The Kronicle: Fall 2016

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Geor gia Dist r ict Websit e

Cir cle K In t er n at ion al Websit e

Ci r c l e K In t er n a t i o n a l d ev el o p s c o l l eg e a n d u n i v er s i t y s t u d en t s i n t o a g l o b a l n et w o r k o f r es p o n s i b l e c i t i z en s a n d l ea d er s w i t h a l i f el o n g c o mmi t men t t o s er v i c e.

Fall 2016

Table of Con t en t s

Governor ?s Address............................................................................. page 2-3 International Trustee Update/CKIx Recap................................................. page 4 CMR Information.................................................................................... page 5 Dues and Budget Information.................................................................. page 6 FMR Details............................................................................................ page 7 Mountains Division Update..................................................................... page 8 Perimeter Division Update ..................................................................... page 9 Metro Division Update.......................................................................... page 10 Plains/Coastal Division Update.............................................................. page 11 Club Spotlight and Member Spotlight..................................................... page 12 Social Media Tips and Tricks.................................................................. page 13 How to Get Involved with GACKI............................................................ page 14 Direction of The Kronicle....................................................................... page 15 The Rest of the 16 Important Dates and Links and St. Baldrick?s Information........................ page 17

STATEOFTHEDISTRICT Hello Georgia District! My name is Drew Kelley, and first and foremost I just want to thank you again for electing me to serve as your 2016-17 District Governor. I am a 21-year-old fourth year at the University of West Georgia, where I study Management and Marketing. My term thus far as Governor has been terrific, and I can?t thank the members of this district enough for this opportunity! The Georgia District Board has established this exciting set of goals for the year: The Georgia District will have 375 members by March 31, 2017. The Georgia District will have 10 clubs represented at Fall Membership Retreat and 13 clubs represented at District Convention by March 31, 2017. The Georgia District will have 3 reactivated and/or chartered clubs by March 31, 2017. The Georgia District will have 3750 service hours by March 31, 2017. The Georgia District will raise $4000 for the St. Baldrick?s Foundation by March 31, 2017. I am happy to report that we as a district have already accomplished nearly 200 service hours and raised over $1000 for St. Baldrick?s, which is an impressive head start for the school year! Please keep up the hard work serving, and raising money! The next focus we should have as a district is member recruitment and dues payment! Be sure to be actively participating in your school?s organization fairs and membership drives! If you have not already, please be sure that your officers have logged in to the Membership Update Center (MUC) to input new club officers, and begin forming a roster. Once your club has a complete roster of members, you will get an invoice to pay your dues! Dues payment opens up October 1, and to remain a club in good standing your dues must be paid by November 1.

Speaking of November- November ?s most exciting weekend is coming up! As a club, you should be getting prepared for our Fall Membership Retreat! This event is a great time for members, and potential new members to meet the district board, meet members from all over the state, have a great time, get a little training in, and maybe even meet an international officer! FMR will be November 11-13 in Covington, Georgia. The cost to the district for the event is $90, but talk to your club, because sometimes there is money already saved to prorate the costs of your members. Stay tuned in this Kronicle for a more in depth update from FMR Chair, Claire Wells! <3 One last thing, if you are not already receiving updates from the District via email, PLEASE sign up for for GACKI Email Club. Please visit our website at and click the image in the homepage slideshow to sign up!Again, thank you so much for the opportunity to serve you this year! On behalf of the rest of the Georgia District Board of officers, I want to express how excited we are to work together with you all to have a great year! Much Love,

Drew Kelley District Governor Georgia District of Circle K International University of West Georgia (678) 551-0126 "What you share with the world is what it keeps of you." -Noah and the Whale #ChooseCKI

