Fall 2020 Kronicle by Georgia CKI

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FALL 2020Â




Developing college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.



Letter From the Governor


International Update


Trustee Update


Letter From the New Perimeter LTG


Letter From the Editor


Georgia District Goals


Meet the District Board


All About the WASH Project


District Day of Service Recap


District Spotlights


Georgia District CKI Map


Georgia Division Updates


The Importance of Social Distancing


Balancing School & Life


Available CKI Resources


Fundraising Ideas


Staying Connected: Social Media


Club Website Building


Navigating the Georgia District Website



LETTER LETTER FROM FROM THE THE GOVERNOR GOVERNOR Hello Georgia CKI! Happy fall y’all! Everyone has been hard at work to make sure that this is the best year we can possibly make it. It has been incredible to see what you all have accomplished in this short amount of time given the circumstances that we are in. I have loved being able to be a part of your clubs and see firsthand what you all are doing. It reminds me of why we all joined this organization, to make a difference in our community in any way we possibly can. The work you have been doing does not go unnoticed and it is appreciated immensely. Despite all the challenges you all are doing it and you are doing amazing. I appreciate everything that you have done for the district and your enthusiasm about it as well. I also want to give a quick shout out to everyone who participated in GACKI week, it was amazing to see everyone's posts throughout the week! District wise we recently had two district events, District Day of Service and Fall Membership Retreat. Our service/Fall Membership Retreat Chair Michelle worked very hard on both of these events and they both were amazing! At District Day of Service we spent the day helping out High Falls State Park. There, we helped clean up the trails and wash the kayaks. It was great to see everyone who was able to come and to interact with others from across the district! For Fall Membership Retreat we had an amazing weekend! It was filled with a lot of fun, laughter, and spending time with friends new and old. I hope everyone had an amazing time and I look forward to seeing everyone again soon! As a district we have accomplished some amazing things this year and I know that there is only more to come in the future. We have a lot of exciting things coming soon! Once again, thank-you all for all of the dedication you have for this organization. If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to reach out! I would love to answer any questions and get to know you all. Yours in Service, Leah Reiser



District Governor Georgia District Circle K Georgia Southern University governor@georgiacirclek.org


INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL UPDATE UPDATE Hey there GACKI members! I hope you’re having a great fall semester so far and are still having lots of fun with your CKI clubs. We’ve been busy on the International side of CKI this fall, from promoting CKI Week, to hosting a leadership panel, CKI mock club meeting, an international Halloween Party WASH UNICEF fundraiser and more. I’d also like to tell you about an exciting new program for all CKI members called the Global Leadership Certificate. This is an online modulebased program that CKI is piloting this fall with hopes of expanding the program to cover subject matter relevant to college students. Right now, you can log on and take a course geared to CKI members about civic engagement and voting. Once you register for the program, be on the lookout for new modules coming later this fall. To check it out, head over to circlek.org/news and be sure to follow us on social media @circlekintl to stay up to date on the latest news. Thanks, happy fall! Tana Early Circle K International President 2020-21



International President Circle K International president@circlek.org (205) 454-1522

TRUSTEE TRUSTEE UPDATE UPDATE Howdy Georgia CKI members! I hope that y’all are staying safe and doing well this fall. I want to congratulate y’all on completing your WASHme6K for the month of October. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed and in honor I will be sending Governor Leah a video of me getting pied in the face. Be sure to check it out, if you haven’t already, by the time this message gets to you. The Holiday Season is in full gear and this time of year there is always a big opportunity to give back to our communities. I look forward to seeing all the continued service that y’all complete as a district and I also encourage y’all to take some time to enjoy some fellowship with your K-Family. In closing, I would like to share with y’all that we will be having some exciting fellowship and service opportunities for you to participate in alongside members from your sister districts (New York, Kansas, and Panama). More details to come, so be on the lookout. And, as always, feel free to reach out to me for anything that you may need, whether it be someone to listen or provide you with resources, I am here to support you. Until next time,


International Trustee Circle K International trusteeethan@circlek.org (682) 320-3676

Ethan Arredondo Circle K International Trustee 2020-21 Ethan Arredondo


LETTER LETTER FROM FROM THE THE NEW NEW PERIMETER PERIMETER LTG LTG Hey everyone, My name is Safi Ullah and I am the LTG for the Perimeter Division. I am currently a senior pursuing a BS in Biology. I have been a member of the Kiwanis family for almost seven years, starting from my very first day as a sophomore in high school.


