Governor's Gavel: September 2011

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G o v e r n o r ’ s G av e l Georgia District of Circle K International

September 2011

Volume 1, Issue 5

G r e e t i n g s f r o m t h e G ov ’ n a ! Hello Georgia District! The school year is off to a great start! I love getting all the invitations and notifications on Facebook about the CKI events at all your schools. Although, I cannot attend all of these events, it excites me to see all the buzz on the event pages you have created. That’s exactly what we have to continue to do all year long! We have to create a buzz on our campuses and in our communities. Everyone knows that the power is in numbers and the more buzz we create

In this issue: Greetings

about CKI, the more members we can get and the more service we can do and at the end of the day the more lives we can touch! What is your club doing to create that buzz??

Where have I been? 1

Most of those students on your campus that don't know about CKI, its because they haven't been told about it! So lets get out there and create an overwhelming buzz about CKI!! TOGETHER WE CAN!


CKI News




Key Club News




Upcoming Dates:

Kevin Barnes 2011-2012 District Governor

W H ERE I HAV E B E E N?!? Wh e re w ill I b e? ?

November 4-6,2011 Covington, GA 

August 20, 2011 Truett-McConnell CKI Freshman Frenzy August 26, 2011 GA Kiwanis Board Meetings (Savannah, GA) August 26-28, 2011 GA Kiwanis DCON (Savannah, GA) September 9, 2011 Cleveland Kiwanis Golf Tournament Cleveland Kiwanis Club Meeting (Every Mon @ noon)

Fall Membership Retreat

Kiwanis Fall Trainer

October 15, 2011 Macon, GA

IT’S A RECORD!!!!!! Congratulations to all CKI members and clubs. Because of you, we surpassed an all-time membership record last week (September 1st) ! Our membership currently stands at 13,309. Last year we finished the year on September 30 with a membership number of 12,688. A previous membership record was set during the 2006-07 administrative year with 13,274 members! Even more exciting is that we achieved our membership record without starting a record number of new clubs. This means our current clubs grew! As of today, 52 new CKI charters have been extended this year. Last year we had 57 new CKI clubs. New club building is important to expanding the CKI brand; however, retention of our current clubs is the easiest way to grow our numbers.

What’s going on in the world of CKI????? Help your Key Clubs show off their Key Club pride (especially November 9) Key Club Week is a special week of service when clubs around the world show what being a Key Clubber is all about. This year’s Key Club Week is November 7-11. Each day of the week has a different Key Club-related theme. Wednesday, November 9, is themed “Connect the Ks.” Key Clubs are encouraged to organize a large-scale service project and invite other members of the Kiwanis family, like K-Kids, Builders Club, other Key Clubs, Circle K, Aktion Club and, of course, Kiwanis. If you are called upon to help a Key Club, please do your part to support their efforts and Key Club Week! Log on to for more details.

October is the month of the young adolescent. For Circle K clubs that co-sponsor or are interested in co-sponsoring Builders Clubs: October is the month of the young adolescent (, an annual international collaborative effort of education, health and youth-oriented organizations like Kiwanis. During October the National Middle School Association brings together a wide range of organizations to focus on the needs of this important age range, ages 10 to 15. October would be a great time to charter a Builders Club, the Kiwanis Service Leadership Program for middle school and junior high students. Learn what makes this group tick and help young adolescents become caring and compassionate citizens through Builders Club. Starting a club is easy: go to Get up and help fight childhood obesity (and have fun, too!) For Circle K clubs that co-sponsor Kiwanis Kids programs and Builders Clubs: Get ready, get set, get out and play! Turn off your TV and video games on Sept. 24, and join other kids in Nickelodeon’s 8th annual Worldwide Day of Play. Your club can pick any fun, physical activity that you enjoy doing – dancing, playing Frisbee, hula-hooping, swimming, or roller skating to name a few – and create your own Worldwide Day of Play event. Invite other club members, classmates and friends to participate. Need more ideas? Check out And while you’re online, don’t forget to register at for a chance to see your group’s name on TV!

GACKI Committee Break-Down!! The Georgia District has many Standing and Ad-Hoc committees on the District Board. These committees and individuals that make them up work hard all year, mostly behind the scenes to ensure that the Georgia District is the best in CKI. Below is a list of the committees and their goals for the year. 

Executive Committee: The Executive committee is made up of the Executive Officers of the Georgia District Board. They meet as needed to evaluate, discuss and brainstorm ideas for resources and other such items in betterment of the district.

