The Kronicle: February 2011

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District Website: georgiacirclek .org

Feburary 2011

Want your article in the next issue of the Kronicle? Submit it today at bulletin@

We Love Service! 2

District Goals Update


Fundraising Ideas


GACKI Divisions Map


District Convention Updates


K-Family Korner

How much progress we are making on our goals! Find out now! Find out which division your club is in and who is your Lt. Governor!

Find out which GACKI club is making a differenc in it’s community!


Game On!

How can you make Subregion G better than the rest? Find out on page 5!


Don’t know much about the district awards and scholarships available? Well get info now!


Parlimentary Procedure!


Game Page!!


Service To Go!


Upcoming Events & Contact!

Club Spotlight!

Congrats to this awesome club and its OUTSTANDING members! You guys rock!!

Run for the District Board

Do you have what it takes to be apart of the 2011-2012 district board? Find out about each district position.

Elected your club officers yet?

Club Officer Leadership Training (COLT) is coming up! Have you elected your club officer yet?

Convention Co-Chair Kevin Barnes gives you updates about what’s happening at this year’s DCON!

Amazingly Available Awards!

Find out what Georgia Key C.lub is up to!

Clubs making a difference

Need some creative ways to raise come cash? Try out some of these ideas!

Get the Low Down on Parli Pro! Check out the parli pro cheat sheet now!

Take time to relax and play a few games created by your District Bulletin Editor Genevieve Akinwumiju!

Need to spice up your servce projects? Try some of these ideas in the february edition of Service-To-Go!

Find out what events are coming up in the Georgia District! Contact the board if you have any questions!

Hi from the Gov! Hey Georgia Circle K’ers! Welcome to another issue of the Kronicle! I hope that you enjoy all the great articles in this issue! We’ve worked hard to bring you the most up to date information about what’s going on in the Georgia District of Circle K! Quick Reminders! (1.) Make sure to apply for district awards and scholarships! We know that your club has worked hard this year, so why not be awarded for it! All award and scholarship applications can be found on our district website ( and awards must be turned in on Friday, February 18th at the District Convention registration table. Sta rt Today!! (2.) Run for District Office! Think you got what it takes to be on the district board? Well, run for district office! Being a district officer is a rewarding experience and will make you a better leader! Have questions about officer positions, check out the “District Officer Guide” on the Circle K Website (On the resources page) (3) If you club would like to be featured in the next issue of the Kronicle, send your article to District Bulletin Editor Genevieve Akinwumiju at! (4.) Keep on Serving!! We are half way there on our district service hour goal of 5,500 service hours! Keep up the GREAT WORK Circle K’ers and remember to turn in your club monthly reports so we can reach our goal!! I really hope you enjoy this issue and I hope to see lots of you at the 2011 District Convention!

XOXO, - Ashleey

2010-2011 Georgia District Goals update One: The Georgia District of Circle K International, Inc. will have 500 dues paid members by March 31, 2011. We currently have 287 dues paid members! Need 213 more members! Come on! WE CAN DO IT! Two: The Georgia district of Circle K International, Inc. will create a central source for fundraising ideas for the clubs by March 31, 2011. Completed! Check out our fundraising guide on our district website! (On Resources Page) Three: The Georgia district of Circle K International, Inc. will help fifty percent (50%) of the clubs increase member participation ten percent (10%) in home club and district events by March 31, 2011. Update Coming Soon!

Four: The Georgia district of Circle K International, Inc. will report at least 5, 500 service hours by March 31, 2011. We currently have 2, 775.44 service hours! Come on guys, we can do it!! 2,724.56 to go! Five: The Georgia district of Circle K International, Inc. will report at least 230 interclubs as reported on club monthly report forms by March 31, 2011. We currently have 33 interclubs! We need 197 more interclubs!!



Georgia District Divisions The state of Georgia is broken up into smaller sections called “divisions”. Each division is elected a Lieutenant Governor (LTG) at Georgia’s district convention (DCON), which is held every year. Though elections occur annually, it is not guaranteed that each division will be elected a Lieutenant Governor each year. Clubs that are in each division are overseen/ advised by the elected Lieutenant Governor. Check out the 5 Divisions in Georgia!