District Perimeter LTG Georgia District Circle K University of Georgia perimeterltg@georgiacirclek. org

I first discovered Key Club and wanted to be a part of an organization that aligned with what I want to do, which was to serve the community. After graduating high school with almost 2000 community service hours, and holding multiple leadership roles within the club, I knew I wanted to continue down the same path while attending college. I learned about CKI when I started attending UGA, and within the first month I was named member of the month. When I got the opportunity to serve on the district board, I jumped on it and knew this was something I wanted to be a part of. I wanted to hit the ground running and instead of making an impact in our local community I was excited to make an impact on a bigger scale. I scheduled meetings with various clubs in my division the very following day after being elected. Yours in Service, Safi Ullah


LETTER LETTER FROM FROM THE THE EDITOR EDITOR Hello Readers! It is already November and the fall semester is already coming to a close in a couple of weeks. This semester has gotten by really fast. Although these are tough times, I hope everyone is staying safe and strong. To bring you news about how the Georgia District is doing and show what resources are available to you, I've put together this Fall 2020 version of the Kronicle!


District Bulletin Editor Georgia District Circle K Georgia Institute of Technology editor@georgiacirclek.org

This edition includes information about the WASH project, District Day of Service experience, district spotlights, division updates, importance of social distancing, balancing school and life, CKI resources available to you, fundraising ideas, how to stay connected via social media, club website building, and navigation through the Georgia District website. I would like the thank everyone who submitted pictures and articles to make this Kronicle happen. If you have any suggestions on making the Kronicle better or have ideas on topics I can include in the future Kronicle, please reach out to me! I hope you enjoy reading the Fall 2020 version of the Kronicle, and as always, don't forget to share! Yours in Service, Hyeran Park





The Georgia District will have 300 members by March 31st, 2021.

The Georgia District will have 2 chartered or reactivated clubs by March 31st, 2021.

The Georgia District will have 2,500 service hours by March 31st, 2021.

The Georgia District will have 60 attendees at Fall Membership Retreat and 70 attendees at District Convention.

The Georgia District will raise $3,000 for WASH by March 31st, 2021.






GOVERNOR governor@georgiacirclek.org

SECRETARY-TREASURER sectreas@georgiacirclek.org

BULLETIN EDITOR editor@georgiacirclek.org






COASTAL DIVISION LTG coastalltg@georgiacirclek.org

METRO DIVISION LTG metroltg@georgiacirclek.org

MOUNTAINS DIVISION LTG mountainsltg@georgiacirclek. org



PERIMETER DIVISION LTG perimeterltg@georgiacirclek. org

PLAINS DIVISION LTG plainsltg@georgiacirclek.org




DISTRICT CONVENTION CHAIR & WEBMASTER dcon@georgiacirclek.org webmaster@georgiacirclek.org

FALL MEMBERSHIP RETREAT & SERVICE CHAIR fmr@georgiacirclek.org service@georgiacirclek.org



MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENTÂ & PUBLIC RELATIONS EDUCATION CHAIR CHAIR mde@georgiacirclek.org publicrelations@georgiacirclek.org





DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR administrator@georgiacirclek. org

ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR virginia@georgiacirclek.org

ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR stacey@georgiacirclek.org


ALL ALL ABOUT ABOUT THE THE WASH WASH PROJECT PROJECT WASH is a phenomenal project under UNICEF. It has a big place in my heart and is this year's Governor’s project. WASH stands for Water Sanitation, and Hygiene and as Circle K International, we focus on this in the country of Haiti. The focus of this project is on providing funding for these communities to have clean and safe drinking water as well as to promote awareness and education about the topic to everyone. Here are a few quick facts about what the money can do: $5 can provide 60 oral rehydration packets $34 can provide 1,000 deworming tablets for 700 children $67 can provide enough purification tablets for 65,000 liters of safe water $240 can provide 10 families safe water after a natural disaster $415 can provide a reliable hand pump for a community $1500 can provide an emergency water storage tank for 250 people $3,250 can provide a school with a block of latrines for 150 students


Recently, as a district we completed the WASHme6k challenge. This challenge spanned the month of October and during this month members committed to walk/run 6k or 3.8 miles in exchange for sponsoring the day. Thank-you to everyone that participated! At Fall Membership Retreat we were able to announce the winners of the rivalries as well as how much money that was raised overall! While our district competition might be over, this does mean that fundraising for WASH has to stop. You can continue to fundraise for WASH by doing your own WASHme6k for a different month, having a club fundraiser, and more!

Here are some project ideas:

Restaurants: Ask a restaurant to let customers make a $1 donation when they order water.

Hygiene Kits: Put together kits with bottles of shampoo and conditioner, bars of soap, etc. with your club or district in an assembly-line fashion. Distribute these packs to a local homeless shelter.

Water challenge: Create a challenge in your club or Kiwanis family where members vow to drink only tap water for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, members can donate the money they saved on other beverages to the WASH program. The person who donates the most is the winner an can be rewarded.

Droplet Key chains: Design water droplets out of perler beads, iron, and add a key ring. Sell for $1 for WASH!

March Water Madness: This program occurs every March for the next five years and focuses on intense fundraising and awareness for WASH. Resources are provided for fundraising projects centered around March Madness water challenges.

Monthly Calendar Challenge: Support WASH all year long by taking our monthly calendar challenges. Post the WASH calendar on social media and encourage your friends and family to select a day to donate. Don’t forget to update your followers on your progress throughout the month. At the end of the month, turn in the funds.

By GOVERNOR Leah Reiser




This year's District Day of Service was so much fun! We got to visit High Falls State Park, and my team and I got to work maintaining the hiking trails by clearing them of trash and debris. Safety was taken very seriously, and I think that the service board did a great job making sure that we had a great time volunteering while also ensuring that all CDC guidelines related to the pandemic were met. I’m looking forward to more district-level events in the future! -Daniel Scarborough

This fall's district day of service was an overwhelming success! The highlight for me would have to be meeting fellow Circle K members from all over the state and getting to put in hard work to clean the park's canoes. -Braden Vaughn

On October 3rd, the Georgia District board hosted a District Day of Service at High State Falls Park in Jackson, GA! This was our first district event for the year, and it was themed around environmental justice, where members of Circle K focused on combatting the global climate crisis and alleviating the effects. The event had around 40 participants in attendance over two branches of the Kiwanis family including Circle K and Kiwanis. During the event, the attendees were separated into multiple groups to do two different service projects. One group helped clear debris and perform trail maintenance on two of the park’s trails, while the other group helped the park rangers clean boats, canoes, and kayaks. On top of the service being done, everyone enforced safe practices such as social distancing and wearing masks. This made the event not only enjoyable but also safe! Thank you to everyone who participated in the event! We hope to see you again next year!




Sophomore biology major Kobi Sisengchanh currently serves as the Club President of Circle K at the University of North Georgia! With this being only the second year since the club’s initial charter, Kobi has demonstrated his leadership and dedication to his club, enabling them to keep up the momentum they built from the previous year and continue to grow. Kobi has effectively hosted regular virtual meetings throughout the semester, put together a strong executive board, and led his club in activities such as making dog toys for the local animal shelter, cleaning up trails, and giving out candy for students during Halloween! Congrats Kobi!


