2014 | Winter District Convention!
Social Service Tour
What’s going on in the
Georgia District Find out here!
K-Family Day! FMR! Circle K International (CKI) develops college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.
Table of Contents
Cover Circle K’ers mulch a playground for the Georgia Sheriff Youth Homes at the Fall Photo Social Service Tour.
3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12
Governor’s Address District Goals Progress
Club Building Division Map
Division Updates Club and Member Spotlight Kiwanis Family Day Fall Membership Retreat
14 16 17 18 20 21 22 23
Fall Social Service Tour CKI Preferred Charity: UNICEF District Initiative: HOME District Convention Upcoming Events Tomorrow Fund / Reminders Editor’s Note Stay Connected / Contact Us!
left: Melissa Haghighat and Cynthia Mimms clean up trash for GCSU’s Adopt-a-Highway program. right: Circle K’ers enjoy breakfast before a big project at fall SST.
Governor’s Address
reetings Georgia Circle K!
As we begin this wonderful new year, I wish you all the best in your club activities! We have just three months left till this CKI year is over, and so much left to do! As February approaches, be sure to “Show Your Love, Save a Life” with the Eliminate Project and also elect new club officers. February also presents the opportunity to attend our annual District Convention in Peachtree City, Georgia, where we will celebrate a year of success and elect new district officers! Following in March, we have our Spring Service Social Tour (SST) being held in Young Harris, Georgia. What a great way to end our year of service!
we are the service minded individuals that will one day lead the world toward a better tomorrow.
It is bittersweet that my term as your Governor will soon be coming to an end, but it has been the most gratifying feeling to serve each of you. I’m so thrilled to see all the fun and hard work you are all putting into your club socials, meetings, and service projects. It definitely makes me proud to be Governor of such an inspiring group of students, leaders, and companions. Keep up the good work! If the fall semester is any indication of the success that follows, I must say I am eager to see what astounding achievements we will make as a district this new year! Be it a service project at your local homeless shelter, a group picnic, a beach cleanup day, or a day at the Georgia Sheriff Youth Home making a difference in the lives of children, we should all count ourselves lucky to be able to serve with each other and proud to know we are the service-minded individuals that will one day lead the world towards a better tomorrow. With all that being said, please feel free to contact me any time if you have any questions, need any assistance, or would like me to pay your awesome club a visit. Thank you for all that you continue to do. Keep on being fantastic! Your Friend in Service,
Brittany Horton
Brittany Horton Georgia District Governor of Circle K International governor@georgiacirclek.org
District Goals Progress Current Goals: 2013-2014 Goals 1) Have 360 members 2) Have 65 people attend FMR and 61 attend DCON 3) Have 4 new or reactivated clubs 4) Raise $1300 for the Eliminate project We’ve raised $32 already! 5) Complete 300 Kiwanis Family hours and 4000 service hours So far we have 501 Kiwanis Family hours and 1322 service hours
Club Building
What new clubs are on the CKI horizon?
hese past several months have given great rise to establishing or reestablishing Circle K at college campuses across Georgia. What promising new developments have there been? Well, we are proud to say we have one newly reactivated club hailing from the Mountains Division and sponsored by the Rome Kiwanis club – Berry College! Welcome to this fantastic club! We are so proud to have you as an addition to the Great and Powerful Georgia District of CKI! Another school currently in the workings is Ogeechee Technical College, hoping to charter before the end of the CKI year with the help of sponsoring Statesboro Kiwanis club. They are currently holding meetings, electing officers, and finishing up the last bit of paperwork before officially becoming a newly chartered club. With only a delay in paperwork, Atlanta University Center (AUC) is well on their way to reactivating their club. They’ve been to several district events, including Fall SST and FMR, also worked with local CKI and Kiwanis clubs in several different service projects and socials. They held their Club Officer Training with the help of Lt. Governor Simisola Oludare in the fall semester. This club is incredibly active and well on their way to being labeled as such very soon.
above left: GACKI clubs take a break from officer training at COLT. middle: AUC and GT students help out with the Kiwanis Kids Cultural Challenge in Atlanta. right: OTC Circle K hosts a Pink-Out to promote breast cancer awareness.