(Orange) Lt. Governor: Vacant

1. Dalton State College 2. Berry College 3. Reinhardt University 4. Kennesaw State University 5. University of West Georgia

2 3 2


Metro Division (Green)

Lt. Governor: Elizabeth Byrd 1. Georgia Institute of Technology 2. Georgia State University 3. Morehouse College 4. Clayton State University 5. Agnes Scott College 6. Oglethorpe University 7. Emory University



4 5

15 2 7 3 6 4


7 6



4 5 6 7


8 10 11



Central Division




1. Young Harris College 2. North Georgia College & State University 3. Truett McConnell College 4. Brenau University 5. Gwinnett Technical College 6. Oxford College of Emory University 7. University of Georgia



northeast Division (blue)

Lt. Governor: Kevin Barnes


northwest Division

3 5

(Pink) Lt. Governor: Kip Wise 7


Southern Division (yellow) Lt. Governor: Vacant

1. Georgia Southwestern State University 2. Darton College 3. Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 4. Bainbridge College 5. Thomas University 6. Valdosta State University 7. Coastal Georgia Community College

1. LaGrange College 2. Columbus State University 3. Gordon College 4. Mercer University 5. Macon State University 6. Wesleyan College 7. Fort Valley State University 8. Georgia College and State University 9. Brewton Parker College 10. East Georgia College 11. Georgia Southern University



K-Family Korner

Key Club International

Find out infomation about Key Club International and the Georgia Distict of Key Club!

fo on For more in , visit Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. What makes Key Club ey Club Georgia K ! so successful is the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving georgiake others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities.

Governor Virginia Byrd

Today, Key Club exists in 30 countries, with membership of over 250,000 in over 5,000 clubs. Growth efforts have taken the Key Club experience internationally to Canada, the Caribbean nations, Central and South America, and most recently to Asia and Australia. The Georgia District of Key Club International was established in 1919. The Georgia Key Club district has decided to once again be endorse the Georgia Sheriff’s Youth Homes as it’s District Project for the 2010-2011 year. They have decided to use the funds that they collect this year to go towards the expansion of the Learning Center at the GSYH Campus in LaGrange. The Georgia Key Club District Goal is to raise $20,000 for this project!

Making a Difference East Georgia Circle K is a club with huge hearts! Find out what this club is doing to change its community! The East Georgia College Circle K group has been quite busy in the past year. We have a small club, but we try to stay involved in our community. One of our biggest projects was The Pine Tree Breeze bike ride last April. All the profits that were raised from the bike ride were donated to the Herrington Homestead Sheriff ’s home for boys, in Emanuel County. We have helped with the Special Olympics every time they came to town. Last October, we cooked a chili dinner for the residents of the Ronald McDonald House in Savannah, Georgia. The groups from both East Georgia College Swainsboro and Statesboro campuses came. We had a chili cook-off with the residents being the judges. All together we had eighteen volunteers, which were a great help and an amazing turn out. We have many wonderful and dedicated volunteers in our group, but we would not be able to do any of this without our advisors. We would like to give a special thanks to Mrs. Carolyn Thomas and Mrs. Courtney Joiner for helping us make all of these things happen.



Club Spotlight President: Brittney Felix Secretary: Anisha Cooper

Vice President: Loren Felix Treasurer: Alex Brooks

1. How many members does the UGA Circle K club have? There are about 30 members and we have new people coming to each meeting! 2. What are you planning for this semester for GSU Circle K? This semester we are planning to sponsor Liberty in North Korea (LiNK) and provide them a facility on campus to show a documentary on the violations of human rights in North Korea and what these individuals go through to try and make it to freedom. We’ve also been in talk with two local groups. One is Covenant Care, an alternative opportunity organization for pregnant women. The other is from Fostering Bulloch, an adoption agency, a group that just started a few months ago in Bulloch County. We are looking for ways to spread awareness for all these groups around the Georgia Southern campus and community. 3. What’s something that makes your club special? Something that makes our club special is the BBQ hut. It’s lots of fun to put on and a great opportunity to bond with our new members and Kiwanis. I believe that we are the only ones in the district that have an event like this 4. What’s your most memorable service project? My most memorable service project is the Six Cents Initiative fundraiser that we did last semester. It was fun and effective. We used water that was made to appear dirty by adding coffee and gummy worms to it to demonstrate that the water that some people have to drink in third world countries is really bad and unsanitary. We really got the point across and rose over $100. 5. What do you want GSU Circle K’s lasting legacy to be? I want team work, support, loyalty, and giving back to the community to be our lasting legacy. I feel that these are the components to be a successful organization. Without these no kind of service would get done. We all have to work together as one to accomplish our goals of helping out and giving back to our community.

