Excerpts from the Execs: January 2014

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Governor Brittany Horton, Secretary Elizabeth Ludlow, Treasurer Virginia Byrd, & Editor Shannon Weaver

Join us for our annual Georgia District Convention on February 21-23, 2014, as we celebrate a year of success in Georgia with a weekend of fun, awards, games, and service in Peachtree City, Georgia, at the Wyndham Conference Center! During this awesome weekend, there is also a talent show, workshops, service projects, a Presidents' Banquet, K-Family Breakfast, Pie-in-the-Face Fundraiser, and more! We will also be holding new district officer elections for the incoming 2014-2015 GA District Board. The following offices will be taking candidates: Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Lieutenant Governors. Two delegates will be taken from each club to represent in the House of Delegates. Delegates must be dues paid members of the club and must register as delegates upon registration on Friday night. All dues paid clubs and members who are in-good-standing are applicable to receive awards and scholarships. Award applications are due upon arrival at District Convention on Friday night and will be announced on Saturday during our President’s Banquet and K-Family Breakfast on Saturday. Please note your club must be in-good-standing in order to apply for awards and scholarships. This means all dues must be paid, your club must meet the minimum membership requirements, and all club monthly reports to the District Secretary must be turned in. You may download all award and scholarship application by visiting georgiacirclek.org/awards and georgiacirclek.org/scholarships. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at governor@georgiacirclek.org.  Brittany Horton

1) 360 Members 2) 65 attendees at FMR & 61 attendees at DCON 3) 4 reactivated and/or chartered clubs 4) 300 K-Family Relation hours & 4,000 service hours 5) Raise $1300 for the Eliminate Project

Secretary As the Circle K year comes to an end, it is time to think about elections of your club officers for next year. Secretary is an important position. The secretary is the record keeper for the club, responsible for taking minutes at club meetings and for submitting the Club Monthly Report to the District Secretary. If you are thinking about running for District Secretary, the job duties are about the same as Club Secretary. You are responsible for collecting the Club Monthly Reports from all the Club Secretaries and compiling them into one report to turn in to the District Governor. Also, the District Secretary is responsible for taking minutes at District Board Meetings. If running for either of these positions interests you and you have some questions about the job duties, please contact me at secretary@georgiacirclek.org.  Elizabeth Ludlow

The treasurer works closely with the club secretary to coordinate the collection and disbursement of money. Accurate record keeping is imperative to this position. In many cases, the college or university will require the club to process all transactions through the college or university business office. The treasurer will need to learn about the college or university's procedure for the collection and disbursement of club monies. Club Treasurer Duties and Responsibilities:  Collect and record member dues.  In coordination with the secretary, forward dues and membership invoice to the International office. Additionally, contact your district treasurer to determine whether copies of the dues invoice need to be sent elsewhere. 

Prepare the budget and ensure that the club activities adhere to the budget.

Maintain accurate financial records.

File appropriate forms with the Internal Revenue Service (US only) if necessary.

Inform the Kiwanis club of the club's financial status.

Invoice members for unpaid dues.

Deposit club funds.

There will be a budgeting workshop at District Convention to help new treasurers along with attendees to learn the art of budgeting.  Virginia Byrd

Club elections are right around the corner. If your club elects or appoints a bulletin editor, it is the editor's responsibility to develop a monthly bulletin, newsletter, or website to inform your club members of club activities, deadlines, important dates, and board actions. A good newsletter will motivate members who have not been attending club meetings to participate in club projects. The bulletin editor is also in charge of running any social media accounts your club may have. You may want to liven up the bulletin by including special interest articles, such as CKI education spotlight, career development topics, and activities of other student organizations on campus. When designing the newsletter, be creative, but keep it simple. Use the CKI graphic standards template to ensure consistent design. Developing newsletters can be very time consuming; the most important component of writing a newsletter is informing the members about club activities. With the increase in technology, many clubs are moving toward electronic newsletters. The format and purpose of the bulletin remains unchanged, however the distribution of the newsletter is done via e-mail or posted onto the club's website. This type of publication virtually eliminates the cost of creating club newsletters and many times members prefer the electronic version of the newsletters compared to hard copies.  Shannon Weaver

Shannon is our district’s editor, and her creativity and love for this organization is evident in every page of her publication. She is beyond gifted and takes her time to make sure she puts forth her best effort in her work. Not only that, she has also produced a great new resource to help Circle K’ers learn how to get the word out about Circle K on their college campuses. However, she also chose to take on a huge project of planning our last district-wide event of the year, our Spring Service Social Tour. She’s planned our service projects, found lodging and a kitchen, meeting room space, and our event schedule all ready! I know this event held at Young Harris will be the bomb with her in charge! Way to go Shannon, and thank you for all that you work so hard to accomplish!  Governor Brittany Horton

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