GACKInsider is a monthly newsletter to educate and inform club members on how to make their clubs run more effectively.
One big thing that clubs can do to manage the hassle of the awards packet is dividing up the different awards amongst the officer positions. The different officers of the club can all use their positions to the best of their abilities by having the corresponding awards assigned to them; for example, your secretary can take care of anything meeting related, and your president can manage the awards having to do with Kiwanis and any K-Family. Look through each award and decide which role fits best in completing the requirements of that award! Shelby Munyan Georgia District Awards Chair
A fun icebreaker we do at the University of West Georgia at our opening meeting is “The Switch�. During this icebreaker, you split up into pairs around the room. Try to find a person you have never met before. You introduce yourself to your partner, and they introduce themselves as well. After you have gathered some information about your partner, and they have gotten to know you, all the pairs take turn introducing each other. You will introduce your partner as if you are them, and they will introduce themselves as if they were you. This is a fun way to get to know everyone in the room. Kylie Wilson Georgia District Secretary/Treasurer/MDE Chair
Did you know Circle K is a part of the Kiwanis Family? Did you know the Kiwanis Family Umbrella consists of organizations starting as young as third grade and continuing through life until well past your professional retirement? Try partnering with your surrounding K-Fam clubs to make a greater impact in the communities you serve! The Kiwanis Family branches are: K-Kids: Grades 3-5 Builders Club: Middle School Key Club: High School Circle K: College/University Aktion Club: Adults with Disabilities Kiwanis: Established Professionals and onward! Drew Kelley Georgia District Governor
Adopt A Mile/ Adopt a Highway could be a great service project for your club. Contact someone in your city government/department of transportation about adopting a street to keep clean. this is a good way to keep your city streets clean and beautiful. This can turn into a monthly project that everyone does on a Saturday morning. You can even turn this into a competition to see who can collect the most trash or find the weirdest item. Rey Del Toro Guevara Georgia District Plains LTG
Us Circle K members really know how to serve our communities, however, our clubs still need to raise funds for themselves. Whether it is to purchase club tshirts, have a social, or to send members to club/district/international events, all clubs should take the time to raise the funds for the club, too. We help others so much sometimes we forget we need help. Everyone loves finals/midterm week, right? The stress can be unbearable at times. What could relieve stress better than taking a few swings at a car? You could go to a local junkyard and ask if an old junk car can be donated to your club, or maybe purchase a VERY cheap car (if possible). You need permission, but you could set the car up somewhere on campus, and charge per swing! During rough weeks on campus, this could bring in some serious funds!
Kylie Wilson Georgia District Secretary/Treasurer/MDE Chair
Getting more members for your club is important, so here are a couple of ways you can effectively recruit more people.
1. Have a recruitment drive! 2. Bribe people with food! 3. Spice up your meetings to make them more interesting! Recruitment drives are a big part of gathering more people to join your club. Remember to be energetic and don’t be afraid to reach out to everyone (even those that you don’t know). Having food at your meetings is another great way to spark interest and retain members! Everyone loves to eat, so having food may not be the worst idea. Lastly, spice up your meetings! As important as service is to Circle K, fellowship is just as big of a deal. Consider having mini service projects or including ice breakers into your meetings to keep them interesting! Emmie Landford Georgia District Perimeter Lieutenant Governor
K-Nections are ways that you and your Kiwanis family can get more involved together. At Georgia College, we work with our local Kiwanis club every fall and put on a kayak river race and set up tents with fun activities for families to do. Working with your Kiwanis club is a great way to make connections with your K-family and broaden your service horizons.
Erin Martin Georgia District Service Social Tour (SST) Chair
We hope everyone is having a great Circle K year so far! If you have any questions, contact any of our board members from our Circle K emails found on our website.
Live to Serve Love to Serve,