Conferences and Conventions Committee: The Con/Con committee are the ones who work hard to plan and put on the district events throughout the year.

Directive One: Fall Membership Retreat Registration Forms Directive Two: Create a YouTube Video by August 31st, 2011, to promote FMR Directive Three: Overall Evaluation Form for FMR Directive Four: Submit an article about FMR to the Kronicle

Service opportunities & Social Service Tour: The Service committee works on the bi-annual Service Social tours, they also come up with ideas and resources for service projects and service opportunities. They also work on and promote the various District and International Service projects.

Directive One: Organize and plan two service event Directive Two: Publish/Create a service database on our website Directive Three: Create a Tri-Board Display for the Service Fair at International Convention Directive Four: Create brochures about the different Georgia and International Service projects and Partners to hand out at different district events: Directive Five: Have ten meetings this year as a service committee Directive Six: Have a service project at every district event

Communications Committee:

The communications committee is responsible for updating the website, documenting events with videos and pictures. Also

to educate the district about CKI and media usage throughout the year. They also publish the district publication The Kronicle. Directive One: Ensure all club officers are on the Georgia CKI Listserver July 31, 2012 Directive Two: Publish five Kronicles by March 31st, 2012 Directive Three: Update Georgia District Website by March 31st, 2012 Directive Four: Upload three videos on the District YouTube Channel Directive Five: Develop a social media plan by March 31st, 2012 Directive Six: Lead a technology related workshop at FMR and/or DCON

Membership Growth Committee: The membership committee creates resources for membership and also educate members and potential members of CKI and the K-Family. They also assist with club building.

Directive One: Contact each active club at least once before March 31st, 2012 to see if they need any help with recruitment and/or retention: Directive Two: Attend at least one recruitment drive for an inactive/new club Directive Three: Submit an article to each issue of the Kronicle on recruitment ideas Directive Four: Create a brochure and educational video for CKI 101 Directive Five: Create a database of membership education and development games for club and district officers to use at club or board meetings, socials, training events, district conferences/conventions, etc.

K-Family Relations Committee: The K-Family committee works on promoting K-Family relations.

Directive One: Create a K-Family Directory for the use of district officers and clubs of the Georgia District of Circle K Directive Two: Continue to Update/create a K-family calendar that is published on the website Directive Three: Promote K-Family Service Events Directive Four: Increase K-Family attendance at CKI events: Directive Five: Promote Key to College to clubs and Key Club Events:

Georgia District of Key Club International

District Goal: $20,000 "Living the Legacy" The Georgia District of Key Club International will once again be endorsing the Georgia Sheriff's Youth Homes as it's District Project for the 2011-2012 year. After the recent completion of a chapel, we have decided to use the funds that we collect this year to go towards the expansion of the Learning Center at the GSYH Campus in LaGrange. Each club is encouraged to raise at least $400 for the District Project so that we may not only reach but surpass our goal of $20,000. Considering the unlikeliness, however, that we will have 100% of clubs participate, it will be left upon the shoulders of each individual club who participates to go above and beyond the call of duty and raise as much as possible. Let's truly blow our goal out of the water this year! About Georgia Sheriff's Youth Homes: In the late 1950’s, the Sheriffs of Georgia became concerned about the growing problem of neglected, abused and abandoned children of their State. They felt a secure home for these innocent children was needed. Their purpose was accomplished when the Georgia Sheriffs Boys Ranch, located near Hahira, Ga., opened in 1960. Some years later, with the merger of the Boys Ranch and Cherokee Boys Estate, Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes was developed. Cherokee Boys Estate, located in Dalton became a full-time residential facility for girls and was renamed Cherokee Girls Estate. In the 1990’s, Youth Homes opened two more residential childcare programs, Pineland located in LaGrange and Herrington Homestead near Swainsboro, both provide full-time residential care for boys. A fifth campus, Mountain View, is being opened in 2006 in Chatsworth. The Youth Homes has a camping program, Camp Pioneer, in LaGrange. This camp offers a summer camp program to children who would not otherwise have the opportunity to enjoy the experience and is located on the Pineland Campus.

