Kronicle Summer 2013

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Women in Kiwanis make history

2013 | Summer

Meet the new DISTRICT BOARD Social Service Tour

ICON: Vancouver!

What’s going down in the


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Circle K International (CKI) develops college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.

Table of Contents

the first time, all Georgia District Governors are Cover For women (from left to right): GA Key Club Governor Fuller, GA Kiwanis Governor Katrina Baranko, Photo Katie and GA Circle K Governor Brittany Horton

3 4 6 7 8 9 10

Governor’s Address Meet your New District Board Division Map

Division Updates Club and Member Spotlight District Goals Progress International Convention

12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20

Growth in GACKI K1Day ELIMINATE Fundraising COLT and DOTC Service Social Tour Upcoming Events

Editor’s Note Stay Connected / Contact Us!

left: (from left to right): GT past-immediate president Lorenzo Tolentino, Metro Division LTG Simi Oludare, and GT past-immediate vice president David Chang work recruitment drives at the GT campus. right: Georgia Southern makes sandwiches for the new GACKI service initiative, HOME, which is to help the homeless across the state of GA.


Governor’s Address


reetings Georgia Circle K!

My name is Brittany Horton, and I am your Georgia District Governor for the 2013-2014 year! My year has started off rolling pretty fast, but I wouldn’t change a thing! Right after our 2013 District Convention, I attended Georgia District Key Club Convention and witnessed sister Governor Katie Fuller be elected. Then, in Statesboro, Georgia (my college town) we held our annual Spring Service-Social Tour (SST) and Club Officer Training. Once after April 1st hit, my year as Governor began and I attended the District Officer Training Conference (DOTC), Governor Administrator Training Conference (GATC), Coastal Division Rally in Savannah, and International Convention in Vancouver, Canada (from which I just returned)! Although I can tell this year will be full of hard work, I count myself incredibly lucky to be able to work with such a wonderful, hard-working team of members on the Georgia Board. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such inspiring individuals and look to combine our talents and abilities towards the greater success of our beautiful district!


I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such inspiring individuals and look to combine our talents and abilities towards the greater success of our beautiful district! With all that being said, please feel free to contact me any time if you have any questions, need any assistance, or would like me to pay your awesome club a visit. Thank you for all that you continue to do. Keep on being fantastic! Your Friend in Service,

Brittany Horton

Brittany Horton Georgia District Governor of Circle K International

Meet your new Executive Board

Brittany Horton Governor

Virginia Byrd Treasurer

Elizabeth Ludlow Secretary

Shannon Weaver Editor

Lieutenant Governors


Christine Mayfield Mountains Division

Lori Gonzalez Perimeter Division

Simi Oludare Metro Division

Kristi Parker Coastal Division


Jae Won Shin Plains Division


District Board! District Chairs

Victoria Byrd Service Chair K-Family Chair

Amanda Kidd Webmaster Advertising Chair

Christine Farsi FMR Chair

Julie Meigs Historian Awards Chair

Gabriel Dukes Multimedia Chair


Brent Leslie District Administrator


Anla Etheridge Assistant Administrator

Stacey Fountain Assistant Administrator

to excited w o s e r a o We et to kn g d n a a t mee rward to o f g in k you! Loo ear of service y fantastic r! togethe d ict boar r t is d r u -Yo

Georgia District The Great and Powerful

District Divisions: Georgia is broken up into five divisions. Each division has an LTG (Lieutenant Governor) who is elected annually at DCON (District Convention. The LTG oversees and advises the clubs in his or her division. Check out the Georgia divisions here!

LTG: Jae Won Shin

Meet Your Neighbors!

To get involved with the other clubs in your division, contact your LTG and find out what’s going on!

Show Off Your Service

Got a project or an event you’d like to share with the district? There are many ways to let us know: Tell your LTG Complete the Kronicle Submission Form on the GACKI website Email the Bulletin Editor at


Division Updates Metro Division

Hello Georgia District! I hope you’ve had a great and exciting summer. I’d like to inform you of the summer recruitment drives coming in the next few months. Feel free to contact me at if you need information concerning these events. Metro Recruitment Drives! Georgia Institute of Technology: August 4th, 11th and 14th @ 5pm University of West Georgia: August 16th at 2:45pm

Simisola Olamipo Oludare I

Metro Division Lieutenant Governor top middle: Julie Meigs and Gabriel Dukes make dog toys for the local animal shelter. top right: GT President Stephanie Zhang and Rose Anthony hug it out at a club alumni reunion. right: CSU inducts their members at an end of year ceremony.