Bring it on!

Subregion Service Hour Challenge!

Whose the BEST Subregion?! Who Can Get the Most Service Hours?! WE CAN!! How it works: This contest will begin with a count of each Subregions membership on February 1st and continue through until the reporting of all hours on the March 15th. The number of hours will be divided by the number of members to congratulate a winner! The Subregion will be receiving the spirit stick and ice cream party at the 2011 International Convention as well as money (amount = TBD) towards a CKI Service Partner! e Hours! eed Tons Of Servic N e W s! rt po Re ly Club Month By Submitting Your in W n io eg br Su Help Our



District Treasurer:

Do you think you have what it takes to be on the district board for Georgia? Well, here’s the lowdown on SOME duties required for each district level position!!

- Create a district budget for the district board - Inform clubs on how to pay their club fees - Collect and submit club dues to the International office - Attend district board meetings

Run for the Georgia

District Bulletin Editor:

District Governor:

- Attend the Circle K International Convention (ICON), the Kiwanis and Key Club district conventions, District Officer Training Conference (DOTC), Kiwanis Training events, and all duly-called meetings of the Circle K district board of officers - Attend the International Governor and Administrator Training Conference - Visit club meetings, social events, and service projects of clubs in the district - Schedule and preside at least 3 meetings for the district board of officers - Structure committees, assign committee chairs, and supervise all district committee activities - Complete and submit all online reports required by the Circle K International Board of officers - Communicate with the board of officers, the regional representative, the district administrator, and the director of CKI to keep each fully informed of district activities

District Secretary:

- Take minutes at district board meetings, district council meetings, House of Delegate sessions, and executive committee meetings - Create a directory (the Peachbook) that contains both district and club officer information and distributed throughout the entire district and send a copy to the International Office - Collect Club Monthly Reports (CMRs) from clubs and submit a report to the District Governor

District Board !!!!

Club Officer Leadership Training Topics to be covered Meet the new district board Goal Setting Club Officer Duties Interntional Club Fee & District Dues How to host an effective club meeting District Awards and Scholarships

! And More or F Look Out fo! More In

- Create a issues of the district bulletin (the Kronicle) - Submit article to the Circle K Int. Magazine - Attend district board meetings - Participate in committee meetings

District Lieutenant Governor:

- Monitor the functioning of each club within your division - Must visit clubs in your division at least twice with in your term - Inform clubs in your division on district activities and information - Rebuild/Reactivate or charter new clubs in your division - Hold at least one divisional rally - Submit monthly reports to the district governor on the status of clubs in your divisions - Attend district board meetings - Host a president council meeting(s) - Train club officers that were not trained at the Club Officer Leadership Training (COLT)

COLT COMING SOON!! Are You Ready?!

District Convention 2011 is coming up and that means it’s almost time to elect a new board for your club. The new board year starts April 1st, so elections should be before that time. To help these new club officers, the Georgia District puts on Club Officer Leadership Training (COLT). This is a day of training and workshops for new officers to learn more about their positions and what’s expected of them for the upcoming year. COLT is especially important because this one of the only opportunities for club officers to meet and develop contacts for future interclubbing events. This year will also be the first year where there will be a Northern and Southern COLT! Northern COLT will be held on April 2, 2011 at Kennesaw State University, while Southern COLT will be held April 16, 2011 in Macon. This will make it easier for more club officers to attend, so make sure your new officers know about this event. This year we want every club represented!



