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Divisional Updates

Divisional Updates From Our LTGS

Linda Qiu, Metro LTG


Division Achievement: We had great turnout at our divisional rally volunteering at the Kiwanis Henry County Fair. Members from Circle K clubs of Emory, Georgia Tech, Georgia State, and Spelman came for a day of service and fellowship.

Division Updates: • Georgia State’s club is resuming their activity more active with meetings! • Emory has a full executive board now and they are doing a great job establishing routine service projects at Boys & Girls Club. • Georgia Tech, Lagrange, and University of West Georgia have been stable as usual. • Spelman is still in the process of getting chartered. • Southern Crescent is still establishing their presence on campus as a newly chartered club.

Alyssa Adel, PLains LTG

Division Achievement: At least one member from both ABAC and Valdosta were able to attend our district event.

Division Update: • VSU came back strong this new year after the club president attended Fall Membership Retreat! They had a successful recruitment session and first meeting, wrapping up with a full board. They are in the process of designing a club t-shirt and planning service projects and fundraiser events. Their new club mascot Riley Rabbit unfortunately was kidnapped by Oxford Circle K at FMR! • ABAC has been keeping busy! At the end of January, they cleaned up trash during an Adopt-A-Mile, and they packed goodie bags for Valentine’s Day at one of their meetings. They’ve officially adopted a new club mascot, Mumble the Penguin!

Division Achievement: Chartering UNG has been one of the biggest accomplishments for this division. We also had 5 people from the division attend FMR.

Division Update: • Congratulations to the Circle K Club at University of North Georgia for becoming chartered! They had two attendees at Fall Membership Retreat. • Reinhardt College recently had another tabling event, and their Kiwanis is as supportive as ever. They are looking to host a meeting soon. • Dalton State College’s presentation to their Student Government Association to become a registered student organization on campus was a success! Their president has worked diligently to host meetings, attend Kiwanis meeting on their behalf, and schedule service events, such as handing out candy at their local Halloween festival. • We also had our divisional rally in December and had 5 attendees! We made Christmas cards for a local nursing home, who really appreciated them.

Trey Dolder, Perimeter LTG

Division Achievement: The most exciting part of the Perimeter division can be found in the newest club at Kennesaw. Membership has exploded from not even being chartered at the beginning of the year to having over 35 active members.

Division Updates: • Circle K at Kennesaw is making a huge impact on their community with a variety of different service projects and creative socials. • Under Nikki’s leadership, UGA Circle K has continued to grow while finding new service projects for its members to engage in. The club has begun implementing quick service projects into their biweekly meetings to ensure that even the busiest members still find a way to give back. • Oxford Circle K has started out fresh this year with a totally new officer core. Despite this being many of their officer’s first year, Oxford has not slowed down on their service projects.

Leah Reiser, Coastal LTG

Division Achievement: East Georgia State College grew the most in percentage membership from last year of all the clubs in good standing.

Division Updates: • Georgia Southern University recently participated in a blood drive with the American Red Cross and Statesboro Kiwanis. They have upcoming volunteer opportunities with the Animal Shelter and the local soup kitchen. They also have upcoming officer elections at the next meeting. • East Georgia State College recently held their elections for next year. Congrats to all the newly elected officers! They have also attended many Kiwanis meetings this year and have completed many volunteer events such as a canned food and stuffed animal drive for the local fire department.

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