Mountains Division

above left: Young Harris treasurer Erin Holst delivers lemonade to a professor. above right: Megan Fisette (YHC) packages direct mail from Habitat for Humanity’s office.

In the Mountains Division, Circle K has had its ups and downs, gaining and losing clubs. This year the Mountains will roar mighty for our members. This fall, Berry College, Georgia Highlands: Floyd Campus, and University of Georgia will join us on our journey serving others in Circle K. I’d love to thank the Kiwanis clubs of Athens and Rome for giving their 100% support. I also ask everyone to show their support for the new clubs that will be joining Circle K.

Christine Mayfield


Mountains Division Lieutenant Governor

Member Spotlight: Leonardo De Oliveira Pinto Leonardo De Oliveira Pinto, outgoing president of BPC, brainstormed and put together the first annual Brewton Parker College Circle K International Festival, which was a huge success. All the while keeping up his grades and staying involved in sports and on campus! Nominated by: Kristi Parker

Club Spotlight: Brewton-Parker College Brewton Parker College has all but rebuilt the club from not much in the past few years to a very successful club who does a great outreach for the surrounding communities. Their International Festival this month on April 13 was a great success and they put a lot of time and effort into it. They have demonstrated what it means to be a Circle K club. I think they have done a great job this month! Nominated by: Kristi Parker


District Goals Hey everyone,

Here is an update on how as a District we did concerning our goals for the 20122013 year and what goals the 2013-2014 Georgia District Board set for this year!

Last Year’s Goal Results: 2012-2013 Goals 1) 350 members We had 315 members 2) Have 65 people attend FMR and 80 attend DCON We had 45 attend FMR and 81 attend DCON 3) Have 5 reactivated or new clubs We had 4 new or reactivated clubs 4) Have 300 Interclubs and 150 Kiwanis Family Relations We had 316 Interclubs and 181 Kiwanis Family Relations 5) Complete 4500 service hours We completed 5004 service hours!!!!!!

Current Goals: 2013-2014 Goals 1) Have 360 members 2) Have 65 people attend FMR and 61 attend DCON 3) Have 4 new or reactivated clubs 4) Raise $1300 for the Eliminate project We’ve raised $8.72 already! 5) Complete 300 Kiwanis Family hours and 4000 service hours So far we have 501 Kiwanis Family hours and 1322 service hours Keep up the great work! Yours in service and friendship,

Elizabeth Ludlow District Secretary


International Convention! ICON VANCOUVER 2013

2013-2014 International Board

It’s a small world


rom June 26-30th, Circle K’ers from around the world gathered in the beautiful city of Vancouver, Canada, alongside Kiwanis, to celebrate a year of success with their annual 2013 CKI International Convention (ICON). Between the stunning sights of the mountains, rivers, and city, and the fellowship that could only be fostered at a CKI event, the week could not have been anything other than extraordinary. Starting on Wednesday, Circle K’ers browsed the Kiwanis Service Fair and held Opening Session where they met the candidates and celebrated a successful Large-Scale Service Project held just the day before. On Thursday, CKI joined Kiwanis for its Opening Session and listened as speaker John O’ Leary revealed to us all how one can make a difference and how we should all ask ourselves “What more can I do?” CKI leaders and Kiwanians also heard from speaker Rick Hansen, who wheeled through 34 countries and raised more than US$245 million to raise awareness for people with disabilities.

International President: Daniel Tsang International Vice President: Amelia Ahnert Subregion A Trustee: Kathy Le Subregion B Trustee: David Limjoco Subregion C Trustee: Jonathon Pevarnek` Subregion D Trustee: Jonathon Lacaba Subregion E Trustee: Alex Bour Subregion F Trustee: Danielle Sammut Subregion G Trustee: Stefan Ludlow Trustee At-Large: Mason Kuang

Vancouver. Image © Ezequiel Chernikoff on Flickr

What more can I do?

Various workshops were held, followed by first-round caucusing, district dinners, and late night entertainment with magician Justin Willman. Early Friday morning, over 350 Circle K and Kiwanis volunteers met to walk for the Eliminate Project, a project aiming to rid the world of maternal/neonatal tetanus by 2015. The day was filled with workshops, caucuses, and the House of Delegates, where we elected the new International Board for the 2013-2014 CKI year. The last day of convention summed up a year worth of experiences with service, leadership, and fellowship at the forefront of everyone’s mind. We began the morning with an Honors Breakfast alongside our Kiwanis counterparts, where 2012-2013 Key Club International President Rebecca Riley spoke and CKI club and district awards were given out.