Fundraising $ $

n r o i B g!

doesn’t have to be Ever been stuck at a fundraising planning meeting with no idea how to proceed? Need ideas to put on a successful fundraiser? Well, your District Board is here to help! Below are a few ideas on fundraising projects that you can adapt for your school! If you can have any other ideas that worked for your club, send it in to me at bulletin@

Topless Car Wash! Okay, before your Kiwanis club has panic attack and someone calls the police, just know that no one is going to be naked. This is just a new spin on the old car wash fundraising event. A “Topless” car wash means that 1) the bottom of the car is washed free but a donation of $X is required if they want the top washed; 2) the entire car is washed except for the roof for $X and for an additional $Y you wash the top; or 3) convertibles with the top down (topless) get a free wash! No one wants just the top of their car washed, so this will definitely bring in some donations! If you hold this behind a local business, away from the street, lots of people will want to stop by just to take a look. Be prepared for lots of business!

Put on a Yard Sale!

This can be a one day event or you can have it more frequently. Asking club members and your community for donations is one of the first steps. Then, find a local church or business to the actual event. To attract more attention, you can even bring music and have it playing in the background! Make sure you categorize the items and set a reasonable price for each one. This won’t only bring in money for your cause, but you’ll have lots of fun!

A great way to have people pay to take out their anger is to put on a car bashing. For this to work, first check with your school for any special guidelines. Then, you’re going to need a donated stripped down salvage car, a sledgehammer, and some goggles and gloves. Most schools required the removal of all the glass and fluid, the engine and battery, and the gas tank. Also having a waiver to sign is good idea. Advertise for your “Smash-for-Cash” event, and have people pay to hit the car. This event works really well if you decorate the car with your rival schools colors! Don’t forget that your local Kiwanis Club may be willing to financially help out a Circle K club if they were approached. Local businesses are also a great option with fundraising nights where your club works some hours and they donate a portion of the sales to you. Just remember to think outside the box!





• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Host a Car Bashing!


More Fundraising ideas

• • • •



Motorcycle Race Dance Halloween party Haunted House or Haunted Trail Doughnut Sale Ice Cream Sale Smoothie Sale Happy Dollars Brag and Complain Movie Night Dunking Booth Pie in the Face Dippin’ Dots sale Raffles Candy grams Flowers for Valentine’s Day Pancake Breakfast Sport Tournaments (Golf, Basketball) Game Tournaments (Wii, Xbox, Guitar Hero, Rockband) Spaghetti Dinner Silent Auction Bake Sales Womanless Fashion Show Open Mic Hot chocolate/ Coffee Sale Club Fines (Fun Fines) Bagging Groceries For more great ideas and descriptions, check out the district fundraising guide on our district website!



I K C Ga ention v n o C ict

str 2011 Di


s we are to The s excited a a re 011. a u o y e that ry 18-20, 2 est a p o ru h b e e F w d ia n b e corner a nah, Georg istory books as the around th y of Savan h t it e h c weg a c th ri e ri in is th to n 1 is m N 201 go dow art fro great h l O p e il a C r th w D a t e ! in a y n is th o is th ne ce a night site ttenti nvention o l you may ask? Well et out and experien the onvention o t snap to a c c h r a g u ri o is s r th a t’ e a e g ia Th is y mak N so spec me to roam a chance to Ser vice.” Th d extremely hard to s this DCO board; you will get ts of free ti e lo k a “Salute to e e v m rk a t o h a w o h iss out! W ict l als ard has rnational. t want to m r new distr nted places. You wil te o u n o In district bo l g il K n w ti le c u c p hau and ele ast. Yo n in Cir conventio ops, ser vice projects d one of America’s to t been done in the p ur CMR’s o e have all yo n k sh u s n o rk a y ra o h t t w is a a t e th a th m r th so sure se of yea ity . The Hou ke sure tour in a c h is totally new this , but make te rs st si e o b ff h e o g t w e t ic m a ic ti hic e GA Distr oard, so m e GA Distr avannah w ards that th can be found on th e district b h you and pie w th a streets of S n y o n r a a m e h gy the bring it wit roops.” riteria whic trict in the upcomin pplies for cket? Well o our club a e rest of the award c is y p d t r a ts for T u e o th th y t re cash in presen arity “Trea ith th a h re Make su w c tr l x g il e e ire because n w th y lo o n a to h a on w ill go r filed astal Emp . Got a w b o te e s o y C lu v d c e e e e r e th th u w c r o s ro to y a fo nt ll p ne e on down will conve g delegate to represe nnual fundraiser. A r and com a a c Delegates n r e ti u th o o v p in o u , s e lect tw r in the fac comfy shoes, and ga ! that you e rd membe , a e 11 o ir 0 b tt 2 a te N ri ss e O o at DC r busin u your fav u o o y y e p e u S k !! Pac remember! Get ready weekend to a r fo in you are

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Parlimentary Procedure Tips!

