The Kronicle: April 2012

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Volume 52 | Issue 1 Meet your new District Board K1Day Recap! Club/Member Spotlights!

What’s Going dOWn in the


Circle K develops college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.



Cover Shot: AUC Circle K at SST

3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 11 12 13

Governor’s Address Meet the District Board District Goals, Clubs & Divisions Service Social Tour Recap ICON 2012 Congratulations Oxford at Emory! Service in the South Kiwanis One-Day Recap

14-15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

CKI Service Partner: Better World Books A Summer Full of Service District Service Initiative: Georgia Sheriff Youth Homes

COLT Pictures! Member & Club Spotlights Stay Connected CMR Reminders Editor’s Note Calendar & Contact

Hello Georgia District! With the election of new officers and the beginning of the new Circle K year, we are in the middle of a transition period. New officers have stepped up and are taking responsibility, as we are continually working together towards the Circle K International motto of “Live to Serve, Love to Serve.” In April, all of the officers on the district board came together, and we set goals as a district. Goals are an important way that we can measure ourselves as a district and see where we are and compare it to where we left off. I want each and every one of you to know that these goals are IMPOSSIBLE without the collective effort of every member of the district! Please, as you are working with your clubs, keep these goals in mind because everything that everyone does combines together and helps us to complete these goals. As a district board, we are here to help you with your goals. Please feel free to contact myself, your schools assigned Lt. Governor, or any other board member, and we will gladly help you with anything that you need! We are here to help with recruitment, finding service projects, helping to set up interclubs, and anything else that you would like from us. I am looking forward to a great year and I hope that this will be the best year that the Georgia district has ever had!

Your Friend in Service,

Stefan Ludlow

Age: 23 Years in CKI: 4 College: Georgia Institute of Technology Major: Computer Science Favorite Cartoon Character: Dexter from Dexter’s Laboratory Interesting Fact: I’m an older brother of triplets. When I was ten, I blew a hole in my ceiling with a model rocket. Favorite Motto or Saying: “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”


Executive Board

Lieutenant Governors


Committee Chairs


We are so proud to be a part of the Georgia District of Circle K International. It is our honor and privilege to serve our clubs, members, and communities the best we can! We hope to make this a spectacular, fun-filled year of service, and we look forward to getting to know each and every one of you!


<3 Your District Board



GA District Goals 1. The District will have 350 members by March 31, 2013. 2. The District will have 65 people registered at Fall Membership Retreat and 80 people registered at District Convention by March 31, 2013. 3. The District will charter/reactivate 5 clubs by March 31, 2013. 4. The District will have 300 interclubs and 150 K-Family Relations by March 31, 2013. 5. The District will have 4500 service hours by March 31, 2013.

Congrats to our newest chartered club, Darton College! This year we are looking to form clubs at Georgia Perimeter, Armstrong Atlantic, Ogeechee Tech, and Valdosta State and hoping to see several clubs reactivated, such as Emory University, UGA, Georgia State University, and Brenau University. We are also here to help anyone on any campus that in interested in beginning a CKI club! Please feel free to contact me at if you would like help starting or reactivating a CKI club!


Georgia District Divisions The state of Georgia is broken up into smaller sections called “divisions.” Each division is elected a Lieutenant Governor (LTG) at Georgia’s District Convention (DCON), which is held every year. Though elections occur annually, it is not guaranteed that each division will be elected a Lieutenant Governor each year. Clubs that are in each division are overseen/advised by the elected Lieutenant Governor. Check out the 5 Divisions in Georgia!

LTG: Milton James 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

LTG: Christine Mayfield 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Young Harris College Brenau University Gwinnett Technical College Georgia Gwinnett College University of Georgia

LTG: Simi Oludare 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Kennesaw State University Life University Emory University Georgia Perimeter College Oxford College at Emory University

LTG: Kristi Parker 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State University Atlanta University Center University of West Georgia Columbus State University

Georgia Southern University Ogeechee Technical College East Georgia College Brewton-Parker College Armstrong-Atlantic University Georgia College & State University

LTG: Jessica Bostick 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Georgia Southwestern State University Bainbridge College Thomas University Valdosta State University Darton College


By Lori Payton

Hello everyone! My name is Lori Payton, this year’s Service Social Tour (SST) chair. At the 2012 Spring SST, my home club, University of West Georgia, had the honor of hosting in Carrollton, Georgia. The theme this time was “ Be a Hero to Somebody,” and that is exactly what we were to the children of the Carrollton’s Boys and Girls Club.