The Georgia CKI District was lucky enough to take home four distinguished trophies, (including Distinguished District), two club awards, and an honorable mention. After the final workshops and a fantastic Eliminate Project luncheon, Circle K’ers celebrated with Kiwanis at their Closing Session, introducing the incoming Kiwanis International Board, including 2013-2014 Kiwanis International President GACKI, the GA mascot, took home some awards too. Guntar Gasser, President-Elect John R. Button, and Vice-President Susan A. Petrisin, who will After a tear-filled farewell speech, the Interbecome the first woman Kiwanis International national President’s gavel and banner were President in October 2015. On top of that expassed to new International President Daniel citement, the Distinguished 2013 World Service Tsang from the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District. The Medal was given to Sarah MClachlan, who pernight ended with a dance to Eliminate, where formed live on stage. The end of the ceremony funds donated to play your favorite songs went revealed that Kiwanis International Convention straight towards helping mothers and future 2014 will be in Tokyo-Chiba, Japan. babies across the world. I invite you to attend next year’s LargeScale Service Project and International Convention, called “Convention X” which will be held in sister district Kentucky-Tennessee in music capitol of the world, Nashville, Tennessee!

Brittany Horton District Governor

The CKI Closing Session was filled with laughter, tears, and many thanks to all the wonderful individuals that made this year possible. Immediate Past-President Josephine Lukito presented several awards, including the Unsung Hero Award to LSSP Chair and CNH District Lieutenant Governor Kevin Goble, and also received a parting gift from her Circle K’ers as well – notes describing how much she mattered to them.

2012-2013 Georgia CKI Awards Distinguished District: Georgia Distinguished Governor: Stefan Ludlow Distinguished Treasurer: Elizabeth Ludlow Editor: Brittany Horton Distinguished Growth Enhancement Award, Sapphire Division 1st Place: Oxford College at Emory University Single Service Award, Bronze Division 2nd Place: Georgia Institute of Technology Club Achievement Award Bronze Division 2nd Place: Georgia Institute of Technology


left: Installation of the 20132014 International Board. right: Past-immediate Georgia governor and Subregion G Trustee Stefan Ludlow speaking a Main Session at International Convention below: (from left to right) Subregion G: Georgia governor Brittany Horton, Florida governor Victor Roa, past-immediate Subregion G Trustee Jerome Johnson, Carolinas governor Rodney Cline, and Alabama governor Zach Nolen.

Growth in GACKI

Armstrong Atlantic celebrates new charter The club is excited for the upcoming school year and new service projects. The club’s officers are President Rebekah Robinson, Secretary Ashley Lokey, and Treasurer Mahlet Debel. If you would like more information about the club, look us up on Facebook “Armstrong Circle K” or email me at


above: Matthew Holloway breaks boards in a karate demonstration at District Convention.

his past year, the Coastal Division added another school to the Circle K family. Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, with the help of Skidaway Kiwanis, is one of the newest Circle K clubs in Georgia. They have been busy recruiting and finding service projects in the area. With over 80 student clubs and organizations on the Armstrong campus, we had our work cut out for us gaining interest in a new club, especially one that not many people had ever heard of before.

Isn’t that a gas station? One of the fun parts of being in a new club is you get to answer a ton of questions (not the least being “Isn’t [Circle K] a gas station?”) and help promote an attitude of service for the campus and community. I was lucky enough to be starting a club on a campus whose own mission is service and volunteer work.

Kristi Parker Coastal Division LTG

above: Matthew Holloway and Kristi Parker represent Armstrong Atlantic at DCON. right: Armstrong makes cards for Valentine’s day.


Kiwanis One Day above: Rome Kiwanis gathers together for a Habitat build.


any CKI clubs participated in Kiwanis One Day, which was April 6, 2013. Kiwanis One Day is a day of service for all the branches of the Kiwanis Family (K-Family): Kiwanis, Circle K, Key Club, Aktion Club, Builder’s, and K-Kids--to come together and make a difference in their communities. For the clubs that participated, I would like to say thank you for connecting with your K-family. It is always nice when we can get together with the other branches of our K-family not just on Kiwanis One Day, but throughout the year. With that being said, here are just a few things that went on that day or around that time:

far above: Kiwanians get involved with Kiwanis One Day (K1Day). immediate above: Division 15 Kiwanians renovate an old gymnasium by painting the walls. below: (left to right) Historian and awards chair Julie Meigs and Metro division LTG Simi Oludare enjoy a simple service project.

top: Division 2 Kiwanians and Key Clubbers help the environment. below: The district Board makes stress balls for West Georgia’s students during finals week.