2011-2012 Cut-Out Fundraiser The Georgia District has been involved with these Homes for more than 25 years. This year, we are launching a new fundraising campaign in an effort to raise more money for our project, “Living the Legacy.” All funds raised will go towards the expansion of the Learning Center at the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes LaGrange Campus. Our campaign consists of accepting donations and giving out GSYH and Key Club cut-outs. In order to receive a cut-out, one must donate at least $1 to the GSYH. The donation can always exceed $1.00, of course. Once the donation is given, the person’s/organization’s/business’s name will be written on the card and should be displayed at your school. All funds raised will go directly to the Georgia Sheriffs Youth Homes. That is a 100% return rate that goes back into the mission of Key Club and the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes. Members are encouraged to ask teachers and faculty at their high school, other organizations within their high school, local businesses, community organizations, parents, and Kiwanis Clubs. Remember – the #1 reason people do not give is because they are not asked. Encourage your students to ask and offer incentives for your club members. This is a great, potentially-effective method to raise funds with little costs for your club! We hope you will participate in this fundraiser. Continue to exemplify the Key Club motto, “Caring – Our Way of Life” and don’t forget to ask “Would you like to help improve the lives of children across the state of Georgia with a donation to Key Club and the Georgia Sheriffs Youth Homes?" For more information about the Georgia Sheriffs' Youth Homes or to purchase a cut out, send an email to

Georgia Key Club Governor Meredith Elder

Georgia District Circle K Fall Membership Retreat (FMR) The Georgia FFA/FCCLA Center, Covington, GA November 4th - 6th 2011

PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS before completing this form! Use one registration form per attendee and please print clearly. Be sure to carefully read these instructions and complete the medical form on the other side of this registration form. All conference attendees are required to complete medical forms unless you are a Kiwanian. All attendees will be housed in cluster cabins on double bunks, therefore listing preferred roommates is not required. Sheets, pillows, blankets, towels, and toiletries are not provided. The registration fee for this event is $85. This fee includes lodging, four meals, meeting space, conference activities, workshop materials, conference t-shirt, and recreational activities. The registration deadline is Tuesday, October 18, 2011. A completed registration packet will include this form, the medical form, and full payment. Full payment must be made by the registration deadline or you will be subject to a $25 late fee and are not guaranteed a conference T-shirt. Registrations placed after October 18, 2011 are not guaranteed. Contact Assistant Administrator Anla Etheridge to check for availability. You must check for availability prior to arrival, if registration was late. Method of payment: We will accept personal/school checks and money orders (please do not send cash through the mail). If your registration fee is not paid in full and postmarked by Tuesday, October 18, 2011, you will be subject to a $25 late fee. If submitting multiple registration forms and one form of payment in the same mailing, please include a cover note indicating the fees being paid for each registration enclosed. Make checks payable to the Georgia District of Circle K Conferences and Conventions (GA CKI Con-Con). Mail payment with this completed form to FMR 2011, c/o Anla Etheridge 885 Navajo Trail, Covington, GA 30016. All requests concerning tax and vendor forms or payment directly from a school must be made prior to the deadline by contacting assistant administrator Anla Etheridge. Cancellation requests must be made in writing or you will not receive a refund. Cancellations made prior to Tuesday, October 18, 2011 will be refunded in full. There will be a $50 deduction per registration for cancellations made between October 18 and October 28, 2011 Cancellation requests postmarked on or after October 28, 2011 will not be honored. If you have questions, contact Assistant Administrator Anla Etheridge @ 678-982-3118 * or District Fall Membership Retreat Chair Michael Werve @ 770-827-6128 * NO EMAIL REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED! Check all boxes that apply to you: _____Male


Circle K’er __Advisor/School Sponsor__Freshman __Sophomore__Junior__Senior__Kiwanian __Parent/Family Member/Guest __Graduate Student __Circle K Alum CKI Certified Workshop Leader___Expected Graduation Date: ______________________

____Check this box only if you do NOT want your address, phone number and e-mail address included on the FMR Friends and Family list which will be published after the event. Last Name:

First Name:


E-Mail Address: (we will send the conformation email to this address)

Address: City:


Telephone Number:

Zip: Office Held (if applicable):

Circle K/Kiwanis Club:

T-shirt Size: Check the box next to the shirt size you want. Small



Do you have any special meal requirements? Yes If yes, Please Explain:

X-Large No



MEMBER OF THE MONTH This months member of the month is Liz Norton Liz is a member of the Truett-McConnell CKI Club. She was recommended for M.O.M by District Governor Kevin Barnes Thank you Liz for your dedication and commitment to GACKI!

DON’’T FORGET THAT CMR’S AND MRF’S are due by the 5th of each month! Contact Information

Kevin Barnes Kbarnes63-Skype 931-320-7649

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