We started off on Friday night at the home of Mark Woelzlein where we ate dinner and tie-dyed our t-shirts for the event. After dinner, we put together over 100 homemade coloring books that we donated

the next day to the Carrollton Boys and Girls Club, and ended the night playing a variety of thought-provoking board games. Saturday morning we started off bright and early at 7:30 AM at the Boys and Girls Club. Circle K’ers were all over the center that day, inside, outside, and even some on top! Inside there were projects such as cleaning and repainting the classrooms, representing the local high schools’ colors. Outside we had people cutting limbs and trimming the bushes that blocked the way for the kids to take advantage of some areas of the

the yard. On the roof, some Circle K’ers had the courage to climb up and clean the gutters and remove debris from the top of the center. Over the weekend we completed over 250 service hours and 50 interclubs within just 30 hours! More importantly, we made countless new friendships with other Circle K’ers from all over our district.



We recently had an awards banquet for all social club members at Oxford, and I thought you’d be pleased to know that Circle K was awarded the club with most service hours (over 300 hours!), as well as Service Organization of the Year. Volunteer Oxford said this of Circle K: Volunteer Oxford is pleased to announce that Circle K is the 2011‐ 2012 Service Organization of the Year. Together, members of Cir‐ cle K have contributed over 300 hours of service to the commu‐ nity through projects serving at‐risk youth, animals and the envi‐ ronment. In addition to working with community partners, they also developed their own campus‐wide projects that allowed all interested students to participate. Their nominators wrote, " Cir‐ cle K members bond by collaborating on service projects to‐ gether, and by sharing a basic common life philosophy that em‐ phasizes humanitarianism through philanthropy." Circle K has made a definite positive impact on our campus and community and we are proud that they are Oxford College's Service Organiza‐ tion of the Year. We are so pleased that Circle K is maintaining its commitment to commu‐ nity service and civic engagement—they’re doing very well and we’re very proud of their contributions! Honi F. Migdol, M.Ed. Director of Student Involvement & Leadership Oxford College of Emory University


Georgia Southern University

by Brittany Horton

GSU Circle K has some great things going on in Statesboro, GA! Our club recently worked with a local church at the BBQ Hut for the Kiwanis Rodeo where we cleaned, chopped, and advertised our amazing barbecue for a great cause—the ELIMINATE Project! All the profits our club made went to saving mothers and babies across the world. Although the Kiwanis Rodeo was new territory for our club, we took the task in stride and managed to sell enough barbecue to raise $400. That’s saving 250 babies! We can’t wait to see what new and exciting service projects this summer will hold for us!

East Georgia College

by Savannah Parker

East Georgia College Circle K hosted its annual Pine Tree Breeze Bike Ride, Saturday April 28th.Thirty-three cyclists came out to show their support for the Herrington Homestead. The EGC Circle K volunteers included: Julie Scott, President, Haley Chester, Vice President, Brittany James, Treasurer, Savannah Parker, Bulletin Editor, Kristi Parker, Member and Jacob Yarbrough, Member. Member Jessica Jennings helped with painting the routes and setting up signs on the 27th.


The other volunteers included Dr. Tim Goodman Kiwanis club member, Courtney Joiner, EGC Circle K club advisor, Carolyn Thomas Nelson, EGC Statesboro Circle K advisor, and Blanca Rodriguez and her friends Will from Georgia Southern University.

by Virginia Byrd During CKI Service Week, beginning April 15th and culminating on Kiwanis One Day on April 21, 2012, CKI clubs across Georgia got together with other Circle K clubs, Kiwanis clubs, Builders clubs, and the like to celebrate service and family with several different Kiwanis One-Day Projects. East Georgia College (top right) helped with the Kiwanis Pre-K One-Day in Swainsboro. Georgia Southern University (middle right) along with Statesboro Kiwanis held a Bicycle Safety Rodeo that taught elementary and middle school student bicycle safety tricks. Georgia Tech along with AUC Circle K volunteered at Spirit Sounds, a concert fundraiser for a refugee music program. Even the District Board and other CKI clubs celebrated K1 Day at COLT (bottom right) and DOTC by making Lifesaver Pins for the ELIMINATE Project and making coloring books and goodie bags for the Boys and Girls Club.

