Excerpts from the Execs N OV E M B E R ISSUE 1
Governor Stefan Ludlow, Secretary Virginia Byrd, Treasurer Elizabeth Ludlow, & Bulletin Editor Brittany Horton
Governor Do you have a project that your club has always wanted to do but have lacked the funding? Do you have an ongoing project that could be made better by a little extra cash? I would like to present you with a solution to that problem, The Tomorrow Fund! The tomorrow fund is a special grant provided by Kiwanis International just for Circle K Clubs to use for projects. Any club can apply for a grant and the amounts vary from $200 to $2,000. If you would like to view some examples of grants that have been given out in the past, look over the application form or get more information about the fund, please check out the Circle K International website at circlek.org/Service/TomorrowFund.aspx. All applications must be received by the Kiwanis International office by December 1. Please note that they need to be received by this date so plan accordingly because they need to be mailed in. I have never seen a club in Georgia receive a grant from the tomorrow fund, and would love to see this change. I know that many of your clubs are doing great projects and could use the extra funding. Please take advantage of this great opportunity. ~Stefan Ludlow
Secretary Happy Kiwanis Family Month
By the 5th of every month Club Secretaries are supposed to report to the District of the activity of their club. This is done by submitting a Club Monthly Report (CMR) on the District Website. The CMR has been revised and is now in a more user friendly format. If your club would like to apply for awards at District Convention, please note that all CMRs must be turned in. If you have any questions please contact me at secretary@georgiacirclek.org. ~Virginia Byrd
Treasurer & Y’all Conference Chair The deadline for dues to be on time is approaching fast. December 1st is when dues become late. Four year schools with less than 5,000 students and two year schools owe $450 in International fees and $9 per member District dues. Four year schools with more than 5,000 students owe $600 in International fees and $9 per member District dues. If you have any questions about the new membership update center do not hesitate to email me at treasurer@georgiacirclek.org. ~Elizabeth Ludlow
Y'all Conference is a conference for Circle K members all over the southeast and this year it will be held in Atlanta, GA. Y'all Conference will be held at the Atlanta Marriott Century Center. The cost is $140 plus hotel reservations are separate. Registration forms are due November 30th and hotel reservations must be made by December 7th. Hope to see you in Atlanta for a fast paced weekend full of service, sight seeing, and fellowship!!!! Please email me at yall@georgiacirclek.org if you have any questions. Thanks! ~Elizabeth Ludlow
Bulletin Editor I want to take a moment as your District Bulletin Editor to remind clubs that anyone can apply for the member spotlight or club spotlight or simply submit an article for The Kronicle, the official publication of the Georgia District of CKI. This can be done by using our new Kronicle Submission Form on the Georgia District website www.georgiacirclek.org. Club and Member Spotlights will not only be featured in The Kronicle but also on our district home page! So, send in your articles today and let Georgia know what amazing things your club and members have been doing! ~ Brittany Horton