The University of Georgia is just on the horizon! Mountains Lt. Governor (LTG) Christine Mayfield has been tirelessly working with this club on their reactivation paperwork. They have some officers, some members, and an advisor, but they are still putting on the final touches! With such an amazing sponsoring Kiwanis club, we look forward to seeing this club established before the end of the CKI year as well. Emory University sponsored by Covington Kiwanis is being reestablished after a few years of inactivity. With Oxford at Emory doing so well and the full support of their enthusiastic Kiwanis club, this Circle K club is sure to be up in no time! Some of you have been a part of this process, so I’d like to thank you for supporting the formation of these clubs. Also, I’d like to give a special thank you to the sponsoring Kiwanis clubs of our active and forming clubs. Your guidance and support is always needed and appreciated. Please continue to work with these clubs and countless others in the district to continue our chain of success! Your Friend in Service, Brittany Horton Georgia District Governor of Circle K International governor@georgiacirclek.org
Clubs looking to charter: Coastal Georgia Community College, Georgia Gwinnett College, Georgia Highlands College Rome, Ogeechee Technical College, and Southern Polytechnic State University. Clubs looking to reactivate: Atlanta University Center, Emory University, Georgia Southwestern State University, University of Georgia, and Valdosta State University.
Georgia District District Divisions: Georgia Circle K is broken up into five divisions. Each division has an LTG (Lieutenant Governor) who is elected annually at DCON (District Convention. The LTG oversees and advises the clubs in his or her division. Check out the Georgia divisions here!
LTG: Brian (Jae Won) Shin
2013-2014 Georgia CKI Clubs Armstrong Atlantic State University Bainbridge College Berry College Brewton-Parker College Columbus State University Darton College East Georgia State College Georgia College & State University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Southern University Georgia State University Gwinnett Technical College Kennesaw State University Oxford College at Emory University of West Georgia Young Harris College
Have Us for a Visit!
You can have any member of the district board visit your club! To request a visit: Click the “request visit form� button on the district website! Visit http://www.georgiacirclek.org/
Division Updates
Metro Division
Last semester was successful for the clubs in the Metro Division and we plan to continue performing at high levels this spring. In addition to performing a lot of community service hours and raising money for the Eliminate project through brilliant fundraisers, the Metro clubs also made a lot of effort to increase membership, host social events and attend district events. The Metro division had great attendance at both the fall Social Service Tour (SST), Fall Membership Retreat (FMR) and the K-Family Day Cookout, we plan to continue this trend in the spring by having a strong attendance at both the District Convention (DCON) and spring SST.
In addition to attending district events, we were able to serve together as a district on two occasions, the first with Kiwanis at the K-kids Cultural Challenge and the second with Kiwanis and Key Club at the AMIS reception. To continue this trend of inter clubbing goodness, we will kick of the semester by participating in a Martin Luther King Day service project with the 40-40 partner. For all those interested in the participating in the Martin Luther King Day Service project, send me an email atmetroltg@georgiacirclek. org for more information. Also, members of other divisions, feel free to join the Metro division Facebook group and the groups of the Metro division clubs if you are interested in interclub opportunities.
Simisola Olamipo Oludare I
Metro Division Lieutenant Governor
Division Updates, cont. Mtns. Division
As a great woman, Margaret Mead, once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. In that spirit, a new age has come to the Mountain Division. At first, we were one of the smaller divisions, but now we are growing, thanks to new additions. Our division is nearly complete!
Joining us is Berry College, and Gwinnett Technical College, who we all should be proud of for all their hard work to get where they are. We are also proud to lend a hand out to the University of Georgia, as they come close to joining the Georgia Circle K Family, and become one with the Mountain Division’s era of new age, filled with hope, promises, and compassion. We hope to see all of the Circle K Family of the Mountain Division at the upcoming District Convention in February and further on to a new future!
