1 minute read
Letter from the Editor
from Winter Kronicle 2020
by Georgia CKI
Hello Georgia District and Readers!
I hope all is well. A big part of this edition highlights our most recent event and informs you about our upcoming district event. Like previous editions, you’ll also find more tips for keeping up with your club and wise words from one of our Georgia Kiwanis family members.
Fall Membership Retreat was our recent district event and it was an incredible experience. My favorite part of the whole weekend was working with my group during all the games and being able to bond with everyone there. I cannot wait to see everyone again in Peachtree City for our District Convention.
I hope this Kronicle is just as exciting to read as the others! I only have one more Kronicle left to create before my term as bulletin editor ends, so if there’s any suggestions or feedback on how I can make the last one perfect, reach out to me! Don’t forget to share the edition and thanks for reading!
Yours in service,
Michelle Vo
Michelle Vo Bulletin Editor Georgia District Circle K editor@georgiacirclek.org