The club spotlight for this issue goes to Circle K at Emory University! Even a pandemic couldn’t stop this club, as they have kept up this semester with virtual meetings where they have done service projects such as raising money for UNICEF’s WASH project, as well as hosting fun socials! Furthermore, they have been hard at work recruiting new members, with over 20 interested students at their first meeting! Congrats Emory! “My favorite service project that we’ve done this semester are the virtual lover letters for literacy! It was really impressive to see how creative and talented our members are, and it was for an awesome cause!” -Sharay Castanon, Club President of Emory Circle K



GEORGIA GEORGIA DISTRICT DISTRICT OF OF CIRCLE CIRCLE K K CLUB CLUB MAP MAP Mountains Division Dalton State College University of North Georgia

Metro Division Emory University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State University LaGrange College University of West Georgia

Perimeter Division Kennesaw State University Oxford College of Emory University of Georgia

Coastal Division East Georgia State College Georgia Southern University

Plains Division Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Valdosta State University


13 Clubs: We have Circle K clubs throughout the state of Georgia at 13 colleges and universities. Join an existing club or start your own! You can start making a difference today. 5 Divisions: Each club is part of one of our 5 divisions- Coastal, Metro, Mountains, Perimeter, and Plains. Each is managed by a Lieutenant Governor to maintain communication between clubs and the district. 1 District: Together, we are one district and one family. We work together to serve Georgia. The district is run by an executive board, lieutenant governors, and committee chairs.



Here are the fall updates from our Georgia District Lieutenant Governors! We have Philip Maeser (Mountains LTG), Izah Tahir (Metro LTG). Safi Ullah (Perimeter LTG), Braden Vaughn (Coastal LTG), and Josh Carll (Plains LTG) on board this year. Also, if you know of any college that is interested in building a Circle K club, reach out to your division LTG or our governor, Leah Reiser!


Division Updates: Reinhardt has recently participated in a Fall Festival held by the school. Greater Cherokee Kiwanis Club distributed flyers and collected emails from students interested in Circle K. University of North Georgia has been making great strides, participating in a trail cleanup, as well as passing out Trick-or-Treat bags to students on campus during Halloween!


Division Updates: Emory has gotten back on their feet with a new officer team. Despite the late start, they’ve had online service projects, socials, and raised over $350 in the WASHme6k competition! Georgia Tech has continued volunteering at Food4Lives each week and recently had a pumpkin painting and service social! Georgia State initiated and won a Free Rice competition with Georgia Tech where they donated over 100,000 grains of rice! UWG is doing a great job staying active by alternating online and in-person service projects. Lagrange recently hosted a service project and Halloween costume contest!


Division Updates: ABAC won the WASH fundraiser for FMR with an amazing $1,084. One member, Nick Spader, was able to attend their first FMR and have a great time. ABAC has been very active with their community service as well. VSU will be led by Trevon Alston, the current VP, now President. Both Trevon and Yesha are looking forward to getting the club back on track.



Division Updates: Kennesaw State University has been holding online meetings in order to follow the CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19. Even during these trying times they have managed to add new members and are planning to hold safe community service projects. Oxford college has been following the guidelines presented by their college and are completely virtual. They have been holding online meetings and have added new members and exceeded their membership goal. Although they haven't been able to host in person volunteer opportunity as a club they have been collaborating with Texas A&M and having some spontaneous volunteer activities for their members. University of Georgia has been holding meetings in person, following COVID-19 protocols, in addition to having a virtual option for members who are not able to attend personally. They have managed to add new members, and have been successful in holding 5 community service projects in person following the CDC’s guidelines.


Division Updates: East Georgia State College held a car wash in late September on their campus and was able to raise hundreds of dollars for the red cross and hurricane relief. In October, the CKI club at Georgia Southern volunteered alongside the Statesboro Kiwanis club at their annual pancake breakfast. Hundreds of people from the community were able to drive through the Kiwanis fairground and grab breakfast in support of the Kiwanis and Circle k clubs.