Christine Mayfield
Mountains Division Lieutenant Governor
Perimeter Division
I would like to recognize Oxford College Circle K for their service this semester! It has been less than a month and they have already helped package medical supplies at Medshare, where they sorted and packaged medical supplies to be shipped off to developing countries, and wrote thank you letters to their custodial staff. Lori Gonzalez
Perimeter Division Lieutenant Governor
Plains Division
Currently there are five colleges under the Plains Division. Due to these clubs’ distance from metro Atlanta, it has been difficult to establish a solid base of communication. But despite these circumstances, the Plains division has not been forgotten.
Throughout last semester and this semester, I have tried to reach out to schools and Bainbridge and Darton College should have membership again this semester. Additionally, I have been able to contact Thomasvile, who have told me that they are on the process of re-activating. Overall, through building connections, I believe that this division has the potential to grow one club at a time.
Brian (Jae Won) Shin
Plains Division Lieutenant Governor
Member Spotlight: Emma Hunnewell Emma Hunnewell from Young Harris College, This student joined Circle K late in the spring semester, but very early showed strong leadership and a passion for service. She ran for Vice-President, taking the club to new heights before becoming club president later in the fall. She has pushed recruitment efforts, encouraged the club to take on new service projects and led the way to become more involved with our neighbors and friends in service! Nominated by: Christine Mayfield
Club Spotlight: Georgia Tech
The Georgia Tech Circle K club is one of the most active clubs in the district. In addition to doing a service project Monday to Saturday of every week, the club also hosts a lot of social events for its members and has a great relationship with Northside Kiwanis, its sponsoring club. Also, most of the service projects that Georgia Tech Circle K does promote the district’s
initiatives and service projects; volunteering at the Bellwood Boys and Girls club for H.E.A.L.T.H.Y, making PB & J sandwiches for the homeless at Kashi Atlanta and packaging food at the Atlanta Community food bank for H.O.M.E, and raising awareness of and fundraising for The Eliminate project on the Georgia Tech campus. Georgia Tech Circle K is also a constant participant at district events such as both Social Service Tours (SST) and Fall Membership Retreat (FMR). Currently with over 20 members, the Georgia Tech Circle K club has a promising future and looks likely to keep growing in membership and in its commitment to service, leadership and fellowship.
Nominated by: Simi Oludare
Kiwanis Family Day
The Kiwanis Family consists of all branches of the
Kiwanis organization including: K-Kids, Builders Club, Aktion Club, Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis. During K-Family Day, all the Kiwanis Family organizations are encouraged to attend and participate together in social activities and service projects. On Saturday, November 20, 2013, the Georgia District held its first K-Family Day in Atlanta, Georgia.
Approximately two hundred Georgia Key Clubbers, Circle K’ers, and Kiwanians gathered together for a traditional tailgate lunch and the Georgia Institute of Technology’s football game against Alabama A & M. Some of the funds from the game tickets were donated towards the Eliminate Project, a project taken on by Kiwanis to rid the world of maternal and neonatal tetanus by 2015 which will celebrate the 100th year anniversary of Kiwanis International. Altogether, there were five different Circle K clubs represented at the event, coming from the north of the state to the east coast: Young Harris College, Georgia Southern University, Georgia College & State University, Georgia State University, and of course Georgia Tech.
all the Kiwanis Family organizations are encouraged to attend and participate together in social activities and service projects. We also welcomed a past Georgia Circle K’er as well as a potential member attending Emory University. Overall, the event was a terrific success, and we look to hold another K-Family Day next year! It will surely be a Circle K event to behold, so be sure to stay tuned for next year!
