2 minute read
District Convention | Running for Board
from Winter Kronicle 2020
by Georgia CKI
February 21-23, 2020 Peachtree City, Georgia By now, District Convention registration has closed! If you are planning on going, there are many events and activities you should be excited for. We are going to be celebrating our year's accomplishments during the award banquet where we celebrate our clubs and members. There will also be service projects to do and careeroriented workshops to attend. It’s also a time to say farewell to our old District Board and elect a new one for the upcoming year. What’s a better way to say goodbye than a pie-in-the-face fundraiser with our District Board members!
Running for District Board

At District Convention, any CKI member in good standing is able to run for district board, regardless of previous leadership experience.
Before District Convention
If you are interested in running, you may submit candidate literature up to two pages in the form of a PDF to be put in the DCON app. Candidate literature is not required but recommended. If you’d like to bring paper copies, plan to bring at least 60 copies.
At District Convention
To run for district board, you must first be nominated for the position you would like to run for. Two other CKI members must nominate you, and then you will be asked to accept the nomination. Friday night, candidates will be given up to 6 minutes to address the members and state what they are running for, why they are qualified, and outline any plans they have for the position. On Saturday, candidates will address the members broken up in divisions and be given time to answer questions posed by the members. During House of Delegates, they will be given one last opportunity to address the members. In the case of someone losing an election, he or she can choose to drop down to run for any position that has not been filled.
Elected Positions on the District Board
Ask any of our current board members if you are interested in or curious about any positions!
Governor • Run and represent the entire Georgia district • Attend Circle K events including Circle K International Convention, Kiwanis DCON, Key Club DCON, District Officer Training Conference, etc. • Visit club meetings, socials, and service projects of clubs in the district • Schedule and presides over at least 3 district board meetings • Create and supervise committees, appoints committee chairs • Complete and submit all online reports required by Circle K International • Communicates with board of officers, region trustee, district administrator, and CKI director

Secretary-Treasurer • Take minutes at district board meetings, district council meeting, House of Delegates sessions, and executive committee meetings • Create a directory that contains district and club officer contact information • Collect Club Monthly Reports from clubs and submit a report to District Governor • Create district budget, collect and submits club dues, inform clubs on how to pay club fees, attend all board meetings Bulletin Editor • Publish and distributes the district publication, the Kronicle • Submit articles to the Circle K magazine
Lieutenant Governor • Ensure well-being and functioning of clubs in specific division • Visit each club in division at least twice within term • Rebuild, reactivate, and charter new clubs in division • Host at least one divisional rally