Don’t understand Parlimentary Procedure? Well, here are some tip to help you out! :D What is Parliamentary Procedure? It’s a set of rules for conduct at meetings. It allow everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion! Putting A Motion On the Floor

To make a motion or an amendment to a motion, a club delegate must go to the microphone, be recognized by the presiding officer (the governor), state his/her name and club, then state the motion (or amendment to the motion). the motion (or amendment) is seconded from the floor. The presiding officer then place the motion before the floor before the House for discussion. The club delegate may speak to the motion (or amendment) first. Note: Once a motion is place before the House by the presiding officer, it is under the control of the house and does not belong to the delegate making the motion. For example, it cannot be withdrawn later without permission of the house.

Seconds to Motions

It is not necessary to agree wiht a motion to second it. A second only implies there is more than one person who wishes to discuss that motion.

Refer or Postpone

A motion to postpone or refer to a committee can be made while a motion or an amendment to a motion is pending.

Amendments to Motions

A motion that is on the floor may have two amendments pending at one time. However, the first amendment must relate to the main motion, and the second amendment must relate to the first amendment to the motion.

Close Debate or Call the Question

A delegate must go to a microphone and move to close debate or call the question. The motion needs a second, there is no discussion, and takes a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates present and voting to pass. After the motion to close debate or call the question is approved, there will be an immediate vote on the pending motion.

Table a Motion

A motion to table (“lay on the table”) is not used to kill the motion on the floor and is not used to postpone consideration of the motion. If a delegate does not like the motion, s/he should vote againist it. If a delegate wishes to discuss the motion at another time, s/he can move to postpone or to refer the motion to a committee. there is not motion such as “table until xxx time.” (Instead, the correct motion would be “postpone until xxx time.”) A motion to talble is used only in an emergency.

Parli Pro - Motions At A Glance To Do This: Introduce new business

You Say This:

Can It Be May You Do You Is it Interrupt Need A Debatable? Amended? A Speaker? Second?

“I move that...”




Amend a motion

“I move to amend the motion by...”

Request information

“I rise for a point of information”

Complain about noise, etc.

“I rise for a question of privilege”

No Yes Yes No

Yes No No Yes

Yes No No No




Call for a breif intermission

“I move to recess for 10 minutes” Postpone the question to a later time “I move to postpone the question

No Yes

Majority Majority No Vote No Vote Majority













No No

No No

2/3 No Vote

until next week” Refer the question to a committee for “I move to refer the motion to the further study _____ committee to study” Put a limit on the debate

“I move that debate be limited to 5 minutes”

What Vote?

Yes Yes No

End debate and vote

“I move the previous question”


Verify a voice vote by rising


Set the pending question aside

“I move to lay the pending question


Yes No

temporarily when something else of

on the table”





“I move to take from the table the











Yes No No

No Yes Yes

No No

No No

No Vote 2/3





immediate urgency has arisen Take up a matter previously tabled

motion concerning ...” Reconsider an action

“I move to reconsider the vote on the motion to .....”

Call attention to breach the rules

“I rise to a point of order”

Suspend the rules temporarily

“I move to suspend the rules so that....”

