but at that time it was like a benefit for house show that we had- and Comic what happened there, did we thought, “alright, you know, we stopRelief, doing this is kinda boring, we all have M: Coffeehousethat? has basically changed. side projects...” And so Victor’s A bunch. And I think Steel Teal used to like “yeah I’m not gonna do express more than just and I think this anymore,” and our bassist that that’s really where music, I want to get cof[Michael Jasso] was like “yeah feehouse, too. Because- there are so many me either,” but I was actually people with talents at this school, you still jamming with the drummer know, you have like people who do spoken and the singer, Luis [Reyes] word, you have people who are comediand Beto [Trinidad]. And then ans, you have people who rap, I mean we Victor and Michael came back, don’t see any rappers at Coffeehouse, I and they’re like, “why break that’s perfect music too, you know? up?” Cuz honestly, like, we were mean I mean why don’t you just go up there on practicing this whole time, we the stage and just rap? It’s a huge problem, weren’t really thinking about it, too, because in trying to get all these difjust jamming out. ferent talents at Coffeehouse and it’s hard I’ve also seen you perform solo because we don’t even have any time. Like

last time, people were signbusiness is it’s very shaky at this point, and it’s ing up late, and I give anyone really just fun to be in it. I love making music, a spot at Coffeehouse if they I love writing. I mean for me, I can expect just want to perform, but this time I knowing a lot of people, knowing a lot of peocouldn’t! ple who will actually make a difference with That sounds like a good prob- their music, so. That’s this cool thing about it. lem to have. So, if I ask writing or performing, you M: Yeah, right? choose writing? So many people want to par- M: Yeah. Writing is awesome because you can ticipatekinda do whatever you want. Writing: you can M: It IS a great problem to kind of write your own thing and then just put have, but then I gotta go to a it on the Internet! That’s the cool thing about it person and be like, “uh, yeah, nowadays. you can’t perform....” And Last question! they’re like “oh, well I’m never Signing off question, performing then!” like ugghh..... what do you want Does coffeehouse have a goal, people to know or dare I ask, a “Mission about you or your statement?” music. M: We actually have Battle M: I want... I don’t of the Bands every year, and know! I meanCoffeehouse actually- we Do you not want raise money, we get a little bit people to know? of money each time we have M: I don’t want anycoffeehouse, so we put that one to know about money into Battle of the Bands. me, no. Uh. I just And that’s kind of our goal. And want people to know pic cred- Mission Marcus that- I’m someone Battle of the Bands is more, 9 I would say, band-oriented, there’s not much spoken word they can go to if they need help. If you wanna write something if you ever want a place to perto it, or rap to it, but it’s like bands. And we want people to form, because- I’m always constantly looking start bands, and we want them for bands that like wanna perform and they just to perform, and we want them don’t have a place to do it, you know? I just wanna know bands. I just wanna know people, to BATTLE yknow? Alright, question from the au- and I want to be able to express that- music dience- “what does a musical itself is not making money. Music is just there. And a lot of people have been stressing over lifestyle mean to you?” M: To me it’s like, you cannot that fact that- “oh, you’re not buying, you’re expect to make it in the music just on Spotify,” right? “you’re not buying any music” and it’s like- that’s true, I mean- mubusiness, basically. And by “make it” I mean sign a record sicians do deserve to make money, I mean it’s deal. And even if you do sign a a profession, but I do feel like music in itself record deal, it’s not always the is not about the money, it’s about, you know, best thing. And so if you want making people feel something. So that’s what I to be in the music business to think. make money, specifically, it’s a Well thank you so much! no-go, it’s horrible. And that’s M: No problem! Now I’m going to go to the also a reason why house shows arts building... where I dwell. are awesome, you don’t really have to sell tickets to people, and make money off the band itself, you can let the band have fun with it and, yknow, network. The thing about music

Aleister Martensen

talks about the Beatles, family, and performing So you’re kind of known in this players, so. It worked out. community for playing a lot of Why don’t you ever stay! At CoffeeBeatles, so when did you first house? hear their music? And what was A:Um, they’re usually on Fridays. And that like. I’m pretty tired, so I go first in order Aleister: My sister, Brighid, to beat the crowd and I just wanna get had a friend who really liked the home and take a nap. Beatles, and I didn’t really listen But there’s coffee there! Pump you to them much then, but she was up! Stay up later, watch the music, always around, and she really hang out more. liked them, and then a couple A: Sorry. summers ago... we got a game At the last Coffeehouse you played called Beatles Rock Band, and some originals, and I’ve heard them we played it a lot, and it just kind on Facebook before, but- what’s of sunk in. And then me and my your songwriting process like? sister, Gwen, really started being A:Usually I’ll be sitting around, like, fans and the more music of theirs playing on the guitar- nine times out we got the more we loved them. of ten inspiration comes just from Until it became an obsession. like- “ey, that kinda sounds cool.” And What other musical influences I take my iPad and I record guitar and do you have? vocals and then- I don’t have a drumset A: Cars, recently, have been a so I use the drums on [Garage Band,] good influence. They’re from kinda aweful but it works. And uh, the 80s. Um, before that I used couple hours later I have a song. But to listen to a lot of Green Day. it’s like an adreneline rush, like I don’t When I was a foolish, young kid. need to do drugs, making music is my And maybe some Muse and My drug. Chemical Romance. It all kind of Awesome. Would you ever put out a blended into- what kind of music compilation of your recordings? I embody. A: Um, well, I put ‘em up on Facebook I saw you perform at the guitar because... getting likes is really nice, concert... and Mr. Peek said it’s an esteem booster. And then I hope you taught the class that song, someday I can get good enough where so- what was that performance I feel comfortable putting it out for like for you? I’ve also seen you money, and people would buy it. But at Coffeehouse so like- do you at this point I still think it’s not good have other performances, and enough that it’s worth money. are you more of a writer or do My friend [anonymous source], the you just like to play.... first time she came to Coffeehouse A: Um.... I’m not exactly sure and saw you play, she said- well, ok, what you mean but- I do play this was her suggestion for a quesat other places like bars sometion, she said: “you opened your times, I did a project last year for mouth and it sounded like baby John guitar where I’d play an hour set Lennon. Explain.” at a bar and it was so much fun. A :Um... I worked really hardAnd the performance... it felt [Mr. Peek interrupts. Rude af] nice when they played their part, Um, okay, Baby John Lennon- my sisand it didn’t feel that nice when ter Gwen and I really like singing the they didn’t play their part, cuz Beatles together and she is obsessed I worked hard teachin it to ‘em. with Paul McCartney and she wants to But um, they’re fast learners and be him or as close to him as possible, they’re all really good guitar so. That left me with John. But it’s