Our former Perimeter Lieutenant Governor, Christopher Gold, stepped down from his position this October. Our current Governor, Leah Reiser acted as the temporary Perimeter LTG until Safi Ullah was elected to become the new Perimeter LTG this November. "It is with a heavy heart that I will be stepping down from my position as LTG of perimeter division. This has been a decision I have been struggling with for some time now and as much as I hate doing this, it's something I have to do. I have enjoyed being on board for the last few months and I'm glad we were able to get things going even though COVID has been a battle for us. I've met many friends and had some great moments in this organization, and I hope you guys continue to do the same. This organization is one of a kind, and I can't wait to see the many amazing things you guys will do this year. Keep helping others, stay safe and healthy, and I wish you guys all the best." -Christopher Gold We will miss you Chris! Thank you for all you've done.




THE THE IMPORTANCE IMPORTANCE OF OF SOCIAL SOCIAL DISTANCING DISTANCING According to the CDC limiting close face-to-face contact with other people is the best way to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Social distancing is the practice of maintaining a safe distance between yourself and others who are not in your household. Experts have said that maintaining a physical distance of six feet or more can help slow the spread of the virus. Social distancing should be practiced in both indoor and outdoor settings and at home when someone is suspected or thinks they have COVID-19. Practicing social distancing is not just to keep yourself safe, but it is to help keep others healthy and safe too. The CDC says that COVID-19 is mostly transferred between people who are in close contact, meaning more than six feet, for a prolonged period. The spread of the virus usually happens when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or speaks. This is because microscopic droplets from their nose and mouth are propelled through the air and land on people nearby. People are also capable of spreading the virus before they experience symptoms, so it is important to try and maintain a social distance of at least six feet when you are around others because you won't know who is contagious with the virus. Keeping a Safe social distance when out and about is crucial to slowing the spread of COVID-19. One of the things that can help you social distance is to limit contact when going places. Try your best to utilize drive thru, delivery, and curbside pickup options and stores and eateries. This keeps face-to-face contact and a minimum and it is easy to maintain a safe distance between others. Another way is to try your best to avoid crowded places where it may be hard to stay at least six feet away from others. At events and gathers always wear a mask especially when maintaining a safe physical distance is difficult. We are all in this together. Do your part and try your best to maintain social distancing when out in public. Always wear a mask when it is appropriate like being around other people who are not in your household and when you are out and about in your community. Keep practicing these guidelines and stay up to date with the CDC and local health officials so we can slow the spread of the virus.



BALANCING BALANCING SCHOOL SCHOOL & & LIFE LIFE We all know school can be really stressful, but here’s some tips to help you stay on track! 1. Get a planner. Writing things down helps you plan out exactly what you need to do each day—which helps make you more productive and keeps you from forgetting important dates! Not to mention, crossing stuff off is really satisfying. 2. Get a study group. Especially for classes with homework that can be difficult to figure out, having people to work with can be really helpful. It helps you stay on task, get other perspectives, and it’s just a lot more fun! Plus, scheduling times to work with people can help you get started earlier! 3. Go to tutoring. Sometimes it’s really intimidating to approach your professor/TA with questions when you really feel lost, but they’re there to help you! Going to extra tutoring and review sessions can help you understand the material better, and it often saves you time in figuring out homework and studying for tests later. 4. Have a support system. Just like tutoring, there should never be any hesitation in getting help. You can choose to get professional help or just call a friend when you’re feeling down, but make sure to do something. If you’re hesitant about going to a counselor, you can tell a friend to hold you accountable, which will make you far more likely to do it. 5. Save time for yourself. It can be tempting to try and study all week long, but to keep yourself from burning out, make sure to take breaks where you eat, exercise, talk to your friends, and do whatever makes you happy! If you give yourself a break, chances are you’ll come back to your work with a better mood and a clearer head. 6. Turn off your notifications. If you’re really stressed and sitting there with your phone buzzing every ten minutes, you’re almost certainly going to get distracted. Turn off your phone for a bit or maybe even temporarily delete apps that you tend to procrastinate with if you need help focusing! 7. SLEEP. I cannot stress this enough; sacrificing sleep will make you more tired and less productive, so if you really need to get work done, I recommend sleeping on time and doing work in the morning instead! As an added incentive, getting a full night’s sleep each day boosts your immune system (which we could all use nowadays), brightens your mood, and improves your memory!