Wh at 's u p In t er n at ion al? Hello Georgia District! My name is Justin Crofoot, and I am your new Subregion G International Trustee! This past summer, Circle-Kers from around the world convened in Toronto, Canada for our International Convention to celebrate achievements, become better leaders, and make new friends! International Convention is an incredible experience where you will experience service, leadership, and fellowship alongside hundreds of other Circle-Kers. Along with this, at International Convention the Circle-Kers in attendance vote for your new International Board for the upcoming year. I have the distinct honor to have been elected to serve the Georgia District along with Alabama, Florida, Carolinas, and the Caribbean. A little bit about myself, I am a junior at The University of Alabama studying political science and philosophy. My hobbies include hammocking and ultimate frisbee. I was in Key Club for four years and I'm going on my third year in Circle K. I love this organization because it allows us to make a difference in the world while at the same time providing us with a support system where we can grow together. As International Trustee, I am here to be a liaison between the International level and District level of Circle K International. I want to provide your District with the resources necessary to be as successful as possible. Along with this, I am your representative on the International Board. Throughout the year, if you ever need anything feel free to contact me and I will do everything I can to assist you. I look forward to meeting as many people as possible this year and working hard to improve both our Subregion and Circle K International as a whole.

Yours in Service, Justin Crofoot

EVERYTHINGYOUNEVERWANTEDTO KNOWABOUTCMRS Hey guys! Welcome back to another great Circle K year! This year I have the pleasure of being your Secretary and Treasurer. I am hoping to increase our turn-in rates for club monthly reports (CMRs) soon. We currently have a 50% turn-in rate. Good news, though! We currently have almost 200 service hours as a district so far. We are just getting back from our summer vacations, so our service hours should pick up. If you are a secretary or club president, make sure those CMRs are being turned in. Also, if any secretaries are not receiving my emails, then just let me know so we can fix that! We are going to have a fantastic year!

Kylie Wilson Georgia District Secretary




I nt er nat ional Convent ion in Tor ont o, Canada: home of t he Moose (June 22- 26) pict ur ed: Kylie Wilson (lef t ant ler ), Dr ew Kelley (lef t ), Tyler Wan (seat ed below moose), Dana Hamr ick (r ight ant ler ), and Anla Et her idge (f ar r ight )

Wh at is t h is " M ONEY" you speak of ? I am sure I saw a few of you at our Club Officer Training (COLT) at the beginning of the summer, and I trained a few of this year ?s club treasurers. We talked about the district club budgeting tool as well as the important dates for dues. Just to recap, if you do not have the budgeting tool, and you want it, just email me and I can send it to you. The important dates to remember about dues start with October 1st. October 1st is the day all clubs should start paying their dues. You have a month for the club to turn in dues on November 1st. By December 1st, if your club has not paid dues then your club will lose its good standing with the district. If anyone has any questions about budgets, dues, fundraising, or anything else, contact me at! I hope to see everyone at Fall Membership Retreat!! Kylie Wilson Georgia District Treasurer

FM R 2015

M ark your cal endars: Dues M UST be turned i n by Nov emb er 1.

FM R You Say.... Hey everyone! My name is Claire Wells and I am your Fall Membership Retreat chair for the 2016-2017 term. FMR will be held November 11-13, 2016 in Covington, GA. This event is our first district event of the year where you get to meet fellow Circle K?ers from all over Georgia! We will have a bonding session the first night, filled with ice breakers, s?mores and a lot of laughs. We also make letter bags where everyone writes letters to each other throughout the weekend. The next morning, we all have breakfast together and attend different workshops. One workshop we have every year is CKI 101. In this workshop, you learn all about Circle K and all of the amazing things it offers to Georgia and the world. This workshop is great for new members who want to learn more about this organization! Later on in the day, we have a large group service project. We go out into the community of Covington or stay at the campground and do what we do best, serve! This is personally my favorite part, because we are serving others AND hanging out with each other. After we get back from the service project, we have free time where we can go and play Frisbee or just hang out until dinner. After we eat dinner, there?s a team bonding activity. Sunday morning, we all have breakfast together and then have closing session. During this session, we announce the most enthusiastic male and female, Mr. & Miss FMR! This is the most fun and educational event of the year and I hope you all attend! Live to serve. Love to serve. Claire

Click this link to register for FMR! Georgia Circle K 2016 Fall Membership Retreat * deadline is Tuesday October 19