Are you a former CKI member and still committed to service leadership? Or getting ready to graduate and leave your CKI club? Reconnect with other alumni. Let folks know what you’re up to. Join your fellow Circle K International alumni today. To find out more, contact

Are you interested in joining an international organization of membervolunteers who annually give more than 12 million hours and more than US$107 million to help change the world for the better? Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

Visit Us @


Better World Books ( is a for-profit social enterprise that collects and sells books online to fund literacy initiatives worldwide. With more than six million new and used titles in stock, Better World Books is a self-sustaining company that balances the social, economic and environmental values of its stakeholders. Since its founding in 2003, the company has raised over $7.3 million for its non-profit literacy and library partners; diverted more than 29 million pounds of books from landfills; achieved 11,000 tons of carbon offsets through carbon-neutral shipping, and created more than 200 full-time jobs with meaningful benefits. Better World Books diverts books from landfills by conducting book drives on 1,800 college campuses, and by collecting discards from over 2,000 libraries nationwide. It then sells those used books and contributes a portion of the revenue on each sale to its non-profit literacy and library partners. Books that cannot be sold are frequently donated to at risk communities in the U.S. and African schools by the truckload.


Better World Books on College Campuses! Reuse First for Students is a free, easy, and fun service project and fundraiser designed for students and organizations at the college level. Run a Better World Book Drive and you’ll develop the kind of strong communication and leadership skills that that will benefit you long after graduation. Not only that, but leading a Better World Book Drive will:  Earn your organization money for each accepted book we receive.  Help you generate funding for your nonprofit literacy partner through the power of e-commerce.  Get your books into hands of students who truly need them.  Be good for the environment. Every book you send is one that won’t end up in a landfill.  Give you experience that will help you in your future endeavors.  Be easy, free and way more fun than a Fun-asaurus Rex in a party hat. The program is FREE. We provide collection bins, marketing & shipping materials AND we also pay for shipping. The program has already raised millions of dollars for literacy and diverted millions of books from landfills. The rest of the story is still being written. Join a growing movement of students on over 1800 campuses, coming together to support literacy around the world.


By Elizabeth Ludlow

Just because summer is about to begin does not mean that the service and the socials have to stop. Last summer, the Georgia Tech Circle K club had quite a few members either taking summer classes or members who lived close to campus who wanted to continue doing projects. The club completed on average two projects every week. On Tuesdays, the club went and made sack lunches for the Kashi Street Meals program, and on Thursdays, the club prepared lunches for those unable to make them for themselves at Project Open Hand. Last summer started a tradition that the club hopes to continue this year. The club completed about 330 service hours and had so much fun completing the projects.


By Victoria Byrd In 1960, the first Georgia Sheriff’s Youth Home was opened near Hahira, Georgia, and since then there have been four more homes opened across the whole state of Georgia. The homes are for girls and boys that have been abandoned and abused, but these kids are not bad kids, they just come from bad families. They live regular lives while they are at the homes, and they stay at the homes for as long as they need to or until they turn eighteen.

During our 2012 District Convention in Columbus, GA, the Georgia District collected and donated over 300 hygiene products and wrapped them in cute bags as presents for the boys and girls of the Herringston Homestead, a Georgia Sheriff Youth Home located in Nunez, Georgia.

This year, The Georgia District of Circle K will help Kiwanis by collecting school supplies and anything else that the Georgia Sheriff’s Youth Homes need. Your clubs can help by putting boxes around your school asking people to make donations.



Sarah has been an outstanding member even before she officially joined last year. She has kept up a wonderful attitude through good times and bad. She has been instrumental in almost all of our service projects, on many occasions offering her car as well as her personal time to the club. Sarah also took initiative in not one but two of our committees, helping K family run smoothly as well as working with advertising. On the board of officers, even as a chair, she sets the standard. As historian, she compiled countless photographs into a scrapbook, to use at all our promotional events. She is always up to volunteer for anything, at the same time balancing two jobs, Residence Hall Council, business club, and classes. She may or may not be leaving Young Harris after the spring, so if she does leave, we want to send her off knowing how much she is appreciated for everything that she does. Here, she will be missed very much but wherever she goes will be blessed to have her.

