Past Issues
Please read thoroughly to stay up to date with several announcememnts!
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Recap & Updates! Hey everyone! This past weekend the Georgia District hosted Fall Membership Retreat in Covington, GA. We had a total of 11 clubs in attendance, and I would like to highlight the clubs from the Perimeter Division that attended! Kennesaw State University University of Georgia Thank you for coming and representing your club and our division well! For those clubs that did not attend, I hope that next year you will be able to, and I hope to see you all at District Convention in February!
Events & Business Covered Throughout FMR, there were several general sessions, workshops, and other instructional times that provided members with the opportunity to learn more about Circle K and connect with other members throughout the district. There were a total of 10 workshops ranging from Kiwanis Family Information and Circle K 101 to How to Fundraise and How to Host Largescale Service Projects. If you would like any of the presentations from these workshops, please let me know, and I will get them to you! In addition, members were taught about how to get involved with Circle K on the district level, and our very own Courtney Green from the Circle K of UGA was elected by the District Board to serve as the Mountains Lieutenant Governor for the remainder of the 20162017 service year!
Past Issues
Click the photo to turn in your club's CMR for the month of October!
Photos from this weekend have been posted to Facebook! Click the
Please get this done ASAP!
photo to see them!
District Convention While members were receiving important training and information, there were also a VERY important announcement made on Sunday morning: the District Convention Theme! This year the theme is "Service is timeless!" I hope all of you are as excited as I am about it! There will be workshops, a service fair, awards, and elections of next year's district board. Please plan to have your club attend and apply to as many awards as possible. WHEN? February 1719, 2017 WHERE? Roswell, GA COST? $190 (includes tshirt, hotel, & all meals) The cost can seem overwhelming, but please know that you still have time to fundraise for convention! You can also sell ads for the convention program that will take off a portion of your registration cost. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email/call me!
St. Baldrick's Don't forget to be raising money for this year's Governor's Project: the St. Baldrick's Foundation! The money that we raise will go directly towards childhood cancer research and aiding children who are coping with their cancer. It is a very important cause, and we want to reach our district goal of $4,000 by district convention.
Past Issues
Fundraising Ideas
1. Go canning! Head downtown and bring a donation jar with you then try to get passersby to donate money to your cause! Not only will this raise money, but it will also bring about more awareness for the organization you are fundraising for! 1. Have a penny war! It's simple. Get two jars and challenge another member or club to a war! Each penny is worth +1 point for you and every other form of currency is worth negative points for your opponent. For example, a nickel would be 5 points and a dollar would be 100 points. Keep the jars separate and at the end of a designated time, count the difference in points. Whoever has the most wins!
Click the photo for more information about the Tomorrow Fund and to find the Share Past Issues application!
Dues I'd like to remind you all that dues are officially late. Please please please submit your club's dues by December 1st so that they can be processed by the end of the year. Thank you so much to the following clubs for already sending in their dues for the year: University of Georgia For those clubs that were active last year, you can update your dues and members online in the Membership Update Center (MUC). If your club is chartering or reactivating, you must send your dues into Circle K International. If you have any questions about where to send your dues or how to update the MUC, please let me know! Click here to pay dues in the MUC!
Final Remarks In closing, I would like to thank all of you for your service to your communities and the district. In addition, I would like to come visit all of your clubs! Please let me know when your next meeting is (even if it is next semester or an end of the year party), and I would love to come or try to make it! Also, if you are a club officer and are not in the Facebook group or Perimeter Division GroupMe, please let me know, and I will add you! These groups and chats will help us communicate better as a division and a district as a whole. Thank you for all of the service that you do, and I hope to see you all soon! Yours in service, Emmie Landford, Perimeter Division Lieutenant Governor
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Copyright © 2016 Georgia Circle K, All rights reserved.
Past Issues
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