M ou n t ain s Division Updat e Hello! My name is Kimberly McMahan and I am your 2016-2017 Mountains LTG. I am a freshman at Young Harris College and my current major is history. I look forward to helping maintain clubs at Young Harris College and Berry College this year and assisting in the chartering of a club at Brenau University. My favorite part of being in Circle K is the service and fellowship that I have participated in or experienced in such a short amount of time with the organization. From District events, such as Fall Membership Retreat, to at home service projects, I seem to have found a second family amongst my fellow Circle K-ers. I can?t wait to meet everyone over the course of the next year! In the past few months, I have contacted all of the clubs currently chartered in the Mountains Division. Young Harris College is doing great, so far. I attended their organization recruitment fair on Wednesday, August 17, and they had approximately 20 people sign up to receive emails and/or attend their interest meeting. According to the advisor at Berry College, they seem to be doing well. Their school year did not begin until August 22, so I am giving them a few more days to get reacquainted with campus. As for our hopeful new charter, Brenau University, our very own Emma Johnson just moved onto campus. We hope to fully begin the chartering process soon.

Per im et er Division Updat e Hey y?all! My name is Emmie Landford, and I am the Perimeter Division Lieutenant Governor for the 2016-2017 school year! I am so excited to serve y?all, and I hope to keep you as updated as possible throughout the year. This year, I am starting my first year at the University of Georgia as well as my first year in Circle K. I was a member of Key Club for four years, and served on the district board, and now here I am continuing my journey in the Kiwanis Family with all of you! Though it is only August, some HUGE things have already happened in our division! The first of which is the introduction of our new mascot: Penny the Perimeter Elephant! I chose an elephant as our division mascot because of the incredible qualities that they possess. Elephants are strong, intelligent, and caring animals, and these are the traits that I believe all of the members of our division possess. My hope is that having a mascot will help to unite our division under common values and bring us all closer together. The other big thing that has happened so far is that the Circle K at the University of Georgia has just re-chartered! This is such a wonderful thing to have happened not only for our division but for our district! They are all very excited to be a club again, and I personally can?t wait to see how my home club grows this year. Thanks everyone for being such a terrific division thus far! We have so much more that we are on our way to accomplishing, and I want all of you to know that you are making a difference in your communities. If you have any questions or comments about anything feel free to email or text me! I always want to talk to y?all !

M et r o Division Updat e Hello, my name is Tyler Wan, and I?m your Metro Division Lieutenant Governor for the 2016-2017 Service Year! I currently study at Georgia Tech, where I am majoring in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Global Development. I participated in Key Club throughout high school and have served terms as the vice president and president of Tech?s Circle K. My role as LTG is to be a resource for, as well as a representative of, the Metro Division, so please feel free to reach out to me. I hope to get the chance to know you all better, and I look forward to an amazing service year! A big goal for our division this year is membership recruitment and retention. Both Georgia Tech and the University of West Georgia spent the summer tabling for their clubs during freshmen orientation sessions, with the latter accumulating a total of over 200 names! UWG will soon set up a meeting time that?s best for its members. They look forward to attending Kiwanis club meetings and fundraising with their yearly concession stands at their football games. Meanwhile, Georgia Tech?s first meeting will be held on Monday, August 29. They will continue to advertise their club at the Student Organization Fair on September 1st, and will be volunteering with the Light the Night Walk for the first time in Centennial Park on October 8. In addition, Georgia Tech will continue its weekly projects with PB&Jsandwich making, the Atlanta Community Food Bank, and Boys & Girls Club. Georgia State University is also having an organization fair on September 1, which they will use to attract freshmen to their growing club. September 13 marks their Informational Kickback, a social where interested students can meet current members and learn about what Circle K is all about. Their first general meeting will be on September 20. Along with Georgia Tech, GSU will be volunteering for the AMIS Project at their annual Welcome Reception, this year being held at Agnes Scott College on September 25. All of us in the Metro Division are putting our heads together to come up with amazing interclub projects, and we look forward to raising money for the St. Baldrick?s Foundation!

