Excerpts from the Execs: August 2013

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Governor Brittany Horton, Secretary Elizabeth Ludlow, Treasurer Virginia Byrd, & Editor Shannon Weaver

School is back in session, and your club should be too! Once the school semester starts, you should already plan to have a few things organized to make sure you have a great kick-off:  Board Meeting - You want to have a board meeting before your first meeting and after just to cover the basis for how things need to start off.  Recruitment Drive - Make sure your club is at the organization fair! Hand out flyers with your next Club Meeting or service project and invite people to come!  1st Club Meeting - Be sure to have a fun, exciting, friendly, and informative first meeting.. Highlight your service projects, invite them to the next one, or talk about upcoming social events.  Committees - If they aren’t already full, be sure to let newcomers know there are still available leadership positions they can take on.  1st Service Project - Have that 1st service project already planned out soon after your 1st meeting and invite everyone to attend. It’ll remind or encourage club unity and who doesn’t love to make a difference?  New Member Inductions - Newcomers are going to love your club! Let’s face it, they will want to join, and you need to plan that day to make them feel special. Print out some certificates, throw a party, have some food, etc. If you’d like to request a club visit from your Governor, Lt. Governor, or just anyone, you can submit your request via this link: www.georgiacirclek.org/request-visit. Hope to see you soon!  Brittany Horton


1) 360 Members 2) 65 attendees at FMR & 61 attendees at DCON 3) 4 reactivated and/or chartered clubs 4) 300 K-Family Relation hours & 4,000 service hours 5) Raise $1300 for the Eliminate Project

As everyone gets ready to go back to school for the fall semester, I just wanted to tell everyone about the projects that the Georgia District has chosen as our District Projects. The newest project called HOME which stands for Helping Others Motivating Everyone, focuses on helping the problem of homelessness. Projects with this District Project could be making sandwiches, working at a soup kitchen, making blankets to give to people at homeless shelters. The next newest project is the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Home. The Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes take in children who have been abandoned or abused and give them a good home. Projects that clubs can do for the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes include things like collecting school supplies or hygiene supplies or sponsoring a field day for the kids. The last District Project is HEALTHY which stands for Health and Exercise Always Lead to Happier Youth. The easiest way to do service through this project is to go to a after school program like a Boys and Girls’ Club and play with children. There are ways to do service with this projects that I did not list here. I would like to encourage clubs to come up with new and unique ideas to do service with these projects. If your club does service that seems like it would count for any of these projects, please report it in the District Service section of the Club Monthly Report.  Elizabeth Ludlow

As your club meetings begin in the fall, remember to fundraise for the eliMiNaTe Project. One of my favorite fundraisers is “Fill the Jar”. All you need is a giant jar and clubs members willing to donate spare change. One of my favorite service projects is therapy dogs, “eliMiNaTing stress” during finals and midterms weeks. Contact your local therapy dog group and ask them to come to campus. Check out the latest edition of the Kronicle for a list of awesome fundraisers regarding the eliMiNaTe project. Do not forget to start saving for the Pie in the Face Fundraiser at District Convention!  Virginia Byrd

Be sure to check out the latest issue of the Kronicle, our district publication! Read the Kronicle for updates on district events, International Convention, and what clubs have been doing since last issue. There is also all sorts of information to help your clubs grow, connect, and have a great year! I’ve had a lot of fun showing off all the fun stuff you all have been doing this spring and summer. If you would like to have any of your club’s awesome service projects or events in the Kronicle, please tell us about it—we would be happy to tell your story! Just use the Kronicle Submission Form on the Georgia Circle K website http:// www.georgiacirclek.org/kronicle.html or just email me at editor@georgiacirclek.org. Keep up the great work!  Shannon Weaver


As always, Virginia never ceases to amaze me as a friend and as a terrific board member. She took on SST, creating a t-shirt design, registration forms, themes, budgets, and the like. She contacted various people, applied for grants, and planned service projects. All the while, she was also contacting me with DCON plans and designs, fantastically accomplishing her Treasurer duties, redesigning every EFTE newsletter template, and even taking time out of her night (like 1am) to help me format board slides for the summer board meeting. At the bat of a hat, she’s always there to help, and that’s what makes her a true leader and friend. Thank you for all that you do Ginny! I wish I could even try to thank you enough. :)  Governor Brittany Horton

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