Coastal Division Newsletter: November - December 2011

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Newsletter November-December Issue Important Dates: Fall Memb. Retreat

Coastal Division Rally

November 4-6, 2011 Ya’ll Conference

January 13 - 15, 2012 

District Convention February 24-26, 2012 LSSP

June 24-27, 2012 

International Conv. June 27-30, 2012

East Georgia College hosted a service project at the Ronald McDonald House Friday, November 11, 2011, to cook a meal for the visiting families! Georgia Southern also came and brought some home-made desserts! Afterwards, we enjoyed a small Presidents Council Meeting followed by the Division Rally at the Oglethorpe Mall where we ate dinner, shopped around, and took some great pictures. All in all, it was a great time with some great friends! :)

District Events Coming Up! Table of Contents: Rally




Ya’ll Conf.










FMR was a ton of fun this year! With 60 Circle K'ers from all over GA attending, how could it not be a blast? But, it doesn’t end there! GA District Convention (DCON) is going to be February 24-26, 2012 in Columbus, Ga. The theme is going to revolve around the Circus ~ “Service Under the Big Top” and it’s going to be quite a show, so don’t miss out!

Ya’ll Conference in January Alabama District is hosting Y'all Conference, held in Gulf Shores, Alabama on January 13 - 15 at the Gulf Shores Beach Retreat. There will be beach time, lowcountry boil, fresh gulf seafood, and the Great Southern Game Tourney! For just $125, that includes Event Registration, TShirt, the Low Country Boil and Lodging for the entire weekend, you can join in on this fun! Find out how to register and more at



Congratulations Jasmine! Jasmine Sherman has shown her dedication to Circle K by going above and beyond her regular officer and member duties. Not only did she step up to the plate earlier this year to become new club Treasurer, she also took special initiative to gather any and all materials needed for volunteers to work the BBQ Hut at the Kiwanis Ogeechee Fair in October, even taking money out of her own pocket to do so. Even though most would find preparing an event to be daunting and overwhelming, Jasmine took the task in stride and delivered when the club needed her most. When it comes to club activities, Jasmine is always ready and willing to participate in service projects and events, even helping the planning committee to devise the best budget and scheduling for the event. Despite class and other duties, Jasmine came to help with the BBQ Hut the week of the fair and brought a bright smile and warm attitude to the customers as well. As a previous Key Clubber, Jasmine Sherman has continued to promote the K-Family not only by assisting with the club's first recruitment drive but also by reaching out to other Key Clubbers to join Circle K. All in all, Jasmine has continued to amaze her companions in Circle K with her leadership skills and open heart for service, and that's why she was highly recommended to receive this recognition.

East Georgia College Recent Activities:

E G C P r e s i d e n t K r i s t i P a r k e r a n d G S U P r e s i d e n t L a D a l i a H o w a r d c o o k i n g a t t h e R o n a l d M c D o n a l d H o u s e

Ronald McDonald House

Decorate Stockings

Toy/Canned Food Drive

Caroling with Kiwanis

Nursing Home Visit

Club Officers President: Kristi Parker Vice President: Savannah Parker Secretary: Julie Scott Treasurer: Haley Chester Committee Chairs Bulletin Editor: Savannah Parker Technology Chair: Ben Barry

Georgia Southern University Recent Activities: 

Sandwiches for the Needy

Ronald McDonald House

X-mas Cards for Soldiers

G S U S a n d w i c h e s f o r t h e N e e d y



I ssue

Club Officers President: LaDalia Howard Vice-President: Sondrea Derrico Secretary: Courtney Jones Treasurer: Jasmine Sherman Committee Chairs Technology Chair: BJ Ogunsakin Historian: Courtney Jones K-Family Chair: Virginia Byrd Advertising Chair: Sophia Colas Public Relations Chair: Brittany Horton Service Chair: Virginia Byrd Social Chair: Brittany Horton

Georgia District of Circle K International

Don’t Forget! Club Secretaries—CMRs are due the 5th of each month. That means on January 5th, the December CMR is due (regardless if there are no hours to report).

Coastal Division Lt. Governor Name: Brittany Horton Phone: 912-618-9587 E-mail: Live to Serve, Love to Serve.

Coastal Division Website

Club Treasurers—If you haven’t already, update your membership and submit club dues. They were due Dec. 1st.

Merry Christmas!

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