Plain s/ Coast al Division Updat e

I hope everyone is doing well and schools hasn?t been too hard. I need to reestablish contact with some of you again so we can make plans on visits and training for those that are left to be trained. I would also love to receive a copy of your calendars if y?all have any prepared. I will be getting in contact with everyone soon so we can discuss plans and make sure that everything is running well. ABAC and VSU both meet the first and third Thursday of every month. Georgia College meets every other Wednesday at 5. As events come out for the clubs updated dates will be sent out. Some time soon you will be getting an email from me regarding officer training for those that have yet to be trained. The faster we accomplish this the better. If any of you still have recruitment days left please let me know as i would love to help with that. I will also be contacting everyone to see if we can find a day to hold a divisional rally. If you have any ideas or would like for it to be hosted in your area please let me know. Also if there are any events that you would like to invite other clubs send me the dates so I can let everyone else know. Thanks guys and hope to talk to y'all soon

Clu b Spot ligh t ! - Valdost a St at e Valdosta State University Circle K was chartered on February 4, 2016 after a lot of work and effort from Jc Clark, the charter and current president for the club. Valdosta has been working really hard since they first form and have many plans for this year. They have been working to develop a partnership with the Georgia Sheriff Youth Homes Boy?s Ranch Campus in Hahira. They also had a great recruiting event with the happening on August 26, 2016. As a first year organization they won an award for being one of the best new organizations to join at VSU. I look forward to seeing what more they will be able to accomplish this year.

M em ber Spot ligh t !- Ph oebe Ch ak Pheobe is the Vice President of Circle K UGA. She first met with LTG Emmie Landford in the middle of August where Emmie became very impressed with her commitment and dedication to her duties. Her club attendance record is stellar and she freely joins in on conversations with new, helpful ideas.

Tw it t er -gr am ? In st a-book ? Hi everyone, my name is Destini Tobias! I am this year ?s Social Media Chair for the Georgia District Board. I am currently enrolled as a junior at the University of West Georgia as an Early Childhood Education major. As the social media chair I use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to make keeping up with what is going on in Circle K as easy as checking your social media. As a social media chair, the first thing you have to do is create a social media presence. So, create a Facebook page, a Twitter profile, an Instagram profile, etc. While making these profiles and pages make sure that you use the same or similar usernames for each account to make it easy to find when a new person searches for you. After you have created your social media accounts you have to promote them, to do this you have to make sure that the links to your profiles are attached to things like club newsletters and e-mails. Another way to get your pages out there is to create a club hashtag, so that when club members post about Circle K they can use the hashtag, and catch the attention of their followers. After, you have marketed your social media accounts, and caught the attention of your members you use them to make sure that everyone is up to date on new information and promote club activities. One way that I keep people up to date is by making sure that events like Fall Membership Retreat and District Convention are adequately marketed. To do this I will create pages for the events, and invite everyone that I can. Once the pages are created I will ask my club and district members to share the pages, and invite their friends, the more the merrier! Last but not least, make sure to have fun with your social media accounts that is the best way to keep your followers interested, and catch the attention of others! Also, if you haven?t already follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and like us on Facebook! Instagram: georgiacki With much love, Destini Tobias