really fun to sing John and I’ve beenworking hard at perfecting that nasally John voice, yeah. I’m pretty sure her taking Paul doesn’t “leave you” with John... correct me if I’m wrong, there are four Beatles? A: Yeah, but the most prominent singers are John and Paul. And usually on our game it’s one or the other. Sometimes it’s George, sometimes Ringo, but it’s mostly John and Paul, and uh- I think Brighid covers that. So you play with [your sisters] a lot? Just messin around- have you ever written anything with her?x A: No I haven’t written with her, sheusually writing is an alone process, that I do in my room with the door shut. I’m kinda shy about that. We have played out together before, playing Beatles, and- she’s pretty good at knowing her part without it being on the screen. Can we expect more originals at the next Coffeehouse? A: Um, no. The problem with original songs is- if you’ve heard them on Facebook, is there’s drums and bass and harmonies and all that going on and- I feel that if I do that alone it takes from the song, and it’s not as good. You could find other people to play with. A: I have not been fortunate enough to find people who would play with me,

but I’ve been trying to think of writing originals that would work either way, with a band or solo, and those three that I played I thought were good enough solo that they would work without other people, and for at least next Coffeehouse, more covers. Thank you so much! A: Thank you. to hear Aleister’s music, friend him on facebook or follow his slashacm


HEY YALL!! WE’RE STARTING FEBRUARY WITH A FULL MOON!!!! HOW SWEET IS THAT????? Aries Good things are coming, but fairly unexpected things, so just watch out for it. Think about looking back on things you left behind, revamping it, or maybe just revamp what you’ve already got. Taurus Seems like good things have been happening for you lately, and they’ll continue. Look out for February 11- if you’re not careful its going to be an eventful day. Gemini As always, you have lots of choices to make, but this month they’re more black-and-white, and a few distinct paths will emerge. The results will be more dramatic Cancer You’ll likely be getting the power you need to easily defeat some negative energy in your life this month, but if you’re thinking of asking for help, go for it. You’ll probably get it in one form or another. Leo Be true to yourselves leos!!!! Take a good hard look at what’s going on and figure out what’s best for number one. A big decision could come your waycommitment?? Maybe romantic, maybe career-y. Virgo My virgos!!! Apparently, we’re getting lots of opportunities and options soon. Ooooh and lots of secrets!!! Nice!! My advice is try new things, even when it feels like nothing is working. We’ll get there. Libra You may face situations that could TOTALLY change your life if you let them. Get rid of bad energy and dead weight NOW!!! Assert yourself!! Scorpio This month you should think about relaxing and healing. February should be a stable time for you- no

I just googled horoscopes for like 20 minutes so I’m an expert now

Aries March 21- April 19 Taurus April 20- May 20 Gemini May 21- June 20 Cancer June 21-July 22 Leo July 23- August 22 Virgo August 23- Sept 22 Libra Sept 23- Oct 22 Scorpio October 23- Nov 21 Sagittarius Nov 22- Dec 21 Capricorn Dec 22- January 19 Aquarius January 20- Feb 18 Pisces Feb 19- March 20 major events or decisions. If you HAVE to make a big decision, put it off. Sagittarius This month is a little more fragile for you Sagittarius. You can seek thrills and adventure, but this month is going to be kinda wild and could get pretty messy. Capricorn There’s a bunch of crazy planetary noise going on for you, but what’s the craziest thing is its all supposed to balance out!!! So you should have a lot of power and strength to get done what you need to. Aquarius You’re in for a busy month. Some of your past mistakes may come up- this could be a big problem if you let it. You shouldn’t have too many obstacles this month, this month will be very easygoing. Pisces Seems like you’ve got some great ideas brewing, but keep them under wraps for a while more, because they’re not quite ready yet. February is an important moment in your current evolution.

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Šall writing and pictures except where otherwise noted to Georgia Greenberg produced by MAE INC all background pattern pictures were taken on my iPhone 5c of things around my house music I listened to while making this: okay..........................alister martensen high school............................ happy99 steal my girl................... one direction peachville, usa............................. balzy strawberry jam................ kammekaze authorized by no one

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