Once Upon a Time. . Fall Membership Retreat
FMR this past fall was so much fun and
I’m so glad everyone that came out seemed to have as good a time as I did! We started the weekend out right with camp fire, s’mores, songs and games as everyone got to know each other a little better. Even the traditional trip to Waffle House was not forgotten. Saturday was all about workshops, hosted in beautifully decorated rooms fitting our theme, Once Upon a Time, and free time. Our teamwork skills were tested when, while canoeing, Simi and Joey fell into the lake and had to be helped back to shore. Then there were relays, soccer and football games in the afternoon where we had some good clean competition. Saturday night was more planned team building activities where there were towers built and communication skills tested. Then more free time, used mostly to write lovely notes to friends new and old, and then of course going to Waffle House. Again.
Fall Membership Retreat 2013
Sunday we said our goodbyes, but we were not sad as we knew that we would see each other at other district events this year. We were so happy to have International VP Amelia Ahnert with us for the weekend, I know I had a lot of cool conversations with her, and she was a great sport during all our silly activities. As I will be a super senior next year, I am happy to say I’ve got one more FMR to attend, but it’ll be hard to top FMR 2013. Can’t wait to see you all at DCON!
Christine Farsi FMR Chair
above: GT “techies” race the relay. right: YHC President and VP Emma Hunnewell and Lizbeth Esteban canoe. far right: Matthew Holloway (front) and Greg Johnston (back) rescue Metro Division LTG Simi Oludare (middle). below: The district board in fairytale costume. bottom left: Circle K’ers share a group hug.
Social Service Tour
photo credit © Cynthia Mimms 2013
Service is Not a Spectator Sport
Social Service Tour is about, first and foremost, service. It’s a fun and exciting weekend to see your Circle K friends, but ultimately we come together to make a positive impact in the community.
n October 11-12, 2013 50 Circle K members from across the state gathered in LaGrange, GA at the Georgia Sherriff’s Youth Home (GSYH) for the Fall Social Service Tour (SST). Friday night was fun filled with ice breaker games and an indoor service project: making stress balls for overwhelmed students taking midterms. The project itself was de-stressing as well. Another indoor service project Circle K’ers helped out with was decorating lunch bags for Kashi, a nonprofit based in Atlanta. The bags, which had bright colors, puppets, and beautiful drawings, would brighten a homeless person’s day along with the lunch inside.
Bright and Early
by Virginia Byrd Treasurer Fall SST Chair
On Saturday morning the group was up before sunrise to tackle the main project, which was mulching a playground on-site for the GSYH. The mulching was an enormous benefit to the Playground Project, Georgia Circle K’s initiative to ensure that children have safe spaces to play. The group successfully put out 240 bags of mulch!
Thanks To You, Overall the weekend was amazingly awesome. The Georgia District Board thanks everyone who took time to participate in this event. We hope to see you at Spring SST!
Service snapshots top left: Treasurer Virginia Byrd prepares some delicious soup for Friday night’s dinner. top right: Nick Mohammed relocates mulch for the largescale service project. middle: because Georgia Circle K’ers worked so quickly, there was time to test out the playground. right: Zipporah Smith and Lauren Liou decorate their T shirts for the weekend. far right: Editor Shannon Weaver is having a blast.
CKI Preferred Charity: Š2011 U.S. Fund for UNICEF/Cambodia
UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to improve the lives of children—helping children meet their basic needs and expanding their opportunities to reach their full potential. Across the globe, wherever vulnerable children are struggling to survive, UNICEF is there with medicine, vaccines, clean water, nutrition and educational opportunities. The Kiwanis family, in partnership with UNICEF, is working to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the face of the Earth by raising $110 million by 2015. Find out how you and your club can help save or protect millions of women and babies. Learn how to take part in fundraising and advocacy efforts. Keep up with the elimination of MNT and get inspiration from others. Go to www.TheEliminateProject.org.