Twitter: @GeorgiaCKI

Facebook: Georgia Circle K

Get t in g In volved w it h GACKI Greetings to all new and old Circle K Members! My name is Shelby Munyan, and I will be serving as your Awards Chair for the 2016-2017 school year. This is my first year serving a role in the district of Georgia; so I am very excited to get things going! I am a Junior Psychology major at Georgia College and State University, with a minor in Music. I love to read, and have a huge obsession with dragons (I have a collection of figurines!) Essentially, my role is to help everyone get the recognition for all the hard work you will do this year. Your club will fill out an awards packet come time for District Convention, and will compete against other clubs in the various awards categories, such as Outstanding President, the Single Service Award, the T-shirt Award, and much more. Though it is a competition amongst clubs, our true goal in this endeavor is to get everyone to push themselves harder to serve in all sorts of creative ways. So get out there, and hopefully our awards committee will see some great things from our district this year! Staying involved on a district level is an important part of being an active Circle K member. We have a lot to offer in terms of service opportunities, resources, leadership positions, and more; and we want you to take advantage of this! I personally began getting involved by attending the events held by the district. Fall Membership Retreat was my first exposure to the other Circle K members and board officers from across the state, and I began getting to know everyone through the service projects and workshops that we had available to us. Meeting these people and attending this retreat allowed me to find out what goes on in the district. District Convention, SST (Service Social Tour), and FMR are some great social starting points for finding out what the district has to offer you in terms of service and fellowship. Eventually, though, you might want to help make your mark on the district. Circle K has various board and committee positions that are open to all Circle K members. District Convention holds a chance to try for an elected board position, and committee positions are open and selected by our District Governor following District Convention. Whether you are a Circle K member looking to make connections, or a leader looking for a position to showcase your talents, Georgia Circle K provides many opportunities for you to get involved; just take the leap and get in touch with us! Much love, Shelby Munyan

Wh er e is t h is goin g? My name is Dana Hamrick and I will be your bulletin editor this year! I?m excited to get more involved with Circle K and to learn how I can help you guys as clubs and individuals through my position. Last year I was my club?s bulletin editor at Georgia College, but I have since transferred to Valdosta State and gone on to district bulletin editor. My goal for the Kronicle this year is to help bridge gaps that happen due to distance between clubs and the district. I want you all to know what is happening at the district level, and what is happening with other clubs. Circle K is a family and in order to help each other out with ideas and inter-clubs, we need to know what is going on. I want to have a newsletter that is both fun to read, and informative. The articles included should either give you relative information, or give you ideas that can help your home clubs. That also means that I need some help from you guys. Let me or your Lieutenant Governors know when you?re doing something cool, if you had a great fundraiser, or if someone in your club really stood out. This will help keep everyone in the Georgia District informed and allow us to grow closer as a Circle K family.

Can't wait to hear from you, Dana Hamrick

Bu t Wait ! Th er e's M or e! Hey all! My name is Erin Martin and I am a junior Public Health major with a global health minor and a women?s studies minor at Georgia College and State University. This is my third year being a member of Circle K and my second year as president. In high school I was a member of Key Club for all four years and I never would have thought that some high school club would lead me to such great opportunity of service and leadership. I have to say that I have not been more excited for this upcoming Circle K year and to see what it will bring me and my club. Circle K has become a big part of my life and I don?t know what I?d do without it. I can?t wait to see how this year turns out and especially what we all can do together and the change we can make, no matter how small, in our communities.

Hi, my name is Greg Johnston, and I will be the webmaster and multimedia chair for Georgia Circle K this year. I?m a fourth-year computer science major at Georgia Tech, with a minor in Japanese. I?ve been the webmaster for GACKI once before (two years ago), but I?m looking forward to learning more this time around. My main job is to make sure that the website stays up to date, but I?m also in charge of making the FMR and end-of-the-year DCON slideshows. I can?t wait to meet all of you, and I?m looking forward to a great year!

M ar k You r Calen dar s Ocober 15: K-Fam i ly Day @ GA-Tech cli ck here October 19: Deadli ne to regi ster for FMR. To regi ster for FMR, cli ck here. Novem ber 1: Dues MUST be turned i n. For any questi ons, em ai l treasurer@georgi aci rclek .org Novem ber 11-13: FMR! For any questi ons, em ai l fm r@georgi aci rclek .org To regi ster for FMR, cli ck here. February 17-19: DCON

The Georgia District of Circle K is proud to announce their commitment to raise $4,000 for St. Baldrick's Foundation to conquer childhood cancers, n alliance with our international preferred charities. This was an organization chosen by our Governor, Drew Kelley. Childhood cancer is close to the heart's of several board members, as well as many of the hundreds of general members in the Georgia district. For more information on St. Baldrick's, and how to donate, please visit their website

Metro LTG Tyler Wan shaving his head for a St. Baldrick's fundraiser

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