AVAILABLE AVAILABLE CKI CKI RESOURCES RESOURCES Go check out these amazing resources available to you! If you would like to get more information on how to navigate through the websites or have any other questions, please contact any one on the District Board! CIRCLE K INTERANTIONAL:

https://www.circlek.org/resources-main/ Members Leaders Advisors Scholarships and Awards Marketing Recruitment and Retention


georgiacirclek.org/documents.html Chartering/Reactivating Club Officers Recruitment District and International Levels Inducting Service


governor@georgiacirclek.org - Leah Reiser sectreas@georgiacirclek.org - Wendy Yao editor@georgiacirclek.org - Hyeran Park coastalltg@georgiacirclek.org - Braden Vaughn metroltg@georgiacirclek.org - Izah Tahir mountainsltg@georgiacirclek.org - Philip Masser perimeterltg@georgiacirclek.org - Safi Ullah plainsltg@georgiacirclek.org - Josh Carll service@georgiacirclek.org - Michelle Vo publicrelations@georgiacirclek.org - Erica Zheng webmaster@georgiacirclek.org - Amanda Lang administrator@georgiacirclek.org - Brent Leslie virginia@georgiacirclek.org - Virginia Braswell stacey@georgiacirclek.org - Stacey Fountain




Facebook Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/fundraisers/ Facebook’s built-in fundraising system makes it easy to set up a fundraiser goal and timeline! Tips: Choose a catchy title and make a colorful cover photo via an app or website like Canva Invite Facebook friends to like and follow your page Thank donors by tagging them and posting shoutouts Virtual Raffle: Have participants purchase raffle tickets to be entered into a virtual contest to win cool prizes! Prize ideas include: Gift basket with snacks or care package items Gift cards and certificates Club t-shirt or other types of club merch Fundraising Dares: Create tiers for amounts of money fundraised with corresponding dares for your club’s board or members to do! Examples of tiers: $50 raised = five members get pied in the face $100 raised = smoothie challenge where 10 delicious and 10 gross ingredients are randomly picked to be blended together and drunk $200 raised = board members do a TikTok dance $300 raised = egg roulette challenge where some eggs are boiled while others are not, and players take turns cracking eggs on their head


Food Delivery/Pick-up: Choose a food with variety like sandwiches or bubble tea and have each member make a different kind of that food! Consider charging more for add-ons like bacon in sandwiches or pop boba in bubble tea Other members will be in charge of delivery or a pick-up station to ensure social distancing


Be sure to practice safe food handling and other COVID-19 prevention precautions Check with your school to make sure that these food-related events are still allowed Tips: Advertise on social media and on campus Include a link to order like Google Forms on your advertisements Consider giving a discount for large orders


Many restaurants are still holding percentage nights or allowing digital fundraisers so that a percentage of their sales go toward your club! Tips: Check with fast food restaurants on or near campus like Panda Express, Chick-fil-A, and Chipotle Many restaurants now count sales from pickup orders along with dine-ins toward the fundraiser, but be sure to confirm Advertise the fundraiser several days beforehand to increase interest and orders


Put together craft kits with instructions to deliver in exchange for donations! Ideas: Color by numbers: create or find a template to number outlined areas in a picture and provide coloring tools like paint or colored pencils Cookie mix/cake mix/hot chocolate in a jar: combine ingredients needed for the recipe into a container for a simple and easy dessert Make sure to include instructions on the container as well Tie-dye kit: provide the dyes, rubber bands, and gloves for people to tiedye whatever they want



STAYING STAYING CONNECTED: CONNECTED: SOCIAL SOCIAL MEDIA MEDIA The pandemic has yet to subside, but thankfully, technology and social media allow us to maintain contact with one another across great distances. Having club social media accounts under current circumstances can be beneficial. Members and clubs alike can receive news and updates on what their club and others are doing. Staying connected, after all, helps create a sense of community. So, here are some of Georgia District’s Circle K Clubs’ most up-to-date Instagram Handles: Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College @abaccki Emory University @emorycirclek Georgia College and State University @circlek_gcsu Georgia Institute of Technology @gt.circlek Georgia Southern University @cki_southern Georgia State University @cki_at_georgiastate Oxford College of Emory University @oxford_circle_k