East Georgia State College partnered with the Swainsboro Kiwanis Club for the Pine tree breeze bike ride for the Georgia Sheriff Youth Homes. Herrington homestead, the Pinetree festival, and the 5k marathon. Georgia Southern University served with the Statesboro Kiwanis Club for the annual Kiwanis rodeo. Armstrong Atlantic State University helped the Skidaway Kiwanis Club on a service project and the concert on the green. The District Board made stress balls for the University of West Georgia’s survival kits they passed out during finals week.

Victoria Byrd

K-Family Chair



These tips can help save babies Get in the game.

Sponsor a Powderpuff football tournament like the Myers High School Key Club did. Charge for admission and refreshments.

Run for the cause.


eed ideas for a fundraising project you and your club can do? Try one from the list below —or come up with your own! If you have new ideas please share them with us. Send them to

Appeal to their tastes.

A place to play.

Sponsor a pumpkin pie bake-off. If you attract professional bakers, divide entries into two categories: one for the pros and one for amateurs. Charge US$1.80 for each small slice of pie. Include a whipped cream, ice cream and topping buffet for an additional fee.

Host a 1, 3 or 5K walk/run for your community the weekend before Halloween. Encourage participants to wear costumes, and offer prizes to the runners and/or walkers with the best costumes. And give them an incentive: Participants must raise at least US$25 in pledges for The Eliminate Project to be eligible for the costume prizes.

Pick from the bone pile.

Feeling creative? Here are more fun ideas to inspire you. Make them your own! Host a penny drive. Organize a benefit concert. Have a poetry slam. Organize an art show. Rake leaves for donations. Host a haunted house, hayride or trail. Hold an apple-dunking contest and charge admission.

Virginia Byrd

Set up a fall play day for moms with young children. Have club members sign up to staff booths for face-painting, games, sock-puppet theater and more. Ask for a small admission fee and see if nearby businesses would like to sponsor one of your activities. It’s also a great opportunity to educate mothers about The Eliminate Project. See if you can also partner with the local Parent-Teacher group at your high school, and if they want to support your initiative. (ELIMINATE is the Kiwanis push to end maternal and neonatal tetanus by 2015. The ELIMINATE Project is co-sponsored by UNICEF, a Circle K International Preferred Charity)

District Treasurer



COLT & DOTC March and April represent the end of the old Circle K year and the beginning of a new

one. As such, club and district officers are elected and take office starting April 1st. You may think your wonderful leaders come into these positions understanding all there is to know about CKI, and even though that would be awesome, it is because we offer Club Officer Training Conference (COLT) and District Officer Training Conference (DOTC). COLT is a day-long trainer which is broken up into two separate regions – a Southern COLT and a Northern COLT – and is taught by the outgoing district board members. Southern COLT was held in conjunction with Spring SST on March 31st and was hosted at Georgia Southern University. Northern COLT was held in Buford, Georgia, on April 4-6, 2013, and was held in conjunction with DOTC on April 5th. COLT focuses on training our incoming club officers about the duties and responsibilities of their office, and of course, all the fun and

leadership development skills necessary to see those jobs through to the end!

Training covers everything including: CKI 101 (or Circle K Basics), Goal Setting, Officer Roundtables, and of course, food for our guests! DOTC is a weekend-long training conference where the newly elected district officers come together to learn team work, leadership skills, responsibilities and duties, and hold the first annual board meeting. If you or your club would like to receive

Historian Julie Meigs is having a good time at Northern COLT.

club officer training, don’t wait! You can always request a club visit, and we will make sure you have everything you need to get your year rolling. To schedule a club visit with your District Governor and/or Lieutenant Governor, contact me at

To request a visit from your Governor or Lieutenant Governor, visit the Club visitation page!


