Governor Brittany Horton, Secretary Elizabeth Ludlow, Treasurer Virginia Byrd, & Editor Shannon Weaver Volume 2 Issue 1 April 2013
In this issue:
My name is Brittany Horton, and I am the newly elected Georgia Circle K Governor for the 2013-2014 year. To tell a little bit about myself, I am a senior pursuing a Bachelors of Science degree in Information Technology with a concentration in Information Systems from Georgia Southern University. In 2011, I graduated East Georgia State College with my Associate of Arts degree in General Studies. I have been a proud member of Circle K for the past five years and served four of those as a member of the GA CKI District Board. Now as District Governor, it is an honor and privilege to continue to serve the state of Georgia while promoting leadership, fellowship, and service as the premiere collegiate service organization in the world. If you ever need me for any reason, whether it be club visits, service projects, or just fellowship and fun, feel free to email me at I am grateful for this opportunity to serve your clubs, and I look forward to a wonderful year in Georgia CKI! ď‚œ Brittany Horton
Governor Introduction Secretary Introduction Treasurer Introduction Bulletin Editor Introduction New Goals Outstanding Board Members
2013-14 District Goals 1) 360 Members 2) 65 attendees at FMR & 65 attendees at DCON 3) 4 reactivated and/or chartered clubs 4) 325 Interclubs & 100 K-Family Relations 5) 4,000 service hours
My name is Elizabeth Ludlow, but most people call me Lizzy. Just so you guys can get to know me better, here are a few facts about me. I have a three-month old son named Isaiah. My husband Stefan and I have been married for almost two years. I am a pre-nursing major. My favorite food is anything pumpkin flavored. My hobbies are reading and couponing. I hope to be in constant contact with your clubs this year, so I hope we will get to know each other better! I am very excited to be serving as your District Secretary this year. If you ever want me to come to a meeting or a project just email and I will gladly come. I hope all of you have a great end to your semester! ď‚œ Elizabeth Ludlow Upcoming Events LSSP/Vancouver, Canada/June 23-26, 2013
ICON/Vancouver, Canada/June 26-30, 2013
Treasurer My name is Virginia Byrd, and I am the newly elected District Treasurer and the District Convention Chair. I am a sophomore at Georgia Southern University majoring in Accounting and minoring in Information System. I am also a member of multiple Honor Societies and Leadership Organizations. During this year, I hope to have each and every club as paid clubs. Dues are an essential part to the operation of our organization. With your help, I have no doubt that we can accomplish this goal! If you ever need to reach me, please email me at or I look forward to working with all of the Treasurers during this year and I hope to see you at District Convention! Virginia Byrd
Bulletin Editor My name is Shannon Weaver, and I am your District Bulletin Editor! I hope that you are as excited as I am for another year together in service! I am currently a senior communication major (media concentration) at Young Harris College with a minor in art. As an artist, I specialize in photography but can frequently be found doodling or experimenting with graphic design. In communication, I am interested in news media and popular culture. After I graduate, I hope to become a photojournalist. In addition to Circle K, I serve as an editor for the Enotah Echoes, the Young Harris College student newspaper, and am involved in many student organizations including Student Government Association, Underground bible study, and photography club. I love Circle K, because for me, it presents the greatest opportunity to make a difference in the community and in the world. My favorite service project is anything for ELIMINATE because so much can be done to help people with so little—as little as $1.80. I’ve made some of my best friends in Circle K and had the tremendous blessing to watch it change lives—including mine—for the better. I look forward to serving with all of you, my CKI family, in the upcoming year! Shannon Weaver
Virginia Byrd has done a fantastic job as District Treasurer and DCON Chair, and it’s just the beginning of the CKI year! After helping with our Spring SST, she began designing our District Convention, made up a wonderful district budget, created 2 new district newsletters, and is now helping to plan and make a budget for our Fall SST! Victoria Byrd is an amazing Service and K-Family Chair. She has made up and sent in several articles describing our district’s service projects, helped promote CKI Service Week with newsletters emails, almost finished the K-Family Directory, proposed our new district service initiative called HOME (Helping Others, Motivating Everyone) and is now helping plan a Playground Project for our Fall SST! Governor Brittany Horton
“Be the DIFFERENCE you want to see in the world.” ~Gandhi
The Official Newsletter of the Great and Powerful Georgia District