Victoria Byrd Service Chair
District Initiative: HOME Helping Others, Motivating Everyone (HOME) is a service initiative that was added to the Georgia District service initiatives this year. This initiative was created to facilitate the clubs that volunteer at soup kitchens and homeless shelters. With this initiative clubs can go and volunteer at your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter, raise money for either place to give to them for them to do with however they want, or just make a donation of things that they need at a certain time (i.e. making sandwiches). This is a very good service initiative that will get your club out and in your communities. It is also a good way to get your club members more involved in the club. So contact your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter and see if they need anything or find out if it’s a good time to come out and help!
Victoria Byrd Service Chair
Circle K’ers contribute to the HOME initiative by decorating lunch bags for the homeless at Fall SST.
district convention district convention d district convention district convention d District Convention district convention district convention d district convention district convention d district convention district convention d February 21-23, 2014 district convention district convention d Peachtree City, GA district convention district convention d Wyndham Hotel district convention district convention d district convention district convention d Registration is now online! district convention district convention d http://www.georgiacirclek.org/dcon.html district convention district convention d district convention Registration: $170-$360 Registration Deadline: district convention Friday January 31, 2014 Late Registration: +$25 and not district convention guaranteed a t-shirt district convention > If you or your clubs have sold DCON ads to help cover costs, district convention advertisement forms are due Tuesday, February 4th. district convention district convention district convention district convention 18 district convention district convention d Don’t forget about our District Convention Pie-in-the-Face auction fundraiser! Bring money (for the Eliminate Project) to bid on your favorite district board member and pie them!
district convention district convention district convention district convention district convention district convention district Service convention Olympiads! district convention district I am excited toconvention invite each and every district convention one of you to attend District district convention Convention! Explore the exciting city district convention of Peachtree City, Georgia, during your district convention stay at Georgia Circle K’s 55th annual district convention District Convention! This year, we will district convention be staying at the Wyndham Peachtree district convention Hotel and the theme is the Circle K district convention Olympics. For the first time, registration district convention will be online. Join us as we celebrate a district district convention year’s worth ofconvention service on February 21-23, 2014! district convention district convention Yours in Friendship and Service, district convention Virginia Byrd district convention District Convention Chair dcon@georgiacirclek.org district convention district convention district convention district convention district convention district convention district convention district convention district convention Circle K members of clubs in good standing (all CMRs turned in, dues and fees paid, minimum membership requirements met) can apply for many scholarships and awards. to see scholarships, visit
to see awards, visit
Upcoming Events February 21-23rd
District Convention (DCON) DCON is our opportunity to celebrate a great year of service together! Here we honor outstanding members and clubs, elect the district board, have tons of workshops and even more Circle K fun!
March 28-29th
Spring Social Service Tour (SST) SST is all about service! Similar to a lock-in, Circle K’ers from all over Georgia stay overnight for fellowship and one district service project to make a big impact on the local community.
March & April
Club Officer Leadership Training (COLT) COLT gives club officers the resources they need to help their clubs realize their full potential. Northern COLT: March 29th Southern COLT: April 5th
June Large Scale Service Project (LSSP) The biggest service project of the year! Whether it’s fixing playgrounds, building affordable housing or cleaning up the environment, LSSP will be a lot of fun!
June International Convention (ICON) Meet your CKI friends from all over the world! ICON is one great coming together of service-minded individuals making a difference in the world. Represent GA in the House of Delegates, run for I-Board office, apply for international awards, see the sights and sounds of the host city, Nashville, TN, and Dance to Eliminate!
to turn Forget in you r CMR Month ’s (Clu ly Rep b orts) on or b efore t he 5th month ! of eve ry
Tomorrow Fund The Tomorrow Fund can help you and your Circle K club afford bigger projects with a long-lasting effect on the community.
Taken from CKI member dues, direct donations, and the donations of Carthage-Pullman Society memberships and Sapphire Circle honoraries, the Tomorrow Fund can serve as a grant for anything between $200 and $2,000. Some examples of potential Tomorrow Fund projects: Replacing jungle gym equipment for the Playground Project.
School supplies and books for at-risk students. Furniture, paint, and other supplies to renovate an old daycare.