Kennesaw State University @ksu.circlek LaGrange College Circle K @lc_circlek University of Georgia @circlekuga University of North Georgia @ungcki Valdosta State University @cki_vsu University of West Georgia @westga_cki

Members: Find your club’s account. If you do not see your club’s handle, contact an officer for more information regarding the club’s social media account(s). To those who manage club social media accounts: It is highly recommended that you follow and support your fellow Georgia District Circle K Clubs. You can boost engagement and activity, showcase your club’s events and achievements, and glean ideas for events from other clubs. Here are a few other tips: Linktree: for platforms such as Instagram where you can only include one website/URL in the bio, having a Linktree can be helpful. It is essentially one link that can lead to many others of your choosing. An alternative is to use a Google Docs link with other links on the document for easy access. A post-planning app can really save time. With it, you can plan beforehand what your posts will look like, write captions, and set reminders to post. Posting regularly helps your club be seen and increases reach. Be as active as possible. As mentioned before, regular posts help your club be seen. Even if you are not hosting an event, you can share past events or showcase members things that make your club “go ‘round”! All in all, social media is a wonderful tool to help promote and learn about Circle K as an organization and club. We hope you all stay connected and safe! Feel free to contact me to discuss more about social media tips. Happy Fall, everyone! Speaking of Social Media, Follow Georgia District CKI!

Facebook: facebook.com/ georgiacirclek/

Instagram: @georgiacki

Twitter: twitter.com/ GeorgiaCKI



CLUB CLUB WEBSITE WEBSITE BUILDING BUILDING Club websites are a great mode of marketing and communication for your club. You can customize your website to maximize convenience of information to current members, and attract potential members! Below are some elements you may find useful to add: Description of what your club Circle K does: include regular service projects. Membership information: be detailed on instructions to join the club, including how to pay membership dues. Many clubs have a “new membership form” that is simple and direct to fill out. Events: make sure to specify the place, location, and if sign-up/registration is required. A lot of clubs embed calendars onto the page, which helps members easily add events to their personal calendars. Meetings: In addition to events, make sure members know when and where the meetings for the semester will be. This can also help new members attend meetings! Contact information: e.g. the email addresses of the club board, or a “Contact Us” message typing box for quick questions/concerns. Club accomplishments: Your website is a great place to house the history of your club’s district and international awards! Social media embed or link to social media: People are drawn to pictures and want to see the latest happenings with your clubs! An Instagram thumbnail is easy to add into website builders. Links to district and international websites: so members are aware that we are an international organization. Design elements: Make sure your club website is easy to navigate. Use clear, direct language. I recommend using a template builder like Weebly or Wix to build the website. Put important information on the top or middle of a page, not the bottom. Play with different colors and fonts to make the website visually appealing, but don’t overcrowd pages or clash styles. Ensure your website formats correctly on the computer and mobile devices! Good examples: UGA, GT



NAVIGATING NAVIGATING THE THE GEORGIA GEORGIA DISTRICT DISTRICT WEBSITE WEBSITE Want to stay updated on the latest GA Circle K happenings? Check out the Georgia District Circle K Website. It is easy to find the information you need, but here are some resources you may not know about!


Home >: Scroll down to the bottom on the right, there is a Board Member Visit Request form! If you want any district board member to visit your club for a meeting or event, you can invite them via this form. We will try our best to attend at least virtually, and if a certain board member is not available we will contact you to find an alternative. About > District Board: Here, find contact information for the entire district board. We are open to answering questions and hearing any concerns you may have, especially since many of our d clubs are online this year! If you aren’t sure who to d email, feel free to contact me and I will d direct you to the best person. About > CKI Benefits: Besides our pillars of service, leadership, and fellowship, we offer several tangible and s intangible benefits. See how you can market Circle K to recruit members! My Email: webmaster@georgiacirclek.org



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