1 minute read
Georgia District Map | CKI Mission
from Winter Kronicle 2020
by Georgia CKI
Georgia District Map 17 CLUBS | 5 DIVISIONS | 1 DISTRICT
If you know of any college that is interested in building a Circle K Club, reach out to your division LTG or our governor Lucy Zheng if you are unsure who your LTG is.
Chloe Crumbley for MOUNTAINS Linda Qiu for METRO Trey Dolder for PERIMETER Leah Reiser for COASTAL Alyssa Adel for PLAINS
mountainsltg@georgiacirclek.org metroltg@georgiacirclek.org perimeterltg@georgiacirclek.org coastalltg@georgiacirclek.org plainsltg@georgiacirclek.org
Circle K International is college and university students who are responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to community service worldwide. Circle K inspires people to better our world. Circle K International Mission