The Tomorrow Fund Form can be found at: http://circlek.org/Resources/Service/TomorrowFundResources.aspx Tomorrow Fund applications must be received to the Kiwanis International Office by December 1. Applications must be submitted to the Youth Funds Specialist at Kiwanis International, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268; or via fax at 1-317-879-0204.
Reminder! If you haven’t already, now is the time to pay DUES! Email communication has been sent to following for each Circle K club: • Faculty Advisor • Kiwanis Advisor • Kiwanis Secretary for sponsored Circle K clubs To clarify, emails were sent to all of the above that are in the Circle K International database. Please remember, it is never too late for you to submit an updated faculty or Kiwanis advisor to Kiwanis International. Using your access to the membership data, you can identify what information is missing and what is incorrect. If you have any question please contact the District Treasurer at treasurer@georgiacirclek.org.
Editor’s Note
ello, y’all!
What an incredible semester it’s been! As always, I’ve enjoyed sharing your stories of service and fellowship in Circle K. It’s easy enough to see that you have been hard at work over the past few months, whether it was getting your club chartered, trying a new service project, fundraising, long exhausting road trips, trying to explain what “Circle K” means to new people, staying up late to make resources . . . we’ve had a heck of a ride. We’re well on our way to achieving our goals—you’ve already surpassed our K-Family goal by over 3 times! You, Circle K’ers, set the standard for fellowship and service around the world.
we work together toward the realization of mankind’s potential.
I hope you’re getting ready for some super exciting events in the next few months! District Convention is coming up very soon, and with the first ever GACKI Olympics, DCON is sure to be a memorable occasion. Later in March, I’ll be hosting Spring SST, which is going to be a lot of fun. Before we know it, the Circle K year will be over! I encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity as we work together toward the realization of mankind’s potential.
photo credit © Richie Heyward 2013
The next Kronicle is scheduled to go out early March, so if you have any story ideas, spotlights, or pictures you want to share, be sure to email me at editor@georgiacirclek.org or use the Kronicle Submission Form on the website.
Yours in service,
Shannon Weaver
2013-2014 GACKI Bulletin Editor
Stay Connected /georgiacirclek
Find Georgia Circle K on the web! Stay updated on our website and social media pages. You can also get the latest GACKI news by joining our mailing list. We are on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube!
GACKI Mailing List: GACKI@googlegroups.com
Contact Us! District Governor
District Secretary
Brittany Horton governor@georgiacirclek.org
Elizabeth Ludlow secretary@georgiacirclek.org
Plains LTG Jae Won Shin plainsltg@georgiacirclek.org
Metro LTG Simi Oludare metroltg@georgiacirclek.org
Perimeter LTG Lori Gonzalez perimeterltg@georgiacirclek.org
Coastal LTG Kristi Parker coastalltg@georgiacirclek.org
Mountains LTG Christine Mayfield mountainsltg@georgiacirclek.
Advertising Chair Amanda Kidd advertising@georgiacirclek.org
Awards Chair Julie Meigs awards@georgiacirclek.org
DCON Chair Virginia Byrd dcon@georgiacirclek.org
FMR Chair
District Treasurer Virginia Byrd treasurer@georgiacirclek.org
Historian Julie Meigs historian@georgiacirclek.org
Webmaster Amanda Kidd webmaster@georgiacirclek.org
K Family Chair Victoria Byrd kfamily@georgiacirclek.org
Multimedia Chair Gabriel Dukes multimedia@georgiacirclek.org
Service Chair
Christine Farsi fmr@georgiacirclek.org
Victoria Byrd service@georgiacirclek.org
Assistant Administrator
Assistant Administrator
Anla Etheridge butterflyanla6318@gmail.com
Bulletin Editor Shannon Weaver editor@georgiacirclek.org
Stacey Fountain fountainsfolly@gmail.com
District Administrator Brent Leslie kermit5839@yahoo.com
the official publication of the Georgia District of Circle K International