Excerpts from the Execs: January 2013

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Excerpts from the Execs J A N U A RY ISSUE 2

Governor Stefan Ludlow, Secretary Virginia Byrd, Treasurer Elizabeth Ludlow, & Bulletin Editor Brittany Horton

Governor I wanted to take an opportunity to request that clubs remember to submit their service hours to the district each month through the online CMR form. We are doing very well on our service hour goal of 4,500 for this CKI year (April 1 – March 31), but still have a way to go in the next 2.5 months. I would like to issue a challenge to all the members of the Georgia District; I challenge each and every one of you to complete 15 hours of service before March 31. It doesn’t matter how you fulfill this goal, you could do 15 service projects for an hour each or you could do one big project that lasts a full weekend. If we can reach the goal of 15 hours per member and remember to report it to the district through the CMR, we will strongly out do our district goal of 4,500 hours. As a part of my commitment to see the district meet its service hour goal, I pledge myself to do at least 50 hours of service between now and the end of my term as Governor. Let’s all work together in the last push to help the district to meet its goals! ~Stefan Ludlow

Deadline: February 22, 2013

Secretary Besides serving as your District Secretary, I also serve as the Kiwanis Family Chair. I would have to say that this is one of my favorite jobs I have had because I get to promote Kiwanis Family Relations. Circle K exists today because of our parent organization, Kiwanis. I encourage all of you to engage in Kiwanis Family Relations with every member of the Kiwanis Family. Having a relationship with your Kiwanis Family counterparts is one of the special blessing of being in Circle K. If you have any questions please contact me at kfamily@georgiacirclek.org. ~Virginia Byrd

Treasurer At District Convention every year clubs can apply to win awards. In order to be eligible to win awards, clubs must be in good standing which means having paid the International club fee and having paid the proper amount of District dues. Also, clubs must have turned in all their club monthly reports to District Secretary, Virginia Byrd. If you have any questions about if you have paid the proper amount of dues contact myself at treasurer@georgiacirclek.org and if you have questions about the club monthly report contact District Secretary, Virginia Byrd at secretary@georgiacirclek.org. Here is a list of the awards that can be applied for: Jack E. McGraw Achievement Award Troy Holcomb Single Service Award Alice D. Stacey Passion For Service Award Interclub Award Duncan McClusky Club Scrapbook Award Club Newsletter Award Keith Bailey Outstanding Club President Award Ali D. Tabatabai Outstanding Club Vice President Award  Outstanding Club Secretary Award        

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Outstanding Club Treasurer Award John C. Thompson Distinguished Member Award George C. Martin Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award George C. Martin Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award Outstanding Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Award Outstanding K-Family Relations Award Outstanding Club T-Shirt Award Outstanding Club Website Award

The award forms are available on the District website, www.georgiacirclek.org. Hope to see you at District Convention! ~Elizabeth Ludlow

Bulletin Editor Best wishes in the new year! The Winter Edition of our district publication, The Kronicle, is available for your reading pleasure. You can read and download it here: http://issuu.com/ georgiacki/docs/kronicle_issue3-3 Please continue to send club news articles, service articles, The new spring semester has officially begun and that means new recruits for your Circle K Club! Take some time to devise a plan of how to inform your new potential members about Circle K. What were you interested in knowing when you became a member? The Georgia District has comprised a large selection of resources including flyers, powerpoints, games, brochures, templates, and lots more to help you get the word out and inspire others to join our wonderful organization. Check out some of our resources by visiting: http://www.georgiacirclek.org/ powerpoints.html. If you have any questions, please fill free to contact me at bulletineditor@georgiacirclek.org ~ Brittany Horton

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