Brittany Horton District Governor


Social Service Tour

Georgia Circle K’ers ain’t afraid to get country


ocial Service Tour (SST) is always my favorite event of the Circle K year. SST combines fellowship with hands-on Circle K service in a series of large service projects. This spring, Georgia Southern University hosted in Statesboro, Georgia. The theme was “Proud to be Country, Proud to be a Circle K’er”, so for dinner Friday night we had chili. For the social aspect of the evening we decorated our event t-shirts and for the service we did a simple project that benefited people in Carroll County, Georgia.


For the first time, instead of splitting up and staying with students from the hosting school, we were able to all stay together in the local Kiwanis building. Because SST is known for involving a jam-packed 24 hours, I felt like we were able to get more done by staying together in one place.

We were able to get more done by staying together. . .

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early for some of us to volunteer at the Pink Power Race, a 5K to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer, cheering on participants, passing out water, and making crosswalks safe to run on by alerting drivers of the race. The other half stayed to

To save the soup kitchen there money on plastic ware, we took plastic ware, wrapped it in a napkin, tied it with ribbon, and wrote an encouraging note from Circle K. above: Georgia Southern president Raven Howard cleans the windows for the Statesboro Kiwanis


above: Past-immediate historian and DCON chair Dixita Patel digs up service at the Kiwanis Fairgrounds in Statesboro, GA.

help prepare the grounds for the annual Statesboro Kiwanis Rodeo. To finish up, some Circle K’ers spent the remaining time making ribbons attached to candy to sell as a fundraiser for the Eliminate Project.

Lori Gonzalez Perimeter Division LTG Past-immediate SST Chair

above: During down time, students play Bang, a fun icebreaker. below: Circle K’ers get their craft on to make pins for ELIMINATE.

above: District Treasurer Virginia Byrd sweeps the way for Kiwanians early in the morning.


Upcoming October 11-12 Fall Social Service Tour (SST) SST is a fun-filled service gathering held twice a year for Circle K’ers to come together to make a difference in the world, one project at a time. The location changes every time (hence the tour!). Students will get to experience hands-on volunteer work in the local community.

Don’t Fo CMR’s rget! (Club M are du e the 5 onthly Repo rts) th of e month very . Even if been a your c lu c out yo tive in the su b hasn’t ur CM m mer, fi R’s! ll

November 1-3* Fall Membership Retreat (FMR) FMR is a chance to get to know clubs from all across the state in a fun, no stress environment. Located in the beautiful FFA Campgrounds in Covington, GA, this retreat will help you have a blast and make lifelong friends in service.

November 23 Georgia K family day! Have some family time! Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis are hosting a Tri-K tailgate together at the Georgia Tech-Alabama A&M game to raise money for Eliminate. For more information, visit http://


Editor’s Note

Hello, y’all!

My name is Shannon Weaver, and I am the newly elected Bulletin Editor for the 2013-2014 year. I am pleased to publish the latest issue of the Kronicle! I love sharing what our members are doing all across the state of Georgia—it is an honor and privilege to tell your stories. If you want to give a special shout out to a member or club, or tell your story in the Kronicle, please let me know! Feel free to use the Kronicle Submission Form on our website or contact me directly by email at

It is an honor and privilege to tell your stories. It has been a great pleasure to see what the Georgia district has accomplished so far, and I am excited about what the coming year holds!


photo credit © Richie Heyward 2013

One thing is for certain—we could not make it happen without you. So I just wanted to say, thank you! If we have not already met, I look forward to meeting and getting to know you soon! Yours in service,

Shannon Weaver

Stay Connected /georgiacirclek

Find Georgia Circle K on the web! Stay updated on our website and social media pages. You can also get the latest GACKI news by joining our mailing list. We are on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube!


GACKI Mailing List:


Contact Us!

District Governor

District Secretary

District Treasurer

Brittany Horton

Elizabeth Ludlow

Virginia Byrd

Plains LTG

Jae Won Shin

Metro LTG

Simi Oludare

Perimeter LTG

Lori Gonzalez

Coastal LTG

Kristi Parker

Mountains LTG

Christine Mayfield

Advertising Chair

Amanda Kidd

Awards Chair

Julie Meigs

DCON Chair

Virginia Byrd

FMR Chair


Julie Meigs


Amanda Kidd

K Family Chair

Victoria Byrd

Multimedia Chair

Gabriel Dukes

Service Chair

Christine Farsi

Victoria Byrd

Assistant Administrator

Assistant Administrator

Anla Etheridge

Bulletin Editor

Shannon Weaver

Stacey Fountain

District Administrator

Brent Leslie


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