Adjorn the meeting

“I move that we adjourn”

GACKI Word Search by: Genevieve Akinwumiju

Aktion Bainbridge Brenau Builders Districts Eliminate Fellowship FMR Georgia Governor

HEALTHY Kennesaw State Key Club Kiwanis Kronicle Leadership Savannah Service Subregion G Unicef

I es! m a G ACROSS

3. A popular gas station that has no ties to its group of the same name (2 Words)

GACKI Crossword by: Genevieve Akinwumiju

4. “Live to ____, love to ____” 6. Concept of Circle K started at the first President’s university 8. Grant that awards CKI clubs money for service projects (2 Words) 9. Event where 2 or more Kiwanis family clubs meet for service or fellowship 12. GACKI Assistant Administrator (first name) 13. Training for club officers put on by District


1. GACKI service initiative; place kids play (1 word) 2. Circle K members attend this college in Rome, Georgia (2 Words) 5. Held in Virginia Beach on June 22-26 7. Major football event in February (2 Words) 10. April 2 is “Kiwanis _____” (2 Words) 11. Service Partner that links food banks with local colleges and universities



Riddles! Can you figure them out?

Last Issues Answeres

Special mention for the first people with the correct answers in the next Kronicle. in my belly, 1. Weight Trees on my back, Nails in my ribs, Feet do I lack. What am I?


Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I’m double, I’m single, I’m black, blue, and gray, I’m read from both ends, And the same either way. What am I?



Service To Go! Service Project Ideas brought to you by the Georgia District!

Share the Love of Service! Hey Circle K’ers! We are about half way on our district goal of 5, 500 service hours! Here are some more service projects to help your club help the district reach it goal! Happy Serving everyone! District Governor, Ashleey Davis Vegetable Garden - Organize a neighborhood group to plant, tend, and harvest a vegetable garden. Donate the produce to a food bank! Go to the Zoo - Spend a day at a zoo with needy children. Maybe bring sack lunches and surprise them with a prize in the lunch bag. Contact the zoo for its assistance. (From Key Club Resources) Chains of Love - Use your creative talents by make cards or writing sweet notes to terminally ill kids that are in hospital for an extended period of time. Check out or East GA CKI website for more info! (A East GA CKI project)

Athletic skill not needed - Organize a “Wacky Olympics” for the entire school or just the club. Include events such as flipper race, spoon thread, diaper race, ball squeeze, obstacle course, tennis racket race, shoe search, hula-hoop and other crazy games. Have faculty and students judge each event. Conclude the festivities with an awards ceremony. (From Key Club Resources) Clean-up! - Offer to help clean up your city by painting over graffiti, cleaning up vacant lots and your city’s monuments, plant flowers or trees, etc! It’s time to make your city beautiful! Medshare International - Volunteers check and sort medical supplies for shipment to hospitals in thirdworld countries that have a significant need for even basic equipment. (A GA Tech CKI project) BINGO - Lead bingo and other games for nursing home residents weekly or monthly!



K e l c Cir

r a d n e l a C

Here’s a quick look at some of Circle K’s upcoming events! For more info on these events, visit the district website! (

District Convention Febuary 18-20, 2011

Service Social Tour March 4-6, 2011

Ready for ghost tours, service projects, the annual pie in the face auction? Or how about the district board elections or the awards banquet? I hope you are! DCON will be hosted in the historic city of Savannah! We hope you can join us for tons of fun! Registration end on Jan. 28th!

What to meet some new people? Want a weekend filled with traveling, service and fun?! The Sevice Social Tour is back again! During SST we will be traveling to different CKI clubs and doing service projects and some social events! So don’t miss out! More info will be coming soon!

Club Officer Leadership Training (COLT) April 2, 2011 (North) April 16, 2011(South) Elected your new club officers yet? If not, better do it soon! Our club officer training conference is right around the corner! All club officers must attend tihs event be trained by the district board!

-------> Contact the District Board Now! <------District Governor Ashleey Davis

Northeast Ltg. & Dcon Kevin Barnes 931-3207649


District Secretary Rakeya Scott

DCON Co-Chair Stefan Ludlow

District Administrator Brent Leslie

Awards Chair Jessica Bostick

Assist. Administrator Natalie Hranek


Technology Chair Jeff Little





Bulletin Editor: Genevieve Akinwumiju

President’s Coucil Chair Carmen Collins

Assist. Administrator Anla Etheridge

Central Ltg. & Service Kip Wise

New Club Bldg. Chair Andrew Horner

Assist. Administrator Stacey Fountain

Metro Ltg. & K-family Elizabeth Byrd

Membership Education Melissa Kell

Assist. Administrator Michelle Berg

District Treasurer Alex Dabrowska














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