Governor's Gavel: August 2011

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G o v e r n o r ’ s G av e l Georgia District of Circle K International

AUG 2011

Volume 1, Issue 4

G r e e t i n g s f r o m t h e G ov ’ n a ! Hello Georgia District! Back to school, Back to school, gonna show dad im not a fool. I got my lunch all packed, my boots tied tight, hope I don't get in a fight...oooo BACK TO SCHOOL! Billy Madison said it best! Its time to get back to school! In this issue:

(Insert goans and moans here) I know that most of you, including me do not look forward to getting back into that daily routine of classes and longs nights of studying and homework, but its all apart of being a


college student! Back to school also means CKI recruitment and clubs meeting starting back up! Back to school pool parties, help with freshman move in, and many other ways of getting your CKI members back in the back to school mode and even your chance to recruit a few members!

Meet your IBOARD 2

What is your club doing? TOGETHER WE CAN! Kevin Barnes 2011-2012 District Governor

W H ERE I HAV E B E E N?!? Wh e re w ill I b e? ? July 15. 2011 Muscle Shoals Kiwanis Meeting (AL)


Where have I been? 1

Meet your IREP


Key Club News




Upcoming Dates:

Kiwanis District Convention

August 26-28,2011 Savannah, GA 

Fall Membership Retreat

November 4-6, 2011

July 15-17, 2011 Alabama District Board Meeting (AL)


July 29-31, 2011 Georgia Key Club Board Meeting (GA)

Covington, GA

Cleveland Kiwanis Club Meeting (Every Mon @ noon)

Meet your International President and International Vice-President!

Steven Spriggs,

Melanie Walter,

International President

International Vice President

Texas A&M University

Winona State University

Class of 2013 (A-A-A Whoop!)

Class of 2012

Major: Management

Major: Secondary Math Ed.

Minor: None

Minor: Applied and Prof. Writing

Minor Obsession: Harry Potter

Minor Obsession: office supplies

Childhood Memory: One of my greatest childhood ambitions was to become a I like to do Circle K work while watching Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

Childhood Memory: I’m extremely graceful at being ungraceful…I once broke my foot going down a McDonald’s slide...

True Colors Personality: Green Quirk: I enjoy cooking with friends (meaning they cook and I eat...but I help clean afterwards). Warning: I am incapable of sleeping before 2 am at CKI events. This causes me to drink a lot of Red Bull…

True Colors Personality: Gold Quirk: It is impossible for me to sneak up on people. The creaking in my legs and feet always gives me away!

Warning: I am a very jumpy person…I mean VERY. Don’t be surprised if I gasp when you enter a room sometime…

Greetings from your International Representative!

At 211 degrees water is hot. At 212 degrees it boils. And with boiling water comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. Hello Circle K’ers from the statement above it can be noted how great the difference of one degree is. That one degree is the difference between the power for a locomotive and no power. Throughout life it is noticed that if we gave a simple task or maybe even a great task a little more effort than initially exerted, that task could be completed successfully. For the upcoming semester I hope that we all will give our very best in all our endeavors. “Service is the lifeblood of any organization. Everything flows from it and is nourished by it. If you spend an extra hour each day of study in your chosen field, you will be a national expert in that field in five years or less” - Earl Nightingale. It is with extreme pleasure and a sense of pride and excitement that I accept the honor of leading this great Subregion – Subregion G. I congratulate my fellow Circle K’ers for choosing this prestigious organization as your club/chapter of first choice. You have chosen a group of bright and talented students with a mission of giving back to their community, who will assist in providing a pathway for intellectual and creative enrichment. Within this organization, lives are changed, futures are made and careers are built especially here in the mighty Georgia District. The Georgia District has long been a bright beacon in CKI for service and exemplary leadership in CKI. As you begin this school year, know that the possibilities are infinite if you make the best use of what this organization has to offer both formal and informal. Never lose sight of what you set out to achieve and always recall your reasons for joining this great organization and then honestly assess your level of participation at the end of the year. I encourage everyone to give a helping hand throughout the year in whatever activities your district, division or club may choose to undertake and continue to make this organization a great one.

Lincois Ewers International Representative Subregion G

Lincois Ewers-Caribbean District

“Hot Spot, Cool Times� at ICON Those that think Key Club takes a break in the summertime are sadly mistaken. The Georgia District works hard to plan activities, contact schools, and serve others. However, the district is also given the opportunity to observe other districts and participate with clubbers from outside of our state. This summer, Georgia Key Clubbers had the opportunity to attend the sixty-eighth annual International Convention. At the convention, students gathered in Phoenix, Arizona in order to see international business first hand and service on a large scale. Students were given the opportunity to evaluate, question, and vote for the candidates that would be leading the beloved organization. Annie Lewandowski was elected as the Key Club International President, and Catt Lovins was elected as the International Vice President. Trustees, who relay information from the international level to district level, were also elected. Although it was not determined at the convention, Georgia was assigned with Trustee Rebecca Riley from the Alabama District. Georgia has been honored with the sister districts of Texas-Oklahoma and Kansas. Concerning international business, students were included in the process of changing and approving amendments. However, students were also educated in how to help their districts and home clubs. Workshops, speakers, and other meetings offered clubbers knowledge and experience that will benefit the Key Clubs where they are directly involved. In addition to business work, clubbers socialized with people from all over the western hemisphere during the free time and dances. The International Convention offered fun, success, and service to the students of the state of Georgia. Hopefully the Georgia District of Key Club International will be traveling with even more attendees to the convention in Orlando, Florida next year! Meredith Elder Governor Georgia District Key Club International 706-949-1007

Georgia Key Club Governor Meredith Elder

MEMBER OF THE MONTH This months member of the month is David Chin David is a member of the Georgia Tech CKI Club. He was recommended for M.O.M by Blue Ridge LTG Stefan Ludlow. Thank you David for your dedication and commitment to GACKI!

Kiwanis Family LOVE!

CHECK „em out and “like” them on FB!

DON’’T FORGET THAT CMR’S AND MRF’S are due by the 5th!!!!!! Contact Information

Kevin Barnes Kbarnes63-Skype 931-320-7649

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