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Quick Service Project Ideas
from Winter Kronicle 2020
by Georgia CKI
Quick Service Project Ideas for your next club meeting
Looking for ways to add more service to your Circle K club? Completing service projects at your club meetings is a great way to provide short service opportunities for members when the semester picks up and schedules get busier! Listed below are a couple smaller, inexpensive, and fun service projects. Feel free to contact Rylie Geohegan, for more ideas: service@georgiacirclek.org.
Care Packages for Local Homeless Shelters:
What you’ll need: While donations vary based on location, common requests include packaged foods like granola bars, canned soup, toothbrushes and toothpaste, wet wipes, sunscreen, feminine hygiene products, and water bottles. However, it’s best practice to reach out to a local homeless shelter and ask what goods to fundraise for the greatest impact!
Description: Reach out to a local homeless shelter for a list of goods to fundraise and ask members to ask for donations before a meeting! Have club members pack the goods into boxes at the end of your club meeting. This is a great way to have an impact in your community.
Boo-Boo Bunnies:
What you’ll need: a washcloth or wash rag, a rubber band, a sharpie
Optional items: a ribbon, googly eyes, 2 pom-poms
Description: These are adorable washcloth boo-boo bunnies that act as mini ice packs and a comforter. Donate these to local children’s hospitals or Boys and Girls clubs. Instructions can be easily found online!
Dog Togs:
What you’ll need: old t-shirts and scissors (that’s it!)
Description: Want to make some furry friends very happy? Ask club members to bring in old t-shirts and make your own dog toys! This is an (almost) free project service project that will definitely make some doggos happy. Here are instructions to make these dog toys to donate to your local humane society!
Operation Gratitude: Letters for Troops
What you’ll need: paper, pencils, envelopes, stamps
Description: Write thank-you letters for new recruits, veterans, and wounded heroes and their caregivers! Members can write letters or draw pictures for our troops as a simple act of gratitude for their commitment. This is an inexpensive way to say thank you and put a smile on someone’s face. Click here for more information about donating these!

Food Drives
Keep in mind that food drives are a great project to encourage service! These also contribute to this year’s Governor’s Service Project, STUFH, a nonprofit organization devoted to assisting and inspiring food drives at colleges and universities across the country.