Governor Brittany Horton, Secretary Elizabeth Ludlow, Treasurer Virginia Byrd, & Editor Shannon Weaver
Volume 2 Issue 2 May 2013
With finals on the horizon or finally over for some of you, it’s clear that summer is definitely just around the corner! But don’t let the summer-time be your Circle K “down-time.” Remember, there are some important things that happen during the summer that make your club successful throughout the rest of the year!
Plan a summer board meeting. Use the summer as a chance to get ahead of things and plan for the fall. Try to schedule a time for your fall club meetings, the first meeting date of the semester, the first club service project/social event…etc. Plan for summer recruitment drives. I know it sounds foreign. Like how many people will really be at school during the summer? A lot actually! A lot of freshmen that is. Campus tours, advisement, and registration for freshmen begin in the summer months. So, don’t miss an opportunity to promote your clubs to the new ears on the block. Do some summer service projects. Summer provides a perfect opportunity for members to come together and do enormous amounts of service! Just think how hard it is during the other semesters to schedule a good service project. The summer time is the perfect time! Why not pick up trash on the beach and go surfing while you’re at it?
As always, if you ever need me whether it be for a service project, club meeting, or just some advice, I’m always here for you. Feel free to contact me at Keep on being fantastic! Brittany Horton
In this issue: Summer Club Activity New K-Family Relation Reporting MUC To-Do List About The Kronicle
2013-14 District Goals 1) 360 Members 2) 65 attendees at FMR & 65 attendees at DCON 3) 4 reactivated and/or chartered clubs 4) 300 K-Family Relation hours & 4,000 service hours 5) Raise $1300 for the Eliminate Project
I hope everyone’s finals are going great, and for those of you already finished for the semester, I hope you enjoy your summer! The Circle K International Board has changed the way that Kiwanis Family Relations are counted. The way Kiwanis Family Relations are to be Club Hrs at event # of Members K-Family Hrs counted now are by number of hours at the event. CKI Club A 2 4 8 If Circle K Club A spent 2 hours at the event with CKI Club B 2 1 0 4 members, that means they should report 8 Kiwanis Kiwanis Club 2 2 NA Family hours for their club. Circle K Club B only had 1 member attend, so they do not get any Kiwanis Family Hours from the event, because in order to count the hours as Kiwanis family hours, there must be two members from the club present. Also, in order for hours to count as Kiwanis Family hours, there must be two members from another branch of the same Kiwanis Family club. If you have any questions about anything, please let me know via Elizabeth Ludlow Upcoming Events LSSP/Vancouver, Canada/June 23-26, 2013
ICON/Vancouver, Canada/June 26-30, 2013
Treasurer Membership Update Center (MUC) To-Do List Make your life easier! When the school year starts, round up this member information so you’re ready to update your club info in the Membership Update Center later this fall. School information: School name, phone number and mailing address Faculty advisor contact information: Name, phone number and email address Kiwanis advisor contact information: Name, phone number and email address Sponsoring Kiwanis club Club meetings: date and time Club officer information First and last names, email addresses and expected year of graduation for all club members Club website URL (if applicable) Obtain the login information from the previous Club Officers. It is suggested that you create a generic club email address if your club does not already have one in place ( Note: Do not mail paper rosters or club information to Kiwanis International. All club and member information should be updated online through the Membership Update Center. Treasurer Virginia Byrd If your club has not received a copy of the Club Monthly Report Form yet, that means your club has not turned in officer information. Please visit and click on the Club Monthly Report Form tab and request the form. In order to receive the form you have to turn in officer information. Elizabeth Ludlow
Kristi Parker has done a wonderful job as the Coastal Division Lieutenant Governor. Kristi has got right to work on doing numerous recruitment drives around her campus while also going to her local Skidaway Kiwanis meetings, attending Georgia Southern Circle K club meetings and service projects, attending Brewton-Parker College Circle K’s International festival, holding Club Officer Training for Armstrong Atlantic State University, and holding her Spring Coastal Division Rally! Way to go Kristi! Governor Brittany Horton
Editor The Kronicle is our official district newsletter, published on a seasonal basis, that highlights the latest happenings in the Georgia District--that means you! If you want your club's awesome service project featured in the Kronicle, let us know! We are always taking contributions. Another great option is to write a suggestion for the Member Spotlight or Club Spotlight, both of which are featured in every issue. If you have an idea for the Kronicle that you want published, email me at or fill out the Kronicle Submission Form on the Georgia Circle K website. Just scroll over the "Media" tab and click "Publications". I am so excited to get to know all of you and show off all your service in the Kronicle! The first Kronicle Article Deadline is July 1, 2013. Editor Shannon Weaver
Act as if what you do makes a DIFFERENCE. It does. ~William James
The Official Newsletter of the Great and Power Georgia District