Ingenious Ideas: June 2013

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Service Projects

Award Spotlight

Seeds of service

Outstanding Club Website Award

You will need: Members and supplies to make your community better. Description: Want to liven up the look of your home, school and community? Take a few minutes this spring to plant flowers at your campus, park or just all around town. This is a great Kiwanis family inter-club opportunity.

This award is presented to the top club with the most outstanding webpage based on appearance, content and usage, organization, and promotion of district events. Below are some tips to consider when building and maintaining your club’s website:

Serving up the grub You will need: Members Description: Donate your club’s labor for an afternoon or evening stocking shelves at your local food pantry, or serving dinner to the less fortunate at a nearby soup kitchen. Host a food drive for these organizations and bring everything you’ve collected with you. Feeding America is available to help with food drives across the United States. This service projects helps Georgia District service initiative HOME.œ Service Chair Victoria Byrd

In this issue: Service Project Idea Awards Spotlight Icebreaker Recruitment Tip Fundraising Ideas

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Include a calendar of events Club officer contact information is vital! Link your visitors to Kiwanis family sites, Circle K International, Divisional site, and other Circle K clubs.  Include the Official Circle K/district logos  Update the site often!  Make your website unique – Make it stand out from the rest.  Include the history and purpose of Circle K.  Promote district events (i.e. Fall Membership Retreat & District Convention)! Use a variety of colors/images to make your site POP!

 Awards Chair Julie Meigs *For more information, contact Awards chair Julie Meigs at

Georgia District of Circle K International ·

June 2013

Fundraising Ideas

Recruitment Tip Keeping things fun and exciting at meetings is the best way to ensure people come back to meetings. Along with not letting it get boring, it is very important to make newcomers or visitors feel involved. This is best done with an icebreaker that will get things loud and exciting. One easy way to break the ice is beach ball questions. Take a full sized beach ball, write different questions around the edges of it, ranging through many different topics and toss the ball around the room. Whichever question the person’s right thumb lands on, is the question they answer about themselves. Questions can include things like “If you were an animal, what would you be?” “What is your favorite type of music?” “What is your dream job?” or any number of questions to get to know each other!  Lt. Governor Kristi Parker

During recruitment the hardest part is to get people to stop at your table and give up their time to listen to you. One way to increase their chances of stopping is to have something to give away. When choosing what to give away remember it needs to be inexpensive because only so many of the people you talk to will actually become members. Food is almost always an effective giveaway. Depending on the weather, Popsicles or lemonade are good for summer, hot chocolate is good for winter, and candy is always appreciated. Don't forget to seek out donations before purchasing items. Once you have their attention all you need to do is share with them how awesome Circle K is and how much you enjoy being a member. Just remember that students are very busy so even if the first few do not feel they can make the commitment don't give up!  Lt. Governor Lori Gonzales

Event Fundraisers These are larger scale fundraisers and take more time to plan and they typically do cost some money to put on but can bring in larger revenue. Talent Show: Recruit locals to perform a variety of acts, and if possible select a well known person/group/act to help draw in a larger audience. Charge people admission for the event. If possible get area businesses to donate prizes and make the talent show a competition. Date Auction: Solicit volunteers to be auctioned off to go on dates after setting rules for the auction. Try getting area restaurants to donate gift certificates so that people can bid on a person to date as well as a place. Bake-Off: Sponsor a bake-off, perhaps between the athletic teams, clubs, and faculty. Be sure to charge an entry fee for each team and a fee for people to come taste and judge the food.  District Treasurer Virginia Byrd

Georgia District of Circle K International ·

June 2013

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