Governor's Gavel: June 2011

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G o v e r n o r ’ s G av e l Georgia District of Circle K International

June 2011

Volume 1, Issue 2

G r e e t i n g s f r o m t h e G ov ! Hello Great and Powerful Georgia District! I hope that everyone is having an amazing summer! I know that I am! I have got to do some wonderful serving in my community, and it makes me proud to be a member of this great organization! Have you thought about why you are in CKI? Strange question, I know. But I want you to sit back and think about what are you wanting to accomplish in your time in CKI. Are you just in it to have something on your resume or are you in it truly make a difference. Some times we get caught up in our own agendas and timelines, myself included and we put off opportunities because we may not like the service or labor. We need jump at every opportunity that we get no matter how little or unimportant it may seem to us. The passion and commitment of our members is what drives this organization. We need to step out of our comfort zone and away from US and our own agendas and remember the true reason why we serve! You will be amazed at the difference it makes we when stop thinking about ourselves! No matter how big the service project or how small the random act of kindness….Take advantage of the opportunities that we get! TOGETHER WE CAN!

In this issue: Greetings


Where have I been? 1 Eliminate Project




Committee Work




Upcoming Dates:

Kevin Barnes

June 20-22, 2011

2011-2012 District Governor

Large Scale Service Project

WHERE I HAVE BEEN?!? May 20-22, 20111-Subregion G Event (Helen, GA) June 11, 2011-GACKI Board Meeting (Cleveland, GA) Cleveland Kiwanis Club Meeting (Every Mon @ noon)

Virginia Beach, VA 

June 22-26, 2011

International Convention Virginia Beach, VA

SubRegion G 2nd Annual Summer Service Social The SubRegion G 2nd Annual Summer Service Social took place on May 20-22, 2011! This event brought together the different districts of the SubRegion for a weekend of great service projects and fellowship! There were a total of 34 CKI members who made the trip to The Great and Powerful Georgia District this year. The event took place in Helen GA. The weekend started off with an opening session packed with some fun icebreakers. Before we turned in for the night we made dog toys out of old t-shirts and made some no-sew fleece blankets. We woke up the next morning and headed to NE GA Habitat for Humanity and had a great time serving in the ReSTORE reorganizing the warehouse. We all then headed out for some free time and came back together that night for a fun fundraiser “Bowl to Eliminate” to raise money for the Eliminate Project. The next morning we got up and said our goodbyes and headed out on our ways. We had an epic weekend and thank all those who came! See you next year!

What ways is your club gearing up to ELIMINATE MNT this year?? Need ideas? The Eliminate Project is Kiwanis International’s global campaign to help eliminate maternal/neonatal tetanus from the face of the Earth.

Contact INTL Service Chair Elizabeth Ludlow (

The fundraising campaign will raise US$110 million for the project. Quick facts • 1 baby dies every 9 minutes from tetanus • 160 babies die each day from tetanus • MNT has been eliminated from 20 countries since 2000 • 3 doses of tetanus vaccine = immunity from tetanus • Woman + vaccine = protected baby • $1.80 protects 1 mother and her future children • The Eliminate Project saves & protects 61 million moms & babies • Elimination = <1 case of MNT per 1,000 live births

This year I am taking on the Georgia Sheriffs Youth Homes as my Governor’s Project. Many of you may not know that I grew up most of my life in the GSYH. I came to the home when I was 14 years old, and the GSYH made a huge difference in my life. I really would not be where I am today without the GSYH. It was also during my time in the home that I became apart of the K-Family. One Saturday afternoon a group of Key Clubbers came out to hang out with us. Right then and there I was hooked and went on to join Key Club and then on to CKI. The Georgia District Board has decided that we are going to collect and donate hygiene products to the GSYH. We will also be teaming up with the other parts of the K-Family to visit the homes around the State of Georgia. I ask that you join the charge and help us make a difference in the lives of all these boys and girls. Most of them have had a rough life and its not their fault. All they want are some friends that care for them. We will put out a more detailed way to donate in the coming weeks! So keep a lookout! If you have any questions about the GSYH, please contact myself or GSYH Liaison James Nunnally

How to work within a committee/being a successful committee member Jeff Little-Executive Chair Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Are you looking to expand your CKI experience in the future but regretting that you missed elections? Feeling left out? or Already in a position and feeling a bit overwhelmed? Let your fellow members lend a hand! Get involved in committee work in CKI! There are committees for service projects, events, organization improvement, and more! It is amazing the things that can be accomplished in committees. I’ve seen service projects involving hundreds of members, members raising thousands of dollars, and members making a difference in the lives of countless individuals. It all starts with YOU! Just step up, take a deep breath, and dive into the work of service, leadership and fellowship. In my experience, successful committees usually have one thing in common: good communication! Try to start the year, term, semester, etc. with establishing clear expectations for everyone. Let everyone agree to return phone calls and e-mails within a short timeframe. Not only is it common courtesy, but it allows others to “pick up the slack” if one committee member can’t meet their goal. Have regular meetings. Even if they’re short, get everyone on a conference call or online chat session. It will keep everyone reminded of their duties and focused on the goals. Speaking of goals, set them early and review them often. Perhaps when you started, it seemed like one person could handle something alone, but as you get into the work, you discover that it is really too much for one person. Use the meeting times to allow committee members to ask for help or offer their help to others. I truly believe that Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM)! The best part about committee work is that everyone can help! No matter your past or present experience, you can contribute to something bigger than just yourself. Trust me, you’ll look back and wonder how everything ever came together, but somehow it always does. Just don’t bite off more than you can chew. I know it is tempting, but start out with something you are comfortable with. If you find that you can handle what you’ve taken on, ask others if there is anything else you can do. Often between everyone involved, you’ll be able to figure out how to get everything done IF you work together!

MEMBER OF THE MONTH This months member of the month is Shannon Weaver Shannon is the current President of the Young Harris College Club. Thank you Shannon for your dedication and commitment to GACKI!

Don’t forget that CMR’s are due by the 5th of every month! Did you know that you can submit your club CMR online? Head over to

Contact Information

Kevin Barnes Kbarnes63-Skype 931-320-7649

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