Nominated by Shannon Weaver

The Atlanta University Center Circle K club is a newly chartered club but they jumped right in and began doing service. They have attended every district event including both Service Social Tours, the Fall Membership Retreat, and District Convention. They even have one member already registered for International Convention. They have raised school supplies and hygiene supplies for the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes. They have raised over $300 for the Eliminate Project. The Atlanta University Center Circle K club is a club that sets a great example of what an outstanding Circle K club is.

Nominated by Elizabeth Ludlow


Did you know that Georgia CKI is on the web? Thats right! We are on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube! You can also join our Mailing List to receive important news right from the source. So, don't feel left out. Join us and never feel out of the loop!

GACKI Mailing List:

Even though it’s summer and some CKI clubs have disbanded, keep in mind that the year doesn’t stop. Club Monthly Reports (CMRs) should continue to be sent in via the Georgia District website ( So, Club Secretaries don’t forget to keep on doing your very best to turn in your Club Monthly Reports on time! That is the 5th of each and every month.


Editor’s Note: Hello Georgia District! My name is Brittany Horton, and I am your newly elected GA District Bulletin Editor for the 2012-2013 year! It gives me great pleasure to brag about all the wonderful things you are doing in your communities and clubs! I cannot wait to see what awesome things this year has in store for us. The next Kronicle will be out after summer break, so stay on your toes for the next issue and all its goodies! If you have any suggestions for what you’d like to see in the Kronicle or maybe an article or picture you’d like to send in, please email me at and as always, keep on being fantastic!

Your Friend in Service,


Here’s a quick look at some of Circle K’s upcoming events! For more info on these events, go to Fall Membership Retreat November 4-6. 2012

Y’all Conference January 18-20, 2013

District Convention February 22-24, 2013

Located in at the campgrounds in Covington, GA, FMR focuses on friendship, as well as membership, development and education. It's the perfect opportunity to learn more about Circle K. This conference also offers members the Certified Workshop Leader Training. It is a TOTALLY RELAXED WEEKEND. When you are not roasting marshmallows or rowing a canoe, you will be participating in a fun game, learning in a workshop, or enjoying visiting with new and old friends.

This conference is developed to show unity in the “South;” however, Circle K’ers from all over are invited and usually come. Y’ALL has a fun reputation throughout Circle K International and is a convention well attended. This year the GA District will be hosting Y’ALL in Atlanta, Georgia, where we will visit the World of Coke and do plenty of other funs things like service projects! This year’s theme is “Service in the Fast Lane.”

This upcoming year, the Georgia District Convention will be held in Atlanta, GA, at the Atlanta Mariott Perimeter Center. The main focus of this convention is to elect district officers for the upcoming year. This is also the time to recognize clubs, officers and members for their outstanding achievements for the past year. There is also a talent show, the dress is more formal, and the agenda is usually packed with Caucuses, House of Delegates, and Workshops, but there is always time set aside to “hang out” and be casual.

District Governor

District Secretary

District Treasurer

Bulletin Editor

Stefan Ludlow

Virginia Byrd

Elizabeth Ludlow

Brittany Horton

Coastal Lt. Gov.

FMR Chair

K-Family Chair


Kristi Parker

Shannon Weaver

Virginia Byrd

Dixita Patel

Metro Lt. Gov.

YALL Chair

MD&E Chair


Simi Oludare

Elizabeth Ludlow

Brittany Horton

Brittany Horton

Mountains Lt. Gov.

DCON Chair

Awards Chair

District Administrator

Christine Mayfield

Dixita Patel

Shannon Weaver

Brent Leslie

Perimeter Lt. Gov.

SST Chair

Assist. Administrator

Milton James

Lori Payton

Anla Etheridge

Plains Lt. Gov.

Service Chair

Assist. Administrator

Jessica Bostick

Victoria Byrd

Stacey Fountain

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